Finally some real apps! Scoreboard that keeps track of all sports and picasa album that you can upload photos into. Loving it they both kick butt!!
there is a new one from Google for maps as well, Google maps editor. Unfortunately it doesn't look like it integrates into the map program- I cant pull up stuff I have pinned in the ap with the normal maps program.
I guess the thing I need to learn about android is that we dont really seem to have any plug-ins, just new programs to work alongside the current ones. It seems like google would have an extension, or plug-in that would work WITH maps.
I think Google rolling out a couple apps this late in the game is laughable. Personally, it seems like they've expected the advanced user to do it themselves and they're rolling out apps to appeal to the sidekick end of the spectrum. Anyone locked out of root at this point is feeling pretty butthurt I can imagine. Don't give me a scoreboard app, give me an application that will let me save apps to my sdcard. I can imagine if the latter isn't worked out, it could cause some frustration when they begin to charge for apps; i.e. hard reset= bye bye apps I paid for.
They probably have larger treams to work on the big stuff, like root. I think, more likeley that these are some of the "personal projects" Google employees are expected to work on.
As far as the hard reset issue, I expect that the market will keep a record of what you paid for so you can download things again as needed.
The My Maps Editor (which I can't find on the market???) is shown as that Google staff member's 20% work time. So while it;s released by Google, it's not actually an allocated Google Project.
Also, I'd say the Picasa app is a "plug-in" not an actual 'side-by-side' app.
gospeed.racer said:
there is a new one from Google for maps as well, Google maps editor. Unfortunately it doesn't look like it integrates into the map program- I cant pull up stuff I have pinned in the ap with the normal maps program.
I guess the thing I need to learn about android is that we dont really seem to have any plug-ins, just new programs to work alongside the current ones. It seems like google would have an extension, or plug-in that would work WITH maps.
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Yeah i hear you, its hard after all these years of being a wm user not to call them plugins. Will have to check out the maps editor one didn't even see it. If it doesn't work with maps then kinda defeats the purpose!
stats555 said:
Finally some real apps! Scoreboard that keeps track of all sports and picasa album that you can upload photos into. Loving it they both kick butt!!
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It's just a name of developer. You can register a company name when register an develop account.
Well, even if "Google, inc" isn't the real Google, they have by far the most polished looking and working apps of anyone else listed in the market that I have seen yet. I dont even need or use Scoreboard, but I still downloaded it and I am very impressed with the workings. Good for impressing friends
Why did Google not integrate feedburner or google reader into the software. I read rss feeds all day. You would think it would be a perfect fit.
There are a couple of RSS readers free in the market.
PureRSS is what I use, I loves it.
though, I do love google reader
yeah I use RSSreader myself. but I find that some of the feeds just would like to see integration like everything else google has. Once a feed is read. it marks it as read on both side.
TimSykes said:
Why did Google not integrate feedburner or google reader into the software. I read rss feeds all day. You would think it would be a perfect fit.
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i feel the same way,
they should add a google reader app to their list of official android google apps
I use Greed myself. Works great with google reader. Just log into your google account in the app and its ready to go.
speoples20 said:
I use Greed myself. Works great with google reader. Just log into your google account in the app and its ready to go.
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Wow thanks for the tip on greed, it works great. A bit slow and and I would like to see when you email it that the full news item goes not just a link. But I can over look it because it uses google reader. After I tried it out I uninstalled all the other readers I had.
Even though we don't have much in the way of Custom ROMS for our beloved XT860 at this point, you can get rid of much of the bloatware and speed up your device quite a bit.
I must give credit to lifeinanalog and his original post on Android Forums regarding bloatware on the Bell XT860.
I am in no way responsible for anything that you do to your phone. While this has worked great for me, it may not work out the same way for you.
