[Q]How to mount a cifs partition through CIFSManager? - Xperia SP Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I've flashed the kernel '[Kernel][July,18]SPKernel[JB][v2.1]' and pushed cifs.ko into /system/lib/modules/ .
But I could not mount the cifs partitions.What should I do?
When I tried to access the share by cifsmanager,it showed 'Mount:Invalid argument'


Can't access /data - JPY

I've been trying to run Ubuntu on my Galaxy S - Docs rom based on JS3, JPY modem and Hardcore's Speedmod kernel. I solved the loop problem - an app was installed on the SD card which kept the device as busy so I couldn't get a free loop. But now am stuck at accesing /data ... when I try to copy stuff to /data/local/mnt it gives me a "mount: No such device" error and I can't acces the folder /data from inside the phone nor with Droid Explorer. Had Busybox 1.18.3 downgraded to 1.17 still the same...
Anyone got any ideas as to why a rooted phone doesn't have access to that folder?

Need Help Mount /system

Everything is working in my kingdroid v3.0
but when i install chainfire it asks for installation of driver
and could not write to /system
i used root explorer and everything else but the /system r/o cant be changed to
its stuck at R/W and i cannot copy or do whatever ...
i try to set permissions but it says read-only .... how can i change this into R/O mode????????

[Q] error mounting/formatting /data

Hello world...I looked in the forum but I didn't find a solution for my specific problem.
My smartphone is a Samsung Galaxy Ace and after a lot of modding (several rom and overclocking) my phone isn't able to boot normally. I installed CWM and I'm able to go in recovery and download mode. I'm also able to connect the pc to the phone through adb shell.
The problem is that I can't format or mount the /data partition. Few days ago I got this error:
E:format_volume: make_extf4fs failed on /dev/block/stl13
Formatting /data...
Error mounting /data!
Skipping format...
Using adb shell I noticed that the partition /data works, I'm able to cd /data and perform mkdir foo for example.
I think that the problem is in /dev/block/stl13!! This device exists in the folder /dev/block, but in /etc/fstab there isn't!!
I'm not able to restore it.
Somebody has any ideas?
Thanks in advance!
Today I solved this problem flashing this ROM S5830XXKA6.
This is the direct link: h t t p : //hotfile[dot]com/dl/145664447/f8f9628/S5830XXKA6.zip[dot]html (replace [dot] with . and remove blanks in the http string)

[Q][TIPS]Nvflash, extracted system partition - gain root

Hi all,
is it possibile to modify the content of the files fills with the content of the partitions read from the Tegra of my LG P990 with nvflash?
I had read the partition from the board with
nvflash -r --read <-partitionID-> my_partition.img
Unix's command file said to me that the output file is data:
$ file my_partition.img
my_partition.img: data
But if the correct img file is provided to 'file', for example the file that nvflash returned when we asked it to read the partition 23, the APP partition, 'file' said:
23_APP.img: Linux rev 1.0 ext4 filesystem data, UUID=xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx (needs journal recovery) (extents) (large files)
How i can mount this type of image file ?
Easily with the 'mount' Linux utility
mount ./my_partition.img ./tmp_directory
Now, if I add the su binary of chains_dd compiled for my platform in the system partition image file and after,
reflash the image file on my O2X I should able to get root, right?
It seems too easy...
Any help is appreciated.
Yes, it is "easy" like that. I made similar staff (extract partition image from official update, mount, extract selected files).
Edit: Only I remember that I need to specify mount parameters related to partition format and mounting access.
Have you really gain root access only by copyng (and launching ) su binary in xbin directory?
tryin said:
Have you really gain root access only by copyng (and launching ) su binary in xbin directory?
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Y E S . . .
Indeed, if you only want a root prompt, chains_dd's binary is too much...
tryin said:
Y E S . . .
Indeed, if you only want a root prompt, chains_dd's binary is too much...
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Take a look at this...

adb - can't mount system

I've noticed that I'm unable to mount /system using adb to pull or push files. Whether I use adb remount or mount -o rw,remount blahblahblah /system through adb or terminal.
If I open root explorer and mount system rw, it will then let me pull or push.
I've read its because of not having insecure adb. Now this seems to be only on a stock ROM or my stock rooted.
I sent it through the kitchen again and unpacked the kernel, chose the adb insecure option, repacked ...rebuilt...flashed...and still the same.
How can I get around this?
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G870A using Tapatalk
Nickovtyme said:
I've noticed that I'm unable to mount /system using adb to pull or push files. Whether I use adb remount or mount -o rw,remount blahblahblah /system through adb or terminal.
If I open root explorer and mount system rw, it will then let me pull or push.
I've read its because of not having insecure adb. Now this seems to be only on a stock ROM or my stock rooted.
I sent it through the kitchen again and unpacked the kernel, chose the adb insecure option, repacked ...rebuilt...flashed...and still the same.
How can I get around this?
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G870A using Tapatalk
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you can't change anything in the kernel ramdisk, Locked BL prevents that. :crying:

