Pristine JB All Languages v4.0
Slim version (removed bloatware and some apps) and Full version available
Thread is discontinued. I do not think that there will be updates for TW based Roms on N7000. And I switched to the Nexus 7 2013 LTE and so no more Custom Roms.
Latest Downloads restored (on 16th Nov 2013):
Hotfile: Pristine_XXLC1_v1.0.1 MD5 50964f7909b22d7a1ede92f84d51f8a8
Hotfile: Pristine_XXLT4_v3.0.4_(Slim) MD5 034942a9b5f2d97e48125a97086cf02b
-- Benefits of Slim Pristine ------------------------------------------------------------------------
The Rom is deodexed, zipaligned and rooted (PhilZ Kernel) like usual and was cooked using my tutorial in Post 2.
I removed all bloatware and many apps I do not use or do not like.
Because of this I assume (and I feel) that this results in a fast (at least for a TW based JB), stable Rom. Because of the reduced number of running apps and services you even might have better battery life - but there is no reliable proof for this - it seems only logical. So when I apply a mod/fix/tweak I will only use them if there is no risk for an impact on speed or stability.
What is different or new?
1. I extended the "All languages" by Hebrew. For this I added resources from JB stock for other Samsung devices. Resulted in quite some errors that couldn't be solved by the batches I use but simply by checking it with my own hands.
You can switch to hebrew now - but as told before - you'll need a different keyboard until I found the remaining error.
Everything else works with this language - one exception: gallery - but I assume this is acceptable
2. Of course all the old languages (see the list in OP) are still inside.
3. I release the Slim version first.
4. I removed SamsungChinese_IME_HKTW.apk. So the unsolved error when making a clean install and starting the Rom isn't active anymore. Same as above: have to search for the cause of the error.
5. I didn't add my "android.policy.jar" as workaround for my IMEI problem. Now the Rom contains always the "original" one from XXLT5. I made a CWM-installable zip for me that replaces the android.policy.jar and so I get the SIM Pin dialog and lockscreen etc.
Fixpack 1 v4.0
I replaced Keyboard and File Manager with the apk from my old version 3.2 which didn't contain Hebrew (but of course all other languages). The problems reported by the members (Thanks again) should be solved - at least on my device they are.
Replaced APK: SamsungIME.apk and SecNoteMyFiles.apk
Modpack 1 v4.0
My first three small tweaks I wanted to have without any impact on stability or performance:
- TW Launcher with 7x7 icons (slightly reduced icon size), I like that very much, because TW Launcher is fast and I can use AccuWeather now (in Nova Launcher not possible). And now I understand the structure of the system apk in res folder much better.
- Kmokhtar's theme (but without the additional buttons on top), I like the style of his theme
Modded APK: SecLauncher2.apk and for the theme FlashbarService.apk, SecContacts.apk, SecPhone.apk, SystemUI.apk, framework-res.apk
Next steps: Don't know, will have to read and search a bit for more Tweaks I like
-- Pristine JB All Languages v 4.0 (Slim) ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dev-Host: Pristine JB All Languages v4.0 (Slim) - 512.46 MB
Seed-Box: Torrent Magnet URI
Fixpack 1: Fixpack 1 v4.0 - 5.74 MB
Modpack 1: Modpack 1 v4.0 - 43.01 MB
Reinstall Pack removed apps in v4.0: Dev-Host: Reinstall All Removed Apps v4.0 - 277.95 MB
-- Changelog: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
06.06.2013: Reinstall pack for removed apps in v4.0 added
05.06.2013: First Fixpack and first Modpack added
04.06.2013: OP updated, added hotfile and torrent as download alternative
03.06.2013: v4.0 with All Languages including Hebrew in slim version
-- Installation ------------------------------------------------------------------------
1. Check MD5 of your download first.
2. Copy Zip to your SD card.
3. Use safe kernel for installation (PhilZ Kernels).
4. Reboot into recovery of this safe kernel.
5. Clear cache
6. In Advanced: clear dalvik cache
Next two steps are only necessary when you want to make a clean installation
6a. Factory reset/full wipe
6b Format /system, /preload, /data
7. Install zip
8. Reboot and configure
-- Languages in v4.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Combined languages in all (but one) apk from XXLT5 ("Hungary"), XXLT4 (Germany), DDLSC (India), JPLSB (UAE), XXLSZ (Russia), ZSLO2 (China), DXLSE (South East Asia) and Hebrew from devices like Note2, S3, S4
Combined CSC, T9DB, hdic
Modified apk from apps- and framework-folder (that is the ugly part, because it takes time and bloody fingers)
95 csc sets for different countries:
Display List (from language.xml)
Input Support List (from language.xml):
216 Apps modified (added missing languages to apk)
-- Removed Apps in v4.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Credits ------------------------------------------------------------------------
XDA: for all the tutorials, threads and information here. It was easy to find everything I needed for making a Custom Rom.
eybee1970: no need to explain, he gave me valuable information when I discovered XXLSC on my device and wanted to make dumps.
bangsti: for his support and fast servers, great alternative to my torrents
Phil: for his kernels with recovery etc.
majdinj: for his collection of tutorials
kmokhtar: for his Arya theme thanks for their infos of leaks or official releases
and to a lot of members: writing me PM and offering support or giving hints - even when I didn't or couldn't use them. Thanks, that's community as it should be.
-- Old Changelogs: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
02.06.2103: v3.4.4 with a few tweaks: tw launcher with 6x6 icons, center clock, extended menu button, smart rotation
01.06.2013: Fixpack version 3.4.1: replaced secbrowser.apk with version from XXLT5 (new one crashed on start). And added all CSC/hdic/T9DB-files for all the countries I used before in v3.2
31.05.2013: Added new XXLT6 version (slim first now), more details tomorrow
19.05.2013: Added a reinstall pack for all removes Apps. Make your own reinstall from this by deleting the not-wanted Apps from the Zip and so installing only what you need
16.05.2013: Reinstall pack for all Samsung Apps (see content list here)
15.05.2013: Full version of v3.2 all languages added
12.05.2013: Bugfix-Version v3.2: corrected SuperSU according to PhilZ Kernel, removed ReaderHub.apk, updated list with "Removed Apps"
12.05.2013: Based on XXLT5 a new "all languages"-approch in v3.1, first slim version, full version later, removed old entries for 1.9 etc.
09.05.2013: Torrent and hotfile link as alternative download options
08.05.2013: Added XXLT5 based versions: full and slim
01.05.2013: Added CWM-installable zip for MusicPlayer-Apps etc
28.04.2013: Added correct CWM-installable zip for Email-Apps etc (missing secexchange.apk before)
27.04.2013: Added CWM-installable zip for Email-Apps etc
21.04.2013: Added CWM-installable zip for AccuWeather etc
20.04.2013: CWM-installable zip with all removed apps available from dev-host now.
19.04.2013: Slim version of the new XXT4 from today. Usual bloatware and apps I do not need are removed.
07.04.2013: Stopped modding because majdinj made a modded version of the all languages approach here. See his thread for it
06.04.2013: Small version added
05.04.2013: Bugfixes for RTL languages (no fc when using lockscreen with Arabic), see majdini's post
31.03.2013: Second step: added languages (from Chinese, Arab countries, India etc.) to about 200 apk.
30.03.2013: First step: Languages from South East Asia and Europe combined in v2.1. Tomorrow will add Arab, Farsi etc.
24.03.2013: Added Multi-Language Preview for Testing, removed all full versions because they are available in the torrent thread.
Tutorial Stock to Custom Rom for Galaxy Note (updated 2013/05/30)
Tutorial "Stock2CustomRom": How I made this Custom Rom
30.05.2013: Added line to change the API-Level before deodexing from 17 (for 4.2) to 16 (for 4.1.x). In v0.220 API level 16 was the default, 0.223 aims at 4.2 Roms with the default 17.
25.05.2013: Updated, removed "dump" chapters because there are no dumps anymore, switched to explaining using an official release (JB right now), corrected errors.
14.02.2013: Adding updates to tutorial while using it with ZSLM5
09.02.2013: Updated top last version of kitchen, testing with ZCLSD
02.12.2012: Finished first "Release" v1. Waiting for replies and will search for mistakes. But not now.
When I got the OTA update to XXSLC I had the idea (no wonder) to make a usable Custom Rom (from now abbreviated to CR) out of it.
But how to do this?
I could've asked for help and a step by step tutorial - PM to some developers or cookers are great - or I could search XDA and try one of the many solutions written down somewhere.
In the IT world I prefer the last one, but I wanted an easy way: a kitchen. Why should I reinvent everything from scratch? Good for my ego, bad for my family.
With the XXLC dump this changed again and with the information that dsixda's Android Kitchen (I call it dAK from here) now will work with the N7000 I was curious again.
And after that I used the tutorial for cooking my Custom Roms from the official JB releases.
No branches and options how to do something in different ways will be here - only the one-way-street I use. If you want other options you have to do it yourself and read the original threads with detailed descriptions.
I will not make snapshots for every button press or action - in the beginning I will not make even one of it. Later may be where really necessary.
I try to speak "plain english" - normally I speak "Thai english" - so please do not wonder if I use very simple language - I'm used to it and I didn't study in Oxford or Cambridge.
All steps and explanations are written in detail in the originals or on the web sites. Here you see only what you really need, without telling every "interesting" detail.
Working in Cygwin means you are using Linux, I will not explain all commands I use (like cd, ls, pwd etc.). It's not important here (it's fine to know), only using the kitchen is relevant.
What do we need? Downloads first
Windows 7 or 8: I did it on the new Windows 8, so 7 should be ok. No Linux, no XP, no Vista, no Apple
dsixda's Android Kitchen - download latest version (0.223_rev9)
Latest JDK from Oracle - important: not only the runtime but the "Java SE Development Kit 7" for Windows 86. It is the 32 bit version - I have a 64 Bit Win but using Java with 64 makes you crazy.
Customized version of Cygwin - dsixda made this, so no need to really work with the cygwin configuration from scratch.
DiskInternal's Linux Reader (as a tool included in the kitchen. But you have to install it anyway - and it's not nice when you discover this while in the script. So I used the latest version and place it here.
A good editor: I use Notepad++. Latest Version (v6.2.2)
And: the zip with the official Android release from Samsung (JB at the moment)
latest Philz Kernel for your release (or your Custom Rom will not boot). Get the zImage from the zip.
How to prepare everything? Installation instructions
Do not change the order please, especially: JDK first, Cygwin after!
Install the JDK, Defaults ok, no more to explain
Install the Custom Cygwin from dsixda
Unzip to a temporary installation directory (e.g. c:\dsixda_cygwin_install)
Run Setup.exe
Select "Install from Local Directory"!
Use "C:\Cygwin" or any other folder, but NO SPACES in the name!
In window "Select Local Package Directory" change path so that it ends with: "\cygwin_packages"
In window "Select Packages" you have to change the first line in the list by clicking the arrows. It will change to "All <-> Install"
Click on "Next", installation runs and you should make a desktop shortcut.
After finishing the installation, start it (desktop shortcut) - this initializes the Cygwin environment
Install the Kitchen
In the Cygwin directory go to folder "home/[your home directory] - in my case it would be "ThaiDai". Create a folder "kitchen". Result should be: "C:\Cygwin\home\[your home directory]\kitchen
From the kitchen zip extract the content of folder "Android-Kitchen-0.223-rev9" into the folder "kitchen". In kitchen folder you will find a file "menu".
Start Cygwin (desktop icon).
type "cd kitchen"
type "./menu". The kitchen should start and you will see the "MAIN MENU".
type "x" to exit the kitchen and then "exit" to close Cygwin.
