Hi. I am using 2.3.4XXJVR in my sgs. I flashed it wid faryaabs galaxian kernel V7(look of sgs2). My phone works perfect but m getting only 334MB ram. So my phone freezes often n i hav to reboot it every time. Tell me any way to increase my ram n also battery back up. Thanks
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Plz reply guyz. Anybody solve my issue plz
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Try to use last jw4 firmware if you need more ram.
hey, why don't u try ICS ROM WITH 390 MB RAM.........................................TRY IMM76D ELITE V9.1 WITH DEVIL KERNAL 2_0.62...............................................THE BEST COMBINATION SO FAR N STABLE
nikhilonlive said:
hey, why don't u try ICS ROM WITH 390 MB RAM.........................................TRY IMM76D ELITE V9.1 WITH DEVIL KERNAL 2_0.62...............................................THE BEST COMBINATION SO FAR N STABLE
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What is IMM76D ELITE V9.1?? N if i use ics than will i lose sgs2 looks ??
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nonamedandroid said:
Try to use last jw4 firmware if you need more ram.
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Will i b able to use sgs2 looks with jw4??
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superiority said:
Will i b able to use sgs2 looks with jw4??
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Dont know if sgs2 theme is released for that new firmware yet, u tried semaphore kernel for gingerbread instead of galaxian?
Semaphore with high LMK works nice with free mem.
nonamedandroid said:
Dont know if sgs2 theme is released for that new firmware yet, u tried semaphore kernel for gingerbread instead of galaxian?
Semaphore with high LMK works nice with free mem.
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Where will i get semaphore with high LMK??
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Hi there. Was just wondering what combination of rom and kernel have you found to be the smoothest and fastest. In short I'd like to know how to get the most out of my phone. Thanks guys.
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to get most of your phone in what???
Best stable phone/sms/mms?
Bricking phone?
be more specific, pal.
Loll sorry dude just like opening apps and swiping through screens.. Maybe my sd card is clogged ha
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true. there is BIG difference between class 2 and class 10.
My favorite:
Tornado-kernel .... with stock-rom or modded stock-rom
AntAust1513 said:
Hi there. Was just wondering what combination of rom and kernel have you found to be the smoothest and fastest. In short I'd like to know how to get the most out of my phone. Thanks guys.
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you will be the only one who can choose your Fastest/Smoothest ROM cause peoples have different taste on their roms..
my personal preference is
F1 Innovation HD 7.0
Semaphore 2.4
MyICS rom
my preference is
F1 Innovation HD 7.0 + Semaphore 2.4
GingerReal2 R2.0.0 + Semaphore 2.4 + Thunderbolt script
My favourite: F1 powered by Semaphore.
Sometimes I'm switching to Supersonic with Galaxian.
[email protected]
i tested lukiqq new rom Galaxian ....its very laggy!
And what about s2 i777?
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isnt it only the galaxy s forum?
Fireworkerfp said:
i tested lukiqq new rom Galaxian ....its very laggy!
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Interesting! I find my ROM much faster than the stock one... But it is your opinion
i used your rom now 2 times, but on my phone is laggy...but perhaps i install it wrong ...
Fireworkerfp said:
i used your rom now 2 times, but on my phone is laggy...but perhaps i install it wrong ...
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You may try Galaxian ROM V2, it has TouchWiz3 instead of laggy TW4.
oh! there is a v2...ok i will try it thx
Definately ics
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MintBerry MIUI with Glitch Kernel and Thunderbolt script.
adslee said:
MintBerry MIUI with Glitch Kernel and Thunderbolt script.
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I got mintberry flashed at the moment. It's so smooth scrolling and seems really quick. Good suggestion pal.
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Fastest and smoothest is Cyanogen of course.
have been using miui mintberry for about a week.. it looks 'nice' so far.. i miss some settings found in cm7 tho.
so here.my friend has samsung galaxy s I9000,and he gave it to me to flash it.now, wont have problems with flashing since im experienced in odin and cwm,but i would need someone to tell me wich kernels and roms should i use.
what i need:best gingerbread kernels,and best ics kernels.ill try many roms in this two days i would have this phone,but my only concern is the kernels.
i am also thinking about to make MegaBassBeats for GS gingerbread users.but i would need your help then.thanks
All ics kernels are great, midnight, semaphore, devil and glitch. Personally I find midnight and semaphore most stable.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using Tapatalk 2
Try slim ics, doc master with glitch or devil kernel
Sent from my GT-I9000 using Tapatalk 2
For me semaphore works on every ROM.
sisted ounturnm
yeah.. semaphore is great.
i never try ics, but for gb i like gamerzrom..
