I have some weird problem to fix on my girlfriends Samsung Galaxy Mini GT-5570
Firstly, touchscreen works OK, then suddenly it starts acting like possessed, it detects random touches over the screen, it clicks things, moves things, etc, then it backs to normal and works perfectly for a while and then horror starts again......
Sometimes it even doesn't detect touch, but locking/unlocking makes it work again.
And sometimes it even unlocks it self.
These actions help when touchscreen go crazy:
- Reboot - sometimes touchscreen problem gone for a few hours, but sometimes it still here
- Lock/Unlock
- Rapidly entering the menu after unlocking (if the touchscreen is still a bit usable to do that)
I tested it while normal work with different applications, and these results are perfect, even better than on my brand new LG P350.
It's fluid, precise, no dead spots, multi touch also works.
I done Wipe data and cache, I flashed S5570XWKTN firmware (Android 2.3.6) and there is result: it longer works normally but it still sometimes go crazy.
So I think that touchscreen needs replacement, but I'm not sure. I don't have money to throw away, in case that problem is not related with touchscreen.
Is there any solution?
It also have problem with weak signal, if network signal is low, while other devices have one-two bars, this guy have noone. Reflash didn't helped.
Is there a way to improve internal antenna?
Also can someone recommend me a good stable and fast ROM for it?
Thanks in advance for any help.
xZero707 said:
I have some weird problem to fix on my girlfriends Samsung Galaxy Mini GT-5570
Firstly, touchscreen works OK, then suddenly it starts acting like possessed, it detects random touches over the screen, it clicks things, moves things, etc, then it backs to normal and works perfectly for a while and then horror starts again......
Sometimes it even doesn't detect touch, but locking/unlocking makes it work again.
And sometimes it even unlocks it self.
These actions help when touchscreen go crazy:
- Reboot - sometimes touchscreen problem gone for a few hours, but sometimes it still here
- Lock/Unlock
- Rapidly entering the menu after unlocking (if the touchscreen is still a bit usable to do that)
I tested it while normal work with different applications, and these results are perfect, even better than on my brand new LG P350.
It's fluid, precise, no dead spots, multi touch also works.
I done Wipe data and cache, I flashed S5570XWKTN firmware (Android 2.3.6) and there is result: it longer works normally but it still sometimes go crazy.
So I think that touchscreen needs replacement, but I'm not sure. I don't have money to throw away, in case that problem is not related with touchscreen.
Is there any solution?
It also have problem with weak signal, if network signal is low, while other devices have one-two bars, this guy have noone. Reflash didn't helped.
Is there a way to improve internal antenna?
Also can someone recommend me a good stable and fast ROM for it?
Thanks in advance for any help.
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Problem source: Digitizer/Touchscreen
Solution: Replacement of Digitizer/Touchscreen
Problem fixed.
Hi everyone
A issue I have noticed on mine and brothers phone
Basically, after a phone call, the touch bottoms (menu and back buttons) dont work sometimes, they just freeze and dont work.
It doesnt happen all the time, maybe 1 or 2 times a day. It requires a restart of the phone by taking the battery out
Just wandering if anyone has experienced this problem on there note and whether it is a software or hardware problem. Buttons work fine at all other times, but sometimes after a call they just freeze.
coola71 said:
Hi everyone
A issue I have noticed on mine and brothers phone
Basically, after a phone call, the touch bottoms (menu and back buttons) dont work sometimes, they just freeze and dont work.
It doesnt happen all the time, maybe 1 or 2 times a day. It requires a restart of the phone by taking the battery out
Just wandering if anyone has experienced this problem on there note and whether it is a software or hardware problem. Buttons work fine at all other times, but sometimes after a call they just freeze.
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Same problem here! I don't need to take out battery, just reboot device
Any idea? Root? What ROM?
This thing has too many troubles for users. Just got mine but haven't used it yet. Samsung hasn't made a good phone so far. Problems left to right. Note could be my last Samsung phone.
i have noticed the same thing too, but i am running Sheep Rom, it seems intermittent. what rom are you running?
coola71 said:
Hi everyone
Basically, after a phone call, the touch bottoms (menu and back buttons) dont work sometimes, they just freeze and dont work.
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I used to have issues with my prior android phone if I got dirt or whatever over the proximity sensor.
Android phones disable the touchscreen/buttons during a phone call so your cheek doesn't hang up the phone.
If your phone is dirty, however, it gets confused, and keeps things disabled after the call.
This happened to me fairly often when I had a case/screen collector that tended to collect pocket lint.