Reading and unpacking the Images
Unzip the downloaded JB release. Inside you will find a "tar"-file (this is a linux archive). You have to unpack this one too. Inside there are (for the Note): zImage, cache.img, factoryfs.img, hidden.img and modem.bin.
factoryfs.img - this /system
cache.img - containing CSCs (for your country specific settings, providers, apps, languages etc.)
hidden.img - the /preload partition with more apps, important now because a nice way to save space in /system
modem.bin - radio
zImage - not the kernel from the dump but Philz Kernel for your release (or your Custom Rom will not boot). Get the zImage from the zip.
Start the kitchen (Cygwin Icon, cd kitchen, ./menu) as Administrator (then you won't get warnings/errors later in the process)
Type "1", "Enter", "Enter". dAK should show you the "Available ROMs"
Type "1", "Enter" and select the dumped files. You'll see a Note telling you why a rooted kernel is important (we have Philz)
I want to change the name of the "working folder", so I press "y", "Enter" and change the name to "WORKING_THAIDAI". Choose your own folder name or don't change (not change the WORKING_ part, only the part after this!)
dAK will copy zImage and then compiles "simg2img" which it will use for converting the .img-files in a usable format
External Tool "Ext2explore" opens and in the Terminal you get infos what to do. So slowly now and read.
In the "Ext2Explore" choose menu entry "File"-"Open Image". Go to your working directory ("Working_...") and open folder "system". Select "ext4_factoryfs.img" (maybe you do not see the extension) and open it.
Right-Click the first entry in the left window and press "Save". Important: in the dialog switch and select folder "system" again. After pressing "OK", wait until the copy-process is finished. Close "Ext2Explore" and switch back to the terminal window. If you read there you can control again if you did what I wrote here.
Press "Enter"
Now the same as before for hidden.img. Tool "Ext2explore" opens, select "ext4_hidden.img" in folder "hidden", right-click and "Save" it to "hidden" folder (not to "system"!), wait until copy finishes and close "Ext2Explore".
Press "Enter"
You'll get some information about the /preload and that the kitchen will handle this automatically.
Press "Enter"
Now you get the offer to extract the Customer Software Customization (CSC) from cache.img. Press "Enter" (default is y)
And again you'll have to use an external tool - how to use is written down exactly. So please read it and follow the 7 steps (explained here of course)
Start Linux Reader and select in menu "Drives" - "Mount Image".
If not selected please choose "Raw Disk Images" and press "Next".
There you have to switch to your working folder in the kitchen until "system". Select "ext4_cache.img". Open it.
Marked in red you'll see a Hard disk drive called "Linux Ext Volume 1" (or "Linux native Volume 1). Double click it (open it). And again double click on the folder "recovery". You see the "sec_csc-zip".
Mark it and right click the "" and select "Save Files" and press "Next".
Uncheck "Save directory structure" and change "Output folder" to the "system"-folder in your working directory. ATTENTION: Linux Reader remembers old entries, so there might be the system folder of an old working directory with another name. Please always check the correct folder or the CSC isn't extracted into your actual working directory (I hate this part, because this happened right now when I wrote these lines).
After you selected the system folder press "Next" two times and close the Linux Reader program.
Switch back to your kitchen window and press "Enter". The kitchen will extract the content of
When asking to copy the apps to your working folder do NOT choose the default. Switch to "y" and "Enter" because we want to use CSC.
In the line "Add boot.img (y/n)?. Choose "y", "Enter"
After that dAK takes care of symbolic links, update-script etc. and ends with the information "Finished setting up working folder!"
Type "y", "Enter" to view the Rom infos. After a while you get a list of information. Entries will change with the next steps
Press "Enter"
Rooting and deodexing
Use menu options "2 - Add root permissions" and choose option "c" for "Chainfire's SuperSU" there. Press "Enter" until you see the menu again.
Use "3" for "BusyBox". Confirm with the default "y". Press "Enter" two times.
Very important now for your ego: change the name of the Rom after typing "7", "Enter". I will do this for example like: "Pristine ThaiDai bla bla". After changing press "Enter" two times.
If you want to change your radio you have to copy "modem.bin" from the folder "original_update" to the folder "system" in your working directory (of course outside of the kitchen).
ATTENTION: this isn't normally necessary. A user should choose the modem for his region, so it isn't a good idea to add a specific modem to your Custom Rom (I made that mistake in my first Roms).
Again type "8" for updated working folder information. It changed because you choose different options. Press "Enter" to go back to the main menu.
Type "0", "Enter" for the advanced options.11
Type "11", "Enter" and read the informations and how many odexed files are found
WARNING: You have to change the default API Level from 17 to 16 for building a 4.1.2 Custom Rom. So press "v", "Enter" and change API Level to 16.
The kitchen offers to temporarily move the apps from /preload to /system, so it can deodex them. So please choose the default "y". "Enter". The kitchen will move them back later.
WARNING: Some folder inside of "csc" contain apps with a size of exactly zero bytes (0 bytes). You have to delete them first or you'll get errors when deodexing. If this happens no problem: delete the "0"-byte-files and deodex with again. This error can happen later again when zipaligning the apk (0 bytes are already zipaligned perfectly).
Type "b", "Enter" and start deodexing all apks (now time for a good coffee), accept logging default with "y".
After deodexing 44+137 (in my case) you press "Enter" and can read the results in the generated log
Building your Rom
Optional: Select "13" and/or "14" if you want to add /data/app or /etc-init.d functionality/script support to your Custom Rom - I don't need it.
in ADVANCED OPTIONS type "0", "Enter" and go back to Main Menu
Choose "99" for building your Custom Rom
Confirm default "1" with pressing "Enter". It is an interactive mode and guided. It gives you the opportunity to add your own "updater-script" (I always do) to the Custom Rom .
Confirm question to optimize and zipalign the APKs with "Enter".
After zipaligning the "updater-script" is generated. dAK ask if it should "Proceed with the change (y/n)". Here you can copy your own "updater-script" to the folder "^META-INF/com/google/android".
The kitchen continues with building the "". Wait a while and it wants to sign your Rom. Of course use the default "y" and press "Enter".
And finally rename your Custom Rom if you want, should be easy to do.
Your new Custom Rom will be in the folder "OUTPUT_ZIP" and you can install it on your Note.
--- If this doesn't work: maybe you made a mistake or I made one here. Please add your comment in the thread. Do not send me PM please ---
Custom Rom (CR): A Rom that is changed from the maker's original by adding functionality like root access, modifications, bug fixes etc.
dsixda's Android Kitchen (dAK): A Rom making factory with "endless" scripts and collected tools bundled together. Now usable for N7000. Complete thread here - please read if you really want to understand everything
XDA: for all the help, documents, tutorials ...
dsixda: for his wonderful kitchen
Phil3759 for his patched stock Kernels
one more and enough
Welcome to the club.
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda premium
Reserved, tank's for development.
any md5 check sum pls. OK. Got it.
dsmas said:
any md5 check sum pls. OK. Got it.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
MD5 is part of the filename - easiest way to compare. But I added it to the first post. Thanks
Installed smoothly. Everything seems fine, but the task killer is gone and touchwiz crashes if i try to set the city for the weather widget.
olegych76 said:
Installed smoothly. Everything seems fine, but the task killer is gone and touchwiz crashes if i try to set the city for the weather widget.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I will add the list of deleted apk later in the OP, maybe there's something deleted what is needed for this. We'll see.
But thanks for your reply here: so I can be sure the torrent and the Rom are ok.
ThaiDai said:
Tutorial: How I made this Custom Rom
Just an idea: I will write down everything here how I made this Custom Rom. So it will be easier for me and - maybe - for others to use it again.
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Click to collapse
Thx thai waiting for this how-to
Thank in advance
Envoyé depuis mon GT-N7000 avec Tapatalk
ThaiDai said:
Tutorial: How I made this Custom Rom
Just an idea: I will write down everything here how I made this Custom Rom. So it will be easier for me and - maybe - for others to use it again.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
This would be extra-ordinarily wonderful. Waiting for this. Thanks!
thanks! *******ThaiDai :good:
ThaiDai said:
Tutorial: How I made this Custom Rom
Just an idea: I will write down everything here how I made this Custom Rom. So it will be easier for me and - maybe - for others to use it again.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Would be fantastic and helpful.
Flash and installation was smooth. Multi windows and air view seems not working. Very limited needful appns are only included but that is ok. Needs lot of mods.
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda premium
new dump firmware? ?
Inviato dal mio GT-N7000 con Tapatalk 2
valentinrascu said:
new dump firmware? ?
Inviato dal mio GT-N7000 con Tapatalk 2
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
One question are you on rooted version or did you perform a upgrade
Envoyé depuis mon GT-N7000 avec Tapatalk
smaiitm said:
This would be extra-ordinarily wonderful. Waiting for this. Thanks!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda app-developers app
ThaiDai said:
Tutorial: How I made this Custom Rom
Just an idea: I will write down everything here how I made this Custom Rom. So it will be easier for me and - maybe - for others to use it again.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
that's a great idea !!! would be great to have a kind of tuto to make a simple custom rom.
Any mirror for normally download, i mean not in torrent?
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda premium
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[EXT3 + Turbo Kernel] GoDroid v8 Froyo 2.2.2 Build
Kernel: Duckly's Turbo with keypad drivers not as modules.
Launcher: Go Launcher EX.
After following different ROMs for my Xperia x1, in this new version I’ve decided to add my reviews to an eclectic ROM based on Needo (I remastered his Honeycomb framework), Neopeek (I took part of NeoFroyo build structure and I've used it as a base, great work), jerrytan93 (I've decided not to use his implementations), helicopter88 (we just use Midnight v9 Kernel for installing the rom in EXT3 format) and XDAndroid (FRX07) developments. So, special thanks and credits for all of them.
Modifications included that I consider fundamental respect advances made in other roms:
- A versatile launcher.
- Battery icon shows % sync.
- An ext3 format without journaling to waste less battery.
- No key freeze, no SOD.
- Market problems solved.
- Wifi-tether problems solved.
- Unstable wifi problem caused market solved.
- Bootanimation changed.
Now, everything is working except camera.
The rom only include English and Spanish language. But inside the bundle you can find GoKeyboard (to be installed by your own) and I've uploaded for Gokeyboard the next language package (to be installed by your own, too): (Arabic, Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Filipino, Finnish, French, Georgian, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, HongKong, Hungarian, Indonesia, Italian, Japanese, Lithuanian, Norwegian, Persian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Slovanian, Spanish, Swedish, Taiwanese, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian, Urdu, Vietnamese)
Changelog GoDroid v8
- Added Whatsapp v2.7.
- Added Load Monitor v1.4.2.
- Added Quick Settings v.1.9 (credits to izzyk)
- Added GoLauncherEX v2.63 (I use that version for better performance).
- Added GoDialer and GoContacts v2.05 (fix phone call problems, credits to casualt).
- Added GoLocker v1.04 (Click “Menu>Preferences>Theme Settings>GO Locker” to use it).
01. Download the bundle: “”
02. Install the new bundle following the next instructions.
(NOTE: Please check the downloaded files name because some web browser rename them adding an space bar between the dot and the file extension, for example: GoDroid_v8.0.9_bundle.^zip)
*01. Instructions:
01. Remove the SIM card till the installation will finish.
02. Split the SDcard with Minitool Partition manager (Freeware Home Edition) into 4 partitions (it’s important to set the partitions as PRIMARY):
---> 1st partition: FAT32 (SDcard / Rest)
---> 2nd partition: EXT3 (System / about 150 MB)
---> 3rd partition: EXT3 (Data / about 250 MB)
---> 4th partition: EXT3 (Cache / about 100 MB)
03. Unzip the bundle file using 7zip.
04. Then you will get a bunch of files.
05. Copy all the files in the root of the FAT32 partition into the memory card.
06. Don't copy them in a folder just in the root otherwise Android will not work.
07. Run "haret.exe" (settled in npkboot folder) using WM File Explorer. Wait until the screen show “Press Volume Down shortly to launch ClockworkMod Recovery”, press Volume Down button.
