A new start - Off-topic

As of lately our beloved forum has seen some of the worst negativity and bashing I have ever seen. I am not completely innocent in this either. I have made a couple of comments I shouldnt have made too and I apologize to whoever I may have offended. But to be honest this type of behavior and just meanness has to stop. I love XDA and everything we do but we are losing members and developers daily because of all the hate here. If you dont like a rom or whatever work has been done just please keep all the negativity to yourselves. If you have a problem with someone keep it in pm and not in their thread. We have to turn this forum around or we are setting ourselves and our phones up for doom. We have lost alot of good people and maybe if the see the drama has stopped they will come back. I too am on the fence about getting a different phone and moving on but i love this phone. I am capable of building my own roms and themes but I love having a place to share ideas and our work. I am begging my fellow XDA brothers and sisters to help in the effort to make XDA what it once was. With that being said I would like to wish all of you a Merry Christmas and joyous holiday season!

Good stuff man and you are definitely right! Lets stop the bs and get along.....merry christmas xda

mongo41 said:
As of lately our beloved forum has seen some of the worst negativity and bashing I have ever seen. I am not completely innocent in this either. I have made a couple of comments I shouldnt have made too and I apologize to whoever I may have offended. But to be honest this type of behavior and just meanness has to stop. I love XDA and everything we do but we are losing members and developers daily because of all the hate here. If you dont like a rom or whatever work has been done just please keep all the negativity to yourselves. If you have a problem with someone keep it in pm and not in their thread. We have to turn this forum around or we are setting ourselves and our phones up for doom. We have lost alot of good people and maybe if the see the drama has stopped they will come back. I too am on the fence about getting a different phone and moving on but i love this phone. I am capable of building my own roms and themes but I love having a place to share ideas and our work. I am begging my fellow XDA brothers and sisters to help in the effort to make XDA what it once was. With that being said I would like to wish all of you a Merry Christmas and joyous holiday season!
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I agree, but it has to start with XDA being able to control this.
They need to start banning people for at least a week or something so they can learn. This is for XDA as a whole not just our community.
This is not the only place where things are getting out of hand.
People won't stop until something is done, until then there will always be someone trolling trying to get a rise out of people.
I am guilty myself of saying things I shouldn't of, but it just gets to me sometimes. Especially since I cant control it, but I at least base my opinion.
I guess we must all do our part as well and start reporting people.
I've also noticed that there is favoritism going around since some have been banned and not others that have done the same if not worse, not gonna name anyone to not start another flame war.
But that's not OK and if that's the case then there's no point on trying.
I hope everyone reads this and does their part. We have a great phone and we must stop if we want some great development to continue.
Powered by the SGSII....

Its gotta be a group effort or it won't change. If someone is being negative then you just ignore them and if it is offensive then report it to a mod and let them handle it. This should be said for Devs too, you dont have to respond to every negative post and get everyone riled up even more then people go to choosing sides , show a little more maturity and only answer questions pertaining to the Rom ive never seen a forum with Devs who get offended so easily .....just ignore and concentrate on the questions about development of your ROM. I hope this turns around and we have a sucessful forum once again cause this is a really great device we have

ThC23 said:
I agree, but it has to start with XDA being able to control this.
They need to start banning people for at least a week or something so they can learn. This is for XDA as a whole not just our community.
This is not the only place where things are getting out of hand.
People won't stop until something is done, until then there will always be someone trolling trying to get a rise out of people.
I am guilty myself of saying things I shouldn't of, but it just gets to me sometimes. Especially since I cant control it, but I at least base my opinion.
I guess we must all do our part as well and start reporting people.
I've also noticed that there is favoritism going around since some have been banned and not others that have done the same if not worse, not gonna name anyone to not start another flame war.
But that's not OK and if that's the case then there's no point on trying.
I hope everyone reads this and does their part. We have a great phone and we must stop if we want some great development to continue.
Powered by the SGSII....
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I agree with you there has to be some type of enforcement of the rules and it should be a zero tolerence. There has to be consequences for ones actions, without them members are running a muck. And they should be enforced equally no matter who it is or how popular they are. But we as members have to start this by being diligent about abiding to the rules and reporting those who dont follow them.

I agree ...
Although it is not actual "Negativity" or "bashing" that actually starts most of the trouble ...
It is the fact that , it has become the norm, for people to come here and expect to be spoon fed answers, and if they don't get them, they get upset.
XDA is first and foremost, or at least it was, a development community.
Now what does that mean to the end users, well, it means, you should come here to learn and if you have something to share, to participate.
If you are just coming here to "expect" everyone to feed you the answers just so you can pimp out your phone, that is not what it is about ..
READ READ READ, then you can ask better questions.
I am sure the DEVs and most experienced users here get annoyed, with every right, when people ask the same question , OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER, when with a little reading they could have solved it themselves.
I hope everyone has a great holiday season!!!

tcboo said:
I agree ...
Although it is not actual "Negativity" or "bashing" that actually starts most of the trouble ...
It is the fact that , it has become the norm, for people to come here and expect to be spoon fed answers, and if they don't get them, they get upset.
XDA is first and foremost, or at least it was, a development community.
Now what does that mean to the end users, well, it means, you should come here to learn and if you have something to share, to participate.
If you are just coming here to "expect" everyone to feed you the answers just so you can pimp out your phone, that is not what it is about ..
READ READ READ, then you can ask better questions.
I am sure the DEVs and most experienced users here get annoyed, with every right, when people ask the same question , OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER, when with a little reading they could have solved it themselves.
I hope everyone has a great holiday season!!!
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I too get annoyed when new members or even old members ask the same questions but there is a way to handle it. People are so quick to jump on someone for asking a question then everyone gets defensive and then the fun starts. With the way the threads have been lately you have to read thru 10 pages of pure and utter chaos and crap to find your answer. It does seem that those of us that have been here for awhile want to see a change. I have received alot of pm's in support. I know with some work and help from the mods we can make it the way it was. I am totally committed to this.

LONG time XDA'er here. You Mods these days are really something else. Personally this is the SECOND developer ( Dj_Steve and Mohgk ) I've seen you drive away on 2 of 2 devices in the last 3 months. Statistically you are hurting the forum more than moderating and using your common sense. That has to say something.
All you needed to do was read the threads, warn in threads, and clean up the spatter. I moderate on several other sites. This is just sad and seriously makes me think about alternatives. It been like this for the last 1.5 years here on XDA.
Had you properly moderated, you would have seen the initial posts which flamed the threads. If someone told me my work was unappreciated and garbage after I spent hours on something, I'd be a little miffed too.
In any case, great moderating. Good luck to the other upcoming Devs. Happy holidays everyone
Sent from my SGH-T989 using xda

I think one of the main problems is that due to android's growing popularity, we're seeing a lot more ignorant douchebags in here who just want to take & not give, and who have zero knowledge of forum etiquette. I was a sidekick dev back in the day & xda is sadly starting to remind me a lot of the old Danger forums- a wild jungle of a place where you had to hack through post after post of word-vomit & ignorance before you can actually find any REAL knowledge. Yes, we need to take out the trash & start cracking down on the jackassery. Badly. I'm tired of seeing threads devolve into personal attacks & 8th grade bickering over stupid ****. Its gotten to the point where I hesitate to even post sometimes.
Sent from my PG41200 using xda premium

kabuk1 said:
I think one of the main problems is that due to android's growing popularity, we're seeing a lot more ignorant douchebags in here who just want to take & not give, and who have zero knowledge of forum etiquette. I was a sidekick dev back in the day & xda is sadly starting to remind me a lot of the old Danger forums- a wild jungle of a place where you had to hack through post after post of word-vomit & ignorance before you can actually find any REAL knowledge. Yes, we need to take out the trash & start cracking down on the jackassery. Badly. I'm tired of seeing threads devolve into personal attacks & 8th grade bickering over stupid ****. Its gotten to the point where I hesitate to even post sometimes.
Sent from my PG41200 using xda premium
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+1 I agree 100%
I also hesitate to post bc of all the dbags. I've been on xda for a good while now and I've never seen things this bad. Its really frustrating to see all this **** cuz no one behaves like this in real life. I wish ppl would just be chill and not try to be internet thugs. Any who I would really love to see this forum turn around and be more friendly and productive. Well that's my piece lol I'm down to do whatever I can to change this place.
Sent from my SGH-T989 using xda premium

kabuk1 said:
I think one of the main problems is that due to android's growing popularity, we're seeing a lot more ignorant douchebags in here who just want to take & not give, and who have zero knowledge of forum etiquette. I was a sidekick dev back in the day & xda is sadly starting to remind me a lot of the old Danger forums- a wild jungle of a place where you had to hack through post after post of word-vomit & ignorance before you can actually find any REAL knowledge. Yes, we need to take out the trash & start cracking down on the jackassery. Badly. I'm tired of seeing threads devolve into personal attacks & 8th grade bickering over stupid ****. Its gotten to the point where I hesitate to even post sometimes.
Sent from my PG41200 using xda premium
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DITTO!!! Could not agree More ...

