Here is the exact details on what happened in the order I remember them
1. Was using the latest Cognition Rom and decided to try something different
2. Used Odin to flash back to stock
3. Flash Axura CE Version 4
4. Decided I liked Cognition better (Not bashing Axura, great Rom but not for me)
5. Went to try Odin and USB connection was not recognized
6. Knew USB connection worked under Cognition so tried to use Clockwork to restore to it.
7. After restore I got numerous FC and shut down.
8. After shut down phone would not boot but stuck on the i9000 Axura loading screen.
9. Now the problem I have is that I can get to recovery mode with no problem but USB is not recognizing connection, tried to get CW to mount USB so I could put the zip version of stock ROM on it but it will not mount. Also tried uninstalling samsung drivers and reinstalling with no luck
Any Help greatly appreciated
vstarrydr05 said:
Here is the exact details on what happened in the order I remember them
1. Was using the latest Cognition Rom and decided to try something different
2. Used Odin to flash back to stock
3. Flash Axura CE Version 4
4. Decided I liked Cognition better (Not bashing Axura, great Rom but not for me)
5. Went to try Odin and USB connection was not recognized
6. Knew USB connection worked under Cognition so tried to use Clockwork to restore to it.
7. After restore I got numerous FC and shut down.
8. After shut down phone would not boot but stuck on the i9000 Axura loading screen.
9. Now the problem I have is that I can get to recovery mode with no problem but USB is not recognizing connection, tried to get CW to mount USB so I could put the zip version of stock ROM on it but it will not mount. Also tried uninstalling samsung drivers and reinstalling with no luck
Any Help greatly appreciated
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Is download mode still available? If yes your not screwed but your drivers might be.
What steps do you use to get into download mode.... 3 buttons or usb/vol+- combo ?
Yes download mode is available. I used the holding the volume up and down and plugging in USB. It goes to download mode with no issues whatsoever.
Well then this is a non-issue issue... Possibly a bad flash... Go in download mode again and reflash.
Your a bit crying wolf with no reason here. As long as download mode works and Odin detects the phone you have no issue
Use the Odin-one click if you have to ...but really calling it a brick when you have download mode gee-wiz.
Thats the issue. It is not detecting in ODIN. If it was detected I would have reflashed with no problem. I get the message that the USB device has malfunctioned and is not recognized
Try re-downloading the USB drivers - use the ones found in my signature.
If you can get into recovery - you can then get back into CWM and attempt to re-flash again - but you'd still need to 1-click back to stock using ODIN.
Have you tried to plug the usb cable in the Mb directly or changing its port ?
I actually downloaded your drivers last night and installed them. Still not recognized. I can get to CWR and have the zip files for AXURA and Cognition on the SD card. Get errors on various lines when trying to install either. I have tried 3 different cables and 4 different computers with no luck on recognition
Well crap... I did have the USB issue on my work's XP Machine - but when I went home to my Windows 7 box - it ended up finding the phone fine and I was able to flash back to stock.
Any chance you can find a Windows 7 box?
Dont know anyone with one unfortunately. I need to install Win 7 through bootcamp on my mac. I tried to even get it to mount as storage through CWR on it with no success
Well.. I can say with 99% certainty you should be able to restore the phone.. also if you look at my sig - I just added a link to the that is CWM flashable if you could somehow get the zip onto your phone that is lol.
Hm.. and I dunno how the virtual box of Win7 will run - but it's worth a shot. Windows 7 seems to be superior when it comes to figuring out devices vs. XP. I was shocked when it found my then toasted phone (similar issue your currently experiencing).
Haha, I have your zip to as a matter of fact. I picked it up but I dont know how to get it put on the phone if it wont recognize usb. If CW usb mounting would have working I was gonna put it on the internal sd and let it flash it
and actually bootcamp isnt a virtual box. its a partition on your hd where you can install windows on a mac computer
vstarrydr05 said:
and actually bootcamp isnt a virtual box. its a partition on your hd where you can install windows on a mac computer
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Duh.. been awhile since I've used MAC - you are quite correct
ok, on the flashing back either rom I get a error on line 10 trying to reflash AXURA and a error on line 12 with Cognition
Hmm. have you tried to do the factory reset from within CWM? I mean at this point.. can't lose anything by trying it.
Yeah, just did the wipe/factory reset through CWR. Still sticking on the same screen
Try this.
