I was able to recently root my phone with no problems and i now want to put a custom rom on it. i know how to do that part but im so confused on all the different ones. i was looking at these
( extremely blue one i think because it has the Google apps)
could anyone help me determine the difference nad once i pick one how do i flash it to my sprint hero? thanks if anybody can help a beginner
ok i figured out which rom and it is the aosp version. one last question though, how do you flash the gaaps so i can get them back
Flash the Gapps from recovery, after you flash the ROM
Sent from my HERO200 using XDA App
Either one of the 2 roms you posted are good, stick with these 2 though. They are about the only ones left still being updated as most developers have moved on to newer phones The kernels in these 2 roms are updated as well, no need to flash a separate kernel The good thing about devs moving on is when we get a new phone think of all the new roms and mods already made for the device
I recently switched from a Xperia X10 to the Nexus One due to the lack of update from Sony Ericsson.
We can't unlock the bootloader the X10 so even if I flashed a lot of custom rom and root ect... It's my first time with kernels ect...
So I was wondering on how the kernel is important and if I well understood, he is the one that will put the driver for the hardware as it's the one that can increase audio and put 720p ect..
And I also see a lots of threads about radios ect... I totally understood how to flash it ect.. but what is it exactly ? Is it like a better frequence for your antenna or ??
I'm currently running kernel version : [email protected] and baseband version : and I have Passion Recovery.
Could you please indicate me a good combo of kernel/radio/rom that would give me 720p, running at least Froyo or Gingerbread (for flash) and that is stable with a good linpack/quadrant score.
Thanks in advance,
Simplest thing for you, CyanogenMod 6. It is FroYo, has the audio mod and 720p camera kernel. And you should already have the best Radio.
There is no reason to really mix and match stuff at all. The state of the development scene isn't that way anymore.
Some people do fiddle with kernels and Korean radios and such, but they do it because they like doing that sort of thing, not because they have to.
90% do not have to worry about those things. Install CyanogenMod 6 or some of the other popular mods in the development section and you should be happy.
Don't worry about the individual parts until you get used to things, and even then it won't be needed, just a hobby.
Ok thank you it is certainly what I'll take. But Cyan 6 or 6.1 ?
But I still don't know why Radios stand for.
And yes I'm one of those Guys that will flash to another roms every 2 Days but since Nexus S and new Phones are out I know Devs are leaving Nexus One so that's why I was asking forr a fast and a stable one.
So I'd just like to know what's the Radio ?
The radio is hardware/software that deals with the communications side of your phone. GPRS/HSDPA/WiFi etc.
That's what I was thinking about but then what are the differences between a radio on an other one ? Are there some faster than others ?
Plus Radios are generic ? It doesn't depend from your Carrier or Country
zyryck said:
That's what I was thinking about but then what are the differences between a radio on an other one ? Are there some faster than others ?
Plus Radios are generic ? It doesn't depend from your Carrier or Country
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If you're go to run Froyo you'll be required to update your radio to
prettyboy85712 said:
If you're go to run Froyo you'll be required to update your radio to
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Well I'm running 2.2.1 with
Should I update it to the one you said because I don't see anything going wrong. Except perhaps that when I connect to internet without Wifi it's written 2G but when I had my X10 it was either 3G or H so I don't know if it is related or not since I've only been able to connect to 2G with the Nexus even when it was not rooted and flashed to any rom, radio or kernel
Wild monks have pretty good kernels but I have no idea about what radio to choose cuz theres literally a lot of them. I just get really confused with them and
Still looking for a good radio But cyan mod is freaking awesome. Combined with inexus theme and it's the best ui interface I can find. plus I have swype too so I'm not going to give up my nexus any time soon until tegra 2 phones arrive
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App
I'm gonna wait before putting my hands on the Atrix and other tegra 2 phones because I want to see if there won't be any problem with the bootloader ect... Because getting stuck with a device that can't get bl unlocked is very very frustrating.
prettyboy85712 said:
If you're go to run Froyo you'll be required to update your radio to
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That's actually not true.
There's no need to be messing with your radio unless you are having a specific problem. If your custom ROM requires a certain Radio to work, it will probably be included in the package anyway.
Flashing custom ROMS is almost completely safe but flashing Radios can lead to a bricked device in short-order.
So I used to have a Samsung Galaxy SII GT-I9100, that was simple because there were a billion custom roms for the one phone.
