Here is a little simple app for wiping the Cache and Dalvik-Cache.You must be rooted and have busybox installed
Download Link
Always I would like to thank for sharing coded with me!
Very nice. I was using a random one from play, but uninstalled it and switched yours. I like how with yours i can wipe both caches at the same time. The other one made me do them one at a time
Sent from my LG-D959 using Tapatalk
kintwofan said:
Very nice. I was using a random one from play, but uninstalled it and switched yours. I like how with yours i can wipe both caches at the same time. The other one made me do them one at a time
Sent from my LG-D959 using Tapatalk
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Thanks man. I try to build my own stuff for they things I need sometimes random stupid apps,but hey I am glad you like it might even add some more stuff stuff.
Sent from my LG-D959 using Tapatalk
D-FUSE said:
Thanks man. I try to build my own stuff for they things I need sometimes random stupid apps,but hey I am glad you like it might even add some more stuff stuff.
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Great work, it's efficient which is exactly what this kind if app should be. I think a nice addition would be if it could tell us how large the cache is....if you feel like adding that.
Sent from my LG-D959 using Tapatalk
kintwofan said:
Great work, it's efficient which is exactly what this kind if app should be. I think a nice addition would be if it could tell us how large the cache is....if you feel like adding that.
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Sounds good to me. This bootloader lock is killing me btw. Lol
Sent from my LG-D959 using Tapatalk
D-FUSE said:
Sounds good to me. This bootloader lock is killing me btw. Lol
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That's the truth. Working on this theme (and some little tweaks) I've bootlooped this thing 2 twice a day this week, I'm so tired of using lg flash tool to restore, really missing my twrp right now.
On a side note I've been working on a deodex stock for everyone to use a base. I was trying to use the stock kdz file, but ask the extract tools are giving me a corrupt cab file, any tips? I prefer to use the untouched base because I've replaced a lot of files on my phone already so it wouldn't a full stock if i just adb pulled my /system
Sent from my LG-D959 using Tapatalk
kintwofan said:
That's the truth. Working on this theme (and some little tweaks) I've bootlooped this thing 2 twice a day this week, I'm so tired of using lg flash tool to restore, really missing my twrp right now.
On a side note I've been working on a deodex stock for everyone to use a base. I was trying to use the stock kdz file, but ask the extract tools are giving me a corrupt cab file, any tips? I prefer to use the untouched base because I've replaced a lot of files on my phone already so it wouldn't a full stock if i just adb pulled my /system
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Man to tell you the truth idk how to extract the kdz files. I do have the system apps and folders and I myself keep bootlooping my phone and I'm sick of it. I tried deoxed they rom and my tool gets hangup. I have been manually decopiling the odex files but everything time i push something bootloop
Sent from my LG-D959 using Tapatalk
first time I have wiped the Dalvik since getting this phone..I usually only do that when flashing a rom..
Ok im sorry but this don't seem to be a apk. Unless im missing something?
Sent from my LG-LS995 using Tapatalk
Download from your pc
Sent from my LG-D959 using Tapatalk
Works great on D955,thank you!
Hey guys. My XDA pal built me a MIUI test build. I'll be perfectly honest with you guys, I'm a little gun shy after some people bricked their phones while on AOSP. I kind of want someone else to be the test dummy
If you understand that this is only a test build that has never been tried before AND that the maker of this test build does not have this phone AND if something goes wrong with the flash I or the creator of the test build will not be held responsible.
Ok, that is the first disclaimer I have ever had to write over here. Without further is the link:
Hopefully one of you guys is more courageous than myself. Logcats would be appreciated. If this build is actually somewhat functional and we provide LOGCATS I'm sure he will continue working on it.
EDIT: I forgot to mention this point: He told me that before flashing this I should delete the NFC.apk. These are the steps:
1. download the test build and confirm MD5.
2. using WinRAR or similar program navigate to SYSTEM>APP>NFC.APK
3. right click and hit DELETE FILES
4. the MIUI Test build zip should now be w/o the NFC.apk
Update: Link has been temporarily pulled until kernel issue is resolved.
Was this built for the Sprint One specifically?
This looks sweet...make sure befpre everyone downloads to check to make sure its actually sprint. Build.prop boot.img updater script etc.
Lemme download n check
Sent from my HTCONE using xda premium
Yes, it was built for the Sprint HTC One. However, he does not have this phone. He based his work off of one of our CM builds. I would imagine that any bug we currently have on CM would be present in this test build.
EDIT: I should add this to the OP but it may be overkill...please make a nandroid before attempting to flash this.
Does he think it would boot because im friekin excited then
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HTC_M7 said:
Does he think it would boot because im friekin excited then
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Well he wouldn't have made it for me if he thought there was NO chance of it booting. He banged it out pretty fast though so I don't put too much faith into it. If I wasn't such a big wuss I would just flash it...but alas, I am a wuss so I'll let someone more savvy than myself give it a shot first.