You will need root access:
And will need Titanium Backup Pro installed:
Using Titanium Backup Pro, I have frozen the following Apps. Once you reboot your device, they will no longer appear in your app drawer. You can always bring them back by 'un-freezing' them:
Citrix receiver
Connected music player (I use an alternate music player)
Desk Home
Facebook Authenticator
Flickr Authenticator
Global Unplug
GPS Navigator
Help Center
Media Share
Moto Print
Motorola Dock Service
Myspace Authenticator
News & Weather
Orkut Authenticator
Phone Portal
Photobucket Authenticator
Picasa Authenticator
Remote PVR
Self Serve
Social Location
Social Messaging
Social Messaging Service
Social Networking
Suggestions Core Rule Checker services
Suggestions Poll Schedule Service
Toggle Widgets
Top HD Games
Tunes & Apps
Tunes & Apps Widget
TV & Radio
Video Player (I use an alternate video player)
Zoom Mode
Corporate Mail Authenticator
Yahoo Contacts
Yahoo Mail Authenticator
This is known to cause problems with your contacts.
If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask. If you've frozen something that has caused problems please mention it here. Likewise, if you have frozen other apps not listed above, feel free to share with the rest of us.
Lastly, if this post helped you, feel free to hit the 'Thanks' button.
Honestly I just used Pete's debloat script. Worked fine for me
Sent from my rooted xt860
There are some apps in your list I hesitate to uninstall, I don't really know what they do.
Did you froze them and nothing significant happen or some are only a feature you don't need?
Phone Portal
Suggestions Core Rule Checker services
Suggestions Poll Schedule Service
Toggle Widgets
Zoom Mode
I didn't remove any of the apps that I listed - only froze them.
Have had no problems from freezing any of the apps in the OP.
The 'phone portal' does not affect your ability to make calls. From what I have read it is just another way to connect to the device through your computer. See this post here for more detailed information about it:
I am not sure what the suggestions apps do, but freezing them hasn't caused any problems.
Zoompass is a mobile payment service and I am assuming zoom mode is related to it. Again no problems from freezing it.
Endoroid said:
Honestly I just used Pete's debloat script. Worked fine for me
Sent from my rooted xt860
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Thanks, didn't realize that the script could also be used on the XT860, thought it was designed for the Verizon D3 only.
Does the script freeze or remove the apps?
I'm hesitant to remove anything because of the lack of an .sbf for the XT860.
gbarayah said:
Thanks, didn't realize that the script could also be used on the XT860, thought it was designed for the Verizon D3 only.
Does the script freeze or remove the apps?
I'm hesitant to remove anything because of the lack of an .sbf for the XT860.
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It renames. Them to include a .Bak at the end
Sent from my rooted xt860
gbarayah said:
I'm hesitant to remove anything because of the lack of an .sbf for the XT860.
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You can flash the me863 rom
It did throw up some kind of error when I ran it but it did work
Sent from my rooted xt860
I tried doing a manual debloat a while back but didn't really see much performance change. That's why I made those changes to the build.prop files (I posted it under general). My phone is pretty fast, but the battery still really sucks. I think we are all impatiently waiting the XT860 update together!
I manually removed about 50MB of apk's in system/app folder of the 5.7.894 ROM. I did not remove Yahoo and Corporate.
I can't sync the FaceBook and/or Twitter avatars with my address book. Did I remove too many?
sanchezz said:
I manually removed about 50MB of apk's in system/app folder of the 5.7.894 ROM. I did not remove Yahoo and Corporate.
I can't sync the FaceBook and/or Twitter avatars with my address book. Did I remove too many?
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Just install/reinstall facebook from market, I've had similar problems with FB a few times and that's always fixed it.
That didn't work unfortunately. I did not get the question what I'd like to sync; none, all contacts, or existing contacts.
sanchezz said:
That didn't work unfortunately. I did not get the question what I'd like to sync; none, all contacts, or existing contacts.
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You need to keep the blur facebook authenticator if you want to sync facebook with your contacts
About de-bloating:
When I uninstall the blur activesync autenticator I get force-close when I select a contact in the contacts menu.
I can confirm that I do not have the ability to sync Facebook contacts after removing the authenticator (I never synced them to begin with)
I am not have any force close issues with my contacts...
Sent from my XT860 using XDA App
APK names?
