I am leaving Verizon for various reasons. I have made a shortlist of phones Im looking into. Anyone want to put their 2 cents in?
Evo 4G - Grandfather that can still kick some ass
Evo Shift 4 - Heard the k/b is kind of mushy
G2 - Like keyboard, have used before
HD2 - Very awesome modding community
Atrix - Looks nice, non-laggy
There you go!
PS, i'm in Chicago, and it is raining like a cow pissing on a flat rock.
The "awesome modding community" means a lot to me personally. I've been really impressed with the ROMs, Apps, etc. for my Incredible... I feel that it's been a big part of keeping my "perceived" value very high. I still have no nagging feeling that I need to upgrade and I've had it for over a year.
Ok here's my opinion for each carrier you mentioned
Sprint: get the evo shift because of the 2nd Gen snapdragon, I have a hd2 and both hd2 and evo have the same 1st Gen snapdragon processor and its laggy compared to the competition
T-Mobile: g2, same reason as stated above or you know go for the g2x but if your addicted to flashing like 99.9% of xda than consider the awesome hd2
Att: atrix lags alot trust me, I had a captivate and I tried out a atrix...yeeeeaaaah didn't go so well for the atrix
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
I'd go by carrier first and foremost. If Sprint, and you're considering the Evo / Shift - then the size of the screen must not be that big of a deal, nor the keyboard angle. If not, why not the Nexus S? If GPU quality is of import, and you don't need a keyboard , I'd suggest the Nexus S. Immediate updates and better chipset.
Sprint would get my vote, obvious bias aside, because of the truly unlimited data. WiMax is meh so far, not taking into account future updates to the network. Not to mention if you even get coverage where you are.
Carrier and coverage is the most important thing to consider I would think. Edit: and I missed that Chicago bit at the end. I spend some time in the city and am located outside the city and I can say Sprint coverage is definitely nice. A big market, especially for WiMax. That said, frequency and building penetration is something to take into account with 4G. Should that even be a selling point. I have an Evo and it definitely has had some great developer support, but it is an old dog. No ifs ands or buts. Also Sprint is supposed to get the GS2, an Atrixq like device as well as - assuming as much - the Nexus '3.' If you can wait you might be better off. If not, I'd say the NS.
Enviado desde mi PC36100 utilizando XDA Premium de la aplicación
Another vote for the Nexus S. HOWEVER, do your research first. I'm hearing reports that there are issues with the Nexus S 4G radio. People are complaining about it not working right or not working at all. That said, this IS XDA and stuff like that doesn't stop the devs here
Sent from my NS running NSCollab cuz I lost my tin cans and string....
Yes, very true. I haven't been keeping up with all the news, but I get the impression this is something that could be fixed by an update ... as opposed to, for example, faulty radios. I have been under the impression that it isn't a widespread issue, either.
But, of course, research and look into your options.
I am reading a lot of bemoaning with regards to what is considered poor battery life on the Nexus 4 based on comparisons made by Anandtech's review, and I feel that people are forgetting the golden rule of smartphones. That rule being that every phone has at least one 'fatal flaw' that you have to accept when you finally purchase that device. I feel like this thread will put things into perspective for those who just want to have it all. Reality is what it is, I'm not saying you should settle and give in to sub-ideal phones, but hey if you need a phone you need a phone, ideals and wishes won't make phone calls or grab your emails for you.
Let's start with the iPhone 5. Firstly, it's iOS and all its annoying ecosystem that surely every Android enthusiast has distaste for in some way or another. I'm pretty sure that rules it out alone and causes us think "Well who cares how long the battery lasts if I hate using the thing. Pass." It does have great battery life on LTE, quality construction, more accessories than you can shake a stick at, etc etc, but it's still iOS. No LTE in my area either but hey not the phone's fault.
