Went to staples.com and if showed stores with stock. Went to one and didn't see any on display. Told the employee, site said they had some so he went back to check. There it was. Purdy. Love this thing. Bequeathed my Xoom to son.
4.1.1 update with wallet support is awesome.
Yeah I also went and grabbed it from staples. I got mine on the 16th.
Sent from my Nexus 7
I tried too but they sold the last one in the 20 minutes between me calling and driving there. So pissed. Guess I'll just have to wait for Google to deliver it in 1 to 5 weeks.
Sent from my HTC Vision using xda premium
Got mines yesterday from Staples also. Did you guys buy the one or two year warranty?
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2
slick_rick said:
Got mines yesterday from Staples also. Did you guys buy the one or two year warranty?
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2
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Futureshop also has them physically in stock. Picked mine up yesterday as waiting for it from google is ridiculous.
I also got mine yesterday(defininatly a step up from my htc desire z lol)I called staples the day before and told them I'm from out of town and I'm coming in tomorrow is there any in stock they said yup and I asked them to hold it for me I haven't had the privilege of getting to explore everything yet, and I do not believe in extended warranties on good products.
Also I was wondering how do you get the Transformers dark side of the moon?
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda app-developers app
Picked mine up at Staples yesterday and am loving it so far. Screen's a little washed out compared to my PlayBook, but not too bad. Otherwise, great tablet so far. I'm also missing the Transformers movie. When I go to the video player app, it tells me there are no movies there.
Devhux said:
Picked mine up at Staples yesterday and am loving it so far. Screen's a little washed out compared to my PlayBook, but not too bad. Otherwise, great tablet so far. I'm also missing the Transformers movie. When I go to the video player app, it tells me there are no movies there.
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You need to download it from your movies in the Play Store. It's actually not preloaded on the device itself.
Wal-Mart.com had them, shipping free to your nearest store or shipping for .97 cents to your home. They are in stock now. Also my local Wal-Mart was stocked with them as well but the Wal-Mart in the next city was sold out.
---------- Post added at 04:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:10 PM ----------
My transformer movie was preloaded on my N7....It's right in "Play movies and tv" app, right under "my movies". I didn't have to do anything to get it.
dirtyhamster73 said:
Wal-Mart.com had them, shipping free to your nearest store or shipping for .97 cents to your home. They are in stock now. Also my local Wal-Mart was stocked with them as well but the Wal-Mart in the next city was sold out.
---------- Post added at 04:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:10 PM ----------
My transformer movie was preloaded on my N7....It's right in "Play movies and tv" app, right under "my movies". I didn't have to do anything to get it.
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Mine wasn't. How large is the movie on your device? Mine is being streamed when I watch it.
Did you go to "play movies and tv" and click on the pin on the bottom right corner?
I found the Transformers movie you have to go to your library you can stream it, or if you touch the little TAC icon you can download it at the cost of 2.82 gigs not worth the space IMO I rather stream it. Its yours forever.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda app-developers app
got mine from staples on the 17th... called my local store that morning they said they had 2 and to come on in.. I got there and they said corporate wasn't going to let them sell it and they would hold it for me. so they sent me away with 25 dollars in coupons. i still made a stink cuz it was there and it didn't make sense since street date had already happened. guy called me about 2 hours later and said to come in and he would sell it to me. so i used my 25 dollar coupons and i bought a service plan that if anything happens to it for 2 years, breaks in any way they will replace it. sounded decent for 40 bucks since the screen on my galaxy nexus is already cracked.
linuxdood said:
Went to staples.com and if showed stores with stock. Went to one and didn't see any on display. Told the employee, site said they had some so he went back to check. There it was. Purdy. Love this thing. Bequeathed my Xoom to son.
4.1.1 update with wallet support is awesome.
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Nearly all the stores in the 12180 region has the 16's in stock
I ordered mine on the 17th at Staples and it was there by the 20th.
