The good old days... let's talk about them.
I'll start.
In the good old days, you didn't need terminal emulator... the keyboard typed directly to command line.
In the good old days, mod used to troll in the OT. Not anymore . . .:crying:
In the good old days, OT had a thanks button.
In the good old days we had prehensile tails. Then we came down from the trees and ruined everything.
Continuing on Dirk's topic...
In the good old days, there was no twiddling of thumbs.
In the good old days, the universe was a single, unimaginably hot and dense particle the size of an atom, then the whole big bang thing happened and ruined everything.
Sent from the phalanges of my hand to the facet of your cranium.
In the good old days, Consoles didn't suddenly/easily break down or die.
I have a SNES that still works to this day, despite being kept in the attic
Sent from my ASUS Transformer Pad TF300T using xda app-developers app
It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice.
In the good old days, things weren't always as good as they seem today...
In the good old days tea was served from ceramic pots covered with knitted cosy's.
In the good old would rain once in a while.....then doubts came and ruined everything
Sent from my SGH-T989 using xda premium
In the good old days I didn't know about the internet
Sent from...
why do you care where I sent it from???
In the good old days, OT was worth visiting every day.
deepsagarj said:
In the good old days I didn't know about the internet
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And we used to look each other in the eye and say hell-o how are you?
In the good old days, we could get away with almost anything in off topic and could swear, now we are censored.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus
Odp: The Good Old Days
In the good old times people didn't listen to crap like nicki minaj and bieber.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using XDA App
In the good old day people talked about the good old days
Sent from my SGH-T989 using xda premium
In the good old days multiplayer was held in person
-TeaM VeNuM Like A Boss :flipoff2:
-SoA: Son's of Android™
In the good old days the atari 800, 2600,7800 kicked butt
Sent from my own hell
In the good old days you used to be able to throw your phone at someone, and your phone would come out victorious.
In the good old days, photography was a serious hobby... then mobile phone cameras came and ruined everything.
So I think this is a valid question, how many pairs of head phones have you gone through? I swear I've gone through like 14 or so, probably 6 of them are them damn apple headphones.
So how many have you gone through?
Post your answer as a reply to this post.
Sent from my SGH-T839 using XDA App
Say what you like about apple headphones but they are the only ones I've used for about 5years and I don't see that changing anytime soon.
Never broken a pair but worn plenty out.
Sent From My Fingers To Your Face......
too many to count
Too many but thats about only 4 anyway
Max. (From my Galaxy 2)
I Can't remember the exact number, but all my previous ones are bad quality.
Perhaps it's gods way of telling you to invest in better headphones? My Shure SE530 set are still good after four years.
The Sennheiser HD650 i use at home will last a lifetime without breaking, but then i look after my stuff!
Wow they're nice, but i dont think even them will stand up to how mine are broke (Accidental chewing of them, and washing machine
Max. (From my Galaxy 2)
MacaronyMax said:
Wow they're nice, but i dont think even them will stand up to how mine are broke (Accidental chewing of them, and washing machine
Max. (From my Galaxy 2)
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I couldn't even tell how many times I've accedently put them through the washer, god I hate when that happens!
Sent from my SGH-T839 using XDA App
m1l4droid said:
Um, how you accidentally chew your headphones?
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Probably pets, lol hopefully.
Sent from my SGH-T839 using XDA App
DirkGently said:
Perhaps it's gods way of telling you to invest in better headphones? My Shure SE530 set are still good after four years.
The Sennheiser HD650 i use at home will last a lifetime without breaking, but then i look after my stuff!
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I kept on reading that that Sennheiser is really nice, just can't afford it for now.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
iynfynity said:
I kept on reading that that Sennheiser is really nice, just can't afford it for now.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
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Perhaps not as nice as the Grado RS1 i used to own, but i had to sell those.*
I have a pair Of Senn HD595 just sitting in my drawer gathering dust too. A bit of a waste really.
