Rom Advice - Auto Updates with Encryption - One (M7) Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I have a T-Mobile HTC One and I am looking for some advice for a good stable rom that I can update with device encryption enabled. My work forces an encryption policy in order to receive company mail and communication to my phone.
I'm currently using Android Revolution 11.5 and every time I want to update it I need to wipe the device to remove encryption. It's a real PITA.
I am a long time Cyanogen mod user and I know that it's built in updater will work with the encryption but I am really liking my current sense based rom and I am hoping that I can keep it (sense 5+). Any advice or suggestions?
Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk 4 Beta


Question regarding newest RUU

So I'm running Fresh Toast v2 Beta 2.
It's on software version 2.20.651.1
I've been trying to run the latest version of Fresh Toast v2.1, which is off of software version 2.27.651.5
The thing is, I've been getting all sorts of problems with the latest Toast release. People app keeps crashing, phone keeps FC'ing every time I make a call. Pro Launcher keeps freezing...
I curently have all the goodies. OC'd / A2SD etc.
My phone is running like a dream, but I wondered if I'm missing something somewhere ?
THere is something odd not happening. In my people app on my current ROM, the last time Facebook updates were updated seems to be around 27th May. I keep refreshing, but nothing updates. My facebook app obviously does, but my people app doesn't. Weird.
Any suggestions ?
Did you wipe beforehand? Any roms based on the final build (2.27) need a wipe if you're coming from a leak build (2.20).
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[New ROM] My Touch 4g Slide Transplantation 3D Rom Beta 1

I'm just posting this rom info as i saw it on i am not the author of this rom !!
Official Thread :
Translation of the post :
This ROM is based MyTouch 4G Slide ported, then, they migrate to IS on the top to DHD
Storm Digital Band of Brothers again to share a new experience a new interface, the ROM
This ROM is faster, and make much of a change.
Note that this version is the trial version
The problem is not currently perfect: keyboard lights do not fix (this is not a problem, we were lighting it slowly!)
3G signal is displayed as 4G, this should also not difficult
There are more English not finished and this slowly, not be difficult ..
Oh ..
If you want to modify. Like finished, finished I want you to share the good things pass me chanting.
Also after the DS version of the IS version of the complete update soon!
Based on this rom :
Screenshots :
Download Link :
Supposedly there will be a update tomorrow !! thats al i know njoy !!
this is a port of this desire hd rom
i kinda like it
I like the rom too, the only thing that has always bothered me about it has been the "bubble icons", I wish some dev's would include a patch or an option to disable the look.
Thanks for the link
Downloading now
From Fengbao Android Rom Team......
WiFi not working....
ehsan76 said:
Thanks for the link
Downloading now
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Ok just tested this Rom and have to say its much smoother then the Sensation Sense 3
I have left a message on MDJ's original DHD thread requesting him to release this Rom for Vivo as well
Now lets come to the problems in this Rom.
WiFi not working out of the box. I was getting error while starting the WiFi so I installed MDJ's V2 Kernel and that started the WiFi, it finds the networks and lets you select your network but just stay at obtaining IP address and never past that point.
Tried re-flashing it a couple of times but no use
Cellular network is not stable either and it just loose signal completely after every couple of mins
It supports EXT3 file system only and if you have EXT4 on your system the Rom installation will convert it to EXT3 and later converting it to EXT4 will not boot your phone and you'll either have to convert it back to EXT3 or reflash
Apart from these the Rom looks very promising and I would love to use it as my regular Rom once MDJ releases it here
Thank Fengbao Android Rom Team......
Yeah well done Fengbao. It looks like a great ROM and I'd love to give it a go once all the issues are ironed out.
Hi, does anyone have another link/mirrror for this rom?
Is this ROM gone get an official port with dev support?
Sent from my HTC Incredible S using XDA Premium App
ugly rom :S
so anyway, i got this running on my IncS, by combing both the roms, IncS 2.30.405.1 boot image, error on wifi, swapped out wifi module in /system/lib/modules with one from IncS 2.30.405.1, now wifi gets stuck on obtaining ip address. Ill need permision from virtuous team to post...
and no backlights
ali3nfr3ak said:
so anyway, i got this running on my IncS, by combing both the roms, IncS 2.30.405.1 boot image, error on wifi, swapped out wifi module in /system/lib/modules with one from IncS 2.30.405.1, now wifi gets stuck on obtaining ip address. Ill need permision from virtuous team to post...
and no backlights
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Nice work mate. How are you finding the UI. Looks a little different with the transparent borders around the icons.
can you update it to beta 2?
im looking forward to it !
download link
Just installed Beta2 and its too buggy to be used.
Getting FC on almost everything.
Will wait for this to be release officially for Vivo to try again.
Just flashed it, I was shocked at how good it was. Yeah, I got a couple of FCs here and there and WiFi didn't work, but for a beta 2, it's pretty nice!
any news or newer updates on this? tried reading that forum with google translate ended up being a huge fail
I love this rom so much
so is there arabic support for this rom please??? i want arabic support
I'm sorry for my english

Flashing 4.2.2 over 4.3

Hi guys,
I just want to ask if it is possible to flash any 4.2.2 Rom over a 4.3 one without changing the Bootloader or Modem (as far as I know kernel there are no other things updated in 4.3 except some features in stock Rom and kernel). I'm sorry if there is a thread like this one out there but I couldn't find it on my phone app
Thanks in advance for your time and help
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app
Now why would you do that? It's like installing windows ME over Windows 7
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 4
It's because I like to have all the possibilities to personalise nz phone, and Roms like MIUI won't get 4.3 support in the next time it's just my opinion
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app
4.3's stock kernel sucks hard. I've experienced "unexpectedly closed" errors with certain apps and the device sometimes reboots itself without apparent reason. Had to flash the latest franco's nightly kernel in order to get this faulty release somewhat stable.
Nice GoinGoogle.
It is possible with custom recovery, not possible with fastboot without updating the bootloader. You may use any modem. You need 4.3 kernel.
EDIT: my bad, it was other way around. Yes, it is possible.
4.3 stinks like hot garbage. I'm not upgrading, and I'm going to downgrade my new N7 to 4.2.2 if possible. 4.3 is like windows ME.
I still have 4.2.2 on my N4 and have only tried 4.3 on my Kindle Fire. From my experience I have little interest in upgrading my N4 for the time being, since 4.3.x will likely fix all the JSS and JWR issues.
Fatherboard said:
4.3's stock kernel sucks hard. I've experienced "unexpectedly closed" errors with certain apps and the device sometimes reboots itself without apparent reason. Had to flash the latest franco's nightly kernel in order to get this faulty release somewhat stable.
Nice GoinGoogle.
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I think your problem is caused by your usage pattern / apps which are not updated for 4.3, combined with unstable root. Don't blame Google unless you experience the same behaviour on unrooted stock.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 4
I experienced those crashes while on stock, even with google applications. that's a faulty release, not faulty device nor usage. for god sake, even "settings" menu has "unexpectedly closed" on me once.
Misledz said:
Now why would you do that? It's like installing windows ME over Windows 7
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 4
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I think it'd be more like going back to Windows 7 Sp1 from Windows 8
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 4
I have had totally different experience with 4.2.2. To be honest I didn't like it at all. I didn't find it as "rock solid" as many other users here. (I came from Galaxy Nexus. Android 4.2 compared to really rock solid jzo54k 4.1.2 was imo buggy as hell. It didn't bring any performance boost but rather did the opposite: BT, WIFI issues, mem leak etc.) Plus I found this low touch sensitivity extremaly irritating. I use rooted stock 4.3 and so far I haven't noticed any bigger issues. Even if I do I really don't see a point to go back to still buggy 4.2.2. I think my device performs much better on 4.3. Maybe it's just a placebo effect, but it feels snappier and smoother. Just my subjective opinion.
Of course I do understand people that miss their favorite custom roms, whose 4.3-versions are still unavailable.
4.2.2 had and has clearly wifi/bt issues (major data stalls, difficulties in re-enabling bt after 20-30 hours of uptime).
These issues were solved. however, I'd expect 4.3 to be as stable as it can be, especially when it took more than 5 months for its release. Unfortunately, that's not the case. not even close, which is rather embarrassing.
I really was expecting for iOS-like smoothness and stability by now.
Fatherboard said:
4.2.2 had and has clearly wifi/bt issues (major data stalls, difficulties in re-enabling bt after 20-30 hours of uptime).
These issues were solved. however, I'd expect 4.3 to be as stable as it can be, especially when it took more than 5 months for its release. Unfortunately, that's not the case. not even close, which is rather embarrassing.
I really was expecting for iOS-like smoothness and stability by now.
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Maybe that's been your experience but my experience has been the exact opposite. It's made my N4 even more of a pleasure to use. It's smoother, snappier, and battery life is amazing. Mind you, I've never really had any problems with 4.2.2 except maybe GPS locking problems, which 4.3 solved. The only real problem with 4.3 is this whole JWR/JSS nonsense.
Fatherboard said:
4.2.2 had and has clearly wifi/bt issues (major data stalls, difficulties in re-enabling bt after 20-30 hours of uptime).
These issues were solved. however, I'd expect 4.3 to be as stable as it can be, especially when it took more than 5 months for its release. Unfortunately, that's not the case. not even close, which is rather embarrassing.
I really was expecting for iOS-like smoothness and stability by now.
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Not sure what's going on your end but my phone has been rock solid with no FCs at all since upgrading to 4.3 using the factory image (I never go the OTA route)
In case you're both running a stock 4.3 (unrooted), you're more than welcomed to run "angry gran run - running game" by ace viral and watch it boldly & proudly crash. If not on beginning, after few minutes. Just only one example out of many.
Not sure if this is the right place but here goes.
I am on AOKP milestone 1 might update to milestone 2 soon. But what do I have to keep in mind when making the jump to 4.3? Will I be able to downgrade later without problems? I dont understand the modems and bootloader stuff. Plus if I flash 4.3 I will lose root, so how do I flash 4.3 without loosing root? do I root the phone again after flashing? or is there a shortcut?
DeepPurple15X said:
Not sure if this is the right place but here goes.
I am on AOKP milestone 1 might update to milestone 2 soon. But what do I have to keep in mind when making the jump to 4.3? Will I be able to downgrade later without problems? I dont understand the modems and bootloader stuff. Plus if I flash 4.3 I will lose root, so how do I flash 4.3 without loosing root? do I root the phone again after flashing? or is there a shortcut?
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You can flash a 4.3 rom in recovery, but its recommended to flash radio and bootloader in recovery.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app
DeepPurple15X said:
Not sure if this is the right place but here goes.
I am on AOKP milestone 1 might update to milestone 2 soon. But what do I have to keep in mind when making the jump to 4.3? Will I be able to downgrade later without problems? I dont understand the modems and bootloader stuff. Plus if I flash 4.3 I will lose root, so how do I flash 4.3 without loosing root? do I root the phone again after flashing? or is there a shortcut?
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Android 4.3 ROMs require radio version .84 (or a hybrid 27/84 or 33/84 radio) and bootloader version makoz20i. As Thibaultvw points out radio version .84 and bootloader version makoz20i are both available as flashable zip files and should both be installed before installing a 4.3 based ROM. In addition, Android 4.3 requires SuperSU version 1.51 for working root privileges.
After upgrading the radio and bootloader for Android 4.3, you can restore or install an Android 4.2.2 ROM without changing the bootloader or radio.
frajobs said:
Hi guys,
I just want to ask if it is possible to flash any 4.2.2 Rom over a 4.3 one without changing the Bootloader or Modem (as far as I know kernel there are no other things updated in 4.3 except some features in stock Rom and kernel). I'm sorry if there is a thread like this one out there but I couldn't find it on my phone app
Thanks in advance for your time and help
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app
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Give it a hard go bud lemme know how it works!