Is it possible to get this list of apps with the names of the APK files? I plan on removing them by renaming the apk files, but it isn't always obvious what the mapping between APK and app name is...
acwest said:
Is it possible to get this list of apps with the names of the APK files? I plan on removing them by renaming the apk files, but it isn't always obvious what the mapping between APK and app name is...
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Hope someone else here can help you out as I'm not longer on the same phone.
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Nexus using XDA Developers App
I've been searching for an RSS reader that allows to read the feeds offline, but I wasn't able to find anything.
There is no problem installing GrazeRSS and FeedMe, however I get errors when trying to log in with them.
FeedMe supports Feedly only and it shows the Moved temporarily link and then nothing (other apps using Feedly do the same).
GrazeRSS supports Feedly, The Old Reader and Newsblur. Can't log into any of them.
JustReader supports BuzQuz and Feedly. Can't log into Feedly.
GrazeRSS is an open source app, so can be potentially modified to work on Nook Simple Touch.
Luckily gReader works on the NST and allows to share articles to Pocket and Readability. Didn't manage to share via EvenClip since I can't install onto NST.
problems with gReader on NST
After testing gReader for a day I'm not so happy about it. The major problem is a lack of e-Ink theme. You may support this request at!topic/g_reader/wcn6jLFQaY0
Another problem for me is with scrolling. When I scroll down in many cases it scrolls up. Tried to push harder and it helps sometimes, but still far away from usable.
And I can't find a way for NoRefresh to work with gReader. When I activate NoRefresh via the 3 downward taps, it seems that gReader thinks this is a gesture for it, so NoRefresh is not turned on.
I would also like to find a reader app that works with feedly on the NST. I would probably use my Nook to read my feeds more than actual books if I could get something working.
The best use for nook apart from reading is filtered news. I have installed a version of News and Weather which opens the links in my default browser (Opera Classic (Mobile)) and have setup my custom news keyword filters as on my other android devices.
RSS is much better. Best RSS app is gReader+ which does not have ads like greader. Reader+ is the second best reader IMO.
Since google shut down rss synching in July, you have a few options to have your rss feeds stored online for rss readers to setup with. Feedly is best and has its own web(works in opera classic) & app(not installable) reader too but it is too much like a magazine for me. Others are theoldreader (free) & bazqux (30 days free but good for import/export before 30 days). These are good as your rss account synch, their readers are not good for me.
I have tested many rss apps mentioned before in nooktouch threads. None of them are working properly. Only greader from market worked and imported my feeds. Problem is it has ads. I tried numerous apps mentioned here but most are dead, others fail import from feedly or theoldreader.
I tried about 20 versions of greader+. The old ones do not have import from feedly/theoldreader. The new ones fail on import mostly fail after pressing import from feedly/theoldreader, those few greader+ that do not and attempt stop saying untrusted network certificate error.
Very recent versions of greader+ actually do not run on NTS 2.1 android, screen just flashses and aborts. If anyone finds a working rss reader which imports subscriptions from feedly or theoldreader or bazqux, or import from files xml/opml let us know here what app and what version or even upload link or file. If I find a solution I will post.
Also import your subscriptions from feedly into theoldreader and bazqux and then export them (download) as both xml & opml files to backup on your PC, also zip & email to yourself and store in your keepers email folder..
In theoldreader site, in options setup a password and then to import elsewhere from theoldreader your id is the gmail email address and your password is the one you just setup, not your gmail password. Feedly uses gmail id & gmail password.
I actually use feedly for my rss management. Since feedly app does not work on nook I found a substitute. It's called "Feedme" and it works quite cool. Have bright theme so you could say it's somewhat optmised for einks. Only minus is no screen refresh. I just put my nook to sleep and wake it up if i want my screen refreshed.
flammenwurfer said:
I would also like to find a reader app that works with feedly on the NST. I would probably use my Nook to read my feeds more than actual books if I could get something working.
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Then you may want to support the following ideas:
Offer Feedly's own login
(Android client) Support older version of Android
Problem logging in on Nook Simple Touch
prosty said:
I actually use feedly for my rss management. Since feedly app does not work on nook I found a substitute. It's called "Feedme" and it works quite cool. Have bright theme so you could say it's somewhat optmised for einks. Only minus is no screen refresh. I just put my nook to sleep and wake it up if i want my screen refreshed.
