[Q] Battery consumation - Xperia SP Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi so i bought my xperia sp 3 weeks ago the battery always lasted 6days but today i saw it was only 60% after 19hours what it can be?
Sorry for my english im portuguese

The Obvious solution would be to disable google services
( if you are rooted you can even delete everything google related and flash a superslim gapps )
May I know what stock version are you using?
.254 or .245 ( You can see this in Settings> About phone )
Hit thanks if I helped

Make sure you have disabled auto sync

How to disable auto_sync

Racer X said:
How to disable auto_sync
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Go in settings>accounts you will find auto sync disable it

I'm going to take a wild guess and say Google Services is your problem

Delete all google apps and flash a superslim gapps


[Q] Google Goggles on Froyobread

Hi there!
Does Google Goggles work on Froyobread? I used to use it on Floyo 0.30 and it worked just fine, but I've installed it again (with Froyobread now) and it's frozen on the analyzing screen... Froyobread doesn't support it?
Thanks in advance!
I am using froyobread v22 and google map 5.8 works ok. only thing is to turn on wifi or 3g data after every reboot.
I suppose it is a small bug.
It happens to me when there is no internet connection. Check your Wi-Fi or data.
Both wi-fi and data traffic are on, but it still doesn't change a single thing: it's freezing at the analyzing screen... my froyobread version is 20
1st ensure you can surf internet.
If can surf, then try installing latest FB v23b and try again.
Remove the cache of map and street view may help.
V023b here. Same here. Goggles freeze at analyzing screen. It has worked in the past on previous FB v.
If you download google goggles from the market it should work perfect.My x8 Google maps works with wifi/data offline
lotus13 said:
If you download google goggles from the market it should work perfect.My x8 Google maps works with wifi/data 1offline
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Why are you talking about maps? I used goggles from the market on FB and it crashed. Anyway I now use GingerDX. It works on this rom.
On GingerCruz rev7 i dont have problems with apps.
czar2x said:
V023b here. Same here. Goggles freeze at analyzing screen. It has worked in the past on previous FB v.
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+1 same here
lotus13 said:
On GingerCruz rev7 i dont have problems with apps.
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Troll detected.
I didn't have time yet to make a backup and upgrade the rom, but it seems like the problem is happening with 023 too... is there a way to let doixanh know this? Should we send him a PM?
I'm thankful for every help you've given, really, thanks!
Striderzin said:
I didn't have time yet to make a backup and upgrade the rom, but it seems like the problem is happening with 023 too... is there a way to let doixanh know this? Should we send him a PM?
I'm thankful for every help you've given, really, thanks!
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No pm. He won't answer anyway. Use GINGERDX.
Did you try fullwipe before upgrading to v023b?
I only support Xperia Active Launcher from v022 to v023. All other codes are unchanged, so there should be no problem using other apps.
doixanh said:
Did you try fullwipe before upgrading to v023b?
I only support Xperia Active Launcher from v022 to v023. All other codes are unchanged, so there should be no problem using other apps.
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Yes I do full wipe anytime I flash an update or a new rom. Not sure with wich version of FroyoBread Goggles has stoped working as I don't use it so much. Anyway I use GDX now. Wonderfull rom and Goggles works fine on it. Thank you for taking the time to answer.
doixanh said:
Did you try fullwipe before upgrading to v023b?
I only support Xperia Active Launcher from v022 to v023. All other codes are unchanged, so there should be no problem using other apps.
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I did fullwipe too, and google goggles is not working for me too actually i did a full flash to 2.1 using SEUS when i installed v021, then when i installed v023b did a fullwipe.
hope you could release 1 Final Version of FroyoBread fix some apps and mostly updates apps installed
just a request
>New Google Maps 5.8
>New Android Market 3.0.27
>czar2x Radio Fix
>Srom DSP Manager(according to Jkrauser and mimorqleko this DSP manager is better)
>Fixes to Xperia Active Launcher(Creating Folders and Shortcuts) If Possible
>A-Chep Latest A-Theme 0.4.6b for FroyoBread Update
>Some Bug fixes and/or New Feature(s) that you might want to add to v024
>Including Future Plans if still possible
*CM7 121's Screenshot on global menu
*Fix reboot menu in different languages.
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working partially in FB 023b
I'm using Froyobread 023b and google goggles does work but partially.
For instance, if I take pictures of text or QR codes it does work.
But, if I take a picture of an image (artwork or logos) it will freeze in analyzing.
IMO, the picture quality is playing us, since our phone does not support autofocus.
Could anyone confirm artwork detection in previous versions of FB?
thank you!!
Just formatted my SD Card, did a full wipe and installed FroyoBread v023b, and then Full Wiped again, and Google Goggles isn't working yet, I can't even use the text detection like mimorqleko does.
Since I won't update to GingerDX yet, is there any fix for this?

