SuperCID and OTA's - One (M7) Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I have an unlocked Australian HTC One which I flash the Google Edition RUU with, I then put on SuperCID and have flashed the developer edition RUU to get back to basically what I had before of getting OTA's from HTC. I have received a notification to install a new version and it rebooted into the installer then kept rebooting a few times then booted into Android and said it had successfully updated my phone, but it is still there in setting telling me to update, do I need to remove SuperCID to get updates?

Did you change the mid?


[ADVICE] Trading Black for Silver tomorrow; owner wants stock Sense experience but...

He's not very techy and isn't into the rooting scene so he wants the stock Sense experience. The phone is 32GB AT&T rooted & s-off and CID to be recognized as the Dev Edition. If I just flash the newest stock 4.2.2 is that still fair to the new user?
Will he receive OTA updates with ANY currently available 4.2.2 or should I change the CID back to AT&T, flash the stock ODEX ROM & lock the boot loader and leave s-off? Or do I need to restore s-on for OTA?
Set the Cid to att, run an ruu, set back to s on and lock bootloader using revone so it shows locked not relocked Then he can get ota and it's fully stock
Sent from my Tricked out HTC One

[Q] Just got OTA with SuperCID. How?

Ok here is what I had previously done to my phone
Unlocked bootloader
removed 'tampered'
CID 11111111
ROM was stock and was on 129.xxxx (401)
Phone was originally had CID of ORANG001
Now I installed stock recovery and put CID to HTC__001 but only got the 217.xx update then kept getting the message that my phone is up to date. Knowing this was not true, tried lots of things from here but still not update
Last night, I downloaded the WWE shipped RUU from here and 'downgraded' the phone. All was ok and I went to software updates, which had 129 xx available. I updated, rebooted then got the 'small' update (217.xx i think), rebooted and finally got the 224.xx update available. I installed, rebooted and all was fine
Thing is, how did I get OTA with SuperCID? I thought it couldn't happen?
Phone was obviously back to stock to re-rooted and all is back to normal with 224.xx software
Most likely if you changed that cid when they pushed an ota the network recognised it and pushed it to that cid
sent from my one x+ if i helped you out hit that thanks button

Reverting Back from Google Edition !

So, first of all i want to say that i wouldn`t have written here if i hadn`t tried every possible way. I want to know where i did wrong, because this is the case and i wand to ask for your help.
The situation : I flashed the google edition to my htc one, it was fine, and i didn`t quite like it so i wanted to go back.
Now the show starts. I flashed Hboot 1.44, got the old bootloader back, and then when i tried to flash the old ruu zip it says : couldnt allocate 1034027008bytes. Also i have tried the exe file and it stops right at the start and says connection interrupted or some sort like this and it doesn`t continue.
I have S-off, unlocked bootloader. I had stock 4.2.2 with htc__001 cid, and twrp as recovery and of course it was rooted. I flashed the Google Edition after i put the stock recovery.
Thank you in advance for all your help.
Bloodrave said:
So, first of all i want to say that i wouldn`t have written here if i hadn`t tried every possible way. I want to know where i did wrong, because this is the case and i wand to ask for your help.
The situation : I flashed the google edition to my htc one, it was fine, and i didn`t quite like it so i wanted to go back.
Now the show starts. I flashed Hboot 1.44, got the old bootloader back, and then when i tried to flash the old ruu zip it says : couldnt allocate 1034027008bytes. Also i have tried the exe file and it stops right at the start and says connection interrupted or some sort like this and it doesn`t continue.
I have S-off, unlocked bootloader. I had stock 4.2.2 with htc__001 cid, and twrp as recovery and of course it was rooted. I flashed the Google Edition after i put the stock recovery.
Thank you in advance for all your help.
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What phone is it? Developer Edition?
First thing is to change your CID to a Super CID 11111111
Then you need the proper RUU file for the phone. If its an ATT version
you can flash the 4.3 Developer Edition RUU on the HTC site.
cc999 said:
What phone is it? Developer Edition?
First thing is to change your CID to a Super CID 11111111
Then you need the proper RUU file for the phone. If its an ATT version
you can flash the 4.3 Developer Edition RUU on the HTC site.
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@cc999: first of all thank you for your answer. I have the CID changed to supercid 11111111 and i want to flash the europe version. I have tried with both variants from the thread with the RUUs. The Zips and Exe`s dont work.
Bloodrave said:
@cc999: first of all thank you for your answer. I have the CID changed to supercid 11111111 and i want to flash the europe version. I have tried with both variants from the thread with the RUUs. The Zips and Exe`s dont work.
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Then your Hboot 1.44 may not be the correct one. PM me with your email and I will give
you the correct one.
I have tried once again with the 1.44 Hboot and the zip from htc official website , the developer edition one.
Still no luck.
With the help of cc999 i managed to revert back to 4.3 Developer Edition.
Apparently there was a mess in my adb and usb drivers.
So i managed to install the 4.3 Developer Edition on another laptop and it worked just fine.
Thank you again cc999 for the support.
You should use the stock recovery to flash the ruu.exe. Makes life so much easier!
Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk 4