-Unplug the phone
-Uninstall all the current Samsung drivers you have, reboot
-Install this one, reboot
-Put the phone in download mode
-Plug the phone
Does windows install the drivers? If not continu
-Open Windows Device Manager and do a plug&play search
-If you have a ? device select it
-Right click/Update Drivers
-Select automatic...... if windows finds nothing return and select Manual.
-Choose the "Samsung ADB composite device" driver and install
Is the install successful ?
-Now unplug the usb cable
-Open Odin
-Plug the usb cable
Does Odin now see the phone ?
I bricked my phone twice. Att support center gave me a replacement each time. Just make sure you cant get to the vol up/down power screen completely screw it up
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA App
ronf1011 said:
I bricked my phone twice. Att support center gave me a replacement each time. Just make sure you cant get to the vol up/down power screen completely screw it up
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA App
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Why would you brick a working phone based on a driver issue ?!
That's like blowing your car engine cause you can't communicate with onboard electronics........ unreal
After searching the forums for a while I did not find a thread exactly matching my problem, so if I've overseen it, please just point me there.
To my problem:
I did a very stupid mistake, flashing a new custom ROM with a different kernel (as usual, cooked in Docs Kitchen) without converting back the lagfix. So I ended up with a non-booting phone - so far, so bad. Note to myself: Never flash a phone during the carnival weekend again.
So I booted into download mode and tried to recover it via Odin, but here I got my really bad surprise: USB device is not recognized, thus I Odin does not see the phone.
I tried 4 different PCs with Win7 or XP, a Linux desktop and a Macbook. I also tried 5 different USB cables (they all work with other smartphones like the Desire and the HD2). Wherever I stick the phone in, it is not recognized (code 10/code 43 in Win7). I used the stand-alone-drivers from the sticky forum thread here, and also most recent Kies versions, always the same: USB device not recognized.
Does anybody have an idea how to revive the USB connectivity? I'm almost at the point to send it in for repairs...
Or can someone elaborate how I could have killed USB with corrupting the ROM? I've to admit I do not really understand how these two are connected.
Hi Amokbunny
You get into download mode but the PC won't recognize the phone?
That's messy and I can think of nothing that could have done that. you did not change the bootloader did you (flashed a full samsung ROM containing a bootloader, for example VJ1)?
If not I guess it's a hardware issue.
formatted to ext4 without any backup
I did a very stupid mistake too. Got darky's rom 9.3., installed i, everything worked great(really awesome thing), then i wnt to recovry mode and entered tthe speedmod and it showed mr that my phone has rtf files system not EXT4 as it should be, thou i installed the speed mode. then i chose to repartition it to ext4 but i didn't choose the backup. Just clicked to format the sd. It did formatted to EXT4, rebooted, i saw the darky's rom logo and the the phone vibrated and the logog of the droid just flashed. I tried to enter recovery mode-didn't load. Started the download mode connexted to pc used ODIN 1.7 with PDA I9000XXJPY.tar, MODEM I9000XXJPY.tar, GT-I9000-CSC-MULTI-OXAJPY-LITE.tar s1_odin_20100512.pit.
The phone has started, appeared teh stok galaxy s logo and it's just flashing. Help needed. Don,t know what to do know. I have galayx s i9000 european version.
somehow i've managed to install new firmare 2.2.1 /I9000XXJPY-baseband / [email protected] #1-kernel version, but z4root isn't working. When i start permanent root the programm ends on aquiring root shell, the debug mode is on
Got it all running, installed Darky's rom 9.3. Thanks anyway.
theduckking said:
Hi Amokbunny
You get into download mode but the PC won't recognize the phone?
That's messy and I can think of nothing that could have done that. you did not change the bootloader did you (flashed a full samsung ROM containing a bootloader, for example VJ1)?
If not I guess it's a hardware issue.
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Yep, I can boot into download and recovery modes, but that's it.
The only apparent change in the new custom ROM was the kernel.
I also cannot really access my external SD card (it shows me some phantom files, but not the actual content of the SD), otherwise I'd try to recover it this way.
I agree with the hardware issue, if it wouldn't have coincided with the flash procedure...anyway, I think I'll send it in for repairs if I don't get it to run on this sunday.
