Tegra variant - LG Optimus 4X HD

sorry if the answer is already there
i just wanna ask how to check tegra variant of my device
i do check on /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/tegra_cpu_variant but i cant find it
so, is there another way to check my tegra variant ?
thx in advanced

Which kernel are you using ?
Sent from my LG-P880 using xda premium

i use stock kernel by that time
and i cant find tegra cpu variant
and i change to iodak kernel v7 and i can find tegra varinat
thx for ur reply

cpu z tells the variant


[Q] Overclocking Galaxy Mini

HI, I have a galaxy mini and i want to overclock it, i tried to but then it refused to switch on and i had to install the custom rom again! Here are my specs-
KERNEL VERSION- [email protected]#1
Thats it! Please someone tell me which kernels and images to download to overclock my phone! Thanks in advance! http://forum.xda-developers.com/images/smilies/good.gif
Mraps98 said:
HI, I have a galaxy mini and i want to overclock it, i tried to but then it refused to switch on and i had to install the custom rom again! Here are my specs-
KERNEL VERSION- [email protected]#1
Thats it! Please someone tell me which kernels and images to download to overclock my phone! Thanks in advance! http://forum.xda-developers.com/images/smilies/good.gif
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If you are using stock ROM only, refer this:
Thanks, but my rom is custom
Sent from my GT-S5570 using xda app-developers app
Custom roms already have the ability to overclock... Either go under settings or download setcpu.
Sent from my GT-S5570 using xda app-developers app
Thanks, now ill root my phone and install setcpu, hope it works, you rock man! Please Tell me if i need to do anything else
Sent from my GT-S5570 using xda app-developers app
I downloaded set cpu, but i couldn't go more than 600 mhz please help
Sent from my GT-S5570 using xda app-developers app
What's Custom Rom you used? I think your custom rom not support OC kernel
Sent from my GT-S5570 using xda app-developers app
Mraps98 said:
I downloaded set cpu, but i couldn't go more than 600 mhz please help
Sent from my GT-S5570 using xda app-developers app
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If your custom doesn't support oc, ask the developer for help lol. Alternatively, you could flash another kernel that supports oc. But you gotta get it right.
Sent from my GT-S5570 using xda app-developers app
Mraps98 said:
Thanks, now ill root my phone and install setcpu, hope it works, you rock man! Please Tell me if i need to do anything else
Sent from my GT-S5570 using xda app-developers app
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So if u still need to root you might be using a stock ROM not custom coz u need to be and ull be rooted when you have a custom ROM :/
Sent from my GT-S5570 using xda premium
My Custom rom
I am not sure if its custom or not, its called S5570_JVKT1_2.3.6 can you guys please tell me if its custom or not? please help me
Thank you all
I finally overcloekd my phone, thanks to you guys, it runs at 864mhz now, very fast, i used the kernel by godell (godell more)
Mraps98 said:
I am not sure if its custom or not, its called S5570_JVKT1_2.3.6 can you guys please tell me if its custom or not? please help me
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It's stock
Mraps98 said:
I finally overcloekd my phone, thanks to you guys, it runs at 864mhz now, very fast, i used the kernel by godell (godell more)
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I recommend to set the max cpu frequency around 729-806mhz, minimal to 245mhz and SmartAssV2 for the governor. I'ts fast enough and the battery live is good. If you set the cpu frequency to the max, your device will become unstable and the battery drain faster.
I'm just giving recommendations. So, everything is up to you.
(P.S. I'm new on XDA )
vengeance.RA said:
I recommend to set the max cpu frequency around 729-806mhz, minimal to 245mhz and SmartAssV2 for the governor. I'ts fast enough and the battery live is good. If you set the cpu frequency to the max, your device will become unstable and the battery drain faster.
I'm just giving recommendations. So, everything is up to you.
(P.S. I'm new on XDA )
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First of all, welcome to XDA...
My OC is set at:
Min: 245MHz
Max: 729MHz
Governor: SmartAssV2
IO Scheduler: Deadline
SystemUI and stuff doesn't lag, but large apps lags sometimes but it's acceptable.