When I open the Play Movies & TV app, I see the Movies, and Personal Videos tabs. In the Movies one, it says "Looks like you don't have any movies. Touch the shop icon above to browse our full catalog, or choose from the suggestions below." All the movies it does show just link to the Google Play store page for these movies.
If I click on the "Personal Videos" tab, I get a message saying "No Videos Found: You can copy videos from your computer using a USB cable).
In either case I don't see a pin or anything else I can tap. I first thought it's because I'm in Canada, but a Staples demo unit had it, so I'm confused. When setting up the device, I set my language as English (United States).
goofball2k said:
Mine wasn't. How large is the movie on your device? Mine is being streamed when I watch it.
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Same here, It showed up in videos out of the box. It is only a stream though. Which is good. I don't need it taking up storage. I have the 16gb.
linuxdood said:
Went to staples.com and if showed stores with stock. Went to one and didn't see any on display. Told the employee, site said they had some so he went back to check. There it was. Purdy. Love this thing. Bequeathed my Xoom to son.
4.1.1 update with wallet support is awesome.
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Ditto, did they tell you that you can't return if you don't like it? The rep at my local staples said it had to have a defect, yet their return policy says only of you aren't 100% satisfied.. Its a great tablet for the price, but its not really different to my galaxy nexus... kind of feel like I have two identical products, just one has a bigger screen (not as sharp I might add)and my gnex can make calls.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda app-developers app
I got mine from Staples too.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2
So I, like many others, had a defective Nexus 7 (creaking sound, a bit of a screen separation). I called staples, and asked for an exchange, which they were happy to provide. They sent up a guy this morning with a new Nexus 7 to replace my old one.
The new one has pretty much the exact same issue as the last one. I'm considering asking to exchange AGAIN, or possibly just living with the glass separation issue.
Do any of you know if Staples will exchange/replace more than once? Also, how many of you ordered from Staples and actually received a perfect device (no creaking / glass issue)?
Just try to exchange it at another staples or try this http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=28963551 if you are not afraid to open your Nexus
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda premium
wiithepeng said:
Just try to exchange it at another staples or try this http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=28963551 if you are not afraid to open your Nexus
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda premium
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Thing about Staples is that I ordered mine online, so I call online for the support. I already opened up both this one and my last one, still no real fix.
Don't know if I should chance another replacement either, I might risk lightbleed/dead pixels (which I don't have now). What to do...
I would have no qualms about exchanging the tablet as many times as it takes to get what I paid for. It's a reasonable expectation to get one free of flaws.
Why open a new device and try to fix something that should be handled by the manufacturer?
Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
I ordered mine from Staples online. Nothing was wrong with it.
JohnSypin said:
I ordered mine from Staples online. Nothing was wrong with it.
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Could I trouble to ask where you live/what the temperatures are like? At Jersey here, the temps are ~95+. And I feel like that may have something to do with it.
If I were you, I'd just ask for a full refund. Wait until your local stores to stock and buy in person (after checking the quality).
Just got mine replaced at staples. You have 14 days with each product to return it. Either they'll ship a new one or you can return in store.
I went to the store and opened it there to test it.
Sent from my LG-P999 using xda app-developers app
MrJESUSatWork said:
Could I trouble to ask where you live/what the temperatures are like? At Jersey here, the temps are ~95+. And I feel like that may have something to do with it.
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I live in Pennsylvania its been around 85 to low 90s.
MrJESUSatWork said:
Could I trouble to ask where you live/what the temperatures are like? At Jersey here, the temps are ~95+. And I feel like that may have something to do with it.
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My tablet was delivered from staples yesterday in that heat wave we had here in NJ. I opened it right away and had no issues right out of the box. Everything is perfect.
I got mine from Staples.com as well and IMO, I have a near perfect tablet except for couple of things. For one, I didn't get the $25 credit. Slightly off topic but did all you (Staples customers) get the $25 credit? I'm weighing the pros and cons of returning it for this reason.
