Going back to S-on with Hboot 1.54 - One (M7) Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi Guys,
I'm trying to get back to 100% stock so I can send my phone back for replacement/repair. There was no RUU so I used some kindly donated nandroid back ups and OTA firmware to get back to what should be my current stock 2.29.980.2 (Australian Unbranded HTC__039). Ive got stock recovery back on and OTA's are working. I'm still S-Off and boot loader unlocked.
The last think i need to do is get S-on and relock the bootloader. But in flashing the current firmware, HBoot is at 1.54.
Before I do any brash, does anyone know if revone one will still work to allow me to relock the bootloader and S-on?
If not will I have to downgrade Hboot to 1.44 and get S-On back on then reflash the firmware to upgrade HBoot back to 1.54?
I've also read that if there is anything other than stock HBoot and S-On you can brick the phone. But I take if the Hboot has upgraded from the OTA firmware this should be fine?

Ali Baba 84 said:
Hi Guys,
I'm trying to get back to 100% stock so I can send my phone back for replacement/repair. There was no RUU so I used some kindly donated nandroid back ups and OTA firmware to get back to what should be my current stock 2.29.980.2 (Australian Unbranded HTC__039). Ive got stock recovery back on and OTA's are working. I'm still S-Off and boot loader unlocked.
The last think i need to do is get S-on and relock the bootloader. But in flashing the current firmware, HBoot is at 1.54.
Before I do any brash, does anyone know if revone one will still work to allow me to relock the bootloader and S-on?
If not will I have to downgrade Hboot to 1.44 and get S-On back on then reflash the firmware to upgrade HBoot back to 1.54?
I've also read that if there is anything other than stock HBoot and S-On you can brick the phone. But I take if the Hboot has upgraded from the OTA firmware this should be fine?
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noooooooooooooo, don't s-on with 1.54.

criszz said:
noooooooooooooo, don't s-on with 1.54.
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You might want to be a bit more helpful and actually tell him why not

I would also advise against reverting to S on, because you won't be able to regain S off again, at least currently with 1.54 hboot.
If you wish to send for repair, my advice would be ensure you have stock recovery and stock Rom.
Use revone to remove tampered, and also relock bootloader .
No real need to revert to S on, as Soff doesn't indicate that you tampered with your device as a small number of HTC One were sold with S off
Sent from my HTC One using xda app-developers app

Ali Baba 84 said:
Hi Guys,
I'm trying to get back to 100% stock so I can send my phone back for replacement/repair. There was no RUU so I used some kindly donated nandroid back ups and OTA firmware to get back to what should be my current stock 2.29.980.2 (Australian Unbranded HTC__039). Ive got stock recovery back on and OTA's are working. I'm still S-Off and boot loader unlocked.
The last think i need to do is get S-on and relock the bootloader. But in flashing the current firmware, HBoot is at 1.54.
Before I do any brash, does anyone know if revone one will still work to allow me to relock the bootloader and S-on?
If not will I have to downgrade Hboot to 1.44 and get S-On back on then reflash the firmware to upgrade HBoot back to 1.54?
I've also read that if there is anything other than stock HBoot and S-On you can brick the phone. But I take if the Hboot has upgraded from the OTA firmware this should be fine?
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I am on the same boat with you. unbranded Aussie One..
I had my own backup 1.29.980.17 from TWRP and restoring from my backup made my screen not working at all..
I have 1.54 hboot as well. Does 1.54 hboot and 4.1.2 doesnt work together? Isnt backup from xda is also 4.1.2 as well?
Sorry about asking question in your thread, but I just want to do same thing like you and I failed..

paul_59 said:
I would also advise against reverting to S on, because you won't be able to regain S off again, at least currently with 1.54 hboot.
If you wish to send for repair, my advice would be ensure you have stock recovery and stock Rom.
Use revone to remove tampered, and also relock bootloader .
No real need to revert to S on, as Soff doesn't indicate that you tampered with your device as a small number of HTC One were sold with S off
Sent from my HTC One using xda app-developers app
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I didnt think revone was compatable with 4.2.2?
i too am needing to remove TAMPERED from mine on 4.2.2 i have the stock rom and recovery now.

rotten.monkey said:
I didnt think revone was compatable with 4.2.2?
i too am needing to remove TAMPERED from mine on 4.2.2 i have the stock rom and recovery now.
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It says tampered because you have some unsigned software installed. Probably hboot or recovery.


[Q] Downgrade Hboot 1.54 to 1.44?