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I tried FeedMe, but didn't manage to log into Feedly. Just get an empty page likewise with any other RSS reader supporting Feedly.
What version do you use?
outlogic said:
I tried FeedMe, but didn't manage to log into Feedly. Just get an empty page likewise with any other RSS reader supporting Feedly.
What version do you use?
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I'm using v1.3.6, also I didn't have such problem. It worked out of the box.
prosty said:
I'm using v1.3.6, also I didn't have such problem. It worked out of the box.
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Interesting. How did you root your device? Do you use a custom kernel?
Personally I used ZeroChaos + NookManager + NTGAttack + NoRefresh + custom kernel #166 on my NST.
Feedly login used by most to authorize access feeds crashes with android 2.1 on NST. Feedme like many crashes on that for me.
Best way is to register with feedly, first, then via that with theoldreader, bazqux & ino reader And to import the xml & opml format file they generate to download.
greaqder was synched as I said before but it has ads in article list.
I got RssDemon from market to synch last night which is better as layout is similar and also gives dark theme. Better yet the ads appear not in article list but in article. It also opens links in my default browser, opera Classic aka mobile.
Better yet, I downloaded a copy of the paid version RssDemon elite last night with the license file to get rid of the ads.
JustReader also synched from market, similar enough layout to the two above, and typed in liNk (sdcard/feedly.opml) to synch feeds from file. Also a license file I downloaded worked. Exit generates crash log but does not matter as settings are remembered. Backup file generation does not work but with liceNse is ad free.
Best is ad free licensed rssdemon now, install Rssdemon elite old file, do not run, install license apk. then licensed justreader (market apk). Third best is greader from market with ads.
Best would be greader+ but newer ones crash, older ones feedly synch crashes, oldest oNes before July worked with Google rss only which is nowdead
wozhere said:
Third best is greader from market with ads.
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I haven't seen any ads in free greader. But ZeroChaos filters ads somehow, so may this is the case.
And I don't mind paying for greader+ if the add an e-Ink theme!msg/g_reader/wcn6jLFQaY0/V7XtZEutPIgJ and most importantly fix the problem with NoRefresh.
outlogic said:
I haven't seen any ads in free greader. But ZeroChaos filters ads somehow, so may this is the case.
And I don't mind paying for greader+ if the add an e-Ink theme!msg/g_reader/wcn6jLFQaY0/V7XtZEutPIgJ and most importantly fix the problem with NoRefresh.
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Zerochaos (i disabled root in config.txt) got stuck in launcher choice popup at start and many apps kept crashing while frozen. Had to restore a nandroid backup from yesterday. There is a clash with latest uimage I have probably.
The difference between greader & plus is the ads. I tried Zerochaos (Zerolab) as wanted adfree & anysoftkeyboard & Zeam (latest ones don't work). Can you upload these (/data/app or maybe in /system/app/)? Or at least tell us what versions they are?
AppBak generates a text file of installed apps/version number:
P.S. No response from our friend. NVM. I tried from latest Zeam versions, a few days ago, but they didn't work on NST. Zeam Launcher is a free app, xda thread too, now sadly discontinued in favor of SickSky. I have used it as backup launcher, debugging etc., on my phones for a couple of years as it's so light. Usually use Nova. Versions 3.x don't work on NST. Versions 2.0.x work as do 2.2.x all the way up to 2.8.7 and 2.8.8. Versions 2.9.x and up don't work. Use v2.8.8. Advantage over ADW supplied with Glownooter is the dock can have more icons, I put 10 apps on it.
Also just installed a recent version of adfree, v0.8.66, seems to work.
