[Q] Verizon HTC One Stock - One (M7) Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hey all, first time post with a general question.
Now that the HTC One is finally being released on Verizon, will the same process of rooting and flashing stock Android be the same? I was playing with my buddy's One and I wasn't a huge fan of Sense 5 and I don't want to deal with it longer than I have to.

xthek1ng said:
Hey all, first time post with a general question.
Now that the HTC One is finally being released on Verizon, will the same process of rooting and flashing stock Android be the same? I was playing with my buddy's One and I wasn't a huge fan of Sense 5 and I don't want to deal with it longer than I have to.
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I think it's too soon to tell. Will probably have to wait for the first week the phone is released for people and devs to start playing around and seeing whats up.


Jelly Bean

Hello. I was wondering if anyone is currently working on a MOD (if its possible to be a MOD) or ROM for the Vivid. I would prefer a MOD if its possible, because there is an HTC Sense 4.0 ROM for the Vivid and I would also like Jelly Bean and I heard you can only run one ROM at a time, which sucks. :/ Will there be an update from AT&T or anything like that? Are we never gonna get it, even with a ROM? So many questions. :S Thanks in advance!
menachemt said:
Hello. I was wondering if anyone is currently working on a MOD (if its possible to be a MOD) or ROM for the Vivid. I would prefer a MOD if its possible, because there is an HTC Sense 4.0 ROM for the Vivid and I would also like Jelly Bean and I heard you can only run one ROM at a time, which sucks. :/ Will there be an update from AT&T or anything like that? Are we never gonna get it, even with a ROM? So many questions. :S Thanks in advance!
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You can't get jellybean or sense in a mod...only a rom
No we will never get it from att
Someone is working on jellybean, but there will probably never be a sense jellybean rom
Sent from my HTC PH39100 using Tapatalk 2
mg2195 said:
You can't get jellybean or sense in a mod...only a rom
No we will never get it from att
Someone is working on jellybean, but there will probably never be a sense jellybean rom
Sent from my HTC PH39100 using Tapatalk 2
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So in other words, I am gonna have to choose between a jellybean rom or a sense rom? Which one would you prefer? This is a hard decision for me. :/ Thanks! I'll hit the thanks button.
menachemt said:
So in other words, I am gonna have to choose between a jellybean rom or a sense rom? Which one would you prefer? This is a hard decision for me. :/ Thanks! I'll hit the thanks button.
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You left out another choice. If you really want JB, you can just wait for a different phone. That's what i'm doing. I've realized that the companies that make Android phones, and the carriers, usually allow only one upgrade per phone. They don't want you keeping the same phone after a year or two, which is why they build so many of them.
grunt0300 said:
You left out another choice. If you really want JB, you can just wait for a different phone. That's what i'm doing. I've realized that the companies that make Android phones, and the carriers, usually allow only one upgrade per phone. They don't want you keeping the same phone after a year or two, which is why they build so many of them.
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You make a good point. Do you know about any AT&T HTC Phones that are coming soon? I heard about the HTC One X+ rumor. Any other?
menachemt said:
You make a good point. Do you know about any AT&T HTC Phones that are coming soon? I heard about the HTC One X+ rumor. Any other?
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My son-in-law has his best friend working in an AT&T store, here in Florida. I've talked to him, but he says that he doesn't get info any quicker than anyone else. If i do hear anything, i'll let you know.
grunt0300 said:
My son-in-law has his best friend working in an AT&T store, here in Florida. I've talked to him, but he says that he doesn't get info any quicker than anyone else. If i do hear anything, i'll let you know.
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Not saying att people are dumb, but they are pretty clueless when it comes to New phones...they usually don't know anything till the week they get one or when its announced to the public, its just part of the company's keeping.phones a secret...
Sent from my HTC PH39100 using Tapatalk 2
---------- Post added at 09:17 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:12 AM ----------
Oh yeah, mobile events are begining.soon, (where company's announce they're next big releases) so we should know all the main phones being released soon
Sent from my HTC PH39100 using Tapatalk 2

Waiting for the 4.2.2 release to flash a custom ROM?