The mods just bann everyone its anoyying especialy when they dont know what happens its sad
Sent from my SGH-T989 using XDA App

Good chance if we all keep talking bad about the MODs in here we will all get banned ...
Problem is HOW they select their MODs, some are great, some just won the popularity contest ....

tcboo said:
I agree ...
Although it is not actual "Negativity" or "bashing" that actually starts most of the trouble ...
It is the fact that , it has become the norm, for people to come here and expect to be spoon fed answers, and if they don't get them, they get upset.
XDA is first and foremost, or at least it was, a development community.
Now what does that mean to the end users, well, it means, you should come here to learn and if you have something to share, to participate.
If you are just coming here to "expect" everyone to feed you the answers just so you can pimp out your phone, that is not what it is about ..
READ READ READ, then you can ask better questions.
I am sure the DEVs and most experienced users here get annoyed, with every right, when people ask the same question , OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER, when with a little reading they could have solved it themselves.
I hope everyone has a great holiday season!!!
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+1 I know I don't know everything but I always try to use the search button to find my answers before starting a new thread or asking in the thread. I really find it annoying when someone asks a question that has been answered in the OP especially. When I do try to help I'll try to point them in the direction but not spoon feed them the link.
I remember when I used to have my Vibrant. Moderators would shut down a thread and clean up the whole thread and then re-open it later on after cleaning up all the bs. Threads still are getting cluttered up with Thank you's and downloading now posts. We have a thanks button for a reason.

Peace & love
" can't we all just get along? "
Sent from my SGH-T989

mongo41 said:
As of lately our beloved forum has seen some of the worst negativity and bashing I have ever seen. I am not completely innocent in this either. I have made a couple of comments I shouldnt have made too and I apologize to whoever I may have offended. But to be honest this type of behavior and just meanness has to stop. I love XDA and everything we do but we are losing members and developers daily because of all the hate here. If you dont like a rom or whatever work has been done just please keep all the negativity to yourselves. If you have a problem with someone keep it in pm and not in their thread. We have to turn this forum around or we are setting ourselves and our phones up for doom. We have lost alot of good people and maybe if the see the drama has stopped they will come back. I too am on the fence about getting a different phone and moving on but i love this phone. I am capable of building my own roms and themes but I love having a place to share ideas and our work. I am begging my fellow XDA brothers and sisters to help in the effort to make XDA what it once was. With that being said I would like to wish all of you a Merry Christmas and joyous holiday season!
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Well said my friend....hence my signature.
There is enough hate in the world. Why can't we all get along here ...?

mongo41 said:
As of lately our beloved forum has seen some of the worst negativity and bashing I have ever seen. I am not completely innocent in this either. I have made a couple of comments I shouldnt have made too and I apologize to whoever I may have offended. But to be honest this type of behavior and just meanness has to stop. I love XDA and everything we do but we are losing members and developers daily because of all the hate here. If you dont like a rom or whatever work has been done just please keep all the negativity to yourselves. If you have a problem with someone keep it in pm and not in their thread. We have to turn this forum around or we are setting ourselves and our phones up for doom. We have lost alot of good people and maybe if the see the drama has stopped they will come back. I too am on the fence about getting a different phone and moving on but i love this phone. I am capable of building my own roms and themes but I love having a place to share ideas and our work. I am begging my fellow XDA brothers and sisters to help in the effort to make XDA what it once was. With that being said I would like to wish all of you a Merry Christmas and joyous holiday season!
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I agree stop all the bs and grow up.

Agreed. It's like a Damn soap opera in this *****.
Sent from my SGH-T989 using xda premium

+10000. How do we stop the idiotic few that are ruining it for the majority? Mods have a full time job.
Sent from my SGH-T989 using xda premium

quest4fire said:
+10000. How do we stop the idiotic few that are ruining it for the majority? Mods have a full time job.
Sent from my SGH-T989 using xda premium
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Use the report button lol
Sent from my SGH-T989 using xda premium


The Black Files...

