the lowest brightness setting is still quite bright would like to decrease it more if possible and not too difficult
doitinthedirt said:
the lowest brightness setting is still quite bright would like to decrease it more if possible and not too difficult
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1. Download and install Xposed Framework
2. Download and install GravityBox[KK] via Xposed (or if you're still on JellyBean then choose GravityBox[JB])
---a. Apply the GravityBox module and reboot
3. Open GravityBox and click on Display Tweaks (6th option down), then select "Brightness Settings".
4. Turn the switch to "On" and move the slider for "Minimum Brightness Level" down to 1.
5. Reboot to apply the changes.
Autobrightness won't take advantage of these changes but manual brightness will go very very dim now.
This worked for me so I hope this helps!
If you run into errors just quote this post and tell me what went wrong and I'll do my best to try to troubleshoot with you.
thank you are all of them available in the Play Store or do I get that stuff from somewhere else
doitinthedirt said:
thank you are all of them available in the Play Store or do I get that stuff from somewhere else
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Sideload Xposed via the APK download:
And GravityBox is installed through the Xposed installer, so after you install Xposed, open Xposed and select "Framework" then click "Install/Update" then reboot. Once the phone reboots go back into Xposed and select "Download". Find "GravityBox[KK]" and swipe from right to left to get to "Versions". From there select Download on the latest version (3.2.1 at the moment). Back out to the main screen of Xposed and select "Modules". Put a check in the box for GravityBox and then reboot. Now open GravityBox and continue with the steps to lower the brightness.
Lux will do it also. In the play store
There is an option in Xposed/Gravity Box KK/ Statusbar press on statusbar, slide left or right to control brightness..seems most simple, convenient way for me..
Sent from my:
(Jaocagomex debloated)
4.4_19.6.3 (Unlocked)
XT1080M Droid Maxx #2
Check out "display brightness " on play store. Doesn't make it go dimmer than stock minimum.... But puts a highly customizable always on top slider on the screen. Anywhere around the edges and any size or color. A great way to manually control brightness and save some juice. I downloaded this from the Play Store works very well a lot dimmer than the stock lowest setting takes it to completely black. saves on the battery
edit not sure it saves batt... may be just shading the brightness? will have to look into changing settings and see ifbatt gets better
I use Lux and its perfect for me. Make sure to disable the built in auto brightness if you use it. It has day and night profiles. I have my night profile set at -40% for 0lx and my day set to -10% for 0lx. I use dynamic mode but other modes work well too and use less sensor time.
search for a screen filter on google play.
Lux is installed properly everything is fine but not happens when sliding bar to sub zero it has no effect.
Any way to get sub zero brightness. As I read a lot at night.
In AOSP, we believe..
Adonis_2115 said:
Lux is installed properly everything is fine but not happens when sliding bar to sub zero it has no effect.
Any way to get sub zero brightness. As I read a lot at night.
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If you like you can try screen filters.
Also, if you are rooted, install Xposed, GravityBox, there's detailed brightness section in gravity box to lower your brightness way lower than standard brightness.
Hi there!
For sometime now I want to move to LP but I find too many things that are missing compare to my current KK.
I'm using Lux Auto Brightness on my current device and on LP it caused so problems (fullscreen overlay, presist notification etc..)
I was wondering how is the stock auto brightness of the LP (if it's any different from the current KK) or is there any alternative for LP to the Lux?
I absolutely love the stock brightness settings. You set a desired screen brightness with the slider and it adapts the screen in a way, so that depending on environment light you perceive the screen at the same brightness u initially set. In my opinion it works really, really well.
Dixxhead said:
I absolutely love the stock brightness settings. You set a desired screen brightness with the slider and it adapts the screen in a way, so that depending on environment light you perceive the screen at the same brightness u initially set. In my opinion it works really, really well.
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What is your opinion about the brightness compare to KK?
I recall seeing some very poor performance form the stock brightness management in sunlight.
