update v20B, battery problem - LG Optimus 4X HD

Hi, LG software in my PC says that my phone can be update to v20B. But when update start, LG says that my battery is low and I must charge it. But Battery has 100%!!! I try delete batterstats.bin - dont help.
Thank you for your help!

You rooted and unlocked?

Yes, I have root and unlock bootloader.

Flash the .kdz, don't try to update OTA or through official LG Update Tool with unlocked bootloader
Sent from my LG-P880


[Q] LG-P880G (Canada | Wind Mobile) Update V10F

As of 14 Jan 2013, the current version of the Canadian firmware has gone from V10C to V10F. I have no info on new benchmarks (if any), but I can confirm that V10F wipes out #ROOT / Super User access, and cannot be re-rooted (as far as I can tell) via:
qaz753's method
Root MANY ANDROID! method
.kdz rollback combined with either of the above.
It's entirely possible that I'm experiencing this because I'm a n00b, but I have attempted all three, all after hard-reset, without any success.
Quaz753's falls flat early on, when IS11LG_SystemBackupTest.signed.apk installs, but crashes at startup.
RMA method "fails to mount" in cmd and asks "are you [ROOT]?
And you can't roll back the firmware: when attempting, the device freezes on a black or grey screen, but behaves completely normally as if nothing had happened after a reboot.
So, now, are others experiencing this?
Has anybody gotten further than me with the aforementioned methods after the updates?
Or do I just wait until someone smarter than me writes a new rooting tool?
Any updates on that?
EDIT: Yup. N00b here. I was forgetting to replace the battery when the firmware downgrade began. That fixed the rollback to 10C, and then "Root Many Android" worked just fine
*** See my post below for the step-by-step for upgrading to V10F with #Root. ***
EDIT 2: Here is a new link to V10C Firmware: Dropbox
Like you, ive flashed to the new firmware and both rooting methods youve mentioned has failed. I have reverted back to v10c to get root back, getting a little tired of this phone.
Sent from my LG-P880g using xda app-developers app
Have you tried doing a FOTA with OTA Rootkeeper and temp-unroot? For me I could always do that, and root was restored once the firmware upgrade process was finished.
muellersmattes said:
Have you tried doing a FOTA with OTA Rootkeeper and temp-unroot? For me I could always do that, and root was restored once the firmware upgrade process was finished.
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Can you (or anyone else) please confirm that you followed the following steps:
Obtain #Root on your LG P880G Phone, Firmware V10C using either of the methods above
Install "Voodoo OTA RootKeeper" (Sorry, too new to the forums to be allowed to post a link to the PLAY store)
Run RootKeeper, and click "Protect Root"
Still in Rootkeeper, click "Temp. un-root"
Run update via LG's stock "Software Update" app, upgrading to firmware V10F (FOTA: Firmware Over-the-Air)
click 're-root' in RootKeeper
So that you are now running V10F with #Root and all is well?
I don't want to be the guinea-pig for this, just because my wife will yell at me if I get caught doing another factory reset
EDIT: This method is confirmed as working. See my post below for the step-by-step for upgrading to V10F with #Root.
TheRadGasm said:
... my wife will yell at me if I get caught doing another factory reset
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Nice to see that I'm not alone
TheRadGasm said:
Can you (or anyone else) please confirm that you followed the following steps:
Obtain #Root on your LG P880G Phone, Firmware V10C using either of the methods above
Install "Voodoo OTA RootKeeper" (Sorry, too new to the forums to be allowed to post a link to the PLAY store)
Run RootKeeper, and click "Protect Root"
Still in Rootkeeper, click "Temp. un-root"
Run update via LG's stock "Software Update" app, upgrading to firmware V10F (FOTA: Firmware Over-the-Air)
click 're-root' in RootKeeper
So that you are now running V10F with #Root and all is well?
I don't want to be the guinea-pig for this, just because my wife will yell at me if I get caught doing another factory reset
