Hi guyz,
i think i have just semi bricked my device.
I cant access my sdcard partition and OS T~T..i do think my sd card partition is messed up i cant mount it to my pc. plus, i accidently formatted my sd card and wipe everything including /system, so theres isnt any customrom.zip file in my sd card nor i can boot into my OS
Currently i only have access to fastboot command via HBOOT 1.28 (Unlocked via HTC-Dev) S-ON and CWM Recovery.
Is there at least something i can to to at least get custom rom into my /sdcard? Or do i need to reinstall stock RUU? How should i do that
What rom u on? Is it rooted?
Sent from my HTC Sensation XL with Beats Audio X315e using xda app-developers app
re lock your phone and then reinstall from RUU file. This has worked for me.
nashshafrulrezza said:
What rom u on? Is it rooted?
Sent from my HTC Sensation XL with Beats Audio X315e using xda app-developers app
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It, was rooted, HBOOT 1.28 Unlocked(HTC-Dev) with S-ON. I successfully installed this ROM yesterday:
[ROM] [11.04.2012] ICS 4.0.3 no Sense V1.1/ HTC Sensation XL
But then after installing the ROM, when i mount my sd card, the size of the sd-card shown was like only 600kb-800kb. I thought that ROM might messed up with my sd partition already, so i was like formatted every partition including /data, /cache, /system, /sdcard
Now i cannot even enter my ROM since i've already formatted /system on my phone, and the sdcard partition is still mess up, which i could not even it to mount the sdcard partition on my PC.
rlamba said:
re lock your phone and then reinstall from RUU file. This has worked for me.
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How do you do that? My phone currently is S-ON, so i could not possibly do supercid method since supercid method requires phone to be S-OFF.
And to get S-OFF i need to be able to successfully boot into ROM.
My phone variant is HTC_044 (asian variant i think) and i cant seem to find RUU that is compatible to that variant. Does RUU requires stock recovery? i dont have stock recovery on my phone. how am i suppose to do this installation. Any tutorial please :crying:
flawlessx92 said:
It, was rooted. I successfully installed this ROM yesterday,
But then after installing the ROM, when i mount my sd card, the size of the sd-card shown was like only 600kb-800kb. I thought that ROM might messed up with my sd partition already, so i was like formatted every partition including /data, /cache, /system, /sdcard
Now i cannot even enter my ROM since i've already formatted /system my phone and the sdcard partition is still mess up, which i could not even it to mount on my PC.
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Download from here new CWM. In this recovery, mounting sd-card is working perfect.
Now you can easy put rom.zip to sd and install it. If you didn't see your sd-card after install read my guide about it. (Link in signature).
stona175 said:
Download from here new CWM. In this recovery, mounting sd-card is working perfect.
Now you can easy put rom.zip to sd and install it. If you didn't see your sd-card after install read my guide about it. (Link in signature).
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Hi, ive read that too yesterday, but im kinda stuck on the adb line since adb line will only work on a successful booted ROM, but i then i cannot do that, since i formatted my partition:
adb push hboot_7230ddr2_Runnymede_6.25.4444.nb0 /data/local/tmp
adb shell
$ su
# dd if=/data/local/tmp/hboot_7230ddr2_Runnymede_6.25.4444.nb0 of=/dev/block/mmcblk0p18
# exit
$ exit
adb reboot-bootloader
i do only have access to fastboot command and CWM only currently. and my phone is still S-ON. I can't also get S-OFF because S-OFF also require me to use adb command in the ROM OS interface.
to push in vold.fstab like the one in ur post also require successful ROM boot..T~T..goshh i do think my phone condition is quite bad now
flawlessx92 said:
Hi, ive read that too yesterday, but im kinda stuck on the adb line since adb line will only work on a successful booted ROM, but i then i cannot do that, since i formatted my partition:
adb push hboot_7230ddr2_Runnymede_6.25.4444.nb0 /data/local/tmp
adb shell
$ su
# dd if=/data/local/tmp/hboot_7230ddr2_Runnymede_6.25.4444.nb0 of=/dev/block/mmcblk0p18
# exit
$ exit
adb reboot-bootloader
i do only have access to fastboot command and CWM only currently. and my phone is still S-ON. I can't also get S-OFF because S-OFF also require me to use adb command in the ROM OS interface.
to push in vold.fstab like the one in ur post also require successful ROM boot..T~T..goshh i do think my phone condition is quite bad now
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Install recovery image from there site on fastboot mode. (power + vol down).
