Chromecast+Avia+Plex=?? - Google Chromecast

So, I've been trying to find an optimal solution to access my large, diverse collection of media files on my home server from chromecast, controlled via android.
Until Plex is free without plexpass (I'll pay for an app, but I'm not subscribing to watch my own content), or Chromecast cranks up support for more filetypes without transcoding (prob. not capable due to the hardware), I'm left with the solution of using avia plus another DNLA renderer to get the stream to my TV.
PS3 Media server and Universal Media Server work fine when it's a supported media type, but have issues with unsupported types in varying ranges. I'm not great with libav stuff, so I had issues getting any happy solution there.
So, bounced back to Plex. Initially, had the same issues with transcoding not working correctly.
Hop into the profiles folder. Notice there's one called "chromecast". Okay. Look at the log from the last failed stream test I did of "The Avengers". Okay, Avia/Chromecast is just being identified as generic.
So, just for poops and grins, I copy the transcoder info from the chromecast profile to generic. Fire it up. Seems to be working correctly!
It's late and my wife is asleep, so I can't test this as thoroughly as I'd like.
But please, if anybody else out there feels like playing with this and seeing how it works for you, let me know.
I've attached the modded generic config for others.

digitalhigh said:
I copy the transcoder info from the chromecast profile to generic. Fire it up. Seems to be working correctly!
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Thats a very good solution actually but you may degrade quality on other devices by doing that.
Generic is sort of a catch all profile when it can't identify the target...
I'm not up on what exactly it would entail to make a profile for aVia itself that would allow you to do it specifically for that player without affecting the fallback profile but it is a question worth asking over at Plex Forums.
It might even be s simple as making a copy of the Chromecast profile and renaming it avia.xml

Asphyx said:
Thats a very good solution actually but you may degrade quality on other devices by doing that.
Generic is sort of a catch all profile when it can't identify the target...
I'm not up on what exactly it would entail to make a profile for aVia itself that would allow you to do it specifically for that player without affecting the fallback profile but it is a question worth asking over at Plex Forums.
It might even be s simple as making a copy of the Chromecast profile and renaming it avia.xml
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I thought the same thing. I just used the generic profile as a place to start testing.
Tonight, I will be researching plex profiles a bit more and see if I can use the debug log and find a user agent string to create a proper profile for avia, then tune it for optimal performance.
Hopefully, this is the silver bullet I've been hoping for.
Sent from my HTC One using xda app-developers app

Okay, created a proper profile using a known/good useragent string (at least it works with PS3 MS). Should be able to save this as Avia.xml and be good to go?
Won't be able to test till I'm home tonight...
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Client name="Avia/Chromecast">
<Header name="User-Agent" substring="CrKey armv7l"/>
<!-- Author: Plex Inc. -->
<VideoProfile protocol="hls" container="mpegts" codec="h264" audioCodec="mp3" context="streaming">
<Setting name="VideoEncodeFlags" value="-x264opts bframes=3:cabac=1" />
<Setting name="SubtitleSize" value="100" />
<VideoProfile protocol="dash" container="mp4" codec="h264" audioCodec="aac" context="streaming">
<Setting name="VideoEncodeFlags" value="-x264opts bframes=3:cabac=1" />
<VideoProfile container="mp4" codec="h264" audioCodec="mp3" context="static">
<Setting name="VideoEncodeFlags" value="-x264opts cabac=0" />
<Setting name="SubtitleSize" value="100" />
<MusicProfile container="mp3" codec="mp3" />
<PhotoProfile container="jpeg" />
<VideoTranscodeTarget protocol="dash" context="streaming">
<VideoCodec name="*">
<UpperBound name="video.width" value="1280" />
<UpperBound name="video.height" value="720" />
<UpperBound name="video.bitrate" value="4000" isRequired="false" />
<NotMatch name="video.anamorphic" value="1" isRequired="false" />
<UpperBound name="video.bitDepth" value="8" isRequired="false" />
<VideoProfile container="mp4" codec="h264" audioCodec="aac" />
<MusicProfile container="mp4" codec="aac" />
<MusicProfile container="mp3" codec="mp3" />
<PhotoProfile container="jpeg,gif,bmp,png" />
<VideoContainer name="mp4">
<Match name="part.optimizedForStreaming" value="1" />
<VideoCodec name="*">
<UpperBound name="video.width" value="1920" />
<UpperBound name="video.height" value="1080" />
<UpperBound name="video.bitDepth" value="8" isRequired="false" />
<VideoAudioCodec name="mp3">
<UpperBound name="audio.bitrate" value="320" />
<UpperBound name="audio.channels" value="2" />
<VideoAudioCodec name="aac">
<UpperBound name="audio.bitrate" value="768" />
<UpperBound name="audio.channels" value="6" />
<MusicCodec name="mp3">
<UpperBound name="audio.bitrate" value="320" />
<UpperBound name="audio.channels" value="2" />