Sydrox said:
For sometime now I want to move to LP but I find too many things that are missing compare to my current KK.
I'm using Lux Auto Brightness on my current device and on LP it caused so problems (fullscreen overlay, presist notification etc..)
I was wondering how is the stock auto brightness of the LP (if it's any different from the current KK) or is there any alternative for LP to the Lux?
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Stock auto-brightness (erm, I mean "adaptive brightness") sucks on Lollipop IMO. It's another example of something that wasn't broken but Google tried to fix it anyway and utterly borked it in the process.
My experience is that it does not "adapt" nearly enough. If I set the slider to the right level in daylight, when I go into a dark room I am blinded. If I set the slider to the right level in a dark room, when I go into sunlight I cannot see the screen. Frankly I cannot see the screen adapting at all. If it is adapting then it's in within a very narrow range. I even did a software repair to see if that would solve it, but it didn't.
I've not used Lux, but I've not heard good things about it in Lollipop and am loathed to install an app to do something that previously was handled fin by the OS. Stock auto-brightness worked very well for me in KK.
pipspeak said:
Stock auto-brightness (erm, I mean "adaptive brightness") sucks on Lollipop IMO. It's another example of something that wasn't broken but Google tried to fix it anyway and utterly borked it in the process.
My experience is that it does not "adapt" nearly enough. If I set the slider to the right level in daylight, when I go into a dark room I am blinded. If I set the slider to the right level in a dark room, when I go into sunlight I cannot see the screen. Frankly I cannot see the screen adapting at all. If it is adapting then it's in within a very narrow range. I even did a software repair to see if that would solve it, but it didn't.
I've not used Lux, but I've not heard good things about it in Lollipop and am loathed to install an app to do something that previously was handled fin by the OS. Stock auto-brightness worked very well for me in KK.
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Are you sure that you have adaptive brightness enabled at all? I can see it adapt quite clearly on mine.
Sydrox said:
Hi there!
For sometime now I want to move to LP but I find too many things that are missing compare to my current KK.
I'm using Lux Auto Brightness on my current device and on LP it caused so problems (fullscreen overlay, presist notification etc..)
I was wondering how is the stock auto brightness of the LP (if it's any different from the current KK) or is there any alternative for LP to the Lux?
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I'm using Lux on LP and don't have any issues. The persistent notification can be set so it's only visible in the swiped down notification view, but not perpetually visible in the notification bar (in Lux settings, set notification visibility to lowest priority). What do you mean by "fullscreen overlay?"
camaro322hp said:
I'm using Lux on LP and don't have any issues. The persistent notification can be set so it's only visible in the swiped down notification view, but not perpetually visible in the notification bar (in Lux settings, set notification visibility to lowest priority). What do you mean by "fullscreen overlay?"
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As I've mentioned, I was unable to click "install" in the APK installtion dialog or click on grant/deny in ther SuperSU window.
Sydrox said:
As I've mentioned, I was unable to click "install" in the APK installtion dialog or click on grant/deny in ther SuperSU window.
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You need to add Package installer and SuperSU to the sleep list in Lux.
camaro322hp said:
You need to add Package installer and SuperSU to the sleep list in Lux.
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I just faceplamed myself so hard
I think I found the problem; when battery saver mode is enabled, when it kicks in, it will set your screen brightness to a certain fixed level. But when you charge the phone again and battery saver mode deactivates, it will not automatically re-enable adaptive brightness, so you need to re-enable it manually.
My experience was that kitkat was better on the screen brightness. Lollipop works fine and adapts well, except that in bright sunlight it won't turn up the brightness as much as kitkat did.
okay guys, here i'll explain how to reduce adaptive brightness (minimum) to match manual brightness (minimal) when using a kernel that supports lower minimum brightness than stock. (in this case, Zombie Kernel for Xperia Z, which is, as far as i know at the moment of writing, the only kernel for xperia z which supports this)
Im not responsible for anything that might happen to you or your phone or anything else when following these instructions.