- Frank
---------- Post added at 01:32 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:31 PM ----------
CyberGhos said:
This thing has too many troubles for users. Just got mine but haven't used it yet. Samsung hasn't made a good phone so far. Problems left to right. Note could be my last Samsung phone.
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You can't be bleeding edge without some bleeding.
The GNote ain't perfect and it's a bit rough on the edges, but there's no way I would trade it for any other phone.
- Frank
ChodTheWacko said:
I used to have issues with my prior android phone if I got dirt or whatever over the proximity sensor.
Android phones disable the touchscreen/buttons during a phone call so your cheek doesn't hang up the phone.
If your phone is dirty, however, it gets confused, and keeps things disabled after the call.
This happened to me fairly often when I had a case/screen collector that tended to collect pocket lint.
- Frank
---------- Post added at 01:32 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:31 PM ----------
You can't be bleeding edge without some bleeding.
The GNote ain't perfect and it's a bit rough on the edges, but there's no way I would trade it for any other phone.
- Frank
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This. You shouldn't go Samsung or Android if you don't want to do some finetuning. If you want an out of the box solution take buy an iPhone. Then you can wait for Apple to release updates instead of being able to fix it yourself the same day.
i agree, its not even a hardware problem, its a software problem. i can accept small glitches as long as i can fix them, unfortunately you cant fix a hardware malfunction with software, unless of course the patch your applying is going directly over the antenna like a certain iGadget4
coola71 said:
Hi everyone
A issue I have noticed on mine and brothers phone
Basically, after a phone call, the touch bottoms (menu and back buttons) dont work sometimes, they just freeze and dont work.
It doesnt happen all the time, maybe 1 or 2 times a day. It requires a restart of the phone by taking the battery out
Just wandering if anyone has experienced this problem on there note and whether it is a software or hardware problem. Buttons work fine at all other times, but sometimes after a call they just freeze.
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Even i am facing the same issue n need to know what is the sol. If it is a hardware issue should i get my phone replaced. I bought it only yesterday.
For me too it happens occassionally and requires restart of the phone.
Please help someone.
Just a guess - if all users r not facing it is it a hardware issue
I had this happen once after about 4weeks of using sgn. I don't know if i had made a call prior or what, just before it happened. A reboot made the problem go away for an hour or so. It came back.
I had installed an app a few hours earlier (dell store mobile app). I removed it - not really expecting to fix it. . . It didn't.
After some futzing, I rebooted into cwm recovery: flushed dalvic cache and fix permissions and rebooted. .. it has been working ever since.
This has happened only once, a few days ago. I'd wager it is a software issue.
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda premium
Even I am also facing the same issue on Sheep ROM
Is this a ROM specific issue or Kernel ?
Same problem here !
I have been using the SGN for the past 4 days. I had this problem in the Stock ROM and it remains even after rooting the phone.
This phone/tablet seems to be a premature release with loads of small problems here and there. I guess they plan to remove these errors directly in ICS.
I believe the problem is on the kernel, try to get some that is stable.
If you are on original stick with it, if you have it rooted try to get the newest kernel.
What happen is that the proximity sensor closes the phone screen, and lower the speed of the cpu, in some times the cpu have some collapses and forget, what you need is to control the cpu or turn off the proximitor sensor, something like that.
I dont have that problem, with both official rom and rooted phone with abyssnote.
I hope this help.
It happened with me too, 2-3 times. Few hours ago I was checking a pdf document and I received a call and the other party couldnt hear me well. While he was calling me again everything froze. Neither touch buttons nor the screen was working. I had to take the battery out, since I couldnt turn it off because of the unresponsive screen. This is really bugging me off.
I've had this occur to me twice, first time I was fidgeting with some app I can't even remember which, second time just a while ago (and that's why I went in here searching), right after making a call.
Using the S-Pen to swype-gesture back and menu they work though, it's just the buttons themselves that are dead.
Wouldn't think the proximity has anything to do with it (nice idea anyway) because then the whole screen should be unresponsive to touchm, wouldn't it?
BTW I am using xlite rom now, and maybe I could go for the cache wiping.
EDIT: I had cleared cache partition and dalvik cache this morning, ths afternoon the note has been sitting idle on the desk, 2mA drain according to battery monitor widget estimates, and without any calls the buttons stopped working again...
xinato91 said:
I believe the problem is on the kernel, try to get some that is stable.
If you are on original stick with it, if you have it rooted try to get the newest kernel.
What happen is that the proximity sensor closes the phone screen, and lower the speed of the cpu, in some times the cpu have some collapses and forget, what you need is to control the cpu or turn off the proximitor sensor, something like that.
I dont have that problem, with both official rom and rooted phone with abyssnote.
I hope this help.