digitalhigh said:
Okay, created a proper profile using a known/good useragent string (at least it works with PS3 MS). Should be able to save this as Avia.xml and be good to go?
Won't be able to test till I'm home tonight...
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Client name="Avia/Chromecast">
<Header name="User-Agent" substring="CrKey armv7l"/>
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I'm not sure you need the User-Agent, none of the other profiles have it
They all seem to use the Client Name and looking through my logs I did find an entry for Avia.
You may have to drop the /Chromecast as I don't think Plex has any clue about it and is just sending to Avia who hands it off to CCast.
I'll play around with that while I can....
I think that may have done it. I have a log entry like this
Feb 19, 2014 15:41:21:715 [12376] VERBOSE - Mapping device: to device 'Avia' of type 'urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:MediaServer:1' with uuid 'd11af20f-58b1-4409-b701-0e05db0aa236'
Feb 19, 2014 15:41:22:315 [9612] VERBOSE - Found device Avia of type urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:MediaRenderer:1 with 3 services and uuid a28fe588-6cc4-4fef-bf16-51a01ae22610 at
Feb 19, 2014 15:41:22:315 [9612] VERBOSE - Device Avia has service of type urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:AVTransport:1 with id urn:upnp-org:serviceId:AVTransport
Feb 19, 2014 15:41:22:315 [9612] VERBOSE - Device Avia has service of type urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:ConnectionManager:1 with id urn:upnp-org:serviceId:ConnectionManager
Feb 19, 2014 15:41:22:315 [9612] VERBOSE - Device Avia has service of type urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:RenderingControl:1 with id urn:upnp-org:serviceId:RenderingControl
Just to clarify all I did was take the chromecast profile, Change Client name to Avia and rebooted the server

Asphyx said:
I'm not sure you need the User-Agent, none of the other profiles have it
They all seem to use the Client Name and looking through my logs I did find an entry for Avia.
You may have to drop the /Chromecast as I don't think Plex has any clue about it and is just sending to Avia who hands it off to CCast.
I'll play around with that while I can....
I think that may have done it. I have a log entry like this
Feb 19, 2014 15:41:21:715 [12376] VERBOSE - Mapping device: to device 'Avia' of type 'urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:MediaServer:1' with uuid 'd11af20f-58b1-4409-b701-0e05db0aa236'
Feb 19, 2014 15:41:22:315 [9612] VERBOSE - Found device Avia of type urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:MediaRenderer:1 with 3 services and uuid a28fe588-6cc4-4fef-bf16-51a01ae22610 at
Feb 19, 2014 15:41:22:315 [9612] VERBOSE - Device Avia has service of type urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:AVTransport:1 with id urn:upnp-org:serviceId:AVTransport
Feb 19, 2014 15:41:22:315 [9612] VERBOSE - Device Avia has service of type urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:ConnectionManager:1 with id urn:upnp-org:serviceId:ConnectionManager
Feb 19, 2014 15:41:22:315 [9612] VERBOSE - Device Avia has service of type urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:RenderingControl:1 with id urn:upnp-org:serviceId:RenderingControl
Just to clarify all I did was take the chromecast profile, Change Client name to Avia and rebooted the server
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The reason I used the useragent string is that I saw in my DNLA logs that when browsing, it would see avia as one generic device, and the chromecast as another one when rendering. Obviously, I don't care what it does with Avia - just the transcoding - so I picked the UA string I used in my UMS profile. According to their documentation at least, this is how you're supposed to identify it.
What I'm curious about is if it will play MKV content with Audio, or AVI at all. Last night in testing it would play most things, but a lot of them were missing audio.

digitalhigh said:
The reason I used the useragent string is that I saw in my DNLA logs that when browsing, it would see avia as one generic device, and the chromecast as another one when rendering. Obviously, I don't care what it does with Avia - just the transcoding - so I picked the UA string I used in my UMS profile. According to their documentation at least, this is how you're supposed to identify it.
What I'm curious about is if it will play MKV content with Audio, or AVI at all. Last night in testing it would play most things, but a lot of them were missing audio.
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Well it should only now they should transcode into MP4 container with H264 and AAC audio if it is actually using the profile.


Windows media Plug-in for internet explorer

I would like to know if there is still a website that has the windows media plug in for the pocket internet exploer, i would like to download it for my t mobile MDA but i know that this software is old and i don't know if it will be campatible with the new windows mobile , if some one knows other way to make windows media player apear on the pocket brower, I'll be glad to know
No need to install anything, the activex is in rom. B.t.w., only works in pocketie.
<meta name="MobileOptimized" content="120">
<body topmargin="0" leftmargin="0" rightmargin="0" bottommargin="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" bgcolor="#6394CE" text="#FFFFFF">
<object id="playerObject" width="100%" height="50" classid="clsid:6BF52A52-394A-11D3-B153-00C04F79FAA6" type="application/x-oleobject" border="0px" style="padding: 0px">
<param name="URL" value="">
<param name="uiMode" value="full">
<param name="CanSkipForward" value="Yes">
<param name="CanSkipBack" value="Yes">
well if i click on a .wmv link in pie.. shouldnt it pull up media player and attempt to load the video..
my pie usually just loads a blank page with nothing but text
My best guess is that the site has the WMV encoded or linked incorrectly?
I don't usually download WMVs from the web but there are a number of streaming links that seem to work well. and click on 'listen live' and then the 'standard player' link launches right into Windows Media Player.

