I need to ask it, before testing, in order to be sure I make no mistake.
I have sucessfully updated my Note from
GB 2.3.6 official samsung, to ICS paranoid v0.4 ICS, rooted (I used Odin PC to root, then Odin mobile to get the kernel + CWM)
actual kernel :
I would like to test some kernel (Abyss, Franco, ...). then, after that, some ROM (???)
I bought Mobile Odin.
is it safe to use it to flash kernel ?
is it better to use the recovery mode ?
same question about ROM ?
thank you
orobin said:
I need to ask it, before testing, in order to be sure I make no mistake.
I have sucessfully updated my Note from
GB 2.3.6 official samsung, to ICS paranoid v0.4 ICS, rooted (I used Odin PC to root, then Odin mobile to get the kernel + CWM)
actual kernel :
I would like to test some kernel (Abyss, Franco, ...). then, after that, some ROM (???)
I bought Mobile Odin.
is it safe to use it to flash kernel ?
is it better to use the recovery mode ?
same question about ROM ?
thank you
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Yes it is safe and easy. Recovery or mobileodin, either of them. Just remember not to recovery reset or data wipe in stock ics. Even if your on safe kernel like speedmod k3-6, do the wiping at on your own risk but i never read once that they brick there phone doing the wiping on speedmod k3-3. Dont blame me okay.
thanks for the feedback.
it gives me another question :
I read that I shouldn't do any wipe, under ICS.
but, for some ROM, or Kernel, it is adviced to do a wipe.
does it mean that I should then going back to GB.
do a wipe.
and flash again the rom and kernel starting from "scratch" ?
or should I flash with mobile odin, no wipe, and let's go, it should work well ?
orobin said:
thanks for the feedback.
it gives me another question :
I read that I shouldn't do any wipe, under ICS.
but, for some ROM, or Kernel, it is adviced to do a wipe.
does it mean that I should then going back to GB.
do a wipe.
and flash again the rom and kernel starting from "scratch" ?
or should I flash with mobile odin, no wipe, and let's go, it should work well ?
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I always do wiping while on speedmod, that's me, i dont know about you if you trust the speedmod, im not 100% sure that is really safe, you do it at your own risk. Well you can go back to gb and do the wiping there and flash ics if want to be really safe.
Hi everyone
I am new to Android. I upgraded my galaxy note GT N7000 to the official ICS German version. everything went smooth but then the battery consumption was terrible. I tried Franco kernel #3 and it didn't help so i restored the other kernel using CWM. everything is fine now but i heard about the risk of phone brick. I want to go back to GB but all the methods i reviewed involve wiping data which is the risky step that might hard brick the phone. Any suggestions? ?
Thank you and forgive my humble English
Sent from my GT-N7000 using XDA
afaik there is no way to downgrade (officially) without wiping everything :/
flash via cwm the abyss kernel, reboot in recovery through this kernel
Wipe & reflash from abyss a GB rom
I did a CMW backup before flashed to German ICS. After that find out that the ori ics is not really fast and stable, so I restore back to GB through CMW..
ckkwang said:
I did a CMW backup before flashed to German ICS. After that find out that the ori ics is not really fast and stable, so I restore back to GB through CMW..
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unfortunately I didn't back up my GB
Spartagek said:
flash via cwm the abyss kernel, reboot in recovery through this kernel
Wipe & reflash from abyss a GB rom
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probably I will try that. I was decided to keep the ICS till a solution for the brick comes up but this afternoon the phone screen started to go blank and display like old tv so it seems I have to go back to GB.
Another question please : Is there a risk that the phone will "auto-brick" by itself if I just keep the current ICS without making any changes or the brick happens only while installing or changing something??
hey I have been away from note some time now...
so I've tried to read about the BRICK problem..
I just can't figure out if there is any safe ICS ??
dk_iceman said:
hey I have been away from note some time now...
so I've tried to read about the BRICK problem..
I just can't figure out if there is any safe ICS ??