08. Thereby in “CWM Recovery menu”, choose "install zip from SD card > choose zip from sdcard >", select “”. Be patient, wait till “Installation Completed”.
09. Press OK key in the pad and go back to “reboot system” in CWM menu.
10. Run “haret.exe” again, this time let the phone boot into Android completely.
11. Be patient, wait till the build is fully installed.
12. Before reboot follow the next instructions.
*02. Before second reboot (first time boot into Android):
01. Go to “Settings > Wireless and Network > Mobile Networks>”, uncheck “Data Enabled” (very important).
02. Go to “Settings > Wireless and Network >”, turn on the Bluetooth and wait till the phone detect any other Bluetooth Device (very important).
03. Go to “Settings > Location & Security >”, check “Use wireless networks” so that you can use your GPS.
04. Go to “Settings > Location & Security > Set up screen lock > Pattern”. So, you avoid the noisy locked screen vibration.
05. Go to “Settings > Display > Brightness >" and adjust a different brightness of the screen. So, you avoid the light on function keys when X1 is in standby. For better performance disable "auto-rotate screen" and "animations", too.
06. Launch Load Monitor app, go to “Menu > Preference >” and enable “Add Notification, Only notify high load, Auto start, Update interval 30 min., Wake lock”.
07. Press Phone button and choose GoDialer as default app (fix phone call problems, credits to casualt).
08. “Power Off” the mobile. Now take out the SD and replace the npkboot folder for this one:""
(NOTE: We only use Midnight kernel for install the rom in ext3 format, after we change "npkboot" folder for having Turbo Kernel. Jump step 08th if you want to continue using Midnight Kernel).
*03. Second reboot (GAPPS installation):
01. Download “”
02. Run “haret.exe” again, go into CWM Recovery, choose "install zip from SD card > choose zip from sdcard >", select "".
03. After finish install, reboot phone.
04. Run “haret.exe” again and leave it to continue booting into Android.
05. Now "clear Market data" and "uninstall updates" (Setting > Application > Manage applications > Market). After that disable Market Updater:
---> Install TerminalEmulator.apk (included in the bundle).
---> Type the following command in the terminal emulator:
---> su *PRESS ENTER*
---> pm disable *PRESS ENTER AGAIN*
06. And reboot and run haret.exe again. That's all.
*04. Boot GoDroid automatically in your phone (DualBoot from Windows Mobile):
01. Run Windows Mobile.
02. Install "Gen.Y DualBOOT WVGA v1.0.6.0-Storage" in Windows Mobile (it’s inside the bundle). You have to install it to "\Storage Card", not "\Windows", take care of that.
03. After it's installed, you have to edit the Windows Mobile Registry using "Total Commander" file explorer (inside the bundle). The registry location is at [\\\Plugin\Registry\HKCU\Software\Gen.Y\DualBOOT]. <--- This is located in the android mobile root but not in storage card root.
04. Inside DualBOOT folder find a registry named "AndroidBootFolder", click it and write “npkboot” without quotations marks. I've left a list describing what the keys are for:
---> "AndroidBootFolder"= npkboot <----- boot haret.exe from npkboot folder: \Storage Card\npkboot\haret.exe
---> "AutoBootAndroid"= 1 <----- 1 if you want to autoboot Android or 0 for autobooting Windows
---> "AutoBootEnabled"= 1 <----- 1 for enabling autoboot or 0 for disabling it
---> "FastBootEnabled"= 1 <----- 1 for enabling fastboot or 0 for disabling it
---> "StorageBootMode"= 1 <----- 1 always, take care of this setting
(Note: If you don't manage with Total Commander, as well you can use "PHM Registry Editor" for editing the registry: [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Gen.Y\DualBOOT]).
05. Reboot the mobile and changes will take effect.
*05. Wifi-Tether 3.1 Beta 6:
(I was the first to find the wifi-tether solution for xperia x1 in FRX07 and jerrytan93 included it in SenseDroid_v7 changelog)
01. Wifi-tether shouldn't be installed if you ain't going to use it.
02. Install WifiTether.apk (included in the bundle).
03. Launch the app.
04. Go to "settings".
05. Then go to "Change Device-Profile" and choose HTC Desire (GSM) and start tethering.
06. Without stop tethering go again to "settings>Change Device-Profile>" and choose HTC Dream.
07. Now stop tethering and start again.
(Important: sometimes after using wifi-tether, it stops the wifi interface and we can't use the wifi because the system gives an error. It is not necessary to reboot, to rearm the wifi is easy using again wifi-tether. Inside of wifi-tether, we have to go again to "Change Device-Profile" and choose HTC Desire (GSM) and start tethering. Without stop tethering go again to "settings>Change Device-Profile>" and choose HTC Dream).
* If you want better battery performance, uninstall LoadMonitor app or any Taskmanager you've already installed.
* Wifi have to switch on in WM before booting Android or else you will get error message.
* Silent the phone before booting Android so that you will have sound in Android.
* Charge your phone before booting Android so that you can charge your phone in Android.
* DO NOT install GAPPS directly after finish installing the build or else you will get a serious problem.
* NEVER try to sync your phone with Google before installing GAPPS or else you will get serious problem.
* Changes needed to have GoDroid in your BlackStone (credits to jerrytan93):
---> Edit the build.prop and delete the 'ro.sw.rotation=180' line
---> Change the lib 'surfaceflinger' in my build with the one in your Blackstone Android build.
---> Use your BlackStone's kernel and calibration.
* To solve incoming calls problems, put calls on hold. If making a phone call you can't hear anything, just turn the speakers on and off and it will work. If the touch screen isn't responding, then use the pad and move to the speakers and click it on and off (credits to izzyk).
* Let me remind you that it is important remove the SIM card before installing GoDroid rom and wait till everything is done to use the sim card. And for changing between 3G to GPRS network, first always set the mobile in Airplane Mode. Due to a bug in Froyo 2.2.2, the bug reboots Android OS when you change between 3g to 2g. As the system doesn't close properly, it corrupts the rom a bit and you begin to have key freeze. Kernels like xdandroid avoids the bug with a proper control of mobile network.
new build again...!!! good job kuskro.....everthing working? please give a note for the working fiture and not working...thanks
vannanta said:
new build again...!!! good job kuskro.....everthing working? please give a note for the working fiture and not working...thanks
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Did you notice that what he had mentioned above? It is based on SenseDroid and FRX07. If a new build can be made by just changing the launcher and removing some apps, then congratulation my friend, you had MADE a NEW BUILD..
jerrytan93 said:
Did you notice that what he had mentioned above? It is based on SenseDroid and FRX07. If a new build can be made by just changing the launcher and removing some apps, then congratulation my friend, you had MADE a NEW BUILD..
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ok jerry now i know..thank...please dont leave x1
jerrytan93 said:
Did you notice that what he had mentioned above? It is based on SenseDroid and FRX07. If a new build can be made by just changing the launcher and removing some apps, then congratulation my friend, you had MADE a NEW BUILD..
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I've clarified it in the first post. Thank you for pointing it out.
Modification included that I consider fundamental respect advances made in SenseDroid v8:
- Lighter and versatile launcher.
- Battery icon shows % sync.
- Market problems solved.
- Wifi-tether problems solved.
- Unstable wifi problem caused by wifi-tether solved.
- Added switcher for wifi, bluetooth, brightness, gps, etc...
- Added a task manager.
- Added cyanogen theme.
- Bootanimation changed.
I've reviewed these minor SenseDroid problems and it has been solved in GoDroid because SenseDroid_v8 is a final version.
testing now
kuskro said:
Minor modification included that I consider fundamental respect advances made in SenseDroid:
- Lighter and versatile launcher.
- Now battery icon shows % sync.
- Market problems solved.
- Wifi-tether problems solved.
- Unstable wifi problem caused by wifi-tether solved.
- Added switcher for wifi, bluetooth, brightness, gps, etc...
- Added a task manager.
I've reviewed these minor SenseDroid problems and it has been solved in GoDroid because SenseDroid_v8 is a final version.
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- You just simply remove my LPSense launcher and replace it with Go launcher
- It just a TIPS for the Market and Wifi-Tether, not a FIX
- Switcher for wifi, bluetooth, brightness, gps, etc.. are from my ARCDroid
- Task manager is just an additional app for Go launcher which can download from Market FREE.
I can't see any difference in your build with mine besides of those 'FIX' and the 'NEW' launcher.
It is useless to give people credits but never asking for permission when taking stuffs from people.
jerrytan93 said:
- You just simply remove my LPSense launcher and replace it with Go launcher
- It just a TIPS for the Market and Wifi-Tether, not a FIX
- Switcher for wifi, bluetooth, brightness, gps, etc.. are from my ARCDroid
- Task manager is just an additional app for Go launcher which can download from Market FREE.
I can't see any difference in your build with mine besides of those 'FIX' and the 'NEW' launcher.
It is useless to give people credits but never asking for permission when taking stuffs from people.
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I completely agree about you are saying. As I've explained in the first post, this is a modification of your job and XDAndroid (they deserve merit also). And the reason why I released GoDroid is because you did a final version in which people have found some problems like wrong wifi-tether installation that provides wifi unstability.
Solve this problem it's so easy as you say, but the 80% of the people who install a rom in their mobile don't know how to resolve this kind of things, they need you to do it, but you don't take out the wifi-tether from your rom because you did a final version.
Tell me what I must do and I will do without any reserve. But please solve the wifi-tether problem in your rom.
As you can notice I've not asked for a coffee invitation because I don't deserve. But the people who follow your job maybe want something more.
P.D.= If people install a new launcher like GoLauncher straight from Market, your launcher and the other works at the same time so consume more resources and the rom works slowly. The switcher are from the go launcher new version not from ARCDroid, and the Market is a new version, too. The wifi-tether problem in your rom is because you included it in your build and it doesn't work (it's duplicated in your rom, in /data/app you have one version and in /system/app have another).
kuskro said:
I completely agree about you are saying. As I've explained in the first post, this is a modification of your job and XDAndroid (they deserve merit also). And the reason why I released GoDroid is because you did a final version in which people have found some problems like wrong wifi-tether installation that provides wifi unstability.
Solve this problem it's so easy as you say, but the 80% of the people who install a rom in their mobile don't know how to resolve this kind of things, they need you to do it, but you don't take out the wifi-tether from your rom because you did a final version.
Tell me what I must do and I will do without any reserve. But please solve the wifi-tether problem in your rom.
As you can notice I've not asked for a coffee invitation because I don't deserve. But the people who follow your job maybe want something more.
P.D.= If people install a new launcher like GoLauncher straight from Market, your launcher and the other works at the same time so consume more resources and the rom works slowly. The switcher are from the go launcher new version not from ARCDroid, and the Market is a new version, too. The wifi-tether problem in your rom is because you included it in your build and it doesn't work (it's duplicated in your rom, in /data/app you have one version and in /system/app have another).
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I can give a conclusion that you had done a great job by discovered the Wifi Tether solution, other than that no more effort I can see to be done by you.
User can easily remove system apps by installing 'Root App Remover' from the Market.
About the 'NEW' Market are you using version 3.3.11? , and I want to apologize to you for the switcher. That's all
okay i have tried this build and it seems ok
one thing is that I think it is absolutely imparitive that we use the camera button as a home and not power button as if the keyboard does freeze we can still use the phone
please fix this in your update I have tried changing the usr and it hasn't helped
thank you dev
casualt said:
okay i have tried this build and it seems ok
one thing is that I think it is absolutely imparitive that we use the camera button as a home and not power button as if the keyboard does freeze we can still use the phone
please fix this in your update I have tried changing the usr and it hasn't helped
thank you dev
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Thank you so much. I take note.
For the next version, I will change many thing to avoid critics, althought I love the jerrytan93 customization.
kuskro said:
Thank you so much. I take note.