Streaming Audio

Anyone with a quick fix to get streaming audio to continue playing after a sponsorship message/ad plays first? Both my WMP and RealAudio players work fine generally for streaming audio on the Tilt .. but on one particular site (KQED San Francisco) the site insists on playing a short sponsorship/ad message first, and then the players error out before playing the actual stream (I don't have this problem playing the stream on my laptop).
I am hopeful there is some setting I can adjust.
[you can click on the link I embedded above to see if it works on your device]
if you edit the file with note pad you get
<ASX version = "3.0">
<MOREINFO href = "" />
<ENTRY ClientSkip="yes">
<TITLE>Sponsored by Digital Foundry</TITLE>
<MOREINFO href="" />
<AUTHOR>Digital Foundry</AUTHOR>
<REF href = "mms://" />
<!--end gateway-->
<TITLE>KQED Public Radio 88.5 FM</TITLE>
<MOREINFO href="" />
<REF href="" />
<REF href="" />
<ENTRY ClientSkip="yes">
<TITLE>Sponsored by Digital Foundry</TITLE>
<MOREINFO href="" />
<AUTHOR>Digital Foundry</AUTHOR>
<REF href = "mms://" />
<!--end gateway-->
save the file and you should be good to go.
I tried the solution posted above, and while the edited file works fine on my PC .. it does not run on my WMP. I edited the file, saved it to my Tilt, and opened it with WMP ... I just get an error message.
Any other thoughts?
I use tcpmp 0.72 rc3 and have no problems playing this stream...
ycavan said:
I use tcpmp 0.72 rc3 and have no problems playing this stream...
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you got a link to a cab for that?
here you go:
Thank you for the link! This the only version of TCPMP that runs on WM6.1-Kaiser. It even has all the plugins installed, including AAC support! Thank you, guys!