I have the exact same problem, except that I can access my external SD. I got the problem after upgrading to Darkys Rom 9.3 the usual way, but switched from Speedmod to Voodoo. After that update, my USB didn't work anymore.
I can't get neither Xp or Win 7 to recognize my phone. USB device not recognized, and tried all the tricks. Reinstalling Kies and drivers, switching between the different modes (storage, kies media, ask, debug...) But still no USB connection.
I updated to darkys 9.5 (transferring the rom using bluetooth, and updating using CWM), but still it doesn't work.
Can get it into download mode, but still can't connect using USB and Odin.
Did anybody ever find a solution for this?
European version of I9000, bought in Denmark. No Simlock
Same thing here after installing JV1 + Ultibread Rom 1.4... Still no solution
*shameless push*
Any solution here? I dont have that problem, but it sounds too scary to not have a working solution :S
Same prob here! Any news?
Any solution? I have the same problem.
same problem my phone is bricked while flashing a stock rom the windows disconnected the phone while flashing
ended with device not recognized even in download mode
bassem8246 said:
same problem my phone is bricked while flashing a stock rom the windows disconnected the phone while flashing
ended with device not recognized even in download mode
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But if you are in download mode on your fone you'd rather should have a look at your configuration on the computer. Because the fone still can be flashed if the symbol for download still appears.
- Kies is shut down while ODIN is active?
- latest Samsung USB driver installed?
- Odin started with Admin?
Btw. did you try to get into recovery mode? Maybe this also still is working as the partition is quite small and chance high that it was flashed w/o faults. So you may be able to flash a zipped ROM rather than a tarball for Odin.
USB Not working when Phone plugged in... try these..
Unplug Device from PC..
Windows go to Device Manager...
Scroll down to Universal serial bus Controllers
Start with the top one and work your way down ..uninstall them all..
When done reboot Computer and let it install them all.. then try again
2.Settings --> USB Setings (under wireless & network may differ depending on Rom used) --> Try other settings Mass storage
3.Different USB ports on PC
4.Uninstall KIES from PC (reboot PC to take effect) and Reboot and just install samsung USB drivers....
5.Using windows type in msconfig in Start>Run box... windows will pop up and untick KIES from STARTUP TAB
Apply to take effect and restart machine.. try using ODIN to Flash ROM
I myself only use the Samsung USB drivers and ODIN never use KIES
or ...Check my signature and try SD formatter
Hi there.
I recently flashed the OmniROM to my i8190, but since it got several issues, after two weeks i decided to flash stock ROM.
So i enter TWRP recovery and wipe all data on the smartphone, but then my computer crashed and lost the VM that got Odin and drivers etc. so in a new VM i decided to try to flash, but now i can't.
Odin doesn't recognize my i8190, i thought ADB sideload could do the trick following this guide all i got was:
error: device not found
Now i ended up with a pretty brick hahaha.
How can i flash a ROM ..ANY to my phone.
I got another i8190 so i installed the drivers from it to the VM, all except the MTP device, that got error.
I also installed SAMSUNG drivers, but nothing, ... i'm kind of losing it now hahaha.
Can someone helpe me flash this thing?
a) I CAN enter TWRP Recovery
b) I CAN enter Download Mode
c) Don't know if Odin doesn't pick it up since USB Debug i presume it's not on, but then again, since no OS is installed, i don't know how to turn it on from recovery or something like it.
zenneka said:
Hi there.
I recently flashed the OmniROM to my i8190, but since it got several issues, after two weeks i decided to flash stock ROM.
So i enter TWRP recovery and wipe all data on the smartphone, but then my computer crashed and lost the VM that got Odin and drivers etc. so in a new VM i decided to try to flash, but now i can't.
Odin doesn't recognize my i8190, i thought ADB sideload could do the trick following this guide all i got was:
error: device not found
Now i ended up with a pretty brick hahaha.
How can i flash a ROM ..ANY to my phone.
I got another i8190 so i installed the drivers from it to the VM, all except the MTP device, that got error.
I also installed SAMSUNG drivers, but nothing, ... i'm kind of losing it now hahaha.
Can someone helpe me flash this thing?
a) I CAN enter TWRP Recovery
b) I CAN enter Download Mode
c) Don't know if Odin doesn't pick it up since USB Debug i presume it's not on, but then again, since no OS is installed, i don't know how to turn it on from recovery or something like it.
