Is there a way to increase Call History Log size? It's 300 by default and I tried to change it with Advanced Configuration Tool, but no effect.
second this
any solutions on this issue?
upd. tried various different settings with Advanced Conf. tool for max amount and clean period without success
Wazzup XDA... I was wondering if Anyone knows of a way to get the (Default) Read_Ahead_Kb Speed setting to Stick after a Reboot?
I managed to Change the Read_Ahead_Kb Speed setting with the Help of a App called SpeedBoost, But the App Only Changes this file... Sys/Devices/Virtual/Bdi/179:0, I'm Trying to Change the Default file.
I Know the files can be Manually Changed by going into Sys/Devices/Virtual/Bdi/Default but when I make the changes to the (Defaut) Read_Ahead_Kb setting Changing it from 128 to 3072, It Only last until my Next Reboot....
Any Ideas How to make my Changes Permanent?
Here ya go: the guy who started it all (I believe)
[Script][CWM] Increase Read Cache for better SD Card access
The flashable zips make a script that gets pushed to the /etc/init.d part of your phone so it runs every boot - setting the read ahead everytime
View attachment 653250
Read the zip file. I use this and it works wonders. I love it. But beware that for this to take effect you haave to set a sd-ext swap to 1024, the other one (tired) to 0, and the last one at remainder. THIS WILL WIPE YOUR SD SO MAKE A BACKUP ON YOUR LAPTOP FIRST. Any questions just message me
Wazzup XDA... I was wondering if Anyone knows of a way to get the (Default) Read_Ahead_Kb Speed setting to Stick after a Reboot?
I managed to Change the Read_Ahead_Kb Speed setting with the Help of a App called SpeedBoost, But the App Only Changes this file... Sys/Devices/Virtual/Bdi/179:0, I'm Trying to Change the Default file.
I Know the files can be Manually Changed by going into Sys/Devices/Virtual/Bdi/Default but when I make the changes to the (Defaut) Read_Ahead_Kb setting Changing it from 128 to 3072, It Only last until my Next Reboot....
Any Ideas How to make my Changes Permanent?
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SD Speed Increase from the market wre-writes on reboot.
Thanx for the Help Guys!
Also, 1 More Question...
Now It Might be my Imagination? But when I Change the (Default) File Along with the (179:0) File it seems like it Adds even More Speed to my Sdcard... Is the Default File the Same File? Or does it Control a Different Read/Write Setting?
I don't mean to be a party pooper but if you read that whole original thread, the whole thing is a placebo effect. A few knowledgeable users shed light on the subject. Even the writer of the app SD Tools became aware of this and rewrote his app so as not to mislead people into thinking it actually speeds things up. It doesn't.
it seems like 90% of the scripting that goes on here is just a placebo affect the only thing that ever did help was collins battrery tweak because that set over/underclock profiles for you.
I cannot say for sure whether my technique speeds it up or night. It mainly just helped my internal storage by making it .94gbs instead of 180mbs.
I'm Not Sure Exactly but as far as Loading Pictures in the gallery I Think it Definitely Loads Quicker! But like I said it may just be my Imagination... Also Scrolling with my File Manager also Seems Faster!
i know this might have been posted yet but i haven't found anything about it...
i noticed that when you change the dpi on the tab, some apps in the market tend to tell you that you device is not compatible. any ideas on how to get by this? i mean i dig the wipping market and all then rebooting but it's kind of a hassle... any ideas?
You need to set your dpi to the values accepted by Market, i.e. 128, 160 or 240.
I just want to note that there doesn't seem to be any system to automatically clear logs from xposed installer.
I was sorting apps by size and found that xposed installer was using 1.36GB!! After clearing the logs the problem was solved.
It would be nice to have a setting to automatically clear the logs (it could be a log maximum size setting, a log maximum age setting or whatever else).
That's all, thanks for this great software!
You have an incompatible module that keeps crashing. Find it, uninstall it. Clearing the logs does not fix the problem.
Olkflx said:
It would be nice to have a setting to automatically clear the logs (it could be a log maximum size setting, a log maximum age setting or whatever else).
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You're by far not the only one who has suggested this. As a developer, it's surprising for me that many people want to fix only the symptoms instead of the root cause. Anyway, it's planned to limit the log size to avoid such big files, but that obviously doesn't fix anything.
GermainZ already said what you should do, it's also mentioned in the FAQ.
So, everytime I send to my wife's N8...or vice versa...I get 2 messages. 1 that failed...and then a second that succeeded. Any idea on this? Also, I'm guessing the fluidity of the message depends on whether it's being sent to another N8 or not?
Okay...so it seems that the Note is trying to send Original Sized messages...the receiving phone tries to retrieved the original size and fails...then just retrieves a compressed version. I don't see any settings that I can change. The Warn Me when trying to send files greater than 9765 MB option doesn't work.