If I backed-up my phone using xrecovery, then i flash new kernel and rom, then after that I used xrecovery again to restore. Will my phone be in its original state when I backed up? I mean all? also the kernel and rom? I
just want to make sure so that if 3 hours (this night) isn't enough to flash and put apps back to normal after i flashed new rom, I can just restore to get everything fine by tomorrow. =)
No you need Flashtool to get the kernel back.
And stock rom doesn't work on custom kernel!
Sent from my Xperia X8 using xda premium
Hey guys. I have a question. I have flashed mcr rom on my o2x recently but before flashing, i saved a backup in cwm.
Now that i want to flash back to stock rom and kernel and the exact same original settings and rom, can i just restore using cwm or what do i do?
I am from Singapore using Starhub.
Thanks guys
Sent from my LG-P990 using XDA App
The main problem is that MCR will have converted your partition to ext4, which the stock ROM can't read. As far as I understand, there are two options
1. Use http://android.modaco.com/content/l...3-for-converting-your-device-er-back-to-ext3/ but make sure you have the backup on your SD card, so before you reboot, you can restore it (if you reboot without restoring, bad things happen).
2. Use nvflash to put the stock ROM back on, and then restore your CWM backup.
But. . . someone who has done this may be able to confirm - if you want to be extra safe, check in the MCR thread.
Thnks for the reply! So cwm is actually not really a rom backup image?
Sent from my LG-P990 using XDA App
It is, but because the disk format is changed when you install MCR, I don't think you can restore it, without changing the disk format back first (I guess it depends how low level the image goes, maybe?)
zhehao said:
Thnks for the reply! So cwm is actually not really a rom backup image?
Sent from my LG-P990 using XDA App
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Pretty sure NAND restore would be fine.
I see.
So by right what i have to do essentially is to:
1. Convert back to EXT3.
2. Make sure my NANDRIOD backup is in SD Card.
3. Off phone and go into CWM then recover NANDRIOD.
Should be all?
Don't quite understand the nvflash. May i know what is that?
Hi guys, I have a X8 with GingerDX 21 and doixanh linuxkernel 004.
I'm going to sell my Xperia and the new owner wants to go back to my backup of stock eclair 2.1...
Can I restore with CMW? I made it with xrecovery... If not, how can I start the xrecovery instead cmw?
Can I restore the backup with no problems with my bootloader unlocked?
You can recover the stock kernel and stock ROM to the device. There should be links to those around here somewhere.
Also, you can try to install xRecovery again, but i'm not sure if this is possible when CWM is installed already..
TimeWasterNL said:
You can recover the stock kernel and stock ROM to the device. There should be links to those around here somewhere.
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I have my backup of stock rom.. if I restore from recovery, must I flash first a stock kernel too?? Is not the kernel in the backup?
charcutero said:
I have my backup of stock rom.. if I restore from recovery, must I flash first a stock kernel too?? Is not the kernel in the backup?
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i think no.
charcutero said:
Hi guys, I have a X8 with GingerDX 21 and doixanh linuxkernel 004.
I'm going to sell my Xperia and the new owner wants to go back to my backup of stock eclair 2.1...
Can I restore with CMW? I made it with xrecovery... If not, how can I start the xrecovery instead cmw?
Can I restore the backup with no problems with my bootloader unlocked?
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I think that theres an option to restore xRecovery backup in CWM.
charcutero said:
I have my backup of stock rom.. if I restore from recovery, must I flash first a stock kernel too?? Is not the kernel in the backup?
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NAND backup (made with recovery) only backups ROM, so, yes, you will have to flash stock kernel as well.
-Install stock rom with cwm or xrecovery (phone will bootloop) then
-Flash stock kernel..
There u go...
Sent from my Android using Tapatalk
Now looking for the stock kernel.. I don't find it
Checkout this one:
You should use the Flashtool link, which flashes the stock ROM & stock kernel at once
TimeWasterNL said:
Checkout this one:
You should use the Flashtool link, which flashes the stock ROM & stock kernel at once
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Thanks again... I was checking my files in the hard disk and them were there too...
Now crossing my fingers and flashing...
Original Kernel flashed. Any problem! Now everything is a breeze thanks again.
hello. i have one big problem.i have slimbean 3.1(4.1.3?) on my phone with semaphore kernel. yesterday i tried to update to slimbean(4.2.2) and doing i wanted to backup my phone using nitrality (for efs backup), but in the moment when i pressed phone backup function in aplication, phone crased. it went to gt-i9000 screen and then on semaphore screen, and now it's repeading the same all over. i can get in download mode, but recovery mode doesn't work. any idea how to save my phone? thanxs
Have you tried to install the Stock ROM via Odin?
