My 2 year old was just talking to Google Voice on my new Nexus 7 and it thought he said this...
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I'm officially disturbed
xcandyman said:
My 2 year old was just talking to Google Voice on my new Nexus 7 and it thought he said this...
I'm officially disturbed
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Looks like your kid was trying to say "I can talk to it" or something?
Kids voices are not developed enough for the speech recognition. Heavy breathing, poor intonation and of course a kids voice sounds nothing like an adults.
There is a "don't recognise swear words" setting somewhere I saw. It might remove the word Ass which was probably obtained from a breath or squeal or similar aspirated sound. Not sure. Google also has a PG search if you want to lock it down more.
At 2 though he is unlikely to be able to really read it and if he could is too young to understand. As a parent myself I wouldn't worry, I am more likely to have laughed in fact.
glowworm62 said:
Looks like your kid was trying to say "I can talk to it" or something?
Kids voices are not developed enough for the speech recognition. Heavy breathing, poor intonation and of course a kids voice sounds nothing like an adults.
There is a "don't recognise swear words" setting somewhere I saw. It might remove the word Ass which was probably obtained from a breath or squeal or similar aspirated sound. Not sure. Google also has a PG search if you want to lock it down more.
At 2 though he is unlikely to be able to really read it and if he could is too young to understand. As a parent myself I wouldn't worry, I am more likely to have laughed in fact.
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Yes didn't expect it to pick his speech up clearly but it does very well and picks up around 40% of his words. It did make me laugh and I'm not worried just thought it was quite bizarre lol. I can't pick up my Nexus without him asking to talk to Google lol.
Block offensive words is a search setting option.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
I don't think a 2-year old's voice was high on the engineers list when designing Google Now. What do you expect when leaving your child to play with internet searches. You are lucky that it didn't return some photos of anal sex.
xcandyman said:
It did make me laugh and I'm not worried just thought it was quite bizarre lol.
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hehe! I do know what you mean.
Does the list of offensive words that googles speech recognition block include ass? I wouldn't think it would block ass as the word itself isn't that offensive, however in the context that it thought your son said, that would be much more offensive and disturbing. Google Now needs an option to block "offensive context"
Besides, I think the option is checked automatically
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2
Because of this thread, right now, somewhere in the Google X Labs building, a group of children are being gathered. :silly:
This thread is full of win.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
If you want to see somehing even more amusing, turn ON 'block offensive words' and do a search for "****". Make sure you say it clearly.
I got a kick out of that.
xcandyman said:
My 2 year old was just talking to Google Voice on my new Nexus 7 and it thought he said this...
View attachment 1208326
I'm officially disturbed
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Personally, I think letting a 2 year old anywhere the internet is asking for trouble.
Nexcellent said:
Because of this thread, right now, somewhere in the Google X Labs building, a group of children are being harmed. :silly:
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Sam Lewis of ATT called me shortly after this tweet was sent out. He advised me it is ultimately HTC that is responsible for the bootloader being locked. Not sure how much keeping his job may have swayed his response but we shall find out soon enough
We need to make them aware that we know about Carrier IQ and we need it unlocked right NOW!
Reclaim said:
We need to make them aware that we know about Carrier IQ and we need it unlocked right NOW!
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I couldn't agree with you more. For now its frozen on my device. And will remain so until I can find a way to remove it.
Chr0nicDreamz said:
I couldn't agree with you more. For now its frozen on my device. And will remain so until I can find a way to remove it.
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I fully agree. I really like the Vivid but I feel with out root and s-off Im not using the phone to the fullest. I have 15 days left and if the above is not done by then, Ill be ordering a rocket (which I do not want to do...)
I now have a phone dialog going with ATT Customer Care because of a few tweets.
They implied that they expect me to relay that information back to the community and said they realize by talking to me they are talking to the community as a whole.
I have kept the situation updated HERE
Wow! We have incredible people here. I really feel like we're all making a difference!
Is this going too far? I mean yeah its a stretch on the truth but they lied to us so why not..
Chr0nicDreamz said:
Is this going too far? I mean yeah its a stretch on the truth but they lied to us so why not..
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the way I see it... a voice is a voice... even an angry voice.
HTC & AT&T need to hear as many voices as possible... go ahead and be angry... let them know...
I and others with direct lines of communication will be calm and reasonable and can point to the angry people... and say "see the natives are restless"
Looks like I should get a twitter account one of these years lol.
