Anyone know of any apps for WP8 that can keep track of my data usage?
Data Sense is a Verizon exclusive that does that on WP8, rumor is that it will only be on Verizon for a few months before every carrier will have access to it.
I dont know of any 3rd party app that can accuratly monitor data usage.
I'm glad I picked up my phone off contract on Verizon, so I dont even use the Data Sense app but, there is no hacks for WP8 yet, so I could not even extract a XAP from it or anything....YET.
thanks.. hopefully someone will release it soon
Puff1911 said:
thanks.. hopefully someone will release it soon
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any data monitor app available??
aneeshcphilip said:
any data monitor app available??
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There is only datasence available for those careers who have enabled it. A 3rd party app has not the capabilities to monitor the data usage of the whole system.
We have to wait if with the gdr2 update other carriers where unlocked
Puff1911 said:
Anyone know of any apps for WP8 that can keep track of my data usage?
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If you have a nokia phone, download Counters.
mcosmin222 said:
If you have a nokia phone, download Counters.
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@mcosmin222 you may have noticed that we are here in a wp8 forum.
the app mentioned by you is only avaiable for wp7.5!!
Subscribing in case of future updates
Sent from my Lumia 920 using Tapatalk
DavidinCT said:
Data Sense is a Verizon exclusive that does that on WP8, rumor is that it will only be on Verizon for a few months before every carrier will have access to it.
I dont know of any 3rd party app that can accurately monitor data usage.
I'm glad I picked up my phone off contract on Verizon, so I dont even use the Data Sense app but, there is no hacks for WP8 yet, so I could not even extract a XAP from it or anything....YET.
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Yeah nothing here. It does seem to be integrated into my 928, as I can't uninstall it and can only pin the app. Also it seems that Verizon's account app/data sense should be able to access how much data has been used from the carrier to show how much data is left. Also it seems that Data Sense will actually leak over the limit. All it does is stop all background data until its either changed or it passes the date set. It doesn't disable data entirely, as is my preference or isn't even an option.
I'm also waiting for INTEROP or something of the like as there isn't any point for having my dev unlock at the moment.
thals1992 said:
Yeah nothing here. It does seem to be integrated into my 928, as I can't uninstall it and can only pin the app. Also it seems that Verizon's account app/data sense should be able to access how much data has been used from the carrier to show how much data is left. Also it seems that Data Sense will actually leak over the limit. All it does is stop all background data until its either changed or it passes the date set. It doesn't disable data entirely, as is my preference or isn't even an option.
I'm also waiting for INTEROP or something of the like as there isn't any point for having my dev unlock at the moment.
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GDR2 will bring Data Sense to everybody
I already have it on my ativ s, works as advertised
lugi93 said:
GDR2 will bring Data Sense to everybody
I already have it on my ativ s, works as advertised
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Did your phone come with GDR2 ?
DavidinCT said:
Did your phone come with GDR2 ?
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No, was flashed at local service (samsung)
I ve Samsung Ativ too.
When will be this gdr2 update avaliable for samsung ativ s, do You know?
Could You share some screenshots from your phone with new menus/ options? Any other changes besides this data sense, write some more about this update?
Bug with "other" folder/ section fixed?
harry p.
good to know
DavidinCT said:
Data Sense is a Verizon exclusive that does that on WP8, rumor is that it will only be on Verizon for a few months before every carrier will have access to it.
I dont know of any 3rd party app that can accuratly monitor data usage.
I'm glad I picked up my phone off contract on Verizon, so I dont even use the Data Sense app but, there is no hacks for WP8 yet, so I could not even extract a XAP from it or anything....YET.
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I hope one comes soon!
Here is what i gathered so far
Data Sense
IE - Reduce data by sending url,..
Limited WiFi data on/off (when the connection is limited the phone will use data connection)
find nearby (map with data sense)
camera default app option - to choose which app will start when using the camera button
fm wasn't activated - it looks like it doesnt even have an built-in FM radio receiver
one note + button pinable (saw that one one today @wpcentral) and indeed it's there
phne storage - other -- im already at 1.10Gb of data there, 14 days of using gdr
some screens
Hi all,
Is there any apps that can be used as monitoring the data usage of each application? i.e. google map using how many kb, Meebo IM using how many kb, etc etc..
thanks first.
schizophrenia said:
Hi all,
Is there any apps that can be used as monitoring the data usage of each application? i.e. google map using how many kb, Meebo IM using how many kb, etc etc..
thanks first.
