This is for kernel devs only. The patch itself is useless to those who do not/can not compile their own kernel.
This patch allows one to force AC or USB charging for any charger. It also provides additional security when connecting to public charging stations because with either force AC or force USB mode on, USB transfers are disabled, protecting your data.
Fast charge can be toggled by issuing:
echo 1 > /sys/kernel/fast_charge/force_charge_mode
Slow charge:
echo 2 > /sys/kernel/fast_charge/force_charge_mode
and off:
echo 0 > /sys/kernel/fast_charge/force_charge_mode
Plug your phone into the charger AFTER toggling the desired mode.
In addition I have created a toggle fast charge widget that may be used to toggle fast/slow charge on and off right from your home screen:
I have not yet implemented the three way toggle into incredicontrol (free), but I will be. I have to change it to support slow charge also and haven't yet gotten the chance to. I will be implementing it when I get the chance though so you guys have a convenient free way to toggle also.
For the widget (or any fast/slow charge toggle) to work, you MUST be running a kernel that has this patch implemented.
As a good gesture to support a fellow dev, I ask that if you implement the patch into your kernel, please link to my widget as one means to toggle it. You are of course free to provide other ways to toggle it as well if you so desire.
Kernel devs, if you would like to test the widget yourself to confirm its working, and for convenience of testing, please contact me and I will provide you with a copy. You must show that you are a kernel dev though (i.e. link me to your kernel post so I can match your username).
Good luck have fun!
Here is the neoblaze kernel (stock froyo/gb, not AOSP) patched with the mod so that you guys can test. I will not be supporting anything regarding this kernel except the charging mod itself!
Sounds interesting even though i dont own a car!
langhaardack said:
Sounds interesting even though i dont own a car!
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Its not necessarily just for car chargers, that's just the easiest example. It can be used with any charger that is detected as USB. Some powered hubs for example can easily put out 1A but would still be limited to 500mA by the phone. The patch will allow you to toggle force AC mode on/off via an app or widget.
Ya i got that but the only usb-charger besides the outlet that i use is my laptop, and i use it only for transferring files. still a great idea!
In other words. If you will be using USB port and cable as current source, The specification asks for Data + and - to be shortcut. And normally phone detects it and also the fifth sense pin and then high current charging must kick in. (although our LG phone uses also it to enter download mode)
If you use the widget and enable high current charging, you'll fry out your motherboards USB port probably...
Another warning. If someone has read about Lithium Cell charging methods AVR based documentation for example. Such high current charging decreases your battery cycle life. So consider those facts first of all!
And those with car chargers... especially cheap ones... in most of these devices are SMD LM317 or LM7805 etc family inside... it will dissipate [email protected]=7W so these sticks will fry out and also blow up despite it can deliver 1.5A - the catch is with proper heat sink.
So So So... dear coders... consult your hardware guys before acting for the good deeds... the cons are more than the gain.
Ferrum Master said:
In other words. If you will be using USB port and cable as current source, The specification asks for Data + and - to be shortcut. And normally phone detects it and also the fifth sense pin and then high current charging must kick in. (although our LG phone uses also it to enter download mode)
If you use the widget and enable high current charging, you'll fry out your motherboards USB port probably...
Another warning. If someone has read about Lithium Cell charging methods AVR based documentation for example. Such high current charging decreases your battery cycle life. So consider those facts first of all!
And those with car chargers... especially cheap ones... in most of these devices are SMD LM317 or LM7805 etc family inside... it will dissipate [email protected]=7W so these sticks will fry out and also blow up despite it can deliver 1.5A - the catch is with proper heat sink.
So So So... dear coders... consult your hardware guys before acting for the good deeds... the cons are more than the gain.
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Absolutely not. It would have no negative effects on your battery at all as the current isn't increased beyond what it is for AC charging.
Also you notice nowhere that my recommendations were for using it to charge from a motherboard. Despite that, the current pulled from the board is ultimately limited to the fuse at the port. Even if a device successfully tries to pull more than the board can provide (which the board won't put out anyway), the PPTC will cut off power to the device.
