Ok, please bear with me. I was often afraid to ask questions in the E4T forum because I was new. I bought my N7000 used and the previous owner rooted and flashed Criscelo (spelling) on it. I updated to the latest version. The device has a yellow explanation point and I wanted to know the easiest method of getting rid of it? If I flash back to a stock rom, will that fix the issue? I do not have a 'jig' or whatever it is called, although I would like to buy one if someone could point me in the right direction.
Look for triangle away app... There's a paid version in Google play and the free version in forums..
Judge if chain deserves a beer for it or not.. And get the app in the store or in the forum.. It's the exact same app...
Just install follow instructions and that's it
Flashing firmwares custom or official won't solve the issue
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda premium
msedek said:
Look for triangle away app... There's a paid version in Google play and the free version in forums..
Judge if chain deserves a beer for it or not.. And get the app in the store or in the forum.. It's the exact same app...
Just install follow instructions and that's it
Flashing firmwares custom or official won't solve the issue
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda premium
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And after you've done that check if you are on a safe kernel or not.
Safe kernel-SpeedMod,Goku,Notecore and few others.If not, then flash a safe kernel.
Read around, you'll find everything
Hello all,
I've been reading and downloading from xda for over a year now (sgs- darky's rom mainly), and this is my FIRST POST!
I know i can find my answer just by looking but i really wanted to post for the first time so here's my question- My tab is in the post (got it from ebay as i'm a pauper and can't afford it new, or the 8.9 or 10.1) and obviously want to root it straight away. I've seen that some are using z4 root but my sgs won't accept this method, can i be sure it'll work?
take care fellow "tabbers"
PS the doorbell just rang and it's here! *wets pants and logs off*
What firmware version is it on? Please post complete information from *#1234#
until we know that we cannot advice you.....
bongski55 said:
What firmware version is it on? Please post complete information from *#1234#
until we know that we cannot advice you.....
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it's 2.2 froyo build number FROYO.XWJJ7
baseband P1000XXJK5
KERNEL [email protected] #1
I need to get gingerbread (at least) on this thing straight away! Or any cool roms you can recommend?
How do i find out if it's GSM or CDMA? i'm in the UK... That is probably a really stupid question, but i'm a stupid guy... A stupid guy who loves android and wants to learn more!
Any links to the right places would be really appreciated
First you're not stupid. You're just new and learning.
Second your tab judging by its firmware is gsm european tab.
Third you can root using superoneclick root.
Fourth. Head to the development section and you will find alot of great roms (or click on my sig if you're interested in overcome). JUST BE SURE TO READ ENTIRE GUIDES AND STUDY THEM BEFORE FLASHING ANYTHING.
DarkPal said:
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+100000000000000 (I'd keep my finger depressed on the 0 key longer, but you get the point)
So many people get themselves into trouble by not reading instructions or skipping ahead.
Easy to get yourself into trouble, can be VERY hard getting out...
Thank you for all the help, most kind I'm at work now so will try some bits tomorrow, managed to get rooted before leaving tho
Sent from my GT-P1000 using XDA App
Your tab is rooted already. Look at the kernal version. In your apps you will see something called Superuser. Tap it. If its there and opens you are rooted.
rangercaptain said:
Your tab is rooted already. Look at the kernal version. In your apps you will see something called Superuser. Tap it. If its there and opens you are rooted.
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That's what really confused me, the kernel said root on it, but no super user was there and none of my purchased root apps could aquire root.... so I used super one click as advised and hey presto! Still confused as to why it said that on my kernel tho...
Sent from my GT-P1000 using XDA App
Someone tried to return the tab to stock. The busybox was probably there too. Anyway, you are good now. What's next?
Resolve the signed bootloader with chainfire patch
Sent from my GT-P1000 using Tapatalk
Thanks all, I installed the overcome gold rom last night and all is well
Just out of interest as i'm un-learned, how can you tell if the bootloader is signed? (As far as I can tell) it hasn't affected the rom installation... could it?
Thanks all for the support!
Sent from my GT-P1000 using XDA App
locked bootloader? read here
Hi friends, I have a galaxy note that I bought in the netherlands. it was full of bloatware. so I used odin and flashed a KL7 on it, it was nice... later on I flashed a KL8 on it.
I was watching porn the other day, and I noticed that I couldn't raise the volume of the movie because my S-Pen\finger cannot touch the edges of the screen, as if something went wrong (I cannot completely approve that it wasn't like this before the new firmwares). and also these new kernels not showing up on any official website is kinda weird you know?
so my questions are:
how do I install a customized firmware? like rocket rom abyss kernel and etc? I find it really hard to spot a proper guide over here. its like this forum only accepts experts and not new people who have no prior experience.
can I install the rocket rom on my current firmware? or do I need to root\ do some things first?
thanks in advance
Yes, you have to root first and flash CWR Clockwork recovery.
In development section you will find the proper threads.
Here is a way, but there are more threads.
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda premium
LOL at least vour'e honest about what you were doing
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda premium
I posted this question back in early october and no correct answers were given and thread was deleted. so here it goes again. I updated from stock hc to official stock ics through kies i guess? whichever is through the settings - check for updates on the tab. i then asked how to root to jb and people tried telling me one way and then others said no dont do it that way since im running stock official ics. i dont know what odin is, i dont know what flashing is and i dont know what kernels are. i would please like simple simple step by step instructions on how to root to the latest AOKP jb from official ics. i am sorry for the edginess but im just so frustrated i bought this tab and paid 330 for it in sept and I wish I would have waited. this tab is just to slow and id like the extra speed and features from jb as well as an option to oc the processor. $70 more and two months of waiting i could have got the nexus 10 .. oh and i have the wifi only 7310. PLEASE HELP!!