I have been going back and forth for a bit on wether or not to post this thread, but I think it is only fair for us testers and to post our thoughts and concerns. Mods, I apologize for posting a political thread in a technical forum, but this seems to be an applicable and thread worthy discussion So here it goes:
If anyone other than me (and the 5 trillion noobs on this site) have been following the 'black revolution', does anything seem funny about this whole situation with JJ leaving? First, he goes to htc-devs claiming that he refuses to deal with all of the stupid questions and double posts. This is understandable, and I would not be posting this thread if the situation had stopped there. However, the htc-devs forum had a spring-up new users when they found out JJ had moved (including me), but then ubruptly died off after he moved to 4winmoble. Coincidence...I think not.
Even though I personally think that black3.x is not as stable as 2.5, I highly regard JJ roms and I think that he is one of the top developers out. This post is not trash his work. However, I registered for 4wnmobile (grrrr....again) and checked it out to find that:
Is it me or is this forum slow as F***?
Is is me or are there more ads than posts?
Isnt it convenient that a certain developer got his own sub-forum (unlike the other forums where his work was previously posted)
Is it me or upon checking this forum do you see the same noob posts that were seen in xda?
So, my question is...
If our highly regarded (not being sarcastic) chef has moved due to the noobular influx, why did he not stay at htc-devs where he had mod control do delete these posts? Why did he perpetuate his problem by going to 4winmob?
Has JJ gone "hollywood"?
I have no idea....
excuse me.... must be my turrets acting up again...
Seriously... perhaps JJ can elaborate.
at least your turrets only spits out a sentence. mine spits out 5 paragraphs
I usually stay out of these threads but I mean honestly, who gives a ****? let him do what he wants...
I see it like this:
Everyone has their choices. The ones you choose make who you are.
I personnally keep from postng as much as possible, not to be in the swarm of questions and be reffered to as a "noob". I have read and read the forums to upgrade my devices and fix them when I screw them up. If everyone would just read it would help out a lot.
CUSTEL said:
I usually stay out of these threads but I mean honestly, who gives a ****? let him do what he wants...
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Agreed. Let this subject die a quiet death.
There are plenty of us left who enjoy this forum and the work that everyone puts in. Chefs, people who share knowledge and answer posts. Noobs are mainly a problem when more experianced people get frustrated by them and start flame wars.
Just ignore them.
XDA still rocks.
Precisely... People come and go, it's natural progression... =)
Sleuth255 said:
I have no idea....
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Sleuth255 said:
excuse me.... must be my turrets acting up again...
Seriously... perhaps JJ can elaborate.
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Hi Slueth,
Great moderation by the way in the hermes forum.....
No NOT $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
i was given my own sub forum which i can completely moderate. I have also got two more moderators with me.
What is this crap about "Hollywood" posted by the member who started the thread? Get real dude, if u dont like then move on.
I also decided that having a general chit chat area on 4WM for people to get to know one another as well as to blow off steam- it is a good idea as it will help keep the tech discussions clean.
Now why dont u all just quit it,,,, for goodness sakes,,,, u are all making a big deal of this.
Yes the site has advertisements as 4winmobile.com is also a comprehensive product review site - WHO CARES!!!!! xda-devs has adds also.
Get over it and move on.....
And by the way, i dont make any money from 4WM - incase you were all wondering..... I just moved there as having control of my own forum seems like an excellent idea since MODERATION on this FORUM stinks!!!!!
Maybe if admin here gave users the power to moderate their threads things will be different. But WHO CARES now - MOVE ON!
Sick of this site, full of,,,, as has been put many times ****WITS!
Quote: Is it me or is this forum slow as F***?
Yes it has been slow at times DUE TO THE DDOS attacks - gee im wondering where they are coming from.
Really professional members on XDA-developers.
JJ, I thought you had your own forum to moderate? I have to say, I have healthy amount of respect for what you've done for the community with the ROMs that you've cooked. In fact, I used to run Black 2.5 on my 8525. I've noticed one of the complaints of people moved forums away from XDA was that that there are too many people posting useless messages like, "WOW~ cool. Downloading now! Thanks man~" Which is strange... Because I thought that was in-line with the spirit of the community. But regardless, I'd like to say thank you for your hard work.
But as you've said repeated, it's time for you to move on. It's too bad that you were frustrated with the moderation in this forum. As forums become popular, they tend to attract lot of n00bs (like myself)...and considering most moderators (like yourself) do not do this full time, I'm sure it's not an easy task. I do, along with many users, appreciate all the hard work. Even if they are not perfect...since I'm not the one who's doing the hard work...I can try to give bit of suggestions here and there...but I really can't complain. I really wish things stayed here on the XDA forums. But too bad things came down to this. But yes...it's time for the community to move on.
I, for one, will stay on XDA. I guess that's my choice. I feel like community is what we make of it. We can always uproot and start a new one...but doesn't change that fact that we owe something to our roots. I've learned everything about my 8525 on this forum. I've never posted much...but I always read and read. It's just in my nature. I figured things out on my own with all the helpful suggestions from other members. So far, I've managed to not brick mine. So I do feel certain sense of loyalty. Correct me if I'm wrong...didn't you get started on these boards as well?
I agree that you've given back to the community infinitely more than I. But I'm still part of this community...and I think I have the right to say that your posts only tarnish your image and past accomplishments on these boards...and bring everybody down. Now that you are a moderator...I've read few posts on your boards about how you'll ban a user for a single misstep. Good luck in that. I guess that's how you get rid of n00bs like me. But being elitist can take you so far. It's just a phone. Yup. A phone. People will drop off as they move away from Hermes and get new phones. Then we are all back to being n00bs again...including you.
Good luck with your board.
Ouch or Wow?
jellycow said:
JJ, I thought you had your own forum to moderate? I have to say, I have healthy amount of respect for what you've done for the community with the ROMs that you've cooked. In fact, I used to run Black 2.5 on my 8525. I've noticed one of the complaints of people moved forums away from XDA was that that there are too many people posting useless messages like, "WOW~ cool. Downloading now! Thanks man~" Which is strange... Because I thought that was in-line with the spirit of the community. But regardless, I'd like to say thank you for your hard work.
But as you've said repeated, it's time for you to move on. It's too bad that you were frustrated with the moderation in this forum. As forums become popular, they tend to attract lot of n00bs (like myself)...and considering most moderators (like yourself) do not do this full time, I'm sure it's not an easy task. I do, along with many users, appreciate all the hard work. Even if they are not perfect...since I'm not the one who's doing the hard work...I can try to give bit of suggestions here and there...but I really can't complain. I really wish things stayed here on the XDA forums. But too bad things came down to this. But yes...it's time for the community to move on.
I, for one, will stay on XDA. I guess that's my choice. I feel like community is what we make of it. We can always uproot and start a new one...but doesn't change that fact that we owe something to our roots. I've learned everything about my 8525 on this forum. I've never posted much...but I always read and read. It's just in my nature. I figured things out on my own with all the helpful suggestions from other members. So far, I've managed to not brick mine. So I do feel certain sense of loyalty. Correct me if I'm wrong...didn't you get started on these boards as well?
I agree that you've given back to the community infinitely more than I. But I'm still part of this community...and I think I have the right to say that your posts only tarnish your image and past accomplishments on these boards...and bring everybody down. Now that you are a moderator...I've read few posts on your boards about how you'll ban a user for a single misstep. Good luck in that. I guess that's how you get rid of n00bs like me. But being elitist can take you so far. It's just a phone. Yup. A phone. People will drop off as they move away from Hermes and get new phones. Then we are all back to being n00bs again...including you.
Good luck with your board.
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I'm going to guess that by the lack responses that I'm the first to blink, take a deep breath, and decide to say wow, or ouch. Wow for the last post and ouch for it as well. Whoever you are JELLYCOW, that's the most eloquent, constructively insightfull, and conclusively solid summary I think I've ever read in my life. Thank you. Well said; Top Notch; Classy to say the least.
So to JJ... Keep it real yo. As devolpers go, You're work is stellar, and I'm addicted. I went Black... and the only back I ever will go, is gonna be XDA Devs... I started with my Blue Angel and followed the phones as they came out. But my Hermes... it's heart & soul are from you. It's one of the many handsets that run your OS's, past present & yet to come. Keep doing your ****, we all gotta be good at something. This is what you do... you do it well. Your fans and testers, we will follow... Thanks bro.. Peace
Now i'm going to suck down half a bottle of Hershy's Chocolate Syrup, have a glass of Almond Milk, and tuck my hermes into bed with me so it can wake me up in the morning... cause I'm passing out!!!
[And role credits... that's all folks]
Well said
Agreed, well said JellyCow. I'm also a Noob, read daily and post infrequently and an avid Black 2.5 user. No question at all that JJ is very talented and deserves a lot of credit...though I think some people go overboard with the brown nosing. He kind of reminds me of some of my coder friends. Extremely talented but volatile. Sometimes extremely talented or tech savvy people just are not equipped with the personality or patience to deal with noobs. Often that only comes with maturity and age. Either way..try not to take yourself too seriously and remember that you started doing this for FUN.
Please, could someone move this PRECIOUS thread full of WONDERFULL non-requested advices to the off-topic section?
... I'm trying to read about WM6 ... thanks!
N1kko, L2readthruthreads.
Having downloaded most of JJs delicacies, I wondered what happened to him and his goodies.
This gives some closure.
All the best JJ.
Ok people, get over it.. like said before its the nature of the beast, people move on and new people take over... just because JJ is making a decision to move on doesnt mean that other people will stop cooking. Its not like this is the first time that a chef/developer has left to have a board they can moderate on due to frustrations from other members.
And who cares what his motivation to move on is?!? i mean honestly?!? JJ is going to do whats best for JJ, he is a big boy and can do what he wants. Its not like he is disappearing or quitting cooking, just moving. He was kind enough to let everyone know where he is going so you can join him, but that doesnt mean you have to abandon XDA either.. everyone has the freedom of choice, so make a choice and quit complaining.
Also i have had many conversations with JJ, and i like JJ, i personally dont want to see him go, but i also understand his frustration. This frustration is a double edged sword.. On one hand we have a developer that is good for the board, cooking roms, etc.. On the other hand we had a frustrated developer that was being abusive to noobs and other members which was making the boards harder to moderate...
JJ, i have an amazing amount of respect for you, and you know that, your a great guy and i do consider you a friend personally, but from a moderator standpoint in regards to the poor moderation; you were part of the problem just as much as the st00pid n00b questions that frustrated you.
With all that being said, i wish you well and hope to have future conversations with you!
Well, I cant say that the backlash was not expected, especially from JJ. I think he has every right to explain his concerns, and I am happy that he did. Again, for people who dont know how to FULLY read a post, I respect JJ's work and equally respect his talent as a developer. My reasoning for even posting this thread (sorry again mods for not posting in 'off-topic') is to give US tester a chance to air out our concerns.
We spend a LOT of time reading and learning how to get the best out of our devices. We pride ourselves in being memebers of this great site, and we pride the work that is published here. We all know that there are some problems with the noobs, and I agree with you shogunmark that this is just natural progression. What is NOT, however, is our ability to deal with it. We have all flamed before, and for those of you who have taken time to even ponder if there is a better solution, I thank you.
Im not here to flame JJ, that would be stupid seeing that I am currently using his ROM. I posted this thread to stir up the pot, and also to address our 'roots'. To speak out for us loyal xda-followers. I have once thought about finding another home, and I'm sure most of us have thought that too. I feel stupid for even attempting to follow JJ around the world for his stuff, and again I'm sure some of you feel the same way too.
The fact of the matter is that I started here, and this is where I am gonna stay. I thank all of you who share the same sense of passion and resolve to make sure that we keep xda the best site around!
It's my belief that this needed to be aired out. Thus the reason for my somewhat tongue-in-cheek initial post.
XDA developers forums are having issues not because of the way we run this board but because we're currently offering WM6 while the rest of the world is still running WM5.
History repeats itself. Have a look through the archives and you'll see astounding similarities when XDA was first to release WM5 while the rest of the world was still running 2003.
We will never silence the voice of a n00b here.

[poll] Is anyone interested in town hall meeting with mod participation?