* Another of life's ironies. (Or punishments). I sold the Grado's when i desperately needed cash for food. Took the money to pay into the Bank and crashed my car on the way. Car was a write off. Ended up worse off, (no headphones and no money), and had to run to and from work, six miles a day, for two years.
Whatever i did wrong in a former life, i've been punished enough already!
m1l4droid said:
Um, how you accidentally chew your headphones?
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He's half Labrador......
Sent From My Fingers To Your Face......
m1l4droid said:
Omg that sucks dirk!
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My life in a nutshell
I often think the entire universe, from Big Bang to present day, was spawned with malice and forethought and the sole purpose of playing one giant, cosmic joke on yours truly.
About 3 good and a dozen of bad quality ones
Sent from my GT-S5570 using XDA App
Too many
Sent from my HTC Desire using xda premium
At least 20. That's why i don't buy super expensive headphones... and sunglasses
Mine get mangled working on the farm, so I buy cheapos for work and have one good pair for everywhere else.
I would say about 10 in two years.
Sent from my SilverBullet 'HTCDesireZ running CM7'
DirkGently said:
Perhaps not as nice as the Grado RS1 i used to own, but i had to sell those.*
I have a pair Of Senn HD595 just sitting in my drawer gathering dust too. A bit of a waste really.
* Another of life's ironies. (Or punishments). I sold the Grado's when i desperately needed cash for food. Took the money to pay into the Bank and crashed my car on the way. Car was a write off. Ended up worse off, (no headphones and no money), and had to run to and from work, six miles a day, for two years.
Whatever i did wrong in a former life, i've been punished enough already!
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DirkGently said:
Perhaps not as nice as the Grado RS1 i used to own, but i had to sell those.*
I have a pair Of Senn HD595 just sitting in my drawer gathering dust too. A bit of a waste really.
* Another of life's ironies. (Or punishments). I sold the Grado's when i desperately needed cash for food. Took the money to pay into the Bank and crashed my car on the way. Car was a write off. Ended up worse off, (no headphones and no money), and had to run to and from work, six miles a day, for two years.
Whatever i did wrong in a former life, i've been punished enough already!
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didnt notice that earlier
That sucks really bad dirk
.. im sorry...
Sent from my GT-S5570 using XDA App
It's all good. Hardship is great for the soul, and it's worked out ok for me i guess, as it usually does.
Remember this.. the things you own, own you!
And the best thing you can do with money is to give it to someone who needs it more than you do!
Sleep well folks.
Talk about the most horrible week/day of your life.
Mine would be this week. Caught a terrible cold. And school is starting this Monday. Way to start a new school year huh. I have only 1 day to get better.. well time to get them Pills..
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda app-developers app
worst day of my life was aug 6th 2006 my 19 y/o sister died in a car crash
fleurdelisxliv said:
worst day of my life was aug 6th 2006 my 19 y/o sister died in a car crash
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Good lord man...I am sorry to hear that.
Sent from your mom.
fleurdelisxliv said:
worst day of my life was aug 6th 2006 my 19 y/o sister died in a car crash
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i have the same feeling bro,
my dad died in october 2 2005 due to a head trauma accident causing hemorrhage to his brain
TheSkinnyDrummer said:
Good lord man...I am sorry to hear that.
Sent from your mom.
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thanks man and that feeling you have never goes away after something like that! you know how ppl always say it will get better over time, it dont. im far from crazy (well in the mental way :silly but i had a dream like two nights after and she was telling me that she tried to breath but cldnt. about two weeks later i was playin xbox and she walked in the room (i wasent high that night lmao) i f*uckin took off running and told her dont scare me like that lol! we were close
deathnotice01 said:
i have the same feeling bro,
my dad died in october 2 2005 due to a head trauma accident causing hemorrhage to his brain
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sry dude it sucks to lose ppl close to you
Grandma dying January this year
fleurdelisxliv said:
thanks man and that feeling you have never goes away after something like that! you know how ppl always say it will get better over time, it dont. im far from crazy (well in the mental way :silly but i had a dream like two nights after and she was telling me that she tried to breath but cldnt. about two weeks later i was playin xbox and she walked in the room (i wasent high that night lmao) i f*uckin took off running and told her dont scare me like that lol! we were close
sry dude it sucks to lose ppl close to you
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I have two daughters, and I'm not a man that prays, but I hope they out-live me. They deserve to out-live me.