I recently got a Telstra HTC Velocity 4G, and now apparently it's called three different things in different parts of the world? Not only that, but some have 1.2Ghz processors and some 1.5Ghz?
Anyways my question is, can I flash any Vivid/Raider roms and it would still work? Or is this not the case? If not, where would I be able to find custom roms for my phone (if there are any)?
Thanks in advance, I am only a HTC noob at the moment. I sorta miss being able to play with CM9 on my SGS2 haha.
ratweh said:
So I used to have a Samsung Galaxy SII GT-I9100, that was simple because there were a billion custom roms for the one phone.
I recently got a Telstra HTC Velocity 4G, and now apparently it's called three different things in different parts of the world? Not only that, but some have 1.2Ghz processors and some 1.5Ghz?
Anyways my question is, can I flash any Vivid/Raider roms and it would still work? Or is this not the case? If not, where would I be able to find custom roms for my phone (if there are any)?
Thanks in advance, I am only a HTC noob at the moment. I sorta miss being able to play with CM9 on my SGS2 haha.
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You can flash ANY region's ROMs without a hitch. I have an American device, and have been on the Aussie stock ROM ever since it came out.
Sent from my HTC Velocity 4G using XDA Premium App
have a same problem with u ratweh, i'v HTC Raider 4G LTE x710e.
very confused bout why they give different name on different region...LOL, but, AFAIK, after asking this forum contributor, they said, we can flash Custom ROM provide for VIVID on VELOCITY / RAIDER and vice versa without worry ,
except ICS rom and official RUU off course
prahasta said:
have a same problem with u ratweh, i'v HTC Raider 4G LTE x710e.
very confused bout why they give different name on different region...LOL, but, AFAIK, after asking this forum contributor, they said, we can flash Custom ROM provide for VIVID on VELOCITY / RAIDER and vice versa without worry ,
except ICS rom and official RUU off course
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Thanks guys!
So even with the different CPU's and all it'll still be sweet?
What about modems? do I have to keep the stock Telstra one handy so I can re-flash it after every rom?
The CPU's are actually identical, they have different serial numbers to indicate the different modems, one has an internal modem on the chipset, the other has a modem attached elsewhere, the same drivers and such work for both so the difference is ignorable, the Vivid and Raider are underclocked to 1.2 by default however to save battery and for some reason the Velcity isn't perhaps for marketing reasons as its name "Velocity" would be stupid on a phone that is underclocked.
the ICS differences relate to something called the HBOOT, this is different for each device, but once your device has the ICS HBOOT it is perfectly fine to then flash any VIVID/RAIDER/VELOCITY rom on any device by first fastboot flashing the boot.img then flashing the rom .zip via recovery, this is a 2 step process so far because we don't have S-OFF... yet.
I have a HTC Velocity and have gone through pretty much all of the GB/ICS flashing scenarios and provided you read the instructions properly, which I have, I have not had any issues flashing the telstra roms, the at&t roms, the rum raider roms or what I am using now PirateGhosts RumFloat Beta4, which is no longer hosted on XDA due to a falling out, but google it and you can find it pretty easily, I will probably stick with RumFloat until CM9/MIUI is available.
PM me with any questions specifically about the Velocity and I can help you out mate
davidcampbell said:
The CPU's are actually identical, they have different serial numbers to indicate the different modems, one has an internal modem on the chipset, the other has a modem attached elsewhere, the same drivers and such work for both so the difference is ignorable, the Vivid and Raider are underclocked to 1.2 by default however to save battery and for some reason the Velcity isn't perhaps for marketing reasons as its name "Velocity" would be stupid on a phone that is underclocked.
the ICS differences relate to something called the HBOOT, this is different for each device, but once your device has the ICS HBOOT it is perfectly fine to then flash any VIVID/RAIDER/VELOCITY rom on any device by first fastboot flashing the boot.img then flashing the rom .zip via recovery, this is a 2 step process so far because we don't have S-OFF... yet.
I have a HTC Velocity and have gone through pretty much all of the GB/ICS flashing scenarios and provided you read the instructions properly, which I have, I have not had any issues flashing the telstra roms, the at&t roms, the rum raider roms or what I am using now PirateGhosts RumFloat Beta4, which is no longer hosted on XDA due to a falling out, but google it and you can find it pretty easily, I will probably stick with RumFloat until CM9/MIUI is available.
PM me with any questions specifically about the Velocity and I can help you out mate
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Woah haha thanks so much! That's exactly what i needed to hear!
Thanks heaps!
OK that's a lot of information i was looking for too!
I have to flash the Stock Telstra ICS (because I have Telstra Velocity) first. So i'll get the right HBOOT for my phone. After i can flash ICS of any other version except RUUs or OTA's because i could get the wrong HBOOT then?!
But there are still two things i'm wondering about:
1. What about the Radio Roms? Are they not different for every version? Or ist it just that they are not included in the Custom Roms?
2. What is if i want to go back to a GB Rom? Do i have to flash a GB RUU first to get the HBOOT back?
Maxi1984 said:
OK that's a lot of information i was looking for too!
I have to flash the Stock Telstra ICS (because I have Telstra Velocity) first. So i'll get the right HBOOT for my phone. After i can flash ICS of any other version except RUUs or OTA's because i could get the wrong HBOOT then?!
But there are still two things i'm wondering about:
1. What about the Radio Roms? Are they not different for every version? Or ist it just that they are not included in the Custom Roms?
2. What is if i want to go back to a GB Rom? Do i have to flash a GB RUU first to get the HBOOT back?
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NP, good additional questions though, I installed the Telstra ICS HBOOT by re-locking the bootloader on my phone (because it was already rooted on GB) and then installing the telstra GB rom, then I upgraded to the Telstra ICS rom via the standard method from Telstra, then I re-unlocked the phone and re-flashed recovery and then I was ok for other ROM's, there's lots of ways to do it but this way is probably the most reliable.
other thing 1: there are no different Radio's yet, and we cannot flash them until we have "S-OFF" there are some private beta programs in the works to get S-OFF but until that is public we cannot adjust the firmware or radio, and even if we could there is no radio update available at this stage anyway.
Other thing 2: to go back to a GB rom, I would recommend relocking the bootloader and installing the GB RUU then going through the unlock/recovery installation again just to be safe, though I think you can just flash the GB HBOOT I'm not 100% on that method.
Hey, do you mean there are no separate Radio Roms to flash? Because i saw at the Stock Rom Collection that there are different Radio Roms included, aren't they?
I saw also that you are on the Rum Float Rom, can you tell me if there are any other languages included?
RumFloat B4 appears to support English, Spanish (Espanol) and French (Francais), I believe it uses the at&t rom as a base.
The radio's in the stock rom's are only flashable because they are part of an official secured ruu, without S-off they are useless to phones that are not from that telco.
davidcampbell said:
The CPU's are actually identical, they have different serial numbers to indicate the different modems, one has an internal modem on the chipset, the other has a modem attached elsewhere, the same drivers and such work for both so the difference is ignorable, the Vivid and Raider are underclocked to 1.2 by default however to save battery and for some reason the Velcity isn't perhaps for marketing reasons as its name "Velocity" would be stupid on a phone that is underclocked.
the ICS differences relate to something called the HBOOT, this is different for each device, but once your device has the ICS HBOOT it is perfectly fine to then flash any VIVID/RAIDER/VELOCITY rom on any device by first fastboot flashing the boot.img then flashing the rom .zip via recovery, this is a 2 step process so far because we don't have S-OFF... yet.
I have a HTC Velocity and have gone through pretty much all of the GB/ICS flashing scenarios and provided you read the instructions properly, which I have, I have not had any issues flashing the telstra roms, the at&t roms, the rum raider roms or what I am using now PirateGhosts RumFloat Beta4, which is no longer hosted on XDA due to a falling out, but google it and you can find it pretty easily, I will probably stick with RumFloat until CM9/MIUI is available.
PM me with any questions specifically about the Velocity and I can help you out mate
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Great post, thanks for that, I'm in the same boat. Gonna try your mod, battery life is aweful...
davidcampbell said:
The CPU's are actually identical, they have different serial numbers to indicate the different modems, one has an internal modem on the chipset, the other has a modem attached elsewhere, the same drivers and such work for both so the difference is ignorable, the Vivid and Raider are underclocked to 1.2 by default however to save battery and for some reason the Velcity isn't perhaps for marketing reasons as its name "Velocity" would be stupid on a phone that is underclocked.
the ICS differences relate to something called the HBOOT, this is different for each device, but once your device has the ICS HBOOT it is perfectly fine to then flash any VIVID/RAIDER/VELOCITY rom on any device by first fastboot flashing the boot.img then flashing the rom .zip via recovery, this is a 2 step process so far because we don't have S-OFF... yet.