For the next version, I will change many thing to avoid critics, althought I love the jerrytan93 customization.
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Guys we are all in this community TOGETHER. Lets work together and respect other devs and yours as what they like. We have to remember and thank each dev for taking their time for the community and providing THEIR versions of what THEY like THEMSELVES. Each rom is unique to the individual and I think its great that you devs are releasing it to the public. Please lets keep it a community of friends and work together.
Yes I agree with you casualt.. every developer have their own style on making their ROM, and every ROM have their own good features and function.. and it is depends on the users on what features they prefer the most.
casualt said:
Guys we are all in this community TOGETHER. Lets work together and respect other devs and yours as what they like. We have to remember and thank each dev for taking their time for the community and providing THEIR versions of what THEY like THEMSELVES. Each rom is unique to the individual and I think its great that you devs are releasing it to the public. Please lets keep it a community of friends and work together.
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jerrytan93 said:
Yes I agree with you casualt.. every developer have their own style on making their ROM, and every ROM have their own good features and function.. and it is depends on the users on what features they prefer the most.
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Thank you both.
I've just updated the Go Launcher, the Cyanogen theme and Bobclock (nothing important). So, we have a new bundle and it works better than I collected first.
New update...
Well, I've uploaded a new bundle with new customizations.
Download from: GoDroid_v5.0.2_bundle.7z
ChangeLog GoDroid v.5
- New customization.
- New Bootanimation.
- Added BobClockD3 v1.1.1 (better perfomance).
- Added Market v2.12 (works quicker and properly).
- Added Go Launcher EX v.2.62.
- Added GoLocker v1.02 (see screenshots).
- Added GoDialer and GoContacts v2.05 (fix phone call problems, credits to jerrytan93 and casualt).
Give credits when taking idea from other user!
kuskro said:
Well, I've uploaded a new bundle with new customizations.
Download from: GoDroid_v5.0.1_bundle.7z
ChangeLog GoDroid v.5
- New customization.
- New Bootanimation.
- Added BobClockD3 v1.1.1 (better perfomance).
- Added Market v2.12 (works quicker and properly).
- Added Go Launcher EX v.2.62.
- Added GoLocker v1.02 (see screenshots).
- Added GoDialer and GoContacts v2.05 (fix phone call problems).
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Please show your credit to the user who had discovered the phone call problem's solution, is ME and CASUALT!!
Meanwhile I had continue my development on my SenseDroid and released my latest V9, so you should declare your ROM description that YOU ARE USING MY PREVIOUS V8 ROM AND NOT THE FINAL VERSION. Please fix this as soon as possible.. thank you
Surely. I will change.
The charge problem isn't solved, the answer to a call too isn't solved!
---------- Post added at 04:36 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:33 PM ----------
sorry for my english
rucckiy said:
The charge problem isn't solved, the answer to a call too isn't solved!
sorry for my english
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Well, my English is worse than yours, you can be sure of that.
The GoContacts application includes GoDialer and this app fix the problem. Try to do a phone call and choose GoDialer for doing it. Therefore, GoDialer takes control of incoming and outcoming calls.
For me this change solved the problems, I tried several times and it worked in my case.
But a charge?
Important notes for Developers / ROM Chefs !!!
In my "Developer Base" I TOTALLY REBUILT all permissions!
I abandoned any ready to use, OBSOLETE patterns and starded from ZERO
At first I installed ORIGINAL, PURE SAMSUNG STOCK via Odin, then I (cf-auto-) rooted the phone and installed Terminal Emulator.
Next step was the commands:
cd /system
ls -Rl > /storage/emulated/0/i9300_perm_own.txt
ls -Rn > /storage/emulated/0/i9300_num_own.txt
By above commands I wanted to see ORIGINAL permissions and owners which are set by SAMSUNG DEVELOPERS. I noticed that many of them DIFFERS from currently available OBSOLETE patterns!
Received files:
(in Windows - open it with Notepad++)
As a result of its (very arduous) analysis I created COMPLETELY NEW list of permissions and SElinux contexts - dedicated for Samsung JellyBean based custom ROM. For more information - see THIS THREAD (in hidden content). The only difference in THIS ROM is not using SELinux context (set_perm instead of set_metadata) due to disabled SElinux mode in stock JellyBean Samsung kernel for I9300. It gives us a very clear (tuned and nuanced), PROPER updater-script
Of course - setting the SELinux context does not cause problems in case of stock based custom ROM for Galaxy S3, but at this moment it is unnecessary
NOTE: At this moment I do not recommend using dsixda kitchen by beginners due to many potential problems (in automatic mode) - loss most of symlinks outside /system/bin (for example in /system/lib, /system/fonts etc), very otdated rooting procedure and very obsolete default permissions. Let's say it clear - dsixda kitchen is still OK but requires more and more knowledge (many operations must be done manually). If you are beginner - it would be much better if you use ArchiKitchen
EDIT (2014.09.20): Starting from my GNH4 DevBase (built Sep-20-2014) you theoretically do not need any kitchen (in case of using my ROM as a base/pattern). Note that in my DevBase there are my scripts to add almost everything you need: root / busybox / init.d support + my flexible Aroma config for optional steps and MODs. I'm not trying to say "do not use the kitchen". ArchiKitchen is excellent, but be careful - in case of using my DevBase you can inadvertently perform unnecessary steps (e.g. ArchiKitchen will detect that my ROM is: not rooted, no init.d support nor BusyBox installed!). If you perform such steps using ArchiKitchen - in the best case you will double some operations during installation process (but in the worst case - it may cause real problems and conflicts!).
I have decided to create a pure base for I9300 with Aroma Installer, which can be a pattern for ROM Chefs (not only for beginners)
Also I put some of my favorites MOD's (option to choose in the Aroma Installer) - especially for normal users who want to use my rom - as it is. These modifications I have done personally using Apktool 2.0 - these are NOT "borrowed" from other custom rom, nor from someone else's thread.
ROM contains my extended CSC package, which I called I9300AXX (this is a combination OXX, OXA + some additional). Final list of available CSC codes is as follows:
NEW !!! I present you new, unique option: "Keep current CSC", so you can install my DevBase keeping your original CSC even if it is not listed above! Note that in such case this option has some limitations, so read carefully informations below.
How does it work? Normally, if your current CSC is listed above (contained in my DevBase), this option detects it and automatically applies during install. However, if the detected CSC is not contained in my DevBase, then my new script makes a copy of all known contents associated with CSC (except so-called "CSC bloatware" placed in /system/app & priv-app, e.g brand and/or country specific apps), then installer cleans /system partition as usual, then it flashes new ROM base and then it restores backed up CSC contents instead of my multi CSC pack. It seems to be easy, but was rather laborious - I have analyzed almost all multi CSC packs and most of single CSC packs available in the world (designed to work with I9300XX... base) to make this script as accurate as possible.
As you probably noticed - in such case your CSC pack will be as complete as it was before, thus if you are currently using any custom ROM - BEFORE the first installation of my DevBase I highly recommend you to flash the latest original stock ROM released for your country, then perform "wipe data" using stock recovery and then CHECK your CSC (chage it if necessary - more information below).
For further updates you do not need to repeat it every time. You can flash directly the next (newer) version of my DevBase selecting "Keep current CSC" option again - you can repeat such update procedure for a long time. As you probably noticed again - if your CSC is not contained in my DevBase, then your CSC pack will not be updated until you flash a newer original stock ROM for your country. But don't worry - CSC updates usually bring nothing (usually the only updated thing in CSC pack is the whitelist of LTE networks). I'm not trying to say "CSC updates are completely unnecessary". It's good idea to update it occasionally (especially if you noticed that major Android update for your country has been released). When you will decide to do it - just flash temporarily again the newest original stock ROM containing your CSC, and then you can return to my the newest DevBase (this time wipe data will not be necessary).
NOTE: I do not recommend to use "Keep current CSC" option if your current PDA (build number, after the dot) is other than I9300XX... (e.g. I9300UB..., I9300XW..., I9300ZC..., I9300ZN..., I9300ZS..., etc.).
How can I check my current CSC?
Install Phone INFO app from Play Store and check your CSC. If you are using stock ROM and everything is ok with your CSC - all CSC fields in Phone Info app should display the same CSC, as below (otherwise, you probably forgot about wipe data when you were installing ROM with another CSC).
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
How can I change my current CSC?
Q: Recently I tested several ROMs, in result of it my CSC has changed. I would like to install your DevBase, but first I want to restore my country's original CSC. What should I do?
Case 1: Your country's original CSC is available in my DevBase
No special/additional steps are needed. Just install my DevBase - choose your CSC and tick "Wipe data" in Aroma Installer (note that sometimes additional reboot is required after completing pre-configuration steps to display your CSC correctly in Phone Info app).
Case 2: Your country's original CSC is not available in my DevBase. Your original ROM contains single CSC pack (ommiting parts with model name and incremental version - name of CSC package is same as product code = CSC)
Model: GT-I9300
Model name: GALAXY S III
Country: Switzerland
Version: Android 4.3
Changelist: 2735602
Build date: Mon, 18 Aug 2014 11:47:53 +0000
Product Code: [COLOR="Red"]AUT[/COLOR]
In this case you need to flash your original ROM using PC Odin or Mobile Odin PRO, then perform wipe data using stock recovery and then check your CSC in Phone Info app (note that sometimes additional reboot is required after completing pre-configuration steps to display your CSC correctly in Phone Info app).
Now you can install my DevBase - just choose "Keep current CSC" in Aroma Installer (it's good idea to choose "Wipe data" again in Aroma Installer to remove from /data partition potential "garbage" like e.g app data created by CSC bloatware and CSC bloatware updates).
Case 3: Your country's original CSC is not available in my DevBase. Your original ROM contains multi CSC pack (ommiting parts with model name and incremental version - name of CSC package differs from product code and usually begins with the letter "O")
Model: GT-I9300
Model name: GALAXY S III
Country: Thailand
Version: Android 4.3
Changelist: 2429075
Build date: Thu, 16 Jan 2014 14:53:58 +0000
Product Code: [COLOR="red"]THL[/COLOR]
In this case you need to flash your original ROM using PC Odin or Mobile Odin PRO, then perform wipe data using stock recovery and then check your CSC in Phone Info app (note that sometimes additional reboot is required after completing pre-configuration steps to display your CSC correctly in Phone Info app). Then becomes something strange - you will see that your CSC is GLB (Philippines) instead of THL (Thailand)! It's because GLB is the default CSC in OLB multi CSC package in case of flashing it on ROM with other than OLB CSC package. To change CSC to THL you need CSC Select app from Play Store (requires root and stock recovery to perform all operations correctly!). Then check your CSC again using Phone Info app - should be OK.
Now you can install my DevBase - just choose "Keep current CSC" in Aroma Installer (it's good idea to choose "Wipe data" again in Aroma Installer to remove from /data partition potential "garbage" like e.g app data created by CSC bloatware and CSC bloatware updates).
1. Base:
- The newest European base (XXUGOB2), changelist: 2821876
- Multi CSC (list of CSC as above - to chose in Aroma Installer)
- All Samsung / Google apps available (except some CSC bloatware)
- Odexed (100% original stock framework & apps)
- Rooted (SuperSU 2.46 app + binary), BusyBox 1.23.1
- No visual changes (100% stock look)
- Stock kernel
2. [OPTIONAL] Init.d Support
- Init.d support without need of use custom kernel
3. [OPTIONAL] CscFeature MOD (/system/csc/others.xml):
- Added shutter sound menu in Camera
- Sending/receiving MMS without data on
- Added "Exit browser" option in Internet App
- Default enabled "Desktop view" in Internet App
- Available "Folder View" option in Message app
- Removed "Software update" option in Settings
- Added call button in Contacts and Logs
4. [OPTIONAL] Modified Phone app:
- Disabled increasing ringtone
- Call recording
5. [OPTIONAL] Modified Messages app:
- Disabled SMS to MMS auto-converting
- Increased SMS/MMS recipient limit (10 -> 1000)
- Increased SMS/MMS hour limit (100 -> 1000)
- Disabled SMS / MMS log history in call logs
6. [OPTIONAL] Modified Camera app:
- Full functionality of the Camera app in low battery
7. [OPTIONAL] Safe De-Bloat [NEW !!!]