Ok so i have searched but unable to find an answer to my question.
I want to downgrade my Hboot from 1.54 back to 1.44. I do have s-off. I s-offed when my hboot was on 1.44 using revone. My hboot was upgraded after doing a firmware update.
So i need to send my phone in for repairs (the infamous purple camera) and i want to downgrade so I can return to stock, remove "tampered" and relock.
As stated I am currently S-off and have read its possible to downgrade if you are s-off, just need to be pointed in the right direction
broli-zn said:
Ok so i have searched but unable to find an answer to my question.
I want to downgrade my Hboot from 1.54 back to 1.44. I do have s-off. I s-offed when my hboot was on 1.44 using revone. My hboot was upgraded after doing a firmware update.
So i need to send my phone in for repairs (the infamous purple camera) and i want to downgrade so I can return to stock, remove "tampered" and relock.
As stated I am currently S-off and have read its possible to downgrade if you are s-off, just need to be pointed in the right direction
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I wouldn't downgrade and s-on for warranty, it isn't necessary, they won't check and you will regret it because you will get back your phone s-on and upgraded to hboot 1.54, so non-s-offable for now. I did it too without any problems.
Just make you phone stock again (install a stock ruu is it is available), lock (not relock) your phone and remove tampered flag (running an ruu would remove it, if there is no ruu do it first because revone won't work without root on hboot 1.54)
BTW purple camera is just software whitebalance problem not a hardware problem
You just need to downgradethe firmware. It contains the hboot.
But as @godutch said, it's not necessary.
Sent from my One using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Ok cool, thanks guys, so I just need a flash a firmware zip containing 1.44 Hboot and im good to go?
Basically i just want to get rid of the tampered flag.
Iv done the 4.3 upgrades with supposedly fix the camera but its made no effect on mine :crying: so the only other option I have to try and get them to change the camera module.
Thanks again guys. Much appreciated. You will get a thanks each
you don't need to downgrade. h-boot 1.54 is normal and considerated STOCK for devices who made OTA update.
don't do stupid thing's
i removed tampared flag with revone -t
criszz said:
you don't need to downgrade. h-boot 1.54 is normal and considerated STOCK for devices who made OTA update.
don't do stupid thing's
i removed tampared flag with revone -t
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i flashed firmware using ADB, revone doesnt work with 1.54 unfortunately
broli-zn said:
i flashed firmware using ADB, revone doesnt work with 1.54 unfortunately
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it does but you need to be s-off and rooted for it to work but you don't have to do what you are trying to do and you will regret it later....
just try with 1.54 , multiple times
hboot 1.55
godutch said:
I wouldn't downgrade and s-on for warranty, it isn't necessary, they won't check and you will regret it because you will get back your phone s-on and upgraded to hboot 1.54, so non-s-offable for now. I did it too without any problems.
Just make you phone stock again (install a stock ruu is it is available), lock (not relock) your phone and remove tampered flag (running an ruu would remove it, if there is no ruu do it first because revone won't work without root on hboot 1.54)
BTW purple camera is just software whitebalance problem not a hardware problem
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I had my phone repaired twice and they didn't say any thing about the boot loader being unlock. However, since that I have s-off and the phone needs to go to repair for the microphone not working and I wonder if I could either s-on and lock the boot loader with hboot 1.55? If you have any advice, I would appreciate it. Thanks.
amauryaa said:
I had my phone repaired twice and they didn't say any thing about the boot loader being unlock. However, since that I have s-off and the phone needs to go to repair for the microphone not working and I wonder if I could either s-on and lock the boot loader with hboot 1.55? If you have any advice, I would appreciate it. Thanks.
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not recommended, as far as i've seen, going from s-off to s-on (on 100% stock everything), after a few reboots, has a high chance of resulting in "tamper detected - rebooting" and the TAMPERED sign is back.

[Q] HBoot 1.55 S-Off back to S-On needed?