I have a HTC Velocity and have gone through pretty much all of the GB/ICS flashing scenarios and provided you read the instructions properly, which I have, I have not had any issues flashing the telstra roms, the at&t roms, the rum raider roms or what I am using now PirateGhosts RumFloat Beta4, which is no longer hosted on XDA due to a falling out, but google it and you can find it pretty easily, I will probably stick with RumFloat until CM9/MIUI is available.
PM me with any questions specifically about the Velocity and I can help you out mate
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Good post, I'm currently using my spare HTC Flyer because I've got my completely wiped Velocity only with Bootloader and Recovery on it at the moment. Still deciding what to load and wondering if other ROM's from other phones will work.
Also does my head in that it's called 3 different things in different parts of the world. One thing I'm sure of that I hate the Telstra stock rom and I think the name "Velocity" refers to how fast the battery is drained when in use
Will keep an eye on this thread and looks like I might give the RumFloat image a go...
ROM support
Yeah hi, I flashed my Velocity 4G with Leigh's Nightly build 4 and it works great beside that it has no keyboard installed..
Wondering where the custom ROM are hiding and the stock Telstra ROM, cos i can only make calls on it atm, :/ fancy that a phone that can only make calls,, haha.. seriously I kinda need the links please,, (at least its not bricked, Pheww)
I tried the Stock ROM again,, it also failed,, so I factory reset thru HBOOT and low n Behold the V2 wallpaper popped up and viola, keyboard works and the Build4 ROM works like a treat.. I love the smoothness and the goodies Leigh has included.. Adblock fo1.
probably a good idea to include this in the noob files. :/
Hi can anyone explain to me how is the current situation of ICS roms for N1?
In particular i'd like to know which roms are available, if they need to install blackrose, if they support hwa, any other relevant note and opinion
thanks a lot and sorry for my bad english
alakin said:
Hi can anyone explain to me how is the current situation of ICS roms for N1?
In particular i'd like to know which roms are available, if they need to install blackrose, if they support hwa, any other relevant note and opinion
thanks a lot and sorry for my bad english
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There are 2 main builds right now in the development forum...Texacice's build based on Evervolv AOSP BCM based on CM9 are great in their own right and personal preference will dictate which you use. Both have functioning HWA...have for a while now and both require BR partitions of 220 10 16...or close to that. There are a couple ICS roms out there that dont need a new boot partition, but frankly I wouldnt bother, as they are not complete full ICS roms. The only major functionality missing currently is video recording...although that looks to be close to fixed also. You can actually flash a new boot partition via recovery without installing blackrose. See this thread.... select the ICS partition and flash in recovery prior to installing new rom.
Correction: you do need BlackRose for that.
if u want to flash ICS roms. u need to first knw abt Blackrose. read it carefully before proceeding
Sent from my Nexus One using Tapatalk
ok thanks a lot to everyone, you all have been very helpful. these 2 roms mentioned are both "final" roms right? they're not beta, RC or whatever, aside form video recording that is annoying but i can live without it
btw i have root but i have the bootloader locked. can i still install br and do all the other stuff?
yes u can install with locked bootloader.
no they are not RC or beta releases. they are not final aswell, the devs are really working hard and pushing regular updates to make the rom better and complete.
Sent from my Nexus One using Tapatalk
Basic info about my device:
Model : HTC Incredible S
Android Version : 4.0.4
HTC sense version : 3.6
Software number : 4.12.720.1
I have started to feel that my phone is getting slow and I read about the benefits of rooting. So, I am planning to root my device. While going through the online tutorials, I came to know that once I root it, I won't get updates from HTC and there are also some risks of ending up with a bricked phone. Some posts said that after the recent android update, the old methods of rooting won't work.
Can someone please post a link or method of rooting my device in easiest way possible? I'd also like to know whether android version/looks will remain same after rooting? As per posts, I won't be able to get HTC updates. What are my options of staying updated in case my device supports new android versions? I kinda like the UI of my phone. Is it possible to root my phone without altering anything else?
