Hi, i flash rom and now i get brick. I also cant get to recovery. When i get to bootloader --> choose recovery, it get me to recovery, but after 1s, the device reboot.
Someone please help me, thanks
You need to download the all in kit for htc one
Then you can flash another recovery, from there you flash your rom like you normally would.
Wich rom you trying to flash?
mariikvt said:
You need to download the all in kit for htc one
Then you can flash another recovery, from there you flash your rom like you normally would.
Wich rom you trying to flash?
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I use toolkit, and flash another recovery but no luck. Still 1s after going to recovery, phone reboot. I am trying to flash ARHD ROM
flashing a new recovery should work, you coudl try to do it manually via FastBoot.
You will need recovery, did it give you any errors with the toolkit?
hth2813 said:
Hi, i flash rom and now i get brick. I also cant get to recovery. When i get to bootloader --> choose recovery, it get me to recovery, but after 1s, the device reboot.
Someone please help me, thanks
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Use the toolkit to erase cache.
Or command 'fastboot erase cache' in fastboot menu.
Sent from my HTC One using xda premium
HTC Vivid
I am new to this so i know I'm probably just doing something stupid. I searched the other forums but i couldn't find what i needed for my phone.
The WiFi on my phone wouldn't work and i read that flashing a new ROM onto the phone could fix that problem. I rooted the phone and tried to flash a ROM. The first ROM i downloaded didnt have a boot.img. So i flashed the entire zip file. I did a factory reset on CWM recovery because i was in a bootoop and now i try to install another ROM it wont work.
I also wiped the cache partition, formated the /cache, /data, and /system following this fourm. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1926754
The ROM still didnt work properly. Help plz???
Unzip rom, take boot.img out of it, and fastboot flash boot.img should get you ready to roll.
Sent from my Vivid 4G using xda app-developers app
it just goes to a black screen on startup. would this be because the ROM isnt finished/working?
When you reboot it just goes to black screen? If I was u just relock the bootloader, and flash stock ruu, than unlock it again, install twrp, flash rom, flash boot.img, wipe cache and dalvik, reflash boot.img, and reboot and you're good to go!
HTC Vivid with Sense 4+ ICS 4.0.4
[email protected] said:
When you reboot it just goes to black screen? If I was u just relock the bootloader, and flash stock ruu, than unlock it again, install twrp, flash rom, flash boot.img, wipe cache and dalvik, reflash boot.img, and reboot and you're good to go!
HTC Vivid with Sense 4+ ICS 4.0.4
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I tried the ruu but when i click open for directions it wont open the instructions ( using hasoon2000s toolkit). Error saying it cant open a url. Try retyping it and try again
airraid823 said:
I tried the ruu but when i click open for directions it wont open the instructions ( using hasoon2000s toolkit). Error saying it cant open a url. Try retyping it and try again
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Ment s off for bootloader not ruu. Sorry
airraid823 said:
Ment s off for bootloader not ruu. Sorry
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I hate when people fail to mention to obvious noobs that they need a stock recovery to run the RUU. I found that out the hard way when I decided to attempt it because I got tired of being stuck in a bootloop.
Help please my phone won't go in recovery I am rooted every thing else works fine so I can'tput a Rom on or any mods aaaahhhh
Should be in Q&A
i have the same problem. i am trying to flash v6.0.3.0 now to see if this is the solution
shino82 said:
i have the same problem. i am trying to flash v6.0.3.0 now to see if this is the solution
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Let me know if it works and how you done it that would be great thanks
Working with flyhalfs touch (CWM) version, everything is fine.
After flashing the recovery u should fastboot erase cache.
If u got no rom on SD u should connect an OTG before booting into recovery and flash zip from external sd.
LG, Helmut
hd2neuling said:
Working with flyhalfs touch (CWM) version, everything is fine.
After flashing the recovery u should fastboot erase cache.
If u got no rom on SD u should connect an OTG before booting into recovery and flash zip from external sd.
LG, Helmut
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erasing the cache solved the problem. thanks helmut!