-PC with Java installed
-Notepad++ installed (recommended)
-Advanced ApkTool
-a phone (obviously) running a kernel that supports lower brightness than stock
-some basic knowlegde
1. first of all, make a nandroid backup in case something goes wrong!
2. copy your framework-res.apk and SemcGenericUxpRes.apk from /system/framework/ and from /system/framework/SemcGenericUxpRes/ and copy it to the root of your internal sd.
3. now plug in your phone to pc and move the files into the 2-in folder inside the advancedapktool folder on your pc.
4a. run advanced apktool and install frameworks (option 1).
4b. run option 2 (decompile files) and select the framework-res.apk.
5. you should now have a framework-res.apk folder in the 3-out folder in the root of the advancedapktool folder, open it and navigate to advancedapktool/3-out/framework-res.apk/res/values/
you should see something like this
now open integers.xml in notepad++ and search for the following lines:
<integer name="config_screenBrightnessDim">20</integer>
<integer name="config_screenBrightnessDark">20</integer>
change the ''20'' in to ''6'' (6 is a little bit brighter than kernel minimum, but 5 is too dark and makes the screen flickering)
so it looks like this
6. then you can recompile using option 3 in advancedapktool and option 2 in the next menu where it asks you to sign the apk. hit y and wait till its done.
7. copy the newly created framework-res.apk file found in the 4-done folder to the root of your internal sdcard.
8. using file manager, move the file to tmp/ folder and set correct permissions (rw-r-r aka 644)
9. then move the file to /system/framework/ and hit overwrite. (some apps like rootbrowser will create framework-res -copy.apk so i like to use ''file manager'' instead)
10. reboot and enjoy!
NOTE: you can also add brightness steps to the framework, they are in the arrays.xml file.
that will only add more diffferent steps to the brightness and will not reduce any brightness at all.
so, its an optional step if you like go a bit further!
the lines to look for look like this
also note, that values may differ from rom to rom and kernel to kernel and device to device. fine-tuning may be needed but this write-up defines what applied to my specific case.
@BDFreak for the advanced apktool which prevents bootloop after decompiling/compiling.
@Tommy-Geenexus for this awesome, fast and lean kernel which supports low backlight brightness
@chiragkrishna for his guide which i used as a start guide dates from 2012 so pretty old but thanks to him i knew where to look for.
i am not a developer nor i have experience in theming or building apps or roms etc, and this decompiling was new for me too so i learned a bit and was fun. (was pretty simple though)
Good stuff. I don't mind that 6 is brighter, the minimum brightness on zombie is too dark for me except on pitch blackness
Sent from my C6603 using Tapatalk
CosmicDan said:
Good stuff. I don't mind that 6 is brighter, the minimum brightness on zombie is too dark for me except on pitch blackness
Sent from my C6603 using Tapatalk
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So, do you use this also now?
langeveld024 said:
So, do you use this also now?
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Not yet, today I will do my heatsink mod with before/after heat tests and photos and such, then ill mod the framework
Sent from my C6603 using Tapatalk
Hey mate, I decided not to use this as I tried out "Velis Auto Brightness" on Play Store (free) and it works really well, very customisable and easy to tune replacement for adaptive brightness. Downside is that it is obviously an extra service running in background, and if you want to manually adjust brightness then you have to use its own notification slider (firmware brightness slider is literally hijacked and has no effect).
I'm also running Dirty Unicorns 9.5 firmware at the moment rather than stock, which means I'm not even on Zombie anymore. Battery life and performance is impressive.
Sent from my Xperia Z using Tapatalk
CosmicDan said:
Hey mate, I decided not to use this as I tried out "Velis Auto Brightness" on Play Store (free) and it works really well, very customisable and easy to tune replacement for adaptive brightness. Downside is that it is obviously an extra service running in background, and if you want to manually adjust brightness then you have to use its own notification slider (firmware brightness slider is literally hijacked and has no effect).
