Galaxy Note problem: self reboot /self restart with Android 4.0.4 - Galaxy Note GT-N7000 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I have an international unrooted Galaxy Note. During Gingerbread it was stable. Since the ICS update it is very unstable. Battery drain. Sometimes no deep sleep. Self reboots. App crashes.
I had not performed a factory resets before upgrading.
I read in forums that those steps could help
a) getting the battery out for 10 seconds
b) removing unnecessary apps (that might be a problem)
c) moving all apps to internal memory
This actually did help. The Note was more stable. Hardly any self reboots anymore. Mostly it did deep sleep.
Yesterday I did install Android 4.0.4 and hoped that the problem would be gone forever.
BUT – the self restart problem with my Galaxy Note under Android 4.0.4 is worse than ever. I had about hourly self restarts yesterday. I will test again today but I am very unsatisfied.
I am coming from an iPhone and still like the form factor of the Galaxy Note. I also like that you can customize so much. Most Apps that I want to use are available for Android. Some Apps are even better. Some UI details are definitely better.
But the instability of Android on my Note is driving me crazy. This is not acceptable. A real turn off for anybody used the stability that iOS provides.
Besides my rant. Does anybody have the same problems? What are solutions.
I am reluctant to perform a factory reset. I am not aware how to backup Apps, screen layout and picture data. Unhappy ex iOS now Android user.

gfisch2012 said:
I have an international unrooted Galaxy Note. During Gingerbread it was stable. Since the ICS update it is very unstable. Battery drain. Sometimes no deep sleep. Self reboots. App crashes.
I had not performed a factory resets before upgrading.
I read in forums that those steps could help
a) getting the battery out for 10 seconds
b) removing unnecessary apps (that might be a problem)
c) moving all apps to internal memory
This actually did help. The Note was more stable. Hardly any self reboots anymore. Mostly it did deep sleep.
Yesterday I did install Android 4.0.4 and hoped that the problem would be gone forever.
BUT – the self restart problem with my Galaxy Note under Android 4.0.4 is worse than ever. I had about hourly self restarts yesterday. I will test again today but I am very unsatisfied.
I am coming from an iPhone and still like the form factor of the Galaxy Note. I also like that you can customize so much. Most Apps that I want to use are available for Android. Some Apps are even better. Some UI details are definitely better.
But the instability of Android on my Note is driving me crazy. This is not acceptable. A real turn off for anybody used the stability that iOS provides.
Besides my rant. Does anybody have the same problems? What are solutions.
I am reluctant to perform a factory reset. I am not aware how to backup Apps, screen layout and picture data. Unhappy ex iOS now Android user.
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It doesn't sound like normal behaviour, You can have a search through the forum here and a few people have had similar issues, some caused by apps / launchers (APEX & auto Wi-Fi from memory)..
In any case, As a test I would suggest a complete clean install, these are steps I just completed last night as I wanted a fresh system.
- Backup data from Internal and External SD - Connect to your PC and just drag and drop the folders from internal and External SD to your PC
- Go back to GB using PC ODIN - Once on GB you are safe from the Brickbug..
- Wipe and Factory Reset (ONLY WHEN ON GB!!
- Format Internal and External SD cards through settings ONLY WHEN ON GB!!
- Flash 4.0.4 / ROM of choice...
EDIT: - Or return the device to the SSC if you have warranty..

gfisch2012 said:
I have an international unrooted Galaxy Note. During Gingerbread it was stable. Since the ICS update it is very unstable. Battery drain. Sometimes no deep sleep. Self reboots. App crashes.
I had not performed a factory resets before upgrading.
I read in forums that those steps could help
a) getting the battery out for 10 seconds
b) removing unnecessary apps (that might be a problem)
c) moving all apps to internal memory
This actually did help. The Note was more stable. Hardly any self reboots anymore. Mostly it did deep sleep.
Yesterday I did install Android 4.0.4 and hoped that the problem would be gone forever.
BUT – the self restart problem with my Galaxy Note under Android 4.0.4 is worse than ever. I had about hourly self restarts yesterday. I will test again today but I am very unsatisfied.
I am coming from an iPhone and still like the form factor of the Galaxy Note. I also like that you can customize so much. Most Apps that I want to use are available for Android. Some Apps are even better. Some UI details are definitely better.
But the instability of Android on my Note is driving me crazy. This is not acceptable. A real turn off for anybody used the stability that iOS provides.
Besides my rant. Does anybody have the same problems? What are solutions.
I am reluctant to perform a factory reset. I am not aware how to backup Apps, screen layout and picture data. Unhappy ex iOS now Android user.
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Flash gingerbread rom in pc odin
Now your in gingerbread rom. Go to CWM recovery, do the wiping data, cache and dalvik(do not reboot yet)after these take out your battery for one minute, put the battery back, then directly go to download mode and flash ics rom for clean install. It will solve your battery problem and fc.