Are you talking about the Play Store credit? I thought that Google detects the google accounts logged in through all Nexus 7, and apply the $25 credit to the account. That way, they don't care where you got your N7 from.
Yes, the Play Store credit. I followed the directions explicitly to get the credit to no avail. I even did a factory rest and entered a different credit card still to avail.
janedoesmith said:
I got mine from Staples.com as well and IMO, I have a near perfect tablet except for couple of things. For one, I didn't get the $25 credit. Slightly off topic but did all you (Staples customers) get the $25 credit? I'm weighing the pros and cons of returning it for this reason.
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I didn't get the credit when setting it up and seen nothing about it when I finished setting it up but I did get it later in the play store when I went to buy a app it had something like add your credit card to Google wallet and get 25$ play credit. After I added the card it gave the option to use the credit.
I also tried it at the Play store checkout. It gave me that option to add a credit card and get the $25 credit. I added another different credit card but, again, no credit.
Sounds like a lot of people have had virtually perfect tablets from Staples, in the NJ/PA area. I just called again, they'll be picking up my tablet on Friday and sending a new one on Monday. if THAT one has issues... I may just take it to the local staples to refund or to open a box / find one that isn't broken.
Online staples orders can be returned via stores right?
I called the Staples in my area and they said I could return it to their store. Did you get the $25 Play Store Credit??
I work at staples in audobon, new jersey. I'd like to say that we will continue to replace your device until you receive one that is what you had ordered.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using xda app-developers app
I guess I was lucky, I ordered from the Play Store and I got one in very good shape. The left side of the screen is ever so slightly raised, but it's so minor that it's not worth the trouble. It has no effect on my tablet, so I don't care.
Ordered from staples, got my credit.
Sent from my LG-P999 using xda app-developers app
I keep seeing people saying that they're getting them, but I guess because I'm in the armpit of the US. I haven't run across one in any of my local stores.
Nowinstock was showing that Wal-Mart recently had them instock, but the website wouldn't let me purchase... I'm having some bad luck!
05GT said:
I keep seeing people saying that they're getting them, but I guess because I'm in the armpit of the US. I haven't run across one in any of my local stores.
Nowinstock was showing that Wal-Mart recently had them instock, but the website wouldn't let me purchase... I'm having some bad luck!
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Gamestops around here.
MacMall.com, Staples, Office Max, Sears.com, Walmart.com, Sams Club, Game Stop. Sears had a 16gb for $239 yesterday I think but it wouldn't come until August.
Sent from my SPH-D710 using xda app-developers app
GiantJay said:
MacMall.com, Staples, Office Max, Sears.com, Walmart.com, Sams Club, Game Stop. Sears had a 16gb for $239 yesterday I think but it wouldn't come until August.
Sent from my SPH-D710 using xda app-developers app
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Sears in store or online?
05GT said:
I keep seeing people saying that they're getting them, but I guess because I'm in the armpit of the US. I haven't run across one in any of my local stores.
Nowinstock was showing that Wal-Mart recently had them instock, but the website wouldn't let me purchase... I'm having some bad luck!
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There is a Sticky thread for "The 'Other places that sell the Nexus 7' thread":
hullbay said:
Sears in store or online?
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05GT said:
I keep seeing people saying that they're getting them, but I guess because I'm in the armpit of the US. I haven't run across one in any of my local stores.
Nowinstock was showing that Wal-Mart recently had them instock, but the website wouldn't let me purchase... I'm having some bad luck!
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Same here. Closest thing is Staples 2 hours from me. Was tempted but my pre order is finally due tomorrow. Hoping my patience pays off with a good unit.
Staples - you can check inventory online at nearby stores everyday - very good real-time updates of stock.
From the Note to Nexus 7
aerichards1977 said:
Staples - you can check inventory online at nearby stores everyday - very good real-time updates of stock.