Onto the HTC One X, which is a good phone in many regards but still has those 'fatal flaws.' It costs $465.50 (6 months after launch) unlocked which isn't too heinous but it isn't pentaband GSM keeping you from 3G/HSPA+ on T-mobile or whatever random 1700 band International carriers there are in the world. Also has frequent wifi antenna problems for many. It only sports 1 GB of ram. It is not pure Android, HTC Sense is hated by many, can be replaced with a custom rom, which is very good. Curious how the HTC one X (1800 mah) did better than the S3 (2100 mah).
Motorola Razr M. I rather like the physical feel of this phone, but with 4.0 ICS, nowhere to buy it unlocked, 1 GB of ram, and less dev support than these other phones I wouldn't consider it strongly.
Next the Motorola Razr i. Only has 4.0.4 ICS, 1 GB of ram, $498.50 unlocked also with no 1700 band support. Screen is probably not in the HTC One X leagues either.
Skipping a few brings me to the Motorola Photon Q. Obviously this thing is only for QWERTY lovers, of which I am not. Hey it probably kicks ass though if that's your thing. Oh but wait, you can only get it from carriers which means you'll be signing a contract. Wuh-oh no dice, that ain't nice.
LG Optimus G... Locked bootloader. (I held one and went "eww" but that's a personal thing), A year after ICS was released, Jellybean has been out for months, and yet LG releases this 'flagship' phone with ICS, tsk tsk. No 1700 band, 545.50 Unlocked. Only one of the versions has a micro-sd slot too, bizarro.
Galaxy S3! Personally the T-999 T-mobile Galaxy S3 is my personal choice over the Nexus 4. BUT Problems?!!? For me it was price at $550, the build quality of the phone, and the physical big home button. I've read too many reports of them cracking on their own (while in Otterbox Defender cases or whatever other big boxy tank armor people buy) because of the crappy plastic used and also overheating during usage or charging. A phone's screen shouldn't break on it's own sitting on your desk. Those issues are rather personal so really the problem is price for a 6 month old phone.
Anyway enough of this, there are many things which aren't negatives to some and other things that definitely are negatives that I haven't included, such as motorola camera quality or something along those lines.
Honestly, where can you buy a 299 or 349 dollar unlocked smartphone with the latest hardware (except that 5" panel on the HTC DNA), latest Android OS which is also vanilla, predictably tons of dev support, and isn't a plastic pile of junk? Although the Nexus is lacking LTE, enough storage for many, less than best battery life, and whatever other gripes there are out there. Also the benchmarks are meh, personally I could care less how fast it runs a benchmark. There gets to be a point where speed no longer matters, sort of like the difference between 100 FPS and 400 FPS when playing a video game or watching a movie. I mean if the phone can load apps faster than the Optimus G by .001 seconds who really cares? It's about real world usage to me, not benchmark scores. That's me though and I realize that isn't everyone's opinion.
So anyway if someone wants more storage and awesome battery but doesn't care about being forced into a contract, they won't mind getting a Razr Maxx HD. But if another person wants to avoid contracts, have the freedom to use their phone internationally even, with the latest operating system the Nexus 4 is the best bet because of the price with the S3 tailing behind it due to custom roms.
Someone could assign a point value to every category and rate phones across the board, but the amount of points per category, or rather the importance of certain traits over others, is totally independent for each person out there shopping for a device.
Long story short here, every phone has its drawbacks and issues, it's a question of which has the least amount of flaws when weighing the needs/desires of the consumer.
The Nexus 4 does the best job of fitting my needs, but it isn't perfect. I doubt any phone ever will be, but that's beside the point. The point is what is here and now available to chose from. The point is that battery benchmark graph that I can't link due to lack of posts. I would have never bought a Nexus 4 like I did if the price wasn't so good. If it were 600 dollars I would have passed and held out for custom roms to keep me afloat on the latest version of Android.
(If you're pissed I made a thread about this don't reply telling me that. Just let it sink to the bottom of the forum to rot and die.)
Thanks and happy phone hunting.
The optimus g has basically the same hardware specs and gets great battery life. Is it wrong to expect the n4 to get somewhere in the same ballpark? N4 appears to have just average battery life which is odd. I still plan on getting it.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda app-developers app
I wish I could want an iPhone because honestly I'm tired of rooting and tweaking and iPhone gets great battery no matter what you do.