I'm also running Dirty Unicorns 9.5 firmware at the moment rather than stock, which means I'm not even on Zombie anymore. Battery life and performance is impressive.
Sent from my Xperia Z using Tapatalk
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Okay cool bro, I've already read that in zombie threat lol
Anyway if u need the framework-res.apk, I made if for existenz rom so if anyone is interested I can put it online :thumbup:
On my Note 3 I used an xposed module to give me the option of lowering the screen brightness right down to the minimum that it drops you to when you use the power saving mode. That was one of the modules I was looking for when I moved up to the Note 4 but there's nothing coming up.
I don't want to just use a screen filter, I was looking at something that would enable me to actually lower the brightness right down. Any suggestions? (I'm rooted and running stock MM with Xposed)
helf said:
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Cheers, I had a look at it and it's like a lot of the apps I've seen, it adds a lot of stuff I dont need. Ideally all I want is the ability to drop the brightness lower using the factory slider, not having to mess around with an external app.
I tried it but once it's installed it removes the factory slider when you remove notifications , which is a tad annoying!
Cheers, I had a look at it and it's like a lot of the apps I've seen, it adds a lot of stuff I dont need. Ideally all I want is the ability to drop the brightness lower using the factory slider, not having to mess around with an external app.
I tried it but once it's installed it removes the factory slider when you remove notfications , which is a tad annoying! It also doesn't go as far as the setting you get when you use the "power saving" mode on my Note 4. You could reduce the contrast but that's effectively just working like one of the screen filter apps. Hmm.
Hello, I have disabled adaptive brightness and when I open some apps, the screen starts automatically dimm a bit. When i exit the app, the brightness returns to normal. For example it does in Chrome, messenger, stock message app, stock dialer, youtube and many more. It does not do in Gallery, weather, camera. It's absolutely useless when im going to type in messenger and screen dimms so i can see it worse. Also i am watching youtube and screen dimms. I cannot understand what is this supposed to mean such nonsense feature.
I want to ask you if somebody of you has faced with this and if he figured it out somehow.
Ive already written to honor support , they answered nothing to the piont.
I was figuring out that when i turn adaptive brightness on, this doesnt do, the screen doesnt dimm when i open any app, but adaptive brightnes randomly fades my brightness setting after switching off the screen.
All i would like is what attributes i have to set to some app that i dont want to dimm. I cannot find this out.
Any suggestions thankfull.
"Online videos and games consume a significant amount of power and may cause your phone to heat up. As a result, your phone automatically decreases the screen brightness to prevent your phone from overheating. The brightness will return to normal when your phone cools down.
Some apps automatically adjust the screen brightness for better readability. For example, when you open Contacts or Messaging, the screen brightness is adjusted automatically even when automatic brightness is disabled."
" This function cannot be disabled"
"The screen changes color in direct sunlight.
When the ambient brightness reaches a certain level (such as direct sunlight), the screen brightness and contrast are automatically increased for better readability. This feature cannot be disabled."
Yes and this is bad. Something like answer from honor support. But also messenger goes darker and it has nothing to do with overheating. When i switch on the adaptive brightness this dimming doesnt do with any app. Also with adaptive brightness off some apps do not dim as if they'd have an exception of this. It is very bad that it cant be disabled this makes this phone completely useless for everyday use because readability goes worse when it goes darker.
Same here
Yup, I have the same. I just keep the Automatic adjustment "on" so it stopes dimming. Which is anti-intuitive. You would expect this dimming beeing caused by that Automatic setting not the opposite. Let's hope they will sort it soon.
Unfortunately its the special feature implemented in firmware called "eye care" as they replied me from honor support. It needs to tell them to switch it off at [email protected]
It seems that Velis Auto Brightness app from Google Play Store does the trick (Honor 10 Stock Pie).
