What software for my xperia is better????
4.3 or 4.1.2
MixoMaxoViper said:
What software for my xperia is better????
4.3 or 4.1.2
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4.3 has the best performance for my phone :laugh:
I must admit that i'm finding 4.3 a little sluggish in comparison to 4.1.2.
I also think that there's less display options to play around with. I can't find a way of removing all lock-screen widgets. The one for the camera still appears even when disabled.
I'm also not keen on all the settings menus now being white as its very garish, but thats just a personal thing, and i'm sure I could get a theme to sort that out.
Not seeing any change in battery life, but thats not a bad thing.
I'm also finding that my internet browser crasher more now too.
4.3 is too damn slow
Don't go for the 4.3 update. wait a little time maybe sony will start to iron out the bugs because as of now it is unusable.
I recommend you stay on 4.1 a little longer ... maybe go straight to 4.4.
Forgot to add, the keyboard has been improved and once you get used to the change in predictive text it can be a lot quicker.
Must admit I am toying with the idea of going back to 4.1.
i am using existenz 4.3 rom, its like a butter... :good:
I have 4.3 and I am happy with this update. My phone is way faster, the apps are running and starting a bit smoother so no problems there.
Yes the only one I can get is not working Bravia Engine2 but other than that is the update good.
If you are not sure what to do you can always come back to 4.1.2 if you want.
The link about flashing with flashtool can be found in my signature
Quick question though
Does the official backup and restore app works across android versions?
If I have backups from v. 4.1, would they will work in v. 4.3?
if u a heavy user and prever stock rom, go for 4.3. in stock 4.1, memory management is main problem 4 me (CM/cm based rom is good memory management, but iam prever sony stock rom). im sure, if u not heavy user, u wont buy xsp . the only issues iam faced till now something my xsp out of memory like this, no solution except reboot (sorry 4 my bad english)
I have this problem too,but few days ago i find solution and fix without root!
I like 4.3!
Miui , android 4.2.2 - old, but best if u dont playing 3d games
I´m using 4.3 with DooMKenel and I don´t have problems with ram or freezes, and you can use roms like cyagenonmod for android 4.4.2 or eXistenZ Ultra if you want a rom based on stock firmware
Sorry if this question has been asked, have rooted from 4.3 stock, by going back to 4.2 and flashed 3 custom roms 2 - 4.4 and 1 - 4.3.
RomAur v12, Fully Deodexed Stock ROM v2 and eXistenZ v7.0.0 all work great but all using the camera for about 2 minutes the phone shuts down and needs to be restarted.
Currently on RomAur v12
Baseband version 9x15a-acefwmazq-30110089-64
kernel version 3.4.0-perf-g32ce454, [email protected] 1
build number romaur v12
After 3 roms I think its not the roms thats the problem, any help as like the customs one but might have to go back to stock 4.3
Has anyone got any idea about the camera force close, please
If you always did a clean flash and always still the same problem, I would say it is a hardware problem.
Gesendet von meinem C6603 mit Tapatalk
Hi after flashing custom and stock roms for the last 2 days, going from 4.2,4.3 to 4.4. taking out sim card and the sdcard plus plugging in my phone into sony pc companion and going on repair nothing has worked. The camera problem does not go away it has to be a hardware fault. I really like the phone but i think the design is the problem being water sealed heating up and no air vents to escape. So going to sell it as spairs and repairs and getting a nexus 5.
I have a Xperia SP with Official Cyanogenmod 11 2014-06-06 nightly and it is the smoothest ROM i installed ,but it have a lags
I installed a lot of ROMs like XperianZe, Mahdi ROM, AOKP, etc
I think this device have an error in cache, when I delete cache in system, cwm the device freeze and I have to press the OFF button for 10 seconds.
The firmware .201 have a lot of lags, poor ram management, flickering bug, keyboard lag, restarts, etc
The firmware .254 have a bug with WiFi and Bluetooth and other bugs that not be fixed in 4.1.2 later in 4.3 with the .266 FW the device is unusable.