Possible fix to the poor audio in video recordings

Hi everybody,
As you all know, the huawei ascend P7 and some other huawei and Honor devices, experience a really bad performance in the "audio" in video recordings. To give an example, try to record a video in a music concert where the music is very loud, you will find the the image quality is ok but not the sound which is just noise...
This happens not only in music concerts. You can try in your own car, go inside and turn the music on, very loud, and try to record a video. When you play back you will find thant the video quality is ok but the sound is crap...
In a spanish forum we are trying to sort it out but we have not found a solution yet.
In my opinon it is just a matter of micro "gain" which is fixed high. When we record a video there are 2 microphones which works, one at the top of the mobile and one at the bottom, each one for each channel.
If we reduced the "db" setting I am sure we would fixed this problem, the problem is that I don´t know how to do it.
A mate in the spanish forum posted this:
<!--Audio scenes-->
<scenes><!--common recored-->
<scene name="RECORD_MIC" id="0"><reg name="HI6401_ADCL_AGC_TIMENNG">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCL_AGC_NGI">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCL_AGC_TIMER">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCL_AGC_NGH">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCL_AGC_NGL">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCL_AGC_KFRAPID">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCL_AGC_KFSLOW">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCL_AGC_GSUPPRESS">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCL_AGC_T_AMIN">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCL_AGC_YTARGET">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCL_AGC_NGW">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCL_AGC_TIMEMUTE">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCL_AGC_GSTEPD">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCL_AGC_LEVELLOW">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCL_AGC_GWIN">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCL_AGC_BYPASS">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCL_AGC_MUTE_BYPASS">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCL_AGC_GMUTE">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCL_AGC_TIMEHOLD">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCL_AGC_TIMEDECAY">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCL_AGC_USER">1dB</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCR_AGC_TIMENNG">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCR_AGC_NGI">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCR_AGC_TIMER">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCR_AGC_NGH">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCR_AGC_NGL">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCR_AGC_KFRAPID">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCR_AGC_KFSLOW">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCR_AGC_GSUPPRESS">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCR_AGC_T_AMIN">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCR_AGC_YTARGET">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCR_AGC_NGW">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCR_AGC_TIMEMUTE">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCR_AGC_GSTEPD">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCR_AGC_LEVELLOW">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCR_AGC_GWIN">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCR_AGC_BYPASS">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCR_AGC_MUTE_BYPASS">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCR_AGC_GMUTE">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCR_AGC_TIMEHOLD">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCR_AGC_TIMEDECAY">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCR_AGC_USER">1dB</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCR_AGC_HPF">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCL_AGC_HPF">0x01</reg><reg name="MAINMIC PGA VOLUME">8dB</reg><reg name="MAINMIC PGA BOOST">0x01</reg><reg name="MAINMIC PGA MUTE">0x0</reg><reg name="SUBMIC PGA VOLUME">8dB</reg><reg name="SUBMIC PGA BOOST">0x01</reg><reg name="SUBMIC PGA MUTE">0x01</reg></scene><scene name="RECORD_DOUBLE_MIC" id="1"><reg name="HI6401_ADCL_AGC_TIMENNG">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCL_AGC_NGI">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCL_AGC_TIMER">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCL_AGC_NGH">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCL_AGC_NGL">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCL_AGC_KFRAPID">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCL_AGC_KFSLOW">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCL_AGC_GSUPPRESS">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCL_AGC_T_AMIN">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCL_AGC_YTARGET">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCL_AGC_NGW">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCL_AGC_TIMEMUTE">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCL_AGC_GSTEPD">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCL_AGC_LEVELLOW">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCL_AGC_GWIN">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCL_AGC_BYPASS">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCL_AGC_MUTE_BYPASS">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCL_AGC_GMUTE">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCL_AGC_TIMEHOLD">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCL_AGC_TIMEDECAY">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCL_AGC_USER">1dB</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCR_AGC_TIMENNG">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCR_AGC_NGI">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCR_AGC_TIMER">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCR_AGC_NGH">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCR_AGC_NGL">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCR_AGC_KFRAPID">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCR_AGC_KFSLOW">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCR_AGC_GSUPPRESS">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCR_AGC_T_AMIN">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCR_AGC_YTARGET">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCR_AGC_NGW">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCR_AGC_TIMEMUTE">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCR_AGC_GSTEPD">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCR_AGC_LEVELLOW">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCR_AGC_GWIN">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCR_AGC_BYPASS">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCR_AGC_MUTE_BYPASS">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCR_AGC_GMUTE">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCR_AGC_TIMEHOLD">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCR_AGC_TIMEDECAY">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCR_AGC_USER">1dB</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCR_AGC_HPF">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCL_AGC_HPF">0x01</reg><reg name="MAINMIC PGA VOLUME">8dB</reg><reg name="MAINMIC PGA BOOST">0x01</reg><reg name="MAINMIC PGA MUTE">0x01</reg><reg name="SUBMIC PGA VOLUME">8dB</reg><reg name="SUBMIC PGA BOOST">0x01</reg><reg name="SUBMIC PGA MUTE">0x0</reg></scene><scene name="RECORD_HEADSET" id="2"><reg name="HI6401_ADCL_AGC_TIMENNG">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCL_AGC_NGI">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCL_AGC_TIMER">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCL_AGC_NGH">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCL_AGC_NGL">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCL_AGC_KFRAPID">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCL_AGC_KFSLOW">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCL_AGC_GSUPPRESS">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCL_AGC_T_AMIN">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCL_AGC_YTARGET">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCL_AGC_NGW">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCL_AGC_TIMEMUTE">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCL_AGC_GSTEPD">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCL_AGC_LEVELLOW">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCL_AGC_GWIN">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCL_AGC_BYPASS">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCL_AGC_MUTE_BYPASS">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCL_AGC_GMUTE">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCL_AGC_TIMEHOLD">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCL_AGC_TIMEDECAY">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCL_AGC_USER">0dB</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCR_AGC_TIMENNG">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCR_AGC_NGI">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCR_AGC_TIMER">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCR_AGC_NGH">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCR_AGC_NGL">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCR_AGC_KFRAPID">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCR_AGC_KFSLOW">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCR_AGC_GSUPPRESS">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCR_AGC_T_AMIN">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCR_AGC_YTARGET">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCR_AGC_NGW">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCR_AGC_TIMEMUTE">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCR_AGC_GSTEPD">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCR_AGC_LEVELLOW">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCR_AGC_GWIN">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCR_AGC_BYPASS">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCR_AGC_MUTE_BYPASS">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCR_AGC_GMUTE">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCR_AGC_TIMEHOLD">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCR_AGC_TIMEDECAY">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCR_AGC_USER">0dB</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCR_AGC_HPF">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCL_AGC_HPF">0x01</reg><reg name="MAINMIC PGA VOLUME">12dB</reg><reg name="MAINMIC PGA BOOST">0x01</reg><reg name="MAINMIC PGA MUTE">0x0</reg></scene><scene name="RECORD_BT" id="3"><reg