[Q] Bypass Exchange Security Sense 5.5?

Does anyone know if there is an updated Bypass Exchange apk for Sense 5.5? I was using OMJ Bad Boyz Rom, Sense 5.0 and the mod pack worked to disable it. It no longer works with the upgrade to Sense 5.5. I use it to bypass the forced SD card encryption for my work email. In the meantime, I just went back to the previous install of OMJ.
Insert coins ROM has it for sense 5.5. Check it out. Works for me.
Sent from my HTCONE using Tapatalk

[Q] WiFi calling stock rooted ROMs ETA?

hello, i was just wondering if anyone had an eta on a stock rooted rom with the latest wifi calling feature... i would really like to try this out... thanks
AntDroid25 said:
hello, i was just wondering if anyone had an eta on a stock rooted rom with the latest wifi calling feature... i would really like to try this out... thanks
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First off, you never ask for ETAs.
Second, these have been available for quite a while, if you know where to look. There's an HK Edition stock rooted right in the Development forum, and a regular stock rooted here.
Don't forget to update your firmware first!
P.S. Once you enable and connect WiFi Calling, your hardware GPS will cease locking on to satellites so navigation will be next to impossible. Workaround is to disable WiFi Calling, update profile and reboot. But you'll have to do that after anytime your WiFi Calling has been active. HTC and Sprint are currently looking into the issue.
cool, thanks for the fast reply Captain_Throwback
I updated to captains latest stock rooted rom last Sat. Wifi calling works great. Was a clean install of the rom and of course updated firmware. I really haven't had any desire to run a custom rom. Captains stock is super stable and of course with root access I can do enough customizing. Thanks captain
Sent from my HTC One M8 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app