Kind of a strange aside....
The last big show I played with a touring band was Aug 11th, 2006...just a few days after you lost your sister.
My second daughter was born Aug 11th, 2010. Aug 11th has become a big day for me.
Sent from your mom.
TheSkinnyDrummer said:
I have two daughters, and I'm not a man that prays, but I hope they out-live me. They deserve to out-live me.
Kind of a strange aside....
The last big show I played with a touring band was Aug 11th, 2006...just a few days after you lost your sister.
My second daughter was born Aug 11th, 2010. Aug 11th has become a big day for me.
Sent from your mom.
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i hope so 2 man bc its hard! i think about that and my lil boy everyday! for a while my mom and dad were not the same ppl it kinda freaked me out a lil but i understood. they are better now and they go to the graveyard and take flowers and stuff but to be honest i think ive been there prob twice its just to much. on a lighter note two girls jesus man i wish you the best lol! so glad i had a boy i didnt wanta have to kill anyone
fleurdelisxliv said:
i hope so 2 man bc its hard! i think about that and my lil boy everyday! for a while my mom and dad were not the same ppl it kinda freaked me out a lil but i understood. they are better now and they go to the graveyard and take flowers and stuff but to be honest i think ive been there prob twice its just to much. on a lighter note two girls jesus man i wish you the best lol! so glad i had a boy i didnt wanta have to kill anyone
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Honestly, if I had a boy, I'd end my own life.
I am well suited to be a girl-dad.
This belongs in the confession thread, but the reality is...I can't stand my nephews.
I've created a bit of a rift in my family because of it.
Weird, because I grew up with two brothers, no sisters.
I love having daughters. I respond better to the emotions they display.
My nephews just bully and punch everything around them and it stresses me the hell out.
Sent from your mom.
TheSkinnyDrummer said:
Honestly, if I had a boy, I'd end my own life.
I am well suited to be a girl-dad.
This belongs in the confession thread, but the reality is...I can't stand my nephews.
I've created a bit of a rift in my family because of it.
Weird, because I grew up with two brothers, no sisters.
I love having daughters. I respond better to the emotions they display.
My nephews just bully and punch everything around them and it stresses me the hell out.
Sent from your mom.
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I just feel like a girl would be so hard bc i had sisters i guess i always felt like they were so needy lol! We had our draft today (8 years all the same guys) and this was the first year familys were invited so i took my lil boy and after we were done the host said i have to tell you your lil boy is so good and so well mannered at two years old its crazy! i was proud bc i hate some bad a$$ kids lol!
fleurdelisxliv said:
I just feel like a girl would be so hard bc i had sisters i guess i always felt like they were so needy lol! We had our draft today (8 years all the same guys) and this was the first year familys were invited so i took my lil boy and after we were done the host said i have to tell you your lil boy is so good and so well mannered at two years old its crazy! i was proud bc i hate some bad a$$ kids lol!
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Sounds like you got a "saint". See what I did thar?
My nephews suck.
My six year old is basically an adult. Handles all her business and does her thing. My two year old has a glass of milk at bedtome and I set her in her crib and she goes to sleep on her own. Almost too easy. Both kids go to bed at 8pm, and they both sleep through the night. They always have.
I'm lucky.
Sent from your mom.
My dad died 2004, really a sad day for me.. we never got along... Kinda late for that.
Sent from my HTC One X with Beats Audio using xda app-developers app
spleetwarts said:
My dad died 2004, really a sad day for me.. we never got along... Kinda late for that.
