I just traded up from an iPhone 3G to a Europe model Nexus One and am considering rooting for unrestricted access to the App Market (I am using in China), but I wanted to make sure that I've got all my facts straight about the rooting process. My bootloader is unlocked and I have flashed upgrade packages manually before, but everything else appears to be stock.
So first, root access actually only involves installing the Superboot update over the stock ROM, if there is a superboot for that ROM version, right?
This then lets you install apps that require root access (such as Market Enabler or MarketAccess), so if I just wanted unrestricted market access, then this is all that I would have to do, right?
However, getting root also lets me install a custom recovery, which gives me some nifty functions from the recovery boot, such as backing up my phone (does it do anything else? Why does Amon_RA's recovery have Busybox if it already comes with superboot?). It also allows me to install a custom ROM.
So far so good? Am I missing anything?
Are there any other methods to root? I have heard that you can install the SDK and go through ADB to manually do root, but I have not found any detailed information about this method. I have FRF91 OTA, and since there is no superboot for that yet, could I potentially got the ADB route?
Didn't miss anything.
You can go several ways: since your bootloader is unlocked, to save yourself the pain with ADB loop method, which is completely unneeded, you can just use the regular method, skipping the "unlock bootloader" part, which leaves you with "flash custom recovery" part (totally independent) and then just flash whatever ROM you like, pre-rooted. You don't need to flash a rooting file over your ROM, you just can change your ROM to pre-rooted one.
So you are saying that I can flash a custom recovery, then load a custom rom that is pre-rooted?
How do I flash a custom recovery if I am not rooted? I thought that in order to get the recovery you needed to root via superboot?
And I must have a custom recovery in order to have a pre-rooted rom, otherwise the phone will reject the package, right?
So the only thing that prevents root on the Android is the rom and recovery partition's own integrity check for whatever you are flashing? In other words, people can lose root by flashing a stock rom, and you can get root by flashing a pre-rooted rom. I seem to remember seeing some pre-rooted packages saying that you must have previously had root in order for it to work. Is that not correct, then?
hgcrpd said:
I just traded up from an iPhone 3G to a Europe model Nexus One and am considering rooting for unrestricted access to the App Market (I am using in China), but I wanted to make sure that I've got all my facts straight about the rooting process. My bootloader is unlocked and I have flashed upgrade packages manually before, but everything else appears to be stock.
So first, root access actually only involves installing the Superboot update over the stock ROM, if there is a superboot for that ROM version, right?
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Not exactly - root access simply indicates having the su and superuser.apk binaries installed, and the suid bit set on su. But you are close enough. If you are running FroYo, Cyanogen and Lox have published flashable rooters.
You will already need a custom recovery to flash either of these - but since your bootloader is unlocked, a custom recovery does not pose any problem - see below...
hgcrpd said:
This then lets you install apps that require root access (such as Market Enabler or MarketAccess), so if I just wanted unrestricted market access, then this is all that I would have to do, right?
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hgcrpd said:
However, getting root also lets me install a custom recovery, which gives me some nifty functions from the recovery boot, such as backing up my phone (does it do anything else? Why does Amon_RA's recovery have Busybox if it already comes with superboot?). It also allows me to install a custom ROM.
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Couple of points here:
1. No, you don't need root to install a custom recovery - you need an unlocked bootloader. In fact, you have reversed them - you usually need a custom recovery to get root! Since you have that bootloader already unlocked, you can go ahead and install Amon's recovery (or another one) and get what you need to get.
2. Recovery does not use the same shell and variables as /system. Busybox is usually installed in recovery to allow you to run things via ADB or scripts when in recovery mode without manually calling them off of system (something that would be a problem if you were formatting and rewriting system, for example).
hgcrpd said:
Are there any other methods to root? I have heard that you can install the SDK and go through ADB to manually do root, but I have not found any detailed information about this method. I have FRF91 OTA, and since there is no superboot for that yet, could I potentially got the ADB route?
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You need to have the SDK installed (which includes adb) to unlock the bootloader in any case, right? Or did someone unlock the bootloader for you? In any case, I would just install the SDK - it's free, fast and gives you access to fastboot and adb. You need fastboot to install a custom recovery, and adb is useful for lots of things.
And there are plenty flashable root zips for FRF91. You need to first install a custom recovery!
So, if I were you:
1. Install the Android SDK on your computer to get ADB, fastboot and the necessary drivers.
2. Download and flash a custom recovery using fastboot.
3. Reboot into recovery.
4. Copy Lox or Cyan's rooter to your SD card using adb push.
5. On the phone, in recovery, do a nandroid backup!
6. Flash the zip from step 4.
7. Reboot your phone and confirm that you have root - the easiest way is to start up a terminal session and type "su". The Superuser authorization program should pop up and ask you to approve the application's request for root access. Grant it. If the prompt turns from "$" to "#", you have root.
