Despite doing this manually in the settings, occasionally the brightness goes up due to unknowns. Is there a way to keep the brightness always low?
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
are u sure u dont have the "automatically adjust" setting activated?
vinodis said:
Despite doing this manually in the settings, occasionally the brightness goes up due to unknowns. Is there a way to keep the brightness always low?
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
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If you swipe along the notification bar at the top you can increase or decrease the screen brightness.
"it's a feature not a bug"
i hated it myself till i read somewhere that (only if you deactivate auto-brightness) you can increase/decrease the brightness by swiping left/right on your notification panel! it happens often by mistake when you pull it down ... thats your problem
in the new froyo rom's this is no longer the case so now i use auto-mode and wait will this "feature" is no more
edit: Intratech...too fast
jodue said:
"it's a feature not a bug"
i hated it myself till i read somewhere that (only if you deactivate auto-brightness) you can increase/decrease the brightness by swiping left/right on your notification panel! it happens often by mistake when you pull it down ... thats your problem
in the new froyo rom's this is no longer the case so now i use auto-mode and wait will this "feature" is no more
edit: Intratech...too fast
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I never noticed this actually.. Also ensure though in the browser you have set brightness manually there
have the same problem, but i find the auto brigthness setting saves my battery more rather than accidentally turning it maximum brightness
I tried the "Dimmer" and "Brightness!" apps from the market. But none of them 'Keep' the brightness at the minimum always.
I've noticed 3 places where the brightness can be set - 1st being the web browser, 2nd the actual settings option, and 3rd the video player. Currently, I disabled the auto brightness control and I've set all 3 places to 1 step above minimum. Seems to work for me.
Also, I have a widget on the home screen to set/monitor the brightness level, it's called 'Brightness Widget by Stark Technology Inc.'.
vinodis said:
I tried the "Dimmer" and "Brightness!" apps from the market. But none of them 'Keep' the brightness at the minimum always.
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its a bug in ddjf3 try a different rom. maybe jg5 or jm2.
This problem has annoyed me for way to long, so i'll pay $50 USD to anyone who can help me.
No matter what i do, i cannot get screen/auto rotation to work properly on any ICS rom. It will stay portrait mode no matter what. Auto-rotation works fine on any Froyo/Gingerbread rom i use. Flashed every ICS rom available. I've tried the following:
1. Turning on auto-rotation in Settings>Display
2. Toggling auto-rotate in Settings>Display while the phone is turned landscape
3. Toggling notification widget orientation icon
4. Reflashing/Wiping everything/flashing and wiping (don't get me started)
The only app that actually rotates for me is Camera.
Accelerometer Values app from market tells me everything is fine.
wow dude i don't really know what to say. I did try team icssgs's RC3.1 a while back and everything worked great. Actually, i can even say i was rather impressed on how ICS handled screen rotation. Had that turning iphone-like effect and worked every single time perfectly, no matter what i was running, as long as it was enabled on settings.
Any chance you might have some app interfering with screen rotation? like some toggle widget or something?
Wish you good luck mate
kaynpayn said:
Any chance you might have some app interfering with screen rotation? like some toggle widget or something?
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nope happens on any newly flashed fresh ICS rom
Lol, I'm very doubtful that my solution will work, but if you're desperate enough you can try and who knows, I might win 50 bucks
First answer me this: On your last Gingerbread Rom, you had the ability to turn off all animations in the Settings -> Display menu.
Did you turn off all animations?? If yes, read my solution. If no, stop reading here
So, you answered yes. Here's my proposal:
1. Flash a Gingerbread ROM again. Turn ON all animations.
2. Flash your desired ICS ROM
NielsGoetschalckx said:
Lol, I'm very doubtful that my solution will work, but if you're desperate enough you can try and who knows, I might win 50 bucks
First answer me this: On your last Gingerbread Rom, you had the ability to turn off all animations in the Settings -> Display menu.
Did you turn off all animations?? If yes, read my solution. If no, stop reading here
So, you answered yes. Here's my proposal:
1. Flash a Gingerbread ROM again. Turn ON all animations.
2. Flash your desired ICS ROM
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on gingerbread, i would always turn on all animations
but that wouldnt do anything since flashing a new rom wipes everything
What launcher are u using?
On ICSSGS 4.2 and Semaphore 9.0 the turning works fine for me. That is in apps that support it. The launcher for instance doesnt - the clock does.
