Hi, I own a Refurbished Huawei H883g. I know that this phone came stock with the Portico 8.0.10211.204 which does not allow you to upgrade to the Windows Phone 8.1 OS. In order to get to that OS I flashed the GDR1 update to the phone, then updated to GDR3. As it is my phone has the following settings:
Name: Windows Phone
Model: HUAWEI W1-U00
Software: Windows Phone 8.0
OS Version: 8.0.10521.155
Firmware Revision Number:
Hardware Revision Number: HD1U8835M Ver. B
Chip SOC Version: 8230
Now that I flashed the phone though, I did more research after some trouble and found out that due to drivers I can't upgrade to Windows Phone 8.1 after all. Not only that, but now that I have flashed the phone I can't get 4G service and am stuck with EDGE. Now I just want to flash the stock ROM back on. My problems:
1. I'm a total amateur and barely got through the first flash.
2. I can't find the stock ROM.
3. I'm assuming I'm gonna need the original drivers as well.
4. I need the bootloader as well.
If any one could tell me how to get 4G service back I can just stick with the OS I have and be happy.
Pleeeeeeeaaase help me!
Hello There,
I am not able to upgrade my Google Nexus One phone from android version 2.3.1 to 2.3.4. I did get the latest version under system updates i.e. "Nexus One update to Gingerbread MR2". The file size is 87.6 MB. After I downloading the file it showing a message saying that your phone is up to date. When I rebooted my phone it showing the same old version 2.3.1.
I even tried doing factory reset and tried downloading but did not succeeded. Can you please help me out to upgrade my phone from 2.3.1 to 2.3.4 manually or through air. Please find the below details of my phone.
Model Number: Nexus One
Android Version: 2.3.1
Baseband Version:
Kernel Version: [email protected]#1
Build Number: MicroMod v.20 (AOSP GINGERBREAD 2.3.1)
Network/Carrier/Phone Provider: Vodafone (India)
IMEI: 354957031663456
S/N: HT9CWP816225
P/N: 99HKE002-00
Any help would be truly appreciated!
I am not sure I fully understand what you are trying to accomplish, but it seems like you are trying to upgrade to the latest official android release, right?
If so, it won't work. You need to get the newer version of MicroMod and use that to update. You should just be able to flash it over your current install without any wiping required.
I have a HTC T9295 HD7S device that I would like to try out since i have never used a windows mobile device. However, it appears to need a retail ROM as is continually enters DEMO mode. Is there an easy fix for this? When I say easy, I mean easy for a noob. I am not real good at this stuff. I tried updating thru Zune but I just kept getting an error. Here is the info:
OS version 7.0.7390.0
Firmware revision number: 2250.21.30306.502
Hardware revision number: 0002
Bootloader version: 3.4.2250.0(122650)
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
download this...http://htcfanboys.com/download/cotulla/?action=view&file=2942
then put phone into booloader and install
then download this....http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1271118
then put phone into bootloader and install
cheers and have a grate day
thanks button is next to qoute button
follow the tutorial in this link :
after finally completing this tutorial search for a custom rom in the forums and just flash it
I just bought a HTC 8X c620e (unlocked) and I've been trying to update it for a few days, but no luck.
Everytime i try to Check for Updates, it says "We are currently unable to check for updates. (80070002)".
Here are some device informations:
HTC 8x, model PM231****/c620e
OS version: 8.0.10211.204
Firmware revision number: 1532.20.20011.605_unlocked
Hardware revision number 0002
Bootloader version: 0.0.1532.20(162930)
Does anyone know what to do, please?
drogancz said:
I just bought a HTC 8X c620e (unlocked) and I've been trying to update it for a few days, but no luck.
Everytime i try to Check for Updates, it says "We are currently unable to check for updates. (80070002)".
Here are some device informations:
HTC 8x, model PM231****/c620e
OS version: 8.0.10211.204
Firmware revision number: 1532.20.20011.605_unlocked
Hardware revision number 0002
Bootloader version: 0.0.1532.20(162930)
Does anyone know what to do, please?
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Are your phones time settings correct, if not try manually changing it then trying again. I have just been reading and others have factory reset their devices to fix the issue but would not go that far, try setting the time/date manually if its wrong.
same issue with new bough htc 8x
Hello i've exactly the dame issue of you drogancz.
update error is 80070002 on htc 8x.
have you find a solution? Can someone help me ?
Winfows 8.1 Update 2?
U use before windows insider and deinstall it after u updated? Then its normal. No update more without insider.
windows phone 8 update
i nerver use or install windows insider but i bought my phone on ebay. Perhaps seller have installed windows indiser before. How can i know this?
I got old SAMSUNG ativ s phone. There is some engineering rom. When I start phone, exist text "not for resale" I can,t update it to WP 8.1.
There is now version: 8.0.9900.568, device version: 2424.12.09.9. Operator: Open market device (Europe).
I tried to upgrade with some Guide from Internet, but It say,s someting from UEFI version.
Do not try to install 8.1
You will brick the phone (as I did)
If possible I would like to get a hold on the ROM you have so I can maybe revive my bricked ATIV S
I understand installing TWRP with this guide (https://forum.xda-developers.com/galaxy-a6/development/recovery-twrp-3-2-2-0-galaxy-a6-t3819741) but what version of Magisk should I install?
I'm quite afraid to brick my phone (once used the wrong instructions for another model and bricked my phone) so has anyone tried rooting with the same phone model as mine?
My phone's specifications:
Model: SM-A600FN
Android version: 8.0.0
Build Number: R16NW.A600FNXXU3ARL1