Hi i have an s3 LTE telstra i9305 and i flashed it with a few roms and now it wont connect to telstra network .
If i flash the stock rom does it flash the modem back to stock aswel
I get the little bars up the top and it actually finds testra in the network list but gets an error when i goto register on it
the error is something like this sim is not compatible on this network
as i type this im flashing stock rom so i will try it again and give the right error soon thanks
p.s does the stock rom flash bootloader and modem ???
first 4 of my IMEI is 3547
hades302 said:
Hi i have an s3 LTE telstra i9305 and i flashed it with a few roms and now it wont connect to telstra network .
If i flash the stock rom does it flash the modem back to stock aswel
>>>>Flashes whatever modem is in the firmware .
the error is something like this sim is not compatible on this network
>> Change sim .
Suggest you manually add your networks APN settings and read the faqs and guides before flashing anything .
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If its the original rom for my phone shouldnt the APN setting be already set and when i go into the settings to change them they are all none selectable all blanked out you can see the setting but cant change them.
APN - telstra.wap
MCC - 505
MNC - 01
APN type - default,supl
Protocol - IPv4
all other setting say NOT SET
worked it out my sim card has died for some reason
I am not getting any 3g ie when I want to look up something on the net using the 3g it just times out - nothing downloading, only after I upgraded to gingerbread 2.3.3 XXJVK.
Kernel is
se.infra SEI-28 #2
Any help with this will be much appreciated. Also I am trying to find a way to root this version but every post I go to has a download and when extracted its not what it says it should be. ie its zimage not a file with .tar after.
I ended up calling optus and found that the upgrade had deleted the settings for the internet on 3g so for anyone upgrading on the optus network go to
wireless & network
mobile networks
access point names, left hand menu button, add new APN
NAME optus internet
APN yesinternet
PROXY though to MMS on NOT SET
MCC 505
MNC 02
APN Type internet
Yes thats a standard problem with flashing a non standard rom probably with the wrong CSC for your area .
Hello, I bought of a friend a Samsung galaxy s and he said it needs only unlocking,so i "think" i unlocked it successfully.Was putting a O2 Simcard in and in applications i was having then the o2 SIM Toolkit.
But when i tried to make an phonecall, he tells me "Mobile Network not available",so i went to settings and wireless and network and tried to choose an network operator but he tells me then " Unable to connect to this network at this time.Please try again later."
What can I do?
Did you check the APNs?
Please first check if your IMEI is intact. If it is, flash a different MODEM and see if it works. If it's not, flash a fresh ROM using ODIN and that should hopefully restore your efs.
At first thanks for the reply, but now what is a APN? And how do i know if my IMEI is intact?
Sry,am a newbie
For you IMEI you should check your original SGS Box's sticker. There should be you IMEI number printed on. If you dial *#06# you should be able to read your IMEI. --> Look if it is the same as on your box
for apn settings. Apn is your connection settings, how your phone connects with the providers network. you have to check your mobile network settings if these are correct.
So, the IMEI nr is different then on the sticker,and the apn wasnt ticked,so I ticked the O2 and tried but still no mobile network.
Then i need to flash if I'm right?
I was already looking a bit around here about roms etc. But there are quite a few out there,so when you say to flash a fresh rom,which actually do I need to use?
Thank you
Hi again,
because the imei wasn't the same, I flashed it with a new rom (actually two different ones)
But still after both flashes I still don't got my old imei and still no mobile network available. After the one flash with I9000XXJPU he didn't said anymore no mobile network available,instead he said no data network available.
It would be nice if somebody would have some advice or help.
hey! don't panic, i have had the the same problem
just download darky's resurrection edition in the development section and flash it. it should bring you back to froyo 2.2.1 and should also restore your imei properly. after this procedure you are free to flash any rom you want
dasickzz said:
Hi again,
because the imei wasn't the same, I flashed it with a new rom (actually two different ones)
But still after both flashes I still don't got my old imei and still no mobile network available. After the one flash with I9000XXJPU he didn't said anymore no mobile network available,instead he said no data network available.
It would be nice if somebody would have some advice or help.
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Flash back to 2.2.1
Check imei
Continue on..
Also the problem you had when flashed JPU sounds like you didnt have your APNs correct..thats why the "no data network available"
Sent from my GT-I9000 using Tapatalk
For apn settings check your provider website, our phone them and they will help you set it up
Insanity cm 014/glitch
Hey, I'm having exactly the same problem although the imei number for me is correct.... What can I do?? I googled this problem for hours and without any solution found.... Thanks for any help out here!
Sorry I don't mean to spam but I really need help with this! Thanks
hey, check this, seems to be solved
automatic search network...n pjt phone on Utomode for selectkon network
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
No Network
I have the same problem.
Network is fine (i switched the SIM-Card into different phones), but my SGS GT I-9000 does not connect / find to any network.
I am running Darky`s ROM 4.0.4 v11.0 Black Edition with 3.0.17-Semaphore_ICS_1.2.5s.