You could try installing the ES Task Manager and check whether the turning is on there. Also you could check appropriate apps for your Kernel/Rom -- sometimes you can turn stuff on and off there, as well.
calvinbui said:
This problem has annoyed me for way to long, so i'll pay $50 USD to anyone who can help me.
No matter what i do, i cannot get screen/auto rotation to work properly on any ICS rom. It will stay portrait mode no matter what. Auto-rotation works fine on any Froyo/Gingerbread rom i use. Flashed every ICS rom available. I've tried the following:
1. Turning on auto-rotation in Settings>Display
2. Toggling auto-rotate in Settings>Display while the phone is turned landscape
3. Toggling notification widget orientation icon
4. Reflashing/Wiping everything/flashing and wiping (don't get me started)
The only app that actually rotates for me is Camera.
Accelerometer Values app from market tells me everything is fine.
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I'm on THS Experimental Build, but Build 16 should be the same.
1. You didn't mention this, but Settings > Launcher > General > Auto-Rotate Screen
This is using Trebuchet Launcher, but it should be similar on any other ICS Launcher, under the Settings "Interface" list.
Paypal available upon request
calvinbui said:
This problem has annoyed me for way to long, so i'll pay $50 USD to anyone who can help me.
No matter what i do, i cannot get screen/auto rotation to work properly on any ICS rom. It will stay portrait mode no matter what. Auto-rotation works fine on any Froyo/Gingerbread rom i use. Flashed every ICS rom available. I've tried the following:
1. Turning on auto-rotation in Settings>Display
2. Toggling auto-rotate in Settings>Display while the phone is turned landscape
3. Toggling notification widget orientation icon
4. Reflashing/Wiping everything/flashing and wiping (don't get me started)
The only app that actually rotates for me is Camera.
Accelerometer Values app from market tells me everything is fine.
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Likely its because of the changes in windoworientationlistener.Java its been changed to absolute values so now you have rotation_angles instead of rotation_mode where sensor libs would return 2 3 4 5 depending on degrees 0 90 180 270 now it looks for actual degrees rotationinstead of numbered modes
try ics slim. Settings -ASS - General UI - set rotation delay. and ofcourse set on the rotation.
chambejp said:
Likely its because of the changes in windoworientationlistener.Java its been changed to absolute values so now you have rotation_angles instead of rotation_mode where sensor libs would return 2 3 4 5 depending on degrees 0 90 180 270 now it looks for actual degrees rotationinstead of numbered modes
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I have the exact same problem. I have tried everything I found on these forums and still no resolve. I use semaphore kernel 1.0.0 and ICS Slim rom on a samsung galaxy s phone. I can see the explination for our problem but what is the solution ? How can we correct those variables ? Thank you in advance !
instinctual said:
I have the exact same problem. I have tried everything I found on these forums and still no resolve. I use semaphore kernel 1.0.0 and ICS Slim rom on a samsung galaxy s phone. I can see the explination for our problem but what is the solution ? How can we correct those variables ? Thank you in advance !
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Has anyone managed to fix this problem for the affected phones yet?
I'm willing to help test / add to the bounty if any dev out there can try to fix this...
Does your accelerometer work in any games on ics?
ilabs said:
Does your accelerometer work in any games on ics?
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I wish I had tried some games... all I can say for certain is that it works in the camera app and sensor test apps like GPS Status. So it seems like it comes down to the system UI not interpreting the sensor readings correctly.
radeon_x said:
I wish I had tried some games... all I can say for certain is that it works in the camera app and sensor test apps like GPS Status. So it seems like it comes down to the system UI not interpreting the sensor readings correctly.
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I suggest you try it out with some games too.. coz if it's a rom issue, it can't be with every rom..
Even the games don't directly access the accelerometer.. Goes through the kernel which controls the hardware.. If it works in games, should work in the roms which have accelerometer working fine..
This annoyed me for a while... It worked fine on THS ROM with Trebuchet launcher. I switched to AOKP, and couldn't get it to work, tried a few others that all failed. After a couple of months, I'm back to CM9 on nightlies (with Semaphore 1.2.0) and rotation works perfectly, couldn't be happier.
Maybe try CM9?
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA
ilabs said:
I suggest you try it out with some games too.. coz if it's a rom issue, it can't be with every rom..
Even the games don't directly access the accelerometer.. Goes through the kernel which controls the hardware.. If it works in games, should work in the roms which have accelerometer working fine..
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Confirmed the accelerometer DOES work in games.