Detailed answers would be better.
zwitter said:
Basic info about my device:
Model : HTC Incredible S
Android Version : 4.0.4
HTC sense version : 3.6
Software number : 4.12.720.1
I have started to feel that my phone is getting slow and I read about the benefits of rooting. So, I am planning to root my device. While going through the online tutorials, I came to know that once I root it, I won't get updates from HTC and there are also some risks of ending up with a bricked phone. Some posts said that after the recent android update, the old methods of rooting won't work.
Can someone please post a link or method of rooting my device in easiest way possible? I'd also like to know whether android version/looks will remain same after rooting? As per posts, I won't be able to get HTC updates. What are my options of staying updated in case my device supports new android versions? I kinda like the UI of my phone. Is it possible to root my phone without altering anything else?
Detailed answers would be better.
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There won't be any more updates from HTC that's for sure. I mean I once read that HTC plans on stopping the One X after 4.2.2. I think HTC was already extremely generous to give us 4.0.4. Besides, Sense 3.6 is the crappy version of Sense 4 anyways and Sense 4 looks nicer in almost every aspect in my opinion.
Rooting is as basic unlocking the bootloader via and flashing a custom recovery. However, you will notice that some people have something called S-OFF. Unlike just unlocking the bootloader (which still leaves S-ON), S-OFF grants you permission to certain parts of a particular partition (which I don't seem to remember but what I say here should be enough) and in that way, you do not need to flash the boot.img within each custom ROM (which is probably, the biggest limitation of leaving your phone at S-ON). This is quite a bit to swallow but you'll understand more as you go along rooting and flashing custom ROM plus a bit of Google searching on the side.
As for guides, look at the top of the General Section (you're in it right now!) and everything that's labelled [GUIDE] should be good to use.
To answer the last question, yes it is possible to root the phone and leaving everything as is although there is absolutely no point in doing so. Unlocking the bootloader WILL WIPE your phone clean (ie game data, sms, call logs.....). It would be best to just start fresh. If you are so intent on staying on Sense 3.6, then I would recommend you to either Android Revolution HD or Blackout ROM which you can find more information on in the Android Development section.
072665995 said:
There won't be any more updates from HTC that's for sure. I mean I once read that HTC plans on stopping the One X after 4.2.2. I think HTC was already extremely generous to give us 4.0.4. Besides, Sense 3.6 is the crappy version of Sense 4 anyways and Sense 4 looks nicer in almost every aspect in my opinion.
Rooting is as basic unlocking the bootloader via and flashing a custom recovery. However, you will notice that some people have something called S-OFF. Unlike just unlocking the bootloader (which still leaves S-ON), S-OFF grants you permission to certain parts of a particular partition (which I don't seem to remember but what I say here should be enough) and in that way, you do not need to flash the boot.img within each custom ROM (which is probably, the biggest limitation of leaving your phone at S-ON). This is quite a bit to swallow but you'll understand more as you go along rooting and flashing custom ROM plus a bit of Google searching on the side.
As for guides, look at the top of the General Section (you're in it right now!) and everything that's labelled [GUIDE] should be good to use.
To answer the last question, yes it is possible to root the phone and leaving everything as is although there is absolutely no point in doing so. Unlocking the bootloader WILL WIPE your phone clean (ie game data, sms, call logs.....). It would be best to just start fresh. If you are so intent on staying on Sense 3.6, then I would recommend you to either Android Revolution HD or Blackout ROM which you can find more information on in the Android Development section.
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Thanks for the reply.
Well, I gave a thought and I don't plan to stick to the sense 3.6 looks coz sense 4 will definitely be better. Can you suggest a good ROM for me? I have heard about Cyanogen Mod. What's your opinion regarding that? They have provided full tutorial for flashing their recent ROM. Does that also mean that I will get the superuser access or do I need to do something extra?
zwitter said:
Thanks for the reply.
Well, I gave a thought and I don't plan to stick to the sense 3.6 looks coz sense 4 will definitely be better. Can you suggest a good ROM for me? I have heard about Cyanogen Mod. What's your opinion regarding that? They have provided full tutorial for flashing their recent ROM. Does that also mean that I will get the superuser access or do I need to do something extra?
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Well, if you want so stick with Sense, you should try out ViperVIVO and Nik's Project X best Sense Based ROMs I know
Gizmo648 said:
Well, if you want so stick with Sense, you should try out ViperVIVO and Nik's Project X best Sense Based ROMs I know
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I was looking for some ROMs and this one caught my eye. CyanVIVO 10.1
link :
What do you suggest? Which one is better?
zwitter said:
I was looking for some ROMs and this one caught my eye. CyanVIVO 10.1
link :
What do you suggest? Which one is better?