But I love stock android and honestly I feel like I am chasing a dream. First android phone was epic touch 4g then I rooted awesome battery and ICS skins. Then ICS came out battery life was crap and issues. Ran that way for months. Then jellybean waiting for Samsung kernel horrible performance. Sprint data slow as crap. Then got a gal nex no 4g now slower 3g. LTE is a mile away and it is slow.
Then nexus 4 announced no sprint version leaving sprint for T-Mobile now trying to buy four nexus 4's for the family must wait again.
So at this point if battery life sucks so be it I'm stuck chasing a dream.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
Fataldesain said:
I wish I could want an iPhone because honestly I'm tired of rooting and tweaking and iPhone gets great battery no matter what you do.
But I love stock android and honestly I feel like I am chasing a dream. First android phone was epic touch 4g then I rooted awesome battery and ICS skins. Then ICS came out battery life was crap and issues. Ran that way for months. Then jellybean waiting for Samsung kernel horrible performance. Sprint data slow as crap. Then got a gal nex no 4g now slower 3g. LTE is a mile away and it is slow.
Then nexus 4 announced no sprint version leaving sprint for T-Mobile now trying to buy four nexus 4's for the family must wait again.
So at this point if battery life sucks so be it I'm stuck chasing a dream.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
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Trust me, the iPhone sucks without jailbreak. Especially when you are used to Android (even Stock Android) you will miss so many options. You will miss the tweaking (just because iOS sucks already). And btw, the iPhone is small as sh**.. so no wonder it's battery will last longer. How ever, browsing/writing textes is a pain in the ass on the iPhone.
Had the iPhone 3G (omfg) and the 4S.... glad I could sell them on ebay to some brainfart.
And btw: Once you get to jailbreaking your iPhone it's all problems and annoying work.
Battery is a pretty big one for me, as well as storage.. lte not so much, waiting a while to decide but I'm pretty sure I'm going to get a note 2 little more expensive but I can prolly get the woman to let me spend my own money on it :good:
Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk 2
Don't really need 4G.
See, the problem with the iPhone is, that it's an Apple product.
Apple-Hate aside, what people must realize, if they are in an area that offers 4G connectivity, it will also offer FULL 3G connection. The hypothetical max of HSPA+ is 42mb/s which if you're lucky, you can get close to. Also, TheVerge got 5Mb/s in a Metropolitan area, which is more than sufficient. I leech off StarBucks wifi, getting 450 KB/S and can watch HD video and anything I realistically need.
Please tell me someone, who uses 100% of their 4G.
Yeah once your used to android its hard to leave but my thing is since the iPhone 4 apple has had a smooth working phone with great battery. I have used about 10 android phones and honestly the iPhone 4 runs better than most and it is three years old.
Now things are getting better because the specs are crazy in all these phones. But sometimes I envy the apple sheep because they think they have the best and are satisfied with it.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
Hey guys,
Some of you know me from the s2, galaxy nexus, s3 ,etc review area. I usually post videos of case reviews and stuff and well just bought this new phone
So I shot 2 videos (because of the lack of cases yet)
My first one is this one.. The iphone 5 vs the NExus 4 .
it was obvious who was gonna win as im a google fan, but it was fun to play with both and been able to compare them
rault18 said:
Hey guys,
Some of you know me from the s2, galaxy nexus, s3 ,etc review area. I usually post videos of case reviews and stuff and well just bought this new phone
So I shot 2 videos (because of the lack of cases yet)
My first one is this one.. The iphone 5 vs the NExus 4 .
it was obvious who was gonna win as im a google fan, but it was fun to play with both and been able to compare them
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Sweet! Thanks man :good:
I didn't think the N4 came with headphones?
Was an iPhone user for nearly 5 years but it came to a point that it was just too small, and the iPhone 5 did not remedy this.
jonathanmusto said:
I didn't think the N4 came with headphones?