[Q] Want To Turn AT&T HTC One Into Developer's Edition

Hello everyone!
I have an AT&T HTC One that is S-Off, relocked, SuperCID, black HBoot 1.54, currently on ViperOne 2.7 with stock kernel. I've been trying for the past day and a half to get the 3.22.1540.1 Brightstar WWE to run so I could have it back to stock with the most current OS. I also want to fully convert it to a Developer's Edition phone as well. I thought that with SuperCID you could run any RUU but so far every single time it ends in an error. I also tried changing the CID to the Developer's Edition CID (BS_US001) and still came back with the same error. So here I am on the greatest place in the world for Android phone assistance and advice asking for help in getting my phone converted to a Developer's Edition and/or on the 3.22 RUU. Thanks in advance for any help.
P.S. I already did try to search like crazy for the answers to my questions.!
Well you may need a stock recovery to run an ruu.exe. And I'd recommend going back to super-cid and then running the ruu as well. Be sure you back up all your information that you do then wish to lose, as the ruu will format the entire phone.
Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk 4
Willieumm said:
Hello everyone!
I have an AT&T HTC One that is S-Off, relocked, SuperCID, black HBoot 1.54, currently on ViperOne 2.7 with stock kernel. I've been trying for the past day and a half to get the 3.22.1540.1 Brightstar WWE to run so I could have it back to stock with the most current OS. I also want to fully convert it to a Developer's Edition phone as well. I thought that with SuperCID you could run any RUU but so far every single time it ends in an error. I also tried changing the CID to the Developer's Edition CID (BS_US001) and still came back with the same error. So here I am on the greatest place in the world for Android phone assistance and advice asking for help in getting my phone converted to a Developer's Edition and/or on the 3.22 RUU. Thanks in advance for any help.
P.S. I already did try to search like crazy for the answers to my questions.!
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No need to relock boot loader because the developer edition comes by default unlocked. Unlock it to continue. You need to change your CID to 11111111 (super CID) and you need to flash the 1.44 hboot (I believe) the black hboot may be causing the problem.
Downgrade to the lowest firmware you can find for the Developers edition.
fastboot oem rebootRUU
fastboot flash zip
fastboot flash zip
(Yes, twice.)
Check to be sure everything was successful.
fastboot reboot-bootloader
Make sure the bootloader is locked.
Run the ruu.
Let it do its thing.
Boot the phone and set it up.
Go to settings - about phone - software information - system update.
Allow it to download and update.
Repeatedly check for update until you reach 4.3
Sent from my HTC One using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Hi there,
Did you get it work 3.22.1540.1 dev edition on your phone?, im still stuck in the same problem, got an HTC One AT&T, i got working the RUU_M7_UL_JB_50_BrightstarUS_WWE_1.29.1540.16.exe (dev edition), when i check for updates, there's an update of 17mb, after updating that one, i check again and found the 3.22.1540.1 OTA (around 550mb), i downloaded and agree to install it, but when reboot the phone, it got stuck in the HTC logo screen, did not go further, even trying to get into recovery, same thing, got stuck in HTC logo screen.
Another test i did, was installing RUU_M7_UL_JB43_SENSE50_MR_BrightstarUS_WWE_3.22.1540.1.exe and even the zip version, both of them install correctly but same problem, got stuck in HTC Logo screen, right now my phone is Unlocked bootloader, S-off with supercid (also tried the BS_US001 CID, same problem), hboot 1.55, is there any chance someone can help me with it? thanks a lot
leca27 said:
Hi there,
Did you get it work 3.22.1540.1 dev edition on your phone?, im still stuck in the same problem, got an HTC One AT&T, i got working the RUU_M7_UL_JB_50_BrightstarUS_WWE_1.29.1540.16.exe (dev edition), when i check for updates, there's an update of 17mb, after updating that one, i check again and found the 3.22.1540.1 OTA (around 550mb), i downloaded and agree to install it, but when reboot the phone, it got stuck in the HTC logo screen, did not go further, even trying to get into recovery, same thing, got stuck in HTC logo screen.
Another test i did, was installing RUU_M7_UL_JB43_SENSE50_MR_BrightstarUS_WWE_3.22.1540.1.exe and even the zip version, both of them install correctly but same problem, got stuck in HTC Logo screen, right now my phone is Unlocked bootloader, S-off with supercid (also tried the BS_US001 CID, same problem), hboot 1.55, is there any chance someone can help me with it? thanks a lot
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go into stock recovery and do a factory reset should boot then