[Q] New 4.3 Android os keeping phone awake

Hi, if anyone could help me it'd be much appreciated i have tried two different roms running the new 4.3 sony firmware but in both cases my phone seems to stay awake with android os being at the top of the battery drain list. for some reason or the other i is not allowing the phone to sleep, i believe it may be kernel related but am unsure. Has anyone else encountered this problem, and does anyone know of a way to fix this. any help would be much appreciated
Current rom - existense Z V5 (with the same issue)
Techpenguin5 said:
Hi, if anyone could help me it'd be much appreciated i have tried two different roms running the new 4.3 sony firmware but in both cases my phone seems to stay awake with android os being at the top of the battery drain list. for some reason or the other i is not allowing the phone to sleep, i believe it may be kernel related but am unsure. Has anyone else encountered this problem, and does anyone know of a way to fix this. any help would be much appreciated
Current rom - existense Z V5 (with the same issue)
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here u go
1 root ur mobile.
2 install greenify + donation apk + xposed installer modules.:angel:
3 greenify all user app + system app such as google+,maps,google search or other you dont use.
4 install rom toolbox pro and uninstall those user app which u dont wana use (backup before removing system app):laugh:
mtayabkk said:
here u go
1 root ur mobile.
2 install greenify + donation apk + xposed installer modules.:angel:
3 greenify all user app + system app such as google+,maps,google search or other you dont use.
4 install rom toolbox pro and uninstall those user app which u dont wana use (backup before removing system app):laugh:
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Thank you for your quick response but that won't fix it as as far as I know I'm the only one having this problem on a freshly flashed fw with not even my Google account set up
I'm having the same problem.
At the moment it's on 57% of resources used. While the one below is only at 14%.
It's not all the time though... Some days it uses this much and other days it's just normal
Techpenguin5 said:
Thank you for your quick response but that won't fix it as as far as I know I'm the only one having this problem on a freshly flashed fw with not even my Google account set up
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Personally I would like to see something similar to what BetteryBatteryStats or Wakelock Detector show. On the main screen show Google Services, but when we click it for more information it would be nice to see a breakdown of exactly what service within Google Services is using up the CPU, battery, etc ,not only u have this issue even ur using google apps or not its still working on background .so, i disabled "Google Play Services", cleared the cache of all Google Related Apps, also Uninstalled All Google Related Apps, and it seems to solve the issue...:fingers-crossed:
Fasbook and Chrome drains the battery also really much. Delete all share apks and social engines with Titanium Backup or a root browser. Before I deleted some apks I don't had more than 3.5 hours Screen on time. Now every time 4+ hours. Once up to 5.5 hours.
Bloatware drains the Battery really much.
And yeah mtayabkk is right, Greenify some apps.
ArnoudAR155 said:
I'm having the same problem.
At the moment it's on 57% of resources used. While the one below is only at 14%.
It's not all the time though... Some days it uses this much and other days it's just normal
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Quick question is the model of your xperia Z C6602 or C6603 and i mean before you rooted,flashed a rom......
Also which model do you have mtayabkk
Techpenguin5 said:
Quick question is the model of your xperia Z C6602 or C6603 and i mean before you rooted,flashed a rom......
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C6603 and I flashed Nuts 10.4.B.0.569 Commercial&Journalists
ArnoudAR155 said:
C6603 and I flashed Nuts 10.4.B.0.569 Commercial&Journalists
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see i think that may be why im using a c6602 so
I have a similar problem, still trying to figure out what's causing it.
Ok guys ive drawn to a conclusion that the c6603 ftf file just does not go well with the c6602 model, maybe because of the radio of the c6603 model using LTE. But im not sure so if anyone with a c6602 phone wants 4.3 without battery drain youll just have to wait till sony releases it and someone makes an ftf of it
Never mind guys I reset back to 4.2.2 with ftf factory reset there flashed existence z then the stripped.ftf and now I seem to be getting no problem anyway thanks for all the suggestions