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Me too. Staples. Followed the stock online and it is very accurate. When you see "not sold in this store", Just means they are out of stock. Keep checking and the same stores will change to "in stock." My store changed late saturday nite and showed in stock Sunday, I bought on Monday, they still had one for a guy on the phone while I was there, and Monday nite it changed to "not sold in this store."
Staples. Like the person above said, you can check in-store stock online. My local store had TWO 16GB ones in stock on Sunday when I checked, so I left immediately and got one
Staples is great. They get the nex7 in everyday on ups shipments. Seems like the average is 1-4 per store. Call around 10-11 and see if they have one.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2
I found mine at a micro center in my city(Kansas City). Checked online and they said they had 9 left. Called and they said they had 7 left. Then again the area that it was in was wealthier area. Pretty sure everyone in that area had iPads. They could care less about a $200 tablet
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda app-developers app
Got mine at the MacMall in Torrance, CA. Seems the store there and Huntington Beach have a substantial supply (Huntington had 60 last I checked). In store only, 16gb.
I initially tried the Staples route but there was only one store in Southern California that sold it (Pasadena). Must've annoyed the hell out of them calling everyday. They seem pretty clueless as to when they were expecting shipments.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda app-developers app
I got ,one at staples but just got shipping notification from the play store after I tried to cancel. If anyone can't find one I'll sell the extra 16 gig nex7 at cost just to avoid having to refuse shipment and whatnot.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2
I found one. I had to drive a little over an hour to New Orleans, but I got one. It was a preorder at GameStop that was never picked up!
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda premium
As i am looking online for a 16 gb n7, i found a walmart that is says in stock online. The interesting part is that when i called the store, they said that they are not carrying that product. Should i still try to go pick it up or not. I am really confused right now.
lovenokia said:
As i am looking online for a 16 gb n7, i found a walmart that is says in stock online. The interesting part is that when i called the store, they said that they are not carrying that product. Should i still try to go pick it up or not. I am really confused right now.
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forget Wal-mart. Staples has them, Radio Shack has them and the Google Store has them now as well.
you should give them the item number, most csr's have no clue
Agreed, buy it anywhere else but wal-mart....plz
Sent from my LG-P999 using xda premium
My local staples didn't have any but the Walmart right next door had 3 16gb in the cage.
Forgot to mention that it was today that I got one.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I777 using Tapatalk 2
You have to educate the CSR's of new items at Walmart. They told me today that they don't have nor do they plan on carrying it. Then they opened the stock cabinet and I pointed at it. They didn't have a display up.
I got mine last night at Walmart and there is one box only in the cage so I went to grab it right away and go home happy.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2
I just saw 6 nexus 7's at the Walmart near Portland, Oregon. They had zero on display but they were sitting in a glass case near other tablets.
mistarose said:
I just saw 6 nexus 7's at the Walmart near Portland, Oregon. They had zero on display but they were sitting in a glass case near other tablets.
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i got mine yesterday from WM.
I just bought mine from Walmart, they had 5 more boxes in Noblesville Indiana. I tryed buying them from staples but they ran out, and GameStop for some reason won't sell me theirs, said it was for preorder only. I'm really happy with mine right now, no flaws that I can tell.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda premium
staples, gamestop, office depot, but only wallmart, looks like i will just get from the play store.
I just got mine from walmart. I would rather not pay the shipping if I didn't have to, and no other stores had them in stock I called every brick and mortar within 50 miles. Birmingham, Alabama by the way.
Sent from my HTC One X using xda app-developers app
tehSecret said:
Agreed, buy it anywhere else but wal-mart....plz
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Funny thing about Wal-Mart, they will take back anything, no questions asked, within a year.
Funny story about the funny thing above, Okla. State Univ. recruited a bunch of European women to play on their women's soccer team a few years ago. They all went to Wal-Mart and bought everything that they needed to furnish an entire apartment. When the season and semester was over, the returned everything down to the last spatula, for cash, and flew home.