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It doesn't
I'm so sorry guys you are correct .don't even know why I said it did.
It does NOT come with headphones..just didn't go through the nexus box as I usually do and was more interested in the phone he he.
Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda premium
jonathanmusto said:
I didn't think the N4 came with headphones?
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Correct . I will edit that part of the video
Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda premium
TheFiveDots said:
Was an iPhone user for nearly 5 years but it came to a point that it was just too small, and the iPhone 5 did not remedy this.
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My biggest problem is the fact that its the same thing over and over and over . Its very boring .and the phone is too narrow
Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda premium
rault18 said:
My biggest problem is the fact that its the same thing over and over and over . Its very boring .and the phone is too narrow
Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda premium
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Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if they've got a major OS interface overhaul in the works at the very least, especially given the departure of Scott Forstall who was a huge proponent of the skeuomorphic elements while the rest of senior management was less than thrilled by it.
Its time has come, and I've heard a surprising number of non-technical, average users say they as switching to Android just because they are "bored" with the iPhone and iOS, despite it probably being the best choice for them. Interesting when customers are jumping ship just because they want to see something new, not even because they need it.
Things are going to get interesting over the next 2 to 3 years, that's for sure.
iphone 5
iPhone 5. Nexus 4 does not have 4G LTE. The iPhone is also made of a strong, durable aluminum so it could last longer than the Nexus 4.
HelenB said:
iPhone 5. Nexus 4 does not have 4G LTE. The iPhone is also made of a strong, durable aluminum so it could last longer than the Nexus 4.
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Then why are you in this forum?
Your argument is one-sided and ignores that the Nexus has benefits over the iPhone too. They are both great devices that excel in their own regard.
Ok, I have both of these right now and have been going back and forth between the two.
Here are my thoughts.
First of all I have everything Apple, iPads, Macbook, iMac's and AppleTV's.
The iPhone 5 is fast and "just works" without doing anything to it. iMessage is a great feature and I can text from any of the above listed devices, except the AppleTV of course, this is a big plus for me.
The iPhone 5 has a better camera and video recorder, I have done some test shots in the backyard and the pics and vids are crisper and cleaner on the iPhone 5.
The iP5 has a nice home button, I've found in the past few days using the N4, that when I pick it up its hard to tell which end is which end and to find the Power/Unlock key I usually have to twist it around to get it right.
The N4 screen glass is almsot too smooth, its kinds too slippery to text on, but I prefer the keyboard to the IP5's.
The N4 has the best to date software out there, I love JB 4.2 blows anything else out there out of the water.
The battery is better on the iP5, mainly because its never doing anything, there is no Google Now, no widgets nada running in the background. It is 1:40PM and I've had the N4 off the charger since 8am, and just with normal use the battery is already at 66%, which the iP5 is still in the 90's. But since I normally charge everynight, as long as I can get thru the day I'm happy.
Call quality is good on both, the speaker is louder and clearer on the iP5.
The N4 actually does pretty good without the LTE of the iP5, webpages load pretty good and even though I now how fast the LTE is on the Ip5 it wasn't too bad using the N4.
I'm really torn here, the N4 has Jb and 4.2 at the top of the list going for it, the hardware is good but not great.
The iP5 is a slightly better all around but is just, yawn too stale these days.
I've played with a new HTC One X + but I can't stand Sense and the UI, but that phone IMO is slightly better then the N4 and it also has JB, but only version 4.1.
Just my 2 cents.....
HelenB said:
iPhone 5. Nexus 4 does not have 4G LTE. The iPhone is also made of a strong, durable aluminum so it could last longer than the Nexus 4.
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N4 does have LTE. Sorry to bust your bubble
Crapple is last to talk about LTE. Bahahaha
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2
luckylui said:
N4 does have LTE. Sorry to bust your bubble
Crapple is last to talk about LTE. Bahahaha
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2
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Yes and no
It does work on 1700 and 2100 MHz bands but on other countries like Canada . In the US it won't work yet until they launch band 4 on tmo (att is already licensed for it)
Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda premium
TheFiveDots said:
Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if they've got a major OS interface overhaul in the works at the very least, especially given the departure of Scott Forstall who was a huge proponent of the skeuomorphic elements while the rest of senior management was less than thrilled by it.