So it works in the camera and 3rd party apps like sensor tests and games. Does not work in any launcher, the stock browser, gallery, or other system apps.
Also tried the the latest Team Nyx release - not working there either. I've tried the latest CM9, ICS333, AOKP... it doesn't work in any of them.
So I can select "auto" brightness by the slider on the notification panel. When I move the slider, auto is unchecked. BUT, I know since I've had the S5 over the past few weeks, I've had the slider show a +/- option that allowed auto to remained checked while you could move the slider between like +3 and -3 for the relative level of auto you want.
I know this type of option can be achieved through various 3rd party apps, but is there any way to enable it from stock? I'm just confused because I know I've had this option, but I haven't used any type of brightness app, and now the option is gone. I did have wanam Xposed installed before...does that add the option?
Hmm, looks like this is an option in wanam Xposed and probably a default option so I was seeing it when I had that installed... Wanam says:
Use Auto-Brightness Detail*- Enables a +/- 5 slider for auto-brightness
was the auto brightness fine adjustment ever working for you? i havw wanam on my s4 and my s5, auto brightness adjustment doesn't work on either. maybe im doing something wrong
I believe it was working when I had wanam installed, but I honestly didn't really test it out...and I took off Xposed framework for the time being.
netter123 said:
I believe it was working when I had wanam installed, but I honestly didn't really test it out...and I took off Xposed framework for the time being.
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man. i really wish i knew why mine doesnt work on 2 different devices. i spent hours searching and reading forum posts and found no answers. i know it works on TW because i had some TW rom that had it and it worked great, but i ditched the rom casue there were things it was missing and some things i didnt like.
I did see that Lux Auto Brightness and Velix Auto Brightness might provide good 3rd party solutions to better personalized brightness control fwiw.
Ive tried lux and some others. They either worked great and killed my battery. Or didnt work woth. ****
Good to know those are battery killers, I hadn't tried them our yet myself.
Lux user here, paying user actually, works great for me, no significant drop in battery unless im in an area where the screen is staying super bright.
Sent from my SM-G900A using Tapatalk
Good to know this as well, was thinking of trying lux or velix one of these days. Have you tried velix?
netter123 said:
Good to know this as well, was thinking of trying lux or velix one of these days. Have you tried velix?
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Ive tried lux and twilight, i used twilight for a while cause i wanted somethjng like redshift/f.lux, but i found lux which had auto brightness and screen temp adjustment so i stu k with that. You could also try cf.lumen, personally i havent even heard of velix though.
Sent from my SM-G900A using Tapatalk
my phone goes to minimum brightness after unlocking.. anyone else having this issue?
Yes having same kind of low brightness issue specially outdoor
mine was because of the GO LOCKER APP. and also you can change the settings from the PHONE AND CALLS OPTION for brightness. though GO LOCKER was my fav app. i had to uninstall it and all was good after that
Hello, I have disabled adaptive brightness and when I open some apps, the screen starts automatically dimm a bit. When i exit the app, the brightness returns to normal. For example it does in Chrome, messenger, stock message app, stock dialer, youtube and many more. It does not do in Gallery, weather, camera. It's absolutely useless when im going to type in messenger and screen dimms so i can see it worse. Also i am watching youtube and screen dimms. I cannot understand what is this supposed to mean such nonsense feature.
I want to ask you if somebody of you has faced with this and if he figured it out somehow.
Ive already written to honor support , they answered nothing to the piont.
I was figuring out that when i turn adaptive brightness on, this doesnt do, the screen doesnt dimm when i open any app, but adaptive brightnes randomly fades my brightness setting after switching off the screen.
All i would like is what attributes i have to set to some app that i dont want to dimm. I cannot find this out.
Any suggestions thankfull.
"Online videos and games consume a significant amount of power and may cause your phone to heat up. As a result, your phone automatically decreases the screen brightness to prevent your phone from overheating. The brightness will return to normal when your phone cools down.
Some apps automatically adjust the screen brightness for better readability. For example, when you open Contacts or Messaging, the screen brightness is adjusted automatically even when automatic brightness is disabled."
" This function cannot be disabled"
"The screen changes color in direct sunlight.
When the ambient brightness reaches a certain level (such as direct sunlight), the screen brightness and contrast are automatically increased for better readability. This feature cannot be disabled."
Yes and this is bad. Something like answer from honor support. But also messenger goes darker and it has nothing to do with overheating. When i switch on the adaptive brightness this dimming doesnt do with any app. Also with adaptive brightness off some apps do not dim as if they'd have an exception of this. It is very bad that it cant be disabled this makes this phone completely useless for everyday use because readability goes worse when it goes darker.