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Sorry, I forgot to write that I don't have a P880G, but a normal (german) one. But why do another factory reset? KDZ flash doesn't delete your data. With FOTA I mean "normal" firmware-over-the-air, with the integrated Software update app, without a computer or cable. That has never changed any data on my phone. I had to restore all the system applications bacuse it complained at first, but after restoring them and temp-unroot everything went fine and root was kept. But as said this is only tested for nomal P880. Can't tell if your G version uses some other methods which wipe away root. IF that's the case, I unfortunately can't help you.
RuedasLocas said:
Nice to see that I'm not alone
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i also face same problem with P880G. rooting is not working with any way when i update to V10F.
p880g root
I am joining this small team. Canadian LG 4X HD update 10f, and so far can not get root on the phone. Is anybody test above solution ? Anyway i will do this, just waiting to hit Saturday. Please keep updating this post if you get something what can help.
laskaca said:
I am joining this small team. Canadian LG 4X HD update 10f, and so far can not get root on the phone. Is anybody test above solution ? Anyway i will do this, just waiting to hit Saturday. Please keep updating this post if you get something what can help.
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If I wasn't clear before, I hope I can be now: I regained #Root after the Canadian (Wind Mobile) firmware update to V10F, but I had to use the crudest means possible. I am not an expert, but here is the recipe I used:
Section A
Back up EVERYTHING: contacts, app data, media, etc., and read all directions to the end before you begin any step.
Download the .kdz for V10C (If that doesn't work, here's another link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/nuccg8hu4p1495l/V10C_00.kdz)
Manually roll back your firmware using THIS METHOD (following each step very carefully, eg. replacing the battery during rewrite).
Obtain #Root using THIS METHOD.
The finished product: I am now back to firmware V10C, with #Root ...just like before you blindly allowed the FOTA (Firmware Over-the-Air) update V10F. What, were you hoping it was gonna be JellyBean? Now, for the update:
Section B
Ensure you have #Root on your LG P880G Phone with Firmware V10C using the above steps
Install "Voodoo OTA RootKeeper" (http://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.projectvoodoo.otarootkeeper)
Run RootKeeper, and click "Protect Root"
Still in Rootkeeper, click "Temp. un-root"
Run update via LG's stock "Software Update" FOTA (Firmware Over-the-Air) app, upgrading to firmware V10F. Do not use the LG Desktop App.
RootKeeper automatically re-enables #Root
The finished product: I am now upgraded to firmware V10F, with #Root.
Thanks to muellersmattes for proposing the method in Section B, and to tnsantos, thanson, and laskaca for confirming this method.
TheRadGasm said:
If I wasn't clear before, I hope I can be now: I regained #Root after the Canadian (Wind Mobile) firmware update to V10F, but I had to use the crudest means possible. I am not an expert, but here is the recipe I used:
Section A
Back up EVERYTHING: contacts, app data, media, etc., and read all directions to the end before you begin any step.
Download the .kdz for V10C
Manually roll back your firmware using THIS METHOD (following each step very carefully, eg. replacing the battery during rewrite).
Obtain #Root using THIS METHOD.
The finished product: I am now back to firmware V10C, with #Root ...just like before you blindly allowed the FOTA (Firmware Over-the-Air) update V10F. What, were you hoping it was gonna be JellyBean? Now, for the experimental part (Not for the feint of heart - I have not attempted this):
Section B
Obtain #Root on your LG P880G Phone, Firmware V10C using the above steps
Install "Voodoo OTA RootKeeper" (Sorry, too new to the forums to be allowed to post a link to the PLAY store)
Run RootKeeper, and click "Protect Root"
Still in Rootkeeper, click "Temp. un-root"
Run update via LG's stock "Software Update" app, upgrading to firmware V10F (FOTA: Firmware Over-the-Air)
click 're-root' in RootKeeper
So, to Recap:
If you are using the LG P880G, and follow Section A, all will be well.
If you attempt Section B, please report back with your findings, as I am eager to hear of your results. Oh, and please be sure to "Thumbs Up" all of the linked posts above if you use them.
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This works fine for me.
I installed v10b brazilian firmware and rooted it using Bin4ry script and then I followed your tips and now I have v10c (latest brazilian firmware) rooted.