I don't know what I do with my phone, it works like a Galaxy Ace.
please tell me a ROM that be fast smooth no bugs, no lags,
The moto g of my girlfriend works better than this Xperia
kmiloxdxd said:
I have a Xperia SP with Official Cyanogenmod 11 2014-06-06 nightly and it is the smoothest ROM i installed ,but it have a lags
I installed a lot of ROMs like XperianZe, Mahdi ROM, AOKP, etc
I think this device have an error in cache, when I delete cache in system, cwm the device freeze and I have to press the OFF button for 10 seconds.
The firmware .201 have a lot of lags, poor ram management, flickering bug, keyboard lag, restarts, etc
The firmware .254 have a bug with WiFi and Bluetooth and other bugs that not be fixed in 4.1.2 later in 4.3 with the .266 FW the device is unusable.
I don't know what I do with my phone, it works like a Galaxy Ace.
please tell me a ROM that be fast smooth no bugs, no lags,
The moto g of my girlfriend works better than this Xperia
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none..wait for .205 firmware and let's hope that many bugs will get fixed..and btw, it freezes when you wipe cache but if you wait will move on
I should not buy this phone
Maybe I would have bought an iPhone 4S or Moto G.
.201 is working well enough for me. You could try disabling apps you don't use or flashing again.
As for the keyboard, you could install another one. I find Google Keyboard to be very smooth and responsive.
im on .207 and im thinking go back to 4.1 .254
which is better?
i have a long time on 4.3 since .201 and i dont remember 4.1 perfomanence.
Do it!
I've used every stock 4.3 rom. Was very excited when it launched.207 is the best 4.3 rom,but for me after a while it starts to get slow,launcher redraws and everything and i decide to go back to .254. It was a GREAT decision,performance and ram management is far better than on 4.3,phone is much more snappier,and i like the interface design better than on 4.3.The only thing to me that's better on 4.3 it's x loud. Its louder than on 4.1 but not by a much.
I have 4.3 207 and its ultra slow when i open wifi, fb and messenger are ultra slow , and lags and phone hangs alot , rrally neef help, the phone is ltle smooth offline
Gamer4Life said:
I have 4.3 207 and its ultra slow when i open wifi, fb and messenger are ultra slow , and lags and phone hangs alot , rrally neef help, the phone is ltle smooth offline
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Try this:, or for a more complete rom, with Minimizeer pack and the rom will be very fluid.
Silver Wx said:
Try this:, or for a more complete rom, with Minimizeer pack and the rom will be very fluid.
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thanks my friend for your reply, i decide to install slimkat, but i read that you must have sd card bcuz it uses it as internal, the problem is i just have 1gb card, i use it only for music, can i use the slimcat without sd card insertedd ?
Gamer4Life said:
thanks my friend for your reply, i decide to install slimkat, but i read that you must have sd card bcuz it uses it as internal, the problem is i just have 1gb card, i use it only for music, can i use the slimcat without sd card insertedd ?
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Do a nandroid backup, try slimkat and see
If last slimkat avoid access to sdcard, try slimkat 8.8.
If there is any problem, you can restore your nandroid backup...
So for no problem, you can save nandroid backup on pc
Stock 4.3
From my experience I can say the following...
In regards to 4.1.2 (stock):
+ Virtually bug free.
+ Smooth performance (good free RAM).
+ Exceptional battery life.
- Poor Wi-Fi range (only bug I found).
- Okay camera.
In regards to 4.3 (stock):
+ Great camera.
+ Smooth performance.
+ Receives media app updates (not sure about 4.1.2).
- Poor RAM managment.
- Uninstalling app graphic glitch/lag (can be fixed with replacement packageinstaller.apk)
So I personally would stick to 4.3 (I fixed the package installer) and am a light user so RAM doesn't bug me too much, the Wi-Fi issue on 4.1.2 was the only issue but killed it for me, otherwise 4.1.2 would've been perfect.
ShinOrochiX said:
From my experience I can say the following...
In regards to 4.1.2 (stock):
+ Virtually bug free.
+ Smooth performance (good free RAM).
+ Exceptional battery life.
- Poor Wi-Fi range (only bug I found).
- Okay camera.
In regards to 4.3 (stock):
+ Great camera.
+ Smooth performance.