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I never tried this one, i thought you want to use Sense?
zwitter said:
I was looking for some ROMs and this one caught my eye. CyanVIVO 10.1
link :
What do you suggest? Which one is better?
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Depends on what you're looking for really. CyanVivo10.1 is Android 4.2.2. Id say I'm only using CyanVivo10.1 for the sole purpose of having a theme engine plus theres always more free RAM on AOSP ROMs which Id like since multitasking its pretty essential to me.
However in terms of battery and overall performance Id have to ViperVivo is best. Nik Project_X_Rebirth is also a very good choice but the lock screen ticks me off -.- My favourite Sense ROM is either Blackout or KingCobra although the latter has had reports of not booting past the splash screen for a number of people.
I don't think HTC is generous when it comes to sending updates. There's no official JB release for the Sensation. The Galaxy S2 got it though. Typical HTC...
Sent from one of the surviving Incredible S phones of the past
zukri90 said:
I don't think HTC is generous when it comes to sending updates. There's no official JB release for the Sensation. The Galaxy S2 got it though. Typical HTC...
Sent from one of the surviving Incredible S phones of the past
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Has it ever occured to you that the S II probably has a CPU that natively supports ion?? And that's why they have Jellybean where as the Sensation does not?? HTC isn't gonna work their bums off to get a device to support ion when they have the newer phones such as the HOX and the One.
072665995 said:
Has it ever occured to you that the S II probably has a CPU that natively supports ion?? And that's why they have Jellybean where as the Sensation does not?? HTC isn't gonna work their bums off to get a device to support ion when they have the newer phones such as the HOX and the One.
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All I know is HTC's customer service is not as good as Samsung's.
Sent from one of the surviving Incredible S phones of the past
zwitter said:
Basic info about my device:
Model : HTC Incredible S
Android Version : 4.0.4
HTC sense version : 3.6
Software number : 4.12.720.1
I have started to feel that my phone is getting slow and I read about the benefits of rooting. So, I am planning to root my device. While going through the online tutorials, I came to know that once I root it, I won't get updates from HTC and there are also some risks of ending up with a bricked phone. Some posts said that after the recent android update, the old methods of rooting won't work.
Can someone please post a link or method of rooting my device in easiest way possible? I'd also like to know whether android version/looks will remain same after rooting? As per posts, I won't be able to get HTC updates. What are my options of staying updated in case my device supports new android versions? I kinda like the UI of my phone. Is it possible to root my phone without altering anything else?
Detailed answers would be better.
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okay, after reading your statement, I have to tell you a thing, rooting out HTC IncS which running on Android 4.0.4+Sense 3.6 is impossible (guys, correct me if I'm wrong) If you want to root it, you have to downgrade it back to Android 2.3.5, which is a VERY troublesome thing.. here's a guide might help you understand something about rooting our HTC IncS! >>
jacksonpang said:
okay, after reading your statement, I have to tell you a thing, rooting out HTC IncS which running on Android 4.0.4+Sense 3.6 is impossible (guys, correct me if I'm wrong) If you want to root it, you have to downgrade it back to Android 2.3.5, which is a VERY troublesome thing.. here's a guide might help you understand something about rooting our HTC IncS! >>
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rooting and S-OFF are not the same thing. Rooting is just unlock bootloader and flash custom recovery. That is certainly possible on any android OS. S-OFF on the other hand, you need to downgrade back to 2.3.3 (in order to get HBOOT 1.13) and then run revolutionary to get S-OFF
jacksonpang said:
okay, after reading your statement, I have to tell you a thing, rooting out HTC IncS which running on Android 4.0.4+Sense 3.6 is impossible (guys, correct me if I'm wrong) If you want to root it, you have to downgrade it back to Android 2.3.5, which is a VERY troublesome thing.. here's a guide might help you understand something about rooting our HTC IncS! >>
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Sorry, but it is possible to gain root access on the HTC ICS/Sense 3.6 ROM without the downgrading option that you referenced.
Unlocking the bootloader using the procedure at will allow you to install a custom recovery such as CWM or 4EXT and then you can flash SuperSu which will allow apps to request root access. With a custom recovery in place, a user can also flash a custom ROM, but the drawback is that /boot partition is mounted R/O in recovery mode, so you manually have to flash the boot.img of the custom ROM in FASTBOOT USB mode.
