Tried connecting my kaiser to 2 different pc's and it won't get detected. The device will charge but activesync won't pick it up. Also its not listed in device manager! I tried disabling/renabling advanced network functionality as well has soft reset the device several times. I'm on the verge of hard reseting BUT when i put my device in bootloader mode it only says serial.. will not say USB as its supposed to
any help would be appreciated.. i'm on death v4 rom btw.
thanks in advance!
fone_fanatic said:
The device will charge but activesync won't pick it up.
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Can you get an activesync connection via Bluetooth? When you inspect the extUSB connection can you see anything which looks wrong (such as a wire sticking out/in more than the others? What happened preceding this problem?
If you hard reset the device I don't see the relevance of the bootloader. It'll just restore the original image from where it's tucked away in the devices ROM. If it was working fine straight after you installed the ROM thats on it now and doesn't work after a hard restore then that points towards a hardware failure. If you have to go down the path of restoring to a different (original) ROM for returning purposes, there are ways of doing this with a microSD card - although I've not tried. I think the wiki would help there.
bluetooth activesync is working, i did a hard reset and nothing. Flashed to romeos via microsd and now its acting all strange.
After it completed the flash from microsd, i soft reset the device and it rebooted backinto bootloader.. i removed the microsd and soft reset several times and it kept going to bootloader. I attempted to hard reset as well and same thing, would go to bootloader. Removed the battery for a couple minutes and still same thing. Plugged it into USB with it off and it turn on by itself and go straight to bootloader. Unplugged the USB cable, took out the battery and put it back in, then plug the USB cable back in and this time the orange light came on as if charging and it finally booted up. The above has happened to me previously on my hermes but that was when the battery was extremely low, my battery level is currently at 97%!
now its booted into the freshly flashed rom and still same thing... charging but not being recognized by the PC... i've checked the usb port on the device and everything looks fine.
I'm lost at what to do now....
This might be a stupid reply but I had the same problem. My cable was busted so you could try another cable.
I am in the same situation here
Tried it with 3 different PCs with 3 different cables.
It's charging, Active sync pickes it up and trying to connect but fails to connect.
The only think I can come up with, I used new charger in the car. May be it killed the port
Is there any way to find out for sure?
i tried 2 cables with 2 different pcs... its only charging it and the computer won't detect the device at all. Nothing under usb in device manager.. even in bootloader, it only says serial not usb. I've downgraded to a shipped AT&T rom and Radio through the storage card but i still need to downgrade the SPL before i attempt to get a warranty exchange. IS that possible to do with through microsd yet?
I'm having the same issue. The usb port charges the phone fine with the USB cable, but teh computer does not detect the device. I also tried the headphones and they work fine as well. Help!
Update: I just tried a different usb cable, and now the computer recognizes the device, but as an unknown device.!!!!!
fone_fanatic said:
bluetooth activesync is working, i did a hard reset and nothing. Flashed to romeos via microsd and now its acting all strange.
After it completed the flash from microsd, i soft reset the device and it rebooted backinto bootloader.. i removed the microsd and soft reset several times and it kept going to bootloader. I attempted to hard reset as well and same thing, would go to bootloader. Removed the battery for a couple minutes and still same thing. Plugged it into USB with it off and it turn on by itself and go straight to bootloader. Unplugged the USB cable, took out the battery and put it back in, then plug the USB cable back in and this time the orange light came on as if charging and it finally booted up. The above has happened to me previously on my hermes but that was when the battery was extremely low, my battery level is currently at 97%!
now its booted into the freshly flashed rom and still same thing... charging but not being recognized by the PC... i've checked the usb port on the device and everything looks fine.
I'm lost at what to do now....
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Have you tried these steps?
ajay6780 said:
Have you tried these steps?
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Thanks for that suggestion but still no dice
The computer isn't detecting the device at all! Usually when a usb device is plugged in you can go to device manager and look under USB and see it there, but its not showing up. I've scanned for hardware changes several times and nothing.
I've now tried on 3 different computers (2 pc's and 1 mac) with 2 different USB-MiniUSB cables and nothing!!
i guess i'll just go to the at&t device support center tomorrow and hope they'll replace it on the spot and notice that i've changed the SPL...
can i ask for the people that are having this problem to do the following.