Is anybody else waiting for HTC to release the 4.2.2 base and seeing what the devs do with it before flashing a custom ROM? I've had my One for about 2 weeks now and it's still unrooted and running the stock ROM (this is the longest I've gone so far).
Just wondering if I'm alone in thinking that the devs will come up with better ROMs based on 4.2 than they currently have out for 4.1
Other than quick toggles, I didn't see many stand out features vin the preview.
Sent from my HTC One using xda app-developers app
4.2 isn't a huge step forward. There really is no point in waiting to root and unlock. It's still 'JellyBean' with a few extra features so the difference will be minimal, but I'm anxious for those quick settings myself. I'd say root and S-Off now to get it over with so you can flash immediately when 4.2 comes out.
I was going to wait too. But I got my phone two days ago and ended up flashing two days ago as well...
Sent from my HTCONE using Tapatalk 2
Not to sound like a lame-o but this is the first phone I've owned where I didn't feel the need to root it. Though I had similar feelings with my Epic 4G Touch a few years ago and ended up flashing probably 50 different ROMS, give or take.
adam.kelly2 said:
Not to sound like a lame-o but this is the first phone I've owned where I didn't feel the need to root it. Though I had similar feelings with my Epic 4G Touch a few years ago and ended up flashing probably 50 different ROMS, give or take.
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I feel the same way, I've never gone this long without rooting a phone/tablet, it's usually a week at most.
This is the same boat I am in. I am not doing any of the over the air updates so it will be easier to root when it gets to that point. I am actually quite impressed with the phone (coming from the Evo 4g), I've actually thought about keeping this thing stock...then I remember that it will only get faster if I root and flash.
Yup, stock and not rooted. Waiting for the 4.2.2 and hopefully a working flashable rom of the Google Edition One with everything stable. I really want lockscreen widgets. This is the first phone where I'm not willing to sacrifice the stability of the phone, because sense 5 is pretty damn good. I'd definitely prefer an equally stable AOSP rom though.
D3luSi0n4L said:
Yup, stock and not rooted. Waiting for the 4.2.2 and hopefully a working flashable rom of the Google Edition One with everything stable. I really want lockscreen widgets. This is the first phone where I'm not willing to sacrifice the stability of the phone, because sense 5 is pretty damn good. I'd definitely prefer an equally stable AOSP rom though.
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Same here. I hope these awesome devs get the Google edition roms on here quick!
Sent from my HTCONE using xda premium
mite be trading my s4 for the htc one real soon!! did u guys get the 4.2.2. update yet or still waiting?
P.Mobile said:
mite be trading my s4 for the htc one real soon!! did u guys get the 4.2.2. update yet or still waiting?
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Well.... if you look at some posts here from yesterday (2 posts up ) you will see the statement.... " Waiting for the 4.2.2 "
I waited a few weeks and started thinking that HTC dev unlock will wipe the device so I might as well get started. That and the process will be quicker once Sprint releases and development starts working to fix any of the unintended features on the new release.
Sent from my HTCONE using Tapatalk 2

Planning to buy HTC One - Some questions :D

Hi People,
Finally I have decided to move on from my beloved HTC Incredible S which has been my companion for more than 2 years now and I chose HTC One to be its successor (Yeah I am a HTC Fanboy so my obvious choice was HTC itself). But there are couple of questions that I would like to get answers to before I zero in on it.
1. If I get a HTC One Sense Version, is it easy to install the Google Edition ROM on it? because I love switching roms often and like Latest Updates on my phone just to experience it
2. How is the future of this handset? I am asking it because, my Incredible S had begun with GingerBread and now with awesome developers, I can install KitKat in it too Thats a whole long journey on it.. Just wanted to know if the hardware and processor is future proof because after spending wholesome money on it, I dont want it to get stuck at kitkat
I checked the forum and found that there are whole lot of ROMs available for HTC One and I am excited to go for it. So any guidance here would be wonderful
1. Wouldn't say it was easy. Just be sure to do your research. Read all the relevant topics and so everything exactly as detailed. Here's just one of the many threads you should read.
2. Apparently stock sense will be supported until next major release 4.5 or 5.
Custom ROMs will go well beyond that I'm sure. Don't know where official gpe support will end.
Sent from my HTC O'ne-xus
mitchst2 said:
1. Wouldn't say it was easy. Just be sure to do your research. Read all the relevant topics and so everything exactly as detailed. Here's just one of the many threads you should read.
2. Apparently stock sense will be supported until next major release 4.5 or 5.
Custom ROMs will go well beyond that I'm sure. Don't know where official gpe support will end.
Sent from my HTC O'ne-xus
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Oh the Google Edition will be supported max till 2 updates eh? Didnt know that..
Also, why I was asking because, even if official souce code was stopped by HTC.. Devs had developed kernels from scratch and kept the In credible S Alive.. I would love the same happening here..
Any devs who can give info
Didn't say that. Said sense will be supported to either 4.5 or 5. Whichever comes first. I.e. one more big release.
GPE anyone know? Will it follow the nexus 18 month support?
Sent from my HTC O'ne-xus
hoa1 said:
Simply go for it... :fingers-crossed:
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He he, I love to Just some questions as I always love rom modding
Does anyone know how long will GPE be supported by google? Is it same as current nexus??
BTW, There is an Indian Variant of HTC One.. One which has Dual Sim and seems like Single SIM HTC Ones have stopped for no reason :/
Will the custom Firmware of this Single Sim Ones work on that?? Or there is a separate forum for that?