Thanks for all you tips. I am getting shivers when I think about having to root …*but, I just uninstalled AutoWIFI. Thinking about, it this could very well be the problem. I also have ADW EX Launcher running. This will be the next App to remove. I will try this first and see how it behaves. gfisch

gfisch2012 said:
Thanks for all you tips. I am getting shivers when I think about having to root …*but, I just uninstalled AutoWIFI. Thinking about, it this could very well be the problem. I also have ADW EX Launcher running. This will be the next App to remove. I will try this first and see how it behaves. gfisch
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Sorry for that CWM recovery, just use stock recovery of gingerbread rom its ok, wipe data and cache. No need to root.

Apps on sd card cause reboots
Hello there, I was having the exact same problems as you. Random reboots sometimes 1 - 3 times a day. I found that the solution to my problem lies in the move apps to sd functionality of android. It is an actual issue with android (#25563). The os keeps rebooting when apps are installed on the sd card. I discovered this here:
Since moving all of my apps to internal memory the problem has disappeared, my battery is flat lining when idle (1 -2% drain every 2 hours) my phone is also much more responsive.
You may want to check that there are no apps installed on your sd card (the internal sd called usb storage)
EDIT: AutoWIFI could also cause the reboot problems. I had the same issue with Juice Defender causing reboots.

Im also running 4.0.4 ics and i have had restarts from being on GB. It was very bad in the start but soon as i updated to the ics one before this it got abit worst. Now im on 4.4 it still happends. now it happenss when im in apps mostly . wot can i do???

islandmixed said:
Im also running 4.0.4 ics and i have had restarts from being on GB. It was very bad in the start but soon as i updated to the ics one before this it got abit worst. Now im on 4.4 it still happends. now it happenss when im in apps mostly . wot can i do???
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I think you ought to do a clean install (flash) an ICS rom of your own choice. By that, I mean for you to do wipe/factory reset, clear cache and Dalvik cache. The important thing here is to do it correctly.
To flash a rom, you need to be in CWM mode. The next thing to do is to flash Abyss and then reboot recovery! After this you are good to flash any ICS rom.
There is no need to mess around with moving apps to external sd card, not at this stage anyway. Hopefully, with the clean system, your problem would go away.
Hope this would offer some help.

help with apps
I'm having some issues about some apps of instant messaging on my galaxy N7000. the apps i'm talking about are whatsapp kakao talk messenger viber and chatOn. after downloading and configuring the apps theybseems to work but in a while they are automatically removed from the phone and on the status bar the following message is displayed " whats app has been removed" even if i don't uninstall it. it happens all the times. i tried to contatt the apps developer,the google play customer service and samsung customer service but noone give me an answer. i took some logs about the installing and uninstalling process of the apps and i wanna know if someone could read that for me instead of finding a solution. i can't attach any file yet but i can send it by mail to those who wants to.leave his email address even in a pm. thank you for anyone can help. sorry in advanced if this is not the right place to edit this thread
I opened another thread about this issues but i suppose this could be a more appropriate section.
Hope i'm not messing aroud

luckidrag said:
I think you ought to do a clean install (flash) an ICS rom of your own choice. By that, I mean for you to do wipe/factory reset, clear cache and Dalvik cache. The important thing here is to do it correctly.
To flash a rom, you need to be in CWM mode. The next thing to do is to flash Abyss and then reboot recovery! After this you are good to flash any ICS rom.
There is no need to mess around with moving apps to external sd card, not at this stage anyway. Hopefully, with the clean system, your problem would go away.
Hope this would offer some help.
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Thanx for The reply. I've now been rooted but still on stock rom ics 4.0.4 but I still get those hangs time to time when I'm doing to many thins at once. Until I find a rom that's stable ill stay on stock lol the threads about peoples phones seems like a nightmare.
Can your steps still be done? Newbie so I don't understand hardly anything. I'm on speedmod kernal.
Sent from my GT-N7000 using XDA