To all,
I don't really know what is going on in here, why you guys are fighting, or why you simply can't get along. We have been acting a lot in here only to see nothing more than constant flaming, finger pointing, and the such... all behaviors that are not allowed in XDA grounds (see rule 2).
Over the last week or so there have been constant comments, complains, and tons of issues coming from this section. There have been a bunch of moderators in here already, and it seems that this has no end in sight. As far as I am concerned, banning is a useful tool, which is better avoided if not absolutely needed... and I believe this to be the case.
Having said this, I would like to offer the following approach to solve the issue with Master (and any other issues that you may have in your minds)... A Town Hall meeting type of thread, which will be grounds for discussion of current issues (you can see the thread here). I did this in the Hero CDMA section several months ago and everything turned out rather well since people were able to talk and discuss issues in a civilized manner.
Here are the rules:
- The thread will only remain open for discussion for a certain period of time (I did the last one for 8 hours).
- No flaming/trolling/rudeness/cursing will be allowed.
- No banning will occur.
- Irrelevant posts will be automatically deleted.
- The thread will be heavily monitored by one or more moderators.
If I get enough people agreeing to participate via this poll, I will then schedule a time.
This is will be a final resource before banning begins. I am willing to put up the time if you guys are willing to cooperate.
Let me know what you all think.
From Papa_Smurf151 (thought of this message to be more universal, so I changed a thing or two to make it fit here ),
OK u guys...I know everyone is tired of all the drama on here. I have been talking to one of the mods through pm and gave a suggestion for a town hall meeting to discuss the problems as of late. The mod agreed that he and hopefully other mods would be willing to open a thread where we can discuss these issues. There will be no banning for what is said in this meeting but with a mod present and engaging in convo the tone needs to stay clean or semi at least. Failure would result in post being deleted. There will be rules that the mods what followed but its to keep the pease.
Look this cdma community has been split for a little while now. U can feel the tention in some post. Its time to stop the flaming and the trolling. This is not just about the Master thing even though that's what sent all of this overboard.
The mods only see part of this community and its the ugly side. They are harsh cause they are misinformed about certain people and certain actions. This is our opportunity to have a united voice and share how things really are and ideas on how to remedy them
Its time to reunite as the amazing community this used to be and get back to what really matters.
Feel free to comment. Please keep it clean. The more votes in the poll the better.
The meeting would be at a set time and heavily monitored then closed once alotted time had past. Please join and enjoy.
This is not the meeting. It is just a poll to let mods know we are serious and that we can behaive.
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I think this is a great idea. I've been at XDA for some time now and i've never seen a forum get this out of hand. This will be a great opportunity for people to get things off their shoulder.
I say bring the ban hammer down. It may seem harsh but it is the only way to make people behave. I vote no town hall and more banning for repeated violations of the forum rules.
I like the concept & I'll participate if it happens, but I think jnutz is right. People are blatantly ignoring the rules simply because nothing happens to them if they don't.
People who like TeamWhiskey/Eugene/Master/[Anyone else I missed]... go into the threads of the ones they don't like/use and flame away and cause threads for an active ROM to be closed! This is insane!
I don't remember people being this rude and disrespectful of everyone else when I was looking up information for an old Windows Mobile phone or when I actually joined after I got my G1.
Maybe a combination of both approaches? Ban the people who are repeat offenders now and have the town hall meeting for the ones who aren't as big of disruptions?
We ban when needed be. This is a more civilized approach at trying to work things out with more seasoned members. I have seen long time seniors in here just flat out flaming the heck out of new members for no reason (just posting in the wrong place gives no one the right to call someone a retard)
As Ez said, its a more civilized method in which we can communicate openly with the Members of the fora in order to workout issues we have all witnessed. The Town Hall will be monitored by the moderators (myself included) in order to make sure we stay on topic and so that it can be of actual use for all of us. These town halls allow us to bring light onto issues users have been facing along with us moderators being able to give input and action ideas that have a general consensus. If you wish to see one that has happened before and see the outcome you can look here. As Ez told me, the previous one turned the whole forum around 180 degrees and the users in there are way better now. I look forward to this if we have one.
This is a good idea.. I've been a frequent visitor of xda since I have a G1. XDA has been my information resource for my devices (G1, mytouch 3G, mytouch slide, and Vibrant).. I have made donations also to some devs for their great work.. but I never bother to post questions or suggest solutions because of the trolling and flaming going on.. It would be very nice if everything will be put in order.. This is my first post..
I felt really bad when Eugene left XDA.. great dev.. but things are not so good..
Great Idea and ASAP
This is a great suggestion and I can help Mod if needed (I am free next week). The forum is getting over-run by adolescent behavior. All the developers and contributors have made ALL our phones a better experience and I, for one, want to see it continue. I have gotten help from Master, Sombionix and Eugene and other experts here personally. I do not know of many places today where people/ devs take the time to help just out of the kindness of their heart to just about everyone who asks. preserving this benefits all. I am older than just about everyone here (in age) and one thing I do know is "you cannot eliminate stupidity........ but you can contain it"............. I am in just let me know when
Same, same...no pun intended on shame, shame...
oka1 said:
This is a great suggestion and I can help Mod if needed (I am free next week). The forum is getting over-run by adolescent behavior. All the developers and contributors have made ALL our phones a better experience and I, for one, want to see it continue. I have gotten help from Master, Sombionix and Eugene and other experts here personally. I do not know of many places today where people/ devs take the time to help just out of the kindness of their heart to just about everyone who asks. preserving this benefits all. I am older than just about everyone here (in age) and one thing I do know is "you cannot eliminate stupidity........ but you can contain it"............. I am in just let me know when
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While I agree with almost all that has been posted here, let's not over look that the number of ROMs and more to the point the updating of said same gives much of the grief, IMHO....
More is not always better....wile I have learned so very much these past two years - I understand, have, nd do support other bards as the "less than sterling behaviors" here within has driven many away.
I too wish to be of help so count me in...
here.david said:
While I agree with almost all that has been posted here, let's not over look that the number of ROMs and more to the point the updating of said same gives much of the grief, IMHO....
More is not always better....wile I have learned so very much these past two years - I understand, have, nd do support other bards as the "less than sterling behaviors" here within has driven many away.
I too wish to be of help so count me in...
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oka1 said:
This is a great suggestion and I can help Mod if needed (I am free next week). The forum is getting over-run by adolescent behavior. All the developers and contributors have made ALL our phones a better experience and I, for one, want to see it continue. I have gotten help from Master, Sombionix and Eugene and other experts here personally. I do not know of many places today where people/ devs take the time to help just out of the kindness of their heart to just about everyone who asks. preserving this benefits all. I am older than just about everyone here (in age) and one thing I do know is "you cannot eliminate stupidity........ but you can contain it"............. I am in just let me know when
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Thanks for the interest in helping but the moderators such as myself and Egz will be watching this (if it happens) along with a few others, thanks though
jnutz said:
I say bring the ban hammer down. It may seem harsh but it is the only way to make people behave. I vote no town hall and more banning for repeated violations of the forum rules.
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civilized Shmivilized hasn't worked so far.
who's with me!
I would definitely participate, i am fed up with what i see around this forum, i've seriously considered taking down the vibrant bible, after seeing how some people act on this forum. I like XDA and i like what it offers but if people cant take what it offerers and turn it into something productive, just leave. A lot of what goes on here resembles petty high school drama, take that **** to Facebook, not a development forum!
This won't solve anything. People need to realize that people who created this awesome site along with the ROMs, mods, and themes and etc. are doing this on their own free will and time, they are NOT getting paid...
People need to learn a little courtesy before anything.
almyz125 said:
I would definitely participate, i am fed up with what i see around this forum, i've seriously considered taking down the vibrant bible, after seeing how some people act on this forum. I like XDA and i like what it offers but if people cant take what it offerers and turn it into something productive, just leave.
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I doubt taking down the bible would prove any worth, if anything it would harm the people that use it, and the assholes on this forum wouldn't even notice. Warnings and bans need to be given to those who violate the rules.
Do you guys really think that the Cancer that is eating away at XDA is going to come to a town hall meeting?
Honestly, Do You?
Yes but..........
scrizz said:
civilized Shmivilized hasn't worked so far.
who's with me!
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The punks that should be banned... ok, ban them... then what ? they change their name and are back on different name same ****......... ok then what then? ban the isp?..........that algorithm too complex to manage so, although I totally agree with you, I do not see a practical way.......... but yes, ban them anyway for good measure. Then, as a collective body we would need to shun them as well. If people get no response from the forum members, sooner or later, they get the message and move on.....
I would say, let's fo the town hall, and after that maybe before banning could you kind of redirect the offenders for let's say two or three days for half an hour every login to the rules page?
If that does not work either, then i would be all up for the french revolution tactic. off with their heads!
scrizz said:
Do you guys really think that the Cancer that is eating away at XDA is going to come to a town hall meeting?
Honestly, Do You?
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Hey Scrizz,
They have worked in the past even for Forums that are like the Vibrant's, look here
If it's something that has worked in the past, it's worth a try. I don't think the "Cancer" will attend but it may help the non-problem users come up with better ways to deal with problems.
It might help and it certainly can't hurt. I vote yes.
egzthunder1 said:
We ban when needed be. This is a more civilized approach at trying to work things out with more seasoned members. I have seen long time seniors in here just flat out flaming the heck out of new members for no reason (just posting in the wrong place gives no one the right to call someone a retard)
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Gotcha. I was (wrongfully) under the impression that this was a "is this a good idea" thread, so I basically answered 'no, you should enforce the rules', but it seems to be a "we want to do this because it's helped calm things down in the past, will you help us" thread.
And in answer to the question that you actually asked (rather than the question I inferred), if the timing doesn't conflict with anything in real life, I would definitely like to be a part of this discussion. The sooner it happens, the better because things are way out of hand.