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+1 I'm using Abyssnote kernel too - no problems with soft buttons yet.
anyone find a fix for this yet? i have to reboot my phone after pretty much every call to get the buttons working again. starting to get really annoying
forgot to mention im on stock rom unrooted
Reset and Root - CFKernel and AbyssNote worked for me
n0thingr3mains said:
anyone find a fix for this yet? i have to reboot my phone after pretty much every call to get the buttons working again. starting to get really annoying
forgot to mention im on stock rom unrooted
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I had rooted and applied CF Kernel to my rom and had faced a few problems. But after wiping and applying CFRoot (latest) again I did not face any problems.
I have had no problems in the past 24 hours.
You can use the guide by Chainfire to root and apply CF Kernel (the best guide ever) and test for a day or two. then try moving to AbyssNote1.4 (I moved because I wanted to test OC)
Before you root and flash kernel, I will recommend factory resetting(since you are unrooted at the moment) and do not install any apps - because that is what actually worked for me.
I havr started facing button issue on 1.4 AbyssNote as well.
Same problem here not woking :-( :-( :-(
---------- Post added at 06:17 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:16 PM ----------
How to fix this bug???
So, some news. I've been fighting with a nasty battery drain due to the phone being unable to keep the deep sleep status. In the process I've tried flashing AbyssNote kernel 1.2 (people were saying 1.4 suffered from high drains, and I haven't seen this problem since then... but it's been just a few, so it may be too soon.
ephestione said:
So, some news. I've been fighting with a nasty battery drain due to the phone being unable to keep the deep sleep status. In the process I've tried flashing AbyssNote kernel 1.2 (people were saying 1.4 suffered from high drains, and I haven't seen this problem since then... but it's been just a few, so it may be too soon.
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I can confirm high battery drains with Abyss 1.4 (revert back to 1.2). But it is the only kernel which don´t suffer "touch buttons bug"
Hi there everybody
I've installed [ROM][ICS 4.0.3][Unoffical Port] AOKP Build23 by vibranturk ROM.
Problems I found
1. android.media.process crashing always /almost every minute/
2. cant get in to market /meaning couldn't install any app yet/
3. cant get in to gallery
4. cant get in to music player
4. cant take secreenshot by default setting
5. sound is enabled but doesn't work. /not even play ringtones /
6. screen brightness not enough for day light
7. cant take photo by camera /android.media.process crashing/
Actually ROM is amazing. But without market its feels nothing.
Has anybody have same problem and about how to solve etc?
PS: I flashed 2 times.
You should start from fresh cuz not one problem that you stated has occured to me.....only bug is that when i reboot the batt % is off..
market works perfectly
...everything does atually
idk but just start fresh and wipe wipe wipe between flashes
i wipe before and after the flash
even flash twice just to make sure
***Dont mind the sig pic... im running this rom at the moment and its working flawlessly
jayRokk said:
You should start from fresh cuz not one problem that you stated has occured to me.....only bug is that when i reboot the batt % is off..
market works perfectly
...everything does atually
idk but just start fresh and wipe wipe wipe between flashes
i wipe before and after the flash
even flash twice just to make sure
***Dont mind the sig pic... im running this rom at the moment and its working flawlessly
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OK. I'll try tomorrow. Thanks for quick reply.
I've been fighting with this 2 days. Today is day off for me.
Well. Today I installed again. This time it works fine. Everything went normal. Only one unusual thing is my cappy feels slow. asphalt 6 freezing sometimes. is there any way speed up my ICS?
ganaa1221 said:
Well. Today I installed again. This time it works fine. Everything went normal. Only one unusual thing is my cappy feels slow. asphalt 6 freezing sometimes. is there any way speed up my ICS?
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Use Glitch v14, the included has some slight lag and glitch fixed it up. You can also LiveOC which allows for overclocking of the CPU and GPU.
Has anyone found the solution for the gray\blue signal switching? So far as I can tell it is caused by the wifi; whenever I go from mobile network to wifi data, the signal bars go gray. The only work-around has been to switch airplane mode on and off. Would switching to the newly released glitch kernel do the trick?
EDIT: I have found out the Google services problem (gray vs. blue signal) is only happening when I join a network which requires a redirect authentication OR if the power saver is enabled.
Just got this phone and flashed it with - AOKP Build23 by vibranturk ROM
I have been reading for awhile now before I received the phone. Thanks vibranturk for all the development here! Excellent roms!
1) When I start the camera app from app on homescreen and from unlock - the phone goes into a black screen
The camera app worked fine again after a reset (just turning off and back on) but after awhile it does the same thing - black screen.