name="HI6401_S2_IL_GAIN_INT">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCL_AGC_TIMENNG">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCL_AGC_NGI">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCL_AGC_TIMER">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCL_AGC_NGH">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCL_AGC_NGL">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCL_AGC_KFRAPID">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCL_AGC_KFSLOW">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCL_AGC_GSUPPRESS">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCL_AGC_T_AMIN">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCL_AGC_YTARGET">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCL_AGC_NGW">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCL_AGC_TIMEMUTE">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCL_AGC_GSTEPD">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCL_AGC_LEVELLOW">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCL_AGC_GWIN">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCL_AGC_BYPASS">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCL_AGC_MUTE_BYPASS">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCL_AGC_GMUTE">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCL_AGC_TIMEHOLD">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCL_AGC_TIMEDECAY">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCL_AGC_USER">1dB</reg></scene><scene name="MONO_CAMERA" id="4"><reg name="HI6401_ADCL_AGC_TIMENNG">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCL_AGC_NGI">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCL_AGC_TIMER">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCL_AGC_NGH">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCL_AGC_NGL">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCL_AGC_KFRAPID">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCL_AGC_KFSLOW">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCL_AGC_GSUPPRESS">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCL_AGC_T_AMIN">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCL_AGC_YTARGET">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCL_AGC_NGW">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCL_AGC_TIMEMUTE">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCL_AGC_GSTEPD">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCL_AGC_LEVELLOW">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCL_AGC_GWIN">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCL_AGC_BYPASS">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCL_AGC_MUTE_BYPASS">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCL_AGC_GMUTE">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCL_AGC_TIMEHOLD">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCL_AGC_TIMEDECAY">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCL_AGC_USER">1dB</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCR_AGC_TIMENNG">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCR_AGC_NGI">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCR_AGC_TIMER">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCR_AGC_NGH">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCR_AGC_NGL">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCR_AGC_KFRAPID">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCR_AGC_KFSLOW">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCR_AGC_GSUPPRESS">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCR_AGC_T_AMIN">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCR_AGC_YTARGET">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCR_AGC_NGW">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCR_AGC_TIMEMUTE">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCR_AGC_GSTEPD">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCR_AGC_LEVELLOW">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCR_AGC_GWIN">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCR_AGC_BYPASS">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCR_AGC_MUTE_BYPASS">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCR_AGC_GMUTE">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCR_AGC_TIMEHOLD">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCR_AGC_TIMEDECAY">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCR_AGC_USER">1dB</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCR_AGC_HPF">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCL_AGC_HPF">0x01</reg><reg name="SUBMIC PGA VOLUME">14dB</reg><reg name="SUBMIC PGA BOOST">0x01</reg><reg name="SUBMIC PGA MUTE">0x01</reg></scene><scene name="STEREO_CAMERA" id="5"><reg name="HI6401_ADCL_AGC_TIMENNG">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCL_AGC_NGI">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCL_AGC_TIMER">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCL_AGC_NGH">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCL_AGC_NGL">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCL_AGC_KFRAPID">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCL_AGC_KFSLOW">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCL_AGC_GSUPPRESS">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCL_AGC_T_AMIN">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCL_AGC_YTARGET">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCL_AGC_NGW">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCL_AGC_TIMEMUTE">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCL_AGC_GSTEPD">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCL_AGC_LEVELLOW">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCL_AGC_GWIN">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCL_AGC_BYPASS">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCL_AGC_MUTE_BYPASS">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCL_AGC_GMUTE">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCL_AGC_TIMEHOLD">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCL_AGC_TIMEDECAY">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCL_AGC_USER">1dB</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCR_AGC_TIMENNG">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCR_AGC_NGI">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCR_AGC_TIMER">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCR_AGC_NGH">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCR_AGC_NGL">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCR_AGC_KFRAPID">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCR_AGC_KFSLOW">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCR_AGC_GSUPPRESS">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCR_AGC_T_AMIN">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCR_AGC_YTARGET">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCR_AGC_NGW">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCR_AGC_TIMEMUTE">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCR_AGC_GSTEPD">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCR_AGC_LEVELLOW">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCR_AGC_GWIN">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCR_AGC_BYPASS">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCR_AGC_MUTE_BYPASS">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCR_AGC_GMUTE">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCR_AGC_TIMEHOLD">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCR_AGC_TIMEDECAY">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCR_AGC_USER">1dB</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCR_AGC_HPF">0x01</reg><reg name="HI6401_ADCL_AGC_HPF">0x01</reg><reg name="MAINMIC PGA VOLUME">14dB</reg><reg name="MAINMIC PGA BOOST">0x1</reg><reg name="MAINMIC PGA MUTE">0x0</reg><reg name="SUBMIC PGA VOLUME">14dB</reg><reg name="SUBMIC PGA BOOST">0x01</reg><reg name="SUBMIC PGA MUTE">0x0</reg>
Could anyone try to reduce the "db" setings to know if it fix it?
We will be very apreciated, all huawei users, not only P7...
Thanks for your comments,
Man jeez so much copy ..
I already explained this... (don't know if in P7 forum..)
U need to change sample rate which is set to 48kHz .. mic just can't manage 48kHz so change it to 44.1kHz
navigate to /system/etc and open media_profiles.xml file scroll down and there are more profiles.. change on all of them and make backup file to your sd card..
This will be work? Anybody checked that?
87insane said:
This will be work? Anybody checked that?
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I'VE checket DAAT !
N1! Its not the reason but a soloution.
Checked that on B133SP01 - it works.
87insane said:
N1! Its not the reason but a soloution.
Checked that on B133SP01 - it works.
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Sorry, what works? Changing db settings? Changing sample rate?
I have read in other forum that changing simple rate works but if the sound es ver y loud for example in a music concert it doesnt work.
So please, could you also try to change the db mic levels?
I am compleatly sure to be right but I dont hace the knowledge to prove it as I dont know how to change this parameter...
Jeeez christ ppl..
I said where to go to edit all profiles !!!
Change bit rate from 96 to 128kbps ! (basic old mp3 standard used to be!)
Change sample rate from 48kHz to 44kHz !
Thanks Simona, with these changes the sound quality improves but not fix the gain problem. Try to record a vídeo in a music concert and you will find that the audio recorded is almost imposible to understand, distorts.
Thats why I recomended to decrease micro,s 'db' settings. Do you know if this is possible?
superpascu said:
Thanks Simona, with these changes the sound quality improves but not fix the gain problem. Try to record a vídeo in a music concert and you will find that the audio recorded is almost imposible to understand, distorts.
Thats why I recomended to decrease micro,s 'db' settings. Do you know if this is possible?
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what u mean micro ,s db ?
i can check that
Please go to this post, a friend copied pasted the 'audio scenes'
There you will find " db" values for "mainmic pga volumen"...etc. Try to change the values, for example if the mainmic pga volumen is set in 14 try to decrease it to 7 for example.
What I want to mean is that these values could be very high, that is why there is a high gain problem which cause bad sound in high volume places
Thank you simona
superpascu said:
Please go to this post, a friend copied pasted the 'audio scenes'
There you will find " db" values for "mainmic pga volumen"...etc. Try to change the values, for example if the mainmic pga volumen is set in 14 try to decrease it to 7 for example.
What I want to mean is that these values could be very high, that is why there is a high gain problem which cause bad sound in high volume places
Thank you simona
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wll do only what i said what to change and it will be just OK ...
p7 volume mic
Hi, I have p7 but i don't know where to edit the mic volume. In particular I downloaded on my phone, explorer app but then i find a lot of files... can you pls let me know where i have to change this parameters?
Thanks a lot
I tried to edit media_profile.xml to get higher bitrate of huawei p7, but it doesnt work. It cant write to system/etc... so I cant to edit that xml. Is needed to have a ROOT? ROM is B852 .. Or pls. give me some advice to get better video bitrate from this device, thanks