Where can I download new governors?

I use JellyBam in my N7000 wich come with basic governors. I would like use smartass or interactive governors... but,
where I can get it?
Its works in two core processor?
Its is dependent of kernel? Mine is CM10.1 compatible for JellyBan.
Sorry for my english... I am noob yet... and, yes, I do 3 hours of search (with made me confuse).
Thank you in advance.]
I'm not the smartest one on here but I think it's part of the kernel.
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda app-developers app
unglued94ta said:
I'm not the smartest one on here but I think it's part of the kernel.
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda app-developers app
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You're completely right. Governers are baked into the kernel. You can't just download them.
@op give it some time, job is still young. Once Sammy release kernel sources I'm sure kernel devs will start implementing stuff like that. Also, questions go in the q&a section.
Sent from my GT-N7000 using XDA Premium HD app
luetkmeyer said:
I use JellyBam in my N7000 wich come with basic governors. I would like use smartass or interactive governors... but,
where I can get it?
Its works in two core processor?
Its is dependent of kernel? Mine is CM10.1 compatible for JellyBan.
Sorry for my english... I am noob yet... and, yes, I do 3 hours of search (with made me confuse).
Thank you in advance.]
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The guy who took over gavins work has managed to get it working on jb. It works but is say it's not ready to be used as a daily driver. You can oc, change governors etc, but it seems laggy & buggy-the homme button won't work for me, had to use back
If you want to try it its under "hydracore"
From box 13......
Sent from my GT-N7000 using Tapatalk 2


Deleted on request from developer
Any performance improves in gta 3 or other lagging game
Sent from my LG-P880 using xda premium
Not sure haven't tested GTA, most gameloft shooters seem to hold up better after this. Our gpu seems to sit at 200mhz most of the time unless forced, so most games should benefit in theory, whether it will be noticeable depends on the game, some are just badly optimized like dungeon hunter 4 and spiderman, not much we can do about that
Sent from my rooted P880
How can I make this command starts with system?
xtynekk said:
How can I make this command starts with system?
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you need to write a script for init.d folder
I think it works! All 4 Cores activ on NFS MW! Less lags in the Game! Will try it tomorrow with RR3!
Holzi001 said:
I think it works! All 4 Cores activ on NFS MW! Less lags in the Game! Will try it tomorrow with RR3!
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This tweak is for GPU not CPU... when I have time I will pull the tweak for cpu online and add it
Sent from my rooted P880
@non4 said:
This tweak is for GPU not CPU
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I know that this Tweak is for GPU. But i think overclock the GPU will also change the behavior of the Core activity? Because without this awesome Tweak, there is only one, sometimes two Cores activ (in NFS MW). Now with this Tweak there is the most Time all Cores activ.
How to use this script please help because i think it's not working in rom toolbox terminal emulator
Sent from my LG-P880 using xda premium
akshay.mehta9 said:
How to use this script please help because i think it's not working in rom toolbox terminal emulator
Sent from my LG-P880 using xda premium
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Download something to monitor the gpu frequency to see if it works, for some reason this tweak doesn't allow the gpu to go as high, probably because its locked in performance mode. Most kernels the max it can go is 416mhz, on kholks its 468mhz. Not all games are improved by this, it depends on what sort of stress the game is causing. Some need more CPU, and others like MC4 need GPU more than the CPU
Sent from my rooted P880
how about battery drain and/or device temperature ?
did someone has noticed some differences ?
LG Optimus 4x HD (P880)
Bootloader : unlocked
Recovery : CWM Touch
Rom : v20a stock rooted [4.1.2]
Kernel : stock 3.1.10
moss20 said:
how about battery drain and/or device temperature ?
did someone has noticed some differences ?
LG Optimus 4x HD (P880)
Bootloader : unlocked
Recovery : CWM Touch
Rom : v20a stock rooted [4.1.2]
Kernel : stock 3.1.10
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Nothing noticeable here
Sent from my rooted P880
in the kernel of cm 10.1 as it can increase???
plaia said:
in the kernel of cm 10.1 as it can increase???
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Default kernel can lock @416mhz, yes its lower than full speed but because it averages lower speeds anyway you can see a boost in some games
Sent from my rooted P880
here you can find a init.d script for the tweak
edit: realracing 3 and need for speed most wanted runs absolutly lagfree!
best regards
Blainstorm said:
here you can find a init.d script for the tweak
edit: realracing 3 and need for speed most wanted runs absolutly lagfree!
best regards
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Umm yeah, a link to a non English forum where you must register to see is not very useful why didn't you just give a link?
Sent from my rooted P880
Here you can download the script.
Gesendet von meinem LG-P880
@Holzi001 which application did you use in your pic that shows you your CPU activity?
Sent from my LG-P880 using xda premium
It's "perfmon"!
Holzi001 said:
I think it works! All 4 Cores activ on NFS MW! Less lags in the Game! Will try it tomorrow with RR3!
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How do you get that popup on your screen?