Mine still not having it it's saying tampered and unlocked any ideas
Flash this
Then flash it from cmd with
fastboot flash recovery CWM_Touch_6.0.2.8_M7.img
fastboot erase cache
If there are still problems, rename CWM_Touch_6.0.2.8_M7.img to "recovery.img" and use the command "fastboot flash recovery recovery.img"
LG, Helmut
Still nothing going to unroot and try again what's the best way to root cause the one I used is crap a link would be great thanks
jaythenut said:
Still nothing going to unroot and try again what's the best way to root cause the one I used is crap a link would be great thanks
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When you flash the recovery.img, was it successful and did you wipe the cache afterward?
Are you able to enter the bootloader then select Recovery, does it try to enter recovery then reboots?
ichi2k said:
When you flash the recovery.img, was it successful and did you wipe the cache afterward?
Are you able to enter the bootloader then select Recovery, does it try to enter recovery then reboots?
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Trys to go into recovery but just restarts i can't get into recovery at all
I get the screen saying unlocked and fast boot and so on you know the one with all the coloured text but won't do anything else
Try flashing a different recovery to the one you have installed.
Sent from my HTC One using xda app-developers app
I seem to be having the exact same problem. Really starting to annoy me, I need to root my phone already haha!
Did you end up getting it to work?
same problem here....tried alle the recommended recoveries, but none worked for me.
When i flashed recovery it says all succeded, then i try to get into recovery, but it still reboots, htc logo appears, than for about 4-5 seconds the screen stays black and then there comes the t-mobile carrier logo and boot sound :/
neothechosenone said:
same problem here....tried alle the recommended recoveries, but none worked for me.
When i flashed recovery it says all succeded, then i try to get into recovery, but it still reboots, htc logo appears, than for about 4-5 seconds the screen stays black and then there comes the t-mobile carrier logo and boot sound :/
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try using my android everything tool to reflash the recovery, if cwm doesnt work, then twrp might!
the tool is in my signature
ricky310711 said:
try using my android everything tool to reflash the recovery, if cwm doesnt work, then twrp might!
the tool is in my signature
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yeah wow...but what is the difference between entering those commands manually in terminal or using your programm?
same problem with swiss HTC One
ricky310711 said:
try using my android everything tool to reflash the recovery, if cwm doesnt work, then twrp might!
the tool is in my signature
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according to the TWRP thread, it doesn't seem to be supported yet
I've got the same problem with the non working recovery. I now tried the CWM Touch AND Classic Recovery v6.0.3.0.
I tried to flash them with the All in One Tool by Hasoon 2000 and also manually with CMD commands (fastboot flash recovery & afterwards fastboot erase cache). It always said flash successful, but it's not able to boot into recovery.
I've got a Swiss HTC One Branded by Swisscom (which seems to use a vodafone CID: VODAP110).
My Build Number is CL162357 release-keys
may that cause the problem?
I somehow got it to work. I didn't make any changes (that I can remember) but I tried it the next day again, booting into recovery with the HTC One (M7) All-In-One Toolkit V1.0, and it just worked!
Hopefully you guys can get it to work somehow too!
HA! I finally got it.
Just don't try to flash recovery as recovery, flash it as a boot img. CWM touch and TWRP was NOT working for me, but normal CWM does.
But it seems to be some issues with ADB, so please wait until i got my Guide ready
neothechosenone said:
HA! I finally got it.
Just don't try to flash recovery as recovery, flash it as a boot img. CWM touch and TWRP was NOT working for me, but normal CWM does.
But it seems to be some issues with ADB, so please wait until i got my Guide ready
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just to be sure:
you used "fastboot flash boot recovery-clockwork-" and it worked?
I don't want to mess up my phone, because I can't backup my current boot.img...
Hey guys I just rooted and flash a rom on my phone lastnight, nwo today i went to boot into recovery to show a friend and when I chose recovery from the bootloader the recovery just flashed on the screen and the phone reboot to the "this phone is for development purposes,,,,,etc" I trying reflashing the recovery using the tool kit and still nothing. Any help would be appreciated.
I just flashed the twrp and it seems to be working again and not the CWM recovery
biglo said:
Hey guys I just rooted and flash a rom on my phone lastnight, nwo today i went to boot into recovery to show a friend and when I chose recovery from the bootloader the recovery just flashed on the screen and the phone reboot to the "this phone is for development purposes,,,,,etc" I trying reflashing the recovery using the tool kit and still nothing. Any help would be appreciated.