HCE Payments stopped working after flashing SlimRom

Recently I've downgraded OS from stock(rooted&xposeded) Lolli to SlimRom 4.4.4 .
Offtopic on - I really recommend it, works ultra-hyper fast - Offtopic off
Went to get some snacks and as I used to - didnt take my wallet.
At the checkout I turned WBK app on, NFC and 3g... and nothing, HCE didnt work.
Card was fine, NFC Beam works (used it few hours before). I thought that maybe the terminal was faulty, so tried it in another store - same result, it does not do the beep.
So I need some help,
downgrade to 4.4.4 itself shouldn't be a problem, right? (it used to work on stock Kittykat)
can it be the kernel?
or... do the GAPPS have any influence on it? I've only installed the nano pack (basic Syncs + Google Play Store).
Help me guys, hope u can.
Thanks for reading & have a nice beer
reetny said:
Recently I've downgraded OS from stock(rooted&xposeded) Lolli to SlimRom 4.4.4 .
Offtopic on - I really recommend it, works ultra-hyper fast - Offtopic off
Went to get some snacks and as I used to - didnt take my wallet.
At the checkout I turned WBK app on, NFC and 3g... and nothing, HCE didnt work.
Card was fine, NFC Beam works (used it few hours before). I thought that maybe the terminal was faulty, so tried it in another store - same result, it does not do the beep.
So I need some help,
downgrade to 4.4.4 itself shouldn't be a problem, right? (it used to work on stock Kittykat)
can it be the kernel?
or... do the GAPPS have any influence on it? I've only installed the nano pack (basic Syncs + Google Play Store).
Help me guys, hope u can.
Thanks for reading & have a nice beer
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You can confirm if it's an issue with the ROM by flashing an updated lollipop version based on AOSP .
If it occurs on that too, it may be related to your ROM not being able to use system-less root. AFAIK, KitKat can't do system-less root.
Thanks, I'll try this and reply ASAP
It worked, turns out that there wasn't any service to handle tap&pay... although the feature seemed to be enabled.
Back to Lollipop, I think it's close-ready

galaxy tab 10.1 GT p 7500 WiFi.

I have been running omni 4.4.4. on this unit for a while , everything has been running nice, But now i
have problems, Some aplications will only work if i install updates for google play services, and when i do
so it stop running. I recive a message (Google play services has stolt working). Anythin i can do about this,
i really need theese apps to run.
Rgds. Kris.
reiffenstein said:
I have been running omni 4.4.4. on this unit for a while , everything has been running nice, But now i
have problems, Some aplications will only work if i install updates for google play services, and when i do
so it stop running. I recive a message (Google play services has stolt working). Anythin i can do about this,
i really need theese apps to run.
Rgds. Kris.
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Only way is to install your factory rom again!
Is returning to stock rom the only option or we can go to Omnirom 5.0?
Did anyone tried this: https://forum.xda-developers.com/galaxy-s3/general/fix-google-play-services-stopped-kk-4-4-t3150908 ?
Does anyone know a good tutorial on how to return to stock ROM from Omnirom 4.4.4?
Same here.
reiffenstein said:
I have been running omni 4.4.4. on this unit for a while , everything has been running nice, But now i
have problems, Some aplications will only work if i install updates for google play services, and when i do
so it stop running. I recive a message (Google play services has stolt working). Anythin i can do about this,
i really need theese apps to run.
Rgds. Kris.
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I dont believe a second you have to stock, and unroot to get rid of this. I ran same 444 u did got same prob.
Did system erase and AOSP 5.1 install but prob only slightly fixed (the play services alert doesnt flash every 4 seconds)
Hope ppl give solid answer soon