Flame away, but I feel like it needed to be said...

Ok, so I've been reading quite a bit what's been going on in out little section of XDA lately(what can I say, I have a lot of free time), ad I have to say I'm a bit shocked. The bickering, flaming and general trash talking seems to be getting out of control. Now I've only been on here for about a year now, but the vibe on the T-mo GSII is not what I'd expect from XDA. The spirit of the community seems to have changed. So here's a suggestion; if you have beef with someone, take it to a PM, no one needs to see that you're pissed off about whatever you're pissed about. There has been way too much childish behavior floating around here for a forum about development and furthering the capabilities/software of our phones. So that being said, flame away lol /endrant
Thank you for saying it.
Well said
Sent from my Hercu-X!!
I completely agree, I have seen a lot of what is posted, and I choose to never comment or reply to it so as not to be a participant. But I see it, mostly ego driven irrelevant garbage that should be handled via pm as you are saying.
Sent from my SGH-T989 using xda premium
Amen brothers!!!! Its time to put differecnes aside and get back to doing what we love to do. Xda was and still can be a great thing if we can keep attitudes and childish behavior in check.
The mess has gotta seriously crazy. Everyone always fighting. This makes me sad. Words can not describe my sadness. Looks like its vibrant forums all over again
Sent from my SGH-T989 using xda premium
Can someone make me a mod so I can just go through and delete all these threads?? I'm so sick of people *****ing and moaning about stupid stuff. Not to mention all the poor grammar. Language barrier aside, there needs to be some serious spellcheck usage going on in here. Half the posts aren't so poorly written they don't make sense.
So here's my offer: if xda makes me a mod, I will, without bias, actively remove garbage posts and ridiculousness from these forums. Seriously.
Bunch of immature kids stinking up our forums.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
It's honestly just the age of the users showing. There's a ton of n00bs and kids running around ready to gun for someone else's fight. Stick to what you know and never blindly follow someone just cause they are 'devin'.
InGeNeTiCs said:
Can someone make me a mod so I can just go through and delete all these threads?? I'm so sick of people *****ing and moaning about stupid stuff. Not to mention all the poor grammar. Language barrier aside, there needs to be some serious spellcheck usage going on in here. Half the posts aren't so poorly written they don't make sense.
So here's my offer: if xda makes me a mod, I will, without bias, actively remove garbage posts and ridiculousness from these forums. Seriously.
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I think that maybe you should proof read your messages before you send them. "Half the posts aren't so poorly written they don't make sense." That doesnt make sense.
Yea guys i just want to say that if any of u seen what hapoened in revolutions rom thread i just wanted to say that i am sorry for my actions. I was trying to stick up for the little kid. and this kid not going to put name out there came at me and got my family involved for no apparent reason. It kind of set me off after that but i just wanted to say again i am sorry for what happened in the thread. I like the community we have and we dont need **** like that
Totally agree boss.. I didn't notice this thread and started one of similar types.. but yeah, right there with you..
sarni84 said:
Yea guys i just want to say that if any of u seen what hapoened in revolutions rom thread i just wanted to say that i am sorry for my actions. I was trying to stick up for the little kid and this kid not going to put name out there came at me and got my family involved for no apparent reason. It kind of set me off after that but i just wanted to say again i am sorry for what happened in the thread. I like the community we hace and we dont need **** like that
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S'all good brotherman, there is a lot of anger being guided by n00bs and kids. I personally was 'jumped' in melvins thread for asking him to remove |FASTEST EVER| BUG FREE | EPIC| from his rom title. I called out an obvious fallacy and was practically tortured, having even my own facebook brought up. The level of respect people are willing to trade for 'updates' is unfathomable. I had predicted this weeks ago after that little war started and had mentioned all the kanging, begging for donations, flaming of users. Those are not things this community wants, or needs from a dev. If you support that, or think it was wrong you are part of the problem. n00bs are thanking 100x + for a rom that has never been stable or even original, all the roms he claimed to make are just ports of old half done projects with stuff kanged from the real devs at whatever device forum he weaseled his way into.
Be aware XDA, stop giving support to people that steal, beg & flame or the community will surely parish.
hazard99 said:
The mess has gotta seriously crazy. Everyone always fighting. This makes me sad. Words can not describe my sadness. Looks like its vibrant forums all over again
Sent from my SGH-T989 using xda premium
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There are so many people joining this community that hasn't the slightest idea of what they're joining. They get a cool phone, someone tells them "hey you should hack that, goto xda, you can hack anything over there!" They join and realize that you just can't plug and hack. We're getting newbies that rather not lurk and learn the language, rules, and customs of this community. You have people here who pushes the devs as if they owe something to us. You have people on here who don't have a basic understanding of technology, yet they continue post misleading information. This forum has become a haven for people to complain rather than problem solving, and most of it is coming from new people who don't understand what this forum is really suppose be!
I'm just sayin!
This happens because it is an American Forum, full of kids and brats and people who don't want to read. this **** didn't fly on the international version forum
Sent from my SGH-T989 using xda premium
Such a great forum but sadly as long as there is kids there will be flaming and stupidity. It is why I stopped playing World of Warcraft, or any other game that involves the public. Ppl get behind a keyboard and become "Keyboard Warriors" they know they can say anything to anyone with out danger of physical harm regardless of how vile it is. When we all know 95% of everyone said on the internet wouldn't be said face to face ...... XDA should be about helping noobs and not flaming them because at one point some one helped us out of Noob status.
Krooked22 said:
This happens because it is an American Forum, full of kids and brats and people who don't want to read. this **** didn't fly on the international version forum
Sent from my SGH-T989 using xda premium
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Not true .
princeasi said:
There are so many people joining this community that hasn't the slightest idea of what they're joining. They get a cool phone, someone tells them "hey you should hack that, goto xda, you can hack anything over there!" They join and realize that you just can't plug and hack. We're getting newbies that rather not lurk and learn the language, rules, and customs of this community. You have people here who pushes the devs as if they owe something to us. You have people on here who don't have a basic understanding of technology, yet they continue post misleading information. This forum has become a haven for people to complain rather than problem solving, and most of it is coming from new people who don't understand what this forum is really suppose be!
I'm just sayin!
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That was ultimately how I found XDA, I think the difference now, is how people are approaching this forum. When I started (first phone I rooted was a mytouch 3g slide) I read, read, and then re-read just to make sure. I never expected anything of anyone, asked questions, respectfully, mind you, only when I got stuck AFTER rereading the op. Whoever said it earlier I think hit the nail on the head, I think it has a lot to do with the age group of people who have been joining lately. Part of that ultimately makes be happy. Someone who starts tinkering(the right way) at the age of 16 will probably bring us big things in the future. The downside is you have kids, who are ultimately going to act their age. Now that is certainly not the case 100% of the time.
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I really don't bother with the negatives comments I blame tech sites and companies fighting about specs and numbers. most people here are phone/tech geeks so they are going to argue what phone/OS is better rather than arguing who's better Tupac or Biggie. I came here for one reason to MOD my phone and share experiences not to point fingers if you have a windows mobile or a low end android or to argue who got the hottest phone and specs. So I hope XDA continues to be a community to help each other rather than bashing the other phones choice.
Actually, if you look at the international board. It is actually productive and not littered with ignorance and children
The international community makes this one look pathetic, In terms of productivity and helpfulness
this board is littered with name calling , junk posts, and people who don't read. Resulting in a very unproductive and not helpful environment
The international makes this place look like a joke
........I know the problem is not the majority of users though so hopefully things get better
Sent from my SGH-T989 using xda premium