Boot in to recovery your phone.
Connect it to pc and use mount/mount usb.
Copy rom.zip to your sd-card.
install it on recovery.
stona175 said:
Install recovery image from there site on fastboot mode. (power + vol down).
Boot in to recovery your phone.
Connect it to pc and use mount/mount usb.
Copy rom.zip to your sd-card.
install it on recovery.
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i could not install recovery via fastboot. it gives me 'signature verify fails'...just like i said before..i cannot access the OS, so i cannot do the ADB function
flawlessx92 said:
i could not install recovery via fastboot. it gives me 'signature verify fails'...just like i said before..i cannot access the OS, so i cannot do the ADB function
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Do you have an unlocked bootloader? If you do fastboot should not be checking the sig. Anyway you don't need to be booted to use adb. You can use adb from recovery.
Sent from my HTC Sensation XL with Beats Audio X315e using Tapatalk 2
AndroHero said:
Do you have an unlocked bootloader? If you do fastboot should not be checking the sig. Anyway you don't need to be booted to use adb. You can use adb from recovery.
Sent from my HTC Sensation XL with Beats Audio X315e using Tapatalk 2
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Seriously??? i really dont know about this..goshhh..too bad..actually it was my friend's phone..he couldnt wait for a while for solution to come out (i do understand his feeling though)..he already sent it to repair for $75..if i do know that adb can be used in recovery earlier, he shouldnt have wasted that $75
Thanks though =D
on my way to brick
I have kinda a similar prob ...Still cant seem to fix it ..
long story short , in the long struggle to have a rooted sxl
unlocked bootloader , flashed CWM recovery , installed this rooted rom using (install zip from sdcard) via CWM v5.8.3.1 , and Yobey rooted phone ...
but this didn't last , as the phone storage showed a total space of only 236 kb _ some of the apps on the sdcard were still running though , and the CWM could load the buckup from sdcard _..
1-I tried formating the Sdcard via CWM , and still 236 kb , _and ofcourse the running apps and the backups are gone _
2-then tried formating the sdcard with my computer (yes the silly right click and then format !) , _and so became unable to even mount nor format /sdcard in CWM ..
Current status : bootloader unlocked ,running rooted rom , S-off , HBOOT-6.28.6666 , RADIO-3831.16.00.16_M , CWM recovery v5.8.3.1
Problems : Error mounting /sdcard! , phone storage 236kb total .
it seems like I'm going 90 miles per hour on a straight road to a bricked phone , would love a detour ,thanks.
p.s. found some threads talking about resizing Data.img as a solution to similar prob couldn't do this though
Hsam said:
I have kinda a similar prob ...Still cant seem to fix it ..
long story short , in the long struggle to have a rooted sxl
unlocked bootloader , flashed CWM recovery , installed this rooted rom using (install zip from sdcard) via CWM v5.8.3.1 , and Yobey rooted phone ...
but this didn't last , as the phone storage showed a total space of only 236 kb _ some of the apps on the sdcard were still running though , and the CWM could load the buckup from sdcard _..
1-I tried formating the Sdcard via CWM , and still 236 kb , _and ofcourse the running apps and the backups are gone _
2-then tried formating the sdcard with my computer (yes the silly right click and then format !) , _and so became unable to even mount nor format /sdcard in CWM ..
Current status : bootloader unlocked ,running rooted rom , S-off , HBOOT-6.28.6666 , RADIO-3831.16.00.16_M , CWM recovery v5.8.3.1
Problems : Error mounting /sdcard! , phone storage 236kb total .
it seems like I'm going 90 miles per hour on a straight road to a bricked phone , would love a detour ,thanks.
p.s. found some threads talking about resizing Data.img as a solution to similar prob couldn't do this though
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Your prob was easy to fix. Just edit the vold.stab file (how to do it is on my signature). Now you need to format sdcard to ext3 or 4 dont remember now.
Sent from my HTC One V using xda premium
stona175 said:
Your prob was easy to fix. Just edit the vold.stab file (how to do it is on my signature). Now you need to format sdcard to ext3 or 4 dont remember now.