I've figure out a workaround to the Feedly login issue: You can install the desired app on another android device, sign in to Feedly in the app there, and then back up the data, transfer it to the Nook, and restore it there. This worked for me for both JustReader and FeedMe, and probably works for any other app that runs 2.1. According to Feedly's API, they use OAuth with tokens that expire, but the app can refresh them. So if the app is coded correctly, in theory it should request a new token from Feedly without user input and you shouldn't see an expiration. However, if it does expire or require you to log into Feedly again for whatever reason, you would just need to redo the steps of authenticating on another Android device and then copying the data over.
Hope this helps!
not working
Akkifokkusu said:
I've figured out a workaround to the Feedly login issue: You can install the desired app on another android device, sign in to Feedly in the app there, and then back up the data, transfer it to the Nook, and restore it there.
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I've been trying to do this but haven't succeeded yet. I installed FeedMe on my phone, logged in and transferreded both the folder at /mnt/sdcard/com.seazon.feedme/ and the file at /data/davlik-cache/[email protected]@[email protected] to the nook. I CHMODded both to match the native versions on the nook. So far it hasn't brought me success.
Is this the approach you are describing?
wozhere said:
The best use for nook apart from reading is filtered news. I have installed a version of News and Weather which opens the links in my default browser (Opera Classic (Mobile)) and have setup my custom news keyword filters as on my other android devices.
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Can you share your copy of News &Weather that's compatible with opera mobile?
case-sensitive said:
Can you share your copy of News &Weather that's compatible with opera mobile?
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In settings, custom news topics, add your own keywords of special interest + delete topics not wanted.
I really like the older version of News and Weather that doesn't open an external browser but the scrolling difficulty caused me to abandon it. The BBC news app is marginally better and at least the text is resizable. I just find that the constant switching back and forth between a feed app and the browser in the more "recent" version of News and Weather is painful.
I'm trying NewsHog now and it behaves marginally better for scrolling, offers an optional condensation of the article and then an option to open the full article in an internal browser with the same sort of scrolling issues. SIGH. I wrote to the developers and suggested an option to port scrolling to volume buttons but afterwards realized this was not a good idea because the app comes with a TTS feature (of no use on the Nook ST, of course). there a way to switch back and forth between the feed app and the browser without closing the browser and then waiting for it to reopen when you select the next item? Seems so clunky--even for a rooted Nook ST
The whole point of this news widget (developer stopped, search xda, another guy copied the app & put ads on it) is setting it up with your personal keyword filters for news topics. If you don't haVe any special iNterest keywords to search for, you might as well use any other general news app.
To list recent apps & switch to: clicking and holding on the home icon in the app: Button Saviour
That's the right arrow on all pages in the pics here:
I use the old pro version 1.5.2 (see list, it's in red) which works on NST, but the free version is in the NST sub-forums here too as part of an OS or something.
Listing current & recent (greyed) apps + switching to + killing (long-press):
From homepage of android: TaskSwitcher by shisho (also in list)
Should Be on every anDroid homepage and/or dockbar
I think that I've found the problem with feedly auth, they use a certificate from RapidSSL that isn't included in android 2.1 if we include the certificate from GeoTrust Global CA (RapidSSL is an intermediate CA of GeoTrust) I think that should work
Hey all. Lately I've been on a mission to "cut the Google" cord and have now worked my way down to my Nexus 4. I was wondering if anyone else in the Nexus 4 community runs a Google free device.. Maybe we can share our setups and suggestions.. Android for me isn't what it was when I first got involved.. More and more Google seems to want to dig deeper and deeper into tying everything on a phone into their servers.. I'm sorta over it and Google itself at this point with their hamfisting of their apps and services .. I love the OS, not the company.. Hence.. AOSP without Gapps..
My Google free setup right now is the following
ROM: Raskat (without any Gapps or Google Play Services obviously)
I use the following as my software sources.. Main one being 1Mobile Market which is one of the largest (and legal) Play Store alternatives.. Even has Chrome, Maps, Play Services etc if you actually want Google apps. (which would defeat the purpose but they are there)
Amazon App Store
1Mobile Market
Slide Me
Mail: I haven't ditched gmail yet as I have 3 gmail accounts and it's going to be the largest move away from Google and saving it for last. I connect with the AOSP email IMAP client for now though.
