[Q] Walkman + Viber notification problem - Xperia SP Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I recently started using viber. but when i get a notification from Viber while using the walkman the sound goes flat. no bass or anything. every time a viber notification comes this happens. i have to restart the walkman to resume with normal sounds. although walkman sound goes flat thing did happened a couple of times before, but without any reason. i have no idea whats triggering this.anybody else having this problem? any fix?

Thats a bug from Viber
Its normal that you have now sound when you become a Message but its not notmal that you must restart Walkman so i think its a bug from Viber

XplayerLP said:
Its normal that you have now sound when you become a Message but its not notmal that you must restart Walkman so i think its a bug from Viber
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it happened a couple of times even before i started using viber, so it has to be a walkman bug

STALKER_88 said:
it happened a couple of times even before i started using viber, so it has to be a walkman bug
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? i dont have this bug wich version you use?

XplayerLP said:
? i dont have this bug wich version you use?
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Stock walkman in 12.0.A.2.254


Lockscreen sound!

ok i need some help..
i cant hear lockscreen on/off sound on my phone!is checked on settings but its not working..i tried on gilgamesh rom and cm7 builds 18-19-20...none of the roms i managed to hear the lockscreen sound even if i do full wipe data and dalvik !!
what the problem might be??i can hear very well music and even when they call me i can hear sound even sound on sms alerts etc...!!
any idea so i can make it work???
I face the same problem since today.
It worked fine yesterday but I installed a few apps and played some vidos before I went to bed.
One of them was "Rock Player Lite", the other "Space Buster 3D".
Both apps where deinstalled after a few minutes of use.
Unfortunately, the phone was already in silent mode when installing the apps above.
I do not know if the apps caused this...
As for SW info, I am on stock ROM V10b (although carrier branding/SW).
try this: go somewhere with the phone, where no ambient noises are present.
Press the power button and unlock.
Then hold the loud speaker to your ear and press the power button again to lock your phone.
At this point I can hear the lock sound, but very very quietly...
Maybe someone has an idea what causes this...
I can't remember mine ever having a lockscreen sound..
Yeap i can hear it now but very hard!its so low the sound so i can hear it!!i dont know why is that happening!weird..till before 3 days it was very fine and worked and now i cant even find a solution about this issue!
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edangel said:
Yeap i can hear it now but very hard!its so low the sound so i can hear it!!i dont know why is that happening!weird..till before 3 days it was very fine and worked and now i cant even find a solution about this issue!
Sent from my Optimus 2X using XDA Premium App
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maybe try lock sound changer from beanfarmer you can put whatever sound you want in..
get it in the market or check it out here:

[Q] Strange Sound behavior

Lately i've noticing a strange sound behavior. Whenever i play Music on the loudspeaker Music tends to fade out and in, i mean the volume goes down and then up, and no matter what player i use it,s happening so often that it's getting annoying. Any help or ideas, has anyone faced this problem? And don't know if it's rom related.
it's like something is making the sound to lose focus, like when you recieve a message while listening to Music with a headset but on headset this problem doesn't show up.
And for everyone to know i'm not using any sound mod.
edit: noticed that apps that use audio are crashing more than they should.
Hay man, I have the exact same problem, Sounds fades out then comes back... Oddly enough it's only just started happening in the last day or so. I'm on stock jellybean update with locked bootloader.
Is there any solution to this? Ive tried rebooting etc but no luck.
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Try freezing soundenhancement.apk. I know this works on arc, maybe the same bug applies to XT/XTX etc.
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crazymister said:
Try freezing soundenhancement.apk. I know this works on arc, maybe the same bug applies to XT/XTX etc.
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Did that and no changes so far.
When playing walkman..i realise that the music seems like its stop and then play again..its stop around half a second..this happen in a few time per song..
Well I'm still having this problem but i've noticed that it happens oftenly whenever i'm listening music on loudspeaker and i open Chrome to navigate, it Triggers the problem. Been trying using Dolphin and it doesn't produce the problem.
I'm not 100% if chrome has to be blamed but that's what i've noticed
This weekend will try changing ROM to see if the problem goes away.
I have noticed this bug as well
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Since disabling xloud I don't seem to get the issue anymore, anyone confirm?
Sent from my LT30p using xda premium
I've already tested by disabling xloud, but the problem persists, gonna try rebooting after disabling
Edit: same result after rebooting. The ultimate Test is to play Music then start browsing with chrome (at least with two tabs opened) the Sound will fade out and in eventually. Have in mind that only happens with the internal Speaker of the phone. No headphones or external speakers.
Well moved from TurzzdROM to Gregbradley's Assaye 1.1.0 and there's no sight of the problem, Not saying that was the ROM because i did something else, that is is not enabling Clear phase in Settings/sound, I just activated Xloud and thats it.
So... Try disabling clear phase on settings and rebooting and see if that works.
I'm on JB & is it just me, but I noticed that the sound settings of ringtone & noticifactions isn't very loud.
If you use the max. volume settings, it isn't loud at all....
Any one else noticed this?