MI 8 se no wifi in MIUI 10.2.3

Recently, I updated my MIUI 10.2.2 to 10.2.3. After the update there is no available network in the wifi list when I turn on wifi. So, I format reset the phone.The wifi works normal again after I reset it. Then when I installed google related apps(play store, play services,blah blah), the wifi does not work again.The wifi list is just empty.So, I reset the phone again and installed all the google apps.This time wifi works correctly even with the google apps installed.There is one problem though, I cant sign into google chrome(only chrome).But after about 4 days I was able to sign in into my chrome with cellular data but the wifi problem reoccured.I am confused and I desperately need help.
JulianAung said:
Recently, I updated my MIUI 10.2.2 to 10.2.3. After the update there is no available network in the wifi list when I turn on wifi. So, I format reset the phone.The wifi works normal again after I reset it. Then when I installed google related apps(play store, play services,blah blah), the wifi does not work again.The wifi list is just empty.So, I reset the phone again and installed all the google apps.This time wifi works correctly even with the google apps installed.There is one problem though, I cant sign into google chrome(only chrome).But after about 4 days I was able to sign in into my chrome with cellular data but the wifi problem reoccured.I am confused and I desperately need help.
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It is about official CHINA STABLE rom were you add google play applications?
Best solution to get rid of that kind of issue is to unlock the bootloader and flash EU stable rom or any custom you want. They all have embedded Google play apks.
May be you already have it unlocked by your seller. Just check if it is written at the boot screen.
lolo9393 said:
It is about official CHINA STABLE rom were you add google play applications?
Best solution to get rid of that kind of issue is to unlock the bootloader and flash EU stable rom or any custom you want. They all have embedded Google play apks.
May be you already have it unlocked by your seller. Just check if it is written at the boot screen.
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Boot screen?Btw, I can use google play apps alright.I think wifi is incompatible with google related apps or something like that.Please help.
P.S Is the EU stable rom official?
JulianAung said:
Boot screen?Btw, I can use google play apps alright.I think wifi is incompatible with google related apps or something like that.Please help.
P.S Is the EU stable rom official?
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it is what every non chinese people is using.
All the custom are made from official rom.
UP to you decide:
Did you unlock the bootloader? IF not unlocked you can NOT install EU rom.
Thank u. Btw, do u know any possible causes or solutions about my wifi problem?
JulianAung said:
Thank u. Btw, do u know any possible causes or solutions about my wifi problem?
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Sorry, I never used official rom and I don't know about this strange issue.
Have a search at GOOGLE. Sometime it is documented.
lolo9393 said:
Sorry, I never used official rom and I don't know about this strange issue.
Have a search at GOOGLE. Sometime it is documented.
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So, you use custom rom in mi 8 se and it works just fine?
JulianAung said:
So, you use custom rom in mi 8 se and it works just fine?
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Sorry, I don't want to be rude.
We all bought this good CHINESE phone and we all known ( non speaking chinese language people) that it was mandatory to switch the CHINESE rom version to a EU or Russian version more suitable to our daily needs and requests.
Why did you buy a XIAOMI phone not equipped with a GLOBAL international rom?
Anyway you can live with CHINESE rom, but one day or the second you'll get in trouble because it has to be modified or adapted to WESTERN standard.
That"s why EU rom or Russian are made for!
It is an error from China stable ROM . You need to turn on airplane mode and open WiFi . If you want to connect to new networks , first turn on airplane mode second WiFi then reboot
ZayarLwin65535 said:
It is an error from China stable ROM . You need to turn on airplane mode and open WiFi . If you want to connect to new networks , first turn on airplane mode second WiFi then reboot
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It worked!Thank u very much.:angel:
Do you know why the problem occurs?
But it must relate to android pie update
What About time Stable Update And
Myanmat Region Wifi error fix
Sai Nyan Linn said:
What About time Stable Update And
Myanmat Region Wifi error fix
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Can u tell me more?