lg p880g upgrade to v10f still root by using your method
thanks alot
Root P880G 10F
As mentioned before tested with Idea to use Root Keeper. This was the brightest idea , so
1. Downgraded my P880G to original 10C software using KDZ.
2. Rooted with Root_with_Restore_by_Bin4ry version from 13.09.2012
3. Used Root Keeper to backup root
4. Used Root Keeper to temporary unroot the phone
5. Updated phone to 10F by lg update app
5. Restored root backup in Root Keeper
6. Root access is working perfectly fine on 10F firmware
I would like to say BIG THANK YOU to muellersmattes for this idea.
PS: Phone is LG Optimus 4X HD LG P880G Canadian version of LG P880
After more than one hour trying to aply this methode to Brazilian V10C, I gave up...
Still without root access
RuedasLocas said:
After more than one hour trying to aply this methode to Brazilian V10C, I gave up...
Still without root access
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Here is what I did:
1. I had v10c brazilian firmware instaled
2. Flash v10b brazilian firmware
3. Root with bin4ry script
4. Install root keeper from market
5. Protect root
6. Temp un-root
7. Flash v10c back
8. Restore root
That's it.
Obs: No factory reset was done.
Sent from my LG-P880 using xda app-developers app
tnsantos said:
Here is what I did:
1. I had v10c brazilian firmware instaled
2. Flash v10b brazilian firmware
3. Root with bin4ry script
4. Install root keeper from market
5. Protect root
6. Temp un-root
7. Flash v10c back
8. Restore root
That's it.
Obs: No factory reset was done.
Sent from my LG-P880 using xda app-developers app
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Maybe because I downgrade to V10A... its the only reason I can see.
Tried all possible ways to keep root access but didn't worked, at least for me. Like I said, maybe because of the version
Now its too late, I'm half way to have the official V10H "adjusted"
Thank you anyway
RuedasLocas said:
Maybe because I downgrade to V10A... its the only reason I can see.
Tried all possible ways to keep root access but didn't worked, at least for me. Like I said, maybe because of the version
Now its too late, I'm half way to have the official V10H "adjusted"
Thank you anyway
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I'm sorry.
Step 7: Update from v10b to v10c using OTA Update. If you flash v10c kdz you will loose root.
obs.: v10a doesn't have OTA Update. You have to flash v10b kdz and do this procedure. It will work, I'm using a v10c rooted
tnsantos said:
I'm sorry.
Step 7: Update from v10b to v10c using OTA Update. If you flash v10c kdz you will loose root.
obs.: v10a doesn't have OTA Update. You have to flash v10b kdz and do this procedure. It will work, I'm using a v10c rooted
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Never mind, I was just testing. Mine is European
Sent from my LG-P880 using xda premium
International Request/Recommendation
RuedasLocas said:
Never mind, I was just testing. Mine is European
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tnsantos said:
I'm sorry.
Step 7: Update from v10b to v10c using OTA Update. If you flash v10c kdz you will loose root.
obs.: v10a doesn't have OTA Update. You have to flash v10b kdz and do this procedure. It will work, I'm using a v10c rooted
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RuedasLocas said:
Maybe because I downgrade to V10A... its the only reason I can see.
Tried all possible ways to keep root access but didn't worked, at least for me. Like I said, maybe because of the version
Now its too late, I'm half way to have the official V10H "adjusted"
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tnsantos said:
Here is what I did: ...
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RuedasLocas said:
After more than one hour trying to aply this methode to Brazilian V10C, I gave up...
Still without root access
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Just for the sake of clarity, this thread is about dealing with the current Canadian firmware issues. I request/recommend starting a new thread with the same format as this one for Brazilian/European problems.
Canadian V10C root -> V10f OTA
Hi all,
just for the info,
1) I had V10C rooted with BinAry method and did a factory reset.
2) Accept OTA update.
3) Root somehow preserved without using rootkeeper at all.
Hi, your links are down and I can't seem to find v10c for LG O4X (Wind Canada) anywhere...anybody can help? thanks!