Stock Android 4.3 Rom update?

Hello! I flashed the stock google play edition 4.3 rom on my HTC One. My old rom was the stock htc sense 5.0 which I got with the phone. What I want to know is that will I receive updates automatically from my phone if 4.4 comes out on HTC One when it is released and that etc... Because I'm scared I'll need to do it via PC. Basically, if you still don't understand, on my HTC One when I first got it, I could perform a software update from the phone, can I do that with the stock Google play edition rom 4.3 if an update comes out from my phone or do I need to do it through my computer? Thanks in advance!
AmmarAndroid said:
Hello! I flashed the stock google play edition 4.3 rom on my HTC One. My old rom was the stock htc sense 5.0 which I got with the phone. What I want to know is that will I receive updates automatically from my phone if 4.4 comes out on HTC One when it is released and that etc... Because I'm scared I'll need to do it via PC. Basically, if you still don't understand, on my HTC One when I first got it, I could perform a software update from the phone, can I do that with the stock Google play edition rom 4.3 if an update comes out from my phone or do I need to do it through my computer? Thanks in advance!
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If you do not have stock recovery, you will not get OTA's. If your bootloader is unlocked, you won't get OTA's. If your CID and MID don't match that of the GPe device, you won't get OTA's while you're running a GPe build.
To get OTA's, your CID and MID must match with the version of software you're running (if you have an ATT CID, MID, and stock build, you have stock recovery and your bootloader is locked you will get ATT OTAs - OR you changed your CID and MID to that of the GPe device, and you're running a stock GPe build with stock recovery and locked bootloader and you will get GPe OTAs)
homeslice976 said:
If you do not have stock recovery, you will not get OTA's. If your bootloader is unlocked, you won't get OTA's. If your CID and MID don't match that of the GPe device, you won't get OTA's while you're running a GPe build.
To get OTA's, your CID and MID must match with the version of software you're running (if you have an ATT CID, MID, and stock build, you have stock recovery and your bootloader is locked you will get ATT OTAs - OR you changed your CID and MID to that of the GPe device, and you're running a stock GPe build with stock recovery and locked bootloader and you will get GPe OTAs)
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Pardon me for my lack of intellience and ignorance, but what the hell is that? I know OTA is over the air, but what is CID and MID and how do I know if they match? All I know is that I have a stock recovery but my bootloader is unlocked. Do I lock it and I just get OTAs or do I need to do something else? I'm super confused at this moment of time. Please feed me with more of your knowledge! How'd I find out the CID and MID?
EDIT: Also, how do I check my GPe to see if it the same as the CID or MID? Please, I don't want to go online and do it via a zip file etc.. I just want to update OTA!

