Z1s functionally same as z1 compact? - Xperia Z1 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I was thinking of purchasing a Z1s. I realize this is an "exclusive" phone for a carrier. However it seems exactly the same as the Z1 compact (except more ram). I was wondering if any work on the z1 compact, or regular z1 should be compatible. Otherwise it is far less likely that custom roms and so forth will ever come into existence. Thanks for any input.

When the Compact will be on the market, here on XDA will be a development section too. This was confirmed many times.


[Q] Trading up: Xperia Z1 to a Z2

I'm tired of having to root and apply flaky mods and what not for 4K video, 120fps, etc. so I was thinking of buying a used Z2 off of the classifieds, confirming the IMEI is legit, and then selling my Xperia Z1.
What is everyones' take on this?
Note: I don't want a compact variant, or a Z3 / Z4, as they're too small and/or thin for my meaty beefcake hands lol

Should I get the sony xperia z3 compact?

Guys I just have a few questions. I live in the US, I always wanted the Sony xperia z1, but it came too late to the market here. So i had to go for the Note 3. After having this phone for almost 2 years, I am thinking about switching to T-mobile and get a sony phone. I wanted the Sony xperia z3+, but it has a high price and it has that overheating problem. Also after having a big phone like the note 3, I am kind of tired of big phones. I am thinking about getting the compact. I know that here is a small chance sony will drop the new compact in the next 4 months and i have a fear that i will pay for a 399$ phone when the price will probably drop in 4 months and the support to this phone might die. So right now 7/7/2015; should I buy this phone for 399 new? (I dont want an used one) Or maybe i should just get the new xperia z3+, or wait for the new compact? I would hate to switch to a cheap phone for 4 months but i might... also I hate that the new sony xperia z3 compact doesnt have those dots on the side to charge with a sony stand/charger. I know this more personal opinion, so i just need some help. I am also in college and i have a lot of bills, I can afford the sony xperia z3+, but it would be also better for my wallet the compact.
Sony won't drop z3 compact soon, as they usually support their products for 2 years from the release. So we will see updates until september/october 2016 ...and for sure we will see Andorid M working on our machines
z3 compact DOES have dots for recharging with docking station! And you can also use a flexible magnetic connector when you travel or just for an easy use (like me).
About the size, what can we say? it's only your choice: it's better you try to handle it in a store. If you want something bigger, z3 is way better than z3+ anyways.
Last but not least, z3 compact has an incredible battery (better than normal z3, due to the smaller dimensions of the screen).
Actually I don't know how American market works because it's usually different from Europe, so I can't help you about the choice from that point of view.
I can say that if a z5 compact will be released, HERE we will see the price dropping from november onwards and z3 compact will be sold until January/February. But I know that in America Sony has a smaller market than here, so it's easy you won't be able to buy it from september onwards.
A universal advice: are you still a student? Buy only what you can REALLY afford (not what you think you can). :good:
honestly, the note 3 is a fairly large phone. going from that to the compact would be way too much. i think you would feel that the size of the compact would be way too small for you. the normal z3 would probably be a better choice.
but i mean, if you have to have the newest stuff, then i would wait. otherwise if you don't need to, the z3/z3c is perfectly fine. i wouldn't even go for the z3+. it has few advantages, and it's the same or worst in most other categories.
i know you don't want to buy used, but i would try it to see if you even like the phone. at least if you got a cheap z3/z3c and then the new one comes out, when you sell it, you don't take nearly as much as a loss compared to having a new one.
Thanks for taking a time to answer me! Yeah i am probably going to get the compact and give it a shot. I was really hoping to get the latest compact.
Z3 compact has the "dots" for charging (if that's what you mean by the magnetic charger connections) and can be used with the magnetic docks for the Z1 and Z2 as well IIRC.
As for he Z5 Compact... IF it is ever actually released (still not confirmed) then chances are it won't be available in the US until the end of the year at the earliest, if it's sold here at all. And since we know nothing about the specs of this rumored device like screen rez, battery size, etc. then who knows if it'll be worth the premium over the Z3c.
I was having the same question too. Its 360 euros in amazon.de at the moment. If z5 compact is released in September then most probably z3 compact will have a price drop 50 euro on October which is not a big deal. It will also have another 50 euro drop in one year from now if you compare it with the price of z1. z3c is already in a good price you should go get iti think