How does it work? If you select "Safe De-Bloat" option in the Aroma installer, then most of usually useless pre-installed apps will be romeved. Why is it called "safe"?
- it removes ONLY apps available in stores, so you can easy restore any app if you change your mind
- it removes ONLY pre-installed system apps, it never touch any updated app nor app installed manually from store
Thus, the following conclusions can be drawn:
1. If you use "Safe De-Bloat" option when updating my DevBase without "Wipe data" ticked - in most cases almost all apps will remain untouched, because almost all apps have been updated already. But then you will be able to remove any useless app using the "Application manager", like any other app. Removed manually app will not appear again until you use "Safe De-Bloat" option when updating.
2. If you use "Safe De-Bloat" option when updating my DevBase with "Wipe data" ticked - then all apps listed below will be removed. If you would like to use any of these apps - just install it manually from appropriate store. Installed manually app will not be removed if you use "Safe De-Bloat" option again, during the next update.
Removed apps list:
Google+ / Photos
Group Play
Play Books
Play Games
Play Movies
Play Music
Play Newsstand
Samsung Link
1. CWM recovery - open file using "Install Zip" option and confirm "Yes - install..."
2. Mobile Odin PRO - open file using "OTA/Update ZIP" option. UNTICK Everroot, because the rom is prerooted with the newest SuperSu and binary! Push "Flash Firmware".
No wipe data required if you are coming from stock ROM (if you choose "Keep current CSC" or same CSC as you are currently using). In other migration cases - wipe data is highly recommended (option available in the Aroma Installer)
Languages available in the Aroma Installer: English, Polish
Download link:
>> << (updated Mar-26-2015)
>> Recent ROM versions for GT-I9300 <<
Check MD5 sum BEFORE flash (useful TOOL), because flashing damaged or incomplete ZIP files could (soft) brick your phone! Correct MD5 sum is shown on the AndroidFileHost website while downloading.
Useful PC Odin flashable files:
>> Recent kernel versions for GT-I9300 <<
>> Recent modem versions for GT-I9300 <<
Deodexed framework & apps:
Note that it is not stand alone deodexed ROM installer, it only replaces odexed framework & apps in existing ROM by deodexed contents.
Do not report bugs in this thread without placing the information that you are using deodexed ROM.
>> Recent deodexed files for GT-I9300 <<
I agree to use any part of my work to create more advanced custom ROM, but it would be great if you add me to the credits
If I feel that my work is useful - I'm going to continue working when a newer base will be released by Samsung
Credits: @Chainfire, @wanam, @amarullz, @dsixda, @majdinj, @JustArchi
Hit Thanks button if you like my work
Please post screen shot.
Sound as a very nice proyect. I will try it come back with feedback
does this rom has 4way reboot in powermenu?
Welcome, nice to see more devs here... S3 is alive n kicking.!!!
sokgiorgos said:
does this rom has 4way reboot in powermenu?
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No there's no power menu in the Rom but with wanam you can install it
Sent from my GT-I9300 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
bstienna said:
Please post screen shot.
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- NO VISUAL CHANGES (100% stock look)
ChangeList is the same as XXUGNA7 (2454463), but I believe that Samung has not released this rom with no reason!!!
For example - an update (XXUGNA7 -> XXUGNB6) is available for the following countries:
- United Arab Emirates
- Libya
- Algeria
- Tunisia
- Turkey
- Saudi Arabia
Here is One screenshot!!
Sent from my GT-I9300 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Can it possible to provide logsprovider.apk of this ROM
KSKHH said:
Can it possible to provide logsprovider.apk of this ROM
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No problem
Good job mate[emoji106][emoji106]
Inviato dal mio GT-I9300 utilizzando Tapatalk
If I feel that my work is useful - I'm going to continue this thread when a newer base will be released by Samsung
_alexndr said:
No problem
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Thanks, but the SMS are still showing under call log. I felt it will not show if I replace that file.
Looks like I also need your secmms.apk
KSKHH said:
Thanks, but the SMS are still showing under call log. I felt it will not show if I replace that file.
Looks like I also need your secmms.apk
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This is because all these modifications are in SecMms.apk
4. [OPTIONAL] Modified Messages app:
- Disabled SMS to MMS auto-converting
- Increased SMS/MMS recipient limit (10 -> 1000)
- Increased SMS/MMS hour limit (100 -> 1000)
- Disabled SMS / MMS log history in call logs
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Note that this MOD will not remove previous SMS/MMS logs in call logs, but new logs will not be added.
Here is my my modified SecMms:
_alexndr said:
This is because all these modifications are in SecMms.apk
Note that this MOD will not remove previous SMS/MMS logs in call logs, but new logs will not be added.
Here is my my modified SecMms:
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Click to collapse
Thanks for providing the file..But it is still showing.
I have replaced my secmms.apk with the one provided by you. Changed permission. Reboot
Cleared logs
Send SMS to myself for testing.
SMS is showing in call log.
Sorry, I accidentally put the original file instead of modified Download from above link and try again
_alexndr said:
Sorry, I accidentally put the original file instead of modified Download from above link and try again
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Click to collapse
Hi and thanks for your work!
Sorry for my "stupid" question, but is it possible to have a separated installer for the CSC package?
I would change my CSC without reinstall the entire ROM
jfrm said:
Sound as a very nice project. I will try it come back with feedback
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Coming back for the promised report after nearly one week with this rom.
And I should say, for the first time with a S3 custom rom, that I'm absolutely satisfied.
With Boefla Kernel and nearly 250 apps installed, everything is working as it should. Battery is lasting one full working day and there is not any glitch to be said.
One important thing for me, after using other custom roms from day two of my S3, is that this is the only one I have found with a reliable CSC for Spain (PHE).
I have never reported about the problems I face with other roms, so need to explain that after changing others rom to Spanish, the first day of the week change to Monday as it should, but in the Alarm it is still Sunday and if you program a daily wake up, some Mondays it sound and other don't. Which is something really dangerous if you need to keep your employ.
With this one everything is working. including the Alarm.
You won't find here supper speed (and doubtful) promises, nor unnecessary mods (for me is enough with wanam), but a realiable rom. And it will be my choice as long you keep updating.
Thank you very much for your work, Alexander.
Is it debloated?
[ROM][MAY12][Ver2] SIMPLE IS PERFECT: XPERiA V LiTE JB 4.3 .210 Stock Based: Fully Debloated, Fully Functional
Fully debloated, Fully functional Stock ROM
Based on "Stock 9.2.A.1.210 official deodex-root&cwm_v1●RELEASED●(11/04)" by steveboss and sk-cz Team. Thank you very much for letting me use your work!!!!
The idea is simple yet unique for xperia V: create a thin, fast, battery saving Stock Based ROM which the user can modify to his own taste. Almost a year ago REVELATION HD was a similar ROM but lacked further support due to the developer turning berserk. On a long biketrip I enjoyed the ease and quickness of a fully functional debloated ROM. Afterwards I spent weeks manually debloating JB 4.3 till i found out which apps you needed to keep for keeping a fully functional SMART phone...
This ROM is not pretty and shiny but thin and smooth. It does what it is supposed to do with minimal ressource consumption. You can mod it (e.g. with xposed or similar) or just enjoy the simplicity. You can install whatever app you maybe missing...
- Based on Stock 9.2.A.1.210 official deodex-root&cwm_v1●RELEASED●(11/04)
- rooted, included SuperSU
- included philz Touch recovery
- some tweaks to init_d
- spent countless days of trial and error removing bloatware and apps
- also removed about 20 mb of wallpapers - come on use some own nice pictures
- came down to about 370MB ROM
- app to SD and titanium backup included
- also included all apps needed for google integration, framework, playstore etc.
- use titanium backup to deactivate/remove if you dont need them, for me this belongs to an android SMART phone...
ADDED: look HERE for MY GOOGLE DRIVE FOLDER INCLUDING V1a (not recommended) v2 flashable zip and Backupversion (recommended) AND all original APKs from stock .210 JB Version
v2 REV 22.04.2014 CWM NANDROID BACKUP TESTED & RECOMMENDED!!!<=== preinstalled ES File Explorer, Gallery ICS, Xposed Framework with Gravity Box and some Tweaks to UI
v2 REV 22.04.2014 debloated, basic flashable ZIP ROM FLASHABLE ZIP
google drive mirror mirror
v1a REV 17.04.2014 CWM NANDROID BACKUP TESTED & RECOMMENDED!!!<=== preinstalled ES File Explorer, Gallery ICS, Xposed Framework with Gravity Box and some Tweaks to UI mirror
google drive mirror
v1a REV 17.04.2014 debloated, basic flashable ZIP ROM FLASHABLE ZIP
google drive mirror mirror
v1 REV 17.04.2014
I take NO responsibility of whatsoever may happen to you or your phone! BE SURE TO MAKE AT LEAST 2 (TWO) NANDROID/CWM BACKUPS BEFORE FLASHING. (as one may fail without notice). Also use Titanium Backup if possible!!!
There are 2 versions of this ROM one is the flashable ZIP with the very basic version of the ROM. The other one is modified with preinstalled xposed framework, gravity box with tweaks for UI and settings (e.g. datameter in notification bar etc., advanced power menu etc.). Also has Gallery ICS (with Android Sphere CAM) and ES Fileexplorer preinstalled.
I believe backup version of this ROM is the one most people should use. If they want to do all the modding work themselves or those who dont want xposed framework installed they should use the flashable ZIP...
Installation of basic flashable ZIP unlocked bootloader:
- Download flashable zip
- reboot into CWM
- do a full wipe
- choose and install zip
- reboot, first reboot will take longer and phone will automatically restart once!
- for locked bootloader and more information click here
If you cant connect to the internet please google and add your carriers APN data in the "Access Point Names" option located in the "mobile networks" settings...
Installation of enhanced NANDROID Backup using CWM:
- Download and unpack (!!!) "BACKUP_XPERiA_V_LiTE_V1a_17042014_by_doenen.rar"
- Copy folder "BACKUP_XPERiA_V_LiTE_V1a_17042014_by_doenen" to /sdcard1/clockwordmod/backup/.
- reboot your phone to CWM, select back and restore, restore from sdcard1, choose "BACKUP_XPERiA_V_LiTE_V1a_17042014_by_doenen"
- wait for backup to finish, reboot.
- try to turn off cwm verification if you receive error.
If you cant connect to the internet please google and add your carriers APN data in the "Access Point Names" option located in the "mobile networks" settings...
- none anymore - hopefully
Recommendations and ToDo:
I would like to recommend everyone to use the Backup version or install xposed framework for xperia and use gravity box to modify your UI and shutdown menu (e.g. screenshot, boot recovery etc.) and use bootmanager and maybe android tuner to tweak the system if you know what your doing. If you do not use Gravity Box you will lack a lot of useful features... In further releases i would like to integrate xposed framework in the ROM.
:fingers-crossed:****CHANGELOG V2****:fingers-crossed:
Removed and tested:
deleted all "overlays"
---> ROM is now about 370MB...
- GPS (Qualcomm Location provider 1.0 and Fused Location)
- Setup Helper (seems like its needed for many things, e.g. automatic APN setting, GPS initiation)
Under investigation (maybe removed next in “release v3”):
- Soundpicker.apk
- SoundEnhancement.apk
- SoundRecorder.apk
- Phonesky.apk (?)