With your device unplugged from the PC open device manager. (Right click My Computer -> Properties -> Hardware (3rd tab) -> Device manager) Then expand the last tab (Universal Serial Bus Controller) and plug in your device.. if it doesn't show up then click actions -> scan for hardware changes..
I just want to make sure if your computer is detecting your device or not..
just an update with my situation. i went into the att device service center today and told them my problem... the guy behind the counter had no clue what he was doing. he just looked at it like a monkey for minutes then swapped it out for a new one. no questions asked even though it was hard spl'd, cid unlocked, and sim unlocked.
but now this device's vibration is really weak and i lost my invsishield protection on the front (kept the battery cover and my ppctechs scren protector)
Busted? or just won't work
Hi all,
I have been coming to these forums for a little while and only posted a couple of times. I felt this was important. I was having the same problem. Tried the cables, resets, ROM changes the works. I have had my at&t tilt htc 8925 for 36 days when I reported the problem to them. But it actually started about 10 days before. At&t tech support was very rude and accusatory when it came to them "helping" me. I, like probably all owners of a phone like this treat it like gold. It is very important to me. So when I contacted tech support and was told it was probably abuse or I had "buyers remorse" (I don't want to return the phone I just want it fixed!?)
The best they can do and they do not budge on this is for me to return the phone for an exchange. BUT, and this is a BIG AT&T but, the phone they exchange it with is refurbished. Something someone has returned. I do not want a phone that has been returned. I want mine fixed. "This is my phone, there are many like it but this one is mine" Know what I mean? When I bought the phone the guarantee was "we'll just replace it with a new phone" and I like 1000's of others did not ask if that "new phone" was refurbished. It is. Now advocates will tell you as they did me, refurbished is actually BETTER than new. Huh? Then why aren't all phones sold refurbished ones? And if they are so great, take mine back, give me one of those "crappy" new phones and give mine to someone who wants a sweet refurb. I am outraged by the whole mess.
I have searched forums and complaint sites. The bad usb port problem is NOT an isolated incident. There are a lot of people with the same "it charges but won't sync" problem. This is a known problem they refuse to address. Their stand, send in for refurb.
Personally I would like to see a recall fix class action against at&t. It can be fixed but they just don't want too. I thought I would be relatively safe buying for a huge company. They spend millions on advertising to simply leave their customers twisting in the wind after 30 days. Very bad business.
That's the rant. So I decided that if the warranty was useless anyway I'd take a shot at it myself before sending out for repair myself. There is a place in California PPC Tech that will fix the usb for $79 and ship it back to you in a few days. They seem to be reputable and a lot of people are opting to fix this problem themselves.
How did I fix mine? by altering the mini usb end of the sync cable. I tried other cables and connectors but I think it has something to do with the contact points. The only way mine would work was if I plugged it in, wiggled it slowly and with a little bit of pressure at times, around until the screen brightens. That means it has made a connection, then don't move. Hold very still. It took both my hands. Wait for what seems like 2 mins and it would start to sync. Based on this. my repair (before I send it to California for repair, which I may end up doing anyway) is make sure the plug on the phone is straight and not damaged. If you can get the phone to sync this way you may be able to crimp the mini end of the usb very very slightly to make the connection you are manually doing by wiggling it around. It took a lot of small tweaking but it now syncs about 29 out of 30 times. That's about as good as it gets.
So good luck to us all. If you can't get it to work yourself send it out west to PPC Tech. In this economy the phone companies like at&t better start getting their customer service back on track before they have no customers to service, It has happened to the biggest before. Wake up AT&T! The days of the business model of massive turnover and new signups is coming to an end as people tighten their belts. Treating current and future users poorly is a sure fire way to put yourself out of business.
here is my gift to you all..