Sent from my HTC One X with Beats Audio using xda app-developers app
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I haven't seen my dad in 10 years. We never got along either. Hard to say how I'm gonna feel when he dies.
Sent from your mom.
TheSkinnyDrummer said:
Sounds like you got a "saint". See what I did thar?
My nephews suck.
My six year old is basically an adult. Handles all her business and does her thing. My two year old has a glass of milk at bedtome and I set her in her crib and she goes to sleep on her own. Almost too easy. Both kids go to bed at 8pm, and they both sleep through the night. They always have.
I'm lucky.
Sent from your mom.
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A saint for sure feels good to have good kids bc so many folks dont give a crap how they act anymore. But most of the time bad kids have bad parents!!!!!!
fleurdelisxliv said:
A saint for sure feels good to have good kids bc so many folks dont give a crap how they act anymore. But most of the time bad kids have bad parents!!!!!!
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My kids still throw fits and all that, but man, I thank my lucky stars every night that my wife and i are together and are raising our girls together.
On a semi-sad note. My Christmas present this year is to say bye bye to my balls.
Going to get neutered in December, yay!
Sent from your mom.
TheSkinnyDrummer said:
Going to get neutered in December, yay!
Sent from your mom.
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Not exactly something I'd expect one to be happy about lol
The worst day for me was my grandpa's funeral. It all hit me at once and I couldn't stop crying through like the whole thing.
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using XDA Premium.
SteveG12543 said:
Not exactly something I'd expect one to be happy about lol
The worst day for me was my grandpa's funeral. It all hit me at once and I couldn't stop crying through like the whole thing.
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using XDA Premium.
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I was being sarcastic about saying Yay.
Sent from your mom.
TheSkinnyDrummer said:
I was being sarcastic about saying Yay.
Sent from your mom.
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Bad luck Brian.
Gets neutered... girlfriend gets pregnant.
veeman said:
Bad luck Brian.
Gets neutered... girlfriend gets pregnant.
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Well luckily for me, she's my wife.
Sent from your mom.
I have a couple that in my mind are tied to be the worst day(s) of my life:
My 4 year old brother came within hours of death to pneumonia.
My cousin miss carrying for the 4th straight time and almost being forced out of college.
The latter made me develop some pretty bad habits...
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
hey everyone im just venting right now. To after i found my car with all my stuff thrown around. Ipod and gps missing. Mor ethen that tho i had just my lil bro a tv for his birthday and that was also taken. I had meant to take it to my mom earlier in the week but was tired now i have paid the price. the tv was in the trunk and everything was out of sight int he arm rest. I believe in karma but i hope for the best what sucks its the second time at work but at a different store. Just bad luck i guess.
Boo hoo.
Not thread worthy.
Sent from your mom.
Aww that sucks. Take care. Tomorrow will be better
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
If my car was broken into(when I get a car), I would hire an assassin and a detective to find out who did it and then kill him. Not really...
Sent from my Kindle Fire
Never leave anything of value in sight of an oppertunistic thief, who happens to take a glance inside your motor, as he moseys down the street.
In your case this does not seem to have worked.
Instead leave the back seat a total tip of useless crap. Old newspapers, empty candy wrappers and soft drink cans. He will think you are an utter slob, therefore having nothing of worth, and instead move on down to the nice neat and tidy car in front.
annapink15 said:
hey everyone im just venting right now. To after i found my car with all my stuff thrown around. Ipod and gps missing. Mor ethen that tho i had just my lil bro a tv for his birthday and that was also taken. I had meant to take it to my mom earlier in the week but was tired now i have paid the price. the tv was in the trunk and everything was out of sight int he arm rest. I believe in karma but i hope for the best what sucks its the second time at work but at a different store. Just bad luck i guess.