I hate Wal-Mart with a white-hot passion, but when you need something at 3am, being able to go buy it at the near by Super Center is... grudgingly... pretty cool.
Wal-Mart is about the easiest place ever to return stuff. I wouldn't hesitate at all to buying one from there.
Evo_Shift said:
Wal-Mart is about the easiest place ever to return stuff. I wouldn't hesitate at all to buying one from there.
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I don't mind Walmart either. Best return policy on the planet. Ghetto as **** though.
Perfect Nexus 7 Finally!!!!
I just bought mine from walmart When I went in they didn't have any out for sale but the website said they had them in stock so I asked the sales guy and he said they had them in the back. After buying one from google play and having severe light bleed it was nice to finally see what a perfect nexus 7 looks like. It looks great no light bleed, no dead pixels, no bad wifi and touch is responsive and colors don't look washed out, feels solid. I also got their 2 year protection for $20.00 it covers anything. So anyone with doubts about walmart might wanna give them a try.
---------- Post added at 08:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:04 PM ----------
LOL I second the Ghetto as **** though.
Evo_Shift said:
Wal-Mart is about the easiest place ever to return stuff. I wouldn't hesitate at all to buying one from there.
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I agree, no questions ever asked and no hassle returns make Walmart a no brainer.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using XDA Premium HD app
NEEDED: Intel courtesy of someone who works for Wal-Mart.
The inventory information on the Wal-Mart.com that is accessible to the public runs two weeks behind. If you check today for Wal-Mart No.550756186 (the 16gb Nexus 7) it gives you store inventory as of 7/15/2012 (two weeks ago). Searching it for the dozen stores in/near 74105 (Tulsa, OK) shows that all 12 normally carry it, but are out of stock as of 7/15/2012. Well, no****, Sherlock. No Wal-Mart in America had any on 7/15, so this really just tells me that the stores should have it or get some soon. Based on reports in this thread that people are finding them in stock at their local Wal-Mart stores, I went to one here and called five others. None reported having any, but I'm not sure that they made much of an effort to search.
Surely someone who actually worked for Wal-Mart could access inventory info that's much closer to real time (like 24hrs or less). It sure would be nice if someone would tell us what to expect and which Wal-Mart's should have them.
For me, the cost of shipping is typically about the same as sales tax ($16 on the $200 model; $20 on the $250). All things considered, I'd prefer to buy from a local Wal-Mart, have the benefit of no questions asked one year returns and be able to buy a $20 covers nearly everything two year extended warranty. For me, this is preferable to $25 in Google Play credit.
Someone here woks for Wal-Mart, probably. C'mon, help a brother out.
Sent from my DROID RAZR using xda app-developers app
Checked Walmart.com yesterday and found a few Walmart in Omaha, NE that had some. I promptly went and picked one up because everywhere else is out of stock.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2
lovenokia said:
As i am looking online for a 16 gb n7, i found a walmart that is says in stock online. The interesting part is that when i called the store, they said that they are not carrying that product. Should i still try to go pick it up or not. I am really confused right now.
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I just ordered mine on the Walmart.com site and it was ready within a few hours. When I went in to pick it up, they said they still had about 12 more in the back. So it seems there may be some truth behind the Walmart Availability. Although, it wasn't displayed in the electronics department yet. Good Luck!
Who's getting one?! I think this thing has a lot of potential to make some waves:
I was hoping it would let you mirror your device but it basically turns your Tablet/PC/Laptop/Android into a remote. Allowing you to queue up videos and send them to your tv wirelessly. I think it's pretty cool that you can queue up stuff and continue to use your device for other things. Perhaps someone will be able to hack it so it can mirror your android device?
Wrong forum but XDA has not created a a sub forum for this yet.
For those who ordered one what is the ship date you received?
I ordered one receipt says will ship by August 7th. I hope it ships sooner. I am guessing it will.
looks like a great solution !! :good::good:
play store sold out currently. amazon search turns up no results. here is the link for chromecast on amazon:
Some Best Buys have them on sale now. I called the one near me they said they would have them tomorrow morning.