Its time has come, and I've heard a surprising number of non-technical, average users say they as switching to Android just because they are "bored" with the iPhone and iOS, despite it probably being the best choice for them. Interesting when customers are jumping ship just because they want to see something new, not even because they need it.
Things are going to get interesting over the next 2 to 3 years, that's for sure.
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You're absolutely right. IOS is gonna do a major UI overhaul because they don't have a choice but to do so. Its been looking pretty much the same since it came out 5 years ago. Android keeps evolving and getting better, IOS is also great but too boring. Like you said the next few years are gonna be super exciting and we , the consumers , are gonna love it! Look out for WP mobile too.
As far as the nexus 4 vs iphone 5, they are both great phones but like the OP said in his video, the nexus suits me better. But gotta give credit where credit is due, iphone 5 is insanely fast especially when it comes to web browsing.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2
rault18 said:
Yes and no
It does work on 1700 and 2100 MHz bands but on other countries like Canada . In the US it won't work yet until they launch band 4 on tmo (att is already licensed for it)
Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda premium
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There is no "yes and no" as to whether something has LTE. The phone has LTE. Whether or not your carrier uses the bands the phone supports is another story. But the phone still has LTE regardless of whether your carrier uses those bands.
Thoughtful said:
There is no "yes and no" as to whether something has LTE. The phone has LTE. Whether or not your carrier uses the bands the phone supports is another story. But the phone still has LTE regardless of whether your carrier uses those bands.
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Indeed. The phone has a "LTE Chip" so its pretty much "a" LTE phone. It just isn't working properly on US carriers. Its there but not working right now. I'm glad tho, that it has LTE and I won't have to invest in a LTE phone when T-Mobile does push LTE!
Winwin situation right here.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2
Thoughtful said:
There is no "yes and no" as to whether something has LTE. The phone has LTE. Whether or not your carrier uses the bands the phone supports is another story. But the phone still has LTE regardless of whether your carrier uses those bands.
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True I see your point .correct there is lte just not usable yet
Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda premium
HelenB said:
iPhone 5. Nexus 4 does not have 4G LTE. The iPhone is also made of a strong, durable aluminum so it could last longer than the Nexus 4.
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Wrong. IPhone is encased in glass, just like the nexus. It has am aluminum rim, but that is actually more likely to damage the phone if dropped as the rim of the nexus 4 is rubber, significantly more shock absorbent. The nexus does indeed have an lte radio inside, its just not enabled out of the box because only one gsm carrier uses it. Besides, the bottleneck on browsing and download speed is generally the storage medium and processing speed, and the nexus 4 trumps the iPhone in processing power, if not storage write speed as well, providing a faster browsing experience. LTE and hspa+ have rarely shown any real world speed differences, the main difference is in latency, which largely depends on processor speed as well. It ends up just being a power hog with mostly unnoticeable performance increases. In general I think the nexus 4 trumps the iPhone.
In a year I have to switch to all apple products to go into sound engineering, but I may stick with android phones because the iPhone just isn't there. I'm going to get a Mac and an iPad but I won't buy an iPhone until they bring it up to spec with the latest android phones.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app
The iPhone 4 and 4s was glass, but the iPhone 5 has a soft-touch aluminum backing.
I phone 5 also has LTE.
I tried to like this phone, but I have come to the realization that I just don't. No bumper, charging mat or screen protector has helped me enjoy it anymore. Getting this device to work correctly on at&t is a nightmare, I'm having connection issues to this day. No apn, imei or change of plan has fixed it. The phone has light bleed, which is frustrating to look at and buzzing which is annoying to hear. Rma is not my thing it takes to long and I've heard to many horror stories.
