Hello everyone,
Alright, I've just updated my phone to the latest version Androind 2.2.1 JPY.
I was following the guide for installing Darky's ROM, but my pc doesn't show anything when I connect my phone.
I have up-to-date drivers.
When my phone was on 2.1 JM2 it was working.
I have no idea what the problem is.
I really appreciate the help and thanks in advance.
Hi i have a similar problem, i have to connect it about 3 times for it to recognise, i am on darkys rom. anyway try this:
go into settings - wireless + networks - USB settings and select ask on connection. then try it again.
I'm not on Darky's rom yet since I can't connect to my PC.
I've just tried that a couple of times but didn't work.
does the phone connect when in download mode ? try a re flash if it does...
It does not, it also doesn't show up in Odin.
does the pc make any sounds when usb is connected ?? are you sure its not the usb cable thats at fault here ??
No sound at all. But like I said, it worked when I was on 2.1. So it's not the USB cable.
Uninstall Kies .
Reboot and reinstall Kies to give you USB drivers .
If your phone works and is set to USB mode Mass Storage connect cab;e and windows will pick up phone .
Just tried it, but it didn't work.
try a stock rom
I am on a stock rom. A fresh JPY 2.2.1.
Still stuck with this problem.
have you tried a different port on the PC ? if that doesnt work u will have to try another cable to find out if its the phone or not... have u done factory reset in recovery
Yes, I've tried all the ports on my PC.
The cable is fine, because it worked just before I updated.
I'm going to try a factory reset right now.
Factory reset didn't work. Should I try a re-flash?
Just remembered I can't do a re-flash since I can't connect to my PC whatsoever.
Did I brick my phone?
I have the same issues but I have flashed several roms none the less. I gave up on the PC after serveral PC's and several days. I think it may be a usb hardware issue as I did connect to Kies once and the PC once but then I tried the next day and I've never gotten it back on despite countless driver reinstalls, android SDK adb attempts, odin, heimdall etc...
So to flash I first installed clockwork mod as an (put it in the root folder, then boot up in recovery - you'll need 3 button mode working I think). This was in the instructions for the first VoodooDoctor rom I flashed.
I also highly recomend also getting steam recovery (mine was part of a rom so I don't know the XDA link) as it allows flashing roms that are stored on the SD card. which is handy for me as that is the only way to get something on the phone if the flash goes sideways and I didn't already have it in the root folder. It is accessible now as the in my root folder and so I can run it from clockwork.
Clockwork allows you to flash from the phone - no odin needed. Steam does the same but steam is newer so I've mainly stuck with CWM except when I had to figure out a way to fix a bad flash....
I made this post about my near death (of my sgs)
I'd still stick with the tried and true as its a little nerve racking to flash knowing that you need some function on the phone to recover but if you are dying to try a good tested custom rom I'd encourage you do so.
After searching the forums for a while I did not find a thread exactly matching my problem, so if I've overseen it, please just point me there.
To my problem:
I did a very stupid mistake, flashing a new custom ROM with a different kernel (as usual, cooked in Docs Kitchen) without converting back the lagfix. So I ended up with a non-booting phone - so far, so bad. Note to myself: Never flash a phone during the carnival weekend again.
So I booted into download mode and tried to recover it via Odin, but here I got my really bad surprise: USB device is not recognized, thus I Odin does not see the phone.
I tried 4 different PCs with Win7 or XP, a Linux desktop and a Macbook. I also tried 5 different USB cables (they all work with other smartphones like the Desire and the HD2). Wherever I stick the phone in, it is not recognized (code 10/code 43 in Win7). I used the stand-alone-drivers from the sticky forum thread here, and also most recent Kies versions, always the same: USB device not recognized.
Does anybody have an idea how to revive the USB connectivity? I'm almost at the point to send it in for repairs...
Or can someone elaborate how I could have killed USB with corrupting the ROM? I've to admit I do not really understand how these two are connected.
Hi Amokbunny
You get into download mode but the PC won't recognize the phone?
That's messy and I can think of nothing that could have done that. you did not change the bootloader did you (flashed a full samsung ROM containing a bootloader, for example VJ1)?