[Q] @ moderator

i don't want to flame here but want to give my opinion on some things that are happening here and aren't fair at all.
i'm here for about 6 months or so, i find this community very useful,helpful, fun.. etc.
many times topics get overloaded by useless discussions, fights or stupid offtopic talk. many users, topicstarters and moderators try to make sure the rules are followed. offcourse like in every large community there are good and bad users.
you can't prevent such things from happening.
but why? (now again with zeus's topic) every time something goes wrong the topic gets closed. TS and many good users are punished for something they had nothing to do with.
why not punish te ones that misbehave individually?
i don't want to tell the mod how he needs to do his work but this isn't fair in my opinion..
I couldn't aree more
The mod is a woman*
Sent from my LG-P970 using xda premium
a good possibility is to block these users to post in dev section.
like it's done with new users..
Pollie81 said:
a good possibility is to block these users to post in dev section.
like it's done with new users..
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Or just ban them for a week so they know that the mod meens serious about the rules.
Sent from my LG-P970 using xda premium
Agree 100% , the people in this particular sector are some of the most selfish I've seen with demands and expectations for a free product that has absolutely nothing to do with them and all that we do have is the result of someones HOBBY, not job. After coming from p500 with a roms out the wazoo it can be a little dissapointing in comparison, but if I cared enough to demand and complain I would simply do it myself.
Sent from my LG-P970 using xda app-developers app
RomWiz said:
Or just ban them for a week so they know that the mod meens serious about the rules.
Sent from my LG-P970 using xda premium
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Banning temporary cannot help. Later re post again. I rather XDA make ip blocker. Better
But, they can still counter with hotspotshield
why people feel this like as a murder, I can't understand
Blocking the account for few days is nice idea, then the blocked user will know the value of XDA in the meantime..
Blocking IP, etc. matter seem like, dealing the nail issue with an axe
Guys, don't make moderators seem as cruel people
anyone understand the above matter ?
I agree with you guys, as well as the modo too, I'm sure of it. BUT, think a little. in some threads they are hundreds of posts. do you really think they have all that time to spend for reading kiddy posts in order to find who has started to flame around ? USELESS. and also, banning users for two or three bad post is not fair too. this is a community, not a kind of private restricted ****. and by being a part of that community, you should think for the majority, not the opposite.
Well said friend...I agree with you.
Ilko said:
I agree with you guys, as well as the modo too, I'm sure of it. BUT, think a little. in some threads they are hundreds of posts. do you really think they have all that time to spend for reading kiddy posts in order to find who has started to flame around ? USELESS. and also, banning users for two or three bad post is not fair too. this is a community, not a kind of private restricted ****. and by being a part of that community, you should think for the majority, not the opposite.
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And that means gentlemanly.
Pollie81 said:
TS and many good users are punished for something they had nothing to do with.
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who are they that get punishment?
what's happen with DioXcodec account?
Ilko said:
I agree with you guys, as well as the modo too, I'm sure of it. BUT, think a little. in some threads they are hundreds of posts. do you really think they have all that time to spend for reading kiddy posts in order to find who has started to flame around ? USELESS. and also, banning users for two or three bad post is not fair too. this is a community, not a kind of private restricted ****. and by being a part of that community, you should think for the majority, not the opposite.
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that's totally the opposite of my intention..
big forum's just needs to be monitored, you can't help that.. there are always "bad" people arround.. no matter where you are in the world.
just to be clear, the mod here is doing her job very good.
the only thing i don't like is the closing of topics.. and by that you are punishing the wrong people.
i don't want people to get banned over a few bad or stupid posts, that's not my intention.
yeah, there are stupid people everywhere, that's life. but dude, locking a topic won't kill anyone. it's simply the easiest and quickest way to "pause" flamings. note that it is also in the goal of cleaning the thread peacefully. I don't said that they have to ban each times, just a meaning... she simply doesn't need to waste her time in nonsense tasks. it's like to stop all drivers on a route to find the idiot who crossed a red light. do you get the point ?
yeah, i get your point.
as you said yourself, this action only pauses the flaming/offtopic.
in a few days after reopening everything will be the same as it was before.
this doesn't help.. but maybe it's something that we/i need to accept that these problems will always exist in forums..
sometimes it's just hard to ignore some things that are said here.. people being unrespectfull towards dev's here..
lighten up and let go (said to myself)
yeah, let's be funky
@moderator Mrs Ann...your gardens are beautiful
both the virtual one (farmville) and natural one^^
theaks30 said:
@moderator Mrs Ann...your gardens are beautiful
both the virtual one (farmville) and natural one^^
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Buttering a woman can be risky....

Dialogue between users and Mods...temporary thread will be temporary.

