This message keeps popping up on the bottom of my screen. "Null is ready to use. Play music, videos or photos on your Xperia". Just got this phone and not sure what this message is. Anyone else having this issue? I have 2 of these Xperia SP's and the other does not do this. Any help would be greatly appreciated. It is very annoying to see this pop up all the time.
I am facing the same issue. I think this message starts to pop up after linking the SP to the Windows Media Player in my PC. Try disabing the media server if it is on.
Hope this can help you.
Okay i'm having a really weird problem. To keep it simple, I downloaded a photo onto my phone but deleted it later. It is no longer on my phone and I cleaned all my cache.
Whenever I open a song using either Winamp or the default Music Player, the picture shows up in the display!!! What the hell is up with this? The picture is no longer in my phone and all the cache has been cleared.
How do I get rid of this?
Have you tried a reboot? Maybe even a battery pull? Thats a strange one.
Any body else get this toast message?
Sometimes when I am using my phone and the laptop is off I get the message:
"null is ready for use. Play music, videos or photos on your xperia"
Obviously when I'm using throw i get the same message with my laptop name instead of null.
I've read that it disappears after a reboot but its a bit inconvenient, so does anyone know why this happens?
Turn off device notification in throw settings.
Sent from my C5303 using Tapatalk 4
Whenever I connect to Wifi or LTE, a fullscreen pop up appears. It looks like the background of the settings application. I have no idea what is causing it and it is driving me crazy. I just got this phone recently and I would like to send it back if this issue persists.
A webcam quality video of what happens. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
UnrealZoidberg said:
Whenever I connect to Wifi or LTE, a fullscreen pop up appears. It looks like the background of the settings application. I have no idea what is causing it and it is driving me crazy. I just got this phone recently and I would like to send it back if this issue persists.
A webcam quality video of what happens. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I had the same thing.
I never really solved it, but it was either fixed by upgrading to 4.4.2 or the FDR that happened when I unlocked my bootloader.
Do you have an OTA pending? Mine didn't seem to start doing it until I started getting the OTA message every few hours, and stopped after I updated, but also did a wipe before upgrading.
Hi, I've got this terrible problem that I've never been able to resolve on my phone.
From what I remember, the bug has always been there, and I'm now using the cyanogenmod, but the problem is still there.
The screen doesn't turn black, the file stops near the end (if it's a really short file, like 2 seconds, it'll look like it won't play it at all)
If it's a file of 30 seconds, the file will play with 0 problems until it reaches something like 75% of the progess bar, then It'll bug itself, making me hear crappy audio or nothing.
Could you guys please help me? I REALLY don't know what to do, I've searched a lot on Google but I haven't found anything!
I've notice that sometimes my photos/vĂdeos disappear from my cellphone.
At first I noticed with media received from whatssapp and I thout it was an app issue and don't give to much attention to it.
Now I realized that recent media disappear, and then paying more attention I notice that they disappear just after my cellphone suddenly shutdown when running low battery.
Today I had a sad story, I was recording a trial, after that while using Waze my phone just shutdown without showing the logo information "shutting down". When I charged my phone and tryed to send the videos to people in the trial they do not appear. Searching for them I discovered the files still there, but the size now is 0 kB (and I watched some of them before the sudden shutdown)
So the question is, does anyone is facing the same issue? Is there a known solution? And the most important to me, does anyone know how to recover the videos?
Since Android does not appear anymore as a common removable card I can not use anymore tools like "miniTool Power Data Recovery".
Can anyone help me?