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how can I format it to ext3 or 4 ,I tried this thread and no use the partition tool also showed about 250 total space and only NFTS format option for it , tried cmd
fastboot format /sdcard
and no use
I formated system and data and tried to flash a new .zip rom via cmd ..and no longer have rom... I'm going to let my semi-brick be for a while and comeback later maybe with a clearer head .
thanks for your help
Connect phone to PC.
Start recovery on phone.
Chose mount sdcard.
To format for ext partition i'm using this EASEUS Partition Master 9.1.0 Home Edition.
later go to recovery again and format sdcard there.
Now you can easy put rom.zip to sdcard.
Hsam said:
I have kinda a similar prob ...Still cant seem to fix it ..
long story short , in the long struggle to have a rooted sxl
unlocked bootloader , flashed CWM recovery , installed this rooted rom using (install zip from sdcard) via CWM v5.8.3.1 , and Yobey rooted phone ...
but this didn't last , as the phone storage showed a total space of only 236 kb _ some of the apps on the sdcard were still running though , and the CWM could load the buckup from sdcard _..
1-I tried formating the Sdcard via CWM , and still 236 kb , _and ofcourse the running apps and the backups are gone _
2-then tried formating the sdcard with my computer (yes the silly right click and then format !) , _and so became unable to even mount nor format /sdcard in CWM ..
Current status : bootloader unlocked ,running rooted rom , S-off , HBOOT-6.28.6666 , RADIO-3831.16.00.16_M , CWM recovery v5.8.3.1
Problems : Error mounting /sdcard! , phone storage 236kb total .
it seems like I'm going 90 miles per hour on a straight road to a bricked phone , would love a detour ,thanks.
p.s. found some threads talking about resizing Data.img as a solution to similar prob couldn't do this though
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i posted a solution for this in my reply to a problem here. please read it, it should easily fix your /sdcard not mounted problem
hansonchen said:
I posted a solution for this in my reply to a problem here. please read it, it should easily fix your /sdcard not mounted problem
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thanks for this thread, glad to say it's It's back to life .
I want to up to some cook rom, i rooted, unloked bootloader, flash boot.img. First time, in recovery mode, i can't turn on usb mass store, but i can choose zip file. I used cmd to "adb push" rom file into sdcard. When it's completed and reboot, i can't acces sdcard. Now, my XL just stop at Hboot and recovery mode. Help me Sorry if my english is not good
why on earth are u pushing a rom insted of flashing from recovery ?
go to recovery,
mount sd card
copy zip file to sd card
unmount sd card
install zip from sd card
if this is not fixing sd card then u need to change vold.fstab in \system\etc\ if u are running hboot 1.25 or 6.25 then change it to 33 and only the number, if u arre running 1.28 or 6.28 then it is 34.
when this is corrected save the file and reboot.
u need to use an app like es filexplorer that can give u write permission to system files.
or else there is a zip file u can flash according to the hboot u are on. if not i will make one for u.
but try the other things first
Og you are using touch recovery it is full of bugs, try flashing ics recovery via xl multitool found in dev section and do what I wrote
anders3408 said:
why on earth are u pushing a rom insted of flashing from recovery ?
go to recovery,
mount sd card
copy zip file to sd card
unmount sd card
install zip from sd card
if this is not fixing sd card then u need to change vold.fstab in \system\etc\ if u are running hboot 1.25 or 6.25 then change it to 33 and only the number, if u arre running 1.28 or 6.28 then it is 34.
when this is corrected save the file and reboot.
u need to use an app like es filexplorer that can give u write permission to system files.
or else there is a zip file u can flash according to the hboot u are on. if not i will make one for u.
but try the other things first
Og you are using touch recovery it is full of bugs, try flashing ics recovery via xl multitool found in dev section and do what I wrote
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My SD card can't access by anyway, i don't remember what i did ^^. So, so can you give me a right vold.fstab? i'm running hboot 1.28 and i just copy it into \system\etc :fingers-crossed:
Yes I will make a flashable version for you
Sent from my HTC Runnymede using xda premium
here you go.
this zip is a flashable zip and will detect which hboot you are on and flashing the vold.fstab version
wrong link, link is corrected
anders3408 said:
here you go.
this zip is a flashable zip and will detect which hboot you are on and flashing the vold.fstab version
wrong link, link is corrected
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how can i flash zip file without sdcard available? can you give me some steps? ^^
here u go : http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1667929
just instead of rom use the zip file i gave u
or u can use this zip file View attachment 1459318
unpack it to the root folder on C:/ and boot phone to recovery and then open runme.bat
then flash zip from sd card and then u have the correct vold.fstab
The easiest way to flash the zip is to get into the Recovery, mount SD card, and after that you flash in the nromal way.