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As far as I know the LPY was an issue and as long as you don't wipe data/factory reset in that one, than it shuouldn't be a problem either...I'm on LQ2 and have been on LP9 I think and I even accidently wiped data in LP9 and nothing happend. So you should be safe as long as you're not on LPY and like get the LQ2 or LQ3 version.
ICS is safe with a safe kernel i.e. CM9,franco kernel etc which are clear of any wipe bug present in the stock ICS kernels.Hence, the CM9 nightlies,ParanoidAndroid and other ROMs which utilize to CM9 kernels are safe.
Alteratively, you can also flash to GB and then flash a ROM with an unsafe kernel and then flash a safe kernel via PC Odin.It's recommended to go through flashing GB as it reduces risk.However,do this at your own risk
gartner83 said:
As far as I know the LPY was an issue and as long as you don't wipe data/factory reset in that one, than it shuouldn't be a problem either...I'm on LQ2 and have been on LP9 I think and I even accidently wiped data in LP9 and nothing happend. So you should be safe as long as you're not on LPY and like get the LQ2 or LQ3 version.
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According to my understanding/knowledge none of available ICS official firmware/ROM is safe. Use safe kernels and ROMs mentioned by warfareonly.
warfareonly said:
ICS is safe with a safe kernel i.e. CM9,franco kernel etc which are clear of any wipe bug present in the stock ICS kernels.Hence, the CM9 nightlies,ParanoidAndroid and other ROMs which utilize to CM9 kernels are safe.
Alteratively, you can also flash to GB and then flash a ROM with an unsafe kernel and then flash a safe kernel via PC Odin.It's recommended to go through flashing GB as it reduces risk.However,do this at your own risk
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Mostly right. Any AOSP kernel is safe - eg CM9. But then you don't get touchwiz, if you want that.
There are a few Samsung based kernels which have the brick bugs removed. They are probably safe - there have been no bricks with them that I know of.
NEVER wipe or format using stock ics kernel (whether from cwm or within android) if you are rooted.
To be completely safe, either use Odin or from a gb kernel. If you are rooted you don't have to flash a full gb rom - just flash abyss 4.2 and then reboot to recovery (do not reboot the device). Then wipe and flash a cwm flashable from from abyss recovery. There is no danger of the brick bug provided the wipes are done through the gb recovery.
Sent from my GT-N7000 using Tapatalk 2
fslateef said:
According to my understanding/knowledge none of available ICS official firmware/ROM is safe. Use safe kernels and ROMs mentioned by warfareonly.
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Yes,you are right. The kernel must not be official,has to be custom(and not based on lpy) to be safe.
Sent from my GT-N7000 using XDA
I am on stock DDLP8 with stock kernel. I am planning to flash paranoid android. Can anyone confirm if following steps would work properly:
1. I flash franco kernel via PC odin.
2. Flash Paranoid Android using CWM.
Or shall I resort to the longer & safer route of going back to GB first & then flashing paranoid android.
Read the instructions given on the Paranoid Android ROM thread.They clearly state to go back and flash from a GB rom...Here, I've posted the info for you
--->Flash any stock GB rom with odin / or any GB kernel ,root deviceand reboot into recovery once again before flashing this
--->Install Rom: http://d-h.st/agf 119.46 MB
--->Install HYBRID Gapps: http://tjohansson.is-a-geek.com/file...0511-fixed.zip
--->Wipe caches, factory reset is a must if you're coming from another rom than CM9
Next time, read.Safety always
Hey all,
Quite confused here, taking the advice from the older threads I flashed using odin the stock firmware which I got from samfirmware and followed the instructions. Everything installed correctly however the phone will not boot :S
I ticked only PDA in which I entered the md5 file.