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anyone? please?
I use 3G Watchdog, but it's only overall summary, but not per application (as I guess you'd like)
Lord_Phoenix said:
I use 3G Watchdog, but it's only overall summary, but not per application (as I guess you'd like)
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Thanks a lot. I also use that but yeah, i'd like it by applications.
but anyway thanks for the input.
May be we can call for Spb to port their applications to Android very soon.
Carty said:
May be we can call for Spb to port their applications to Android very soon.
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It would be a great idea.
because, there are always some background data transfer but I never know which apps are doing that. It is especially important for users like me who do not have unlimited data plan.
there is also netcounter .
Ultra thanks for the info on NetCounter. From a glance it's nice app. With beautiful UI too.
EDIT: Sorry for the double post :-(
Don't mention it , anyway there is also APNdroid which prevents your mobile from accessing the network .
Ahmadmz3 said:
Don't mention it , anyway there is also APNdroid which prevents your mobile from accessing the network .
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Thanks for the tips.
Yeah, I also have the APNdroid to shut down the mobile internet.
However, my thought was to monitor the data usage by "applications" so that I know which application is going what and the Netcounter only monitor the data usage by "Wifi" or by "mobile internet 3G".
I don't really need per application usage, thus NetCounter is good enough.
I love to see NetCounter to expand its functionality to optionally monitors applications' usage too.
You can also use droidwall to block an individual application's internet access. I do not have an unlimited plan too, and to me this works better than monitoring each application.
leventbb said:
You can also use droidwall to block an individual application's internet access. I do not have an unlimited plan too, and to me this works better than monitoring each application.
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thanks ...
but i do not have root access yet.
plus i do not know which application is doing the transfer
its just me, I just wanna find out who is doing what, dont worry about it.
schizophrenia said:
thanks ...
but i do not have root access yet.
plus i do not know which application is doing the transfer
its just me, I just wanna find out who is doing what, dont worry about it.
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try to look for Roiding NetTraffic. this app will monitor every single connection u make. and u can even set a reminder when u about to touch the limit. i have it with chinese version.
schizophrenia said:
Hi all,
Is there any apps that can be used as monitoring the data usage of each application? i.e. google map using how many kb, Meebo IM using how many kb, etc etc..
thanks first.
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Hi Schi,
Did you ever have any luck finding an app for this? I'm looking for the same thing as something on my phone is downloading about 500mb a day and I haven't a clue what! It only started about a week ago
gendi said:
Hi Schi,
Did you ever have any luck finding an app for this? I'm looking for the same thing as something on my phone is downloading about 500mb a day and I haven't a clue what! It only started about a week ago
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exactly, I have similar problem but not as much as yours.
but this kind of app is really necessary but yet no one developed it, at least i haven't found out.
please look out together and let me know if you find something like that.
Using droidwall I've narrowed (I picked it early, it kinda stood out ) the culprit down to application 10019:Camera, Media Storage, Download Manager, DRM Protected Content Storage.
So I've now got droidwall blocking that app for 3G and allowing it on wifi and I just turn on wifi when I need download stuff that requires that app.
I've been searching for this too and finally found something. There's a paid app called "Network Statistics" that does per-app data since phone startup. It's 50p.
However it won't start on my Milestone (2.1, rooted) so... Well at 50p you can give it a try I guess.
Cheers, I'll give it a go.
Okay so there seems to be a good amount of people here with Sprint and Verizon as their carrier, but there is not that much support for MetroPCS, which is a growing CDMA provider. I thought this would be a good place to gather information as far as what can work with the network concerning the HTC Vogue, MetroPCS, and Android.
So far this is what I have:
Data is for sure working on Donut AOSP, but I did have some issues when trying to connect with facebook and google sync, but I was successfully able to access the internet. I will come back to this build later but am currently downloading this in the themed version and I will report back on how it goes.
Using this Hero build I can once again get data, text, and calls, but I cannot get any data apps to work, therefore rendering GPS useless, which I currently can't even check to see if it works.