So So dear hardware guys, please read before jumping all over someone.
chad0989 said:
Absolutely not. It would have no negative effects on your battery at all as the current isn't increased beyond what it is for AC charging.
Also you notice nowhere that my recommendations were for using it to charge from a motherboard. Despite that, the current pulled from the board is ultimately limited to the fuse at the port. Even if a device successfully tries to pull more than the board can provide (which the board won't put out anyway), the PPTC will cut off power to the device.
So hardware guy, how about you read before jumping all over something.
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Then please why I have to repair broken motherboards that Ipad2 have fried a lot? Why? Because they are cheap mate, and fuse is the last resort. And No current limitations aren't implemented there...
I said once again. This 0.5A setting is the most green one, as many manufacturer use as a law!
The fact that some make a PR and tell our device charges faster doesn't overthrow simple chemistry and physics. Ok it will work. Charging the cell with higher current, raises temps and other chemical emissions and it deteriorates faster! So the philosophy is simple for them, the user will kill its battery faster in order to buy a new phone eh? Nice!
Ferrum Master said:
Then please why I have to repair broken motherboards that Ipad2 have fried a lot? Why? Because they are cheap mate, and fuse is the last resort. And No current limitations aren't implemented there...
I said once again. This 0.5A setting is the most green one, as many manufacturer use as a law!
The fact that some make a PR and tell our device charges faster doesn't overthrow simple chemistry and physics. Ok it will work. Charging the cell with higher current, raises temps and other chemical emissions and it deteriorates faster! So the philosophy is simple for them, the user will kill its battery faster in order to buy a new phone eh? Nice!
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I agree with you that it shouldn't be used to charge from a motherboard, although many have taken the risk without issues.
Essentially it is a software version of the charging cables with bridged data lines ("charge only") that many buy and have no issues with. I'm just bridging the data lines in software so to speak. The current draw is never increased beyond the phone's spec. The most important thing is that the end user knows the source they are drawing from is capable of providing the current.
I do appreciate your concern for the community and desire to educate everyone. We need more people like you around.
So with that, each individual can make an informed decision on their own. If anyone is still interested in the mod, shoot me a PM if you want to test.
Yup, there isn't much math to be done here.
Higher current means higher temps, and O2X already has trouble with temps as it is.
However, to each his own, and as long as people are aware of what they're doing there is no such thing as too many options... although me personally I would stay away from this one.
EDIT: Wait... so you're saying that O2X charges at 1A when connected to a wall charger and at 0.5A when connected with USB? I get the point now. So you only risk damaging the motherboard, and not the phone.
I'm guessing it would be more interesting for O2X users to do the opposite! A 'Force USB charging' because from what I see a lot of people get SoD while charging their phones overnight and this might fix it
What do you say Chad? Would you be interested in implementing this feature? I think I would use it!
chad0989 said:
I agree with you that it shouldn't be used to charge from a motherboard, although many have taken the risk without issues.
Essentially it is a software version of the charging cables with bridged data lines ("charge only") that many buy and have no issues with. I'm just bridging the data lines in software so to speak. The current draw is never increased beyond the phone's spec. The most important thing is that the end user knows the source they are drawing from is capable of providing the current.
I do appreciate your concern for the community and desire to educate everyone. We need more people like you around.
So with that, I guess each individual can make an informed decision on their own. If anyone is still interested in the mod, shoot me a PM if you want to try.
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Yes, you have to set up proper warnings! Because there are always American(no offense) like users who will try to dry their own cat in microwave, because it wasn't prohibited in instructions . They will accuse you with headlines - you didn't say... etc - I know it from my personal work.
This is also usefull for my USB 3.0 ports am i right =D??
Sent from my MI-ONE plus using xda premium
LarsPT said:
I'm guessing it would be more interesting for O2X users to do the opposite! A 'Force USB charging' because from what I see a lot of people get SoD while charging their phones overnight and this might fix it
What do you say Chad? Would you be interested in implementing this feature? I think I would use it!
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+1 for force 500mA mode of this would fix the overnight crashing and massive overheat that follows. I don't know if the problem is related to the current level during charging though.
owain94 said:
This is also usefull for my USB 3.0 ports am i right =D??
