[Q] Just got OTA with SuperCID. How? - One (M7) Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Ok here is what I had previously done to my phone
Unlocked bootloader
removed 'tampered'
CID 11111111
ROM was stock and was on 129.xxxx (401)
Phone was originally had CID of ORANG001
Now I installed stock recovery and put CID to HTC__001 but only got the 217.xx update then kept getting the message that my phone is up to date. Knowing this was not true, tried lots of things from here but still not update
Last night, I downloaded the 128.xxx WWE shipped RUU from here and 'downgraded' the phone. All was ok and I went to software updates, which had 129 xx available. I updated, rebooted then got the 'small' update (217.xx i think), rebooted and finally got the 224.xx update available. I installed, rebooted and all was fine
Thing is, how did I get OTA with SuperCID? I thought it couldn't happen?
Phone was obviously back to stock to re-rooted and all is back to normal with 224.xx software

Most likely if you changed that cid when they pushed an ota the network recognised it and pushed it to that cid
sent from my one x+ if i helped you out hit that thanks button


OTA update failing because of modified software?

Hey there
For some reason the OTA (1.29.401) failed and told me that I may be running modified software, however I tried the OTA update AFTER relocking the bootloader and flashing a RUU so then everything is stock! I am S-OFF, however, could that be the issue? The CID is HTC__001. Originally it was HTC__J15 but I changed it because J15 doesn't receive OTA updates except like three months after everyone else.
TarekElsakka said:
Hey there
For some reason the OTA (1.29.401) failed and told me that I may be running modified software, however I tried the OTA update AFTER relocking the bootloader and flashing a RUU so then everything is stock! I am S-OFF, however, could that be the issue? The CID is HTC__001. Originally it was HTC__J15 but I changed it because J15 doesn't receive OTA updates except like three months after everyone else.
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Not sure, but I think both you're CID and MID have to match what is in the OTA for it to work.
And you need stock recovery for OTAs to install.
I do have stock recovery, however I believe that yes, my CID and MID don't match since my device came with CID HTC__J15 and MID PN071100 whereas European devices come with HTC__001 and MID PN071000. That's definitely it, right?
sorry but did you fix this ?? I'm facing the same problem here!

(SOLVED) RUU problems with the Dev edition RUU

I've done this before and it worked fine so I'm stumped as to what's wrong.
I've got an AT&T 32 GB One
Bootloader locked
CID changed to BS_US001
the 1.29 RUU I have downloaded from HTC won't install
I've had two different errors.
Once, the phone was charged to 95% and the RUU complained that the phone was below 30% and wouldn't install
so I charged it up to 100 and tried again
This time I got misc error (150)
Any idea what's going on?
I'm wanting to go back to stock so I can get the 4.2.2 OTA when it hits
3rd time's a charm got it to work