1. No, you don't need root to install a custom recovery - you need an unlocked bootloader. In fact, you have reversed them - you usually need a custom recovery to get root! Since you have that bootloader already unlocked, you can go ahead and install Amon's recovery (or another one) and get what you need to get.
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I see. So the post on modaco is not quite correct when it says that root is a pre-req for Amon_RA's recovery. I'm guessing that's only a pre-req if you flash via a terminal session on the phone? (By the way, is there an official terminal app? The only one I could find was Terminal Emulator.)
You need to have the SDK installed (which includes adb) to unlock the bootloader in any case, right? Or did someone unlock the bootloader for you?
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Bootloader was unlocked when I bought it. The phone is a grey-market item that I purchased here in China, and every grey-market phone that comes in gets modified by the importers in order to add Chinese language support and such. I think that's all they did, since I've been able to do updates and get OTA without a problem.
Thanks! I will give the SDK route a try, if I get time before the superboot for FRF91 comes out.
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evoshift617 said:
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No issues, install TWRP and flash your preferred super user app via TWRP. I choose to use the "clockwork" super user.
Kraizk said:
No issues, install TWRP and flash your preferred super user app via TWRP. I choose to use the "clockwork" super user.
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Root checker says otherwise. My bootloader is unlocked and I have twerp recovery. I tried flashing superSU and superuser and still no root.
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Which version of twrp are you on? I just went from completely locked, not rooted 4.3 to unlocked and rooted 4.3 with twrp 2.6.3 yesterday. After booting into Android after flashing twrp it prompted me to download the SuperSU, which then asked if I wanted to do the twrp install, which then automatically went into recovery, installed, and rebooted. This worked perfectly for me
squattingdonkey said:
Which version of twrp are you on? I just went from completely locked, not rooted 4.3 to unlocked and rooted 4.3 with twrp 2.6.3 yesterday. After booting into Android after flashing twrp it prompted me to download the SuperSU, which then asked if I wanted to do the twrp install, which then automatically went into recovery, installed, and rebooted. This worked perfectly for me
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So making sure I understand you correctly, you went from stock 4.3 unrooted and then unlocked bootloader then installed twrp? If so what method did you use to unlock bootloader and install twrp? I've always used hassoons toolkit and I'm trying to find out if I can do it that way before I mess my phone up. ( touchscreen) I'm trying to find out if there are differences in unlocking and rooting 4.1.2 and 4.3. I can't find a straight answer with all this 4.3 update clutter and guys whining about it. I've read a lot and I'm still confused.
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Yes, I was completely stock 4.3. No unlock or root. Unlocked using HTC tool, then used adb to flash twrp. When you boot back into android, it prompts you to install supersu, which sends you back into twrp and installs. Boot back into android and you're rooted.
Just make sure you flash The older version does not work right
I did flash the and flashed superuser and is on there Like if i was rooted to the point that it cant even be uninstalled. I think it was the outdated files from qbking77.
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I have an htc One running on the Reliance Network. Versions 4.1.2 / 1.29.651.10
It is Bootloader Unlocked with TWRP and root
I have downloaded the mouthful OTA_M7_WL_JB_50_SPCS_Sprint_WWE_1.31.651.2-1.29.651.10_release_326731tcfazf1gnytc7g74.zipOTA_M7_WL_JB_50_SPCS_Sprint_WWE_1.31.651.2
When I try to flash it using TWRP it bombs out as there is no MD5 file.
I have two queries:
1. How do I update the TWRP to
2. How do I install the update.
I prefer to use the fastboot method?
I have downloaded the update to my PC since aborting deletes the file. Also, I have the TWRP on my PC.
Please advise and help.
Check PM
sgiitk said:
I have an htc One running on the Reliance Network. Versions 4.1.2 / 1.29.651.10
It is Bootloader Unlocked with TWRP and root
I have downloaded the mouthful OTA_M7_WL_JB_50_SPCS_Sprint_WWE_1.31.651.2-1.29.651.10_release_326731tcfazf1gnytc7g74.zipOTA_M7_WL_JB_50_SPCS_Sprint_WWE_1.31.651.2
When I try to flash it using TWRP it bombs out as there is no MD5 file.
I have two queries:
1. How do I update the TWRP to
2. How do I install the update.
I prefer to use the fastboot method?
I have downloaded the update to my PC since aborting deletes the file. Also, I have the TWRP on my PC.
Please advise and help.
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You cannot upgrade when your phone is rooted(i got to know from hetaldp)
I upgraded to JB 4.3, it awesome. Touch is Excellent. i too use relaince. there are no issues.
BUT remember you cannot root again, as over i am facing problems,,,
check :
So Please kindly wait, till the root for hTC ONE for upgraded JB 4.3 one Comes...
Are you using Sprint or T-Moile or Version HTC ONE?
To get upgrade installed, please un-root, relock, and then you can perform the update...
[email protected] said:
You cannot upgrade when your phone is rooted(i got to know from hetaldp)
I upgraded to JB 4.3, it awesome. Touch is Excellent. i too use relaince. there are no issues.
So Please kindly wait, till the root for hTC ONE for upgraded JB 4.3 one Comes...
Are you using Sprint or T-Moile or Version HTC ONE?
To get upgrade installed, please un-root, relock, and then you can perform the update...
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It is Sprint, and from Hetal. Unrooting and relocking can be a pain, reloading everything. However, for almost two years I did not do any work on the Android side, so have forgotten everything.
I do not mind a locked phone it I can get to 4.3
Can you please pm me with the unrooting, relocking and the 4.3! Root for 4.3 is inevitable - just a matter of time.
Following the GooManager route I managed to get TWRP installed, except the phone did not reboot. I did check it is
Now the problem of the OTA remains. Maybe I will be forced to follow pm.mohanani's route of relocking. I cannot understand if I relock the bootloader then is not the unrooting automatic!
Also, Mr Mohanani GooManager requires root, so do not bother.
Managed to upgrade to 4.3 using Sprint_HTC_One_m7wls_3_04_651_2_RUU from Android Central as suggested by Hetal. I had to do a <fastbook oem lock> first. No problems except it wiped the data totally. Working fine. I have a few points / questions
1. Booting into Recovery is showing the Red Exclamation in a Triangle. Obviously not working, as in rooted!!
2. The Boot into recovery is showing both [RELOCKED] and S-off.
- Is this the cause?
- As per Hetal S-off means that I can root straight away irrespective of the Relocked status
- I guess OTA to KitKat (when it comes) is also a no go.
- What recovery is suggested TWRP 2.6.3, CWM (version?), or some other. This means that 4.4 will again be a full reload.
- Any fixes?
sgiitk said:
Managed to upgrade to 4.3 using Sprint_HTC_One_m7wls_3_04_651_2_RUU from Android Central as suggested by Hetal. I had to do a <fastbook oem lock> first. No problems except it wiped the data totally. Working fine. I have a few points / questions
1. Booting into Recovery is showing the Red Exclamation in a Triangle. Obviously not working, as in rooted!!
2. The Boot into recovery is showing both [RELOCKED] and S-off.
- Is this the cause?
- As per Hetal S-off means that I can root straight away irrespective of the Relocked status
- I guess OTA to KitKat (when it comes) is also a no go.
- What recovery is suggested TWRP 2.6.3, CWM (version?), or some other. This means that 4.4 will again be a full reload.
- Any fixes?
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There is no need to accept the OTA if you are s-off
bigdaddy619 said:
There is no need to accept the OTA if you are s-off
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Thanks. So I will again wait for the 4.4 RUU to be available on XDA or somewhere, and then install and forget OTA.
The point is recovery. I presume with S-off custom recovery must to be installed.
Do I install TWRP which takes care of root or do you suggest some other route, ie, root (how?) > recovery.
sgiitk said:
Thanks. So I will again wait for the 4.4 RUU to be available on XDA or somewhere, and then install and forget OTA.
The point is recovery. I presume with S-off custom recovery must to be installed.
Do I install TWRP which takes care of root or do you suggest some other route, ie, root (how?) > recovery.
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Install TWRP
Option 1 flash SuperSU or another superuser file and run stock rooted
Option 2 flash a custom rom
Still stuck. I downloaded GooManager, and it will go into download > nowstarting and hang forever. I was advised to go the adb fastboot way, i.e.
download latestTWRP image filethen
adb reboot bootloader
then when I get
ui fstboot
fastboot flash recovery <twrp-recovery-name.img>
and its done.
I downloaded the .img file. Put everything into c:\recovery. Moved there under the command prompt. Plugged the phone into the computer, got both the drives (htc sync manager, and HTCONE) . So the connection was kosher.
Then gave adb reboot bootloader
The adb daemon started, but it found no device.
Obviously I being a noob in this game was missing something.
Also, I hear that the ROMs are available which to not reformat the storage. Are these the Deodexed versions or something.
Also, once in ten calls or so the screen goes totally blank at the end and is pain to restart the phone.
Checked up with
Seems that I am S-off but no rooted! Now what??
After a day or so and some cool thought I think I may have the problem identified. It is likely to be the lack of a root. I tried the following and the responses there from:
adb reboot bootloader
rebooted into bootloader Showing relocked and S-off. No fastboot option in the lower menu!
fastboot flash recovery openrecovery-twrp-
I get
sending recovery <8600kB>...
Okay [ 1.140s]
writing 'recovery'...