Stock android is nice though I feel the experience of say the note 2 is better. I'd rather have a skinned version of android and then when I am looking for a vanilla look and feel I can ROM aokp or cm 10 which seems to be the better version of stock android anyway with added utility and customizations.
Think my run with at&t and my nexus is over. Time for a new beginning with Verizon LTE which is available 100% in my area where at&t is not and I think I'm going with a droid DNA.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app
Cool story bro. Tell it again..:thumbup:
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
Good choice man! this device is not for everyone :good:
As for me AT&T works fine in my area, never had any problems. Had a few friends not getting signal earlier with their sprint iphones and I let them use mine to make a call :silly:
Hey man, it's your choice! Pure capitalistic decision here. You are not satisfied with the device, which you have every right to feel that way. It doesn't fit your needs and you like the Note 2. You don't need some AOSP zealots approval to move on. I hate AT&T personally. They treat you like crap, and though they are the No.2 carrier, with GSM, I wouldn't go back to them for all the tea in China. If I was a high roller, I might consider Verizon as they hands down have the best coverage in the USA. Their 3g is slower than my T-Mobile... and even sometimes their LTE, but good luck getting ANY 3g coverage in upstate NY (aunt lives there) on T-Mobile outside Rochester proper. If you would be served better with a Verizon Note 2, go there brother and be happy with your purchase! I personally don't want to go back to touchwiz (been AOSP too long), but the phone is awesome! Has a beautiful screen, expandable storage, great processor, 2nd best Android battery life (Razr HD Maxx being No.1), S-Pen, multi-window multitasking, etc.
Don't think you have to have a Nexus or the acceptance of the Nexus crowd. Vote with your bucks and your feet. Wish you well with the Note 2.
Are you going to sell the Nexus?
I personally have had zero issues on AT&T via Straight Talk and love this device. I would highly recommend sticking with a GSM provider though, if you have service in your area, T-Mobile perhaps? As GSM unlocked devices gives one much more freedom to move carriers, plus, I suffered hell with Verizon, they are by far one of the worst companies I have ever had the displeasure of dealing with; never again.
Either way, good luck.
It's called T mobile?
I honestly never see the purpose of these threads. The forum isn't your personal blog. And I don't think any body necessarily has any care what you're saying (as mentioned previously by the person who said cool story bro). If you don't like the phone that's fine, just be on your way. Not being mean or anything but the general forum isn't ones blog
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
We don't need a thread to be made just because someone is either new to the device or if they're selling it. Just move along quietly and it will be better for everyone.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda premium
how much for the n4???
munchy_cool said:
how much for the n4???
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Buying a device on xda is against the rules
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
Guys, we should band together and hold a candlelight vigil in an attempt to convince the OP to stick with the Nexus. That's what a good community does, right?
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
The beauty of android is, there are tons of devices out there and great choices. Ill suggest the note 2.
Sent from my Mako Nexus quattro using Tapatalk 2!
thegregulator said:
Guys, we should band together and hold a candlelight vigil in an attempt to convince the OP to stick with the Nexus. That's what a good community does, right?
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
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Nah, we'll just tie him up to a log and send him off in a viking funeral.......except that he is still breathing when we light the first torch.
inseconds99 said:
I tried to like this phone, but I have come to the realization that I just don't. No bumper, charging mat or screen protector has helped me enjoy it anymore. Getting this device to work correctly on at&t is a nightmare, I'm having connection issues to this day. No apn, imei or change of plan has fixed it. The phone has light bleed, which is frustrating to look at and buzzing which is annoying to hear. Rma is not my thing it takes to long and I've heard to many horror stories.
Stock android is nice though I feel the experience of say the note 2 is better. I'd rather have a skinned version of android and then when I am looking for a vanilla look and feel I can ROM aokp or cm 10 which seems to be the better version of stock android anyway with added utility and customizations.
Think my run with at&t and my nexus is over. Time for a new beginning with Verizon LTE which is available 100% in my area where at&t is not and I think I'm going with a droid DNA.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app
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Sent from Nexus 4 - cm10 - faux kernel002 beta005
Feel sorry for you, love mine N4!