Gaining S-OFF is another form of 'unlocking' the bootloader and giving you full access to all of the partitions as well as the radio. S-OFF by itself does not necessarily provide your apps with root access. That is dependent on the ROM that is installed.
072665995 said:
rooting and S-OFF are not the same thing. Rooting is just unlock bootloader and flash custom recovery. That is certainly possible on any android OS. S-OFF on the other hand, you need to downgrade back to 2.3.3 (in order to get HBOOT 1.13) and then run revolutionary to get S-OFF
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Oops, yes, you're right! S-off would need to roll back to Gingerbread, while rooting doesn't need. I mixed it up :silly:
zwitter said:
I was looking for some ROMs and this one caught my eye. CyanVIVO 10.1
link :
What do you suggest? Which one is better?
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CyanVIVO 10.1 is amazingly fast and smooth. Although, don't expect the same battery life as sense, as cm is not optimized for or phone.
If you want sense, Nik Rebirth is pretty good.
I personally hate sense as it is ugly, but it has its benefits such as battery life and more widgets.
Gizmo648 said:
Well, if you want so stick with Sense, you should try out ViperVIVO and Nik's Project X best Sense Based ROMs I know
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Don't go for ViperVIVO because
a) The download link has been removed
b) And even if you do find the link somehow, Team Venom have officially stopped supporting or device, so don't expect any updates soon.
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LamboBull said:
CyanVIVO 10.1 is amazingly fast and smooth. Although, don't expect the same battery life as sense, as cm is not optimized for or phone.
If you want sense, Nik Rebirth is pretty good.
I personally hate sense as it is ugly, but it has its benefits such as battery life and more widgets.
Don't go for ViperVIVO because
a) The download link has been removed
b) And even if you do find the link somehow, Team Venom have officially stopped supporting or device, so don't expect any updates soon.
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Uh no, the download link is still there. Nevertheless its still a great ROM with virtually no bugs so the only thing you could be improving is battery life and performance and if you still want more then you would be very greedy to do so because it already performs well in both.
072665995 said:
However in terms of battery and overall performance Id have to ViperVivo is best. Nik Project_X_Rebirth is also a very good choice but the lock screen ticks me off -.- My favourite Sense ROM is either Blackout or KingCobra although the latter has had reports of not booting past the splash screen for a number of people.
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lol I never got king cobra to boot
About lockscreen: push the lockscreen from a previous version and fusion.apk cause that is where the lock ring hides. I am not a fan of the new layout either so that is what I did
zukri90 said:
I don't think HTC is generous when it comes to sending updates. There's no official JB release for the Sensation. The Galaxy S2 got it though. Typical HTC...
Sent from one of the surviving Incredible S phones of the past
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GS2 is like half done, yes its there but it is not very good. There are still UI elements from ICS and even GB and half the things stop working
072665995 said:
Has it ever occured to you that the S II probably has a CPU that natively supports ion?? And that's why they have Jellybean where as the Sensation does not?? HTC isn't gonna work their bums off to get a device to support ion when they have the newer phones such as the HOX and the One.
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Nup your argument doesn't work cause VilleC2 (One S with snapdragon s3) has JB Sense
It has the exact same chipset as the Sensation but runs at a higher clock. Its got a linux 3.4 kernel with JB Sense from HTC so it definitely supports it.
LamboBull said:
CyanVIVO 10.1 is amazingly fast and smooth. Although, don't expect the same battery life as sense, as cm is not optimized for or phone.
If you want sense, Nik Rebirth is pretty good.
I personally hate sense as it is ugly, but it has its benefits such as battery life and more widgets.
Don't go for ViperVIVO because
a) The download link has been removed
b) And even if you do find the link somehow, Team Venom have officially stopped supporting or device, so don't expect any updates soon.
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I know that, but I still use the ROM, most customizable and Full sense :3
Sent from my HTC Incredible S using xda premium
072665995 said:
Uh no, the download link is still there. Nevertheless its still a great ROM with virtually no bugs so the only thing you could be improving is battery life and performance and if you still want more then you would be very greedy to do so because it already performs well in both.
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I see the links are still up. But I said that there are not going to be updates, which apart from improvements, include new features. Don't get too defensive bro
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