I'm looking for a new smartphone

Hi there,
I am looking for a new smartphone, as my current one (Xperia Z, 2 years) has a display damage and I think, replacing the display doesn't make any sense, as it would cost a lot.
I have these smartphones in my list:
Sony Xperia Z3 Compact
Sony Xperia Z1 Compact
Samsung Galaxy S5 Mini
I would like to have:
A good battery life
A good camera
My maximum budget is 400€.
Thanks for helping me out
Which of these would You recommend?
If you want a powerful phone, stay away from the Samsung galaxy s5 mini.....Its nowhere near as strong as the Sony xperia z1/z3 compacts....tho its just my opinion...now to answer your real question, well first of all, are you picky on pricing? If so, go for the Sony Xperia Z1 compact since its pretty cheap nowadays with high specs. I used to own one but i sold it and now using a Sony xperia Z2 which is pretty good i guess. If you not too picky on pricing, then go for the Sony Xperia Z3 compact. Personally, the camera on both the compacts are pretty much the same......if you really want a legit answer, check out reviews between the compacts on google. As for best battery, Z3 compact is obviously the winner. Its known to be the king of battery.......If i had to recommend which phone is right for you, just go for the Sony Xperia Z3 compact, you won't regret it. Also there is a pretty nice deal for the Sony xperia Z3 compact but be aware that the deal is gotta end very very soon. Its on eBay, i will give you the link:
Thank you for your constructive answer!
I will buy the Z3 Compact. ^^

Sony Z1 marshmallow 6.0 update?

Hello guys, i have a question. Does anybody knows what will be happen with marshmallow android 6.0 update? I heard that sony canceled update for sony z1 and z1 compact. What you guys can say about that?? Greetings
gardilim said:
Hello guys, i have a question. Does anybody knows what will be happen with marshmallow android 6.0 update? I heard that sony canceled update for sony z1 and z1 compact. What you guys can say about that?? Greetings
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Don't get your hope up. It's very likely that Z1 will stay with 5.1.1. Sony said nothing about M for Z1 series (unlike Z2, Z3 series got confirmation) so indeed there might be a tiny chance Z1 series will get M but like I said, it's just a tiny chance.
Here in Serbia this cellphone is not cheap, its expensive. And its a dump idea to stop suporting. Its my think....
gardilim said:
Here in Serbia this cellphone is not cheap, its expensive. And its a dump idea to stop suporting. Its my think....
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It's not matter of price, it's old and I think the phones that are people still buying are already made and just from big stocks. Our phone is almost 3 years old, really (I'm angry too, my phone is just 4 months old, but what can we do.. )
gardilim said:
Here in Serbia this cellphone is not cheap, its expensive. And its a dump idea to stop suporting. Its my think....
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Eh it's still expensive like right now? If so then wow. In my country, you can buy Z1 as cheap as a low mid-range phone. (Sony pricing strategy really does suck)
Like others said Z1 is old and passed the 18 months promised support time from Sony. Yet we still receive bug fix and enhancement firmware like recent 236. I think we should be graceful for that since it's way better than other equivalent from other brands. Have you seen any Snapdragon 800 phone got M yet?
Also I don't know why many of you think not getting M is a stop support from Sony while we still indeed receive newer firmware build on 5.1.1. I think support means in the end you get the stable stuff not the newest one. Otherwise, after M people will demand N then O then P etc. for Z1 just for the sake that Z1 may have the spec to run it. And let's face it: even if Sony want to, they probably don't have enough resource to support Z1 (not with their current financial status). Supporting Z1 bring no benefit to Sony.
One more thing: if you look at the Z1 Update History on PTCRB, you'll see Sony did a fantastic job supporting this phone up until now. And even if we, by any chance, got the M, I'm sure it will feel like nothing because we won't get any new features (those are saved for latter Z series) - not to mention a new base firmware potentially bring lots of bugs.
==> I myself would be happy if they just provide me a super polished 5.1.1 firmware with no bugs at all.
How mutch cost z1 and z2 in your country?
gardilim said:
How mutch cost z1 and z2 in your country?
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The cheapest Z1 right now is around $175 and Z2 is about $250 I think. Xperia's pricing in my country is very unstable. It's usually start off really expensive then drop sharply just after a short time.
Oh here is the PTCRB link in case you're wondering.
well.. even Hammerhead can have 6.0, so why Honami cant?
Its like that in most countries. Start of expensive and declines rapidly.
Here its also about the same price in USD. Since they produce every 6 months, a rather sharp price drop is expected.
I did see a list of supported updates and z1 wasn't one of them to get M
Z2 however, was
Tapatalked from Sony Xperia Z1
Stock LP 5.1.1 | Root | Deodex | Cam Mods | MX ROM
gardilim said:
Hello guys, i have a question. Does anybody knows what will be happen with marshmallow android 6.0 update? I heard that sony canceled update for sony z1 and z1 compact. What you guys can say about that?? Greetings
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Unlikely that we will see marshmallow, the phone is really quite old now. I guess it's possible if a Dev can get it fully working, but I don't see it happening any time soon. Not such a big deal though, Lolipop is working pretty much perfectly on my z1