If the SDcard is not available in the Android ROM this doesn't mean it is not available in the Recovery, so use Recovery Folks, if you have a recovery that does not support mount usb, then use QTAdb while in recovery to get you zip to the sdcard.
This is as easy as pepsi (masked comercial)
that is also what i am telling him ? push it via adb to sd card and flashing via recovery?
anders3408 said:
that is also what i am telling him ? push it via adb to sd card and flashing via recovery?
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i can push it into sdcard, but when i choose zip file from sdcard, it's say "can't mount sd card". I copy vold.fstab that you give into /system/etc but sdcard still can't mount. Now recovery screen is black, can't see anything. oh my god. I used QTadb, but i can't flash zip, when click on it, nothing happen
flash a working recovery from XL multi tool found under dev section
Version 5.5 , og that dont work flash ruu and start over
anders3408 said:
flash a working recovery from XL multi tool found under dev section
Version 5.5 , og that dont work flash ruu and start over
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Finally, i got it, XL muit is a power tool. Thank you fot help me. You're really good. I'm so happy :angel:
I am having the same problem! How you did please help me! in recovery it can't mount Sdcard
My email: [email protected]
Please guys!!!
You have to flash another recovery, cause touch recovery for boot 1.28 has that error, flash recovery without touch via lexmazters XL tool
Sent from my HTC Sensation XL with Beats Audio X315e using xda premium
When I try to install a zip from the Internal SD card(phone memory) it will not work and fail to install all the time.
Message I get: E: Cant open/emmc/File name(bad) Installation aborted.
The android in the background is looking dead and has a red triangle coming out of its main compartment.
What is the problem that wont let it install?
Are you using cwm? If so it corrupts partitions.....should have switched to twrp
EDIT whoops didn't read that you had CWM.... CWM corrups partitions which is why everyone uses WCX or TWRP recoveries...... You should have switched recoveries
Sent from my PACMAN HTC Raider on the Rogers Wireless Network
You still can. Flash a new recovery (wcx recommended). Boot to recovery and try to mount whichever storage volume is you fits and windows should prompt you to format, which you'll need to do
Yea we really need to get can removed from xda. The Chinese ported their own version of cwm I wonder if it corrupts too?
Sent from my HTC Holiday using Tapatalk 2
Ok i got it on my Vivid the WCX but when I try to use the internal storage it still does not let me install the root. Do I need S-off?
No.. Put your ROM zip on external storage. Boot to wcx recovery and Mount internal storage to your computer and format it. Then reinstall the rom
homeslice976 said:
You still can. Flash a new recovery (wcx recommended). Boot to recovery and try to mount whichever storage volume is you fits and windows should prompt you to format, which you'll need to do
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do you have a link to this chinese site.?
First of all:
s-off and bootloader unlocked
CWM touch (latest)
InsertCoin 2.0.5 - first time installing custom ROM.
I have installed InsertCoin however whenever i click on the stock camera (or any camera downloaded) i get the following message: Unable to save to SD card due to insufficient file permissions. I have even tried to format and re-install the ROM however I still get the same issue. I have no idea how to fix it. If i download an image from google this works correctly and gets place in the download folder. I have tried clearing the data of the camera but this also did not work.
I moved all of my data from /data/media to the folder /data/media/0 as this is what a tutorial said regarding file paths if you move to the new 4.2.2. However for some reason now when i go into /data the folder is empty. All of my data is in the folder storage/emuated/0 (or /sdcard) I have taken 2 backups using CWM yet I have no idea where these are.
Also, when i was initially the recovery, when i first installed the recovery and entered it my computer stated 'usb device not recognised' and no adb commands would work, but as soon as i reboot manually to bootloader it was recognized. Is this normal?
Using the app 'disk usage' it states my storage card has a total size of 26206 MiB.
Clearly I have borked something up along the way.
If somebody could help that would be great, and this is rather annoying and starting to wreck my head haha.
