I have this problem with cm7.2 and not because hey tried to do different versions of the flash and the problem continues. The problem is in the long videos, the video is for and all you hear is the sound. I hope someone can help me.
What type of video? I YT on 480p have problem like yours. All of us on know why... Oh HD works better
Sent from LG 2X using Tapatalk 2 Elite
the problem is with all the videos at any resolution, for example when visiting JustinTV at first the video is fine but when the video and I want reaunar comes the problem that the picture freezes and only listens
Enviado desde mi LG-P990 usando Tapatalk 2
the problem is with all the videos at any resolution, for example when visiting JustinTV at first the video is fine but when the video and I want to resume the problem is that the picture freezes and only hear
Enviado desde mi LG-P990 usando Tapatalk 2
Hi today I was recording a video but it freezes after a few seconds and it continue but it freezes again: mad: I tried to use only hd and it still does it
I hope anyone can help me I'm on cyanogenmod 7 hibrid revolution
Enviado desde mi Optimus 2X usando Tapatalk 2
Did you try any other camera app?
or LG camera:
zoom camera:
Hi all!
I have a slight problem with my Wi-Fi.
Sometimes it just doesn't want too get any connection too the net, not the Wi-Fi but webpages, google play, facebook etc.
And either i need too reboot or restart the Wi-Fi, but that doesn't always work.
I've tried cm10.1, cm10, jelly bam, stock GB, stock ics, ultrasound ics and Zeus, same problem on all.
Hardware problem maby?
Thanks in advance...
I think i I will toss this s'hit in the trash and get back to my old one.....
Because this phone has bringed more bad than good too me
Why the hate? I thought you were not a hater.
Enviado desde mi LG-P970 usando Tapatalk
re4lsk said:
Why the hate? I thought you were not a hater.
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bcs this phone has only bringed problems to me...
dead pixels, touch problems, problems with the vibration and now this damn thing...
Hi guys, so i saw a trailer from sg3mini with multitasking in the same window, nothing new but I'm interested in how to make it work on the P990 I don't know if it works with the paranoid rom,
Watch the video.
any idea how to make it work?
Enviado desde mi LG-P990 usando Tapatalk 2
ImRocker said:
Hi guys, so i saw a trailer from sg3mini with multitasking in the same window, nothing new but I'm interested in how to make it work on the P990 I don't know if it works with the paranoid rom,
Watch the video.
any idea how to make it work?
Enviado desde mi LG-P990 usando Tapatalk 2
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to make this possible, i think we would need touchwiz's framework, and if we tried to port it i guess the chance of making it possible is quite low
but you are right its an awesome way to multitask on
FettleifIsMyUserName said:
to make this possible, i think we would need touchwiz's framework, and if we tried to port it i guess the chance of making it possible is quite low
but you are right its an awesome way to multitask on
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That's what I've been thinking, but I remember I saw it with a non-samsung rom but I can't remember. And the possibility to port it from Touchwiz is very low as well
Sent from my LG-P990 using Tapatalk 2
Our device has <400mb usable ram, It can't even handle some apps like chrome and you want it to play a video while browsing while using facebook etc.. I think if you want to do that you should move on to another device with more ram. Sadly the capabilities of our phone are limited by the hardware not only the software.
Its way too dark even in some well lit areas͵ and i am not even talking to low light situations.. any advice/mods?
Im in 4.1.2 v20a
Enviado desde mi LG-P880 usando Tapatalk 2
Increase the exposure, no need for mods
Sent from my rooted P880
apparently in CM10.1 you can increase it by +1 only -_- in the stock rom you can increase it by +3 i guess.
Yes but even with that is hideous nothing compared to my brother's Note 2 or a Pantech Burst... with a Vga camera! Here is where LG truly dissapoints..
Enviado desde mi LG-P880 usando Tapatalk 2
Is this a question or a complain?
Sent from my LG-P880 using xda app-developers app
Use your main cam, secondary is called secondary for a reason
Sent from my rooted P880
More of a question.. i was hoping that a I had a deffective unit or a Mod that could improve a bit but thanks for the replies. I will manage to use the main cam during Skype calls.. a bit awkward to use it in that wat.
Enviado desde mi GT-N7100 usando Tapatalk 2
Hello everybody. I woder which stable ROM has the best Video Recording?
Thanks in advance.
Sent from my LG-P970 using Tapatalk 4
Hey man,
I'd say stock roms (both gingerbread and ICS), IZS, and probably Zeus v6/v7.
You can also try CM10 with LG Camera ported for CM10, but sometimes the camera app stops, so I would't consider it as stable. And it records at about [email protected], not 30fps.
Sent from my LG-P970 using Tapatalk 2
Thanks for reply von Manfraka
Now, I'm using IZS v2. And video recording is laggy. I don't know if I'm the only case & I should reflash it or It's a common issue?? So at what FPS should video recording be in IZS??
&Thanks in advance.
Sent from my LG-P970 using Tapatalk 4