Browser: Cleared all my saved bookmarks and passwords off Googles Dashboard and manually create a list of bookmarks saved locally only in AOSP browser. Passwords all saved locally in KeePass
Contacts: I exported my contact list from the Google servers as a Vcard (then deleted them all from Google) and imported it to my contacts app. I keep a backup on a cloud service and locally if I update them.
Maps: I use MapQuest as it doesn't rely on the Google Maps API.
Calendar: is my only missing link right now as most all calender apps I found rely on Google Calenders framework to sync etc.
So far I'm enjoying it. I lost a lot of payware from the Play Store I've bought over the years but I'm learning to live without it. I'm thoroughly enjoying knowing my device is truly Google free at this point.
styckx said:
Hey all. Lately I've been on a mission to "cut the Google" cord and have now worked my way down to my Nexus 4. I was wondering if anyone else in the Nexus 4 community runs a Google free device.. Maybe we can share our setups and suggestions.. Android for me isn't what it was when I first got involved.. More and more Google seems to want to dig deeper and deeper into tying everything on a phone into their servers.. I'm sorta over it and Google itself at this point. I love the OS, not the company..
My Google free setup right now is the following
Raskat (without any Gapps obviously)
I use the following as my software sources.. Main one being 1Mobile Market which is one of the largest (and legal) Play Store alternatives.. Even has Chrome, Maps, Play Services etc if you actually want Google apps. (which would defeat the purpose but they are there)
Amazon App Store
1Mobile Market
Slide Me
Mail: I haven't ditched gmail yet as I have 3 gmail accounts and it's going to be the largest move away from Google and saving it for last. I connect with the AOSP email IMAP client for now though.
Browser: Cleared all my saved bookmarks and passwords off Googles Dashboard and manually create a list of bookmarks saved locally only in AOSP browser. No more syncing.. Passwords all saved locally in KeePass
Contacts: I exported my contact list from the Google servers as a Vcard (then deleted them all from Google) and imported it to my contacts app. I keep a backup on a cloud service and locally if I update them.
Maps: I use MapQuest as it doesn't rely on the Google Maps API.
Calendar: is my only missing link right now as most all calender apps I found rely on Google Calenders framework to sync etc.
So far I'm enjoying it. I lost a lot of payware from the Play Store I've bought over the years but I'm learning to live without it. I'm thoroughly enjoying knowing my device is truly Google free at this point.
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I, too, have cut off most of my links to Google. I would like to know if there are any more alternatives out there....
Scheherez said:
I, too, have cut off most of my links to Google. I would like to know if there are any more alternatives out there....
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Nice to see I'm not the only one here so far.. There are a lot of options out there and 100% completely possible to run a 100% completely Google free device.. AOSP is beautiful without Googles apps and Play Services hamfisted into it data mining god knows what. I also don't miss the Play Store and everything and anything having a price tag attached to it regardless of quality.
It's nice looking into the accounts section and not seeing Google or them even being an option.
Another great Maps alternative is OsmAnd Maps and Navigation
Is there also an increased battery life using your phone this way without all the processes running in the background?
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk
Probably but I haven't really focused on that so I can't give any sound feedback. Running your device this way is more of a personal choice to get rid of "big brother Google". I liken it to dumping Ubuntu for pure Debian instead.
Sent from my Nexus 10
I have thought about doing this many times but for me it is all about the ease of the items I use from Google that make my life easier. Also, the play store has me hooked in because I have spent quite a bit on there.
Yeah I'm in the process of doing the same thing. I'll be honest Google wanting to access more and more of my data has gotten to me a little. It's okay for them to manage my mail (I've come too far), but when I get notifications about flight itineraries it goes from being convenient to conveniently creepy. To be frank, I have no doubt that Google is as responsible as any other company is with my information. And given their user base, the occasional slip up is to be expected. But the bottom line is I don't really enjoy a multinational corporation having that much access to my personal data. And no, they're not harvesting all my information and selling it to other companies to spy on me, like some think.
I just feel like they ought to be reined in a bit. And F Google+ and uploading my photos without me having ever asked. Do you, Google. Just do it without me.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app
1Mobile Market? Don't they take your information too?