Same here
Yup, I have the same. I just keep the Automatic adjustment "on" so it stopes dimming. Which is anti-intuitive. You would expect this dimming beeing caused by that Automatic setting not the opposite. Let's hope they will sort it soon.
Unfortunately its the special feature implemented in firmware called "eye care" as they replied me from honor support. It needs to tell them to switch it off at [email protected]
It seems that Velis Auto Brightness app from Google Play Store does the trick (Honor 10 Stock Pie).
Automatic brightness: ON
track light in graph: ON
SETTINGS: (advanced):
Automatic brightness: ON
Disable system handler: ON
Start when screen turns ON: ON
Interactive notification: ON
All other settings off/default.
When you turn off the screen and turn it on, go for the first time in notification area and set your desired value in Velis.
Turn off automatic handling of this app in battery section (app start).
bohusk said:
Hello, I have disabled adaptive brightness and when I open some apps, the screen starts automatically dimm a bit. When i exit the app, the brightness returns to normal. For example it does in Chrome, messenger, stock message app, stock dialer, youtube and many more. It does not do in Gallery, weather, camera. It's absolutely useless when im going to type in messenger and screen dimms so i can see it worse. Also i am watching youtube and screen dimms. I cannot understand what is this supposed to mean such nonsense feature.
I want to ask you if somebody of you has faced with this and if he figured it out somehow.
Ive already written to honor support , they answered nothing to the piont.
I was figuring out that when i turn adaptive brightness on, this doesnt do, the screen doesnt dimm when i open any app, but adaptive brightnes randomly fades my brightness setting after switching off the screen.
All i would like is what attributes i have to set to some app that i dont want to dimm. I cannot find this out.
Any suggestions thankfull.
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Check in the developer settings for the current value of "Increase readability under sunlight".
Dossy1 said:
It seems that Velis Auto Brightness app from Google Play Store does the trick (Honor 10 Stock Pie).
When you turn off the screen and turn it on, go for the first time in notification area and set your desired value in Velis.
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Hello, that setting in notification area really worked for me, thanks. But the slider Is in steps 66% , 73%, 80% I cannot adjust it per one % but nevermind, at last this helped me.
edit: after one day testing I noticed that it doesnt work. It still dimms the apps.
bohusk said:
edit: after one day testing I noticed that it doesnt work. It still dimms the apps.
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Hi, it's a pitty that it does not work.. Maybe Velis app is killed by app manager? As i wrote, try to disable any battery management for Velis app. Do you see after that 1 day Velis slider in notification area? If not, it is likely killed by system app manager.
And yes, it is true that the screen can be adjusted only bys steps.
In my case more than a week for honor 10 (EMUI 9) with Velis and still no any screen dimming issues in any app.
Dossy1 said:
Hi, it's a pitty that it does not work.. Maybe Velis app is killed by app manager? As i wrote, try to disable any battery management for Velis app. Do you see after that 1 day Velis slider in notification area? If not, it is likely killed by system app manager.
And yes, it is true that the screen can be adjusted only bys steps.
In my case more than a week for honor 10 (EMUI 9) with Velis and still no any screen dimming issues in any app.
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Velis was running but the apps start to dimm anyway I dont know what happened. Even when I set brightness in notification area in Velis, apps dimmed.
Download Lower Brightness Filter :
Enable the permission and set brightness to 100%.
Then select brightness in phone to auto and restart the phone.
Then select desired brightness.
edit : it doesnt work....
Turn on Advanced visual effect.
I used to have the same problem too. Simply just go to setting>smart accessibility>accessibility>Advanced visual effect>turn on.
If it doesn't work go to developer option and make sure the window animation, transition animation and animation duration are set to 1x.
To enable the developer option, go to setting>about phone>build number>tap until it shows u are now a developer.
Hope it does help u.
Spark Lee said:
I used to have the same problem too. Simply just go to setting>smart accessibility>accessibility>Advanced visual effect>turn on.
If it doesn't work go to developer option and make sure the window animation, transition animation and animation duration are set to 1x.
To enable the developer option, go to setting>about phone>build number>tap until it shows u are now a developer.
Hope it does help u.
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Hello, I had it already turned on , in developer options I have all animations set to 1x, but it dimms the screen on my Honor Play with android 9.
Before we can fix that via ADB but now is not possible. If anyone has a better fix please share