[TUT]How to boost sound volume [BLA-L09/Huawei Mate 10 Pro][ROOT/Unlocked Bootloader]

In this thread I will show you guys how to boost the sound of your Huawei Mate 10 Pro. This procedure requires unlocked Bootloader and Root. We will edit the xml file called "mixer_volumes_BLANC_ce.xml". This file is responsible for the sound volume (Speaker/Headphone etc). Be aware that any wrong procedure can broke your sound, for that I do not take any responsible. I recommend you to backup the file before starting to edit it.
The reason why I boost my sound volume is that the sound on my headphone (Sony MDR-100AAP) is not so loud. I only modified the headphones volume, not the speaker, but I will also show you how to boost the sound volume of the speaker.
Unlocked Bootloader
Root Browser/ES File Explorer
1. Download from Play Store a root browser like ES File Explorer or Root Browser
2. Root Browser mounts automatically your system to read/write when you edit the file (After grantin Root Access). On the other hands with ES File Explorer you need to manually mount the system to read/write. --> Open File Explorer and go to the menu --> find Root Explorer and click on it --> Grant Root Access and enable --> Click on Mount R/W --> and tick everything to R/W
3. Go to /odm/etc/audio/hi6403/ and find the file "mixer_volumes_BLANC_ce.xml
4. Open it via RB Text Editor (Root Browser) or via ES Editor (ES File Explorer)
5. Scroll down until you find this:
For Speaker:
<path name="media-speaker" >
<ctl name="S1 IL PGA GAIN"
value="0" />
<ctl name="S1 IR PGA GAIN"
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For Headphone
<path name="media-headphone" >
<ctl name="S1 IL PGA GAIN"
value="0" />
<ctl name="S1 IR PGA GAIN"
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S1 IL PGA GAIN is for left channel, S1 IR PGA GAIN for right channel
6. Now it depends on which sound you would like to boost. (You can edit both speaker and headphone volume)
When you want to boost only headphone volume, then edit the both value files for S1 IR PGA GAIN/S1 IL PGA GAIN. I boosted it to 15.
It looks like this:
<path name="media-headphone" >
<ctl name="S1 IL PGA GAIN"
value="15" />
<ctl name="S1 IR PGA GAIN"
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I do not recommend to go more than 15 as the sound quality will get a little worser than under or equal to 15 (but that depends on headphones, i realized that on my MDR-100AAP the sound quality gets a little bad when using value 20 while on Sennheiser PXC 550 at value 20 the sound quality did not get worse.)
For the speaker: As I did not modify the volume of the speaker, you are on your own to find your best sound volume.
7. Save the file and close it.
8. Now reboot your phone and test it out if it is worked.
Is there any way to enhance the bluetooth sound output on the Mate 10/Mate 10 pro?
royhanks3 said:
Is there any way to enhance the bluetooth sound output on the Mate 10/Mate 10 pro?
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Hm, I need to take a look.
It should also work with all Mate 10 variants when the file /odm/etc/audio/hi6403/mixer_volumes_BLANC_ce.xml exists.
Make a backup of the file
Try to edit this:
<path name="media-bt-sco" >
<ctl name="S1 IL PGA GAIN"
value="0" />
<ctl name="S1 IR PGA GAIN"
value="0" />
<ctl name="DACL MIXER S1L GAIN"
value="1" />
<ctl name="DACL MIXER S1R GAIN"
value="1" />
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Try to edit the value of S1 IL PGA GAIN/S1 IR PGA GAIN to 15, if its not working then edit the both value "1" to "16"
If it still not work, recover the file (use your backup file)
And write it here if its not working, so I can try to find the right values that are responsible for bt-sound volume
royhanks3 said:
Is there any way to enhance the bluetooth sound output on the Mate 10/Mate 10 pro?
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Hey mate, did you have any luck with increasing Bluetooth Audio volume ? I'm not rooted but would consider it if it is the only way to pump up the jam..
FitzysN6 said:
Hey mate, did you have any luck with increasing Bluetooth Audio volume ? I'm not rooted but would consider it if it is the only way to pump up the jam..
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Normally bluetooth volume is related to the device you are using. I had Sony MDR1000X but returned it because the built in amp isn't great. Bought B&W P7 Wireless which is known for having a beefy amp and it's so much better.
Galactus said:
Normally bluetooth volume is related to the device you are using. I had Sony MDR1000X but returned it because the built in amp isn't great. Bought B&W P7 Wireless which is known for having a beefy amp and it's so much better.
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Thanks for the response mate.
Problem is it's my car stereo. With my old Nexus 6(Motorola) Apple Music was blasting and sounding sweet @ Vol Level 10 on stereo, now with my Mate 10 I have to turn up car stereo a lot more and it just doesn't sound as good.
FitzysN6 said:
Thanks for the response mate.
Problem is it's my car stereo. With my old Nexus 6(Motorola) Apple Music was blasting and sounding sweet @ Vol Level 10 on stereo, now with my Mate 10 I have to turn up car stereo a lot more and it just doesn't sound as good.
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Yeah, Huawei Mate 10 Pro hasnt nice sound volume. This sound volume mod works only with the the adapter to 3.5mm Jack. The sound did not increase on usb-c typ headset.
The best settings I testet for speaker and Bt
<path name="media-speaker" >
<ctl name="S1 IL PGA GAIN"
value="10" />
<ctl name="S1 IR PGA GAIN"
<path name="media-bt-sc" >
<ctl name="S1 IL PGA GAIN"
value="10" />
<ctl name="S1 IR PGA GAIN"
Sent from my BLA-L29 using XDA-Developers Legacy app
I have altered the values for the earphones but no change in volume. Any ideas where I might look? Thanks,
lvbaal said:
I have altered the values for the earphones but no change in volume. Any ideas where I might look? Thanks,
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Afaik for now it only works on bt, the dongle and speakers
Sent from my HTC U11 using XDA Labs
hi there.i can't find the mixer volume file in the folder?
i have a huawei mate 10 LITE.