read this post and check EVERY SINGLE LINK in the first post...i had this issue and i ended bending my usb plug every which way until finally i broke the plastic seperator off and in turn smashing the second pin from the left on the top off (the one in charge of activesync) over and over until it broke...i didnt really care i could still flash by sd but then i smashed the + power pin and so i was on the phone with att for many many hours explaining to them that its a known issue to users but not to the company and they finally sent me a replacement..i should have just searched my butt off before trying to deal with a problem/fox it myself (yes i dissasembled it and soldered the pin back on and it broke off multiple times causing me to dissasemble it many many times and smashing it again and i ended up getting alcohol on the water damage void pad which i replaced) learn from me...if you ever have ANY problems that are significant..dont try fixing JUST GET A REPLACEMENT...who cares if its a refurb..if the refurb sucks then send it back until they send you a new kit...after 5 returns you get a new kit soo just keep sendin back them refurbs until your happy
oh and to make it easy on yourself because if you tell att you have a usb problem its NOT covered under warranty and will take you many many hours like me to convince them otherwise (which someone eventually will understand because certain people ARE familiar with this problem at ATT it just depends who you get and how many times youve been elevated in support)..what you need to do is IF YOU CAN return your spl back to stock (if you manage to get a long enough connection with activesync) but if not dont worry too much att doesnt really check spl just that you have the shipped rom on there so load the shipped rom (found on here) on your sd and flash back and just make up some excuse that it isnt working right and youl get a replacement or if you can get the spl revrted jus throw your device in bootloader by a failed flash (pull the usb out during flash) and say its stuck in the funny colored screen lol
jaysjob, i've been dealing with ppctechs for a long time (probably since '03-'04) they're very reputable and highly recommended. They actually got the contract to be the authorized repair center for I-Mate about a year ago.
But why would you pay $79 for something where u can get a complete replacement? Yah it might be a refurb but my device that i turned in was all scratched up from drops.. the images on the start, ie, and messaging buttons by the d-pad had scratched off.. and now the device i got looks brand new (i actually think it is a new one but i never asked if it was a refurb or not)
pazookie, what your saying is true.. always take advantage of the warranty if you have it. If you dont and you want to repair it yourself, know what your doing! I'm very handy and have done many lcd replacements and other various repairs on cellphones (nokias, HTCs, sony ericsson, samsung, motorola, u name it!)
My little brother has the n82 and he bought the black case, I told him to wait for me and i'd help him do it but he got impatient and he thought it was gonna be a simple swap. He ended up breaking his LCD doing it which set him back $80!
anyways i'm happy now with a new device but i'm gonna go back tomorrow and get it replaced again because the vibrate is extremely weak!
fone_fanatic said:
jaysjob, i've been dealing with ppctechs for a long time (probably since '03-'04) they're very reputable and highly recommended. They actually got the contract to be the authorized repair center for I-Mate about a year ago.
But why would you pay $79 for something where u can get a complete replacement? Yah it might be a refurb but my device that i turned in was all scratched up from drops.. the images on the start, ie, and messaging buttons by the d-pad had scratched off.. and now the device i got looks brand new (i actually think it is a new one but i never asked if it was a refurb or not)
pazookie, what your saying is true.. always take advantage of the warranty if you have it. If you dont and you want to repair it yourself, know what your doing! I'm very handy and have done many lcd replacements and other various repairs on cellphones (Niki's, HTCs, sony ericsson, samsung, motorola, u name it!)
My little brother has the n82 and he bought the black case, I told him to wait for me and i'd help him do it but he got impatient and he thought it was gonna be a simple swap. He ended up breaking his LCD doing it which set him back $80!
anyways i'm happy now with a new device but i'm gonna go back tomorrow and get it replaced again because the vibrate is extremely weak!
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Hi fone
Thanks for the reply.
Yes, I agree with you. If the phone has something else that is messed up like you were saying a scratched screen or buttons. It's just that I am as careful as I can be to keep the phone in nice condition just to send it back for maybe one that someone didn't take the same care of.
Mine works good now. I think it has something to do with when I crimped the cable end. It make a tighter fit. I think that may be the key to mine and others problems. For sure it is becoming more and more clear that there is a design flaw whether att wants to acknowledge it or not.
Thanks for your input about PPC too. If I do end up having to fix it that's probably the way I'll go if that is still the only thing wrong. Otherwise it's in for the warranty as you suggested. I KNOW I'm not that smart.
Im having this same issue and it is definately not a cable problem.
tayloryork said:
Im having this same issue and it is definately not a cable problem.
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if u think its a hardware problem then take it to a service center. The guys there just follow step by step guides on how to diagnose phone issues. For me he saw a crack in the usb jack on my device and just replaced it. If you send it in to HTC i think theres a higher risk of them figuring outu the device is hard spl'd and wont honor your warranty.
tayloryork said:
Im having this same issue and it is definately not a cable problem.