Also, the phone says on screen the name of my network provider (COSMOTE), but no signal.
What now?
Dear All
I 2 months ago buy a droid3 xt862 to use in EU (in poland) and all was ok
they find lot of gsm networks signal was ok... to yesterday
I wanted to check something in *#*#4636#*#* and i change
in Phone information / set preferred network type -
from GSM auto (prl) to WCDMA preferred
I change it back to GSM auto (PRL), but now phone dont see any GSM
network, still see SIM card but when is instaled and when is not..
I flash once again the phone, do a factory reset in recovery.. and still nothing..
img268 . imageshack.us/img268/1258/droid3global . jpg
please if somebody have idea how to help me .. pls
Maybe will be usefull for somebody
I fix the problem, i used moto-fastboot.exe and re-flesh the radio.img
now again all works perfectly GSM / 3G etc ,
Thanks for that info!
Serendipity 6.4
Kernel: - [email protected] #32
Baseband Version: I9000UGJK4
Firmware: 2.2.1
And I've also tried
Serendipity VII Build 3
Firmware: 2.3.3
Baseband: I9000TUBJV6
This phone was unlocked and it worked just fine in Taiwan.
I'm now in Baha Mexico, I have a Telcel SIM card, but it just does not work. And I absolutely must get this to work because checking email is critical for me. I don't know what to do. Do I need to update my modem? Which one do I need to update to?
1. My APN settings are all correct for Telcel:
Name: Internet
APN: internet.itelcel.com
Username: webgprs
Password: webgprs2002
MCC: 334
MNC: 020
Authentication Type: PAP
APN Type: Internet
2. I show signal on the signal bar, but no 3G or 1X. It says "Emergency Calls Only."
3. When I go dial the number to activate (*333) I get "Data Network Not Available"
4. When I search for the available Network Operators, Telcel pops up, but if I click on it I get "Unable to connect. Try again later." and "unable to select network. Select automatically." This happens over and over.
5. I called Telcel and it is confirmed that they are still waiting on me to dial in and activate my SIM card, using *333. The problem is, I can't dial in.
Hope I helped
Is your IMEI correct, ive seen that cause problems so make sure you dont have the generic one as that will allow you to connect to some networks but not all, also if you keep having problems i'd suggest odin back to stock (that for sure Works on Telcel's network and if your IMEI is missing it might even give it back)and then update back up SlimBean seams to work quite well for me. Hope i helped, would have answered earlier but just bearly stumbbled on to this thread
agrs22 said:
Is your IMEI correct, ive seen that cause problems so make sure you dont have the generic one as that will allow you to connect to some networks but not all, also if you keep having problems i'd suggest odin back to stock (that for sure Works on Telcel's network and if your IMEI is missing it might even give it back)and then update back up SlimBean seams to work quite well for me. Hope i helped, would have answered earlier but just bearly stumbbled on to this thread
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Sorry to say that this thread is nearly a year old, this guy probably doesn't need this info anymore
Hello everybody i have big problem i yesterday install JellyBam v7.0.0 on my Galaxy S and now i not have signal when i flash rom i have signal for a
1 minut than i lost signal and nobody can't call me i can't call other people what i most do i write post on offical forum on jellybam but says maybe modem is wrong but i download modem and try with CWM but says installation aborted please help me i don't have signal
Are your APN Settings ok, have you checked them ?
EwOkie said:
Are your APN Settings ok, have you checked them ?
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Yes i check the APN and all is OK!when i have turned on 3g i have signal only when i turn off 3g i lost signal
Could be that your area signal isnt that great on 2G network when 3G is off.. try another modem
hello i had issues last week i lost data connection i flashed all different roms trying to fix it ,i think its sorted now i flashed XXJVU stock rom then darky 10.2 re then i flashed cm9 then darky v11 then cm10 then thinkbridge 4.2.2 working well so far if its just your signal try 10. 2 re first
the best reason why it happen because the ROM or FIRMWARE that you installed in your samsung galaxy s is not compatible some firmware and roms are only allowed in a specific country because it contains MODEM that makes your cellphone to have a signal on what country you are in OR the Samsung Galaxy S that you have is only for certain country only like my Samsung Galaxy S SC-02B which is NTTDocomo which has 2.2 froyo firmware when i upgrade it to higher firmware such like jellybean or icecream it successfully upgraded but you cant use the cellphone 100% since the signal will lost because your IMEI is fake or your IMEI is none. check your back of your samsung to check the right IMEI.
downgrade your phone back to its original firmware and rom make sure it is the original!
and you will see it will back to its default settings your signal is back so as your IMEI
I am using Hong Kong Modem and I am in the UK with Full Signal and better performance
All Modems will give a signal ..but depends on area that you are in
Flash 2.3.6. Then Root it ...this will put all files back to the way they where..
In your APN settings scroll down to the Authentication Type and make it PAP if its Default for both ..reboot phone if that helps