+ Receives media app updates (not sure about 4.1.2).
- Poor RAM managment.
- Uninstalling app graphic glitch/lag (can be fixed with replacement packageinstaller.apk)
So I personally would stick to 4.3 (I fixed the package installer) and am a light user so RAM doesn't bug me too much, the Wi-Fi issue on 4.1.2 was the only issue but killed it for me, otherwise 4.1.2 would've been perfect.
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i downgrade to .254 and i dont like it its so ugly and poor wifi but great perfomanence and great battery life
now i install ExistenZ 4.0 and its the best rom for Xperia SP, No Lags, No Bugs, Great Battery Life
i recommend to you install ExistenZ 4.0 i have Locked Bootloader, BEST rom for Xperia SP
kmiloxdxd said:
i downgrade to .254 and i dont like it its so ugly and poor wifi but great perfomanence and great battery life
now i install ExistenZ 4.0 and its the best rom for Xperia SP, No Lags, No Bugs, Great Battery Life
i recommend to you install ExistenZ 4.0 i have Locked Bootloader, BEST rom for Xperia SP
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Yeah, that ROM is very popular and for a good reason-yet to try it though, I will wait till I am bored to death with stock ROM. Relating to the op, I don't like the feeling of being on an older android version when a newer version is available, hence another reason I'm on 4.3.
I also see you'll be selling your SP (sig), may I ask why?
After countless flashes I've decided there is no better firmware/rom available than the Stock 4.1.2 (.254) for this phone.
I don't care which android version it runs as long as it runs smooth and fast.
Hello everyone,
I bought a used Xperia SP but it is very laggy.I tried both stock 4.1 and 4.3 but it's very slow for a phone with these specs.My Xperia T with worse CPU and of course much worse GPU runs butter smooth but the Xperia SP is slow.It's hardware or software issue??
AlienTechGR said:
Hello everyone,
I bought a used Xperia SP but it is very laggy.I tried both stock 4.1 and 4.3 but it's very slow for a phone with these specs.My Xperia T with worse CPU and of course much worse GPU runs butter smooth but the Xperia SP is slow.It's hardware or software issue??
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You have many installed apps? And it has little memory or memory ram? If this is the problem, will have to root q, and if you have a class 10 card, move apps to the card, if it is a basic, just move the light apps that do not require a large perfomace I in here my xperia sp android 4.3, I have no problems of slowness.
I have helped and I deculpe by bad english
Cr*p Software
As you mentioned it is slow for it's specs, the hardware is still strong by today's standards and can easily run Jelly Bean, the problem is the software and what Sony have done with it. I also have slow performance on JB 4.3, I have removed much bloatware and installed greenify but still have poor performance (can barely multitask, opening 2 tabs in chrome will close Walkman whilst playing music ). The reason is mainly the kernel, the min-free (RAM) values are poorly tweaked hence we have low RAM and performance. Compared to 4.1.2 JB, 4.3 JB is a lot more resource heavier due to the added high end graphics support.
Hi there,
As you've mentioned above, I think there may be some software installed that are slowing down your phone. If you use the stock rom, you can try backing-up your SMS, contacts and apps(always remember to backup), then factory reset the phone('wipe') in settings-backup and restore.
Also you can unlock and root the phone for a better performance, but be cautious, for unlocking void warranties.
I don't have apps installed...but ok,Sony's stock ROM is ****...why CyanogenMod ROMs have many problems too??
You can try flash a ftf file with flashtool. It totally rewrite the system on your phone.
Unlock bl and try cm11.
1. Flash stock .207 with flash tool
2. Root it
3. install custom recovery cwm and then try some custom roms for locked bootloaders from android developement section
4.3 custom roms highly recommended for battery life
AlienTechGR said:
I don't have apps installed...but ok,Sony's stock ROM is ****...why CyanogenMod ROMs have many problems too??
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Yeah Sony's stock ROM for our phone is bad. CM11 (locked bootloader) is a million times better, no crazy battery drain, 400mb+ free RAM (will all my apps), very smooth. Its easy to install as well (no need to unlock your bootloader). Check this out.
Follow matsas's instructions as above but instead install CM11.