Ok, I'm sort of a year late, but recently, I've been having the same issue as well. S oi've got a safe kernel, and wiped/factory reset the pone.
now I lost all my apps, and th eproblem still exists. Any chance its a hardware problem?

Install another Kernel !!
I suggest you to install a new kernel, Franco.kernel or HydraCore Kernel
Sincerely, Marwanpro


[Q] Random black screen during normal use

Hi xda!
I'm experiencing a problem since I'm using modded-AOSP ROMs.
In practice, I bought this device used from another one person that has never updated it (when I get it it was slooow).
So I connected to Kies and i got all the official updates needed.
I discovered this world and I started to search and install modded roms starting by kernels for obtain root access.
Since I flashed 2.3.3 kernel mod (DarkCore if I'm not wrong) I occasionally got black screens of death.
I search for related topics on xda but I only found problems related to startup.
I got those kind of freezes during normal using (especially when the device is connected to AC for battery charge).
Now I'm on Android 4.0.3 port by Onecosmic (thanking this guy will never be enough) more than a week ago and this morning I woke up and the phone was stuck on this black screen.
No way to get a screen without pressing power button for seconds and get a reboot.
There's a way to fix this problem?
I thought there was a problem of Android 2.3 builds but now this issue is showing on version 4.
Another one got this problem?
Thanks @ all
Excuse me if a topic-related thread is already opened, I search before posting this
i've done a full terminal reset including internal SD and deleting all previous backup (to avoid the possibility to restore a corrupted backup) and now the problem seems solved.
sna696 said:
i've done a full terminal reset including internal SD and deleting all previous backup (to avoid the possibility to restore a corrupted backup) and now the problem seems solved.
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how do you do this? if you dont mind me asking
You need to have root permissions.
You enter recovery and mount sd card.
Then you wipe all caches and sd.
One you have done that you need to flash a stock rom then install ICS.
Doing this you are sure you haven't garbage or something else on your phone.