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Try another usb port and/or another usb cable. Also make sure that nothing with kies is runnung in background if you happens to have that installed.
When you connect with adb, also take a look on your phone screen if it asks for authorization to connect.
You got both download and recovery so problem is with connection/drivers.
zenneka said:
Hi there.
I recently flashed the OmniROM to my i8190, but since it got several issues, after two weeks i decided to flash stock ROM.
So i enter TWRP recovery and wipe all data on the smartphone, but then my computer crashed and lost the VM that got Odin and drivers etc. so in a new VM i decided to try to flash, but now i can't.
Odin doesn't recognize my i8190, i thought ADB sideload could do the trick following this guide all i got was:
error: device not found
Now i ended up with a pretty brick hahaha.
How can i flash a ROM ..ANY to my phone.
I got another i8190 so i installed the drivers from it to the VM, all except the MTP device, that got error.
I also installed SAMSUNG drivers, but nothing, ... i'm kind of losing it now hahaha.
Can someone helpe me flash this thing?
a) I CAN enter TWRP Recovery
b) I CAN enter Download Mode
c) Don't know if Odin doesn't pick it up since USB Debug i presume it's not on, but then again, since no OS is installed, i don't know how to turn it on from recovery or something like it.
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Try this :
If you have an external sdcard in your s3 mini then :
1. remove it and put it into a other phone
2. download a ROM and move the ROM what you downloaded to your external sdcard
3. Put the external sdcard back to your s3 mini
4. Go to recovery and choose "install from external sdcard"
5. And intstall the ROM
6. Done! You have a OS again.
It's very easy and if you don't have a external sdcard then you have a big problem bro
shelves mmerese
xXPR0T0TYPEXx said:
1. remove it and put it into a other phone
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If you have an adapter (micro SD to SD) then you should be able to insert the card into a card reader. This will probably be easier than trying to find another phone.
MarisPiper said:
If you have an adapter (micro SD to SD) then you should be able to insert the card into a card reader. This will probably be easier than trying to find another phone.
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Yeah i did this, but no luck at all.
Finally i change the usb driver, installed Kies again and voilá! Odin picked up the phone and flash were on .
Thanks to all.
Glad you've got it sorted.
I've noticed my PC wants to install drivers for the phone almost constantly. Every small change seems to result in a change of driver. It can be frustrating.
MarisPiper said:
Glad you've got it sorted.
I've noticed my PC wants to install drivers for the phone almost constantly. Every small change seems to result in a change of driver. It can be frustrating.
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due to windows updates this should be expected that certain third party software like the drivers would need updates
so that leaves two choices
either keep your stuff up to date
get left behind and drowned in problems
so i rooted my note 5 sm-n920p phone using odin to flash everything i even had twrp flashed to it. the phone worked properly for months then one day i ended up switching off oem unlock forgetting it would trigger my frp lock if my phone had died well my phone died and when i went to turn it back on i got stuck in the frp boot loop i can get it into odin mode but it will not go into twrp recovery mode at all. i know how to flash the stock firmware to my phone but my problem is i cannot get any computer to recognize my phone it says one of the useb devices attatched to this computer has malfunctioned and windows does not recognize it. ive tried everything from uninstalling my usb drivers and reinstalling them and manually installing samsung android adb interface directly to the unkown device. odin will not pick up my phone and add it for me to flash it back to stock and factory reset it im willing to lose all my data i just want my phone to be able to work. if there is anyone with any advice or is willing to assist me to get my phone back to a proper working state id really appreciate it. also i am not sure if i even need the computer to recognize my phone not sure if i just need to keep trying different versions of odin but i know that my cable isnt the problem because ive tried it with my other note 5 and it works ive tried multiple cables with the frp boot looped phone that i have and i cant seem to figure it out why odin wont pick it up. as far as i know usb debugging is on and oem unlock is disabled on my frp locked note 5 please someone help me.