- I kept Titanium backup and ES Fileexplorer – for those who want to can easily uninstall those and use Android Tuner which is (by all its complexicity) certainly the superior tool but only in the pro version.
- Updated to newest xposed and gravity box
- as requested: changed notification bar height (can be changed manually in gravity box)
- SwiqiSettings.apk cannot be removed because that makes videos stutter (probably has something to do with bravia 2 engine)
Requested removal of sounds, ringtones etc. didn’t make any sense to me. As far as I am concerned this ROM is not about the smalled download size but about battery life, speed and RAM usage while keeping maximum functionality. There is no point in deleting these sounds. Although I never use them, maybe some people like them. Same with stamina mode btw, this is an essential and acutally really practical part of a sony smartphone.
I didn’t mod any home.apk for call recording or whatsoever. This maybe done in a later stage of the ROM but can also be done by the user since the ROM is rooted anyways. First I would like to have a fully working, stable release that is high priority... Then…maybe…we can start with the cookies!
If someone would like to... (thanks to carminedev) :
- bring back bravia engine 2 ** this is the link (just flash the zip file in recovery don't waste time to follow the guide steps ) : bravia engine 2 & music info
- install stock and updated Sony apps like album**, movies** and wolkman this is the link : Media + Camera addons
- install THE STOCK RADIO FM this is the link : FM Radio app working without headset
- use Sony trackID download it from GooglePlay....
** these aps use the sony bravia engine ... I suggest also to "install ICS Gallery {...tested or others}" to enable the wallpaper modify/setting directly from Sony Album Gallery app...
:good::good::good::good: have fun with the rom and pls report back! :good::good::good:
XDA:DevDB Information
XPERiA V LiTE by doenen, ROM for the Sony Xperia V
doenen, steveboss, peetr_
Based On: Stock 9.2.A.1.210 official deodex-root&cwm_v1●RELEASED●(11/04)
Version Information
Status: Beta
Current Stable Version: v1
Created 2014-04-17
Last Updated 2014-05-11
This is the full list of apps included in the stock ROM:
259 objects, 438 Megabytes
This is what i have kept:
66 objects, 110 Megabytes
Added: Titanium Backup and App2SD
The following smartphone features work fully:
- sony camera (including panorama and effects)
- wifi, bluetooth, usb tethering
- usb mass storage and mtp
- phone speaker
- headset support
- google framework, syncing accounts, contacts, calendar etc.
- stamina mode
- location services
- SMS, Phone etc.
- calculator
- download manager
For the following you will need to install programs (ill suggest my favorite as well):
- Email (K9mail)
- Browser (Opera Beta)
- Gallery (I use gallery ICS but there are various alternatives)
- Videoplayer (included e.g. in gallery ics)
- i recommend you also delete XPERIA keyboard and use e.g. SWiFT Key
This is the first release. Please help me make this work perfectly. Please report bugs.
Battery Time and Speed greatly depend on what Apps YOU use and install. Freezing them when not in use does not always work, Facebook (katana) e.g. eats your battery even when frozen! Use ROM Toolbox or Android Tuner (advanced) to modify your CPU settings. E.g. change govenor to ondemand and limit to 384Mhz when screen is turned off ---> Maximum battery. I am happy for any contributions and tips from your side!
Way to go!
Could there be an odexed version, too?
There is really too much junk on the stock roms.
any solution for noise lawnmower when recording a video?
You did some serious deleting Im alway like clean and fast roms.
You can remove stamina mode also, it wont work anyway!
Thanks for this new contribution to our modded roms.
I will give it a try later, but was wondering if anyone is already using it and can say if the battery consumption is better and if it really is smooth and stable.
Thanks ahead
I have added the list of removed files. The ROM is working fine however i encountered one problem when testing it out this morning.
(yesterday night was way tooooooooooo late)
The Home button just wont work! I have no clue what is the problem, but this is odd! Everything else works fine, back button and recent apps - no problem there.
I have taken down the download link and will put it back up once i fixed it! If you have any suggestions - feel free! :victory:
Look forward to it!
This would be awesome! (if the Home button is fixed )
Please read the instructions and notes carefully, download from the given links and respond back! looking forward to your feedback!
hey pal, did you remove the TimeScape. i absolutely hate that. in rooted 4.1.2, they can be easily disabled/removed. now in rooted 4.3, some of the plugin cannot be disabled/removed.
squillaciukm said:
hey pal, did you remove the TimeScape. i absolutely hate that. in rooted 4.1.2, they can be easily disabled/removed. now in rooted 4.3, some of the plugin cannot be disabled/removed.
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Hey! There is absolutely NO timescape or any other social media integration left! try it...
Very good ROM!
Its almost like CM, but with sony interface
In next build wish list:
Stamina mode wont work anyway, this also can removed. (gravity box "smart radio" is way better.)
Navibar height 30-32pix.Its enough.
Downloads.apk ......we have es file explorer anyway so we dont need extra app for downloads.
System/audio folder can be cleaned.
System/vendor/overlay can be cleaned
System/tts can be cleaned
Etc....i think about 40-50Mb more clean space is real.
taaviu said:
Very good ROM!
Its almost like CM, but with sony interface
In next build wish list:
Stamina mode wont work anyway, this also can removed. (gravity box "smart radio" is way better.)
Navibar height 30-32pix.Its enough.
Downloads.apk ......we have es file explorer anyway so we dont need extra app for downloads.
System/audio folder can be cleaned.
System/vendor/overlay can be cleaned
System/tts can be cleaned
Etc....i think about 40-50Mb more clean space is real.
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Click to collapse
thank for your feedback as i am planing to do some further work on this ROM it is very important to receiver feedback.
one of the goals was actually to get as close to CM as possible concerning ROM-Size and Feel.
Please tell me why stamina wont work? i tried it before and thought it did. or is this you general opinion about sony stamina mode? however i agree that gravity box smart radio is very good.
Navbar height will be changed with gravity box, thanks for your feedback!
Downloads.apk will be deleted in next release you are right about ES Explorer
System/audio folder can be cleaned.
System/vendor/overlay can be cleaned
System/tts can be cleaned
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Click to collapse
I will have a look into it, good idea!
doenen said:
thank for your feedback as i am planing to do some further work on this ROM it is very important to receiver feedback.
one of the goals was actually to get as close to CM as possible concerning ROM-Size and Feel.
Please tell me why stamina wont work? i tried it before and thought it did. or is this you general opinion about sony stamina mode? however i agree that gravity box smart radio is very good.
Navbar height will be changed with gravity box, thanks for your feedback!
Downloads.apk will be deleted in next release you are right about ES Explorer
I will have a look into it, good idea!
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About stamina mode-well, i think i dont know how to use it or its not working that way what i want. If im switching stamina mode on-data will remain connected. In screen off mode. So its pointless. But maybe i dont know how to use it right way.
For gallery i can recommend "quicpic" Its way better, and more cutomizable.
Got problems with titanium backup. Titanium didnt find my backup folder.(actualy it did find, but somewhy i cant restore my apps) Because you had there filter "gallery" Thats my fail, didnt see that. No bug after 3-4 hours use.
Awesome battery life!!!
So keep this ROM work in progress! For now its closest look to CM, with sony interface and i know people like it. :good::good:
I think some apps only work with downloads.apk
For example when u download a module from xposed or Xposed Instagram Downloader only works with downloads.apk
Aria.A97 said:
I think some apps only work with downloads.apk
For example when u download a module from xposed or Xposed Instagram Downloader only works with downloads.apk
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Click to collapse
Tested, xposed working without download.apk fine, also chrome download, instagram, facebook, firefox browser. They all can work without download.apk.
taaviu said:
Tested, xposed working without download.apk fine, also chrome download, instagram, facebook, firefox browser. They all can work without download.apk.
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Click to collapse
Did u tested if that xposed module "instagram downloader" works without downloads.apk or not? Last time I was just getting FCs
Aria.A97 said:
Did u tested if that xposed module "instagram downloader" works without downloads.apk or not? Last time I was just getting FCs
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Yes. Its working fine. I removed download.apk and i can and i downloaded and installed instagram downloader module.
Sent from my LT25i using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Aroma-Config Generator v3.1
>>>>The first Android App to generate Aroma-Config file for the world's first Android Touch Based Recovery Installer<<<<
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Click to collapse
1. A custom recovery installed on your phone which supports Aroma.(TWRP or PHILZ)
1. Zip Signer
2. Any File Manger(Preferred: ES File Manager)
1. WinRAR
How to use:
1. Open the App and proceed as the steps tell by providing the required information.
2. Then after the aroma-config and other files have been generated generate the META-INF Folder.
3.Add the META-INF to your Rom or Mod
4. Compress and sign the file if needed.
5. Like and rate 5 stars this thread
v1.1 (Initial release Mar 16 2016)
-Added the basic functions of generation config file for a rom/mod.
-Light Theme.
-Fixed Folder bug
-Added info.
-Dark Theme
-Changed App name and package name.
-Changed the overall look of the app, making it easier to use.
-Also added the function to generate META-INF.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
BUGSRead before using)
-If a folder named aroma is present in root of internal storage the app wont proceed from the start screen.(fixed in 2.1)
-Others tell me
-Tell me
-Tell me
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Just to tell you that i lack skills and knowledge in Android App coding because of which this app has been made using Tasker so just forgive me if the app is not scaled to your phones screen( best used on phones with 480 x 800 resolution)
How to modify an apk
I’ve done several threads about how to theme and other similar topics but the info is sparse, so this ultimate guide/index will seat proudly in the theme section of XDA and will be updated when new things come, and as I learn more. This isn’t a beginners guide, I’m here trying to be as complete as possible, with links, references, ...
This initial version of the thread isn't here to stay, if you could contribute to this thread, it would mean the world to me, and would clearly help the community (of course I'll mention you for your contribution )
And keep at mind that I’m just an enthusiast, nothing more, and that this thread has been made only by me, so it's far from perfect. If I made any mistakes or if you want to add something please let me know.
Legal aspect:
Using this knowledge to infringe copyright is not only illegal, it’s detrimental to the community. The only legal case, and the only usage of this info condoned, is using it to theme OPEN SOURCE apps (because most of the time, commercial apps forbid reverse engineering in their policies). So don’t worry, theming AOSP is legal. You can always ask the permission of the devs for an authorization to customize their apps, make sure to ask before modding, and distributing the result.
Now I’m not a lawyer, but you can learn more on the legal aspect of reverse engineering on this Stackexchange post.
Summary of this thread:
II-Download APKs
IV-What and how to modify
VI-Sign and Zipalign
VII-Installing the apk
VIII-Other ways to theme your device
IX-Theming related topics
X-Not covered topics
XI-Mods Center
It's essential, almost mandatory, the Java Development Kit (JDK) and Java Runtime Environment (JRE) must be installed to use java based tools.
How to install the JDK and JRE
(download and follow the instructions, it’s pretty simple)
Then, set the path to "java home", you need to do that in order to use java properly within your terminal:
Here’s a tutorial I found
To check if everything is okay, open a terminal anywhere and enter java --version. If it returns the version of the JDK and JRE you’re good.
B)Android SDK:
Unfortunately we aren’t able to download the Android SDK alone anymore, I used to consider it as a requirement, but now I don’t because some people don’t have the space to install the whole Android Studio IDE just to use the Android SDK.
I suppose that list is going to expand, those two above are the main ones, but if there's something else you need, I'll make sure to put it here
II-Download APKs
This sounds stupid to take one whole post for that, but sometimes it’s a drag, so here are some ways you can grab the apk you want to modify.
A)APKs form your phone:Every app you installed from the playstore is under /data/app. With a root explorer like the excellent MiXplorer, you can browse to it and see the icons representing the apps on your phone.
There is an apk called base.apk, that’s the one you want.