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
Damn, how much is that Verizon plan going to cost a month?
Enjoy your new phone though Droid DNA looks like a great phone too.
KidCarter93 said:
We don't need a thread to be made just because someone is either new to the device or if they're selling it. Just move along quietly and it will be better for everyone.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda premium
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Wtf a new nexus already? This has to be for an LTE version no way its a new one already
sent from one of the NEXUS twins 4 or 7.....
If there's any update... It could be a number of things. Namely,.. LTE, 1080p screen or 32GB storage. I really can't see there being much change (if any?!) as its done so well. To well in fact as there isn't any stock lol.
Ah, come on...
nk7600 said:
If there's any update... It could be a number of things. Namely,.. LTE, 1080p screen or 32GB storage. I really can't see there being much change (if any?!) as its done so well. To well in fact as there isn't any stock lol.
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to stay relevant to the coming generation of phones, itll need at least 32gb, 1080p, and maybe a better camera? i dont think a ram or processor upgrade is a big deal at this point
anyway, itd be nice if they come out with something like that.. really sucks for the folks who already got thier n4
Yes I would be pissed royally and I have an upgrade I can use but man is be angry
sent from one of the NEXUS twins 4 or 7.....
It is way more likely that they are producing the successor of the Nexus 7 (released in June 2012), which would fit in the release cycle of the previous nexus phones (January 2010, December 2010, November 2011, November 2012).
Seriously... Why do you guys put stock in this stuff? Blog news sites suck. Its sensational so they are posting it. The entire article is full of conjecture and other sites are just reposting the original article. After 2 months they are stopping production to build the next nexus? Yeah friggen right. There is no way that is happening and no one has presented any sort of proof. They haven't even fulfilled all of the back orders yet. Don't take the bait.
Sent from my 5th and final Nexus 4
Lol this is not going to happen. The nexus devices are what Google thinks android should be and is what developers use to make their great stuff. Why change the concept after 2 months? Total bull to me.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app
maybe its because of the LTE its not supposed to have but does...
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app
I hope it means that they changed manufacturers and went back to Samsung
lowrider262 said:
maybe its because of the LTE its not supposed to have but does...
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Google and LG knew what chip was in the device they designed. This is not some magical surprise. They can easily disable it in a future update. This whole article is full of conjecture that makes little sense. LG isn't changing the screen, processor, RAM, etc at this point.
bozzykid said:
Google and LG knew what chip was in the device they designed. This is not some magical surprise. They can easily disable it in a future update. This whole article is full of conjecture that makes little sense. LG isn't changing the screen, processor, RAM, etc at this point.
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Well, the included radio image allows LTE band 4 to be enabled. It's not certified for LTE by the FCC. Search for ZNF/E960 on the FCC site if you want to see the details of the FCC certifications; I can't include a link because I don't have enough posts. (If I had to guess, I'd say that they forgot a #define in the radio image to disable LTE altogether. These things happen.)
That's enough for them to be legally obligated to pull the device in question off the market. I don't know if that's what's actually happened, of course.
I wouldn't believe this rumor if I were you the writer has no source and is just spreading rumors based on what a lg person said about their continuous partnership with Google.
I think they might do small updates to it like fix some of the things that people sent there nexus 4's back for
I call bs. Seriously, every nexus has been given a year, 2 months would just be ridiculous. And this hardware is still good for another year easily, benchmarks smenchmarks, they don't mean diddly poo in the real world. Hell the Galaxy Nexus is still a damn nice phone with its dated omap 4460 SoC!
Also Google probably had the nexus 4 in the works for at least 6 months, probably even longer so I have a hard time believing they'll have another one so soon. If they announce new phones, it's going to most likely be carrier LTE versions.
But I just don't see how anything could realistically top this phone. There is no lag whatsoever, everything is instant, what could better hardware offer that you would even notice?
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2
Wild rumors and dumb accusations! Oh and 100% bullsh*t!
Sent from my Nexus 4 or Nexus 7
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