I have a question: is anyone from devs interested in porting kexec for our SPs? http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2495152
It's a great way for achieving multiboot, and also a possibly ONLY way for getting custom kernel on unlock bootloader allowed:no devices. Delewer started porting it for Z1, he also made some really big progress. So, anyone working on this for C530x?
I receive my new Xperia Z after upgrading from a Samsung Galaxy S3 (i9305) in the next few days and wondered if you guys would be happy enough to answer some questions for me?
Firstly, I know you can unlock the Bootloader, but is it worth it? Does the Bravia Engine make that much of a difference?
If I do unlock the Bootloader, can I still install MODs like ACIDMOD and other stuff or is it MOD specific?
Do any of you use a custom ROM? Reading other topics, there doesn't seem to be a stable (relatively bug-free) release yet, so am I better just sitting it out with the stock ROM?
I take it Rooting leaves the Bootloader intact?
Sorry for the Q & A.
Thanks in advance!
ianrobbie said:
I receive my new Xperia Z after upgrading from a Samsung Galaxy S3 (i9305) in the next few days and wondered if you guys would be happy enough to answer some questions for me?
Firstly, I know you can unlock the Bootloader, but is it worth it? Does the Bravia Engine make that much of a difference?
If I do unlock the Bootloader, can I still install MODs like ACIDMOD and other stuff or is it MOD specific?
Do any of you use a custom ROM? Reading other topics, there doesn't seem to be a stable (relatively bug-free) release yet, so am I better just sitting it out with the stock ROM?
I take it Rooting leaves the Bootloader intact?
Sorry for the Q & A.
Thanks in advance!
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I also came from Samsung and @ Samsung phones the bootloader is unlocked by default, so flashing another kernel is nothing out of the ordinary. Many of us have completely disabled Bravia Engine, so it won't matter for those people if they lost it. You don't need to unlock the Bootloader in order to install a custom rom. When the rom contains a different kernel (non stock) then you will need to unlock the bootloader (If it's even possible).
Root and bootloader aren't related. You can root every phone, but the bootloader can't be unlocked on every device.
Dsteppa said:
I also came from Samsung and @ Samsung phones the bootloader is unlocked by default, so flashing another kernel is nothing out of the ordinary. Many of us have completely disabled Bravia Engine, so it won't matter for those people if they lost it. You don't need to unlock the Bootloader in order to install a custom rom. When the rom contains a different kernel (non stock) then you will need to unlock the bootloader (If it's even possible).
Root and bootloader aren't related. You can root every phone, but the bootloader can't be unlocked on every device.
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Oooh, you beat me to it.
However, I couldn't have put it better myself.
When I first got my XZ I could definitely see the difference between BE and no BE, however, it was worth the sacrifice, I'd rather have complete freedom over my device than have a very slightly improved image quality.
If you want ROMs like CM10.1 and stuff you will have to unlock the bootloader (requires custom kernel), however, stock based ROMs (Such as KA06, or my ROM) will accept the stock kernel too.
Of course, the ultimate choice is yours but I'd be leaning more towards a bootloader unlock if I were you.
ianrobbie said:
I receive my new Xperia Z after upgrading from a Samsung Galaxy S3 (i9305) in the next few days and wondered if you guys would be happy enough to answer some questions for me?
Firstly, I know you can unlock the Bootloader, but is it worth it? Does the Bravia Engine make that much of a difference?
If I do unlock the Bootloader, can I still install MODs like ACIDMOD and other stuff or is it MOD specific?
Do any of you use a custom ROM? Reading other topics, there doesn't seem to be a stable (relatively bug-free) release yet, so am I better just sitting it out with the stock ROM?
I take it Rooting leaves the Bootloader intact?
Sorry for the Q & A.
Thanks in advance!
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I think that for the time being there is no point in unlocking your bootloader. Remember that once you unlock it you do void your warranty. Maybe it would be worth keeping just for a little bit just in the case that your unit was faulty in any way.
Bravia Engine 2 in my opinion looks very good and does make a difference. It is a matter of personal preference though (as is all the color, contrast, viewing angle etc)
As of now there aren't too many custom ROM's for the Xperia Z. There are however quite a few useful MOD's that you can try as most of them work for rooted phones with LOCKED bootloader. You might need to be deodexed for some of them though.
And yes rooting does leave the bootloader intact.
Here is my video that you can find in the general thread as well showing 10 things that you could try after root:
In conclusion in my opinion it IS worth rooting the phone but NOT neccesserily unlocking the bootloader at least for the time being.
ianrobbie said:
I receive my new Xperia Z after upgrading from a Samsung Galaxy S3 (i9305) in the next few days and wondered if you guys would be happy enough to answer some questions for me?
Firstly, I know you can unlock the Bootloader, but is it worth it? Does the Bravia Engine make that much of a difference?
If I do unlock the Bootloader, can I still install MODs like ACIDMOD and other stuff or is it MOD specific?
Do any of you use a custom ROM? Reading other topics, there doesn't seem to be a stable (relatively bug-free) release yet, so am I better just sitting it out with the stock ROM?
I take it Rooting leaves the Bootloader intact?
Sorry for the Q & A.
Thanks in advance!
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Before you unlock your bootloader consider this.
I tried root with my bootloader locked and so far it wasn't satisfying at all. My other phone is a galaxy nexus and with CM 10.1 running on that machine it's pure pleasure. :laugh:
I am not sure about the bravia engine thing. Pics and clips will look really neat on your device, but what happens when share your clips and pics with someone who hasn't the bravia engine on the phone... Anyway, now that we have the possibility to save the drm keys we can restore the bravia engine.