Sometime there might be parts called split_....apk along with base.apk, for the excraction of those you’ll need tools like the amazing app called SAI (Split APK Installer), it’s a graphical interface so I’ll assume you’ll figure out how to use it yourself
SAI on the Play Store
B)From internet:My two trusted sources I use: APK Mirror, XDA Labs (gone for now)
I also use this chrome module, it has simplified my life sooooo much, it’s provided by the APKmirror team: Toolbox for Google Play Store™
C)Your Sources:If I missed any good and trusted website, let me know
III-DecompileThis is getting serious now.
If you want to modify the apk, you need to have what’s inside: the code.
A)Resources: Decompile Binary XMLs to Human-Readable XMLs:We use APKtool for that, it decompiles the resources.arsc file to the res folder, and decodes binary XMLs to human-readable XMLs.
1-How to install APKtool:How to install APKtool
2-How to use APKtool:There are 3 main commands you need to know about:
apktool d [nameoftheapk].apkUsed to decompile the apk. There are several options you can use with that command, they're specified in APKtool's documentation (in the credits).
apktool if [nameoftheframework].apkUsed to set the framework files to decompile properly APKs. Usually some OEMs add framework APKs into Android for their apps to work, so we need to find and copy them, then “install” them with the apktool if command to APKtool. You can learn more about that on APKtool's website (in the credits).
apktoool b [nameoftheapk].apkUsed to recompile the apk. The final apk can be found inside the decompiled apk’s folder, in a subfolder named dist. You can also use various options with that command (listed in the documentation, link in the credits).
B) Decompile Classes.dex to smali:APKtool also convert classes.dex files to .smali files, but keep at mind that you won’t be able to see the java source code in those files.
The .dex extention is for Dalvik Executable, which is very self-explanatory, and is also a binary format. APKtool turn them into .smali files, which are Human-readable files, not in java, but still! And if you want to modify the code, you’ll have to learn smali. (covered in the next part, good luck with that lol)
C)Read java source code :There’s actually a way to see the java source code of an Android app, using some tools:
JD-GUI (or any other java decompiler)
First turn the classes.dex files into .jar files with this command using Dex2jar:
./ -f -o output_jar.jar apk_to_decompile.apk
(Execute the .bat if you’re on windows)
Quick explanation:
./ execute the dex2jar script
-f: replace the previous jar file named the same as output_jar.jar
-o output_jar.jar : set a name to the output jar file
apk_to_decompile.apk: name of the apk file you’re taking care of
Then read the jar file using JD-GUI (or any other java decompiler). It’s a quite simple software, lite weight, and you can download and run the java version without installing anything else.
Dex2jar isn’t updated anymore (since 2015), so there are errors when decompiling. You’ll be able to get a .jar file but it’ll be incomplete or not identical to the original one, that’s why this tool doesn’t allow one to modify java source directly. But you can get a great understanding of how this app works.
C) Nice tools from the XDA community:• Tickle My Android (TMA) by @Ticklefish
A tool that ease the work with APKtool, amazing one!
• APK Easy Tool by @evildog1
Also works with APKtool, I don’t use it often, but it is great!
• Other tools:
Let me know
Credits, links for this part:
Stack Overflow Post
Documentation for APKtool
Another SO Post
@Rizal Lovins ’
" [Share Latest Apktool 4.2.2/Guide/Tutorial/] How to Decompile/Compile/Sign Apk/Jar "
@A_U ’s
" [GUIDE][HOW-TO] Decompile and Compile apps using Apktool in 5 Simple Steps "
IV-What and how to modifyThis part is gigantic, I'll try to include as much link as I can, this part isn't supposed to stay like that very long, as it contains very few of the hundreds of guide about theming in XDA. Help me out by suggesting some links.
A)Resources (XML):1-ToolsTo edit XMLs you can use whatever text editor you want, but I’d recommend Visual Studio Code. It has solid plug-ins that may come handy to avoid mistakes when editing.
You can also sort of visualize XMLs with Android Studio's Layout Inspector.
You have to open the apk’s folder in Android Studio and browse to the desired xml. Opening the resource manager will aslo allow you to visualize the XML files to a certain extent, but it's not cristal clear (see the screenshot) so I don’t use that very often, but it’s good to know.
Spoiler: Screenshot
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
2-What’s xmlThis subject is very long, you can learn a lot of things. Here are some links (increasingly detailed) to learn about XML:
A Post in [GUIDE] Want to learn how to theme? by @theimpaler747
Google’s "Guide" (very complete): that google link is about resources in general, so it explains XMLs but not only XMLs
A Reference for Codenames in XMLs
3-Modifications:You can modify deeply the UI by editing XMLs, here are some guides to make you familiar with some techniques. Again this is a very vast field, it deserve a thread itself, and this list clearly isn"t finished. Here are my favourites ones:
XML 101 by @Ticklefish
[GUIDE][RES] Android Animation XML resources for Activity Transition by @niranjan94
Find the code you want to modify by @Raiz (Me lol)
[TUTORIAL] Where to find the colors for making a theme by @KBanause
[TUT][JB] HOW TO THEME SystemUI.apk for TOTALLY newbie! by @joehanh88
[Reference] Interactive Phone Modification [GUIDE] by @pstevep , this is AN ABSOLUTE UNIT OF INDEX!
[Tutorial][APP] PinP Shortcuts | How to Implement Picture in Picture Mode [API 26+] by @Geeks Empire
[Overlay] Enable Night Light, Auto-Brightness, Ambient Display & more on Treble ROM by @MishaalRahman
Let me know
4-Precaution:When modifying apks, some errors can be very frustrating, yet very easy to fix. Here are some usual cause of struggle:
Not properly set JAVA_HOME
The tools used (like apktool.jar) aren’t chmod +x (aren’t allowed to be executed)
You have to add java -jar [command] before every .jar tools commands for it to run
Tell me, don't be shy
For every tool related bug, please refer to their GitHubs, sometimes you’ll find a solution by searching. And XDA threads are also plenty of answers! (and if you’re really not lucky maybe stack overflow can help).
B)Smali:That’s a tough one. First, if you want my advice, editing them with Visual Studio Code and the smali plugin is way easier to find mistakes. There’s also a smali plugin for Android studio (and IntelliJ based IDE) made by Jesus-Freke, it is called smalidea.
Now I found one reaaallllyy awesome thread here on XDA about smali:
[GUIDE][SMALI]Understanding and Creating Smali Mods & General Smali Questions by @Goldie
Something else maybe? Tell me
This is my reference, I’m still learning smali tho, this list may be updated, but this thread is pure gold, go check it out!
Credit for this part:
@Ticklefish , for XML 101 (but also for TMA), this is really one of my favourite thread on XDA
All the other members mentioned in the above list
@Jesus-Freke , for his work on smali, baksmali (integrated in APKtool) and smalidea
@Goldie , for the amazing thread explaining smali
V-RecompileYou've done the hardest part, now what's left is repacking that thing together.
A)How to recompile:It’s pretty simple, do it with apktool with this command:
apktool b [nameoftheapk].apkYou can add several options, here’s the full list.
The -c option to me is the most useful, because it allows to leave the signature unchanged for system apks. It’ll be deprecated soon (APKtool v2.6.0), so you’ll have to do the trick manually.
What -c (--copy-orginal) does: “Copies original AndroidManifest.xml and META-INF folder into built apk. Scheduled for deprecation.”
A bit of details, good to know:
“META-INF contains apk signatures. After modifying the apk it is no longer signed. You can use -c / --copy-original to retain these signatures. However, using -c uses the original AndroidManifest.xml file, so changes to it will be lost.”
“After [d]ecode, there will be new folders (original / unknown) in the decoded apk folder
original = META-INF folder / AndroidManifest.xml, which are needed to retain the signature of apks to prevent needing to resign. Used with -c / --copy-original on build
unknown = Files / folders that are not part of the standard AOSP build procedure. These files will be injected back into the rebuilt APK.”
Apktool uses aapt2, the tool used in Android Studio to compile your app. You can learn more on what it is here.
B)Troubleshooting:First, remember that you can use aapt1 (used by default) and aapt2 when recompiling, try both if you run into some issues with the first.
If you have an issue with APKtool's dummy values, go on the Github Issue I opened, the problem is now solved.
Most common error, and simple to solve are the following:
-Name of the file not written correctly:
Code: java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException: Firefoxr
Solution: The correct name is Firefox not Firefoxr, how dumb can I be?
-Aapt errors: (here a folder isn’t recognized):
W:invalid resource directory name: /Users/Raiz/Desktop/apktool/Firefox/res navigation
Solution: Use aapt2, the folders not recognized are because aapt1 (used by default) is older than aapt2, so if you see an error like this, use the option “—use-aapt2”
-Xml Errors:
W: /Users/Raiz/Desktop/apktool/framework-res/res/values/styles.xml:1185: error: Resource entry Theme.Holo already has bag item textEditSuggestionItemLayout.
Solution: These errors are quite easy to fix, just go to the file at the line mentioned then fix the error. Usually it a doubled line, a synthax error, …
Unfortunately APKtool isn’t able to correct string typos, it’s up to you to write in correct English (definitely struggling with that on my side lol).
For other more specific errors, copy/pasting the error message in the google search bar will most certainly redirect you to a Github error, or a post in The Official APKtool XDA Thread. You can find answers by searching, so search thoroughly before asking, it’ll save you some time.
And what is troubleshooting without
[UNIVERSAL][LOGCAT]How to get & read a logcat/ Troubleshoot your own issues!
by @Stryke_the_Orc
Credit for this part:
APKtool issues on Github
The APKtool documentation
@iBotPeaches for this amazing tool
VI-Sign and Zipalign
We must sign an app after having modified it, so it can be installed properly on our devices. System Apps MUST keep the same signature they had before modifying, or else the app will continuously force close, and it may even result in bootloops and other bad things.
To keep the signature take the META-INF folder from the not decompiled apk (browse it as a zip file) and put it in the newly recompiled apk (browse it as a zip file too, if there is already a META-INF folder, just replace it)
Links to build and platform tool:
Platform-tools: Have to be downloaded from sdk manager in android studio
A)Official way:Tool used in the correct order:
1)keytool (included inside java)
2)zipalign from build tools (29.0.2 here, but use the latest )
3)apksigner from build tools (29.0.2 here, but use the latest) (+the lib folder containing apksigner.jar)
Where are build tools?
Mac: ~/Library/Android/sdk/build-tools/[your buld-tool version]/
Linux: ~/Android/sdk/build-tools/[your buld-tool version]/
Windows: C:/User/yourusername/AppData/Local/Android/sdk/build-tools/[your buld-tool version]/
Disclaimer: Using jarsigner is also possible (tool natively included in java jdk), if you use it, make sure you zipalign AFTER signing.
Make sure that apksigner (and lib) as well as zipalign are in the folder you’re apk is in.
Make sure they’re all executable (check that using chmod) and on mac os, make sure your terminal has full disk access (I had a hard time figuring this out lol).
1-Generate keystore:This is pretty simple, we’ll use keytool, at tool antively included in java jdk. We’ll need only one thing before using apksigner : the keystore.jks file (or a separate certificate and private key, but that’s more complicated)
keytool -genkey -v -keystore ~/Desktop/apktool/keystore.jks -alias Raiz -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000
Just replace the alias (here Raiz) by a familiar name, you have to remember it! (here’s why)
Also replace the name of the jks file (but not it’s extension, even though it can be .keystore, I had less issues with .jks)
Quick explanation of what does what in the command:
keytool : the command to use keytool obviously
-genkey : generate the keystore
-v : display verbose
-keystore : set the path to the future file
~/Desktop/apktool/keystore.jks : Path and name of the future file, you can call the keystore whatever you want to.