Read the stickies, they'll tell you what to do.
Sent from my SGH-I727 using xda app-developers app
i have been searching stickies for hours, none of it makes sense to me thats why i am asking for simple instructions. Everyone who knows all tnis stuff post things assuming that everyone knows all the jargon, i am a tech noob. Debating on selling this thing if i cant get jb. what do you think a 32 gb 7310 only two months old aind in mint condition with a nice moto $40 leather case could fetch? lol again sorry for soundimg like an ass im just frustrated
I have a tab i957. It wasn't the easiest to get jb on. Which tab do you have?
The first thing you need is Odin. Google Odin 3 ver 1.85.
Then you'll need to flash a recovery, either twrp or clock work mod, make sure it's specific to the tab you have. you flash it with Odin
Then you'll need to down load a jb Rom on to your device,again make sure it's for your device. Then you flash it through the recovery.
The stickies will have more specific info. There are no simple steps. You have to learn by reading and trying.
Sent from my SGH-I727 using xda app-developers app
jd1639 said:
I have a tab i957. It wasn't the easiest to get jb on. Which tab do you have?
The first thing you need is Odin. Google Odin 3 ver 1.85.
Then you'll need to flash a recovery, either twrp or clock work mod, make sure it's specific to the tab you have. you flash it with Odin
Then you'll need to down load a jb Rom on to your device,again make sure it's for your device. Then you flash it through the recovery.
The stickies will have more specific info. There are no simple steps. You have to learn by reading and trying.
Sent from my SGH-I727 using xda app-developers app
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You dont have to use Odin with the latest roms! do you?
Not to flash the Rom, only to get clockwork or twrp recovery on the device. The Rom is flashed thru the recovery.
Sent from my SGH-I727 using xda app-developers app
I recently got a Note running stock ICS 4.03, not rooted, nothing. I've been trying to wrap my head around the brick bug thing ever since I got it. I'm still a bit scared about flashing a new ROM though.
Should I wait for the official 4.1.2 update? Will it fix the brick bug so it will be safe to flash anything again? Have devs been able to glean that from the existing 4.1.2 leaks and official releases (Poland?)?
Or will I have to move to a safe kernel (Philz?) manually anyway, no matter if I wait for the 4.1.2 update first?
Thanks so much!
This place is really good. You get guidance, tutorials, instant help. (when I think of instant help, one name comes to mind nokiamodeln91, there are several guys like him here). But spoon feeding is not encouraged. You are asking several questions with multiple if and buts. Answer may run into pages. You want to fire the rifle from others shoulder.
It's your phone and your choices. Definitely there are elements of risk when you do something different. Try out whatever you like. Read carefully before doing.
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda premium
We wont know if its safe until kernel and sources are interpreted by the pros, there is a main brickbugthread in general watch that one for the answers
Go to app stpre downlod brickbugapp, it wil tell u if ur device is prone to this flaw.
If yes then its something to worry about and its only if u want to flash custom roms. If u want to keep stock then its ok even if u have the bug.
Search and find how to root ur device, for me to make the process easy, i install the "exynos abuse" app from play store , it will root ur device just in a single click
Then install root checker app, again from play store to see if ur device is rooted.
Then install the rom manager and install the cwm recovery through it.
Then search the thread of philz safe kerne. And follow procedures to flash it.
Ur device is safe now.
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda app-developers app
hi everyone sorry for the dumb question ived looked everywhere with no difinative answer. I am new to rooting obviously but have been following u guys since hd2 days!!! Never pulled the trigger on flashing but im tired of the wait for an official jb rom by tmo which dont know if it will ever happen. Anyway i have seen all the threads on rooting the tmo note but not sure if the files to root can be done with this build uvma1. All of them are about the previous version uvgl3 or something like that which is the previous one before the update back december- january. Also would u choose cwrm or twrp cor recovery and do i need the latest version of odin or will the 1.4 be ok. Sorry for sounding lost and dumb but have only glanced through most of the process. Worst case scenerio is getting me a new note2!!
Sent from my SGH-T879 using xda premium
Here is you might can get the answer that you were asking about it..
Good lucks..thanks
kim621973 said:
Sent from my SGH-T879 using xda premium
Here is you might can get the answer that you were asking about it..
Good lucks..thanks
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Thank you for the link and have read it but someone talks about downloading cwm and superuser and then downloading a uvma1.tar file which there isnt a link to it and the last post explains a diferrent procedure which to me sounds knid of complicated and dont know if i can pull that off as i am not very bright to such thin as u can tell lol. The original way sounded much easier but i guess the uvlg3 file wont work on this build from what i can tell. If that makes sense now im just hesitant to try any of it as i really cant afford to get me a new phone incase something goes wrong. Sorry for sounding dumb but i wish it could be much easier.
You can go to my thread and install my pre rooted version. You can use backup then restore to keep your data.
Sent from my SGH-T879 using xda app-developers app
As I have mentioned in the "Goodies" forum the only way I could root the build (uvma1) is by downloading the two apps from this thread: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2217840 from method 3 section and flash it using TWRP 2.3. Superuser-3.0.7-efghi-signed.zip did not work, would not even flash.