FAILED <remote not allowed>
finished. total time 1.170s
Any ideas, and when may I expect root for 4.3. At the moment the phone appears to be working file, but no recovery!! HELP!!
Do I need to unlock again despite S-off. Also, then what is the bitstream I send it from 4.3 - the same as the old one!!
Yes you need to unlock your bootloader again to be able to flash twrp
I did as per the htc route - Do the unlock, reinstalled the OS, download the bitstream, etc, and then the OS reloaded. Still Goomanager could not get TWRP so used the fastboot route and succeeded in downloading it to the phone. Thanks for encouraging me and putting me on the right track.
Now ho to root. Then I may as well get Titanium up!
You can get SuperSU or Superuser from the playstore or install a custom rom.
A very interesting experience. I could not enter bootloader [Down-vol + power was just restarting the phone], even adb devices was drawing a blank. So I decided to do a factory reset from phone. Lo and behold it dropped me into the TWRP screen. I managed to root, restarted to the main Downloaded su checker which completed the root. Confirmed. Then downloaded Titanium with Pro license (I have it) and did a recovery. Also, TWRP Manager (downloaded) is working and I am able to start into bootloader, etc.
When I try and look for upgrades with TWRP installer it says none. I know has been upgraded to Let sleeping dogs lie.
Also, I have not checked with adb devices but I am sure that too will now work.
Thanks, but what is going on. Is it only God and maybe Google know what happened?
Thanks for helping, and keeping me going.
I had more or less decided to revert to 4.1 and do an S-on <fastboot oem writesecureflag 3> and bootloader lock and look for OTA!
Added on 25th November
adb still not recognising the beast. adb devices gets a blank list. Phone is available under Windows so drivers etc are Ok.
A noob question. I saw
Stock Rooted 3.04.651.2 Odex & De-Odexed
Insecure Boot img. init.d support, data/app support
Stock Rooted 3.04.651.2 Odex
Stock Rooted 3.04.651.2 De-Odexed
on the upgrade thread. Now what do the terms Rootedm Odex and De-Odexed mean to the average user. Stock means the basic htc ROM I presume.
Also, rooted means what stages are covered.
afaik to upgrade you lock the bootloader, do the upgrade, and then in normal situations again unlock the bootloader, root and install a custom recovery (TWRP does the rooting - hopefully).
Do these ROMs take care of some or more of these stages?
I have a Dev edition on VZW with an unlocked bootloader, rooted, and CW recovery. Stock ROM, running Xposed.
What should I do so I don't get stuck in a bootloop again?
I've heard all I need to do is flash the stock recovery through ADB. Is this correct?
9kracing said:
I have a Dev edition on VZW with an unlocked bootloader, rooted, and CW recovery. Stock ROM, running Xposed.
What should I do so I don't get stuck in a bootloop again?
I've heard all I need to do is flash the stock recovery through ADB. Is this correct?
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if the only thing you used root for was the xposed stuff, then uninstall all of that stuff, and flash the recovery and you should be good to go.
So, just to be clear we will lose root after the OTA right? Do we also need to do any other stuff like restoring hosts file changed by adblock for instance? Or just flashing stock recovery is fine?
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tejaskary said:
So, just to be clear we will lose root after the OTA right? Do we also need to do any other stuff like restoring hosts file changed by adblock for instance? Or just flashing stock recovery is fine?
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if all you did was run rooted apps, then uninstalling those apps (assuming they uninstall correctly and clean up whatever mess they created) then just flashing stock is fine. If you want to be 100% sure, then flash system.img as well and you will most certainly be good to go.
I'm having trouble locating a stock recovery img.
And is it just fasboot flash recovery.img?
Edit: Nvm, found it.
I have a developer's edition HTC One running stock 4.4.2.
This also means I have an unlocked bootloader but not S-Off.
I flashed the latest build of TWRP over stock recovery using fastboot, and flashed the Superuser zip through it. Although super user is installed and root access is enabled, every time I try to write to system (e.g. installing Busybox) the phone just crashes and reboots. Changes made don't seem to stick either. Same results with a Superuser + Busybox zip flash.
Do I need S-Off or is this a one off problem?
HTC One, 4.4.2, completely stock with TWRP
athiskir said:
I have a developer's edition HTC One running stock 4.4.2.
This also means I have an unlocked bootloader but not S-Off.
I flashed the latest build of TWRP over stock recovery using fastboot, and flashed the Superuser zip through it. Although super user is installed and root access is enabled, every time I try to write to system (e.g. installing Busybox) the phone just crashes and reboots. Changes made don't seem to stick either. Same results with a Superuser + Busybox zip flash.
Do I need S-Off or is this a one off problem?
HTC One, 4.4.2, completely stock with TWRP
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Have you tried changing the kernel, the stock kernel is write protected, I use elementalx myself on dev edition stock Rom