Sent from my MI-ONE plus using xda premium
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Your are now showing off?
Ferrum Master said:
Your are now showing off?
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Shhhtt :$
Nah just asking
LarsPT said:
I'm guessing it would be more interesting for O2X users to do the opposite! A 'Force USB charging' because from what I see a lot of people get SoD while charging their phones overnight and this might fix it
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Vadonka and spica come here right now!!
OTF pack idea!
Sent from my LG-P990 using xda premium
forcing usb charge mode sounds like a really good idea
Verstuurd van mijn LG-P990 met Tapatalk
For so many years of using rechargeable batteries, I haven't been a fan of post-purchase "fast charging". But then again, I live in a tropical countries so non-air-conditioned room temperatures come quite warm (especially since we're entering summer now).
I must say that I love the "force USB charging" idea though. I rarely get those, but, it's another troubleshooting possibility for the many users encountering charging/overheating BSODs.
salisbury_steak said:
For so many years of using rechargeable batteries, I haven't been a fan of post-purchase "fast charging". But then again, I live in a tropical countries so non-air-conditioned room temperatures come quite warm (especially since we're entering summer now).
I must say that I love the "force USB charging" idea though. I rarely get those, but, it's another troubleshooting possibility for the many users encountering charging/overheating BSODs.
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also if you charge the battery faster the battery life will be worse then if you charge it slow
so fast and a bit worse battery life
or fast it slow and a bit better life
you can really feel those difference if you live in a country where it is quite hot
you can try it yourself
charge one day using wall charger and charge next day using computer usb you will feel the difference
owain94 said:
also if you charge the battery faster the battery life will be worse then if you charge it slow
so fast and a bit worse battery life
or fast it slow and a bit better life
you can really feel those difference if you live in a country where it is quite hot
you can try it yourself
charge one day using wall charger and charge next day using computer usb you will feel the difference
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Jep Owain is right... I remember old times at my work 6 years ago Nokia 8800 (RM-13), it had a tiny battery and it was the time when chargers changed from impulse type from transformer core types... so with the older slow charger the battery held for 15-30% more. (I suppose the battery is hot, and then the voltage is also artificially higher and in reality it isn't charged to its maximum).
But as I said, don't overdose with it especially with car chargers and motherboards. The phone will be fine. Battery should be changed after a year anyway... it costs for me $10 anyway...
Ferrum Master said:
But as I said, don't overdose with it especially with car chargers and motherboards. The phone will be fine. Battery should be changed after a year anyway... it costs for me $10 anyway...
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Lucky guy. The O2X battery costs roughly US$ 30 here.
So you guys are saying you get an SoD if you charge overnight on AC, but not on USB?
Reading through the battery driver it looks to me that if the battery gets too hot, it swiches to USB charge current, if it continues to be too hot, the charger turns off so I wonder if your issue is somewhere else. Anyone try to record a log (cat /proc/kmsg > /sdcard/kmsg) overnight and see if you get any messages along the lines of:
[OVERHEAT]: Change Charger setting to USB mode
[OVERHEAT]: Deactive Charger
is it good idea to charge my htc one with an samsung 2A charger rather than the 1A ? iss harmful for the battery ? whats the cons and pros
Should be fine; the phone won't take more than 1A. It might only take 0.5A if the data pins aren't shorted.
khaledmhawesh said:
is it good idea to charge my htc one with an samsung 2A charger rather than the 1A ? iss harmful for the battery ? whats the cons and pros
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try searching (sorry not kidding), but there is a thread here in Q&A with similar question, and some very experienced electrical engineer & phone repair dude gave a very long description.
if i remember correctly, the phone won't use anything more than it needs, so going over 1A is OK, the phone will only use the 1A
on the other hand using lower level charges, will over the long term damage the battery.
i'm no expert in this, go searching for it, it was a quite interesting post. (sorry, i didnt bookmark it, if i happen to bump into it, i'll let you know)
Yup you are correct. I know i have answered it a few times in other posts. heck maybe im the phone repair dude your speaking of.. Or not.. LOL
Basically the phones Kernel will not allow the unit to over charge. There is hardware (that talks to the software) that limits the maximum amount of input current. That has been set by HTC at around 1A. So if you hook up a 2A charger your fine as the device will only draw 1A max.