If not I guess it's a hardware issue.
formatted to ext4 without any backup
I did a very stupid mistake too. Got darky's rom 9.3., installed i, everything worked great(really awesome thing), then i wnt to recovry mode and entered tthe speedmod and it showed mr that my phone has rtf files system not EXT4 as it should be, thou i installed the speed mode. then i chose to repartition it to ext4 but i didn't choose the backup. Just clicked to format the sd. It did formatted to EXT4, rebooted, i saw the darky's rom logo and the the phone vibrated and the logog of the droid just flashed. I tried to enter recovery mode-didn't load. Started the download mode connexted to pc used ODIN 1.7 with PDA I9000XXJPY.tar, MODEM I9000XXJPY.tar, GT-I9000-CSC-MULTI-OXAJPY-LITE.tar s1_odin_20100512.pit.
The phone has started, appeared teh stok galaxy s logo and it's just flashing. Help needed. Don,t know what to do know. I have galayx s i9000 european version.
somehow i've managed to install new firmare 2.2.1 /I9000XXJPY-baseband / [email protected] #1-kernel version, but z4root isn't working. When i start permanent root the programm ends on aquiring root shell, the debug mode is on
Got it all running, installed Darky's rom 9.3. Thanks anyway.
theduckking said:
Hi Amokbunny
You get into download mode but the PC won't recognize the phone?
That's messy and I can think of nothing that could have done that. you did not change the bootloader did you (flashed a full samsung ROM containing a bootloader, for example VJ1)?
If not I guess it's a hardware issue.
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Yep, I can boot into download and recovery modes, but that's it.
The only apparent change in the new custom ROM was the kernel.
I also cannot really access my external SD card (it shows me some phantom files, but not the actual content of the SD), otherwise I'd try to recover it this way.
I agree with the hardware issue, if it wouldn't have coincided with the flash procedure...anyway, I think I'll send it in for repairs if I don't get it to run on this sunday.
I have the exact same problem, except that I can access my external SD. I got the problem after upgrading to Darkys Rom 9.3 the usual way, but switched from Speedmod to Voodoo. After that update, my USB didn't work anymore.
I can't get neither Xp or Win 7 to recognize my phone. USB device not recognized, and tried all the tricks. Reinstalling Kies and drivers, switching between the different modes (storage, kies media, ask, debug...) But still no USB connection.
I updated to darkys 9.5 (transferring the rom using bluetooth, and updating using CWM), but still it doesn't work.
Can get it into download mode, but still can't connect using USB and Odin.
Did anybody ever find a solution for this?
European version of I9000, bought in Denmark. No Simlock
Same thing here after installing JV1 + Ultibread Rom 1.4... Still no solution
*shameless push*
Any solution here? I dont have that problem, but it sounds too scary to not have a working solution :S
Same prob here! Any news?
Any solution? I have the same problem.
same problem my phone is bricked while flashing a stock rom the windows disconnected the phone while flashing
ended with device not recognized even in download mode
bassem8246 said:
same problem my phone is bricked while flashing a stock rom the windows disconnected the phone while flashing
ended with device not recognized even in download mode
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But if you are in download mode on your fone you'd rather should have a look at your configuration on the computer. Because the fone still can be flashed if the symbol for download still appears.
- Kies is shut down while ODIN is active?
- latest Samsung USB driver installed?
- Odin started with Admin?
Btw. did you try to get into recovery mode? Maybe this also still is working as the partition is quite small and chance high that it was flashed w/o faults. So you may be able to flash a zipped ROM rather than a tarball for Odin.
USB Not working when Phone plugged in... try these..
Unplug Device from PC..
Windows go to Device Manager...
Scroll down to Universal serial bus Controllers
Start with the top one and work your way down ..uninstall them all..
When done reboot Computer and let it install them all.. then try again
2.Settings --> USB Setings (under wireless & network may differ depending on Rom used) --> Try other settings Mass storage
3.Different USB ports on PC
4.Uninstall KIES from PC (reboot PC to take effect) and Reboot and just install samsung USB drivers....
5.Using windows type in msconfig in Start>Run box... windows will pop up and untick KIES from STARTUP TAB
Apply to take effect and restart machine.. try using ODIN to Flash ROM
I myself only use the Samsung USB drivers and ODIN never use KIES
or ...Check my signature and try SD formatter
Hi there.
I have flashed my Note several times.
Wanting to install stock Hong Kong firmware I downloaded the firmware while on my Mac and then Bootcamped it to Windows to use Odin.
At the time on reboot, my Note was connected to USB on my Mac.
When rebooting, my Mac got stuck at black screen before the Windows logo.
Didnt get what was going on I tried reboot several times.