Hi all,
As the title suggests I need to get my HTC One back to S-On to send it back for repair, as I'm from Australia there is no RUU available for my Carrier but I have flashed back to stock using a Guru Nandroid, currently it's Bootloader is locked it's CID is OPTUS001 (default) and HBoot 1.55 S-Off which I need to get back to on and it's had it's latest OTA installed.
Earlier today I did achieve S-Off and locked but ended up with the tamper flag above locked which obviously couldn't be returned like that.
At the moment I am wondering if I need to downgrade just HBoot to 1.44 so I can S-On again but I'm worried it will show tampered again after I S-On like it did before, now in further if this is the only way to do it how can I get HBoot 1.55 back in after I S-On, I haven't found any firmware downloads out there at all specific to my device.
Thanks in advance for any help.
Just leave it s off its not a problem. As long as tampered is gone and boot loader is locked that is fine
Sent from my HTC One using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Ok thank you for the reply, I have tried so many different things today and to be honest I'm surprised it's not bricked doing some of the things I have done, cheers.
Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk Pro
Going from s off to s on is actually one of the easiest ways to brick your phone if your not careful. There really is no need. Some phones actually come out of the factory s off. And with warranty repairs I've heard of plenty of people with custom roms and unlocked bootloaders get it fixed no problem. Yours sounds fine
Sent from my HTC One using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Sojourner353 said:
Hi all,
As the title suggests I need to get my HTC One back to S-On to send it back for repair, as I'm from Australia there is no RUU available for my Carrier but I have flashed back to stock using a Guru Nandroid, currently it's Bootloader is locked it's CID is OPTUS001 (default) and HBoot 1.55 S-Off which I need to get back to on and it's had it's latest OTA installed.
Earlier today I did achieve S-Off and locked but ended up with the tamper flag above locked which obviously couldn't be returned like that.
At the moment I am wondering if I need to downgrade just HBoot to 1.44 so I can S-On again but I'm worried it will show tampered again after I S-On like it did before, now in further if this is the only way to do it how can I get HBoot 1.55 back in after I S-On, I haven't found any firmware downloads out there at all specific to my device.
Thanks in advance for any help.
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[Q] Need to Downgrade from 4.4.2 to 4.3 to Return to Stock

I hoping I can get some clarification on this subject. I may have to take my phone into Sprint for either repair or new phone since it will not connect to the newly added 4G network in my area. So going back to stock my be needed for me to do so.
Since the RUU for the 4.4.2 update isn't available yet, is there a way to downgrade back to 4.3 so I can return back to stock? I did the OTA update in stock, then gained root access.
Does the process require me to turn S-Off? I'm currently S-On running Running Bad Boyz Sprint ONE KitKat v1.0.
If I go S-Off, is there a way to turn it back S-On? Not sure if Sprint will look at this setting.
Also, I have the update radio and hboot
HBOOT- 1.56.0000
OS- 4.06.651.4
Will I have to downgrade my hboot as well?
Any help will be much appreciated
lihtsout said:
I hoping I can get some clarification on this subject. I may have to take my phone into Sprint for either repair or new phone since it will not connect to the newly added 4G network in my area. So going back to stock my be needed for me to do so.
Since the RUU for the 4.4.2 update isn't available yet, is there a way to downgrade back to 4.3 so I can return back to stock? I did the OTA update in stock, then gained root access.
Does the process require me to turn S-Off? I'm currently S-On running Running Bad Boyz Sprint ONE KitKat v1.0.
If I go S-Off, is there a way to turn it back S-On? Not sure if Sprint will look at this setting.
Also, I have the update radio and hboot
HBOOT- 1.56.0000
OS- 4.06.651.4
Will I have to downgrade my hboot as well?
Any help will be much appreciated
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You're S-On. Your only option is to perform a factory reset, flash the stock recovery and re-lock your bootloader.
Kraizk said:
You're S-On. Your only option is to perform a factory reset, flash the stock recovery and re-lock your bootloader.
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Do you forward me to a thread that has shows me how to do this? I have an idea on how to do it, just want make sure I do it correctly.
lihtsout said:
Do you forward me to a thread that has shows me how to do this? I have an idea on how to do it, just want make sure I do it correctly.
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unlock recovery
install custom recovery
s-off with firewater
downgrade hboot to 1.55
relock bootloader
run RUU 4.3.
Hboot files
ludatrick said:
unlock recovery
install custom recovery
s-off with firewater
downgrade hboot to 1.55
relock bootloader
run RUU 4.3.
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hi I just came across one of the Sprint HTC Max on 4.4.2 with 2.49 hboot. I'd like to unlock the phone but can't find a hboot file to downgrade. Currently s-off, rooted, TWRP and unlocked. It would be great if you could help a brotha out...
unlock bootloader
install custom recovery
s-off with firewater
downgrade hboot (check rumrunner website for hboot file)
relock bootloader
run RUU 4.3.
sonny5766 said:
hi I just came across one of the Sprint HTC Max on 4.4.2 with 2.49 hboot. I'd like to unlock the phone but can't find a hboot file to downgrade. Currently s-off, rooted, TWRP and unlocked. It would be great if you could help a brotha out...
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what to do? need complete stock to send back, currently at relocked s-on stock rom