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taylor, I'm not saying it is a cable problem. I am saying it is a hardware port problem. I "fixed" mine, probably temporarily, by crimping my usb cord so that it holds more firmly in the port. I did say if you have the same problem and you use the same test I did ie: move it slightly, Gently, not like others I have heard stories of where they ram it from side to side until it snaps off, that you might be able to do what I did. I thought others with the same problem might be able to use this workaround until at&t figures out it is not an isolated incident with thousands of people having the same problem thats all. Hope this helps.
I had a similar problem. Phone would charge fine, but windows didnt even recognise anything was plugged in. Interestingly the bootloader changed to USB when the cable was connected, and Serial when unplugged.
As it turns out (thanks Flying Kiwi for suggesting the obvious I had overlooked) the middle top pin was recessed too much into the plastic guide, so I stabbed it a bit with a scapel and all is well.
So it seems that the Serial/USB section of the bootloader cant even be trusted.
I guess I'm one of the unlucky ones who has to send this phone in for repair.
Going there this morning..
My question is to those that have received their phones back. Any indication that the repair done has anything done different to the phone?
I mean, if they are just replacing the defective guts with essentially the exact same guts but working, does that not mean it will just happen again (SD Failure)?
Or did they actually change something within the phone to make it more durable and essentially eliminate what brought it to them in the first place?
Hopefully someone in the know could answer this... pointless to repair something with another soon to fail board or sd card.
that is a very good question, of all the phones i sent in for repair and got back
they kept their original IMEI numbers
they all came back with replaced PCB (motherboard) and cause of failure is "No Power"
by that i figure out they mean, it does not charge when you plug in the USB cable to the phone after it dies.
it seems like whatever controls the internalSD also controls the USB charging of the phone
so the problem might not really be with the internal SD but rather the power relay that supplies power to the internal SD and battery charge.
greeced said:
I guess I'm one of the unlucky ones who has to send this phone in for repair.
Going there this morning..
My question is to those that have received their phones back. Any indication that the repair done has anything done different to the phone?
I mean, if they are just replacing the defective guts with essentially the exact same guts but working, does that not mean it will just happen again (SD Failure)?
Or did they actually change something within the phone to make it more durable and essentially eliminate what brought it to them in the first place?
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This is a great point allgamer.
However fact still remains... if they are swapping out the guts for identical, but working internals, that defeats the purpose of actually correcting the problem as the problem will surely pop up again.
Lets hope it doesnt.. but this phone doesn't seem like a good candidate for constant flashing the way my old HTC Touch Diamond was. Especially if you're doing it with ODIN, you may not have a leg to stand on come out of warranty claims.
At least if you flash something with KIES, because it was an "official" update provided by samsung. So if the phone goes corrupt, you can yell to the heavens and they'd have to fix it, because essentially they corrupted your phone.
It would be great to get some feedback from other members who received their phone back from repair. I wonder if one of those members had the SD go corrupt again with the new Motherboard in place.
Can't boot or enter recovery unless i connect it to wall charger.
Only download mode works.
Any one with similar issues or solutions?
Please help.
Which firmware are you on? Have you tried flashing another from Download mode?
I have exactly the same problem and its not good news. Empty battery icon bar and will not switch on unless plugged in. Anyway sent mine back for repairs and have been advised the following "your phone has liquid on the mainboard and is uneconimical to repair" ok fair enough...but, "the liquid indicator inside your phone has turned red voiding your phones warranty" WTF! I do have insurance cover on the phone which i have to pay extra to get a replacement phone which could be a refurbished phone is so frustrating and not really good enough in my opion. I did kind of hope that it might be a firmware of hardware issue but in my case no. I do however find it hard to believe as all other areas of the phone work perfectly, how this claim that there is liquid/moisture inside the phone only affects 1 area of the phone yeah right. I am not saying this is the case with your phone but it is an area to consider.
Goodluck with your phone i hope its not the same as mine.
i have the same problem anyone have an answer?
My GFs HTC One, for the second time now (two different phones), has gone dead out of nowhere.