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The arm rest is not "out of sight". I grew up in the hood. Some advice, never know who noticed you and what you left behind in your ride. Hard lesson, but take it like that, a lesson.
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Sent from my VS840 4G using xda premium
keynith said:
Sent from my VS840 4G using xda premium
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Quote of one with wealth. Plus who actually uses there garage to park there car in.
Sent from my SGH-T989 using xda premium
Hope they catch um
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
thank guys i feel better .. going to tryt to contact the property manager because i suspect the new security guard. It is a hard lesson but i dont normally have a tv lying in the trunk haha.. i blame myself for being lazy and not taking it to my moms house earlier. i had a lot fo crap in the back seat nothing was in sight and they took their time picking and choosing what they took. It was a PICKY robber like he took the case of the ipod he had stolen which means he had time and wasnt worried. Yes my next day was better thanks guys
I've been there and it sucks. I had my window busted out and they stole my GPS. Luckily a neighbor heard them bust the window and turned the light on. That scared them off and kept them from taking my backpack which had my laptop and school stuff. I would have been screwed big time cause I had a presentation to do that day at school and if they would have taken the laptop I would have tracked those idiots down myself.
Victor B said:
I've been there and it sucks. I had my window busted out and they stole my GPS. Luckily a neighbor heard them bust the window and turned the light on. That scared them off and kept them from taking my backpack which had my laptop and school stuff. I would have been screwed big time cause I had a presentation to do that day at school and if they would have taken the laptop I would have tracked those idiots down myself.
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oh wow yah it sux i am really hoping for some damn karma haha
Victor B said:
I've been there and it sucks. I had my window busted out and they stole my GPS. Luckily a neighbor heard them bust the window and turned the light on. That scared them off and kept them from taking my backpack which had my laptop and school stuff. I would have been screwed big time cause I had a presentation to do that day at school and if they would have taken the laptop I would have tracked those idiots down myself.
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An then you would'he shot them out of anger, and go to jail for life.
Sent from my Kindle Fire
Josepho1997 said:
An then you would'he shot them out of anger, and go to jail for life.
Sent from my Kindle Fire
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It would have gotten me out of doing presentations
In this drop test the phone survives 2 falls from 4 ft and bounces a few cm. I don't understand why we have some many people complaining about the back, even my phone survives two falls from 2 to 3 ft without case, no a little scratch :S , maybe I'm just lucky... Mmm I don't think so,
Like many other phones the phone doesn't survive face down fall
BTW love this phone. Although I have the little buzzing and rattle, not big deal
C'mon, provide us a bit of insight into what's in the video. XDA isn't a link sharing website. Do you have an opinion? How does this compare to the half a dozen other drop tests that have been posted?
So..... The back survives a a 4 foot drop but yet we have people "supposedly" having theres crap by just setting it on a counter top...
It survived 2 out of 3, which was better than I had expected. The one that did it in (face down) was brutal; it landed flat on the face.
crachel said:
C'mon, provide us a bit of insight into what's in the video. XDA isn't a link sharing website. Do you have an opinion? How does this compare to the half a dozen other drop tests that have been posted?
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Hehehe Sorry, post edited, maybe it's because my English is not really good
It faired pretty well except for that last drop
So... people who would actually use their phone on a day-to-day basis haven't even received their phones, but yet people like this guy is making YouTube video of drop tests? -_- as cool as it is, definitely not fair to the people who want the phone really badly but are unable to get proper stock of it.
I can't believe the back of the phone did better than the front.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2
zephiK said:
So... people who would actually use their phone on a day-to-day basis haven't even received their phones, but yet people like this guy is making YouTube video of drop tests? -_- as cool as it is, definitely not fair to the people who want the phone really badly but are unable to get proper stock of it.
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How's it not fair? One is free to do what they want to their own devices.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Xparent ICS Tapatalk 2
Is very surprised to see the n4 survive the corner n back drop.