Maybe ill wait too. It looks pretty good for the most part. I downloaded it. Well ill wait and see i guess.
Sent from my HTCONE using xda premium
HTC_M7 said:
Maybe ill wait too. It looks pretty good for the most part. I downloaded it. Well ill wait and see i guess.
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At least you had an idea of what things to look for in a possibly working build. I wouldn't know where to start. If you decide to flash it please keep us posted!
You'll want to pull the link. Sorry I didn't get back to you sooner, but it seems he had an issue with the kernel. I have yet to come up with the time to fix it, as I just had a long day with the kids. I'll try to look at it when I get home.
Cant wait to see a good working MIUI rom
Sent from my HTCONE using xda premium
Fun fun fun fun
Sent from my SPH-L710 using xda app-developers app
Almost everything works. Including 4G.
Go thank @lbxmobbin_1 somewhere and let him know how much he rocks your face off.
For this and this only, I will root and s-off.
Godspeed to you.
Sent from my HTCONE
AdhvanIt said:
Almost everything works. Including 4G.
Go thank @lbxmobbin_1 somewhere and let him know how much he rocks your face off.
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This looks like some fun!!! thanks, will also give some thanks to lbx as well. I know he has had a lot of work with our other device...the mighty note 2 :thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:
Sent from my One using Tapatalk 2
What kernel exactly is included in this?.....
Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
Cm based
Sent from my HTCONE using xda premium
HTC_M7 said:
Cm based
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I couldn't get WIFI to successfully turn on ? I rebooted and wiped cache/davlik cache and still no success. Everything else seems working really good to be so early !
Mods please close. Thanks.
Sent from my HTCONE using Tapatalk 4
sorry im still a noob at this stuff.. what and how do i port a rom?? what do i do with that zip? i want to flash a international rom so bad!! they got some killer roms over there
Don't touch that zip if you don't know what you're doing. You'll do more harm than good to your phone.
Sent from my HTCONE using Tapatalk 4
You prolly what harm anything
Sent from my HTCONE using Tapatalk 4
But its just u adding to an international rom or add to aroma to install over. Its all the files for fully functioning sprint rom. Will add native tethering and system updates later
Sent from my HTCONE using Tapatalk 4
So since you said port any sense rom im guessing this wont work for porting a GPE rom?
@(^_^)@ said:
Hey guys. Gonna update when i get home. Heres how u port Sense 4.3 from international. Heres a zip for now. this has elegancia stuff in build prop. Since was working on it and im not at home to update. Take what u need.
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JHoggAMLH said:
So since you said port any sense rom im guessing this wont work for porting a GPE rom?
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Well GPE Roms are still sense roms
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JHoggAMLH said:
So since you said port any sense rom im guessing this wont work for porting a GPE rom?
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luigi311 said:
Well GPE Roms are still sense roms
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Won't work, framework files and stuff are laid out differently
Had a feeling
Sent from my HTCONE using Tapatalk now Free
Plus need to change kernel no?
Sent from my HTCONE using Tapatalk 4
OP Updated:
Has system updates (PRL, Profile)
As well as Native Tethering included in zip.
I just added these files to Orio 8.1 Rom and the rom is working beautifully. Dont forget that you may need to change partitions.
@(^_^)@ said:
OP Updated:
Has system updates (PRL, Profile)
As well as Native Tethering included in zip.
I just added these files to Orio 8.1 Rom and the rom is working beautifully. Dont forget that you may need to change partitions.
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Thanks for this. I always wondered exactly what files I'd need to port a current sense ROM to Sprint. I've done some personal ports before but that was back during my GS2 days. I look forward to seeing some fully functioning ports in the near future.
Wow. I wish there were directions on his to use this. I'd love to know how. I'm sure many others would also.
Sent from my HTCONE using Xparent Blue Tapatalk 2
ericwgarza1 said:
Thanks for this. I always wondered exactly what files I'd need to port a current sense ROM to Sprint. I've done some personal ports before but that was back during my GS2 days. I look forward to seeing some fully functioning ports in the near future.
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treIII said:
Wow. I wish there were directions on his to use this. I'd love to know how. I'm sure many others would also.
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Literally just drag the files into the rom and replace the coexisting files with the ones in the zip.
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@(^_^)@ said:
Literally just drag the files into the rom and replace the coexisting files with the ones in the zip.
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So I need to extract the Rom zip from international thread. Find the same files in this zip and replace them with these? Then this can be done with root explorer. Does this sound correct?
Sent from my HTCONE using Xparent Blue Tapatalk 2
treIII said:
So I need to extract the Rom zip from international thread. Find the same files in this zip and replace them with these? Then this can be done with root explorer. Does this sound correct?
