[Boot Animation] Google Arcade (Portrait Mode) - Galaxy Tab 2 Themes and Apps

Hey guys, I finally realized my "dream" of having a portrait mode version of the awesome Google Arcade animation that displays fullscreen.
The original can be found Over Here, and was created by Scar45. I didn't do anything with it except take 720 version and rotate it 90 degrees counter clock and then redo the desc file.
I actually ran it through Boot Animation Factory, which did the trick.
I have tested this zip on Codeworkx's excellent CM10 ROM, and the animation works, although it gets a little choppy at times (just like the "stock" CM animation).
My version does not include sound, but you could easily add it in if you wanted.
As with any of these kinds of things, you'll need to copy the bootanimation.zip file as is into /system/media, set owner to root:root, and permissions to rw-r--r--.
Makes me happy to finally have a portrait mode animation

DivinityCycle said:
Hey guys, I finally realized my "dream" of having a portrait mode version of the awesome Google Arcade animation that displays fullscreen.
The original can be found Over Here, and was created by Scar45. I didn't do anything with it except take 720 version and rotate it 90 degrees counter clock and then redo the desc file.
I actually ran it through Boot Animation Factory, which did the trick.
I have tested this zip on Codeworkx's excellent CM10 ROM, and the animation works, although it gets a little choppy at times (just like the "stock" CM animation).
My version does not include sound, but you could easily add it in if you wanted.
As with any of these kinds of things, you'll need to copy the bootanimation.zip file as is into /system/media, set owner to root:root, and permissions to rw-r--r--.
Makes me happy to finally have a portrait mode animation
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p5113 or ...?

[-o'] said:
p5113 or ...?
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Should run on all.

Good work. You flipped it portrait.

screenshot would be nice

Here ya go ;P
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Image Scaling Issue

I searched through here for a bit, but didn't seem to find anything that specifically addressed my issue, so here goes.
I've recently started trying to theme a ROM, CM based on 2.2, and I'm having scaling problems. I ran into the same thing on some 2.1 ROMs, so I don't think it's Froyo related. Basically, buttons, text boxes, and drop downs are getting all weird on me. The buttons and drop downs are fine in their resting state, but get all ridiculous when pressed.
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I have checked image modes (RGB/Indexed), size, color palletes, etc. and all of it matches up to the originals EXACTLY. The only thing that might have changed is the file size.
I know plenty of you guys have this working just fine, so what's the secret? I have Gimp which I use at work, and Photoshop at home. However, Photoshop tends to lose information in Indexed images so I try to avoid it. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance.
Edit: And yes, some of the taskbar icons are from other themes, and I take no credit for them. This is for my PERSONAL use and will never go further than my phone. Thanks droidkevlar and sunder74.
You stealing my stuff now? WTF. FIRED!!! ;P
You sure the images are the same size as what the OG was? I had this same issue until I installed PS and resized my images to the correct size. Just taking a shot in the dark, but seems the when pressed png is off on size. I had this issue for select boxes. Once resized, fixed issue.
droidkevlar said:
You stealing my stuff now? WTF. FIRED!!! ;P
You sure the images are the same size as what the OG was? I had this same issue until I installed PS and resized my images to the correct size. Just taking a shot in the dark, but seems the when pressed png is off on size. I had this issue for select boxes. Once resized, fixed issue.
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Just the badass signal thingy, which is now my badass battery thingy. Yeah, they are literally identical. I don't know. Makin me crazy.

[GAME] Flight commander working on Samsung Omnia II i8000

If you've tried to play this game on omnia i8000 you had find out that it runs very bad, planes are crazy and it's unplayable.
I've succeded on make it work (more or less).
Following the instructions in the thread http://www.modaco.com/content/i8000...46/flight-commander-runs-choppy/#entry1548800 on modaco, and adding some simple mods.
1. Download and install the game.
2. Download and install the modified opengl 1 form modaco:
3. Download and install in the game intallation directory the libgles_cm.dll that you can find here: http://sourceforge.net/projects/omnia2gl/files/
4. Run the game and enjoy .
Blank map Screen:
The maps are in JPG, all other images are in png. What i've done is convert that images to png and then edit the xml of each map to redirect to the new png image, and voilà.
- Planes are too fast (compared with android version):
Just edit the planes xml to slow them down, just put a lower number.
- How to play again after close it.
After completting a game the menus are blank again and if you exit the game and then open it again, it shows an error with the dll, and you can't run it again until you reset your device.
I have no sollution to this one, but if anyone can help us .
It's not perfect but it's playable, of course android version it's better.
Enjoy it
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i installed yesterday, sometimes blank(white)screen, sometimes normal ! even on blank screen i can play it! when touch the airplane shows landing arrow!
if you touch forward button (bottom at the left) on the screen, the planes fly faster, touch button again everything normal !!!
If you say it because the note that i posted about the fast planes, i mean taht planes in normal mode are too fast.
Can you tell me wich is your record (i think i'm soo bad).
Thank you, this works perfect