Hope you made a nandroid backup before this.
Try to flash a stock via odin..
Should work after that..
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda app-developers app
Hi Guys,
I have my x8 phone running on nAa's latest v6 kernel with ZenceFil ROM(GB 2.3.7) with ofcourse an un-locked bootloader. But now i want to move back to stock settings.
I had made a backup using xRecovery before installing these mods, so my question is, how to I restore that xRecovery backup along with the stock kernel which i already got from the unlock bootloader thread??
I tried flashing the stock kernel but then the phone just get's stuck in the boot logo page with Sony Ericsson logo, can't even open the recovery, which i guess is not included in the stock kernel file.
I tried installing xRecovery by copying its files to /system/bin but still i have CWM as recovery!
Please advise...
p.s. I saw this thread, but the solution provided there is not working for me as PCC is not helping, it juts say's no s/w found for your device. Also I don't want to lock the boot loader.
Flash stock 2.1 trough flash tool>root it>instal xrecovery and then restore backup.
iks8 said:
Flash stock 2.1 trough flash tool>root it>instal xrecovery and then restore backup.
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I have downloaded the stock 2.1 rom but how do i flash a ROM using flash tool? I don't see that option..
Flash it like kernel.
Sent from my GT-P3110 using Tapatalk 4
NAA6 is using difrent system-data partition size. If you want to move to other kernel you need first boot into cwm and format data and system partitions, then flash other kernels.
You can also flash your phone with SEUS and you will have stock rom-kernel like you had when you bouth the phone (if your bootloader was unlocked SEUS will leave it unlocked).
Stock rom and kernel you can flash using Flash Tool, just move the ftf file (for exemple 2.1.1.C.0.0.ftf) move this to the FIRMWARE flashtool' folder. Open flash tool and click on the "lightning" icon, (on old version click on flash) and select flash mode. Turn off the phone and flash it like a normal kernel.
But the stock rom that i downloaded has no ftf file! It's a normal backup have 4 .img files.. how do i flash that?
Sent from my Canvas 2 using XDA Developers App
You could use SEUS. It will install the newest firmware for x8 and it won't relock bootloader (for me it don't relock it), but you have to root your phone and install xrecovery one more time.
AndroidNotMaster said:
You could use SEUS. It will install the newest firmware for x8 and it won't relock bootloader (for me it don't relock it), but you have to root your phone and install xrecovery one more time.
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Thats way i do it. Nice and easy way
Sent from my X8 using xda premium
Thanks will try that.. Can you please provide a link from where i can get SEUS
Sent from my Canvas 2 using XDA Developers App
ibshar said:
Thanks will try that.. Can you please provide a link from where i can get SEUS
Sent from my Canvas 2 using XDA Developers App
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stock kernal for canvas 2
I have been using canvas 2 from the past 3 months and I have flashed a custom kernel in it and now I get a error-
"Can't connect to camera" whenever I try to run it
Please help me by giving sugetions to fix it or
Please please please give me a link to the stock kernal
I am using thunder zap for now and its horrible
Please help me its urgent.:crying:
This is not the correct thread to post ur query, please move to the Micromax A110 thread and post there.. You also need to specify which rom you are using!
Sent from my Canvas 2 using XDA Premium 4 app
hi guys need you help. I guess I flashed Kernel wrong that's my phone now only vibrates when I press (long press) its powerbutton.
Phone C6903
Locked Bootloader
Flashed w/ TFT .108 Kernel
Flashed Trinity Vengeance RaptorX ROM
but when I flashed the F(X)TrinityUltimateK - then problem started ( I should have not flashed this one.. Argh!)... anyways, I was able to backup my ROM files to my /sdcard1 but the thing is I cannot boot the phone to Custom Recovery. Right now,I will just charge my phone for the meantime while waiting for your help and feedback.
Thanks for your help and recommended troubleshooting.
Revert everything to stock and start all over to get functional recovery. And from there you can do whatever you want.
Sent from my C6903 using XDA Free mobile app
electrash said:
Revert everything to stock and start all over to get functional recovery. And from there you can do whatever you want.
Sent from my C6903 using XDA Free mobile app
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So you mean starting from flashing kernel through Flashtool - rooting - then installing customer recovery - restore my backup files - Am I getting the process right?
In your OP,you say that your bootloader is locked,thats the problem.a custom kernel isnt gonna boot if the bootloader is locked,u hav to unlock it
Flash the 108 ftf,then install a recovery and restore your backed up files
Thanks.... flashed firmare - root and installed customer recov - restore data.. whew... I though that I need to throw the phone and just buy a crappy touch phone.