i was running custom rom but decided the blue haze on the camera wasn't doing it for me and turns out htc are able to repair it once i send in
I got to relocked s-on only showing no tampered or anything by flashing ruu
running latest sense rom and hboot 1.56 atm
need to get back to just [locked] showing s-on
this is frustrating me I need help
i unlocked this originally through htc if that matters
You will need s-off to reset the bootloader back to locked instead of re-locked
Sent from my HTC One using xda app-developers app
adoboFosho said:
i was running custom rom but decided the blue haze on the camera wasn't doing it for me and turns out htc are able to repair it once i send in
I got to relocked s-on only showing no tampered or anything by flashing ruu
running latest sense rom and hboot 1.56 atm
need to get back to just [locked] showing s-on
this is frustrating me I need help
i unlocked this originally through htc if that matters
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S-OFF the phone. Then, use the flash the Guru Bootloader Reset zip in TWRP/CWM. From there, you can set it to Locked. But, HBOOT 1.56 has a lot of problems when trying to S-OFF. Its a hit and miss chance. Try using Firewater to S-OFF
raghav kapur said:
S-OFF the phone. Then, use the flash the Guru Bootloader Reset zip in TWRP/CWM. From there, you can set it to Locked. But, HBOOT 1.56 has a lot of problems when trying to S-OFF. Its a hit and miss chance. Try using Firewater to S-OFF
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the instructions on firewater on their site probably doesn't work with what I have atm cant link to the site yet not enough posts..
what is the best course of action I take?
im running latest android not 4.3 with an m7 not m8 and unrooted
i tried temprooting using firewater just to get s-off didn't work since i have newest android
can someone tell me what to do from here? flash 4.3? root again?!

[Q] S-OFF impossible after going S-ON?

In response to my Q below, a user wrote that if I go S-ON (to take the phone into repair) I can never go S-ON again. Is that true? I've restored my phone 100% to stock HBOOT, recovery OS etc. and I'm presently at HBOOT 1.57 and have locked the bootloader and have "*** LOCKED ***". So the only thing left is to go S-ON. But I'm wondering if this means I can never go S-ON again.
The original question: http://forum.xda-developers.com/htc-one/help/restore-m7-to-stock-q-hboot-t2999854
kenzorio said:
In response to my Q below, a user wrote that if I go S-ON (to take the phone into repair) I can never go S-ON again. Is that true? I've restored my phone 100% to stock HBOOT, recovery OS etc. and I'm presently at HBOOT 1.57 and have locked the bootloader and have "*** LOCKED ***". So the only thing left is to go S-ON. But I'm wondering if this means I can never go S-ON again.
The original question: http://forum.xda-developers.com/htc-one/help/restore-m7-to-stock-q-hboot-t2999854
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You can go S On again any time
He advised you should not make it S On
because keep your SOff is beneficial
your phone is GPE so that's had firmware problem after 1.55 locking Bootloader it cant be unlocked if you are on S On that time
if you keep S Off you can Unlock your phone easily
as you know 1st time you need Unlock Bootloader then you make S Off but if you update Hboot then Lock Bootloader then S On its quiet hard to make it S Off again and using root custom Roms etc
kenzorio said:
In response to my Q below, a user wrote that if I go S-ON (to take the phone into repair) I can never go S-ON again. Is that true? I've restored my phone 100% to stock HBOOT, recovery OS etc. and I'm presently at HBOOT 1.57 and have locked the bootloader and have "*** LOCKED ***". So the only thing left is to go S-ON. But I'm wondering if this means I can never go S-ON again.
The original question: http://forum.xda-developers.com/htc-one/help/restore-m7-to-stock-q-hboot-t2999854
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I did not mean you can never go s-off again. Most likely you phone will be returned with the latest software and hboot 1.57 installed and you'll have to pay to s-off. Many here have sent their phone to repair with s-off and had no problems getting repair.
and their phones were returned to them still s-off
clsA said:
I did not mean you can never go s-off again. Most likely you phone will be returned with the latest software and hboot 1.57 installed and you'll have to pay to s-off. Many here have sent their phone to repair with s-off and had no problems getting repair.
and their phones were returned to them still s-off
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OK just to clarify - it originally wasn't a GPE. I converted it to GPE, and now I converted it back to stock (incl HBOOT, recovery etc.). Btw, in the post I mistakenly asked if it meant I could never go S-ON again. What I meant to ask was if I couldn't get S-OFF again!
But you say I have to pay to get S-OFF again. Is that because Sunshine is the only way to get S-OFF with HBOOT >= 1.57? Any chance that a free tool will come out that works as well?
Moderator Information,
I will keep this thread open as you are getting help on it, but in future can you please keep to one thread per topic.