Automatic brightness: ON
track light in graph: ON
SETTINGS: (advanced):
Automatic brightness: ON
Disable system handler: ON
Start when screen turns ON: ON
Interactive notification: ON
All other settings off/default.
When you turn off the screen and turn it on, go for the first time in notification area and set your desired value in Velis.
Turn off automatic handling of this app in battery section (app start).
bohusk said:
Hello, I have disabled adaptive brightness and when I open some apps, the screen starts automatically dimm a bit. When i exit the app, the brightness returns to normal. For example it does in Chrome, messenger, stock message app, stock dialer, youtube and many more. It does not do in Gallery, weather, camera. It's absolutely useless when im going to type in messenger and screen dimms so i can see it worse. Also i am watching youtube and screen dimms. I cannot understand what is this supposed to mean such nonsense feature.
I want to ask you if somebody of you has faced with this and if he figured it out somehow.
Ive already written to honor support , they answered nothing to the piont.
I was figuring out that when i turn adaptive brightness on, this doesnt do, the screen doesnt dimm when i open any app, but adaptive brightnes randomly fades my brightness setting after switching off the screen.
All i would like is what attributes i have to set to some app that i dont want to dimm. I cannot find this out.
Any suggestions thankfull.
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Check in the developer settings for the current value of "Increase readability under sunlight".
Dossy1 said:
It seems that Velis Auto Brightness app from Google Play Store does the trick (Honor 10 Stock Pie).
When you turn off the screen and turn it on, go for the first time in notification area and set your desired value in Velis.
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Hello, that setting in notification area really worked for me, thanks. But the slider Is in steps 66% , 73%, 80% I cannot adjust it per one % but nevermind, at last this helped me.
edit: after one day testing I noticed that it doesnt work. It still dimms the apps.
bohusk said:
edit: after one day testing I noticed that it doesnt work. It still dimms the apps.
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Hi, it's a pitty that it does not work.. Maybe Velis app is killed by app manager? As i wrote, try to disable any battery management for Velis app. Do you see after that 1 day Velis slider in notification area? If not, it is likely killed by system app manager.
And yes, it is true that the screen can be adjusted only bys steps.
In my case more than a week for honor 10 (EMUI 9) with Velis and still no any screen dimming issues in any app.
Dossy1 said:
Hi, it's a pitty that it does not work.. Maybe Velis app is killed by app manager? As i wrote, try to disable any battery management for Velis app. Do you see after that 1 day Velis slider in notification area? If not, it is likely killed by system app manager.
And yes, it is true that the screen can be adjusted only bys steps.
In my case more than a week for honor 10 (EMUI 9) with Velis and still no any screen dimming issues in any app.
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Velis was running but the apps start to dimm anyway I dont know what happened. Even when I set brightness in notification area in Velis, apps dimmed.
Download Lower Brightness Filter :
Enable the permission and set brightness to 100%.
Then select brightness in phone to auto and restart the phone.
Then select desired brightness.
edit : it doesnt work....
Turn on Advanced visual effect.
I used to have the same problem too. Simply just go to setting>smart accessibility>accessibility>Advanced visual effect>turn on.
If it doesn't work go to developer option and make sure the window animation, transition animation and animation duration are set to 1x.
To enable the developer option, go to setting>about phone>build number>tap until it shows u are now a developer.
Hope it does help u.
Spark Lee said:
I used to have the same problem too. Simply just go to setting>smart accessibility>accessibility>Advanced visual effect>turn on.
If it doesn't work go to developer option and make sure the window animation, transition animation and animation duration are set to 1x.
To enable the developer option, go to setting>about phone>build number>tap until it shows u are now a developer.
Hope it does help u.
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Hello, I had it already turned on , in developer options I have all animations set to 1x, but it dimms the screen on my Honor Play with android 9.
Before we can fix that via ADB but now is not possible. If anyone has a better fix please share