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk
Nope.. I never created an account. it is optional or sign in with your Google account. Nothing to buy there really anyway. Has everything I need that is normally carried on the Play Store. Just the freeware versions.
Sent from my Nexus 10
You mentioned you use the aosp browser. Just so you know, that is a google app, and if you allow it, it will sync to your google account.....just sayin' I personally think firefox would be the first choice if you don't want anything google. It allows firefox account syncing, plugins, etc. And the plugings aren't cheesy like dolphin's. They have real ones like ab+, and all.
AOSP Browser without Google Services Framework will not sync to anything, it can't. It's Impossible. It is a plain as day web browser with local bookmarks being the only thing available. If I go to add an account in settings there isn't an option for Google because nothing Google related is on my build. It's AOSP as AOSP gets.
Sent from my Nexus 10
styckx said:
AOSP Browser without Google Services Framework will not sync to anything, it can't.
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Click to collapse gapps package. I forgot
hp420 said: gapps package. I forgot
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No problems. This has been fun and not something most actually do so.. It's out of the typical routine of things. :laugh:
Sounds interesting to try cuz I don't understand why android system is always searching for location in app ops although I have all location off
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk
Do not forget the article on the XDA main page:
Remove the Google from CyanogenMod with Freecygn
I would mostly/only miss Google Maps.
user822 said:
Do not forget the article on the XDA main page:
Remove the Google from CyanogenMod with Freecygn
I would mostly/only miss Google Maps.
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Thanks but. No way..
I refuse to touch Cyanogenmod with someone elses devices let alone my own devices. Cyanogenmod has been dead to me for years.
styckx said:
Thanks but. No way..
I refuse to touch Cyanogenmod with someone elses devices let alone my own devices. Cyanogenmod has been dead to me for years.
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Mind elaborating as to why? Purely curious lol. I personally only do AOSP builds, myself, but I'm interested in why you are so anti-CM? I assume nowadays it has to do with Cyanogenmod, Inc.?
EnMod said:
Mind elaborating as to why? Purely curious lol. I personally only do AOSP builds, myself, but I'm interested in why you are so anti-CM? I assume nowadays it has to do with Cyanogenmod, Inc.?
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Since you asked and I'll keep it short.
What Cyanogen Inc is now isn't a surprise to many.. Most purist (read: Fans of AOSP) Android users after CM7 saw the direction CM was heading and abandoned ship at ICS/CM9. I've said many times.. Cyanogenmod 7 was the last good Cyanogenmod. Instead of just making a cool AOSP based ROM with features they started trying to make Cyanogenmod a "thing". It all started with that terrible File Manager they shoehorned in and snowballed from there. It's laughable at best to pitch Cyanogenmod on the "AOSP Derived" line that so many still use.. At this point it's like saying the Ford Fusion is derived from the Model T (ok, that's an extreme example but you get my point). Add in everything they did when the Cyanogen Inc company was formed.
I could never imagine doing this.. I use Google for contact and calendar sync and email, bookmarks etc... even on my Lumia 520.
MameTozhio said:
I could never imagine doing this.. I use Google for contact and calendar sync and email, bookmarks etc... even on my Lumia 520.
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Yeah.. It's a personal thing. It hit me just how much data Google hoards when I randomly looked at my Google Dashboard one day and saw the Chrome Sync stats. Seeing in pictures just the sheer amount of data they have on me was a "moment". Then I started just piecing everything together about how many sectors of technology they've got their hands in all based around "providing services" over the internet. I just decided that was the end for me. I deleted all my dashboard data, went back to Firefox, deleted my Google+ accounts. I'm just going back to the old school days.. Limiting what is given to companies and lowering my online profile. For now keeping Google just for email and nothing more. It's just not per-say Google.. It's just the current trend of everything "needing" to be online and "synced" in some cloud. I don't need my entire livelihood and trends online.. No one should.. But... That's just my opinion. I can't stay away from everything (I mean I have a Facebook account) but I can do a lot to minimize what is given.