So the only thing that seems to work with Android with MetroPcs is Data (browser only), Text, and Calls. Not bad if that is all you need but in this case I prefer WM. But I will continue to fiddle with it. Hopefully some more builds will be pushed out that will hopefully resolve this. And using the SD card method is the only method in which I have successfully gotten data to work. Data is a no-go for me with the NAND flashing.
To set up your data the easiest way is as follows:
-Activate voice dialer
-Say "Open APN"
-hit okay okay to open the APN
-Click on your current APN to edit the settings or activate the menu and create a new one
-Enter in these settings
Port: 3128
Username: your [email protected]
Password: metropcs
The other settings dont really matter. I always just left them how they were.
Credit for the initial data settings goes to L0GiC4L 3ViL.
juicy.cook said:
Okay so there seems to be a good amount of people here with Sprint and Verizon as their carrier, but there is not that much support for MetroPCS, which is a growing CDMA provider. I thought this would be a good place to gather information as far as what can work with the network concerning the HTC Vogue, MetroPCS, and Android.
So far this is what I have:
Data is for sure working on Donut AOSP, but I did have some issues when trying to connect with facebook and google sync, but I was successfully able to access the internet. I will come back to this build later but am currently downloading this in the themed version and I will report back on how it goes.
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Are you booting through the SD card or NAND? Are you able to use GPS?
whitey10tc said:
Are you booting through the SD card or NAND? Are you able to use GPS?
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I was using SD. And I didn't try out GPS yet. I tried NAND and I could never successfully get data working.
Yes I have that same problem with cricket setting! If I come up with a solution I will post it.
juicy.cook said:
I was using SD. And I didn't try out GPS yet. I tried NAND and I could never successfully get data working.
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this is a stab in the dark, but did you delete your blank files off your SD card? I had trouble once, and by deleting the rootfstonand and systemfstonand files, etc and rebooting my data started working. Just something to try
berardi said:
this is a stab in the dark, but did you delete your blank files off your SD card? I had trouble once, and by deleting the rootfstonand and systemfstonand files, etc and rebooting my data started working. Just something to try
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No I never did try it. I will have to look into it though. Was everything that required data working (maps, apps, and weather?) or just the browser?
NAND method works on Android using MetroPCS APN. I have one running, but only WAP, marketplace doesn't work, youtube doesn't work, googlemaps doesn't work, etc etc.
I believe the reason for these not working is they have their own way of communicating with network, so they don't use the APN settings, maybe this is wrong and they (google) should fix it (their libraries) to use APN information?
I heard from a reliable source that there will be a Kyocera phone running android before the end of 2010 on the Metropcs network. I googled around and I found this ://
FYI I work for metro...
vlizad said:
I heard from a reliable source that there will be a Kyocera phone running android before the end of 2010 on the Metropcs network. I googled around and I found this ://
FYI I work for metro...
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If you work for Metro, can you find out how to get the google apps to work? I can browse the web, but that is about it. I am not certain if these apps are trying to go in through a restricted port, but if you could find that out I am certain that a lot of people would be more than grateful.
Did anyone get any of the apps to work via Metropcs? I have data working, but would love to sync to google for contacts, calender etc...
Thanks. said:
Did anyone get any of the apps to work via Metropcs? I have data working, but would love to sync to google for contacts, calender etc...
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Nothing yet and patiently awaiting for a solution on this. I am pretty sure that it has to do with the APN info, but... I am not completely sure.
gas there been any advancement in this?
Has anyone got market to work yet at least
Jio110890 said:
gas there been any advancement in this?
Has anyone got market to work yet at least
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No market and no gapps as of yet. It could be Metro itself blocking the ports...
hi, I am also considering MetroPCS with my out of contract XV6900.
Did you have to unlock the phone first and if so how did you do it?
I already installed polymod 2.1 gamma and I can't find an unlock option in the menus... thanks!
wujuyamakin said:
hi, I am also considering MetroPCS with my out of contract XV6900.
Did you have to unlock the phone first and if so how did you do it?
I already installed polymod 2.1 gamma and I can't find an unlock option in the menus... thanks!