I my self ran across many blackberry playbook tablet chargers dirt cheap and have them at work and home. They work great for charging everything from tiny Bluetooth devices to full blown tablets.
HTC sold us devices with a non removable battery. So they decided to not allow us to charge it to fast to reduce the heat and maximize battery life.
Remember the two most damaging thing to Li-Ion is heat and extreme low voltage.
IAmSixNine said:
Yup you are correct. I know i have answered it a few times in other posts. heck maybe im the phone repair dude your speaking of.. Or not.. LOL
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Sorry, no disrespect was intended , it was a very long post with very technical info, but very interesting and informative.
thank you so much that was really tons of new and helpfull information thx again
nkk71 said:
Sorry, no disrespect was intended , it was a very long post with very technical info, but very interesting and informative.
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NO worries. No disrespect taken. Im glad the info was read and well received.
It looks like the Motorola Turbo Charger is going to be the first Quick Charge 2.0 charger available in the states. Do anyone know if the M8 need a software update for Quick Charge 2.0 to work? 34.99 is not bad if I can charge my phone fully within 15-30 minutes.
What I saw said in 30 minutes of charging, you get 8 hours usage back. My M8 charges in an hour from nearly nothing. And I get about 20 hours a charge.
Just search for 2A chargers. There's one on Newegg that is $5 shipped. I ordered three, one was a dud. Ain't even mad, took its cord and stuck it in one of the others (they all have two ports). Now my wife can charge her phone and her tablet at the same time.
jlouang said:
It looks like the Motorola Turbo Charger is going to be the first Quick Charge 2.0 charger available in the states. Do anyone know if the M8 need a software update for Quick Charge 2.0 to work? 34.99 is not bad if I can charge my phone fully within 15-30 minutes.
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Indeed it does need a software update for QC 2.0 to be enabled. There is a post on this forum from someone who bought the NTT Docomo charger from Japan and it didn't charge any faster than a 1.5A or 2A charger.
Highly Disappointing. I ordered my Motorola charger this morning and didn't realize it would not work without a software update. Very sad.
gjlowe said:
Highly Disappointing. I ordered my Motorola charger this morning and didn't realize it would not work without a software update. Very sad.
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Didn't they already launched that update, to support the feature?
Badelhas said:
Didn't they already launched that update, to support the feature?
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If they did, I missed it. I hope you are right! I'll have to dig around.
Why not ask htc support directly?
I just confirmed with HTC support and we can use whatever quick-charge 2.0 (qualcomm certified) we wish, the phone is already prepared for that. I also asked if and when would they launch one and they said they have no info regarding that .
I would much prefer buying a HTC one than paying 35 bucks for the motorola one.
I was wondering... This charge don't damage battery?
samo sie wyslalo
If it did, would they launch this technology?
It surely limits the number of charge cycles before the capacity dips below 80% of what it started with. The more current the hotter it gets, batteries do not like heat. It accelerates their degradation. I reckon it is not intended for daily charging but to quickly get an 80% charge from time to time.
The Quick-charge only boosts the speed it chargers from 0 to 30 per cent, then it decreases the speed so that dosent happen.
What was the outcome? Will it blend?
Just found out HTC is going to release a charger that will charge any snapdragon 800 and above HTC device; 60% in 30 mins. I may actually get that depending on the price BUT then again I hardly ever need to charge my device more than once a day unless I didn't charge it overnight.
Also Motorola has a quick charger too. Not sure if its faster than the HTC one BUT it is compatible with HTC devices.
I wonder how much faster does it charge than the note 3 charger?
Sent from my HTC One_M8 using XDA Free mobile app
One thing to keep in mind though, charging the battery that fast can actually decrease the battery's life span. a healthy recharge would be a slow one. Yet i can see why some people would need a rapid charger.
This topic should probably go under the accessories.