Came from cm9 nightly and flashed United Kingdom (Carphone Warehouse) 2012 July 4.0.4 N7000XXLRK N7000CPWLP5
Any help is appreciated and needed urgently - Thank you.
did you make a nandroid?
if you could get into recovery, (and you still have CWM) it would imply that you did not successfully flash the tw-based kernel.
no tw-based kernel means that a TW-based rom will not boot (unless you had hydracore)
buut... if you do have the stock ICS kernel on there, and try to flash anything, you could brick.
so best bet is to flash GB via odin, then flash CWM, SU, and then flash a custom ROM with a safe kernel in it.
pretty dangerous to even use stock ICS rom
when u say phone will not boot? is it blank or stuck on GT N7000 logo or the Samsung glowing logo?
Its stuck on glowing Samsung logo, I'm in download mode now - what is the best option for me? Might just flash GB rom
guitarplayerone said:
did you make a nandroid?
if you could get into recovery, (and you still have CWM) it would imply that you did not successfully flash the tw-based kernel.
no tw-based kernel means that a TW-based rom will not boot (unless you had hydracore)
buut... if you do have the stock ICS kernel on there, and try to flash anything, you could brick.
so best bet is to flash GB via odin, then flash CWM, SU, and then flash a custom ROM with a safe kernel in it.
pretty dangerous to even use stock ICS rom
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How can I go into recovery to check that? I only know how to get into download mode.
Shaizer said:
Its stuck on glowing Samsung logo, I'm in download mode now - what is the best option for me? Might just flash GB rom
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getting into recovery is the opposite of getting into download mode. use power button/ volume up/ home instead of power button/volume down/home
but IMO safest thing to do at all is to just get yourself onto a safe kernel before doing anything else.
flash yourself a stock pre-rooted GB ROM via odin.
then read this
this way you will ensure that you are on a safe kernel.
from there get yourself a working version of CWM and move on to whatever ROM you want.
are you trying to flash stock ICS for a service request for the phone, etc? you might be much better off with any stock-based ICS rom.
if after this you REALLY REALLY want a stock ICS rom, then use mobile odin to flash the ROM but use a 'safe' stock kernel with mmc_cap_erase disabled.
this is the closest you can get to bone stock but safe. (this will not even get you rooted).
another advantage of starting with pre-rooted GB stock and going from there is no raised flash counter either.
guitarplayerone said:
getting into recovery is the opposite of getting into download mode. use power button/ volume up/ home instead of power button/volume down/home
but IMO safest thing to do at all is to just get yourself onto a safe kernel before doing anything else.
flash yourself a stock pre-rooted GB ROM via odin.
this way you will ensure that you are on a safe kernel.
from there get yourself a working version of CWM and move on to whatever ROM you want.
are you trying to flash stock ICS for a service request for the phone, etc? you might be much better off with any stock-based ICS rom
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Doing this now, hope it works - using the GB rom from when I first rooted (from GB) so hopefully should work
its just a matter of doing a wipe cache and wipe dalvik and data wipe. but as u on ics u can't. unless u install a safe kernel. If you installing gb, then after that reboot into recovery
vol up + pwr + home and then do a data factory reset, wipe cache and all should be good
Shaizer said:
Doing this now, hope it works - using the GB rom from when I first rooted (from GB) so hopefully should work
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it's possible, but quite unlikely, that you have already hardbricked your phone between flashing stock ICS via odin and the boot.
more likely than not you are fine.
next time remember to make a nandroid. and never flash stock ICS kernels (or especially flash anything while already on a stock ICS kernel). these are the top 2 rules of having an n7000. if you follow them in teh future you will never have any problems
and please thank me if my posts helped
FWIW there were reports of hard bricks using the new stock JB kernel too, as Samsung decided to patch the bug 'their own way', which didn't seem to work. so only thing which is 100% safe is when mmc_cap_erase is disabled
Ah Relief - Finally got the phone booted into GB rom. How can I now install the Stock unrooted ICS room? Can't I just upgrade using OTA? I'm selling the note on ebay so need it to be fresh ICS.
as the phone is in the boot loop its clear indication that it's a data corruption problem and not a brick at all. Just need that wipes after ics install on a safe kernel
guitarplayerone said:
getting into recovery is the opposite of getting into download mode. use power button/ volume up/ home instead of power button/volume down/home
but IMO safest thing to do at all is to just get yourself onto a safe kernel before doing anything else.