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I don't believe that there is any way to unlock the phone via Android. It has to be done from WM. Check out my signature on how to do this.
so no data for anyone on metropcs using xdandroid yet?
wolfpack612 said:
so no data for anyone on metropcs using xdandroid yet?
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This project isn't really part of the xdandroid development afaik...
No new developments on this?
Its been a while since you all were talking about this. If you are still looking for help let me know as I have it all working on my hero.
djowen6565 said:
Its been a while since you all were talking about this. If you are still looking for help let me know as I have it all working on my hero.
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yea id like to kno
Is there any way to install carrier exclusive apps on non-carrier phones? I'm not talking about OEM exclusive apps, but carrier exclusive ones.
For example I want to install AT&T Locker on my Lumia, but I'm not in the US, let alone on AT&T.
Can this be done?
Yeah, same proxy technique as for OEM apps...
I tried Reker's proxy:, and also another one:
I could freely install OEM apps, but not that AT&T Locker one.
What else can I try?
You have to actually create your own proxy rules. It should be pretty obvious what part of the URL specified from your phone is the MO identifier; you just have to change that to another MO. (For example, T-Mobile USA uses "TMO-US" and Rogers Canada uses "ROG-CA"; I think AT&T uses "ATT-US".) Those "public" proxies are only aimed at the OEM apps, since normally the MO apps aren't worth anything to people who don't use that MO.
GoodDayToDie said:
You have to actually create your own proxy rules. It should be pretty obvious what part of the URL specified from your phone is the MO identifier; you just have to change that to another MO. (For example, T-Mobile USA uses "TMO-US" and Rogers Canada uses "ROG-CA"; I think AT&T uses "ATT-US".) Those "public" proxies are only aimed at the OEM apps, since normally the MO apps aren't worth anything to people who don't use that MO.
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Thanks a lot. After meddling a bit with Fiddler2, I finally managed to install that AT&T Locker app. It fu**ed up anyway, opened fine but crashed at login. Guess it's not my luck.
Gnad said:
Thanks a lot. After meddling a bit with Fiddler2, I finally managed to install that AT&T Locker app. It fu**ed up anyway, opened fine but crashed at login. Guess it's not my luck.
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Yeah, I can understand that Fiddler isn't the easiest thing to run... Are you using my app to install AT&T Locker or are you using the direct URL? Also after you got it installed, is it requiring an AT&T SIM or something?
Oh, another thought... What device are you using? This app actually has some provxml stuff that gets deployed on Lumia devices.
thals1992 said:
Yeah, I can understand that Fiddler isn't the easiest thing to run... Are you using my app to install AT&T Locker or are you using the direct URL? Also after you got it installed, is it requiring an AT&T SIM or something?
Oh, another thought... What device are you using? This app actually has some provxml stuff that gets deployed on Lumia devices.
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I have a Lumia (1020). So what I did was using the Auto-responder function to capture the URL then redirect it. I changed product code to a 1020 AT&T (dm=RM-877_nam_att_205), change carrier to AT&T (moId=ATT-US). I accessed it with IE using the direct URL (bookmarked in advance). I think it worked fine, since it did display the install button.
When I opened the app, it displayed a signup/login window. After enter my credentials and hit login, it crashed, and kept crashing when I tried to access back to the app. Had to remove and reinstall. Then I tried to signup for a new account, it still crashed and crashed. From my laptop, I can login fine.
I didn't see anything on the app that said it requires an AT&T sim. But since I'd changed moID to AT&T, it should be tricked into thinking my sim is AT&T isn't it? And I did keep the proxy on all the time. If you can install and run it fine, could you give me some instructions about how you did it? Like what and how parameters should be changed?
I actually have only ran it on my 520, not even on my 928 yet... I just know it needs extra privileges once installed, as it shows up inside the Tier3 list. Check on your phone if its in that list if you can.
Sent from my RM-860 using Tapatalk
thals1992 said:
I actually have only ran it on my 520, not even on my 928 yet... I just know it needs extra privileges once installed, as it shows up inside the Tier3 list. Check on your phone if its in that list if you can.
Sent from my RM-860 using Tapatalk
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I'm a little confused here. It sure requires an OEM level restricted capability, which is ID_CAP_MEDIALIB_PHOTO_FULL, I think, so we cannot sideload it. But since I'm installing it from the store, it should be okay, isn't it? Like we can use proxy method to install Nokia Camera which obviously has this capability.