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That sounds like a very slow and painful process on a phone. And I've never had much luck zipping up files on my phone.
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treIII said:
So I need to extract the Rom zip from international thread. Find the same files in this zip and replace them with these? Then this can be done with root explorer. Does this sound correct?
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Download international rom on computer, unzip rom, drag files from this zip into the extracted rom, replace/add all, change mount points in updater-script(\META-INF\com\google\android\updater-script), zip up newly ported rom, Flash.
bstevens23 said:
That sounds like a very slow and painful process on a phone. And I've never had much luck zipping up files on my phone.
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This is why I asked for some instructions. So that those of us who don't know how to do this can get educated on what is necessary and how to do this correctly. Plus it helps the community to educate the less educated.
Sent from my HTCONE using Xparent Blue Tapatalk 2
---------- Post added at 11:06 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:59 PM ----------
@(^_^)@ said:
OP Updated:
Has system updates (PRL, Profile)
As well as Native Tethering included in zip.
I just added these files to Orio 8.1 Rom and the rom is working beautifully. Dont forget that you may need to change partitions.
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How do we know if we need to change the partitions ?
Sent from my HTCONE using Xparent Blue Tapatalk 2
treIII said:
This is why I asked for some instructions. So that those of us who don't know how to do this can get educated on what is necessary and how to do this correctly. Plus it helps the community to educate the less educated.
Sent from my HTCONE using Xparent Blue Tapatalk 2
---------- Post added at 11:06 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:59 PM ----------
How do we know if we need to change the partitions ?
Sent from my HTCONE using Xparent Blue Tapatalk 2
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You probably will always need to change partitions as the international ONE has different mount points. Just open the updater-script, and find all mentions of "mmcblk0p" and change the numbers after them to the ones for sprint in the op. Make sure you change all mentions of this! Don't want to write things to the wrong partitions.
Anyone got Angry Birds Epic working on SM-T520?
It installs fine, but it`s stuck on "Loading Levels"
I have tried
*Updating stock firmware,
*rooted and
*applyed "SDfix",
*cleared cache/Dalvik, and Appdata
*installed several times from marked, and from .apk.
Also tried to install custom rom, but non of the roms for SM-T520 will fully boot.
Right now im on Stock T520XXUAND1_T520NEEAND1_NEE with TWRP and rooted.
So... where is the problem?
I got exact the Same Problem...
Gesendet von meinem SM-G900F mit Tapatalk
Just installed the game, and can confirm the initial stall in "Loading Levels" just after the game is first installed. However, closing the app from the recent apps list and restarting the game worked for me. I've been playing for just a few minutes, but I'm not experiencing that issue anymore.
Hope this helps you.
Sent from my SM-T520 using XDA Premium HD app
Closing the app from the recent apps list and restarting the game was the first thing I tried.
I even tried to change the DPI, in case the game has some limitations.
Still no luck
Thanks for reply
That strange, I have no problem, Epic runs without any problem for me on my SM-T520.
Screenshot, I'm on stock, T520XXUAND1_T520NEEAND1_NEE, no root.
Sorry, if this post did't help you.
Oh, it helps alot
Now i know it's working on the SM-T520, just not on mine
Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk
Have the same problem,
- > fix: install cleanmaster and clean your memory - start angry birds epic and have fun.....
Exlo said:
Oh, it helps alot
Now i know it's working on the SM-T520, just not on mine
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Clean master did not do the trick :'(
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Exlo said:
Clean master did not do the trick :'(
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i have the stock rom, i think the problem is the GigaWatts Pro 2.0 Rom....
Regards Gerd
When I started the thread, i was on stock...
Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk
But you don't use clean master on stock rom, right
Exlo said:
When I started the thread, i was on stock...
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naaah, thats right
Exlo said:
naaah, thats right
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check on a clean reboot ? an mybe please test the boost function on clean master for apps and games
good luck
Reflashed Stock T520XXUAND1_T520NEEAND1_NEE, without root and no custom recovery.
Now it works
DId it not like the root or recovery?
Found out that it was Xposed or some of the modules that caused it to not load properly. Every time i install Xposed, Epic refuses to fully load the game, regardless of rom installed.
Nice to figure it out
Sent from my SM-T520 using Tapatalk
Guys I've been searching for a working copy of safestrap. The ones that have been posted are not working. Can someone please help me out??? I would greatly appreciate it.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N900A using Tapatalk
440hsp said:
Guys I've been searching for a working copy of safestrap. The ones that have been posted are not working. Can someone please help me out??? I would greatly appreciate it.
