I've seen a similar questions asked but it was for porting the HTC One camera to a completely different device. I'm pretty noob to all of this so hopefully my terminology comes across clear. I have HTC One (M7) T-Mobile variant. I am unlocked, rooted and S-Off. I'm currently awaiting my SIM unlock from T-Mobile. I have installed the Google Play Edition ROM because I enjoy the simplicity and how fluid it is. However, I miss the crap out of my HTC One camera and features, especially being able to "snap" pictures from a video. The Zoe I can live without. I just prefer the stock camera. I've search specifically for "HTC One stock camera on stock kitkat (or 4.4, or google play edition) all with no luck. Maybe it doesn't exist. Doesn't hurt to ask I guess.
So, I had my heart set on the One with Sense since it was announced and heard nothing but good reviews about it, but then the Google Edition was recently announced, it's basically a Super-Nexus. I currently have a Nexus 7 and a Droid X2 running CM10, so I'm familiar with Jellybean and like it very much!
So when I heard about the Nexus edition of the One, I was amazed. But then, I remembered since it's running stock Jellybean, it won't have the HTC only features like Zoe among others.
I'm open to the idea of changing the ROMs to get stock android if I bought the One with Sense on it...wait, is there a ROM that you can install to change to Sense 5 if I bought the Google edition!? That would be perfect if there was because I could try Sense if I wanted, but have Stock as my default and get all of Google's updates immediately!
I basically have to choose between:
HTC's Sense with all the Sense features and change the ROM to get to stock android. Slow to no OTA updates from Google.
Stock android with constant updates from Google as soon as they come out AND the stock experience. (Can still change the ROM)
I known this is a forum for the Sense HTC One, but what do you guys think? If you had this choice what would you do?
I just bought my HTC One a week ago, already having in mind that a Google Edition will be coming out, but as I don't live in the USA and given that it's going to be exclusive for the time being that wasn't such a big deal to me.
But I'm actually quite convinced that you are going to be able to switch from Sense to AOSP and vice versa, because they're the exact same hardware. Remember that tweak for the Optimus G that allowed you to basically turn it into a Nexus 4 from a software stand point? I'm sure there will be something similar to that and even if it's not supported officially, developers are going to find one way or another
I could even imagine something like an RUU to turn a regular One into a Google Edition. Well the 26th isn't that far away now, we'll see...
yes u will be able to switch roms
hello00 said:
yes u will be able to switch roms
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So there is ROM that will allow me to switch to Sense 5 if I buy a Google Edition HTC One?
AChavitez said:
So there is ROM that will allow me to switch to Sense 5 if I buy a Google Edition HTC One?
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There are several stock like roms with sense 5 in the android development section.
Read through and see which one suits you best.
Get the sense one. We already can change the phones identity so making it a Google edition shouldn't be any different
Sent from the one and only HTC One
The HTC camera is enough of a reason for me not to care about
Sent from my HTC One using xda premium
Just get either one, it doesn't matter much, to be honest. The Google Edition one has an unlocked bootloader and is probably S-OFF, and you can do both on the Sense edition as well. You can install any ROM you want on either one with no problems, whether sense-based or AOSP.
If u want a super nexus than this isn't the phone for you. Its not a nexus and never will be. I would go with the sense to get the great features. If you want stock it's better to get a nexus. (Just my opinion)
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
Hi Scene,
I've noticed the rumors since start of HTC One and before. My opinion to write this is that i'm coming from HTC One X to One since i heared the rumors of One. Many (custom) ROM's and S-Off later of One X (and One) i came to the conclusion, that the rumors (in my opinion) of pure android (4.0.1/4.1.1/4.1.2/4.2.2/4.3.0 ...) are useless. Why ? The OS and it's rudimental state surely brings the hardware to life but, that isn't enough. Some of you pimped up stock Android so that it's usable and quite fascinating again, but I've to take up the cudgels for HTC and it's "Sense" because their "Sense" really make sense ! It's not only the way HTC transform Android customizable, no it's the way how HTC expand and gear cuts grundbreaking features (that results to) usable and powerful system state of the art. I won't mess up with stock Android anymore (and the pimps); "Sense" is the way how it should be ! Go 4 Mike1986 ...
Hello everyone, I am new to android but have been modding my iPhone since the beginning. I recently purchased my first android and its the HTC One. I rooted it and installed the Orio One Rom.