What about fugumod?
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D3HuM4NiZ3D said:
What about fugumod?
Sent from my E15i using xda premium
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That's for gb, I don't see the point in using gb still.
ICS is stable and by far superior, slim ICS with devil or midnight kernel. Anyone would love that combo.
Sent from my I9000 running Slim ICS 3.6.
I tried both,and cm7 is faster.and got everything working.you need to understand that 3.0 kernel on gingerbread isnt a small thing.its above-average
Please advice me as to which is the best kernel for JW4 gb rom. I am using Semaphore 2.7.4 sc and still find lots of lags and phone hanging. And also tweaked the cpu to Smartass.
Thanks !
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I'm using the cf root one and it works brilliantly very stable smooth and fast you should check out mods on Apps and themes section look for various mods there so good
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sammyservices said:
Please advice me as to which is the best kernel for JW4 gb rom. I am using Semaphore 2.7.4 sc and still find lots of lags and phone hanging. And also tweaked the cpu to Smartass.
Thanks !
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try devil's version for gb
Agree. Everything is better then semaphore on GB.
You can try this
Voodoo Galaxy S Gingerbread Kernel
TalonDEV 0.5.1-RC1 340MB I9000 and I9000 TalonDEV bigmem or 340MB and bigmem
The Devil Kernel is made to CM7 and MIUI. I suggest you try the new mdgb 0.5.1 Midnight = Simple, Customizable and Fluid
Gingerbread ROMS up to JW1: midnight-0.9.0
Gingerbread ROMS from JW4: mngb-0.5.1
Can u please give me some guidance like sites and advices ?
Many thanks !
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I'm running CM10 nightly, and wondering if I will gain any performance improvement (without OC) and longer battery life if I flash one of the alternative kernels on XDA (looking at Devil and Semaphore as those seem to be the most popular)?
yes and yes, but it all depends on how you configure the kernel options and how you use your SGS...
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yes, definitely!
but to get the "best" result, of course you have to let it settle for atleast 3 days..
here is a youtube link on how to flash them: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kCBN-_zu5cY
i hope this helps,
Thanks for the answers. I was hoping for recommendations, do you have any?
Semaphore is looking good to me. Opinions?
I'd go with semaphore for ICS...
But for CM10 I'd use Devil..
But that's just me
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If you want stability then semaphore.But if you want more tricks to make your phone even faster it is devil of course. There is one more kernel to try Mackay.
Test each to get the right one for you.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using xda premium
Semaphore is the one you need .
What else from having great speed with stability. Yeah, maybe Devil could provide some more speed, which is unnoticeable, for me at least.( except the benchmark tests )
Sema is the most stable one.
But devil isn't bad too.
Try them. But give your phone about 5 minutes after flashing and don't be frustrated when it's a bit laggy after first reboot.
Last days I tryed makay. --> I prefer sema
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I prefer devil. My phone still lasts a whole day (7am - 12pm) and is much faster. I like all the options.
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On JB roms i always use the devil kernel even if the Semaphore is a very good kernel, Devil kernel allows me to entirely use my phone's habilities with no more battery drain than Sema
you will instantly notice more speed and smoothness with flashing semaphoer kernel.
+ more speed if you set up liveOC to 114%
Does anyone have any links? I'm using CM10 nightly and need a kernel so that BLM and Voodoo sound will work. I tried the latest semaphore 2.8.0 via Odin but the phone would not boot.
frazefast said:
Does anyone have any links? I'm using CM10 nightly and need a kernel so that BLM and Voodoo sound will work. I tried the latest semaphore 2.8.0 via Odin but the phone would not boot.
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You should read the description more carefully. The 2.8 kernel is for JB 4.2 not CM10. Flash the 2.6.5 kernel.
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Devil cause you are able to set wifi mode: powersave, stronger
Sent from my GT-I9000 using xda premium
If I whant to get the most from my phone what kernel should i use and please if you can put some download links for kernel that you are suggesting.