The first time she plugged it in and went to bed. All was well with it when it was plugged in. Woke up and nothing worked. No charging lights, nothing. Sent it in for warranty repair and T-Mobile/HTC said that the LCD screen was broke and that it was due to user damage (basically trying to say the phone was dropped, which it wasn't). They sent out a new phone, we sent back the broken one. A week later they charged our bill for the repairs and I had to call in 3 times in order to get them to finally waive those charges.
Now, a few months later, this new phone does the same thing. In the middle of using it, while it had plenty of battery, the screen went black. Same exact thing, would not power back on. Now we are in the process of waiting for the next phone to be shipped so we can ship this one back. And I'm fairly certain that they're going to try and use the same excuse again.
The only response that we get from the phone is when it is plugged into a computer and it asks to install the QHSUSB_DLOAD driver (which does nothing upon trying to install). After searching these forums, and Google, I noticed that everyone with this exact problem was trying to install a custom ROM. That is not the case with us. The OS on the phone's were never altered. The phone's were never unlocked. Nothing like that at all.
I don't really have a question that I'm asking here. From what I've read, it looks like the phone is basically bricked and there's nothing that can fix it. I just wanted to make this post so others know that this can happen to non-rooted phones too.
I'll follow up here once T-Moble/HTC give me the outcome of this second phone.
Exact same problem here.
Edge611 said:
Exact same problem here.
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QHSUSB_DLOAD = hard brick, needs motherboard to be replaced
Had same thing with HTC Sensation. Need to replase the main memory chip where OS stored.
Time for a new girlfriend, not a new phone.
I have the 32g turbo and like having lots of music on my phone. I want to load TWRP but am concerned about how much space it takes up. Can anybody clue me in to that info?
Also, I bought the phone on the edge program, so if I turn it in, will it be a problem with Verizon that the bootloader is unlocked? Has anyone had any experience with this?
devlop said:
I have the 32g turbo and like having lots of music on my phone. I want to load TWRP but am concerned about how much space it takes up. Can anybody clue me in to that info?
Also, I bought the phone on the edge program, so if I turn it in, will it be a problem with Verizon that the bootloader is unlocked? Has anyone had any experience with this?
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TWRP lives in a separate partition than where your user data is kept, so it will have 0 impact on the amount of storage space on your phone.
I don't have any first hand experience with the edge program, but I can almost guarantee you that you'll have to pay the full price for the phone if you try to turn it in. Unlocking the bootloader is a permanent modification. Even if you re-lock it, the flash counter will still indicate that the phone has been unlocked at some point.
Thanks for the reply. According to my contract, once 75% is paid off, I can trade it in for another phone. I'm just not sure if looking for an unlocked bootloader is one of the things they consider during trade in.
devlop said:
Thanks for the reply. According to my contract, once 75% is paid off, I can trade it in for another phone. I'm just not sure if looking for an unlocked bootloader is one of the things they consider during trade in.
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What does it say that they look for?
Did a little digging, found this on their site :
The device must be in good working condition and must meet the following requirements or it will be rejected and returned to you:
Device has a functioning battery
Device can power on and off
Device has an intact, functioning LCD screen and glass with no cracks or breaks
Device and charging port must be intact (not broken or charging port missing)
Device and connecting ports must be free of visible corrosion and water damage
If your previous device is an Apple® device with iOS 7 or later, you must disable Find My iPhone prior to sending it back
Looks like I might be in the clear. I always just assumed they reflashed any device that was traded in or turned in for warranty anyways. Seems like the easiest route instead of trying to go through each phone to clear out memory to put back on the shelf. I have in the past turned in phones for warranty that were rooted and unlocked. Never been an issue.
devlop said:
Did a little digging, found this on their site :
The device must be in good working condition and must meet the following requirements or it will be rejected and returned to you:
Device has a functioning battery
Device can power on and off
Device has an intact, functioning LCD screen and glass with no cracks or breaks
Device and charging port must be intact (not broken or charging port missing)
Device and connecting ports must be free of visible corrosion and water damage
If your previous device is an Apple® device with iOS 7 or later, you must disable Find My iPhone prior to sending it back
Looks like I might be in the clear. I always just assumed they reflashed any device that was traded in or turned in for warranty anyways. Seems like the easiest route instead of trying to go through each phone to clear out memory to put back on the shelf. I have in the past turned in phones for warranty that were rooted and unlocked. Never been an issue.
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Oh nice. Looks like you're good to go then.