Kernel info in Stock

So i just flashed a custom kernel (iodak) and i went into the software information and saw the kernel version is the same. Is it supposed to be like this or should it have the custom kernel name?
theofficialpimp said:
So i just flashed a custom kernel (iodak) and i went into the software information and saw the kernel version is the same. Is it supposed to be like this or should it have the custom kernel name?
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Download "no frills CPU" from play store and see if you can overclock the device to 1700mhz
Sent from my LG-P880 using Tapatalk 2
lol i dont think you get what im saying, is it supposed to say the name of my custom kernel (iodak v07) under software information in stock rom?
theofficialpimp said:
lol i dont think you get what im saying, is it supposed to say the name of my custom kernel (iodak v07) under software information in stock rom?
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no it shouldnt it just says 3.1.10 ...you should find out by installing trickstermod from play store for free ... u find kernel name includes ([email protected]) thats it u got iodak kernel
Thanks just one more q, is there an app out there that shows the cores that are running?
I wanna know if my low power core is working with this kernel because the 'Show CPU Usage' option under hidden menu just says 0mhz.
Sent from my LG-P880 using xda app-developers app
theofficialpimp said:
Thanks just one more q, is there an app out there that shows the cores that are running?
I wanna know if my low power core is working with this kernel because the 'Show CPU Usage' option under hidden menu just says 0mhz.
Sent from my LG-P880 using xda app-developers app
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Trickster MOD shows running cores.

kernel flash fail ?

i have cm 10.2 and flashed the iodak v8 via cwm but after reboot my info say its cm 10 kernel already and not iodak. I cleanred cache dalvik and tried some more times
you sure you downloaded the cm10.2 kernel ? and not the cm10.1?
Sent from my LG-P880 using xda app-developers app
fastboot it?
Sent from my AOSP 4.3 Xperia S via Tapatalk
maybe the info says it's cm kernel just because iodak didn't change it in his modification? Check if you have the iodak features, just to be sure
Sent from my 4X HD via XDA Premium
what means fastboot it
i can change freq to 1700
If you can overclock it, you already have a custom kernel like iodak's installed as CM's kernel doesn't allow overclocking. iodak's kernel is based on CM's and he probably didn't change the version info.
Sent from my 4X HD via XDA Premium
is my gpu also overclocked how can i set gpu back to stock then?
xxlocalxx said:
is my gpu also overclocked how can i set gpu back to stock then?
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use the benchmark to check your mobile clocks first. dont ask a question for something that maybe isnt happening !!!! so check once and then tell us exactly whats the problem and what u wanna do !
which benchmark shows the clock rates?
xxlocalxx said:
which benchmark shows the clock rates?
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ah c mon do a little search.... in forum, in google search, in google apps, in other alternative stores, everywhere u see this antutu benchmark
i had it but it only shows my cpu clock
xxlocalxx said:
i had it but it only shows my cpu clock
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ok. this is the search result. antutu is 1st there too. https://play.google.com/store/search?q=benchmark&hl=el
and this is link to antutu https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.antutu.ABenchMark&hl=el
sorry if link is in greek , its due to google . google see im from greece and uses greek. but the install button is the same and the app of course in the phone language
yes as i said i installed already and unter info it only show cpu clock