Shu. said:
One thing to keep in mind though, charging the battery that fast can actually decrease the battery's life span. a healthy recharge would be a slow one. Yet i can see why some people would need a rapid charger.
This topic should probably go under the accessories.
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I agree 100%, its a simple fact in all battery's, faster charging means also less capacity from each charge and faster draining of battery and also shorter battery life in general..
From what I understand, this is not just a case of throwing more voltage and current up it.
The QC2.0 chargers are different. They utilise technology within the charger and the phone, I'm assuming to distribute the voltage and current in a stabilised battery friendly way. You can use a 2a charger on any device and it'll charge a battery quicker but risk reducing battery life. These QC2.0 chargers only charge Qualcomm devices rapidly. So they have to be different to regular chargers.
I'm lead to believe they kick out 9-12v at 2.1a.
Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk
I'd assume HTC would work on trying to not weaken battery life span while charging at quick speeds.
Sent from my HTC6525LVW using XDA Free mobile app
Ndaoud360 said:
I'd assume HTC would work on trying to not weaken battery life span while charging at quick speeds.
Sent from my HTC6525LVW using XDA Free mobile app
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It doesn't matter what software/hardware configuration is in it, as long as it's the same lithium polymer being used it will still be susceptible to stresses like deep discharges, charge voltage, temperature and load currents.
Also, the 60% in 30 min refers to Qualcomm's benchmark tests with a 3300 mAh battery. The M8 has a 2600 mAh batt.
100% in 30 minutes.... I'm drooling. For those long double days.
PcFish said:
It doesn't matter what software/hardware configuration is in it, as long as it's the same lithium polymer being used it will still be susceptible to stresses like deep discharges, charge voltage, temperature and load currents.
Also, the 60% in 30 min refers to Qualcomm's benchmark tests with a 3300 mAh battery. The M8 has a 2600 mAh batt.
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Yea your right. HTC said 40% faster charging.
It's quite a nice idea for people who travel a lot and always be on the way. I feel satisfied with my OEM though, charges a full cycle in 2.5-3 hours and I usually charge it at night so it's not a hassle
Does anyone know if there is any substantive data on whether chargers utilizing quickcharge 2.0 do, in fact, reduce overall battery life? I could see this being useful in some scenarios, but I like the battery life on my M8 and do not want to do anything to jeopardize it.
daboscovellen said:
Does anyone know if there is any substantive data on whether chargers utilizing quickcharge 2.0 do, in fact, reduce overall battery life? I could see this being useful in some scenarios, but I like the battery life on my M8 and do not want to do anything to jeopardize it.
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Not until end users have done extensive testing. Qualcomm and handset manufacturers and accessory manufacturers are hardly going to advertise this information.
I personally do not believe it will affect battery life drastically. As I said before, it's a technology utilising chips and software within the charger and handset. It's not like shoving a 2a or greater bog standard charger up it.
Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk
Chris_c81 said:
Not until end users have done extensive testing. Qualcomm and handset manufacturers and accessory manufacturers are hardly going to advertise this information.
I personally do not believe it will affect battery life drastically. As I said before, it's a technology utilising chips and software within the charger and handset. It's not like shoving a 2a or greater bog standard charger up it.
Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk
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BUT then again phone companies like to make your phone die quicker so you can buy their latest device. I don't HTC would do that so I believe they would try to make the battery stay the same length of time.
Ndaoud360 said:
BUT then again phone companies like to make your phone die quicker so you can buy their latest device.
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Of course, I'm assuming you have evidence of that statement!?
Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk
Chris_c81 said:
Of course, I'm assuming you have evidence of that statement!?
Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk
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It's just been rumored throughout the years. It's like how some companies like Version (rumored again that most people believe) force some manufactures to not have an sd card slot or something like that so people can use cloud storage which means using more data and possibly going over your monthly limit and paying extra per month for overages. Don't know how true it is but all this rumored.
Wife just got a Droid Turbo...I'll try to remember to do a test in the morning and report back...
I use my Samsung 5.3v 2a charger...I go from 0 to 100% in 2 hours that saved me over 30 min charge. Time...