They don't give a crap if you contact them in an angry manner. Those of us complaining about this are a minority, most people that buy these phones don't know anything about this stuff. The majority have never heard of rooting, or unlocked bootloaders, or ciq. They may appear to be listening but if they really were action would have been taken already. I'm glad I'm not an overly paranoid person, I'd never be able to use a cellphone after learning about all of this info that is collected every day.
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using xda premium
donharden2002 said:
They don't give a crap if you contact them in an angry manner. Those of us complaining about this are a minority, most people that buy these phones don't know anything about this stuff. The majority have never heard of rooting, or unlocked bootloaders, or ciq. They may appear to be listening but if they really were action would have been taken already. I'm glad I'm not an overly paranoid person, I'd never be able to use a cellphone after learning about all of this info that is collected every day.
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using xda premium
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Your post looks exactly like the one I put on the "Why AT&T users should boycott" threadm, I'm glad someone shares my opinion lol. While a boycott does nothing because of us being the minority, spamming their social media can actually do something. The general public does have a Facebook or Twitter, so when they see people complaining every single day about the same stuff on HTC's page, that doesn't look good at all on HTC's part. It raises awareness as opposed to just quietly boycotting a device when we are such a small percentage.
serious question cos my brother likes a good voice command.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA
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FYI Siri was never Apple's invention. They bought the app from a developer and cleared all it's traces from the app store.
I don't think so, I tried it and wasn't that impressed and my friend who owns it doesn't even use it only when he's drunk and asks it stupid things. lol
Not very practical for out door use, Maybe to play with, or when driving but there are lots of other voice recognition apps available, Siri will also work withother jailbroken IOS devices, so if you wanted a cheaper iPhone or and iPod touch 4g instead
this app does not function as advetised there are android apps that do the same functions there is iris,eva, and a few more. btw iris is siri spelled backwards. this tech existed before siri so apple may sue
And now we know that Apple is censoring or fixing some of the answers.
If you want an iPhone, buy it, but don't buy it for Siri. It's fun the first three hours and that's it.
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda premium
bricker1 said:
this app does not function as advetised there are android apps that do the same functions there is iris,eva, and a few more. btw iris is siri spelled backwards. this tech existed before siri so apple may sue
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Insert palm into face (Not sure if you said that Siri is a copy of Iris. If not, simply remove the palm from your face and sue me)
Google's solution isn't that bad. It's not that "social" as Siri (no funny answers) But again, want an iPhone, buy an iPhone. Simple as that.
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda premium
Thanks guys. I'll tell my bro to get htc one x or wait a li'l for sIII.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA
Just ask siri what the best smartphone is, and apparantly she'll tell you to it's a Lumia 900. It happened to a guy who thought to ask the its on YouTube haha
Sent from my coffee pot.
5.56nato said:
serious question cos my brother likes a good voice command.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA
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Your brother is buying an iPhone because he wants Siri?
That has to be the silliest reason to get that device.
TheSkinnyDrummer said:
Just ask siri what the best smartphone is, and apparantly she'll tell you to it's a Lumia 900. It happened to a guy who thought to ask the its on YouTube haha
Sent from my coffee pot.
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Apple "fixed" that. They are now censoring Siri.
85gallon said:
Apple "fixed" that. They are now censoring Siri.
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...and iTunes...
I didn't know Jailbreak was such a dirty word, but apparantly they "fixed" that too.
Sent from my coffee pot.
I use speaktoit assistant because I can make her look lovely and use whatever voice I like.
Just wait for the s3. Its S-Voicr is awe
Sorry for double post but I get invalid thread id if I try to modify post
I meant wait for the s3. Its SVoice is awesome
Awkay! SIII it shall be.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA
I read it earlier. Seems like a horrible review from an Apple fanboi.
I stopped reading about three sentences in when this "journalist" referred to it as the Galaxy 7.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda app-developers app
holy bias batmam!
This guy isn't a real journalist thankfully. He's a Grade-A dumbass though, stating flat out that the 'iPad Mini' is coming out in October. He has no credibility and this poorly-written article reflects that. Guess that's why he's stuck writing **** for examiner.
His "review" is basically the exact opposite of what literally everyone else is saying.
Where do they find their writers?
Lol he said Jelly bean is clunky... then tells us to wait for the Ipad mini. Smh lol.