[Q] Abnormally Slow Galaxy S Captivate - Factory Reset Doesn't Help

Hi, first of all, I am new to Android devices.
I am having a problem with my AT&T Samsung Galaxy S Captivate. Games and apps seems to be running slower than normal after updating to Gingerbread 2.3.5. I have rooted my phone with Odin3 v 1.85, but it's been running slow even before the root. (In fact, I rooted the phone so I could install a lagfix, but I can't find one for Captivate I897 running on 2.3.5).
Anyway, I don't see the reason for games and apps to be running slow because I've heard that the Captivate has a pretty good GPU. Also, it's not like I've overstocked my phone's storage; I only have a few apps.
I've also made a short video explaining my problem further. Just search "slow captivate" on youtube. I should be the first video: "Really Slow Samsung Galaxy S Captivate - Fix?"
I've searched everywhere for a fix, but I can't find anything, so I came here. Does anyone have an idea on how to fix this, or at least reduce the lag?
Thanks in advance,
I was seeing my phone work slower and slower on 2.3.6, I suspected that the developers of the apps I used were starting to develop for ICS and that maybe it was different enough that the updates were causing the apps to misbehave on older versions. I flashed to ICS just to see... and it was a great move, ICS on the captivate flies!!! I used SlimICS, I think it is the right way to go for Galaxy S phones...
xxTDGPainxx said:
Hi, first of all, I am new to Android devices.
I am having a problem with my AT&T Samsung Galaxy S Captivate. Games and apps seems to be running slower than normal after updating to Gingerbread 2.3.5.
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Have you run any tools to see what is sucking up your phone's resources?
[email protected] said:
Have you run any tools to see what is sucking up your phone's resources?
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No, I don't think I've checked that. What app do you recommend on checking that?
xxTDGPainxx said:
No, I don't think I've checked that. What app do you recommend on checking that?
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I would say cpu spy
Sent from my SGH-I897 using xda premium
First of all, lagfix isn't really used anymore. Also, I would say to get rid of those task killing apps. They don't help and only add to your problems. A lot of the symptoms you encountered are pretty common, and I was expecting something much worse. You seem to be running a different kernel that allows overclock; which is it?
If all else fails, try ICS
Sent from my ICS Samsung Captivate
I tried to upgrade to ICS with Team ICSSGS [Android 4.0.3]. I followed a step by step tutorial using CWM to load "" and installation seems to go well. But after I try to reboot my phone, the AT&T logo comes up, then the "Google" logo comes up, but it just stays stuck at the Google logo forever. ICS never starts up. I've tried removing the battery and then going back into CWM and restarting the process but the same thing keeps happening. What should I do?
xxTDGPainxx said:
I tried to upgrade to ICS with Team ICSSGS [Android 4.0.3]. I followed a step by step tutorial using CWM to load "" and installation seems to go well. But after I try to reboot my phone, the AT&T logo comes up, then the "Google" logo comes up, but it just stays stuck at the Google logo forever. ICS never starts up. I've tried removing the battery and then going back into CWM and restarting the process but the same thing keeps happening. What should I do?
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You flashed it twice, correct? Try wiping your data.
korockinout13 said:
You flashed it twice, correct? Try wiping your data.
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Yeah, I've flashed it a few times. Each time, before I install it, I clear data/factory reset, clear cache, and davlik cache, but it's still just getting stuck at the "Google" boot screen. It's weird because every time, CWM says it installs successfully. I'm starting to think that the .zip I downloaded isn't so good...
Do you know of a good, stable version of ICS I could use instead? Maybe even the same one you're using?
xxTDGPainxx said:
Yeah, I've flashed it a few times. Each time, before I install it, I clear data/factory reset, clear cache, and davlik cache, but it's still just getting stuck at the "Google" boot screen. It's weird because every time, CWM says it installs successfully. I'm starting to think that the .zip I downloaded isn't so good...
Do you know of a good, stable version of ICS I could use instead? Maybe even the same one you're using?
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This is the stable ics in my opinion, but i use aokp by sixstrings....
Sent from my SGH-I897 using xda premium
Maybe don't wipe dalvik cache. That can sometimes result in that happening
Sent from my ICS Samsung Captivate
I gave up on ICS... I could not get it to work for the life of me and it was getting me extremely frustrated. I almost bricked my phone (I think).
Maybe I'll try it again if someone could link me to a detailed step-by-step tutorial to upgrading to ICS. I'm very new to the way android works and a lot of the tutorials are just plain confusing to me...
I ended up reverting back to GB 2.3.4.
Thanks for helping me out though.
Try reading some stickies, there are some great guides. There's also one in my sig.
Sent from my ICS Samsung Captivate
korockinout13 said:
Try reading some stickies, there are some great guides. There's also one in my sig.
Sent from my ICS Samsung Captivate
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The one in your sig is about the best I've seen. Great job!
GUIDE TO INSTALL ICS, my way at least
Hey if you're looking for a good guide to putting ICS on your captivate I can help, The first time i tried ICS i messed things up and angrily decided that i wouldn't try it again and reverted back to 2.3.5, after carefully trying ICS again i love it so much. I won't ever go back to android 2.whatever.
I used CM9 ICS and have no issues or bugs. It's possible there are other better ICS roms but i prefer this one since i know for a fact that it works great.
You'll need to download CM9 v17 and a gapps package on your SD card.
trust me, ICS is worth it, it's much better than 2.3
if you have titanium backup backup your user apps (NOT SYSTEM APPS/SYSTEM DATA)
Rom installation:
First things first always do a nandroid backup so you can go back easier, if necessary.
once thats done go to CWM recovery and do a wipe data/factory reset, wipe cache partition. once that's done install the CM9 .zip package for the rom.
IT WILL STOP HALFWAY THROUGH AND REBOOT ITSELF, as this is the new kernel being installed. while it's still rebooting pull the battery and let it turn off, reboot straight into CWM recovery.
once this happens go back to install you CM9 .zip file again. it will finish all the installation after that. once it finishes the install you should definitely install the it will load up your google apps (market,gmail,youtube,etc and your google account sync) if you don't load the Gapps you will not have very much functionality to your captivate.
once you have your google apps installed you should be ready to fly with a fast responsive captivate. Hope this helps, it took a few trial and error runs before i figured it out.
If you used titanium backup to backup your apps you can restore APPS ONLY!!! don't restore any system data/system apps!!!! it's very important that you don't do that.
that should be it. enjoy your ICS, it's much better than android 2.blah
Fastness: CM7
Sexyness: CM9
That's the answer to everything.
I have run aokp (my current) and doc's master. Both have been great!
I'm far from an Android guru but if you follow the directions, you will be ok. Both also have relatively supportive forums if you get in a jam.
Sent from my SGH-I897 using Tapatalk