I was wondering if there is a way to have a different multitask launcher instead of the one that comes with Sense 5.0. I hate the stock one and have seen a DNA that I much prefer.
Any thoughts, thanks.
Hey, I just bought a HTC ONE but Im a big fan of Miui. Miui v5 was my main ROM in my previous desire S. But since I have been using HTC ONE 4.3 sense 5, Im kinda in love with some new features in it. But as I'm overwheamly fond of Miui, I also want to see its graphical beauty on my One. I'm sure there are many other users like me who want the beauty of miui as well as some functionality of new sense combined together. So here are some ideas from my mind and questions about miui ported rom to htc one:
1. There is no dedicated thread for ported miui rom in htc one. So we cannot know much about it. Well I guess it should be.
2. Is it based on sense or cm or aosp?
3. There are some videos in youtube showing HTC Sense based camera in miui in One. Some videos are also there which show the opposite (miui default camera lacking all new htc one camera features). So which is it? But in general, all of the videos are based on old miui roms.
4. I find HTC Sense camera, phone & contacts, message and new sense 5 gallery apps are pretty amazing in htc one. If camera app can be ported to miui, is there any way to port those other apps I mentioned?
5. Is there any possibiliy from Miui to bring android 4.3 or 4.4 for htc one in near future? Cause I think most of the users really want to use the updated android in their HTC ONE as stock 4.3 is already out and 4.4 is also on the way.
Thanks. I will be highly glad and helped if someone just feels kind enough to help me out with my questions.
Android_Attitude said:
Hey, I just bought a HTC ONE but Im a big fan of Miui. Miui v5 was my main ROM in my previous desire S. But since I have been using HTC ONE 4.3 sense 5, Im kinda in love with some new features in it. But as I'm overwheamly fond of Miui, I also want to see its graphical beauty on my One. I'm sure there are many other users like me who want the beauty of miui as well as some functionality of new sense combined together. So here are some ideas from my mind and questions about miui ported rom to htc one:
1. There is no dedicated thread for ported miui rom in htc one. So we cannot know much about it. Well I guess it should be.
2. Is it based on sense or cm or aosp?
3. There are some videos in youtube showing HTC Sense based camera in miui in One. Some videos are also there which show the opposite (miui default camera lacking all new htc one camera features). So which is it? But in general, all of the videos are based on old miui roms.
4. I find HTC Sense camera, phone & contacts, message and new sense 5 gallery apps are pretty amazing in htc one. If camera app can be ported to miui, is there any way to port those other apps I mentioned?
5. Is there any possibiliy from Miui to bring android 4.3 or 4.4 for htc one in near future? Cause I think most of the users really want to use the updated android in their HTC ONE as stock 4.3 is already out and 4.4 is also on the way.
Thanks. I will be highly glad and helped if someone just feels kind enough to help me out with my questions.
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You would be better off asking this on the MIUI forums. They are not well respected or actively developed here.
I see great htc sense roms out there but haven't been updated since 1 year
the Original Android Roms are great, but they lack of the **** why most of us bought this phone, the camera.
try taking a photo in cm11 it just destroys one of the best assets of this phone
any explanation why? and if I'm wrong, could you link me to a htc sense rom which is normally updated?
mariosanoguera said:
I see great htc sense roms out there but haven't been updated since 1 year
the Original Android Roms are great, but they lack of the **** why most of us bought this phone, the camera.
try taking a photo in cm11 it just destroys one of the best assets of this phone
any explanation why? and if I'm wrong, could you link me to a htc sense rom which is normally updated?
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I am not a dev but if you look at the Development Section you will find the ROM's being updated. Granted, updates have slowed with the introduction of M8. However, they are still being updated as official releases are available.
mariosanoguera said:
I see great htc sense roms out there but haven't been updated since 1 year
the Original Android Roms are great, but they lack of the **** why most of us bought this phone, the camera.
try taking a photo in cm11 it just destroys one of the best assets of this phone
any explanation why? and if I'm wrong, could you link me to a htc sense rom which is normally updated?
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So let me see. Bacause you dont see roms that are closed sourced and bases that can only be updated by HTC updated here by the devs you think development is dead? Not in the least. OEM based roms will never match the development of AOSP based roms. And as for the camera, it is not a big deal for most of us. IF we wanted a great camera we would not have gotten a device with a 4mp camera.