During the black screen, I can press the home button to return back to homescreen
** Resetted again, and all seems well at the moment and still fine after 1 hour!
2) I am not sure if this is the rom or just my screen. Did not notice it at first when i flashed the rom. Turning on the screen to unlock the phone, ie when the light starts, i get this bright green full screen flash for like a second. It does not happen everytime and no pattern of when it happens either.
Anyone else having these problems?
Can someone please update the 'AOKP thread in Captivate Android Development' with my issues, just trying to help with the development.
For the signal blue/grey thing, Seems like it goes blue for me when i have data signal coming in, either wifi or data enabled - lights up both wifi signal (only if wifi is on) and signal bars blue.
I have power saver is enabled as well.
My only issues so far are: vibrate + sound doesn't work, touch screen is over sensitive on certain games, and sometimes using Swype in messaging doesn't input if app was already in foreground when replying.(can be fixed by minimizing and reopening the app) otherwise it's works great. fast/smooth and great battery life.
My stylus frequently does not register with my Galaxy Note. At first, I thought it was a stylus issue, so I bought a replacement (also tried my pen from my Thinkpad tablet). The replacement had the same behavior: the stylus works after reboot for a while, then it stops. It seems to stop randomly, and then it starts working again randomly. The *only* consistent behavior I have found is that it works frequently after reboot and.. get this.. it works after I toggle my Wifi. I've been monitoring battery temp/voltage to see if there is any correlation, and also CPU speed, but I haven't noticed anything. I also tried a full reset, expecting it to work fine and the stylus had problems right from the beginning (on the device setup screen) without reinstalling any software or restoring from backup. I did have a protective screen, but I removed that and it made no difference. My phone is in otherwise good condition and hasn't been abused in any manner. Thoughts?
Recently I have read quite a few posts stating the problem of s-pen/digitizer? Is it true? I mean do these problem occur (where s-pen loses its potential of functionality) over time? Hence making it of no use. The main catch for Note is obviously the S-pen. Hence might disturb the consumers.
Maybe, it's the rom, try flashing another stock rom, I have trouble (and more with me), with the KKA rom so maybe that helps n
Sent from my GT-N7000 using Tapatalk
Hello guys,
I've been testing all lolipop roms that had listed everything as working. Such as crDroid, CandyRom, SlimLP. On every of those lolipop roms pretty much most of the important stuff worked. There were stuff like equalizer not working or too dim notification LED, but from time to time I got touchscreen freezes. I mean I could use phone for a couple hours and then the touchscreen would freeze really often, sometimes it froze for couple of seconds and that was it and sometimes it could last for 10 minutes. This is really annoying and unacceptable if developer says that the touchscreen works.
I ended up contacting crDroid developer - davidteri81 and he said that the touchscreen works fine for him. I asked in the thread and I got only a single response saying he doesn't have this issue, but the sensivity is too high.
I've tried like literally 4 lolipop roms on my Z1 and each one of them had those touchscreen freezes. I even ended up flashing liquidsmooth in which I didn't had this issue, or it just didnt had the chance to happen since most stuff doesn't work there and it isn't usable as a daily driver so I quickly got rid of it.
My question here is:
Do you get touchscreen freezes? Please reply only after minimum 24h of usage. If you don't have any touchscreen freezes on lolipop rom on the Z1 then please, tell me what Lolipop rom do you use as I couldn't find any that wouldn't have a buggy touchscreen.
Please tell me if it works for you without issues or do you also have this issue on the Z1 as I'm puzzled because it couldn't be just me since I did a full phone wipe, flashed the phone clean, even wiping internal memory, but it still happens and I cant find a way to use any Lolipop rom everyday on my Z1. The more replies I get, the better.
@olokos: I'm on CM12 official and use it now for many days. In this time I never faced any touch freezes on my Z1.
I've got some other "bugs" that confused me a bit and make some manual fixes like Wi-Fi MAC. But for me I can say that this ROM is really stable and I use it as my daily driver.
schickel said:
@olokos: I'm on CM12 official and use it now for many days. In this time I never faced any touch freezes on my Z1.
I've got some other "bugs" that confused me a bit and make some manual fixes like Wi-Fi MAC. But for me I can say that this ROM is really stable and I use it as my daily driver.
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Same for me, although, the touch screen did freeze once, but I locked it and unlocked it and it worked again. It's probably hardware since I got my Z1 replaced because of this issue that even happened on stock ROM occasionally.
using CandyRom 5.0.2
I never faced any touch freezes issue
@olokos: I'm on 20150214 and now I've got touchscreen freezes. This is the first time for me on Z1.
