Why doesn't work sd-card on sevenbean halla v05, on this kernel "KITKAT and CM10.2 KERNEL "
because this rom work with nAa jb 05 or 06 kernel.
hubert123454 said:
because this rom work with nAa jb 05 or 06 kernel.
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I know, but on this kernel lags music, while the kernel CM10.2 sound is not buggy
blme96 said:
Why doesn't work sd-card on sevenbean halla v05, on this kernel "KITKAT and CM10.2 KERNEL "
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Use Xperience KK04 , is better than KK& CM10.2 kernel.
help3r said:
Use Xperience KK04 , is better than KK& CM10.2 kernel.
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Thanks, I'll try
help3r said:
Use Xperience KK04 , is better than KK& CM10.2 kernel.
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Xperience KK04 is not better than CM10.2 and nAa jb-06 kernel. It laggy
blme96 said:
Xperience KK04 is not better than CM10.2 and nAa jb-06 kernel. It laggy
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It is impossible for every ROM I mean better than Xperience Kernel kernel from Yari
can i use any kernel with gingerdx? can i use naa kernel 06 with gdx? how to know if the kernel can work with the rom or not?
imrano1210 said:
can i use any kernel with gingerdx? can i use naa kernel 06 with gdx? how to know if the kernel can work with the rom or not?
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You may try, but as some roms have their own particularity so has the kernels, and maybe features like WiFi, 3G, vibration and others may not work or get bugs. The better you do is to flash the Rom´s specific kernel, or stick with stock one with modules.
imrano1210 said:
can i use any kernel with gingerdx? can i use naa kernel 06 with gdx? how to know if the kernel can work with the rom or not?
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You can use LinuDX or Alfs kernel. With nobodyAtall's kernel wifi don't work in GingerDX
can any one tell me how to get vibration in naa kernel
i read the thread but it said that if you want vibration you need to use gb implementation...
but i didnt understand what it meant
so can anyone please tell me that how can i get vibration in the naa karnel
what rom do you have?
try CM 2.1.8 by nAa and nAa v10 kernel.
post here the result
pesky_89 said:
what rom do you have?
try CM 2.1.8 by nAa and nAa v10 kernel.
post here the result
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btw i have GDX v22 and naa kernel v10
and get no vibration
pesky_89 said:
what rom do you have?
try CM 2.1.8 by nAa and nAa v10 kernel.
post here the result
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==>setting==> call==>sound ==> Vibrate==> Always
harshitgroup said:
btw i have GDX v22 and naa kernel v10
and get no vibration
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dude gdx is for stock/alfs/linuxdx kernels. flash another kernel or another rom that are compatible (minicm 2.1.8 by nAa and nAa kernel).
any kernel can be used for cm10.3?
kenop123 said:
any kernel can be used for cm10.3?
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I am using Kowalski Kernel (stable: 100p5 - exp: 126). My rom is PAC MAN 4.3 (AOKP+PA+CM10.3). That kernel is very good and stable.
As the title, I want to know it
Just read something about Linaro Build, and you'll have answer for this question.
duckid said:
As the title, I want to know it
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nAa jb 06 and yair kernel is good
but i love yair kernel!!!
(sorry bad English)
GameXperia-X8 said:
nAa jb 06 and yair kernel is good
but i love yair kernel!!!
(sorry bad English)
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they are pretty much the same and I've only add some patches and few new things to make it faster and stable , but this is based on nAa great kernel so this thread is pretty much useless .
afi1982 said:
they are pretty much the same and I've only add some patches and few new things to make it faster and stable , but this is based on nAa great kernel so this thread is pretty much useless .
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nAa jb 05 kernel modded by yairkernel ??
nAa jb 06 not modded , patched ..
kernel 06 naa best
for me Yair kernel is faster
a port of this ROM with kernel will be nice...
ajeesh vijayan said:
a port of this ROM with kernel will be nice...
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i can port the rom, but the kernel is tricky..
you can use any other ICS kernel like glitch,semaphore,devil etc...
n205des said:
i can port the rom, but the kernel is tricky..
you can use any other ICS kernel like glitch,semaphore,devil etc...
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but I think kernel have a major part in smoothness of that ROM.. I may be mistaken..not sure..