Sent from my SM-P600 using XDA Premium HD app
Can you get this Rapid 2.0 charger by HTC is it out yet? HTC site says out of stock but I didn't know if it was even available yet or if anyone else had it. I tried to google it and couldn't find it anywhere. Someone at work stole my original HTC charger that came with my M8. I know HTC does there 50% off deals too alot on Tuesdays.
Rose4uKY said:
Can you get this Rapid 2.0 charger by HTC is it out yet? HTC site says out of stock but I didn't know if it was even available yet or if anyone else had it. I tried to google it and couldn't find it anywhere. Someone at work stole my original HTC charger that came with my M8. I know HTC does there 50% off deals too alot on Tuesdays.
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yeah they are out already. i bought two earlier this week. I just got them yesterday. haven't had alot of time to test them out. I believe the rapid chargers dont last long on their website. i been trying to buy one for weeks and it wasnt until last monday that i was able to purchase them
Any body know a quality cable to use with it?? My original broke and every syncing cable has been snotty at best
I'm currently having some battery life issues with my Nexus 5x due probably to updates and heavy usage since I just got it. I know there is some controversy regarding what Type-C chargers and cables actually allow for the Nexus 5 to rapidly charge.
Does any one else on the XDA community had any advice past history with good chargers/cables as well as power banks? I primarily want to buy these products on Amazon so I can get them with Prime shipping
TechMadeSimple said:
I'm currently having some battery life issues with my Nexus 5x due probably to updates and heavy usage since I just got it. I know there is some controversy regarding what Type-C chargers and cables actually allow for the Nexus 5 to rapidly charge.
Does any one else on the XDA community had any advice past history with good chargers/cables as well as power banks? I primarily want to buy these products on Amazon so I can get them with Prime shipping
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Basically anything by Anker is a solid call. You can get their products on Amazon. Well-made, quality products from a company formed by a group of friends that worked at Google. Just remember, the Nexus 5X is not QC 3.0 compatible. It's capable of charging speeds up to 3000mAh but there are tons of factors that affect charging speed like CPU temp, battery temp, etc.
Alcolawl said:
Basically anything by Anker is a solid call. You can get their products on Amazon. Well-made, quality products from a company formed by a group of friends that worked at Google. Just remember, the Nexus 5X is not QC 3.0 compatible. It's capable of charging speeds up to 3000mAh but there are tons of factors that affect charging speed like CPU temp, battery temp, etc.
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Thank you for your help with this. This seems like a pretty solid advice so far!
TechMadeSimple said:
Thank you for your help with this. This seems like a pretty solid advice so far!
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I definitely agree with the other person that Anker is your best bet. I currently have 4 Anker cables and I abosolutely love them! I would recommend you get a 10 ft Micro USB cable from anker and then get a micro usb to usb-c adapter from Aukey and you're set! That's what I am using now and haven't had any issues!!
I just got a 10ft type c braided cable from Amazon... Will my Qualcomm quick charge 2.0 base still work for rapid charge or do I need to get an additional charger?
A link would be really helpful if any one had a particular one in mind :good:
TechMadeSimple said:
I just got a 10ft type c braided cable from Amazon... Will my Qualcomm quick charge 2.0 base still work for rapid charge or do I need to get an additional charger?
A link would be really helpful if any one had a particular one in mind :good:
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It'll work but it'll charge at the rate the phone prefers. Probably something close to like 1800 mAh. Any charger will work, it's the speed that matters. You can usually look on the small print of the charger and figure out how fast your phone can potential charge depending on the voltage pulled from the wall.
This charger will work well if you have a USB-C to USB-C cable.
Although I'd probably just recommend something like this charger so you can charge multiple devices with almost any cable. Especially with friends that always seem to forget their wall chargers.
TechMadeSimple said:
I'm currently having some battery life issues with my Nexus 5x due probably to updates and heavy usage since I just got it. I know there is some controversy regarding what Type-C chargers and cables actually allow for the Nexus 5 to rapidly charge.
Does any one else on the XDA community had any advice past history with good chargers/cables as well as power banks? I primarily want to buy these products on Amazon so I can get them with Prime shipping
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Without you telling us what issues you're facing, we can't really tell you much.