pls help Jack
jayseek said:
hi there.i can't find the mixer volume file in the folder?
i have a huawei mate 10 LITE.
pls help Jack
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Product/etc/audio/hissc there will be couple of files I got mine working by modding the mixer_path_oversea_normal.xml but I'm not sure which you need to mod just make a back up an try it out
Hope I helped
Mate 10 lite (this method doesn't work)
I'm mate 10 lite user. I can't find anything in ODM folder except lib folder. How can I fix its buggy headphone volume? (My phone is rooted with SuperSu via TWRP)
Bongiovi XDA said:
I'm mate 10 lite user. I can't find anything in ODM folder except lib folder. How can I fix its buggy headphone volume? (My phone is rooted with SuperSu via TWRP)
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Did you do data decrypt if so, i think your hw.innit folder is missing in Data partition and your Huawei histen (in setting under sound is missing) can you confirm? If so I can sent you the folder so you get you're volume back
i also have the same case.
my Huawei Histen is also missing after root/bootloader unlock.
Now the maximum volume of my phone when using headset is significantly low compared to the maximum volume before i rooted this device.
Viper4Android didn't amplify my headset volume very well. Kindly upload the hw.innit that you mentioned.
---------- Post added at 01:56 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:45 PM ----------
I also noticed, with headphones plugged in, that whenever I pause Spotify, then pressed Play again, the volume momentarily sounds very loudly (which was supposed to be the original volume intensity) for less than a second, then diminishes immediately.
The volume bar is already maxed out but I'm only hearing like very soft sound.
---------- Post added at 02:00 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:56 PM ----------
Exconvinced said:
i also have the same case.
my Huawei Histen is also missing after root/bootloader unlock.
Now the maximum volume of my phone when using headset is significantly low compared to the maximum volume before i rooted this device.
Viper4Android didn't amplify my headset volume very well. Kindly upload the hw.innit that you mentioned.
---------- Post added at 01:56 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:45 PM ----------
I also noticed, with headphones plugged in, that whenever I pause Spotify, then pressed Play again, the volume momentarily sounds very loudly (which was supposed to be the original volume intensity) for less than a second, then diminishes immediately.
The volume bar is already maxed out but I'm only hearing like very soft sound.
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My ODM folder is empty.
My mixer_paths.xml cannot be read.
I only used AlsaMixer to modify values of headset but it wasn't enough.
Mate 10 Pro. I have tried every number from 5 to 40 doesn't make any difference...sound volume still the same. I even tried modifying the values in the other xlm files in the folder
Ausonic1000 said:
Mate 10 Pro. I have tried every number from 5 to 40 doesn't make any difference...sound volume still the same. I even tried modifying the values in the other xlm files in the folder
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rebooted? you sure you have system RW?
Ausonic1000 said:
Mate 10 Pro. I have tried every number from 5 to 40 doesn't make any difference...sound volume still the same. I even tried modifying the values in the other xlm files in the folder
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Did you save your file? Try to edit the value, save then and quit. Open the file again, check if the value changed to factory (0) when yes then your main partition (/) or (/odm) is not set to RW. You need to mount it RW when you use ES File Explorer. For this you need to be rooted. If the value is still modified (ex. 40) then make sure that the file has the right permission (rw - r- r). You can do this by downloading Terminal Emulator . Open it, Write: su Then grant root access. After granting root access, write: chmod 644 /odm/etc/audio/hi6403/mixer_volumes_BLANC_ce.xml Press enter and it will execute this. Reboot your phone.
The values you edit must be this
For Speaker:
<path name="media-speaker" >
<ctl name="S1 IL PGA GAIN"
value="0" />
<ctl name="S1 IR PGA GAIN"
For Headphone
<path name="media-headphone" >
<ctl name="S1 IL PGA GAIN"
value="0" />
<ctl name="S1 IR PGA GAIN"
For bt Audio, for some bt-headset the edited value works/ the sound volume gets boosted but for some bt-headset it does not work. I do not know why.
When you use your usb-c Headset from Huawei, this mod will not work. It only works for speaker, headset that connects to 3.5mm jack to usb-c adapter and for some bt-headsets.
Bordo_Bereli51 said:
Did you save your file? Try to edit the value, save then and quit. Open the file again, check if the value changed to factory (0) when yes then your main partition (/) or (/odm) is not set to RW. You need to mount it RW when you use ES File Explorer. For this you need to be rooted. If the value is still modified (ex. 40) then make sure that the file has the right permission (rw - r- r). You can do this by downloading Terminal Emulator . Open it, Write: su Then grant root access. After granting root access, write: chmod 644 /odm/etc/audio/hi6403/mixer_volumes_BLANC_ce.xml Press enter and it will execute this. Reboot your phone.
The values you edit must be this
For Speaker:
<path name="media-speaker" >
<ctl name="S1 IL PGA GAIN"
value="0" />
<ctl name="S1 IR PGA GAIN"
For Headphone
<path name="media-headphone" >
<ctl name="S1 IL PGA GAIN"
value="0" />
<ctl name="S1 IR PGA GAIN"
For bt Audio, for some bt-headset the edited value works/ the sound volume gets boosted but for some bt-headset it does not work. I do not know why.
When you use your usb-c Headset from Huawei, this mod will not work. It only works for speaker, headset that connects to 3.5mm jack to usb-c adapter and for some bt-headsets.
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Thanks guys yes it was not RW changed it so its working now. any value over 15 gives distortion
This is a great temp fix until we get V4A working on the Mate 10 Pro.