flash yourself a stock pre-rooted GB ROM via odin.
then read this
this way you will ensure that you are on a safe kernel.
from there get yourself a working version of CWM and move on to whatever ROM you want.
are you trying to flash stock ICS for a service request for the phone, etc? you might be much better off with any stock-based ICS rom.
if after this you REALLY REALLY want a stock ICS rom, then use mobile odin to flash the ROM but use a 'safe' stock kernel with mmc_cap_erase disabled.
this is the closest you can get to bone stock but safe. (this will not even get you rooted).
another advantage of starting with pre-rooted GB stock and going from there is no raised flash counter either.
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nokiamodeln91 said:
as the phone is in the boot loop its clear indication that it's a data corruption problem and not a brick at all. Just need that wipes after ics install on a safe kernel
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Thanks for this, you're right it wasn't a brick - I'm now on a safe GB rom but really want this note to be in a stock unrooted ICS rom for the person buying it off me.
Connect to kies and update. If not use the same ics rom and flash it using odin. This time phone will start.
Before that while on gb do a factory reset.. connect to pc and format internal storage for you to get rid of all data
post removed.
if you are selling it, then I guess bone stock (without even safe kernel) is the way to go
just bear in mind with my method it is possible to get onto stock unrooted ICS but with a kernel without the bug.
I am not 100% certain if the phone will update OTA with that kernel though, so I guess use the other method
guitarplayerone said:
with all due respect- this is not true.
yes, in the general case, this is a sign of a softbrick. and if he never mentioned a stock ROM, it would definitely be a soft brick
however, there have been folks with hard bricks who have had /system and /data partitions screwed up who have even booted all the way into the OS. yes HARD brick. implying that there are actual corrupted partitions.
updating to stock ICS rom will put the affected kernel right back on his phone.
flashing another kernel from the affected kernel brings chance of a hard brick. (yes even though hypothetically you are only flashing /boot. but would you really take that chance with /boot? there have been reports of other partitions besides /data and /system being messed up, FYI)
it makes much more sense to flash the ROM via mobile odin, which gives you the option to flash a safe kernel at the same time.
this way OP is never on an unsafe kernel.
just because very few people bricked from flashing a safe kernel off off stock ICS doesn't mean that it isn't possible.
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So if I use the OTA install method, there is a risk of bricking my device? I really don't think the person buying my phone will fiddle around with roms and kernels - so what do you reckon I should do? Does mobile Odin download a safe kernel for me?
give it in stock gb only.. let. him upgrade
nokiamodeln91 said:
give it in stock gb only.. let. him upgrade
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nokiamodeln91 said:
give it in stock gb only.. let. him upgrade
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Hmmm this current GB rom is rooted though so you reckon its better to unroot it and just sell as GB? I didn't specify GB or ICS
Shaizer said:
Hmmm this current GB rom is rooted though so you reckon its better to unroot it and just sell as GB? I didn't specify GB or ICS
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Flash stock GB over odin.
if you wanted to be nice to the user, you could flash a ROM with a CSC corresponding to whatever region they are located in. That way you can factory reset and it will show up in the language they are used to.
If he is on stock, it will automatically go look for updates and tell him he could update
guitarplayerone said:
Flash stock GB over odin.
if you wanted to be nice to the user, you could flash a ROM with a CSC corresponding to whatever region they are located in. That way you can factory reset and it will show up in the language they are used to.
If he is on stock, it will automatically go look for updates and tell him he could update
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Might actually have to do that, this phone is european so it starts in German...since when did German become the EU language right?! We won the war
I apologize if this has been asked several times before but I want to be 100% sure I'm doing the right thing since my Note currently has brickbug. When I first got ICS via a Kies update, I had to do a stock wipe from Settings because apps were crashing and freezing. As far I can tell there hasn't been any permanent damage. I've since done another OTA update via WiFi.