I just checked Best Buys website and with my silver premier membership if I used next day shipping for $3 it would arrive between July 26th and 29th. Expedited said arrival would be July 27th to 30th.
EDIT: Just checked again and now it's showing sold out online. Was still in stock 5 to 10 minutes ago.
Sent from my wickedly awesome Galaxy Note 2 using my fingers. Duh!!!
---------- Post added at 10:50 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:42 PM ----------
One of the people in my Google+ circles saw them at a Best Buy in the Cincinnati area today.
Sent from my wickedly awesome Galaxy Note 2 using my fingers. Duh!!!
Ordered mine from Amazon. Will be delivered on Friday.
Sent from my SGH-T889 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
I just bought one 20min ago at the local best buy. Its pretty sweet so far, comes with an extender for the hdmi and a power adapter. About to try it out
roadrunnerx7 said:
I just bought one 20min ago at the local best buy. Its pretty sweet so far, comes with an extender for the hdmi and a power adapter. About to try it out
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You must be on the west coast
Sent from my wickedly awesome Galaxy Note 2 using my fingers. Duh!!!
truckerdewd said:
You must be on the west coast
Sent from my wickedly awesome Galaxy Note 2 using my fingers. Duh!!!
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I am near hollywood. Ill tell you thing, im definitrly glad they included an extender thing... Its definitely not going to easily fit in some tv's without the extender. That said seems google really thought this one through!
.just ordered mine!! :thumbup:
Sent from my SGH-T889 using xda premium
are you able to stream games on to the screen with the chrome cast? or is it app specific?
truckerdewd said:
You must be on the west coast
Sent from my wickedly awesome Galaxy Note 2 using my fingers. Duh!!!
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People have been reporting that they just walked into best buy yesterday evening and asked for them and was able to purchase them. During the announcement yesterday, they said it would be available at Best buy starting on the 28th. Seems like most stores already have them in stock, you just have to ask for it specifically.
I grabbed mine at Best Buy this afternoon on Long Island. It's really awesome, especially with the 3 free months of Netflix. You can stream local media on it as well. I'm using Plex media server for that, and you can also stream Amazon Prime Video too, so it's a really versatile solution for really cheap.
Bought these in Mansfield Tx( DFW metro plex) Got the last 2
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2
Got mine from best buy this afternoon. Best buy doesn't put it on the floor anywhere. You have to ask the sale.
So far, netflex and youtube are working great. however casting from chrome browser is like a joke. very very choppy. I tried it from my laptop, chromebook, the result is un-useable.
Wish more native apps will be release soon.
bold2 said:
Got mine from best buy this afternoon. Best buy doesn't put it on the floor anywhere. You have to ask the sale.
So far, netflex and youtube are working great. however casting from chrome browser is like a joke. very very choppy. I tried it from my laptop, chromebook, the result is un-useable.
Wish more native apps will be release soon.
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To be fair, I believe that the "cast a tab" functionality is still in beta. Perhaps it will be optimized with time and performance may improve. Also, it uses 2GHz wifi bands, so it could potentially be affected by other 2GHz devices in the area.
Dave12308 said:
To be fair, I believe that the "cast a tab" functionality is still in beta. Perhaps it will be optimized with time and performance may improve. Also, it uses 2GHz wifi bands, so it could potentially be affected by other 2GHz devices in the area.
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That is true. if chrom url can redir to receiver side, and disconnect from sender, that would a good start.
Best Buy
Best buy is where it is at. shopping cart by customer service. what a great deal. using chrome to stream i am on my desktop over 40 foot from my rougher on my desktop pc pushing video files with no problem. also the tv is 15 ft from the rougher that is 40 ft from my desktop. also i have found when pushing from phone or tablet you can reboot and netflix keeps on playing. i give it 12 stars out of 10 great job google. i hope soon we could do screen share from our devices or pc's {playing games on a device that is charging with moga pro! That would be sick!!}
I just picked one up at Best Buy. They still had a few left in stock.