Realised that it was trying to read off of USB devices that was connected as a first bootable.
As soon as I disconnected the Note USB cable it booted to Windows.
But now my Note wont get recognised.
Both Windows or Mac.
The Note charges the batteries through USB (PC or its mains adaptor) but doesnt get recongnised as mass storage even....
Does rebooting phone and computer help?
Markuzy said:
Does rebooting phone and computer help?
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USB doesnt repond in recovery or download mode.
i get message saying unrecognizeable...
I have used Odin so many times in the past...
tried reinstalling drivers tried on another machine.
Must be the phone... but how..? any idea on how to fix?
even if i was to get it serviced, I have Miui on it at the moment....
Not sure if it works, but on a different Samsung phone on MIUI, they fixed it by downloading Nexus S drivers:
pc odin not working u still got Mobile odin to flash it.
go get ur version a safe kernel
do a backup n a special backup of efs that will help u when things went wrong.
use the lastest Mobile odin to flash the rom u want in ur external sdcard.
alvinhaw said:
pc odin not working u still got Mobile odin to flash it.
go get ur version a safe kernel
do a backup n a special backup of efs that will help u when things went wrong.
use the lastest Mobile odin to flash the rom u want in ur external sdcard.
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I've never used mobile odin.
I can install Stock firmwares through mobile Odin too?
But still problem is that phone isnt recongisable. even for mass storage...
So moving files will be pain in the ass.
Any solutions?
you need an external SD to to transfer the stock rom (tar.md5) files to it. then use mobile odin to flash the firmware. Mobile Odin can flash stock firmwares
nokiamodeln91 said:
you need an external SD to to transfer the stock rom (tar.md5) files to it. then use mobile odin to flash the firmware. Mobile Odin can flash stock firmwares
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Thanks. Done it.
But now I am stuck with Ginger Bread.
It wont allow me to update to ICS through OTA because I am not on Hong Kong network.
Now trying to find a way of rooting it without the need to tether my phone to the PC.
Started new thread about it but no luck.
I don't really need to have ICS since its not for my own use (the Note) but it will be nice.
But seriously, how can I fix the USB problem?? Any body faced the same thing?
may be the usb port is faulty.. if you can get it repaired by samsung. well and good. if no then these are available for online purchases ... a do it yourself tutorial
It just fixed itself few days after.
still didnt risk using Odin.
Used KIES. it worked. Now have LRB ICE Chinese.
hi to all,after flashing rom my usb cant conect via fastboot,or in pc for see the sdcard,in recovery and in general work fine i mean the led inicator is ok during charge or if me heave conect to pc,but cant conect via fastboot,not show more fastboot usb,im unlocked s-onn,i flash many many roms,and this first time is hapen...
help me pls
Goto clockworkmod recovery and mount USB storage and connect USB to pc to get files on sd card
Sent from my HTC Incredible S
ROM?? More information??
Cable broken Possibly?? USB port busted???
i dint know what hapen,but i return back to my previus rom(restore from recovery),i restart my pc and all now is ok..
for see if the rom used has create this problem,i flash again the same rom,but this time all ok no problem,so maby sumthing not ok in first time with my pc ..or..i dont know..
thank you for your answers.
my pc can't detect my phone after flashing to cyanogenmod
i had the same problem.. Seems to be a rom related bug :/
Ot have to detec. But kies dont recognise im. Instead of that rom flash the one made bay olddroid.
Thanks if helped
Sent from my GT-S5830 using xda app-developers app
I'm thinking of just changing my rom, what do you guys think is a better rom?
if you install custom Rom , the kies will unable to detect your phone.. and in custom Rom u can also transfer file from phone to pc or pc to phone . j. when you connect ur phone just on the usb dubbing ..
Kies works only whit stock rom.
Sent from my GT-S5830 using xda premium
i know that kies can't detect custom rom phones, thanks for trying to help guys
what I'm trying to say is that, when I connect my phone to my pc ( usb debug enabled, everything enabled ) it just charges my phone and I don't hear a TATA! sound
rhie20 said:
i know that kies can't detect custom rom phones, thanks for trying to help guys
what I'm trying to say is that, when I connect my phone to my pc ( usb debug enabled, everything enabled ) it just charges my phone and I don't hear a TATA! sound
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i used this thread to download the driver directly without installing keys
You should use a 3er party app to your pc'll recognaize your phone as a massive storage, it could be to a rom bug that don't mount the usb storage