You can tell its a fanboy article also from the viewing angle comment. I never once had a crowd of people around me going man "only if your tablet had a 85 degree viewing angle". Simple case of haters gonna hate
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
The Nexus 7 includes a 1.2MP front-facing camera. However, there is one main issue—there are currently no apps to take advantage of the camera.
Whaaaat? Did something happen to Hangouts, Google Talk Video Chat, Skype, and every other video chat app? And the plain old camera app can use the front camera can't it? Face unlock.......
What a deluded fellow we have here!
person is probably referring to stock without any added apps
but of course, probably wants to be spoon-fed a camera app
Obviously he doesn't like it, which is fine. But besides the tone which seems dismissive its also just poorly written. It's like a bad forum post. In closing, I wish I didn't encourage this crappy publication by clicking your linkbait
This is the typical iSheep review of any Android device, no matter how good it really is. Even the pictures he took / published are slightly out of focus to add a bit more drama to his pathetic article.
Oh well...
I have to disagree with everything he said apart from the lack of a SD card reader and that the home screen doesn't rotate
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2
How are these people allowed to write such "drivel" (could use more colourful language but i'd be banned)....the nexus 7 specs outperform 90% of android tablets out there yet this imbecile is saying "if people did 10 minutes of homework they'd find the samsung galaxy tab 7 is better"
Not to mention in his first 3 lines he says "Google's new tablet has a less than spectacular screen, a clunky operating system and a lack of storage options" unless your fingers are concrete without any feeling of how to use an operating system then maybe, otherwise the rest of your review is doomed
Guys hiring this lunatic...take a look at the verge, unbiased and solely focusing on the product and not the competition.
iPAD mini??? there's only rumors and not an announcement unless you suddenly became a spokesperson for Apple, that said you wouldn't be reviewing this tablet and we wouldn't have to read your jibberish you looney
The examiner is pretty much worthless because most of their writers are hired online with very little vetting and (if I remember correctly, but I'm not 100% sure) they get paid per view. I have a friend who writes for them (political articles). Nice person, but she majored in music education and can't write a cohesive sentence to save her life.
Sent from my R800i using xda premium
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It's a shame there's no comment section for feedback on that dude. Awful writing, terrible bias, and a clear lack of understanding of how to operate an Android tablet.
Bottom line, there's a reason Apple puts a wall around their garden... not only to keep the outside world out, but to keep their fanbois in. He'll be much better off feeling happy when Apple tells him to.
sRDennyCrane said:
It's a shame there's no comment section for feedback on that dude. Awful writing, terrible bias, and a clear lack of understanding of how to operate an Android tablet.
Bottom line, there's a reason Apple puts a wall around their garden... not only to keep the outside world out, but to keep their fanbois in. He'll be much better off feeling happy when Apple tells him to.
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on 90% of modern blogs and CMS packages, you can choose whether you'd like a comments section. This troll clearly didn't want his beliefs questioned.
KiroDawg said:
I read it earlier. Seems like a horrible review from an Apple fanboi.
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Fact that guy is retarded I couldn't believe that he trashed it so hard and it's blatantly obvious he loves Apple.
jptech said:
on 90% of modern blogs and CMS packages, you can choose whether you'd like a comments section. This troll clearly didn't want his beliefs questioned.
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I read this yesterday, and there was a comments section. The comments weren't going his way.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2
If you're anything like me, you probably always have to carry around at least the following things: A wallet, a smartphone, your keys and maybe some headphones.
And all of these take away there share of space, the keys are sharp, the wallet is either uncomfy or in your backpocket where it can be stolen easily, the headphones keep getting entangled, no matter how carefully you wrap them around your phone or whatever you do with them, and I have to work with these annoying items most of the day. What do you do against these ****ing annoying everyday problems? (Pardon my language)
CrisisCorE said:
If you're anything like me, you probably always have to carry around at least the following things: A wallet, a smartphone, your keys and maybe some headphones.
And all of these take away there share of space, the keys are sharp, the wallet is either uncomfy or in your backpocket where it can be stolen easily, the headphones keep getting entangled, no matter how carefully you wrap them around your phone or whatever you do with them, and I have to work with these annoying items most of the day. What do you do against these ****ing annoying everyday problems? (Pardon my language)
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WTF is going on with people?
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There is already a "Things that annoy you" thread - and even if there wasn't there would be no justifiable reason to ever open a thread for something like this
If it's that much of a problem for you then just get a handbag - given your attitude it would probably make you come across as more manly
SimonTS said:
WTF is going on with people?
There is already a "Things that annoy you" thread - and even if there wasn't there would be no justifiable reason to ever open a thread for something like this
If it's that much of a problem for you then just get a handbag - given your attitude it would probably make you come across as more manly
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This is ot. There usually isn't a justified reason to open a topic.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using xda app-developers app
iKoolkid said:
This is ot. There usually isn't a justified reason to open a topic.
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"Off-Topic" means "Not to do with mobile phone development". It doesn't mean "Whatever you fancy posting for Sh1ts & Giggles" - and that is why you keep opening moronic threads that get filled with long-time members telling you to stop being a moron and then get closed by the good Mods on this forum.
SimonTS said:
"Off-Topic" means "Not to do with mobile phone development". It doesn't mean "Whatever you fancy posting for Sh1ts & Giggles" - and that is why you keep opening moronic threads that get filled with long-time members telling you to stop being a moron and then get closed by the good Mods on this forum.
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Well true, tell that to everyone else. And I do regret post in nonsense here. But ot is usually misinterpreted. That's why we should have a spammerland forum.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using xda app-developers app
I wear my pockets inside out. All kids in the future do it.
Sent from your mom.
I use PocketManager 2.3.1, but it's not official yet so you'll have to sideload it. Most schools offer it for download around second grade or so.
MissionImprobable said:
I use PocketManager 2.3.1, but it's not official yet so you'll have to sideload it. Most schools offer it for download around second grade or so.
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Nice playing along to the thread. Like the toaster thread.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using xda app-developers app
I keep my pockets full of locks. Here... have one.
I don't always make typos in memes but when I do it's because SwiftKey is a ****
Sent From My Fingers To Your Face.....
Please help this cause to remove this page, if you do not tolerate animal abuse.
Spread the word to your friends, families and neighbours.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda app-developers app
Pretty sad that someone is able to push this kind of thing on FBook.
We have 4 dawgs here in this house all rescues or left overs from someone else.
Someone in my town has been going around killing peoples pets....hope they get caught soon.....there is a special place in hell for people like that
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-T989 using xda premium
I looked at the page but it seems to me that it's just a name the page it's buried in hate comments (from people saying not to hate)
I thought it was some sort of page where people were encouraging mutilation of animals but it isn't so it's simply the name that's ticking people off (you should read some of those comments......whoa!) I believe I it should be closed simply because of the number of haters commenting
"Your signature has been granted superuser permissions"
K, why was comment deleted? If the page encouraged and displayed animal abuse, by all means, shut it down, and arrest the one displaying the pics. If it is simply one who states his dislike of dogs, I find no harm in that. Disagreement in one beliefs DOES NOT constitute oppression.
I'll sign the petition, but please leave the I Hate Ben Roethlisberger page alone... Thanks...
Doesn't really work. Now for example an "I hate people from a different race than me"? That goes down right away. Dogs aren't people. There's probably an "I hate cats" page nobody has said anything about. Or any other animal.
If it's just a page for people who agree with the phrase "I hate dogs"... so what ? That's not advocating animal abuse and even though I don't hate dogs, I'm not going to get worked up over it.
As they're not going around taking and abusing people's lizards it's not my business to police their feelings or word choices. My friend has a pet snake, but she understands that a lot of people really do HATE snakes and are extremely bothered by them and uncomfortable around them. Not everyone loves the same things, it's okay.
I mean, I hate Taylor Swift's music and her public personality. But I'm not saying I advocate abusing her, just like, maybe getting her to take a chill pill.
I dunno. I'm also a weirdo who thinks, sure have an "I hate people from a different race" page - that way you can out yourself as a racist asshole in public and everyone who's not can decide to avoid you / not hire you / put you on watch for if you actually commit a hate crime / et cetera.
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Sent from my GT-N7000 using Tapatalk 2
Thats OK said:
Pretty sad that someone is able to push this kind of thing on FBook.
We have 4 dawgs here in this house all rescues or left overs from someone else.
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Same. and I've grown quite attached to them.
But I left Facebook years ago, so I'm no help to the OP.
Sent from my GT-N7000 using Tapatalk 2
LordManhattan said:
Sent from my GT-N7000 using Tapatalk 2
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Wookie here funny business outta you.