Xperia Z3 Compact,M4 Aqua or XA ?

Planning to get a new Sony phone within the mid range segment .The only available model is XA for now. But there are more of downsides on that model(No development being the main reason ) .
will it be better to choose Z3 Compact or M4 Aqua over XA ?
From an user using Z3 Compact.
If you want to use a small-size cellphone, with ultra battery (10 hours onscreen), and maybe waterproof, Please try Z3 compact.
I vote Z3 Compact
Z3 Compact has too many flaws to be considered a good phone. see here: https://forum.xda-developers.com/z3-compact/help/z3-compact-issues-t3528379
10 hours onscreen?
Maybe on KitKat... yes... but not on Marshmallow!
If you want to still get software updates and security patches,and have a very nice looking phone(dem bezels though) then go for the XA,the only problem is no development for it
If you want a compact phone with not so active development(but still has almost fully working AOSP Nougat) and as well very good design and battery go for the Z3 Compact(I personally use it and it is very good)
The problem with this one is as you probably saw are design issues,I haven't had any issues(yet) and I bought it one year ago.
TBH I don't like the M4 Aqua,no development(there is 2 or 3 stock based ROMs,1 only bootable Nougat ROM and a non-bootable CM 12.1),design is good no problems with that but my brother has the 8GB model and I have tried everything I know to free up space(installing debloated ROMs,factory resetting,wiping system apps) and absolutely nothing helped,only one thing he could do now is update apps.
I would buy the Xperia Z3 Compact over the XA,my personal opinion.
M4A is useless. Not worth the money. It has the Snapdragon 615, youre better off buying a nobrand phone with a mediatek processor. The XA does not have any development, and it being a sony entry level phone, might not even get proper software updates for 2 years. The z3C is 3 years old now. No point buying it. You either buy the z5c or look at other brands. Sony has lost its magic.
i highly recommend Z3 Compact. (despite its 2 years old)
have been using it for more than a year & very satisfied with it.
my only regret is that i didn't get Z3c earlier. (i was actually waiting for Z3c's successor, but after months of waiting just to find out that Z5c is SO UGLY!!!).
16 GB of internal storage i sorted it out by rooting + LINK2SD, or else u can now use SD as interal storage in 6.0.1 Marshmallow.
Camera is better than expected from 3rd parties' camera-apps.
runs high graphic games smoothly.
has dual speakers (think m4 doesn't have that)
better looking than XA and one-handed friendly.
possibly more non-stock roms than your other options.
btw your current primary phone is Xperia M? i was the same until i bricked it 2 years ago i had E4g after M & before Z3c