Help for installing 4.4

I want help regarding installing 4.4 in my z1 c6902..
I have rooted and unlocked bootloader...
I made changes in system/app
what to do to receive 4.4 via ota via sony....
pathanraj said:
I want help regarding installing 4.4 in my z1 c6902..
I have rooted and unlocked bootloader...
I made changes in system/app
what to do to receive 4.4 via ota via sony....
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Even though PC Companion is showing that your phone has an update, if you try to perform the update, you will get an error that the software has been modified (because of unlock bootloader) and you cannot proceed.
If you want to update a phone with unlocked bootloader, you need to use Sony Flash tool.
Note that updating via PC Companion or Sony Flash tool, will result in your root being lost.
hush66 said:
Even though PC Companion is showing that your phone has an update, if you try to perform the update, you will get an error that the software has been modified (because of unlock bootloader) and you cannot proceed.
If you want to update a phone with unlocked bootloader, you need to use Sony Flash tool.
Note that updating via PC Companion or Sony Flash tool, will result in your root being lost.
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Where can i get file to flash with flash tool for my z1 C6903
Thanks in advanced
Look in the general section,
There is a sticky thread (Meaning its always near the top) full of the FTFs....

[Q] Re-installing jelly bean 4.3 xperia sp

Need help!!!
1st i rooted my phone and installed cm 11. After a few days of use i decided to reinstall my stock rom. I downloaded the rom i.e. 'C5302_12.1.A.1.201' and it installed without any issues. But after that whenever i'm trying to update the FW to 12.1.A.1.205, i'm getting error message. I tried both from mobile client update service and pc client update service (error message showing me can't install update as i'm using modified software).
What do i do?
joe_xperia_sp said:
Need help!!!
1st i rooted my phone and installed cm 11. After a few days of use i decided to reinstall my stock rom. I downloaded the rom i.e. 'C5302_12.1.A.1.201' and it installed without any issues. But after that whenever i'm trying to update the FW to 12.1.A.1.205, i'm getting error message. I tried both from mobile client update service and pc client update service (error message showing me can't install update as i'm using modified software).
What do i do?
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Did you unlock your bootloader? If so then re-lock it.
Oblox said:
Did you unlock your bootloader? If so then re-lock it.
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yes, i unlocked my bootloader. Though i installed the new fw with flash tool but would love to know how to relock bootloder again, so will you please elaborate how to do so.
Thanks in advance.
joe_xperia_sp said:
yes, i unlocked my bootloader. Though i installed the new fw with flash tool but would love to know how to relock bootloder again, so will you please elaborate how to do so.
Thanks in advance.
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If you followed the guides on xda then youll have all the relevant backups you need. If you dont have the TA partition backup then you might be a bit buggered.
Search here for relocking bootloader threads and see what they say.

[Help] LG G4 H811 marshmellow update [help]

Hello friends.. I just bought an unlocked lg g4 (h811) and i found it running lollipop so i tried to check for an update but when i tap on the update centre it took me directly to apps update and there is no software update so i can't check for the update .. My software version is "h81110m" i also couldn't find the firmware for the manual update .... So any one can help me
Hello friends.. I just bought an unlocked lg g4 (h811) and i found it running lollipop so i tried to check for an update but when i tap on the update centre it took me directly to apps update and there is no software update so i can't check for the update .. My software version is "h81110m" i also couldn't find the firmware for the manual update .... So any one can help me
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you need KDZ and LGUP. look here. i know 10n its lollipop
20i its marshmallow and latest its 20o. are you planing on rooting and use twrp.? if not you can only root 10n with locked bootloader. so you need to stay on 10n.. or upgrade to 20i MM. but do not flash 20oMM and go back downgrade to 20i- or 10n it will brick phone.
you need drivers-LGUP and KDZ. i think in the links you find everything
raptorddd said:
you need KDZ and LGUP. look here. i know 10n its lollipop
20i its marshmallow and latest its 20o. are you planing on rooting and use twrp.? if not you can only root 10n with locked bootloader. so you need to stay on 10n.. or upgrade to 20i MM. but do not flash 20oMM and go back downgrade to 20i- or 10n it will brick phone.
you need drivers-LGUP and KDZ. i think in the links you find everything
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Thanks man i will try it ... And btw anything about the mm cons and pros ?
Thanks man i will try it ... And btw anything about the mm cons and pros ?
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i think LP gives you better battery.. and marshmallow i think it seems smoother.
Hello friends.. I just bought an unlocked lg g4 (h811) and i found it running lollipop so i tried to check for an update but when i tap on the update centre it took me directly to apps update and there is no software update so i can't check for the update .. My software version is "h81110m" i also couldn't find the firmware for the manual update .... So any one can help me
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ive the same problem n same device h81110m i tried using the LGUP + kdz thing but LGUP doesn't recognize my device. I tried all non rooted steps but it doesn't recognize my device plz help how can i root it install twrp n upgrade to 20i
Aemyiam said:
ive the same problem n same device h81110m i tried using the LGUP + kdz thing but LGUP doesn't recognize my device. I tried all non rooted steps but it doesn't recognize my device plz help how can i root it install twrp n upgrade to 20i
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you have LG drivers.?? also LGUP doesnt work on USB 3.0 try other ports in computer or another compute and see if it detects phone.

Stopped Android update from Kitkat to Lollipop now Android is No Command :(

I heard lollipop drains battery fast so I tried stopping update midway now my stock kitakat is corrupt. Please advice how to install stock Kitkat in my motorola droid turbo xt1254.
Note my usb debbuging is off in phone settings and the device is not being recognised by RDS Lite even though i tried reinstalling motorola device manager. It says update is N/A.
Thanks in advance
At the very least, you have a lollipop recovery on the phone and will not accept KitKat reinstallation. It is likely that you bricked the phone, but not totally certain. Try putting the phone in fastboot for RSDlite. If you can't do that, you may be SOOL. Once you do get a stock ROM on, unlock the bootloader with 'Sunshine', then you can do about anything you want.
Sent from my XT1254 using Tapatalk
There's three versions of Verizon firmware that can be bootloader unlocked via Sunshine. Make sure you do NOT update to the very latest, which cannot be unlocked. Once bootloader is unlocked you can then downgrade back to Kitkat if you wish.
You can't downgrade bootloader, but with unlocked bootloader you can downgrade firmware. With a locked bootloader you can't downgrade anything.