I tried the latest cm 10.1 nightly on my xperia and it runs smooth. The cam works pretty well and since yesterday there is also 12,8 megapixel supported.
The next Rom I will try will be probably this but for now I'll stick with my cm nightly. The only downside is that DoomKernel does not support cm 10.1 yet.
Sony's cam app is quite good and I really like the many options one can play around with. On the other hand I really hate the album compared to stock jb/ics or cm 10.1.
Isnt there any dev. That can make a zip of the bravia engine 2,
I know but dont understand drmkeys ect.
I also have agalaxy nexus wtih bravia engine...sooo is it that hard for dev.s to make it work again?
No disprespect intended btw
Sent from my C6603 using xda app-developers app
I was wondering if it would be possible to run a CM userland on a stock kernel (Yes I am one of those fools who bought a device with "bootloader unlock allowed: no").
This has been done in the past for other phones and apart from delivering a CM experience to locked phones this would also allow for a working Bravia engine on CM. Sure there would be some limitations when running such a setup (e.g. because of certain kernel modules not being available), but Sony seems to update the official firmwares at a acceptable pace, so there are fairly recent official kernels available: Most recent stable CM is based on 4.2.2 as is Sony's most recent firmware.
I can hardly estimate how problematic other aspects (ABI version mismatches, etc..) might be when trying this, but I remember CyanoSpaceMod for the XU which worked for devices with locked bootloaders. It was a working CM9 and implemented CWM in the same manner as the dual recovery on the XZ for locked bootloaders running on the stock kernel.
All in all it seems to me that all the building blocks are there, but I have no experience in building CM, so I cannot do this on my own, I need some guidance.
Would it be enough to simply build CM for the prebuilt stock kernel as outlined here, even if it meant that tehre would be no CWM support initially? The kernel itself can easily be extracted from a stock rom...
Any help -- even just an educated guess -- would be appreciated.
Not possible matey.
DrKrFfXx said:
Not possible matey.
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Could you point me to somewhere, where I can find an elaboration on the subject so I can educate myself?
Why is the XZ so much different than other Sony phones? Or is it simply because Sony was so forthcoming in open sourcing everything they legally can, fostering kernel hacking so that the CM kernel now differs greatly from the stock kernel?
In that case I can fully understand that major changes in the CM base would be required to make it run on the stock kernel...
(I am actually just asking out of curiosity, since I got an unlockable device yesterday )
Hi, again. Well its a bit serious question, is it possible to port m8kernel to m7 phone? (and get work all gestures of sense6) not with elementalx or sense6toolbox. If its possible, can i know how?
Nope, not possible to "port a kernel" from an S801 device to a one with S600. Is it possible to implement directly into current custom kernel, but I think there is a wait now for source code.
I've read through the forums of the XZ, and found no trace of people trying to load CM on locked bootloaders.
So I was wondering if there is any development going into that direction on the XZ? (ramdisk hijack, kexec,..)
I don't have nearly enough experience to go into something like that, but I was wondering if something like this would be possible for our XZ.
Devs at Xperia SP forum managed to hijack ramdisk and load SlimKat and CM11/10.2 on a locked bootloader device, so maybe we can use the same method?
XSP thread
Maybe we can follow their example and get CM on our device working with locked bootloader!
Does anybody know any reason why this would/wouldn't work on our device? I'm starting to look into it, but maybe some more experienced developer can help.
I dont think its passible because CM need a custom kernel and the custom kenel need UNlocked bootloader
Send from my Xperia™ Z (C6602) using tapatalk?
baga255 said:
I've read through the forums of the XZ, and found no trace of people trying to load CM on locked bootloaders.
So I was wondering if there is any development going into that direction on the XZ? (ramdisk hijack, kexec,..)
I have nearly enough experience to go into something like that, but I was wondering if something like this would be possible for our XZ.
Devs at Xperia SP forum managed to hijack ramdisk and load SlimKat and CM11/10.2 on a locked bootloader device, so maybe we can use the same method?
XSP thread
Maybe we can follow their example and get CM on our device working with locked bootloader!
Does anybody know any reason why this would/wouldn't work on our device? I'm starting to look into it, but maybe some more experienced developer can help.
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Roms like CM,AOKP,PA,slimkat and so on use custom kernels for their respective roms
Custom kernels require unlocked booloader, if you try to flash custom rom in locked boodloader it will get in to a boot loop
You will need to unlock the bootloader (which WILL void your phones warranty) then flash any custom rom
androidtweaker1 said:
Roms like CM,AOKP,PA,slimkat and so on use custom kernels for their respective roms
Custom kernels require unlocked booloader, if you try to flash custom rom in locked boodloader it will get in to a boot loop
You will need to unlock the bootloader (which WILL void your phones warranty) then flash any custom rom
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I am aware of all of the above. That's why I suggested hijacking ramdisk (as they did on Xperia SP). That would enable us to load CM (or any other AOSP based ROM) on top of the stock Sony kernel.
At least that's how I understood it. You can check the thread I linked in the first post. The devs even posted the links to the source code of the ramdisk hijack method!
More info on this thread.
Sent from my C6603 using Tapatalk
So I've been on Lollipop for a couple of weeks now and I just don't dig it to be honest. Maybe in the future....but for now I miss KitKat and most importantly my Xposed modules.
My question is: is anyone still supporting KitKat? There are not many ROMs for this device in the first place....but is there a good CM11 ROM? Or does anyone have a link to Titan Prime ROM KitKat? Just trying to get a topic going. It's my secondary (work) phone so I'm not on it as much as my main phone and maybe that's delaying the learning curve. 5.x is OK...but I really want the Xposed modules and they are not working yet. Thanks in advance everyone!