[Q] Htc ruu 1.28 not overwriting orange even after s-off. Please Help

Hi, i am new here and after some help. Have just had my htc one repaired for the 2nd time (blown top speaker ee didn't repair properly so had to go to htc) so now want to go to stock htc_001.
I am on orange and been waiting for the 1.29 update (never going to come) so i carried out s-off on my phone this morning and changed the cid to htc_001. That all went okay and i relocked the phone and put it back to s-on. When i check the cid on the phone and with revone it says htc_001, so that all worked okay.
I downloaded the htc ruu 1.28 from xda and installed it, it when through the checking and installed it all (took about 15mins), i got no error messages it said update successful. The phone rebooted and was wiped clean and had to go through all the settings when you first get your phone. When i go to software version its still running (the orange software) and when i check for updates it says none available. I have tried twice to install the ruu and both times it says successful but won't write over the orange software.
I am not sure what i have done wrong but some help to get my phone onto stock htc so i get timely updates and not having to wait for rubbish orange.
Any help would be greatly appriciated
Thanks Ashley
CID is HTC__001 (capital letters, double underscore). If you're not using that it might not work...can't see why not tho
EddyOS said:
CID is HTC__001 (capital letters, double underscore). If you're not using that it might not work...can't see why not tho
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Thanks for the quick reply, I have just double checked it is HTC-001 the only thing i can think of is its because the orange version is a higher number to the htc. Would i have to install a ruu for a different area (asia maybe) and then put it back to HTC_001 and try to update to the 1.28 htc version? I wouldnt want it to be stuck on the wrong country version if it still wont update to the europe version.
HTC__001, not HTC_001 - you HAVE to use TWO underscores...
EddyOS said:
HTC__001, not HTC_001 - you HAVE to use TWO underscores...
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Thanks for replying again, I looked and I did only have 1 underscore. So I s-off it again and changed it to HTC__001 and ran the ruu again, it still not overwriting the orange software even though it says its completed and phone is ready to use.
I am not sure what to do now to get it to overwrite it, you anyone has any answers or things for me to try that would be great.
I'm also having the same problem. Changed my CID to HTC__001 (confirmed in bootloader), the RUU runs all the way through successfully (takes about 10 minutes) but the update is not applied.
Not sure what I am doing wrong?
saquib said:
I'm also having the same problem. Changed my CID to HTC__001 (confirmed in bootloader), the RUU runs all the way through successfully (takes about 10 minutes) but the update is not applied.
Not sure what I am doing wrong?
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Looks like I'm having the same issue - did either of you find a solution?
I ended up applying a nandriod backup to get 1.28.
Change cid to super cid 11111111.
saquib said:
I ended up applying a nandriod backup to get 1.28.
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Cheers - guess I'll go that way too - don't suppose you have a link to the backup - unfortunately the BugsyLawson site is down
Sorry don't have a copy to hand, I also downloaded it from that site.
Ashes20vt said:
Thanks for replying again, I looked and I did only have 1 underscore. So I s-off it again and changed it to HTC__001 and ran the ruu again, it still not overwriting the orange software even though it says its completed and phone is ready to use.
I am not sure what to do now to get it to overwrite it, you anyone has any answers or things for me to try that would be great.
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I had this very similar issue yesterday, What I was trying to do was restore my other HTC One back to stock before giving it to my nephew. It made me panic a little bit because after restoring my nandroid backup I proceeded to change the CID, lock the bootloader and have S-ON. But after doing that I just remembered that I forgot to change the MID back to the original and also I have the "Tampered" flag..
So I got S-OFF again and unlocked the bootlaoder and ran the 1.28.401.7 RUU just to start fresh before I change the MID back and get rid of the "Tampered" flag. Anyway even after I ran the RUU the the original ROM was still there and the "Tampered" flag was still present. I didn't get any errors at all when running the RUU.
So in the end after erasing the cache and dalvik cache I managed to successfully get the 1.28.401.7 on the HTC One and flashed the 1.29.401.12 OTA. I then locked the bootloader and put S-ON back. I didn't bother changing the MID back because I had enough of flashing for the day.
Up to now I still don't have any clue what I did or happened why the RUU won't overwrite the original ROM (nandroid restore). I'm just glad thatit is back to stock. It may have a different stock ROM but I'm sure my nephew won't even care what he has.
Rex2369 said:
I had this very similar issue yesterday, What I was trying to do was restore my other HTC One back to stock before giving it to my nephew. It made me panic a little bit because after restoring my nandroid backup I proceeded to change the CID, lock the bootloader and have S-ON. But after doing that I just remembered that I forgot to change the MID back to the original and also I have the "Tampered" flag..
So I got S-OFF again and unlocked the bootlaoder and ran the 1.28.401.7 RUU just to start fresh before I change the MID back and get rid of the "Tampered" flag. Anyway even after I ran the RUU the the original ROM was still there and the "Tampered" flag was still present. I didn't get any errors at all when running the RUU.
So in the end after erasing the cache and dalvik cache I managed to successfully get the 1.28.401.7 on the HTC One and flashed the 1.29.401.12 OTA. I then locked the bootloader and put S-ON back. I didn't bother changing the MID back because I had enough of flashing for the day.
Up to now I still don't have any clue what I did or happened why the RUU won't overwrite the original ROM (nandroid restore). I'm just glad thatit is back to stock. It may have a different stock ROM but I'm sure my nephew won't even care what he has.
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I managed to sort it out, not sure how I did it really. I tried to flash it manually which it didn't do as it was playing games with me. I tried the ruu with supercid which it didn't work. I put it back to HTC__001 and relocked it then tried flashing manually again, it didn't work so tried afew times but no luck. So I tried the ruu one more time and it worked, I got the 1.29.401.12 ota straight away too. I think trying to manually flash it corrupted something so the ruu was able to overwrite orange. The phone nearly broke me and was about to give in but glad I kept at it though as orange updates are ridiculous.
Thanks to all that helped me with my error of not putting 2 underscores in the cid.
I am just hoping the 4.2.2 updates on my phone okay when it's released soon.

[Q] Removing all O2 CID et al from HTC One (UK)

HTC One, Sim-free from O2, carrier lock screen, unlocked from network
I want to get the OTA 4.2.2 (and subsequent updates) from HTC, rather than waiting even longer for O2 to process them.
I have already performed the following things:
1. unlocked bootloader
2. rooted phone
3. S-OFF'd
4. changed CID from O2___001 to HTC__001 (which is the correct one for non-carrier, non-branded in the UK, yes?)
The phone is all working, but the OTA update isn't yet showing as available.
1. Do I have to do anything else now or do I just wait a few days for my device to get into the list of devices that HTC will OTA 4.2.2 to?
2. Do I have to change the firmware (currently at
3. Do I need to do any black magic with an RUU?
BTW, I'm a noob with Droid, but know my way around UN*X.
csjasona said:
HTC One, Sim-free from O2, carrier lock screen, unlocked from network
I want to get the OTA 4.2.2 (and subsequent updates) from HTC, rather than waiting even longer for O2 to process them.
I have already performed the following things:
1. unlocked bootloader
2. rooted phone
3. S-OFF'd
4. changed CID from O2___001 to HTC__001 (which is the correct one for non-carrier, non-branded in the UK, yes?)
The phone is all working, but the OTA update isn't yet showing as available.
1. Do I have to do anything else now or do I just wait a few days for my device to get into the list of devices that HTC will OTA 4.2.2 to?
2. Do I have to change the firmware (currently at
3. Do I need to do any black magic with an RUU?
BTW, I'm a noob with Droid, but know my way around UN*X.
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I have HTC__001 cid but as there is no update for that cid yet I changed mine to HTC__Y13 got the update and installed it. Once all done I changed my cid back to HTC__001

SuperCID and OTA's

I have an unlocked Australian HTC One which I flash the Google Edition RUU with, I then put on SuperCID and have flashed the developer edition RUU to get back to basically what I had before of getting OTA's from HTC. I have received a notification to install a new version and it rebooted into the installer then kept rebooting a few times then booted into Android and said it had successfully updated my phone, but it is still there in setting telling me to update, do I need to remove SuperCID to get updates?
Did you change the mid?