Reverse Right/Left audio channel

Anyone know how? Ever since I updated to Global Dev MIUI, my earphone right and left audio channel output is reversed, I realize I could just wear the left earphone on my right ear (and vice versa) but unfortunately they're both isn't designed to be worn like that (uncomfortable), I was thinking of editing mixer_paths.xml on my own but I couldn't find any documentation about it...
Piston 3 if anyone wondering
I found a way for anyone having the same problem, all thanks and credits to @tweakradje
1. Find /system/etc/mixer_paths_qrd_sku1.xml
2. Copy somewhere else and open the original file in text editor
3. Find these lines and make the appropriate edit:
<ctl name="RX1 MIX1 INP1" value="RX2" /> (RX1 into RX2)
<ctl name="RX2 MIX1 INP1" value="RX1" /> (RX2 into RX1)
4. Reboot
The lines should be under the "headphones" path, some headphones may have a kind of hardware processing for each channel that it may make the audio off compared to just switching your headphones left and right but I tested it and it does it's function well
Original post:
tweakradje said:
Then maybe try switching like this:
<path name="headphones">
<ctl name="MI2S_RX Channels" value="Two" />
<ctl name="RX2 MIX1 INP1" value="RX1" />
<ctl name="RX1 MIX1 INP1" value="RX2" />
Or even <ctl name="RDAC2 MUX" value="RX2" />
into <ctl name="RDAC2 MUX" value="RX1" />
Just play a little with these values. Keep an original copy of the xml file in case you mess up. Nothing can go wrong. Just try
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hello bro!..
I'm having the same issue with my headphones,
but unfortunately, I can't find the same file as yours (mixer_paths_qrd_sku1.xml)
here are the files on my phone (OnePlus 5), see attachments.
so can you please tell me which file to edit? I've already tried with mixer_paths.xml but after reboot audio is still reversed.
I don't find these files in Android 10.
Pls help with this.
Bro edit mixer_paths_tasha.xml
Bro edit mixer_paths_tasha.xml
Instal Audio Compability Pactch magisk modul might done the problem.
snkmv said:
I found a way for anyone having the same problem, all thanks and credits to @tweakradje
1. Find /system/etc/mixer_paths_qrd_sku1.xml
2. Copy somewhere else and open the original file in text editor
3. Find these lines and make the appropriate edit:
<ctl name="RX1 MIX1 INP1" value="RX2" /> (RX1 into RX2)
<ctl name="RX2 MIX1 INP1" value="RX1" /> (RX2 into RX1)
4. Reboot
The lines should be under the "headphones" path, some headphones may have a kind of hardware processing for each channel that it may make the audio off compared to just switching your headphones left and right but I tested it and it does it's function well
Original post:
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I can't find RX1. Please anyone help me. I have backed up the original file. So no problem if I mess up. I'll attach my xml file. It's samsug J7 running on android 5.1.1. Bro please help. My mail - [email protected]
I am Facing the same problem ,can anyone pls tell me what to do step by step cause I am not understanding where to find these files and how to edit ,and i am using Redmi device and it's rooted
Chintan98 said:
Bro edit mixer_paths_tasha.xml
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Bro pls help me i am facing same problem and i don't know where to find these files