Have you tried fix permissions in the advanced menu in CWM? Give that a go, if it doesn't work back everything up, wipe cache and SD card in CWM and re-install the rom via push or using a OTG
Okay I'll give it a go, when I'm hone tonight . Do I have to format the card into a specific format or is it just literally 'wipe SD card' like it is for cache etc.
Is the USB not recognised issue normal ? I don't fancy wiping everything then finding out I can't adb push.
Adb method: adb push ROM.zip /sdcard/ROM.zip
OTG doesn't work in the latest CWM, correct?
Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk 4 Beta
Try with the TWRP...
Try what ? Everything in general ?
Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk 4 Beta
vizzy said:
Try what ? Everything in general ?
Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk 4 Beta
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Yes, everything!
TWRP support OTG, and is better then CWM
It's clean and simple
From my point of view ..Any mistake occurred at migration with 4.1. on 4.2. symlinks for compatibility with the previous version 4.1 aren't created correctly. Be restored with nandroid backup and try to flash stock 4.2 ROM, and only then custom 4.2.2.
The only back up I have is when I booted into recovery and took a nandroid. The one I took after I installed recovery is lost.
Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk 4 Beta
If I understand correct , you don't have 4.1 nandroid backup ,only 4.2 ?
If yes.. save you apps and data to PC and make factory reset with formating SD (under 4.2 ) and then restore your apps and data.
Nandroid backups in 4.2.2 can be found on phone (not SD card) under data/media btw
hi guys i hope someone can help
somehow my sdcard has become unmounted
i have s-off with revone done with cmd and adb
i have set cid to 11111....
i have updated firmware to 2.17 and 2.14
all was working well until i did factory reset
now i cant access internal storage. camera doesnt work. wifi doesnt work
what do i need to do?
any help would be much appreciated. i have been working on this for hours
flash your ROM again
IINexusII said:
flash your ROM again
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i have not flashed a rom yet and the stock rom works fine i just cant access sdcard
do i need to flash a rom?
which one? a stock one or a custom one?
stock one
i cant access the sd card to copy a rom to
on the laptop the phone comes up like normal. click on it internal storage comes up like normal. but inside the internal storage folder has a folder called storage. inside that is emulated. inside that is legacy. inside that is the normal file structure.
windows errors when trying to copy files anywhere inside the internal storage folder
when in the camera app on the phone it shows a black image and click on the gallery icon it says no sd card
its like the "sdcard" is unmounted. how do i mount it? ive tried CW recovery and TWRP
try sideloading the ROM, there should be an option for adb sideload and use the command adb sideload romName.zip
is there an adb command to mount sdcard?
jtilz said:
is there an adb command to mount sdcard?
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there should be in one of the recovery menus
This is exactly what has happened to my phone, and there seems to be more thread cropping up about this.
I can see in TWRP recovery there is an SDCard but cant do anything with it. I can flash a rom via sideload (hardly flashes, my lack of understanding) and from OTG USB in Recovery but there will be no installed rom once done, or at least it wont boot.
Same thing in CWM except that recovery can not see the SDCard so no mounting.
i cant mount in the TWRP recovery ..
my computer dont recognize i dont know why..
i installed KIES drivers still dont work
i want to mount in recovery because it is verry annoyin when i flash a new rom and i nedd to wipe all data.
i want to format completly and then flash a new rom but i wont be able to do that beacuse i need to acces the phone to copy the ZIP files..
any ideas?
Usual is to copy zip files to ext sd card .
valery3212 said:
i cant mount in the TWRP recovery ..
my computer dont recognize i dont know why..
i installed KIES drivers still dont work
i want to mount in recovery because it is verry annoyin when i flash a new rom and i nedd to wipe all data.
i want to format completly and then flash a new rom but i wont be able to do that beacuse i need to acces the phone to copy the ZIP files..
any ideas?
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You do not have to format user data partition (internal sdcard.).
Alternatively you can use adb to push your files to the phone.
If you have a Linux, actually Ubuntu installation, everything is much simpler in this regard. You don't have to install any drivers, only android-tools-adb and the phone mounts automatically IIRC. So it is sufficient to type 'adb push yourzip /sdcard' without ''.
I am sorry, forgot what I said about adb. That is only possible, if one has the working ROM. For some other phones, Nexus on the first place, it could be possible to do the same and even flash the ROM with fastboot, but not here...
Sent from my GT-I9305 using Tapatalk 4