I want to go from Stock ICS 4.0.4 to ParanoidAndroid JellyBean
Region - Open Germany
Baseband version - N7000XXLRK
Kernel version - 3.0.15-N7000XXLRK-CL811902
Can I simply download the PhilZ-cwm6-XXLRK-XEU-2.7 kernel http://www.mediafire.com/file/269h649de0bch14/PhilZ-cwm6-XXLRK-XEU-2.7-signed.zip onto my microsd card and flash from stock recovery?
Then can I use CWM to flash latest build of JB ParanoidAndroid from http://goo.im/devs/Utacka/n7000?
Also will this cause the Yellow Triangle?
what i did was flash hydracore kernel with mobile odin then flash paranoid android as described in its own thread.
also make a full wipe AFTER flashing hydracore from CWM
kromosto said:
what i did was flash hydracore kernel with mobile odin then flash paranoid android as described in its own thread.
also make a full wipe AFTER flashing hydracore from CWM
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Flashing the PhilZ kernel via Stock Recovery wouldn't work? That seems to be the most simple method. Does HydraCore have advantages over PhilZ?
it should work too. i just write the method i used and of course it is not the only method to do it.
kromosto said:
it should work too. i just write the method i used and of course it is not the only method to do it.
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Great, thanks.
dr.ketan said:
yes you can root directly from stock recovery with Phillz kernel (Method 1A) OR with simlpe SuperSU file (method 1B)
read this
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I found another recent thread. This was also helpful, thank you!
kromosto said:
it should work too. i just write the method i used and of course it is not the only method to do it.
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Ok, I have PhilZ on my Note now. But still have stock ICS. The ParanoidAndroid threads say "Make sure to run CM9 or an AOSP-based ROM : FLASHING FROM STOCK ICS OR ROMS BASED ON STOCK ICS WILL RESULT IN A BRICK!"
So does that mean I can't just flash HydraCore and then flash ParanoidAndroid? Do I have to flash a CM9 ROM or other AOSP ROM before ParanoidAndroid? Also is PhilZ kernel compatible with ParanoidAndroid?
orificium said:
Ok, I have PhilZ on my Note now. But still have stock ICS. The ParanoidAndroid threads say "Make sure to run CM9 or an AOSP-based ROM : FLASHING FROM STOCK ICS OR ROMS BASED ON STOCK ICS WILL RESULT IN A BRICK!"
So does that mean I can't just flash HydraCore and then flash ParanoidAndroid? Do I have to flash a CM9 ROM or other AOSP ROM before ParanoidAndroid? Also is PhilZ kernel compatible with ParanoidAndroid?
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I did exactly the same recently (but I went from stock to another ROM which had the same message, not ParanoidAndroid) - ran philz then the kernel should be safe which means you should be safe to flash to another ROM. That brick message on the thread I assume only applies if you are running a stock ROM with the stock kernel. If you want to be sure check in Settings>About Phone>Kernel Version - see thread here http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1857556.
orificium said:
I apologize if this has been asked several times before but I want to be 100% sure I'm doing the right thing since my Note currently has brickbug. When I first got ICS via a Kies update, I had to do a stock wipe from Settings because apps were crashing and freezing. As far I can tell there hasn't been any permanent damage. I've since done another OTA update via WiFi.
I want to go from Stock ICS 4.0.4 to ParanoidAndroid JellyBean
Region - Open Germany
Baseband version - N7000XXLRK
Kernel version - 3.0.15-N7000XXLRK-CL811902
Can I simply download the PhilZ-cwm6-XXLRK-XEU-2.7 kernel http://www.mediafire.com/file/269h649de0bch14/PhilZ-cwm6-XXLRK-XEU-2.7-signed.zip onto my microsd card and flash from stock recovery?
Then can I use CWM to flash latest build of JB ParanoidAndroid from http://goo.im/devs/Utacka/n7000?
Also will this cause the Yellow Triangle?
