Does anyone know if there is an updated Bypass Exchange apk for Sense 5.5? I was using OMJ Bad Boyz Rom, Sense 5.0 and the mod pack worked to disable it. It no longer works with the upgrade to Sense 5.5. I use it to bypass the forced SD card encryption for my work email. In the meantime, I just went back to the previous install of OMJ.
Insert coins ROM has it for sense 5.5. Check it out. Works for me.
Sent from my HTCONE using Tapatalk
The dialer issue is still present with stock 2.3.5 sense 3.0, which is super annoying.
Of course unticking the mute incoming calls when phone face down option which resolves the issue is enabled by default and cannot be changed.
I didn't expect this coming.
For those who doesn't know what I am talking about:
Sent from my HTC Incredible S using XDA App
Could anyone confirm if they have the issue or not. Thanks.
Sent from my HTC Incredible S using XDA App
I have can confirm this problem persists after installing the latest OTA. It's hard to believe they didn't fix it in months.
RicarduZonta said:
Could anyone confirm if they have the issue or not. Thanks.
Sent from my HTC Incredible S using XDA App
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I also saw the symptoms you described the short time I had 3.08.405.3 loaded and running. The funny thing is it didn't seem to start consuming the battery, in fact I was getting awesome battery usage during the 14+ hours I had it loaded. I still had over 75% battery left before I restored my nandroid backup and went back to 2.30.405.1. 2.3.5 also has some issues with Microsoft Exchange syncing that was driving me crazy plus this dialing issue made my decision easy. Now to wait for CM 9 and ICS...
I just noticed this dialer issue this morning, on sense 3.0 official rom, unrooted phone.
I had this issue on sense 2.1 initially, but I think it was resolved cos I hadn't noticed it for quite a while. But this newer 3.0 brings it back again?! have no idea what is going on...
Hope we will have a solution soon.
It was never resolved. This issue only comes up if you make or recieve a call. So if you restart your phone and don't make or recieve a call for a day, the issue won't come up.
tpbklake said:
I also saw the symptoms you described the short time I had 3.08.405.3 loaded and running. The funny thing is it didn't seem to start consuming the battery, in fact I was getting awesome battery usage during the 14+ hours I had it loaded. I still had over 75% battery left before I restored my nandroid backup and went back to 2.30.405.1. 2.3.5 also has some issues with Microsoft Exchange syncing that was driving me crazy plus this dialing issue made my decision easy. Now to wait for CM 9 and ICS...
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RicarduZonta said:
It was never resolved. This issue only comes up if you make or recieve a call. So if you restart your phone and don't make or recieve a call for a day, the issue won't come up.
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OK, here is an update that I have experienced on my IncS. As I mentioned in my OP, I was seeing the symptoms of the HTC Dialer consuming battery usage after making a call when I flashed the Sense 3.0/2.3.5 RUU, so I restored a 'nandroid' backup and went back to Sense 2.1/2.3.3, but I was left with the HBOOT 2.00 and the newest radio.
I then used dsixda's HTC Kitchen and built a Sense 3.0/2.3.5 rooted ROM from the 3.08.405.3 RUU and 'upgraded' my Sense 2.1/2.3.3 install using this ROM and I am no longer seeing the HTC Dialer issue and my battery life is at least as good as it was on Sense 2.1/2.3.3 (still have 64% left after 27 hours of use).
Bugs the hell outa me.
With the 2.3.5 sense 3 ota installad, am I able to root the phone and install a custom rom?
Sent from my HTC Incredible S using XDA App
RicarduZonta said:
Bugs the hell outa me.
With the 2.3.5 sense 3 ota installad, am I able to root the phone and install a custom rom?
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Yes you can by unlocking HBOOT 2.00.0000 at and then you can install a custom recovery such as ClockworkMod or EXT4 and then flash a custom ROM. Once you flash the custom ROM, you will then manually need to flash the boot.img file contained in the custom file using FASTBOOT mode.
Check the sticky post in this section.
Thank you!
Sent from my HTC Incredible S using XDA App
thank you for reply
I have a T-Mobile HTC One and I am looking for some advice for a good stable rom that I can update with device encryption enabled. My work forces an encryption policy in order to receive company mail and communication to my phone.
I'm currently using Android Revolution 11.5 and every time I want to update it I need to wipe the device to remove encryption. It's a real PITA.
I am a long time Cyanogen mod user and I know that it's built in updater will work with the encryption but I am really liking my current sense based rom and I am hoping that I can keep it (sense 5+). Any advice or suggestions?
Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk 4 Beta
Im running ARHD 20.2 on my HTC one. S-Off and Bulletproof kernels. I just wanted to know if we can replace the HTC Sense 5.0 dialer with the stock 4.3 one. the google edition one in other words. I really dont wanna switch roms. i wanna keep using the ARHD as it seems to run the most stable on my phone as of yet. i just wish to use the stock dialer with it? can someone help? thanks!
Yes it is on the Play store
Hello, I installed the new Rom with sense6 and the toolbox won't work I tried to search for solutions and did what was written,but unfortunately nothing seems to work. I get sense 5 stop working . Any ideas ?
I believe in the OP they say toolbox doesn't work yet.
It's Sense !5! Toolbox.
Wait until Sense 6 Toolbox will be released.
Sent from my HTC ONE
Hi there, i need a lil help,
I have an htc one which i ran on stock up until now. Yesterday i installed OTA sense 6 through zip and I wanted to have knock on feature with it, so i rooted after OTA, installed TWRP and flashed bulletproof kernel, everything is running smooth exceptthe scrolling is ****ed up pretty bad, by scrolling i mean scroll down in Apps like Chrome, Forums, Facebook,Blinkfeed etc. To be more specific when i scroll down fast n press my thumb to stop it at certain place, it wont stop n keep going as if touch is not working. Also sometimes it just scrolls to top abruptly, it is really making the sense experience bad for me n i cannot figure out problem, if any one can help i will be thankful, n my rom is stock europe version for htc__001 and bulletproof 14.2 ( I guess thats the latest) and i cant post the problem in bulletproof thread because I am new :S Please help!
Sent from my HTC One using XDA Free mobile app
adeelazmat said:
Hi there, i need a lil help,
I have an htc one which i ran on stock up until now. Yesterday i installed OTA sense 6 through zip and I wanted to have knock on feature with it, so i rooted after OTA, installed TWRP and flashed bulletproof kernel, everything is running smooth exceptthe scrolling is ****ed up pretty bad, by scrolling i mean scroll down in Apps like Chrome, Forums, Facebook,Blinkfeed etc. To be more specific when i scroll down fast n press my thumb to stop it at certain place, it wont stop n keep going as if touch is not working. Also sometimes it just scrolls to top abruptly, it is really making the sense experience bad for me n i cannot figure out problem, if any one can help i will be thankful, n my rom is stock europe version for htc__001 and bulletproof 14.2 ( I guess thats the latest) and i cant post the problem in bulletproof thread because I am new :S Please help!
Sent from my HTC One using XDA Free mobile app
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I did everything you did but I did not install bulletproof. I hope you backed up everything and restore it. Try elementalx with sense 6 tool kid once you fix your phone. It's the same as bullet proof but for sense 6