The Wars - HD7-B3 Conversion

Decided to have a go at my first bit of dev (if you can call it that ), by converting a game designed around SDK2 and bringing it to the Streak7's Honeycomb screen, It is similar to Cartoon Wars for the iPhone but nowhere near as good.....But it passes the time and can be quite addictive on the hardest setting!
I decided to do this as my youngest lad loves this type of game (as I do too ) I could not find a version other than the ones designed around a small screen device, although the original runs on the Streak7 it displays a small game, also it was an excuse to learn something new
The original game would scale up when the LCD density was set to 160, but this version scales up & lets you keep DJ_Steve's recommended 106 density setting for his HD7-B3 OS, I have not tried it on any other device other than the Streak7 or any other OS other than HD7-B3, so feedback would be appreciated on other Device/OS combo's.....Although I don't expect it to work on anything else other than Streak7-HD combo
The overall process was time consuming to say the least, mostly in the latter stages of fine tuning the .png sizes for paticular images, too big and the game wouldn't load, too small and it left empty bits of screen everywhere.
The programs I used to help me achieve my goals where:
APKTOOL - by Brut.all - For the decompile/recompile of original .apk (must have tool )
.XML Editor - For the obvious
IMAGE CONVERTER PLUS - A brilliant program for batch image conversions that can be profiled to your specific needs
AUTO-SIGN by Dave Da Illest 1 - Which enables you to sign your recompiled .apk (does what it says on the box )
Anyway, have a try for yourself and let me know your results
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Force closes on 2.2.2
Sent from my Streak 7 rocking the Streakdroid7 ROM
Gravityrat said:
Force closes on 2.2.2
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....As I expected TBH, I rekon the original would work just fine though, but posting that would of been outright piracy IMHO, this is more of a screen mod of the original that is based around the 106 LCD Density setting of HD7, I could of created a few drawable-XXXX folders for the different res, but then this just takes the file size to rediculous levels.
Many thanks for taking the time trying and replying anyway, much appreciated, button pressed!

HTC Sense Weather Widget BACKGROUND

Hey I'm looking for the HTC sense weather widget blue grid background(s) but I just can't seem to find them, I've downloaded two different sense ROMs that have them but can only find the icons.
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I have a feeling they could be located in a .m10 file called: Lockscreen_weather_bg.m10
Does anyone know where I can locate it, or if I can open up .m10 files and get the image I can only get the text of them so far, looking around for different tutorials.
found a tutorial, but still having trouble.
For you
BTW you can use the Wallpaper Changer from the Google Play to change morning, day and night wallpapers according to the set times.
Does someone know the changing times of the lock screen wallpapers?
And just for the record: in the above post the day wallpaper is morning and vice versa.
Thanks for your help. For future reference in case someone is searching for the same question, the reason why it didn't work is because the M10 Editor that I was using can't decompile Sense 4.0 at this time - so I used Sense 3.0 files.
jskenderi said:
BTW you can use the Wallpaper Changer from the Google Play to change morning, day and night wallpapers according to the set times.
Does someone know the changing times of the lock screen wallpapers?
And just for the record: in the above post the day wallpaper is morning and vice versa.
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I've been using Tasker to change the wallpaper at different time (can't do lockscreen wallpaper AFAIK), I only set up two wallpapers though but I made the wallpapers the right dimensions for my phone - HD2 obviously and I'm NexusHD2 with the DPI set to 192 (not sure if it makes a difference to wallpapers (don't think so).
So you just need to disable wallpaper scrolling.
This pack has the three wallpapers 960x800 4.39 MB
Thanks gonne try this with tasker for the nice effect what you got on your hd2

Classic theme super wallpaper missing (miui 12 chinese rom)

I got the update to miui 12 toda.
I was playing around, i switched the classic theme with another one and now the classic theme is missing the super wallpaper animation. It was similar to mars, but a different view. Also, the location was different. Any way i can get that back?
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The images only prove that the lock screen is different. But i can assure you the classic one had spinning animation and a zoom in one when unlocking screen. Because i changed theme, i have lost the classic one. Now when i set it, i doesnt have animations.
ba1atu said:
I got the update to miui 12 toda.
I was playing around, i switched the classic theme with another one and now the classic theme is missing the super wallpaper animation. It was similar to mars, but a different view. Also, the location was different. Any way i can get that back?
The images only prove that the lock screen is different. But i can assure you the classic one had spinning animation and a zoom in one when unlocking screen. Because i changed theme, i have lost the classic one. Now when i set it, i doesnt have animations.
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Go to settings/wallpaper and super wallpaper than chose earth or mars.
I know about those.
The classic is a different image of mars. Thats why i posted the screenshots.
Its like the classic is a default super wallpaper that gets disabled once you change it. But how do i get it back? New users who upgrade to miui 12 and havent changed anything maybe can confirm.
ba1atu said:
I know about those.
The classic is a different image of mars. Thats why i posted the screenshots.
Its like the classic is a default super wallpaper that gets disabled once you change it. But how do i get it back? New users who upgrade to miui 12 and havent changed anything maybe can confirm.
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Its a major update, try to factory reset Device, it will clear our all the bugs
You can download the super wallpapers from APKmirror. They will work perfectly