Gnad said:
I'm a little confused here. It sure requires an OEM level restricted capability, which is ID_CAP_MEDIALIB_PHOTO_FULL, I think, so we cannot sideload it. But since I'm installing it from the store, it should be okay, isn't it? Like we can use proxy method to install Nokia Camera which obviously has this capability.
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The app installs from the store, but the provxml that's inside might not be executed. Usually you can launch Tier3 using the dial string to check if it's fully installed. You can find the code in the WP8 Diagnostics thread in my sig.
EDIT: Never mind... I thought this app had one and it doesn't. I'll need to look at the xap to investigate...
Those ATIV S devices are looking to be more and more useful...
Sent from my RM-860 using Tapatalk
Is there some app to manage the phone? Or perhaps there's a way to do this without 3rd party apps?
Basically we got our daughter her first phone ever 2014 MX and just in case I'd like to lock it down as much as i can. I don't mind her using apps and obviously calling but I did set a limit on data and in general i don't want her any any of her friends to potentially screw with settings.
Oh yea, running Lollipop
You could set her as a guest account. Not sure what that would lock down, try it. And you can set a data limit. Both in stock settings
I use this for all my kids tablets. Works great
T-R said:
Is there some app to manage the phone? Or perhaps there's a way to do this without 3rd party apps?
Basically we got our daughter her first phone ever 2014 MX and just in case I'd like to lock it down as much as i can. I don't mind her using apps and obviously calling but I did set a limit on data and in general i don't want her any any of her friends to potentially screw with settings.
Oh yea, running Lollipop
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Get Cerberus. it's a great app.
Since lollipop update I used all my data in one day. I thought it was turned off as I only use it when I go out.
Can someone please explain the settings to me eg background data
How much data are you allowed?
Settings - data usage
Please tell us the information that is here.
matalic said:
How much data are you allowed?
Settings - data usage
Please tell us the information that is here.
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Hi I use wifi 90% of the time so only switch data on when I go out. I thought having that switched of meant it could not use that
I have put 8.17mb and I have put background data restricted.
Is there no way to stop downloads while using mobile data like there used to be
Tell us what is eating your damn data
What is your data limit ?
matalic said:
Tell us what is eating your damn data
What is your data limit ?
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I dont have one its a prepaid phone hence why I cant use a lot. all I know is 10mb a day is too much
youtube and skype
I have a prepaid phone too, I get 1 GB per month for $10.00
Any app can easily send you over 10 MB... it's not even related to data background...
If you show us your data usage then we can give some comments.. if you don't show it then don't post back here
matalic said:
I have a prepaid phone too, I get 1 GB per month for $10.00
Any app can easily send you over 10 MB... it's not even related to data background...
If you show us your data usage then we can give some comments.. if you don't show it then don't post back here
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you are so rude maybe i dont understand and I am not a young techie person who the hell are you to tell me (then don't post back here )
thanks for your no help attitude
maids said:
you are so rude maybe i dont understand and I am not a young techie person who the hell are you to tell me (then don't post back here )
thanks for your no help attitude
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Here in the UK with prepaid phones the typical amount you get is 300-500mb.
If you go into setting and data usage here you should be able to manage what apps get data sent back and forth or if you click the 3 dots at the top next to the search you can restrict all background data, not sure if this is what you wanted but as far as I am aware this is the only way.
demon148 said:
Here in the UK with prepaid phones the typical amount you get is 300-500mb.
If you go into setting and data usage here you should be able to manage what apps get data sent back and forth or if you click the 3 dots at the top next to the search you can restrict all background data, not sure if this is what you wanted but as far as I am aware this is the only way.
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thank you for your help. The data restriction is fine but i need to have skype on in case someone needs to contact me. will that still work with the restriction on? Also the triangle notification warning is a pain
maids said:
thank you for your help. The data restriction is fine but i need to have skype on in case someone needs to contact me. will that still work with the restriction on? Also the triangle notification warning is a pain
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You can restrict individual apps, so I supposed you can either restrict all then remove Skype or restrict only the ones you want.
thanks I will try that