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My advice is dont use Philz kernel for flashing ICS to JB... becz i read somewhere no unique Philz kernel to supports for ICS and JB
I had done many time ICS to JB (like Kingdroid RAM to Paranoid JB, Paranoid JB to STOCK ICS etc. ) no issues...... because of I used Hydracore 4.3b kernel..
koosh34 said:
I did exactly the same recently (but I went from stock to another ROM which had the same message, not ParanoidAndroid) - ran philz then the kernel should be safe which means you should be safe to flash to another ROM. That brick message on the thread I assume only applies if you are running a stock ROM with the stock kernel. If you want to be sure check in Settings>About Phone>Kernel Version - see thread here http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1857556.
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The Kernel version looks the same to me as it did before I went to PhilZ. I rebooted into recover to make sure CWM is on there, which it is. And I installed a custom boot animation to make sure that worked, and it did.
Sounds like I should go to HydraCore Kernel first since it's compatible with TW ICS and JB then flash ParanoidAndroid ROM.
m_rajaganesh said:
My advice is dont use Philz kernel for flashing ICS to JB... becz i read somewhere no unique Philz kernel to supports for ICS and JB
I had done many time ICS to JB (like Kingdroid RAM to Paranoid JB, Paranoid JB to STOCK ICS etc. ) no issues...... because of I used Hydracore 4.3b kernel..
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Thanks, sounds like my best course of action is to flash HydraCore now and that way I can test various ICS/JB ROMs.
Since my original post I have:
Flashed PhilZ-cwm6-XXLRK-XEU-2.7-signed kernel in stock recovery to get original root and safe kernel.
Flashed GL_HYDRACORE_v5-4_STD kernel because I thought that's what I needed for PA.
Flashed pa_n7000-2.51-24OCT2012-192916 and followed instructions from Hydracore thread which said to flash kernel after done flashing new ROM and gapps. However - PA would not boot after that. I also tried pa_n7000-2.52-29OKT2012-101254-Utacka this way. Same problem.
So I decided to flash pa_n7000-2.51-24OCT2012-192916 this time but without changing the kernel. Booted fine this time and my phone flys now! Way faster than Stock ICS 4.0.4. It's nuts that official ROMs, by comparison, are so slow.
So I'm trying to understand how to know which kernels will work with which ROMs. So I've been reading the various stickies and this thread in particular - very carefully. And I see the part about "WARNING: Do NOT use the below listed kernels for any CM10 build dated October 3rd or newer because your system will not boot.". I assume this why I was having issues after flashing Hydracore immediately after PA? And if I'm understanding this right, I could use the new HydraCore v7 with this PA JB ROM I'm on now? Is that because of this new MALI driver?
I did an EFS Backup after I did the original PhilZ kernel install but I never did a Nandroid backup while I had stock ICS. Should I just do that on any functional ROM now to make sure I have a full working copy of something to get my phone restored if something goes haywire? Is that the idea?
Also a lot of people seem to recommend flashing ROMs using PC ODIN. Is this considered safer or less risky than using CWM?
ParanoidAndroid JB imilka build has been great - but I noticed a few annoying issues:
1. WiFi signal seemed a lot better in Stock ICS than it does with PA. My signal is always "Poor" in my bedroom and I'm not very far from the wireless router but when I'm in the living room - it's excellent. Is this to be expected or is there something I can do about that?
2. Audio issues - sometimes I have to play with the volume to get speaker phone working after hitting the on-screen toggle.
3. None of the Voice Input stuff works. It just says "Initializing" and then "I didn't catch that". Also described near the end of the PA thread but haven't seen anyone reply with a fix.
4. No timer/stopwatch built into clock app. Can someone recommend a good app?
5. When I change the Slider shortcuts under Settings->Interface->Lock screen, they don't save. It always go back to default - Camera, Google Search and Unlock options only.