Model Number:GT-I9000
Android version:4.1.2
Baseband version:I9000XXJVT
Kernel Version:
[email protected]#1
CyanogenMod Version:10.0.0-galaxysmtd STABLE
Build number:
cm_galaxysmtd-userdebug 4.1.2 JZO54K
eng..20121113.054130 test-keys
Thank you for your time and suggestions.
The one and only Semaphore. Newest version 2.6.5(s)
The (s) is for if you use 403MB RAM configuration.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using Tapatalk 2
I have few more questions...will i flash only kernel or i need to flash the rom together with kenrel...and can i use odin to flash kernel?Sorry for all thease questions im noob guy in this area
You don't have to flash a rom if you're happy with the one you're using. And you can download .zip's and flash in CWM if you like, but I've found that the only times I've ever got into a boot loop when flashing a kernel are by doing it this way. Not that it has happened often. But for that reason, i prefer to flash my kernels .tar in odin, I've never had a problem doing it that way, but whatever way you choose to do it take a nandroid first, just in case.
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Kernel flashed via odin...everything works perfectly! Thank you
LeRadelle said:
Kernel flashed via odin...everything works perfectly! Thank you
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Glad to hear it. No problem
Download semaphore manager app if you haven't already done so. Also, if you used the (s) version, you need to make sure and select the bigmem option in semaphore manager and reboot for settings to take effect. Then you have 403MB RAM.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using Tapatalk 2
I recently instaled CM9 4.0.4 on my i9000 and the battery life sucks. I want to flash Semaphore kernel, but i need some advices ..like what version should i flash etc.
Can someone help me ?
EDIT: I tried to flash 2.7.4 version + .pit file but after that i get boot loop. I've flashed again 2.3.3 and then CM9 4.0.4 ..
Any ideas ?
xViBeR said:
I recently instaled CM9 4.0.4 on my i9000 and the battery life sucks. I want to flash Semaphore kernel, but i need some advices ..like what version should i flash etc.
Can someone help me ?
EDIT: I tried to flash 2.7.4 version + .pit file but after that i get boot loop. I've flashed again 2.3.3 and then CM9 4.0.4 ..
Any ideas ?
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Flash a Semaphore kernel designed for ics. See http://www.semaphore.gr/homepage/semaphore-ics which also has links to xda-developers.
Oct-Al said:
Flash a Semaphore kernel designed for ics. See http://www.semaphore.gr/homepage/semaphore-ics which also has links to xda-developers.
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I downloaded Semaphore_ICS_1.3.0. That's all i need, right ?
Just choose this file on PDA and flash ?
EDIT: I already did that and worked.
Only 1 thing: after flashing, i had to push the power button to start ... didn't had to reboot after flash ?
xViBeR said:
I downloaded Semaphore_ICS_1.3.0. That's all i need, right ?
Just choose this file on PDA and flash ?
EDIT: I already did that and worked.
Only 1 thing: after flashing, i had to push the power button to start ... didn't had to reboot after flash ?
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Semaphore 1.3.0 is the one you need. You can flash it through Clockworkmod recovery, its the easiest way. Don't forget to wipe cache and dalvyk cache before flashing a new kernel. Besides semaphore you could also try devils kernel 1.0.3. It is more performance oriented. Flash the one you like. The only thing I don't like about semaphore 1.3.0 is that wifi tethering doesn't work.
Reboot after flashing is crucial, but if you have the new semaphore configuration app, you did it right! Just reboot one more time to be sure everything works alright.
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Besides the very low battery life, no problems ...
xViBeR said:
Besides the very low battery life, no problems ...
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My only problem was the lack of usb tethering...had no probs with battery. U sure u have the right governor and stuff?
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I installed correctly. Anyway, i'm back on CM7. good battery, not laggy.. it's pretty nice.
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xViBeR said:
I installed correctly. Anyway, i'm back on CM7. good battery, not laggy.. it's pretty nice.
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Knowing I am being offtopic: Whats your battery like on cm7?
Cause with cm9 and semaphore you shouldn't have had a huge drain...
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On CM7, the battery life is good (1,2 days). On CM9 it sucks... i had to recharge after 15-16 hours max,everytime.
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have you used the cf-root kernel?
I used semaphore 1.3.0 kernel.
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