[Q] Switching phones

Hello xda,
I have a Galaxy S i9000, have had it for 2 years and played around with roms and modding; I am very familiar with this kind of stuff.
I am switching to a new phone soon, and it will definitely be an HTC phone, either a One or a One M8.
I originally thought of getting the 2013 One to save some money, but I was wondering if the performance is good on custom roms like cm11, pa 4.2 etc. (sorry if it is a really obvious question to you ppl, I have a phone with a single core 1ghz processor and cm11 is sooo laggy)
Another question, if i get the HTC one 2013, I will definitely get S Off with revone on it. can anyone tell me if there is a command to revert it back to S On after getting S off?
Cheers and thanks,
Edit: Please don't say anything about my Nexus 5, it is my 'hacking' device, where I do random $%#@ to it. I dont use it for daily use, only for rom testing etc etc. I know its weird, but I want an HTC for my daily driver
GHE_1908 said:
Hello xda,
I have a Galaxy S i9000, have had it for 2 years and played around with roms and modding; I am very familiar with this kind of stuff.
I am switching to a new phone soon, and it will definitely be an HTC phone, either a One or a One M8.
I originally thought of getting the 2013 One to save some money, but I was wondering if the performance is good on custom roms like cm11, pa 4.2 etc. (sorry if it is a really obvious question to you ppl, I have a phone with a single core 1ghz processor and cm11 is sooo laggy)
Another question, if i get the HTC one 2013, I will definitely get S Off with revone on it. can anyone tell me if there is a command to revert it back to S On after getting S off?
Cheers and thanks,
Edit: Please don't say anything about my Nexus 5, it is my 'hacking' device, where I do random $%#@ to it. I dont use it for daily use, only for rom testing etc etc. I know its weird, but I want an HTC for my daily driver
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Okay I am not sure that htc one can be reverted to s-on back but i saw somewhere that there are modded bootloaders and they read s-on and locked even if you are s-off and have a unlocked bootloader.
Sent from my Nokia 3315.

[Q] Restoring performance of m7

Hi there. I have been using my m7 for nearly 2 years now and was going to upgrade to m9 this year. Since m9 dissapointed me really and I have never been a fan of Galaxy series I may stay with my beloved m7 for a bit longer. It is really great phone unfortunately it became laggy and unresponsive some time ago. Not mentioning poor (!!!) battery life... As I was going to upgrade it never actually bothered me enough to think about fixing this. Since now. If I am going to spend at least few more months with this device I would like it to perform as it did before, or close to it.
Updated to Lollipop recently but I cant blame lollipop as performance was bad long ago before update, phone never been rooted, 100% stock, all unwanted apps uninstalled/disabled, only essential apps being used, always Auto sync off for everything, localizations off, I dont use fb, twitter etc only viber sits in the background and Google Now launcher as I got bored with BlinkFeed.
Moving to qeustions... Is this normal for m7 to loose on performance after 2 years usage? Maybe it is just normal for all smartphones after some time and this is just me expecting too much from my "old" ONE? Are there any ways to improve the way my phone works, can involve rooting if necessary so I will finally learn how to do it What are your suggestions friends?
I believe there is many like me and hope this thread will help others as well.
Thanks in advance
I am in the same boat as you.
Have you tried a factory reset?
TheLostOne said:
I am in the same boat as you.
Have you tried a factory reset?
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I installed newest arhd Rom and I only regret I have waited so long. Phone works like new and it was very easy to do of you follow one of the guides available on forum
Sent from my HTC One using XDA Free mobile app
skwieradee said:
I installed newest arhd Rom and I only regret I have waited so long. Phone works like new and it was very easy to do of you follow one of the guides available on forum
Sent from my HTC One using XDA Free mobile app
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Sounds great!
Can you point me to the guide you've followed.
I always wanted to wait until my warranty runs out but I suppose it's better to act earlier
I used this tutorial. Rom you will download from android development section. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=38933080&postcount=1
Enjoy flashing
Sent from my HTC One using XDA Free mobile app
Try a GPE ROM and maybe a custom kernel
Thank you!
I will try my luck after my vacation