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Somairotevoli said:
How's it not fair? One is free to do what they want to their own devices.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Xparent ICS Tapatalk 2
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It's called karma especially for the people who buy N4s when they become available for sale just to sell it again on eBay to maximize their profits.
You would say the same exact thing if you didn't have a N4. I personally have one but I'm not selfish like some people here and put myself in OTHER people's shoes as the General forum of N4 is filled with SHIPPING Threads rather than the actual phone experience itself hands on.
zephiK said:
It's called karma especially for the people who buy N4s when they become available for sale just to sell it again on eBay to maximize their profits.
You would say the same exact thing if you didn't have a N4. I personally have one but I'm not selfish like some people here and put myself in OTHER people's shoes as the General forum of N4 is filled with SHIPPING Threads rather than the actual phone experience itself hands on.
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Nah, I don't get jealous over phones.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Xparent ICS Tapatalk 2
Somairotevoli said:
Nah, I don't get jealous over phones.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Xparent ICS Tapatalk 2
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Jealous? I don't think it's necessary a sense of jealousy. It's more of a problem with Google's inventory and people aren't getting what they wanted to give as a present, or whatever it may be as N7, N10 is having inventory problems as well. I'm done arguing about this though, I can tell that you're already an arrogant person and just don't get what I was saying. Again, I already have one but many people do not due to inventory problems.
Good day sir.
Now you're personally attacking me? You're assuming a lot. Karma. I look at out this way. A drop test gives one an idea of what kind of protection one may need. More like taking one for the team, IMO.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Xparent ICS Tapatalk 2
He can destroy 10 for all I care. His phones to use or wreck.
Sent from my HTC One X using xda app-developers app
Mine slide off of my desk once and I almost shrieked. Fortunately it survived without a scratch.
I wanna see the drop test with Official bumper
I broke mine on the first drop. Slipped off the table during dinner last night, bunch of cracks in the bottom left corner on the back, and front half has one long crack that has made half the touchscreen useless. Sucks. So disappointed, gone back to Galaxy Nexus. I don't have the heart to buy a new one if it's going to break this easily. I can't even count how many times I dropped my Galaxy Nexus with no issue.
Man, that's harsh.
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Emama said:
I wanna see the drop test with Official bumper
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Lol me to, bumper doesn't feel like it would help that much.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app
I'd smoke here if I could. I'm stuck in my room on the 4th floor and the windows are screwed shut with torx 15 security heads. There's a $1000 fine if caught smoking on the property of any hospital in the state of Arkansas...technically any tobacco use, but smoking is what's targeted.
MRSA sucks.
Should get out Friday or Saturday and my focus is going to shift to the Lapdock and Webtop. Stock, custom... I don't care, I just want to use my dock.
Damn i dont know if i can hold that long without a cigarette. Lol That will be like a double pain for me. Lol
Sent from my Atrix HD using ProBAM rom and XDA 4 Premium
Between a nicotine patch and dip it's not that bad.
What really sucks is, except for my finger, is I feel perfectly fine.
This is also the longest I've been apart from my dogs ever, 8 years. Until now the longest we've been apart was 12 hours. 2 days apart is worse than the no smoking.
I just realized you were from southern Arkansas. I went to school at Ouachita Baptist. Small world.
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skeevydude said:
When I was 17 I came home high as hell. My dad pushed me and I tripped over the recliner. He searched me and found my stash. Anyways, a few days later I was at a Christmas Party and me and friends were passing the bong around the room when I looked over and realized I was passing it to my Dad. We've been smoking together since...Especially since I was getting better weed for less money.
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Lmao that is classic Thank god I didn't get caught ever. I quit weed on my 21st bday. And since nothing but Newport's. Lol
Sent from my Atrix HD using ProBAM rom and XDA 4 Premium
Holy crap Skeevydude, you and bmatney are both from arkansas? If you're still in a hospital, depending on which one I might be working right down the road from you lol.
The discussion of illicit substances isn't something that we allow on a family forum.
thread closed