M_T_M said:
OK....after a major clean up this here thread should be back on topic.
@ OP....please carry on with maintaining this thread orginized. If don't wanna, PM and we'll change OPs.
No more tolling, please.
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"holding "
the difference between bravery and foolhardiness is in the outcome
jugg1es said:
Sorry m8,but if you thought just a cleanup was what I was after then you misunderstood my reasons. It's a lot more than just a thread cleanup that's needed in OT, things have happened over the last few months that have driven good regular people away. Maybe an attitude shift is what's really needed and a closer look at why these people have stopped posting.
This is my last post in here, anyway "good luck and thanks for all the fish"
the difference between bravery and foolhardiness is in the outcome
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[FONT=&quot]I honestly have no idea what you're referring to here, but honestly you should send a PM to someone here you trust about your concerns. At the end of the day, we can't fix something that we don't know is a problem.
I always read and reply to PMs.
As for this thread, it's still a great thread and I would hate for it to die after all the hard work of categorizing and organizing the great work of moderators past and present, so I will take over the thread if you do not want to continue updating it or no longer feel the passion of "gold digging" if you will. Let me know or @M_T_M and we go from there.
Godspeed my friend...[/FONT]
orangekid said:
[FONT=&quot]I honestly have no idea what you're referring to here, but honestly you should send a PM to someone here you trust about your concerns. At the end of the day, we can't fix something that we don't know is a problem.
I always read and reply to PMs.
As for this thread, it's still a great thread and I would hate for it to die after all the hard work of categorizing and organizing the great work of moderators past and present, so I will take over the thread if you do not want to continue updating it or no longer feel the passion of "gold digging" if you will. Let me know or @M_T_M and we go from there.
Godspeed my friend...[/FONT]
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I'm currently chatting with M_T_M regarding this.
I would also hate to see the good things in this thread go, I also want it to continue in a decent vein. I'm gonna wait for a bit and see what happens
the difference between bravery and foolhardiness is in the outcome
M_T_M it's not going to work, there is no going back and ot has gone downhill too far for any sort of recovery, judging from the lack of listening that goes on and the overzealous moderation I've seen lately (ie a screenshot of a poxy benchmark deleted and the post that quoted it, then a thread closure because 3 people said they were out) is just the sign of things to come. I have respect for a lot of mods here unfortunately not enough of them to make this an unbiased LULZ thread. The conversation has gone in ot, the LULZ are dead and the good people of ot are being driven away in droves for fear of being infracted for stupid stuff and or possible ban. Just stick a fork in me now, I'm done. I'm going to go and decide if this is still the sandwich shop for me (@conantroutman) before I decide whether to get my account deleted. So long, it was fun a while back. Glenn
“Power brings a man many luxuries, but a clean pair of hands is seldom among them.”
― Robert Harris
jugg1es said:
M_T_M it's not going to work, there is no going back and ot has gone downhill too far for any sort of recovery, judging from the lack of listening that goes on and the overzealous moderation I've seen lately (ie a screenshot of a poxy benchmark deleted and the post that quoted it, then a thread closure because 3 people said they were out) is just the sign of things to come. I have respect for a lot of mods here unfortunately not enough of them to make this an unbiased LULZ thread. The conversation has gone in ot, the LULZ are dead and the good people of ot are being driven away in droves for fear of being infracted for stupid stuff and or possible ban. Just stick a fork in me now, I'm done. I'm going to go and decide if this is still the sandwich shop for me (@conantroutman) before I decide whether to get my account deleted. So long, it was fun a while back. Glenn
“Power brings a man many luxuries, but a clean pair of hands is seldom among them.”
― Robert Harris
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Sorry to see you go Glenn.
vanessaem said:
Sorry to see you go Glenn.
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Better to walk away than get thrown out for saying something stupid regardless of how truthful I think it is
“Power brings a man many luxuries, but a clean pair of hands is seldom among them.”
― Robert Harris
jugg1es said:
M_T_M it's not going to work, there is no going back and ot has gone downhill too far for any sort of recovery, judging from the lack of listening that goes on and the overzealous moderation I've seen lately (ie a screenshot of a poxy benchmark deleted and the post that quoted it, then a thread closure because 3 people said they were out) is just the sign of things to come. I have respect for a lot of mods here unfortunately not enough of them to make this an unbiased LULZ thread. The conversation has gone in ot, the LULZ are dead and the good people of ot are being driven away in droves for fear of being infracted for stupid stuff and or possible ban. Just stick a fork in me now, I'm done. I'm going to go and decide if this is still the sandwich shop for me (@conantroutman) before I decide whether to get my account deleted. So long, it was fun a while back. Glenn
“Power brings a man many luxuries, but a clean pair of hands is seldom among them.”
― Robert Harris
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But, but, but...u mad tho?
What ever happened to "let's talk about it" and "if you see something that requires the MC attention, report it" discussion we had?
I see your point about the post with the benchmark being deleted (not necessary IMHO) but...there's still LULZ to be had and LUL we shall, mate!!
Don't rage quit on me, man!!! You are better than this...
M_T_M said:
But, but, but...u mad tho?
What ever happened to "let's talk about it" and "if you see something that requires the MC attention, report it" discussion we had?
I see your point about the post with the benchmark being deleted (not necessary IMHO) but...there's still LULZ to be had and LUL we shall, mate!!
Don't rage quit on me, man!!! You are better than this...
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Its not a rage quit, it's simply a case of lost heart in the system. It doesn't work, ot gets all the 10 posters, then the first thing that happens is the dev threads full up with questions pretty much unchecked. During my lurking it seems that ot has become the home for moderation and dev threads have been left to become a mess. The rom q&a threads (which is a good idea) aren't used and the actual dev threads fill up. I'm no developer but I have become an experienced abuser of the platform, searching for anything in a thread has become a complete nightmare, search for a solution to any problem and you end up faced with hundreds of questions all asking the same thing with hundreds of different answers. OK so the gtfo and go use the search may have come across as harsh but it did force people to search(me included, I asked a fair few stupid questions) it was the harshness that forced me to learn how to use the search effectively, that effectiveness has been eroded. I know this has become a 'family friendly' forum but with the average age of people wanting to mod their devices getting lower at an alarming rate it seems that "give me nao" attitude of today's youth is being pandered to.
I came here to rid myself of sense on the saga, I found a community of people that helped by making me do, great conversation and friendship. It was an escape from the "give me nao" I have all day at work and that attitude is something I spend hours confronting and helping people do themselves. This is what xda was to me, now it's just a "ok I'll do all your searching for you and link you to the post 2 above yours".
Rage.... No, certainly not my friend.
(think I found one of your accounts on g+ and added it)
“Power brings a man many luxuries, but a clean pair of hands is seldom among them.”
― Robert Harris
I've seen the back and forth in this thread.
Now I used to be an off topic denizen, as well as the Market Place when it existed. I know exactly how it was moderated and what it "used to be like."
I know the current people who moderate this section now, and honestly they deserve more respect than this. They are not here to make YOUR life hard, or to "ruin the fun," but to get moderation done just like any other section. Moderating is thankless job, and the one thing you do that someone doesn't agree with you get to hear about in posts like these.
You might take a step back and look to see if it's not XDA that's changed so much, but maybe you have too. Now I started this thread originally, because I thought it would be humorous collection of moderation rants and closes, and I wanted to contribute to the OT section of XDA.
Now I contribute as a moderator.
You've listed the reasons why you come to XDA and OT, but what do you contribute to the community? This IS a ragequit and honestly it's a poor way to deal with things. You need to use communication to handle the issues you feel are present instead of this big dramatic reasoning for leaving.
If you are going to leave, then I guess you gotta leave. There is no one person bigger than XDA.
But instead of being upset that about what XDA isn't doing for you, you might consider how you can contribute even more to the community, and try to actually get in communication with the moderating crew, you might be surprised how approachable they are.
I am saying this not as a moderator (this is not even my section), but as an XDA community member.
I would challenge you to take more responsibility in this community, and not observe the happenings around you and decide on an apathetic exit.
You are always welcome to give new ideas, to open up Q&A threads, to help out in so many ways, but just saying "the system doesn't work" and taking your ball and going home doesn't really help, does it?
There have always been "give me answers now" people on this site and there will always be, it is up to the community as a whole to make this about personal responsibility, and if you've given up the good fight, then we will continue anyways.
The choice, however, is always yours.
If you are not going to update this thread anymore, I can have someone transfer it back to me, but I'd rather you continue if you're up for it.
orangekid said:
I know the current people who moderate this section now, and honestly they deserve more respect than this. They are not here to make YOUR life hard, or to "ruin the fun," but to get moderation done just like any other section. Moderating is thankless job, and the one thing you do that someone doesn't agree with you get to hear about in posts like these.
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This made me laugh and cringe at the same time... There are maybe 3 mods in OT that deserve respect, the rest, not so much. I was raised you have to give respect to get respect and most give none so they get none in return. They won't be named because I'll undoubtedly be banned again for it.
Being a mod is a power position that many mods take advantage of, if you disagree just look at some of the posts linked in this very thread, they do the exact things that they have infracted and banned other users for! Trolling threads (in many cases unlocking a locked thread to do so) with senseless memes and degrading members with their replies in some cases, that behavior doesn't deserve respect at all. Being a mod some of you should really learn to lead by example and stop setting bad examples for other members. If you wouldn't want a "regular" member to do it, as a mod you definitely shouldn't be doing it... Not aimed at you Orangekid, just a general statement to all mods alike
flastnoles11 said:
This made me laugh and cringe at the same time... There are maybe 3 mods in OT that deserve respect, the rest, not so much. I was raised you have to give respect to get respect and most give none so they get none in return. They won't be named because I'll undoubtedly be banned again for it.
Being a mod is a power position that many mods take advantage of, if you disagree just look at some of the posts linked in this very thread, they do the exact things that they have infracted and banned other users for! Trolling threads (in many cases unlocking a locked thread to do so) with senseless memes and degrading members with their replies in some cases, that behavior doesn't deserve respect at all. Being a mod some of you should really learn to lead by example and stop setting bad examples for other members. If you wouldn't want a "regular" member to do it, as a mod you definitely shouldn't be doing it... Not aimed at you Orangekid, just a general statement to all mods alike
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I understand completely.
I think we're on different sides of the fence on some of this. The bottom line is I know how the moderation game works and these guys bust their butts to make this the best place for mobile development, period.
Regardless, they are all open to communication and the MC is ALWAYS open as well.
At the end of the day we need to come together as a community.
It seems to be doing little good to go on and on about it here though honestly (me included), the most benefit would be to PM an MC member on this matter.
They will always listen, and you can take that to the bank.
But public ragequit does not resolve it.
That's the last I'll say on the matter, my inbox is always open too.
Sent from my Nexus 5 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
orangekid said:
I understand completely.
I think we're on different sides of the fence on some of this. The bottom line is I know how the moderation game works and these guys bust their butts to make this the best place for mobile development, period.
Regardless, they are all open to communication and the MC is ALWAYS open as well.
At the end of the day we need to come together as a community.
It seems to be doing little good to go on and on about it here though honestly (me included), the most benefit would be to PM an MC member on this matter.
They will always listen, and you can take that to the bank.
But public ragequit does not resolve it.
That's the last I'll say on the matter, my inbox is always open too.
Sent from my Nexus 5 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
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I her what you're saying, I mod on a pretty big sports forum (over 2 million members now I believe) so I get what it takes, but when mods do one thing and then ban a member for that exact same thing it makes the mods in general look pretty immature and frankly, dumb...