[Q] Note 1 - hangs several times a day and slowed down since 4.1.2 upgrade

I have recently updated my galaxy note's firmware to 4.1.2. Eversince the upgrade, the phone hangs several times a day and has slowed down drastically.
There is a huge lag even in simple things like typing on whatsapp, clicking a photo, watching a video, playing music files.
I have seen that there are a few others who have experienced similar problem in Note II.
Can someone please suggest me a way to fix this? I am having to restart the phone atleast 6 times everyday.
How did you upgrade?
bkgrc said:
I have recently updated my galaxy note's firmware to 4.1.2. Eversince the upgrade, the phone hangs several times a day and has slowed down drastically.
There is a huge lag even in simple things like typing on whatsapp, clicking a photo, watching a video, playing music files.
I have seen that there are a few others who have experienced similar problem in Note II.
Can someone please suggest me a way to fix this? I am having to restart the phone atleast 6 times everyday.
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i have been having the same problem have you found the solution if yes please share it,
i upgraded my galaxy note in February and i have my galaxy note is really slow many time and i have to restart it many times a day...And it gets really hot too.....
Note 1 hangs after upgrade
Hi baz77,
I did the upgrade via samsung kies, connect phone to my PC. few weeks ago.
system is too heavy on a stock JB rom.. root it and remove some unused apps like chaton , google plus etc etc..
Note 1 hangs after 4.1.2 upgrade
@ nokiamodeln91 - thnanks for your response. I am not completely aware of the process of rooting the phone.
Is rooting very complex? Could there be any warranty issues?
bkgrc said:
@ nokiamodeln91 - thnanks for your response. I am not completely aware of the process of rooting the phone.
Is rooting very complex? Could there be any warranty issues?
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Rooting does void your warranty but the process is relatively simple. Follow 1a method in this guide.
the link rcheung28 has provided is the perfect way / safe way
bkgrc said:
@ nokiamodeln91 - thnanks for your response. I am not completely aware of the process of rooting the phone.
Is rooting very complex? Could there be any warranty issues?
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If ever you have to return your phone to the service center, simply flash an official wipe ROM through PC Odin (that will remove the root and restore the phone to its "original" state). That's what I did when I had to replace mine (I flashed a Gingerbread ROM, made sure the phone booted fine and I was good to go).
nokiamodeln91 said:
system is too heavy on a stock JB rom.. root it and remove some unused apps like chaton , google plus etc etc..
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What if I just disable the app instead of root delete? Any idea which app can be disabled without affecting phone normal operation? Thanks
i wonder if restoring factory settings will result to improvements..
and if it is safe now using the JB kernel?..
jaycm1130 said:
i wonder if restoring factory settings will result to improvements..
and if it is safe now using the JB kernel?..
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Iam on JB DXLSE. Using Philz kernel DXLSE. Done factory reset but problem is still there. Batt drain quite fast with apps that hang once in a while. Slightly more laggy than ICS. Not the fault of kernel since Philz use stock kernel. Seems to be the problem of Rom. Media service seems to be running too often. But cant disable that app.
Anyone have any problem solving solution?:crying:
devll said:
Iam on JB DXLSE. Using Philz kernel DXLSE. Done factory reset but problem is still there. Batt drain quite fast with apps that hang once in a while. Slightly more laggy than ICS. Not the fault of kernel since Philz use stock kernel. Seems to be the problem of Rom. Media service seems to be running too often. But cant disable that app.
Anyone have any problem solving solution?:crying:
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I haven't used a stock ROM for while, not because of battery drain (which is mostly app-related and can be checked with BBS), but because it was sluggish compared to CM.
As for the media scanner issue, you can try this app.
devll said:
Iam on JB DXLSE. Using Philz kernel DXLSE. Done factory reset but problem is still there. Batt drain quite fast with apps that hang once in a while. Slightly more laggy than ICS. Not the fault of kernel since Philz use stock kernel. Seems to be the problem of Rom. Media service seems to be running too often. But cant disable that app.
Anyone have any problem solving solution?:crying:
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did you tried stock kernel?
what is your feedback to it?..
i was wondering if the stock kernel for DXLSE was safe to do factory reset..
jaycm1130 said:
did you tried stock kernel?
what is your feedback to it?..
i was wondering if the stock kernel for DXLSE was safe to do factory reset..
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Was on stock when I did the factory reset before flashing Philz. Nothing happen to my phone but I cant confirm that nothing is wrong. Maybe its because I got away with it. But I can only let you know that I did the reset on stock JB DXLSE Rom and kernel.
Even after doing the reset. Can still notice the batt drain and sometimes some apps can hang. Theres some laggy interface. Isnt as smooth as when I was on ICS 4.04.
devll said:
Was on stock when I did the factory reset before flashing Philz. Nothing happen to my phone but I cant confirm that nothing is wrong. Maybe its because I got away with it. But I can only let you know that I did the reset on stock JB DXLSE Rom and kernel.
Even after doing the reset. Can still notice the batt drain and sometimes some apps can hang. Theres some laggy interface. Isnt as smooth as when I was on ICS 4.04.
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maybe the custom kernel that you installed eats a lot of battery and/or the apps that you installed consumes resource even on the background..
try all stock kernel and rom.. let it settle for a week..
try also to replace the battery..
now if you insist in custom kernels, due to the fact that they are proven safe and has working CWM..
try tweaking with the settings.. through its governors,,
try debloating your rom by removing unnecessary bloatwares..
see if either any of this make sense to your device..
jaycm1130 said:
maybe the custom kernel that you installed eats a lot of battery and/or the apps that you installed consumes resource even on the background..
try all stock kernel and rom.. let it settle for a week..
try also to replace the battery..
now if you insist in custom kernels, due to the fact that they are proven safe and has working CWM..
try tweaking with the settings.. through its governors,,
try debloating your rom by removing unnecessary bloatwares..
see if either any of this make sense to your device..
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Philz kernel is stock kernel with brink bug removed. So basically its a stock one.
For settings. I managed to set it as the same when Iam on ICS 4.04. For bloatware, all are disabled. Practically I set it as the same when Iam on ICS 4.04. Thats why Iam sure the batt drain and slight lag is there.
Hopefully someone here have a solution to it. :fingers-crossed:
devll said:
Philz kernel is stock kernel with brink bug removed. So basically its a stock one.
For settings. I managed to set it as the same when Iam on ICS 4.04. For bloatware, all are disabled. Practically I set it as the same when Iam on ICS 4.04. Thats why Iam sure the batt drain and slight lag is there.
Hopefully someone here have a solution to it. :fingers-crossed:
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Philz kernel is stock based kernel not a stock one..
try this app:
devll said:
Iam on JB DXLSE. Using Philz kernel DXLSE. Done factory reset but problem is still there. Batt drain quite fast with apps that hang once in a while. Slightly more laggy than ICS. Not the fault of kernel since Philz use stock kernel. Seems to be the problem of Rom. Media service seems to be running too often. But cant disable that app.
Anyone have any problem solving solution?:crying:
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One thing that I've noticed that I haven't heard people talk about (maybe because it's stupid and non-applicable) is to go into your DCIM folders, both on your SD and in the phone and delete the entire .thumbnails directory. Mine somehow managed to accumulate a good GB or so of thumbs and that appeared to be bogging down media searching.
Even after that, phone has been really laggy lately. Going into running apps, I noticed a "Software Update" process running, even though I know this phone will not OTA update. Killed that process and things were ok again. YMMV.