But I think that this could be a global Cm12 issue, because my Nexus 7 also get some freezes and I thought that something is wrong with my fingers or tempered glass.
The problem is how to debug this?
im on candy 5 and my screen dont freeze, but my screen percieves touches from nowhere... but only if i have earphone plugged in .. thats more than just annoying
anyone has the same prob?
sry for my really bad english
Touchscreen freezing issue definitely isn't hardware issue on custom roms. I haven't tried CM12 or any other apart from those listed on XDA, but I will propably build some lolipop rom from source by myself if I get enough reports that will be useful for me. If touchscreen works for you then please, tell me what rom you are using and for how long you use it, what't the way you flashed it.
I only need those 3 things. If touchscreen doesn't work just for me then I'll build my own stock based rom based on Sony sources. I just have to make sure that the touchscreen issue isn't just on my side.
All I need is:
Do you have touchscreen issues? Yes/no
What ROM/Kernel you are using? CandyRom 5.0
For how long? 5 weeks
Answer those 3 questions, legitimately and I'll consider that. I'm not sure If I'll have enough time to work on this, so please, be honest with your answers because I'm not going to fix the touchscreen, or maybe I will if it doesn't happen for everyone.
I experience dramatic touch screen freezes as well since the first time I installed Lollipop nightlies. (4 weeks now). Tried clearing cache, factory restores, de- and reinstalling apps. Reflash kernel, format SD, reinstalling gapps, puzzeling at logcat logs etc. Nothing helps. Random freezes from seconds till minutes. Only thing that 90% of the time will help is keep pressing powerbutton until screen becomes responsive. It happens more when I have a lot of (hangout or whatsapp) notifications, or when trying to type something (stock keyboard). Tried other keyboards: no luck. Tried every toggle: WiFi , Bluetooth etc. : no luck.
I experience dozens of freezes a day. Almost to the point that cm12 is completely unusable. Love this ROM, but this is a real showstopper.
1. No
2. AOSP Vanir 5.02
3. Since first availibility (12/14)
I experienced this issue on 2 roms in 2 forms
1. No (coming from Stock 14.4.A.0.108)
2. KitSlim_AMG [Evo 8.1] / iHackers advanced Stock Kernel
3. Since installing the Rom
This was the first time i experienced touch-issues. Not a freeze of the screen, but the screen sometimes started registering touch-events on the wrong places. This was temporarly fixed by locking/unlocking the display.
1. Yes (coming from KitSlim_AMG [Evo 8.1] )
2. crDroid-5.0.2-20150303-honami / 3.4.0-crDroid (packaged with rom)
3. Since installing the Rom a day ago
This time i get freezes. And they are much more frequent than those "ghost-inputs" from KitSlim_AMG. Unlocking the device also fixes it temporarly.
I have a problem with my digitizer - sometimes when i lock the device it somehow just decides to kill the touch functionality, making me unable to unlock it/answer the call etc - the system works fine otherwise (i can turn the screen on/off, change volume etc, so it's not a system crash)- sometimes it gets back to normal after some time (like, 15 minutes), but usually you have to restart the device for it to get back.
I'm wondering if this has happened to anyone else, and if any solution exists, because it makes me seriously want to go back to my old Samsung Ace 2...
The device is 64 bit, with The Dreamer kernel installed, so no 32 bit kernels/roms etc will apply...
ragtas said:
I have a problem with my digitizer - sometimes when i lock the device it somehow just decides to kill the touch functionality, making me unable to unlock it/answer the call etc - the system works fine otherwise (i can turn the screen on/off, change volume etc, so it's not a system crash)- sometimes it gets back to normal after some time (like, 15 minutes), but usually you have to restart the device for it to get back.
I'm wondering if this has happened to anyone else, and if any solution exists, because it makes me seriously want to go back to my old Samsung Ace 2...
The device is 64 bit, with The Dreamer kernel installed, so no 32 bit kernels/roms etc will apply...
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Same problem with my device
ragtas said:
I have a problem with my digitizer - sometimes when i lock the device it somehow just decides to kill the touch functionality, making me unable to unlock it/answer the call etc - the system works fine otherwise (i can turn the screen on/off, change volume etc, so it's not a system crash)- sometimes it gets back to normal after some time (like, 15 minutes), but usually you have to restart the device for it to get back.
I'm wondering if this has happened to anyone else, and if any solution exists, because it makes me seriously want to go back to my old Samsung Ace 2...
The device is 64 bit, with The Dreamer kernel installed, so no 32 bit kernels/roms etc will apply...
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Have you tried using just @rbheromax's 64bit stock rooted kernel? You'll loose the optimizations but it'll be functional again.