[Q] Bluetooth Music Cuts Out

I have the .205 build of Jelly Bean for my Xperia T. I have been having a problem when playing music. I connect my Xperia via Bluetooth to my car stereo to listen to music, but sometimes my music will just stop randomly. This usually happens within 10 seconds of starting a song. Even after I try to play the song again, it will still happen. It also began to happen when I had headphones in, with no Bluetooth. I am using Google Play Music.
Any ideas as to what could be causing this? This never happened to me on .199
butterblum said:
I have the .205 build of Jelly Bean for my Xperia T. I have been having a problem when playing music. I connect my Xperia via Bluetooth to my car stereo to listen to music, but sometimes my music will just stop randomly. This usually happens within 10 seconds of starting a song. Even after I try to play the song again, it will still happen. It also began to happen when I had headphones in, with no Bluetooth. I am using Google Play Music.
Any ideas as to what could be causing this? This never happened to me on .199
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Insufficient RAM ?
Ben Ling said:
Insufficient RAM ?
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How do I go about permanently freeing up RAM?
butterblum said:
I have the .205 build of Jelly Bean for my Xperia T. I have been having a problem when playing music. I connect my Xperia via Bluetooth to my car stereo to listen to music, but sometimes my music will just stop randomly. This usually happens within 10 seconds of starting a song. Even after I try to play the song again, it will still happen. It also began to happen when I had headphones in, with no Bluetooth. I am using Google Play Music.
Any ideas as to what could be causing this? This never happened to me on .199
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Try the WALKMAN app an let me know how it goes :good:
neosnake991 said:
Try the WALKMAN app an let me know how it goes :good:
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I am also having problems with phantom vibrations when my phone gets "bogged down." And apps such as Real Racing 3 glitch while racing. Is this consistent with RAM problems?
It's could be anything from a old file system, to ram. I honestly don't think it's ram because it would be shutting down your phone, but because it has been suggested we'll start there. Uninstall all the apps you don't use, are you rooted or on stock?
Sent from my LT30p using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
neosnake991 said:
It's could be anything from a old file system, to ram. I honestly don't think it's ram because it would be shutting down your phone, but because it has been suggested we'll start there. Uninstall all the apps you don't use, are you rooted or on stock?
Sent from my LT30p using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
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I am rooted.
Ok so another thing you can do is get a ram optimiser from the app store and see if that helps
"To give up is a sign of your weekness, but to keep trying is a sign of madness." - Unknown

[Q] Notification Tones stuttering

This is an annoying sound bug. The notification tones in messaging/email apps stutter; meaning there is a break while playing the tone. Either there is an annoying 'click' at the beginning, which is mostly the case, or the tone 'breaks and resumes, stutters' sometimes in the middle while playing.
I've tried disabling the sound enhancements and different combinations too, but it happens almost all the time during every notification; SMS, Whatsapp, etc. I am on .757. Was happening on .681 too. Not that it is a major issue, but it is quite annoying.
There is one thread on this forum like this some months old, but without a solution. Anybody aware of this problem?
Also got this problem. Would be nice if there is a solution
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Seems to have been solved in the recent update to .108

Xperia ZR no sound speaker,headphones,ear piece

my Xperia ZR have a serious problem
no sound on calls , songs , videos , youtube, anything related with sound don't work
no sound on speakers,headphones,ear piece
phone restart when receive or start a call
music app give message: sound enhancements has stopped
camera app dont record video , but when set the option record without audio its reorde fine
i tried everything
clear cache clear data, reinstall a new system , downgrade from android 5 to 4.4.2
everything but nothing works
ant help
thank you
Any ideas
Any idea to solve this problem??
Tesla002 said:
Any idea to solve this problem??
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I am facing a similar issue,though it isn't as bad as yours.My phone speaker doesn't work for calls and music but it works for the alarm. I suspect its due to the software. I am planning to custom rom my stock xperia zr.
Same issue
I am having the same issue since two weeks. the audio is intermittent sometimes it does not even work. Last night it worked fine. I was watching videos on YouTube and no issue. I got calls in the morning and no issue. all of a sudden everything stopped working again. I tried reseting the phone repaired the phone from PC Companion as instructed by SONY Support but the issue is still persistant