They also gave me the 3-months of Netflix (it prints out on the receipt). Pretty nice since that promotion was discontinued. I didn't really have a particular need for it, but at $11 (after Netflix discount), it was a no brainer.
Dear T-Mobile Customer,
Our apologies. You recently ordered an item that was listed at an incorrect price: the Samsung Galaxy Gear™. We are unable to fulfill this transaction. Rest assured, your credit card has not been charged.
You can reorder the Samsung Galaxy Gear at the correct price here.
Sent from my SM-N900T using xda app-developers app
When did you order?
Sent from my SM-N900T using Tapatalk now Free
Damn, that sucks, when did you order?
---------- Post added at 06:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:33 PM ----------
Just got mine canceled too. Balls!
My order just got canceled as well. Drat! Now I'm actually going to have to wait for this product to flop, so I can afford one.
I orderd Oct. 4 and also cancelled today.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I317 using xda app-developers app
irsmurf said:
My order just got canceled as well. Drat! Now I'm actually going to have to wait for this product to flop, so I can afford one.
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They are selling out of them..
spinkick said:
They are selling out of them..
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In a similar fashion to the Surface RT, I believe.
I like this watch a lot. But I like a lot of first gen, poorly received consumer electronics.
What fashion was that? They didn't sell out of surface RTs, did they? .
I hope you are wrong. I really would love to see this take off.
spinkick said:
What fashion was that? They didn't sell out of surface RTs, did they? .
I hope you are wrong. I really would love to see this take off.
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Yes, Microsoft "sells out" of the Surfaces. Microsoft did the same things with Zunes.
I currently own a Surface Pro. (It's fantastic.) I used to own a Zune. (It was the best PMP.)
The things I really like always seem to flop.
My buddy had a zune and loved it
That is really poor customer service and very Un-Customer like from the "UnCarrier". I would honstly email the CEO of T-Mobile and see what he says.
RaptorMD said:
That is really poor customer service and very Un-Customer like from the "UnCarrier". I would honstly email the CEO of T-Mobile and see what he says.
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exactly! This is unacceptable. T-Mobile should honor all of the purchases. I wouldn't mind waiting a month if I came to me at the 209.99 promo price. I placed my order tonight using some new promo for 30pct off, Card has been charged and order confirmed. I hope I get mine!
Unless Samsung only manufactured a limited amount of these things and carriers will not be replenishing their stocks. On the launch day of the Note 3, the store I went to only had two. I was not looking to get one anyway because I have heard mixed reviews but if they pursue a second generation version of the watch maybe this time they will get it right.
atuarre said:
Unless Samsung only manufactured a limited amount of these things and carriers will not be replenishing their stocks. On the launch day of the Note 3, the store I went to only had two. I was not looking to get one anyway because I have heard mixed reviews but if they pursue a second generation version of the watch maybe this time they will get it right.
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i noticed at&t replinished some black gears and when i checked (online site) new york stores they were out of stock again except for a few ones lol
You can use the foursquare coupon on the t-mobile website for 30% off - ACCOFFER07
Mine in scheduled for ups delivery on Tuesday. Ordered Thursday night and shipped yesterday. Card has been charged etc. I can post screen grabs from my computer if anyone needs proof but just go to the website and try the code
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N900A using xda app-developers app
weird i used my wifes name and credit card and it went through! possible tmobile blocked my name bc of the first discount mistake on their part?
ddenson said:
You can use the foursquare coupon on the t-mobile website for 30% off - ACCOFFER07
Mine in scheduled for ups delivery on Tuesday. Ordered Thursday night and shipped yesterday. Card has been charged etc. I can post screen grabs from my computer if anyone needs proof but just go to the website and try the code
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N900A using xda app-developers app
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same here! ordered mine yesterday night! I hope it gets shipped!