I'm going through the exact same thing right now. In all of the guides right now, it seems like theres always something that doesn't work out with our specific phone... lame sauce tbh.
xjackgimleyx said:
so i rooted my note 5 sm-n920p phone using odin to flash everything i even had twrp flashed to it. the phone worked properly for months then one day i ended up switching off oem unlock forgetting it would trigger my frp lock if my phone had died well my phone died and when i went to turn it back on i got stuck in the frp boot loop i can get it into odin mode but it will not go into twrp recovery mode at all. i know how to flash the stock firmware to my phone but my problem is i cannot get any computer to recognize my phone it says one of the useb devices attatched to this computer has malfunctioned and windows does not recognize it. ive tried everything from uninstalling my usb drivers and reinstalling them and manually installing samsung android adb interface directly to the unkown device. odin will not pick up my phone and add it for me to flash it back to stock and factory reset it im willing to lose all my data i just want my phone to be able to work. if there is anyone with any advice or is willing to assist me to get my phone back to a proper working state id really appreciate it. also i am not sure if i even need the computer to recognize my phone not sure if i just need to keep trying different versions of odin but i know that my cable isnt the problem because ive tried it with my other note 5 and it works ive tried multiple cables with the frp boot looped phone that i have and i cant seem to figure it out why odin wont pick it up. as far as i know usb debugging is on and oem unlock is disabled on my frp locked note 5 please someone help me.
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NEVER let your phone die. Charge immediately if battery goes to 15%. You need a charged battery to do any flashing so yeah, you may need to replace or charge the battery to flash a 4 file firmware.
I have a OnePlus 8 Pro running Oxygen OS Upon installing Magisk, I can no longer turn Wifi on. I have tried restarting, clearing the cache from recovery, resetting network settings, basically all the things the "wifi wont turn on help pls" guides say to do. Mobile data and bluetooth work absolutely fine, so what's going on?
Sound is also non-functional. Even after plugging in earphones (which worked with this phone previously) nothing comes out, and the phone doesn't even seem to recognize them. I also noticed that after a reboot the volume controls are set back to the defaults.
Additionally, the system is very slow to start up and the screen stays black until after the unlock prompt (which displays over the black screen) and then the wallpaper and everything else loads. (after which the device is responsive as normal)
These problems occurred even without installing any modules or otherwise modifying the device. I'm using the latest version of Magisk, 22.0 (22000).
I originally tried to make a GitHub issue, but it was closed by the bot since I didn't follow the template GitHub never showed me. Also, us non-canary users experience issues too. [mini-rant over]
Sorry if this is a duplicate, the search system appears to be malfunctioning since the updates.
The Fix!
Looks like I'm solving all my problems today. I had a hunch that the culprit was the boot.img which I downloaded--it was corrupt. So I went to OnePlus' site and downloaded the OTA package, extracted the boot.img from that, and flashed it through fastboot. When I rebooted, I was greeted with the beautiful almost old-IOS charging sound, and Wifi!! That boot was quite speedy too!
Hi could you explain how did you reboot your phone i have totally same problem...i tried msm download tool but i cant get my device to show there....could you please tell me how did you put OTA package into phone ? thx
in the end I was able to use MSM Download tool....i just had to manually download Qualcomm drivers so that my phone can be recognized. After that MSM worked and rebooted my phone totally clean. Gosh not gonna root for a while now XD
PS: More fun is that my Windows PC wasn't connected to internet so i had to download everything on my macbook and through USB stick I was bringing all app to Windows.....longest 6 hours of my life
Jaywinik said:
Hi could you explain how did you reboot your phone i have totally same problem...i tried msm download tool but i cant get my device to show there....could you please tell me how did you put OTA package into phone ? thx
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From fastboot, use the volume keys to select Power Off and then press the power button once. Make sure the phone is unplugged while doing this. Then, with the MSM tool ready on your computer, hold down both buttons on your phone and plug in the cable from the phone to the computer. It should automatically boot into EDL mode, and MSM should say Connected.
Jaywinik said:
Hi could you explain how did you reboot your phone i have totally same problem...i tried msm download tool but i cant get my device to show there....could you please tell me how did you put OTA package into phone ? thx
in the end I was able to use MSM Download tool....i just had to manually download Qualcomm drivers so that my phone can be recognized. After that MSM worked and rebooted my phone totally clean. Gosh not gonna root for a while now XD
PS: More fun is that my Windows PC wasn't connected to internet so i had to download everything on my macbook and through USB stick I was bringing all app to Windows.....longest 6 hours of my life
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When I had to do this I didn't connect the device to the network since I don't trust Windows 10 not to open a billion ports up and use my infrastructure for Microsoft's business. Copying to and from a crappy 2.0 drive sucks!