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Go into fastboot and command
fastboot erase cache
Then try accessing recovery again...
Edit: or if you're using the toolkit, I think that has an option to erase cache if you can't get the command to work
Sent from my HTC One using xda premium
I just got a brand new HTC One 7 (WWE, CID E_11) after my last one died. Im trying to root it and install a custom recovery to install arhd or insertcoin. I used htc one toolkit for this. Everything seemed to work ok, but after booting the installed rom (ARHD or insertcoin) the phone reboots after i see the login screen. I somehow managed to reinstall my phone again yesterday, as it was a complete (soft) brick.
I used this to return to stock:
Now does anyone know why I get a reboot loop? Does anyone know if i installed this stock rom if I get the normal OTA updates again? And do i need to relock the bootloader for this? I would really like to install stock roms again but I'm a little anxious after yesterday. (I've installed custom roms since the old HD2/HTC desire, and also on my old HTC One M7, never had any problems, I think it has to do with the Hboot).
Hoping to hear from you guys,
best wishes,
Agil1ty said:
I just got a brand new HTC One 7 (WWE, CID E_11) after my last one died. Im trying to root it and install a custom recovery to install arhd or insertcoin. I used htc one toolkit for this. Everything seemed to work ok, but after booting the installed rom (ARHD or insertcoin) the phone reboots after i see the login screen. I somehow managed to reinstall my phone again yesterday, as it was a complete (soft) brick.
I used this to return to stock:
Now does anyone know why I get a reboot loop? Does anyone know if i installed this stock rom if I get the normal OTA updates again? And do i need to relock the bootloader for this? I would really like to install stock roms again but I'm a little anxious after yesterday. (I've installed custom roms since the old HD2/HTC desire, and also on my old HTC One M7, never had any problems, I think it has to do with the Hboot).
Hoping to hear from you guys,
best wishes,
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Flash the stock firmware 5.11.401.10! I think your firmware is mismatched.
By flashing the firmware after installing the Rom I might fix the bootloop? Or is the stock firmware necesarry to go back to stock? Sorry bit confused, thanks for your response btw
Sent from my HTC One using XDA Free mobile app
Agil1ty said:
By flashing the firmware after installing the Rom I might fix the bootloop? Or is the stock firmware necesarry to go back to stock? Sorry bit confused, thanks for your response btw
Sent from my HTC One using XDA Free mobile app
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Flashing the firmware might fix the boot-loop, since you flashed the stock rom! If it does stop the boot-loops, you can re-install TWRP or CWM to get the custom recovery.
Agil1ty said:
By flashing the firmware after installing the Rom I might fix the bootloop? Or is the stock firmware necesarry to go back to stock? Sorry bit confused, thanks for your response btw
Sent from my HTC One using XDA Free mobile app
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when using a sense custom rom you need to make sure you use twrp recovery, do not use the toolkits, most of the time they are out of date and not updated, this would explain the bootloops, take the time to learn how to use adb and fastboot, you'll never look back.
nothing to do with the firmware and no need to flash it, if your firmware was knackered, you would have a hard brick.
Seanie280672 said:
when using a sense custom rom you need to make sure you use twrp recovery, do not use the toolkits, most of the time they are out of date and not updated, this would explain the bootloops, take the time to learn how to use adb and fastboot, you'll never look back.
nothing to do with the firmware and no need to flash it, if your firmware was knackered, you would have a hard brick.
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First of all thanks for the quick response. I know how to use adb and fastboot (at least I think).
If i would (in this order) do the following, would that be correct?:
unlock using htdev
Flash twrp using fastboot command: "fastboot flash recovery recovery.img" (naming twrp = recovery.img)
reboot bootloader
Flash SuperSU.zip in TWRP
reboot twrp
flash custom rom (ARHD).
The thing is it isn't a normal bootloop (which normally would come with the HTC logo all the time)
It reboots when I try to setup the phone (in the setup menu). Restoring the phone with the link in the OP, ive recoverd my phone, but I would still love to use custom roms again.
Agil1ty said:
First of all thanks for the quick response. I know how to use adb and fastboot (at least I think).
