Many of all were requesting for Original Stock ROM of Gionee M2.
So here is the stock ROM of Gionee M2.
Download Section :
Note : Search XDA For Flashing Procedure , Driver Installing , rooting etc and custom roms!!!!!]
Can u tell me is this rom rooted ???
is it stock rom of jellybean by gionee?is it rooted?
Notice: A New Q & A thread has been created in the Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting Sub-Forum.
Posts from members with less than 10 posts will automatically be posted there.
Please check it out, and see if you can help out someone with a question about this Topic.
why no somebody can update the kernel for 2.26.29.x to 2.26.32.x or other advance?
ask ur question in any of the rom threads or the Q & A thread
I recently put the stock 2.3.4 build on and want to root. Superoneclick does not work anymore. How can I do it?
Come on now !?!? Search the Q & A and/or Development Section Before starting a new thread. (And a Question thread goes in the Q & A section)...... Please and thank you. See this Fugu Root Method [MOD] FuguRoot: root _any_ stock SGS ROM safely (froyo, GB)
edit: Pm sent to reinbeau to move to correct forum.
Please use the search function - this question has been answered over and over in this forum - and the question, if it has to be asked at all, belongs here, in Q&A, not development. Thread closed.
Hi i have a Gt N7000 and my version is 4.1.2 nd baseband is N7000DDLS6 ND KERNEL IS 3.0.31-906407. i WOULD LIKE TO KNOW WHICH KERNEL I SHLD USE TO ROOT my phone and Please suggest me a good stable rom.
luv_u_shark said:
Hi i have a Gt N7000 and my version is 4.1.2 nd baseband is N7000DDLS6 ND KERNEL IS 3.0.31-906407. i WOULD LIKE TO KNOW WHICH KERNEL I SHLD USE TO ROOT my phone and Please suggest me a good stable rom.
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dude this is development thread and you should search on Help & Troubleshooting for more imformation
luv_u_shark said:
Hi i have a Gt N7000 and my version is 4.1.2 nd baseband is N7000DDLS6 ND KERNEL IS 3.0.31-906407. i WOULD LIKE TO KNOW WHICH KERNEL I SHLD USE TO ROOT my phone and Please suggest me a good stable rom.
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There are threads in Q&A and on General Section for it.
Mod Edit
"Best" ROM/kernel threads are not allowed on XDA.
Please test these things for yourself.
This is the only way you will get an unbiased opinion,and then, you can decide for yourself if it meets YOUR needs.
Also,post questions in Q&A section.
Thread Closed
Forum Moderator
I cant find any custom Rom for my Samsung Galxy duos 2. please add my device to your supported devices list.
spiderman_pink said:
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Yeah... I read those rules already but I m really desperate for a custom rom So I posted a request in hope someone reply with a link to thread to unofficial Rom for my device.
Thread closed. If you've read what's in the linked above, there is no need for a this.
I'm looking for lollipop or higher android custom rom on gionee e6???
If there are no roms for your device, asking for one won't help you. What will is to learn and create your own. That's what XDA is all about!
Here's a section full of info and guides to help you get started.
Good luck!
Thread closed.