[Q] GT-N7000 (rooted) constantly restarts after Jelly Bean upgrade. Help!

Hi all,
So, a little earlier today, i noticed the 'update available' appear on my phone here in the UK. Although I rooted my phone when it had Gingerbread, the update to ICS was fine, so I decided to go ahead and accept the software update to Jelly Bean.
Big mistake!
Now when I turn on my phone it is really sluggish, but after between 10 to 40 seconds it restarts itself.
It does this constantly so it is now impossible to use my Note.
I really need to get it back into a working state, ideally without losing my photos.
What would be the best solution?
If I can back up my photos to my PC then it won't matter if they get wiped from the phone. I'll try that as soon as it is charged up.
Another thing that may cause an issue is I can't remember which program I used to root the phone. I remember it was just a straight forward root, with no custom ROM installed, no clockwork mod thingy and no binary counter update.
Should I just try to unroot the phone to see if that fixes it?
Since I can't remember what software I used to root it, does that mean I can't unroot it?
Anyway, hope someone can help.
Best would be to download stock rom from install Philz kernel. Do a wipe data, format system, cache, preload. Boot into download mode and flash the new rom. A fresh start might solve the issue. Make a backup of important data.

I9305 Stock - Hangs,turns off and all media related things please!!!!

Hello everyone, Thank you for taking your time to look at thi and sorry for my bad english.
I have used my I9305 for 4 months until now without any fault. It was on official 4.1.2 XXBME3 stock rom with stock kernel but rooted, Philz Touch recovery. I have flashed PAC and Sentinel Rom before(2 months ago I think) but didnt stay on them as they had bugs to use as a daily driver. So it was on always stock.
And now, from 4 days ago, phone began to get laggy and everything suddenly force closes. Even though it had 2gb ram, dolphin browser get closes if i pressed home button. and after a day, it began to drain battery even in sleep and then after display time out, it goes to sleep and then turns off itself and battery gets very hot in that state. And I noticed that sound not coming out from speaker when ringing or I cant open music player or video player or voice recorder as the phone hangs and then reboots and after boot up, again reboots in like within 5 minute intervals.
So here What I tried,
1. Flashed stock from samsung updates firmware sites via ODIN 1.85. And yes I wiped everything before rom flash incl. Cache,Dalvik Cache, Data,SD card, System and everything except EFS partition as listed in philz recovery.
Result - Still no luck, reboots randomely, battery getting hot, music player video player crashes(video player doesn;t crash but when tried to play video it says cant play this video)
2. Again Rooted, installed TWRP and wiped Everything I could find and flashed stock again.(When wiping, TWRP fails to wipe data where it says type yes to wipe saying failed to format....unknown format and failed to remove encryption)
Result - Same again.
3. Flashed stock again without wiping. Result - Same.
4. Rooted, installed recovery, wiped everything and flashed PAC latest nightlies. stll same. Then flashed sentinel but same.
5. After trying 5 6 times flashing stock, I gave up and now its on Stock 4.1.2 BME3 and removed binary counter and ready to go for warranty claim.
But I still will to make this myself as it will take 2 weeks to get back to me if I give it to the retailer. So can you please help me guys. Thank you again.
Faqs and guides return to stock for warranty post and return to service .
Or just mess about for weeks and achieve nothing .
Thank you,
Yes, its returned to stock as mentioned. But may I know what cause this? cuz I use a S2 for years now and nothing wrong with it. So I think I know how to properly use android. I searched a lot. but sees lot of people complaining but no solution.
suspect008 said:
Thank you,
Yes, its returned to stock as mentioned. But may I know what cause this? cuz I use a S2 for years now and nothing wrong with it. So I think I know how to properly use android. I searched a lot. but sees lot of people complaining but no solution.
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Ask a service centre read the faqs and guides .
JJEgan said:
Ask a service centre read the faqs and guides .
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Yeah, I suppose. Thanks for the reply.