It would be great if everybody could come together, but until some of the mods change their "I'm right about everything, you're wrong because I'm a mod" attitude is not going to happen.
I think the biggest point people are trying to make about the OT situation as a whole is that in OT, a post doesn't even have to be reported and within the hour it's gone, where as in dev threads you can report posts and they'll still be there days later. If a little more of that attention was spent on the parts of the site THAT ACTUALLY MATTER, there would be less of this going on...
This is the only forum I've ever been a part of where there is more mod attention in an OT section than in parts of the forum that actually pertain to the existence of the site in the first place.... Not saying ot shouldn't be modded the way it is, but the rest of the site should have those same standards and no matter what any mod says, it simply isn't.
Mods should also be held to a higher standard and when they're allowed to troll threads with memes while other users get infractions for the same behavior something is horribly wrong there
Guys, OT is getting the same attention as the other forums we moderate. We don't go checking every new post, though, which is why reports are important... Obviously, if we get a report we tend to keep an eye on the thread for a bit, which isn't very hard to do with notifications.
The point is: OT is not special. Really. It gets the same amount of attention as other forums and despite what you may think, we mostly rely on reports.
If you feel an issue you've reported hasn't been resolved, then please contact the moderator who took it. It might not require an action for some reason, or it might be still an open issue... So contact the acting mod and you'll get an explanation.
Similarly, if you have an issue with a particular mod, contact him and let him know about it, politely. If you think that's of no use, there's the moderator committee as well.
Also, about the spamming of memes: we haven't been doing that as of late. It was mostly done to give some lulz for all parties involved, but you didn't like it and we did listen.
flastnoles11 said:
I her what you're saying, I mod on a pretty big sports forum (over 2 million members now I believe) so I get what it takes, but when mods do one thing and then ban a member for that exact same thing it makes the mods in general look pretty immature and frankly, dumb...
It would be great if everybody could come together, but until some of the mods change their "I'm right about everything, you're wrong because I'm a mod" attitude is not going to happen.
I think the biggest point people are trying to make about the OT situation as a whole is that in OT, a post doesn't even have to be reported and within the hour it's gone, where as in dev threads you can report posts and they'll still be there days later. If a little more of that attention was spent on the parts of the site THAT ACTUALLY MATTER, there would be less of this going on...
This is the only forum I've ever been a part of where there is more mod attention in an OT section than in parts of the forum that actually pertain to the existence of the site in the first place.... Not saying ot shouldn't be modded the way it is, but the rest of the site should have those same standards and no matter what any mod says, it simply isn't.
Mods should also be held to a higher standard and when they're allowed to troll threads with memes while other users get infractions for the same behavior something is horribly wrong there
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Lol...what are you talking about? What mod is doing something that's worth a ban?
I'm sorry to break it to you but we have way too many forums to cover to focus all of our attention here. Please come out of the OT forum every once in a while and you will see that moderating goes on elsewhere. Like I posted on another thread, OT gets away with a lot more than any other forum. So much so that some come from other forums and feel this is the place in which to break the rules and do whatever they feel like. I hope we all know that this isn't how it's supposed to be.
Ok no more memes and trolling from mods but I'm pretty sure that won't make anyone happy either. *Sigh*
vanessaem said:
Lol...what are you talking about? What mod is doing something that's worth a ban?
I'm sorry to break it to you but we have way too many forums to cover to focus all of our attention here. Please come out of the OT forum every once in a while and you will see that moderating goes on elsewhere. Like I posted on another thread, OT gets away with a lot more than any other forum. So much so that some come from other forums and feel this is the place in which to break the rules and do whatever they feel like. I hope we all know that this isn't how it's supposed to be.
Ok no more memes and trolling from mods but I'm pretty sure that won't make anyone happy either. *Sigh*
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I'm very rarely in off-topic... And I didn't say it was worthy of a ban, but it is actions that others have been infracted and even banned for so...
And very good, though I seriously doubt the immaturity in some will allow them to not troll threads and post dumb memes while telling others to not do the same... Lol, double standards at its finest... Should be one set of rules for all, but sadly it's not... I believe you even posted in another thread today that members shouldn't troll threads and post the ib4l posts and post their memes but I've seen you do that very thing (examples can be found in this very thread)
Seems to me the mods need an overhaul if most of you believe that you can do what you tell others not to do. I don't really care what you all do, like I said, I'm rarely ever in ot anymore, I much prefer to stick to my device forum where some lighthearted trolling doesn't earn you a vacation, where the mod doesn't tell you not to do something and then turn around and do that very thing.
If regular users shouldn't be doing it, mods definitely shouldn't be doing it don't you think? (that's a rhetorical question by the way, no answer required because we ask know the answer don't we) *sigh*
flastnoles11 said:
I'm very rarely in off-topic... And I didn't say it was worthy of a ban, but it is actions that others have been infracted and even banned for so...
And very good, though I seriously doubt the immaturity in some will allow them to not troll threads and post dumb memes while telling others to not do the same... Lol, double standards at its finest... Should be one set of rules for all, but sadly it's not... I believe you even posted in another thread today that members shouldn't troll threads and post the ib4l posts and post their memes but I've seen you do that very thing (examples can be found in this very thread)
Seems to me the mods need an overhaul if most of you believe that you can do what you tell others not to do. I don't really care what you all do, like I said, I'm rarely ever in ot anymore, I much prefer to stick to my device forum where some lighthearted trolling doesn't earn you a vacation, where the mod doesn't tell you not to do something and then turn around and do that very thing.
If regular users shouldn't be doing it, mods definitely shouldn't be doing it don't you think? (that's a rhetorical question by the way, no answer required because we ask know the answer don't we) *sigh*
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Ok I've done the very same thing somewhere. No one can seem to find that many posts of mine funny or trollish enough to post in this thread but somehow you found some examples...ok. Anyway, we seem to be going around in circles here. The mods are out to get you, some feel victimized, the mods are the enemy except a chosen few, xda is going down the tubes because moderators are moderating, circles and ponies.
vanessaem said:
Ok I've done the very same thing somewhere. No one can seem to find that many posts of mine funny or trollish enough to post in this thread but somehow you found some examples...ok. Anyway, we seem to be going around in circles here. The mods are out to get you, some feel victimized, the mods are the enemy except a chosen few, xda is going down the tubes because moderators are moderating, circles and ponies.
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Again nobody said anything like that, but it doesn't surprise me that you would twist everything to better suit you...
And don't act like you've never posted memes into threads (following the moderator crowd as to not feel left out I'm sure) I've seen it just like many others have, you're not the lone mod in ot that doesn't do it... Just because you're not funny enough to make this thread doesn't mean you haven't done it..
flastnoles11 said:
I'm very rarely in off-topic... And I didn't say it was worthy of a ban, but it is actions that others have been infracted and even banned for so...
And very good, though I seriously doubt the immaturity in some will allow them to not troll threads and post dumb memes while telling others to not do the same... Lol, double standards at its finest... Should be one set of rules for all, but sadly it's not... I believe you even posted in another thread today that members shouldn't troll threads and post the ib4l posts and post their memes but I've seen you do that very thing (examples can be found in this very thread)
Seems to me the mods need an overhaul if most of you believe that you can do what you tell others not to do. I don't really care what you all do, like I said, I'm rarely ever in ot anymore, I much prefer to stick to my device forum where some lighthearted trolling doesn't earn you a vacation, where the mod doesn't tell you not to do something and then turn around and do that very thing.
If regular users shouldn't be doing it, mods definitely shouldn't be doing it don't you think? (that's a rhetorical question by the way, no answer required because we ask know the answer don't we) *sigh*
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You are correct. There have been times when we ask members to not do something and then went ahead and did it ourselves. That isn't really leading by example and we have listened to that complaint. It recently has been brought up with in our team chat and we listened to the complaint. We will no longer be spamming threads with memes. The only reason we really did it in the first place was at the request of others.
With that being said I am glad you brought this up. It is a perfect example of how if you all feel that something is out of place you guys can come to us. You didn't like us doing something that you guys were told not to do (even if it was at the request of others) and we agreed with the statement and listened to you all changing our ways. I know some of you have an unfavorable view of me, but please understand I always try to stay impartial and if any of you ever bring an issue to my attention I will do whatever is in my power to address it properly. So will the others in my team. If they don't, feel free to report the PM or contact our team leader @crachel as well.
As the others have said, from a team standpoint, the OT forum is nothing more than a very minor blimp on our radar. We have 70 other forums each with their own set of issues to deal with. To us, ot is nothing more than a forum on the list of forums we moderate. We really do not see it has any different than any other forum on XDA.
So I will ask that you please bring us any complaints you guys have before it builds up and explodes. Once people reach the point of no return generally there is no fixing the situation. It is something like that we would like to avoid and I assume so would you all. Us mods are truly here for you guys and we all know we wouldn't have xda without the members
flastnoles11 said:
Again nobody said anything like that, but it doesn't surprise me that you would twist everything to better suit you...
And don't act like you've never posted memes into threads (following the moderator crowd as to not feel left out I'm sure) I've seen it just like many others have, you're not the lone mod in ot that doesn't do it... Just because you're not funny enough to make this thread doesn't mean you haven't done it..
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Such anger. Too bad. So I posted a meme a few times. BTW...I never said anyone shouldn't post memes.
Oh boy...
mark manning said:
You are correct. There have been times when we ask members to not do something and then went ahead and did it ourselves. That isn't really leading by example and we have listened to that complaint. It recently has been brought up with in our team chat and we listened to the complaint. We will no longer be spamming threads with memes. The only reason we really did it in the first place was at the request of others.
With that being said I am glad you brought this up. It is a perfect example of how if you all feel that something is out of place you guys can come to us. You didn't like us doing something that you guys were told not to do (even if it was at the request of others) and we agreed with the statement and listened to you all changing our ways. I know some of you have an unfavorable view of me, but please understand I always try to stay impartial and if any of you ever bring an issue to my attention I will do whatever is in my power to address it properly. So will the others in my team. If they don't, feel free to report the PM or contact our team leader @crachel as well.
As the others have said, from a team standpoint, the OT forum is nothing more than a very minor blimp on our radar. We have 70 other forums each with their own set of issues to deal with. To us, ot is nothing more than a forum on the list of forums we moderate. We really do not see it has any different than any other forum on XDA.
So I will ask that you please bring us any complaints you guys have before it builds up and explodes. Once people reach the point of no return generally there is no fixing the situation. It is something like that we would like to avoid and I assume so would you all. Us mods are truly here for you guys and we all know we wouldn't have xda without the members
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Thank you for at least standing up and admitting to it instead of back pedaling like the other that decided to reply with a condescending, I'm better than you, attitude. (the exact thing I was talking about so it really got a good chuckle out of me) me and you have had words in the past, but you just earned some respect with your reply.
I honestly think it would make a difference if users didn't see mods do the exact thing they tell others not to do, maybe not much, but I believe it'll make a difference. I understand that being a mod is not a perfect science and mistakes will be made (being a mod elsewhere I know it's not the easiest thing sometimes), but honestly one of the biggest mistakes a mod can make is being above the rules they are supposed to enforce, one of them was being broken by mods regularly, seeing that change is a step in the right direction imo