6. Looking for a nicer clock widget. Can someone make a recommendation?
Just wanted to point out that I love that it automatically had the StraightTalk APN configured for me. I know you're probably thinking - yeah so? - but I'm relatively new to android ROMing - just been lurking for awhile - so it was a pleasant surprised.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Hi guys,
I am new to this forum and to flashing custom roms in particular. I have read a lot of stuff about the eMMC chipbug and how to avoid it. I want to install pa_n7000-2.53-05NOV2012-125144-Utacka from stock ICS 4.0.4 with this kernel: speedmod-kernel-n7000-ics-k3-15-Odin. Is it safe to flash the PA with the CWM of the speedmod kernel or should I go back to gingerbread as I have read on some other fora?
Thanks in advance!
yes its safe. speedmod is a safe kernel
nokiamodeln91 said:
yes its safe. speedmod is a safe kernel
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So all I have to do is reboot in cwm recovery, and install PA from sd card, then install Gapps, then wipe/factory reset, wipe cache and wipe Dalvik cache and it should work 'without' risk?
yeah.. first wipe data /factory reset
wipe cache
wipe dalvik
format /system
then install zip from sd
nokiamodeln91 said:
yeah.. first wipe data /factory reset
wipe cache
wipe dalvik
format /system
then install zip from sd
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And then it should be good to go or should I wipe again?
not until you face any app issues or so
want to be safe before flashing PA
hi guys
i m using rocket rom. now i want to flash PA 2.99
i m concerned about this warning...Make sure to run CM9/10 or an AOSP-based ROM : FLASHING FROM STOCK ICS OR ROMS BASED ON STOCK ICS WILL RESULT IN A BRICK! - You're warned!
what should i do..?
RR version ? It has a safe kernel so you are good to go. You can ignore that warning
nokiamodeln91 said:
RR version ? It has a safe kernel so you are good to go. You can ignore that warning
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YES it has one of philz safe kernels..
so what i think is its totally safe to flash a new rom if u have a safe kernel. Am i right???
what if i flash a kernel(safe one) which is not compatible with my currrent rom....is it risky or my device will just not boot or anything else.....??
I sincerely hope some of you can help me out with this! So I have the GT N7000, it came on GB, after the release of stock ICS I upgraded it, and then after the emmc issues, I went back to GB, rooted that, installed CM9 and after that installed StunnerICS(old version). Now I realised that I am still on a bad kernel, so I installed the CM9 kernel(after reading that it was safe) yesterday using PC Odin, and now after that, my wifi isnt working, my camera isnt working, my phone always memory full(well, this has been there since before, even though I cant figure out where all the space has gone), and still if I use the chainfire gotbrickbug app, it still says dangerous chip.
I am scared to format my phone so that I dont hard brick it, I cant install any another ROM for the very same fear of bricking it during the wipe and factory reset. I just want to go back to a decent ROM, preferably CM 9/10 or even a stock ROM and live peacefully with it ever after!
Hope you can help me sort this out!
boot into download mode and install a stock prerooted GB rom first..
nokiamodeln91 said:
boot into download mode and install a stock prerooted GB rom first..
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
And after that, install CM 10? I am assuming there wont be any issues with this method?
GB is a safe rom .. so there is no brick bug .. you will have CWM when you flash a prerooted GB rom.. so you can flash cm.
The emmc check app will always say you have a insane chip thats because you have.. only thing you can do is to be on a safe kernel always.
And also, am I safe to flash a ROM directly from CWMR or not? Considering I had flashed a CM kernel yesterday.
Kernel Version:
[email protected] #1
SMP PREEMPT Thu May 17 blah blah
prerooted GB will have CWM so.. you can directly flash the rom from there.
nokiamodeln91 said:
prerooted GB will have CWM so.. you can directly flash the rom from there.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thank you! I understand that this is a safe way, but it seems long. Will it be okay to flash the CM 10 nightly right now given the kernel I am on?
if you have access to recovery then go ahead.. but i mentioned going back to GB because of the storage issue you reported. but firs try flashing the CM rom first
thank you for your help! i flashed the cm10 nightly, all issues have resolved!!