-alias Raiz : specify the alias used, it can be whatever you want, but remember it, it’s like a publisher name
-keyalg RSA : specify the algorithm used for the key, here it’s RSA (here’s a bit of history)
-keysize 2048: the size of the key in bits
-validity 10000: validity in days, here 10000 days
1*- Generate key.pk8 and cert.pem:This is a quote from another thread (by @wilskywalker), this isn't necessary, but can come handy when signing zip, so I'll leave that here anyway.
You will need the following download:
openssl genrsa -out key.pem 1024
openssl req -new -key key.pem -out request.pem
openssl x509 -req -days 9999 -in request.pem -signkey key.pem -out certificate.pem
openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -outform DER -in key.pem -inform PEM -out key.pk8
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Click to collapse
2- Zipalign:./zipalign -v 4 firfox-mod.apk firefox-aligned.apkQuick explanation:
-v : verbose
4 : align on 4 bits, putting another value will align the wrong way, just keep 4
firefox-mod.apk: name of the input apk, can be anything
firefox-mod-aligned.apk: name of the output apk, can be anything too
3-Sign the apk with apksigner:
./apksigner sign --ks keystore.jks firefox-mod-aligned.apk
Quick explanation:
sign: the command use to sign
--ks keystore.jks : specify the keystore file (the same one we generated seconds ago)
firefox-mod-aligned: the input apk (the one we just aligned), note that the apk will be signed and there won’t be any output apk this time
And you’re done, you can check that it has been properly signed with this command:
./apksigner verify firefox-mod-aligned
Where firefox-mod-aligned is the apk signed we want to check
3*-Sign the apk with apksigner using .pk8 and .pem files:
./apksigner sign ---key key.pk8 --cert certificate.pem firefox-mod-aligned.apk
Credits, links for this part:
How to sign an app (by Google)
apksigner documentation
keytool documentation
zipalign documentation
Stack Overflow post
@Rizal Lovins ’ Guide
B) Unofficial ways:Some amazing devs and contributors at xda provided us with tools to sign with ease APKs (without having to think about all of that),I didn’t fully tested every one fo them, but you can try them as an alternative if the “official way” didn’t worked out well.
Here they are:
APK easy tool by @evildog1
APK Sign/Zipalign/Install by @aureljared
Uber APK signer (Github)
VII-Installing the apkYour theme should be ready by now, but how do you want to install it?
There are several ways to get an apk inside your phone, I’ll go over the ones I think are the most common.
A)Regular apk install:Just install it duh… (here you go if you need a little help).
B)Flashable zip:I do recommend making flashable zips, because they’re pretty useful when installing modded system apps. So what is it?
1-Folders:A flashable zip contains 2 folders: META-INF and a folder which will mimic the path to the apk we want to install. Inside that succession of folders, we’ll put our modified apk, and when flashing, the modded apk (inside the zip) will replace the original one inside your phone.
E.g: create system/priv-app/systemUI/systemUI.apk to install a modified systemUI.apk file by replacing the original one
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
E.g: create data/data/com.mixplorer/databases/data.db to replace the original data.db file inside this folder
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Once you get those folders done (and the apk inside of it), it’s time to write the edify script that’ll flash the zip file.
2-Edify Script:Edify is the language the script will be written in.
The file containing the script is located in /META-INF/com/google/android/updater-script (the name of the file is updater-script, naming it something else would make it ignored by your custom recovery)
Open this document with a text editor, and start coding!
We want to copy/paste the content of our zips onto the system (and replace files), so here’s the precise things we’ll do:
a-(OPTIONAL)Your “intro”:
Using the ui_print(" "); command, we can make some really cool looking ASCII art. You can write comments at whatever steps you want with this command, it’s pretty handy!
ui_print("Your Message here");b-Mount the system partition:
run_program("/sbin/busybox", "mount", "/system");
c-Extract the content of the zip to /system:
package_extract_dir("system", "/system");d-Unmount the system partition:
unmount("/system");This is very basic, you can do so much more with edify script! Set the progress bar progress, set permissions to certain files, delete folders and/or files,...
3-Sign your zip:You need to sign your zip after compressing it! The process looks like the one with key.pk8 and certificate.pem files, so I'll refere again to the same thread for that. (In the Credits)
I've covered the basics, now it's index time, you can go further with the links in the credits, and you can suggest me more!
[WIP] How to Write an Updater-Script with Edify Code by @Karadorde
That one covers how to sign your zip:
[TUTORIAL] Making Flashable ZIPs, EDIFY Script, ZIP Signing & Key Creation [19.01.13] by @wilskywalker
My Very Own Script by Me
More Links:
[GUIDE] Create your own Flashable ZIP with custom updater-script and addon.d script by @Primokorn
[TUTORIAL] The updater-script completely explained by @KINGbabasula
Spoiler: Bonus
4-How to make a working progress barFirst “create” the progress bar that can go up to 100%
show_progress(1.000000, 0);Then set the progress after each steps: (here I set it at 10%)
Code: set_progress(0.100000)
C)ADB sideload:Adb allows one to flash zips through command line using a custom recovery.
How to install adbNow how to sideload an apk using adb:
Make sure your phone is plugged, and your PC allowed to use adb on your device. (the last steps of the guide I linked on how to install adb on your pc)
Reboot to recovery
For TWRP : Advanced → ADB Sideload For CWM : Install → Install Zip from Sideload
Code: adb sideload path/to/
And that’s it, congrats
D)Aroma Installer:They’re very cool, yet I’m not really familiar with those.
This concept origins from XDA Inactive Recognized Developer @amarullz , and is used by the OpenGApps team for their Aroma package. Needless to say its work eased the task for many others, feel free to leave a thank on the threads:
Q’n’A about Aroma Installers: [Q&A] AROMA Installer - [Dev Move To DevDB]
Q’n’A about Edify and Aroma: (by @Dblfstr) Aroma, Edify, updater script Question and Answer thread
A tool to create them: [TOOL][3-10-13] Aroma App Package Creator v1.3.2 (by @commandersafi)
VIII-Other ways to theme your deviceMaking the whole apk is often long, and doesn’t leave much control over the theme to the user, alternative ways of theming let users control how they want the theme to be applied. Those 2 ways won’t be covered by me (as I don’t know enough about them yet), that's why, for this part, every input in welcomed
A)Magisk Modules:This is now a pretty common and convenient way to distribute APKs and mods, so I had to cover it. Here’s a link to an official developer guide, it covers a good part of it, if you have an input, it is welcome!
B)Substratum Themes:I don’t even need to tell you what is substratum, as it is pretty famous (along with Magisk), but let’s say you’re totally new.
Substratum is a theme engine that allows you to control what element of your system you want to be themed, and apply themes with the possibility of disabling theme at some point in time. So how to make a substratum theme ?
Video from the XDA chanel on YT
Another one from XDA on YT
Theme template form the official Substratum Github
IX-Theming related topicsAll of the things I couldn't fit in the previous sections are here, make an input, I'll make sure to add it if it's relevant
A)Design Basics:Now I don’t have especially fine taste in terms of designing, but I’m trying to learn!
Here are some links:
The Android Design Resources Forum in XDA
XDA Article about icon design YT channel
B)Boot Animations:Here are some helpful threads and links:
[TUTORIAL]How to make your own boot animations (with sound if you want) by @despotovski01
[GUIDE] How To Make Bootanimation by @jackeagle
[GUIDE][TUT]make/Port any bootanimation|||USING VIDEO/FRAMES by @deathviper
C)Icon Packs:[GUIDE]How to create icon packs for Go/Nova/Apex/Holo/ADW/LauncherPro/XperiaHome by @iamareebjamal
D)Port OEM Apps:[GUIDE/TIPS] How to Port OEM Apps / Vendor Apps to Your Current ROM by @Rizal Lovins , this one is a wealth of information! really good and unique
D)Build.prop:[Tweaks][Guide]Build.prop Tweaks by @bravonova
X-Not covered topicsWhy don’t you talk about … ? That’s theming tho! And what about … and …? What is this thread!
I understand, these are legit claims, but I can’t cover everything. That’s where YOU come in play, you certainly know things that I don’t, so please, if you have any knowledge about something I didn’t mentioned above, please let me know!
I’m trying to make this thread as complete as possible, so I’d be very grateful if you could share a little about your knowledge .
Thank a bunch!
I know I already said that 10000000 times, but really, it would be awesome to have inputs!
XI-Mods and Wallpapers:Let me take a tangent from the original purpose of this thread. This was supposed to be all about guides, but I thought about that twice and I think that's a good idea.
Basically, this here will list some of the amazing mods and themes around xda.
The goal here is to crack open those and see how they work, this would represent an immense work that I'm not able to take on right now, so I may leave links here, and you'll do the jobs of understanding how they work. Maybe at some point I'll write some here (with the credits of the OP of course!), but certainly not now.
Offline Google LLC App Wallpapers by @[email protected]
For each update I'll bump this thread, so that you can enjoy latest links04-01-2021 Update:
Happy new year! I went through my long list of watched threads, and found the gems I kept selfishly, they're yours now !
[GUIDE] Create your own Flashable ZIP with custom updater-script and addon.d script
[UNIVERSAL][LOGCAT]How to get & read a logcat/ Troubleshoot your own issues!
[GUIDE/TIPS] How to Port OEM Apps / Vendor Apps to Your Current ROM
[Tweaks][Guide]Build.prop Tweaks
[GUIDE]How to create icon packs for Go/Nova/Apex/Holo/ADW/LauncherPro/XperiaHome
[TUTORIAL] The updater-script completely explained
[TUT][JB] HOW TO THEME SystemUI.apk for TOTALLY newbie
[Reference] Interactive Phone Modification [GUIDE]
[Tutorial][APP] PinP Shortcuts | How to Implement Picture in Picture Mode [API 26+]
Offline Google LLC App Wallpapers
[Overlay] Enable Night Light, Auto-Brightness, Ambient Display & more on Treble ROM
Thanks for this, useful for sure. This is mostly on Windows. There's a way to do this directly on the phone ( most of it anyway).
I use an app called: Apkeditorpro.
I use version 1.9.10 cause i don't like the ui in the newer version.
In it you can :
-edit xmls directly.
-decode the smali and edit them, and view the java code and edit it with no extra tools.
-extract or replace files
-and rebuild the apk when finished. It'll show you a list of compile errors if any when building to review. If the build works it signs it and offers to remove old app and reinstall the new apk.
I found it very useful in editing theme overlays or add fonts in fonts tab in settings.
I am like you an enthusiast in all things modding. Still learning smali/ java editing. Hope we can learn together and from each other
Merry Christmas
Hi is it also valid for Xiaomi apk?
Braain said:
Hi is it also valid for Xiaomi apk?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Yep, it's valid for almost anything (any apk at least), feel free to ask here if you encounter problem, I'll do my best to help
Hi I started working with Riru-Enhanced mode for Storage Isolation and some mistakes I made now it's oky now I want to try to modify the handset apk because Xiaomi Redmi 7 is andro system android carefully
Raiz said:
04-01-2021 Update
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
The First Update of this thread is out!, check out the post I quoted to see the list of threads I added, I also integrated them to the main guide (with proper credits), but I think making a list for each update more convenient for you readers.
I recommend to bookmark those thread or to watch them, because some are really amazing!
[QUOTE = "Raiz, post: 84227321, membro: 8020437"]
Il primo aggiornamento di questo thread è uscito !, controlla il post che ho citato per vedere l'elenco dei thread che ho aggiunto, li ho anche integrati nella guida principale (con i crediti appropriati), ma penso che fare un elenco per ogni aggiornamento più conveniente per voi lettori.
Consiglio di aggiungere quei thread ai preferiti o di guardarli, perché alcuni sono davvero fantastici!
Great gems, indeed. Let me add this to the collection:
[Samsung only]How to modify stock font app (SamsungOne.apk, SamsungSans.apk, or Fondation.apk)
This post describes it using ApkEditorPro directly on the phone. It could work on other devices if you know what your stock font app is. It's a simple drag and drop your custom files in the right place.