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Safestrap 3.72 Download: Here
Safestrap 3.75 Download: Here
Hope these two links work
Thank you for the effort but those are the links I've been to. One comes from the server and front what I hear they have been down for months and the other download comes from another site that doesnt work.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N900A using Tapatalk
440hsp said:
Thank you for the effort but those are the links I've been to. One comes from the server and front what I hear they have been down for months and the other download comes from another site that doesnt work.
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Since you couldn't download them, I downloaded them an updated both them to Dropbox with updated links in previous post, hope it works for you now
You sir, are Awesome!!! Thank you very much. I really appreciate it.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N900A using Tapatalk
Both were good downloads. Thank you. But they aren't working for me. Either one. I install , then install recovery, and then reboot but nothing happens. I get a long pause at the samsung galaxy note 3 screen and then it reboots. I am rooted. Busybox and super su are working. Dont know what's happening.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N900A using Tapatalk
440hsp said:
Both were good downloads. Thank you. But they aren't working for me. Either one. I install , then install recovery, and then reboot but nothing happens. I get a long pause at the samsung galaxy note 3 screen and then it reboots. I am rooted. Busybox and super su are working. Dont know what's happening.
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Make sure you install busybox befor safestrap
FIREKAT good you wanna slap your mama
The same thing happened to me. I did a factory data reset in settings/General/Backup and Reset. Reinstalled Safestrap, then it worked. I did a Data restore in Safestrap to get back apps.
I would like to disable them and get rid of some bloatware that T-Mobile has put on this phone. If y'all can give me a good app and the apks needed get rid of I would be very thankful.
Thanks in advanced
Sent from my LG-H811 using Tapatalk
You may want to take a look @ MicroMod777's debloated rom. It has the major bloaters removed already and OTA disabled.
I'm running it without issue.
Good Luck
You can freeze and uninstall apps with Titanium Backup.. It's a great program to have.
Unheard said:
You may want to take a look @ MicroMod777's debloated rom. It has the major bloaters removed already and OTA disabled.
I'm running it without issue.
Good Luck
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So I went to flash the debloater zip file and it put all the T-Mobile stuff back on my phone. Did I do something wrong?
Sent from my LG-H811 using Tapatalk
Did you put the debloated ROM on your phone or the debloater app because they're two different things. Also are you ROOTED because you can't use the debloated ROM unless you're rooted unlocked and custom recovery installed.
I have the Debloater T-Mobile rom zip drive. I have flashify and twrp while being rooted and oem unlock.
Sent from my LG-H811 using Tapatalk
UktenaWarrior28 said:
I have the Debloater T-Mobile rom zip drive. I have flashify and twrp while being rooted and oem unlock.
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Is your bootloader unlocked and TWRP already installed?
It should be unlocked when I choose OEM unkock
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UktenaWarrior28 said:
It should be unlocked when I choose OEM unkock
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"unKOCK" Lol
Sent From My LG G4
Well if you have TWRP installed already then all that's left to do it boot into recovery, make a backup ( in case bad things happen) wipe cache ( TWRP may already do this while flashing ) and then flash the debloated ROM.
first time in twrp it asked me something about making the system read only to stop future ota updates? did you guys do that or? I think the button said "read only" so it would make it read only?
---------- Post added at 02:00 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:59 AM ----------
Also without flashing a new rom can i disable ota updates? There has to be a file or app I can remove?
Rydah805 said:
"unKOCK" Lol
Sent From My LG G4
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Sorry was saying more attention to my beer.
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UktenaWarrior28 said:
Sorry was saying more attention to my beer.
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Looks like your enjoying that beer bro. Have a good one. ?
Sent From My LG G4
Animatorman said:
Well if you have TWRP installed already then all that's left to do it boot into recovery, make a backup ( in case bad things happen) wipe cache ( TWRP may already do this while flashing ) and then flash the debloated ROM.
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I did all of that already. But now it's showing no more bloatware besides hotspot and visual voicemail
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UktenaWarrior28 said:
I did all of that already. But now it's showing no more bloatware besides hotspot and visual voicemail
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Lol I'm confused because it sounds like you're done, what else are you trying to do?
first time in twrp it asked me something about making the system read only to stop future ota updates? did you guys do that or? I think the button said "read only" so it would make it read only?
I'm vaguely remembering that but I think it's asking it you want to allow an OTA to wipe over TWRP. You probably wouldn't and that because then you'd probably lose root and recovery.
Animatorman said:
Lol I'm confused because it sounds like you're done, what else are you trying to do?
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Just trying to get carrier apps off my phone. I guess I just needed to reboot.
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Rydah805 said:
Looks like your enjoying that beer bro. Have a good one. ?
Sent From My LG G4
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Thanks I had a good ol blue moon
Sent from my LG-H811 using Tapatalk
Ok, just rooted my T-Mobile g4 (congratulate me yay) do I just freeze "update center" via titanium? Or is there something else I need to do?
Sent from my LG-H811 using XDA Free mobile app