If i would (in this order) do the following, would that be correct?:
unlock using htdev
Flash twrp using fastboot command: "fastboot flash recovery recovery.img" (naming twrp = recovery.img)
reboot bootloader
Flash SuperSU.zip in TWRP
reboot twrp
flash custom rom (ARHD)
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unlock using HTC Dev
flash TWRP
fastboot erase cache
fastboot reboot-bootloader
enter recovery
no need to flash super user it will be included in the rom you flash
flash custom rom, or stock reset rom, if its not rooted, twrp will ask you if you would like to root upon exit.
Seanie280672 said:
unlock using HTC Dev
flash TWRP
fastboot erase cache
fastboot reboot-bootloader
enter recovery
no need to flash super user it will be included in the rom you flash
flash custom rom, or stock reset rom, if its not rooted, twrp will ask you if you would like to root upon exit.
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It seems that insertcoin had a problem in it's installer:
the changelog says: Fixed SuperSU install (might solve the sudden reboot issue in SetupWizard)
It left me without any rom to install, so i had to sideload ARHD, which it didnt want to install via sideload... The next step I isntalled stock again, which I'm using right now.. but I miss xposed framework and other tweaks too much..
I'm gonna try to unlock it again this afternoon and install insertcoin again, but this time ill make a backup first. Does installing the recovery wipe anything?
Agil1ty said:
It seems that insertcoin had a problem in it's installer:
the changelog says: Fixed SuperSU install (might solve the sudden reboot issue in SetupWizard)
It left me without any rom to install, so i had to sideload ARHD, which it didnt want to install via sideload... The next step I isntalled stock again, which I'm using right now.. but I miss xposed framework and other tweaks too much..
I'm gonna try to unlock it again this afternoon and install insertcoin again, but this time ill make a backup first. Does installing the recovery wipe anything?
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no it doesn't wipe anything, but you can use xposed and its tweaks on stock rom, you just need to root first, just install TWRP, enter recovery and again upon exit it will offer to root stock rom for you.
Finally decided to root my own device to find out that the recovery is not working when I try going into it on the bootloader mode. It is a rooted device and I've tried flashing the twrp recovery through the command prompt and also through the flashify app. It only works when I try booting in from the flashify app but doesn't work through the bootloader, when trying it through the bootloader i select the recovery and the phone turns off. Anyone have a clue of how I could try to make it work, I would appreciate any help. Thanks
Blue.F150 said:
Finally decided to root my own device to find out that the recovery is not working when I try going into it on the bootloader mode. It is a rooted device and I've tried flashing the twrp recovery through the command prompt and also through the flashify app. It only works when I try booting in from the flashify app but doesn't work through the bootloader, when trying it through the bootloader i select the recovery and the phone turns off. Anyone have a clue of how I could try to make it work, I would appreciate any help. Thanks
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Looks like a system error which can be solved only if you flash the factory image again
which command did yu use "fastboot flash recovery (twrp File name ).img
If it didn't work, flash cwm and then twrp 8.6.0. Maybe it'll work Or flash twrp img while ur in twrp itself. Or download advanced reboot if ur using stock rom.
james11705 said:
Looks like a system error which can be solved only if you flash the factory image again
which command did yu use "fastboot flash recovery (twrp File name ).img
If it didn't work, flash cwm and then twrp 8.6.0. Maybe it'll work Or flash twrp img while ur in twrp itself. Or download advanced reboot if ur using stock rom.
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Yea it was the fastboot flash recovery trwp.... then tried it and didnt work. Thanks I'll try out the other options you gave me. I tried reflashing stock everything and booting into recovery now it didnt work again with the stock recovery.
Blue.F150 said:
Yea it was the fastboot flash recovery trwp.... then tried it and didnt work. Thanks I'll try out the other options you gave me. I tried reflashing stock everything and booting into recovery now it didnt work again with the stock recovery.
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Like flashing the full firmware? It should work, because something is wrong with ur recovery system.
james11705 said:
Like flashing the full firmware? It should work, because something is wrong with ur recovery system.
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I have the same problem. Flashed the stock firmware. Then flashed TWRP in fastboot, but whenever i select recovery from the fastboot menu, the phone just shuts off. Only way to get into recovery is by Flashify app too...