[INFO][SD805] Check/Share your cpu binning - Galaxy Note 4 General

The quality of the cpu used in the devices is identified by cpu binning. The better the quality the lesser the voltage it needs to run for the defined set of frequencies.
* CPU binning for sd805 running at 2.7 ghz has 2 versions RC0 and RC1.
* Looking at the voltage table RC1 uses much less voltage for lower frequencies compared to RC0
* The value scales from pvs0 (being the worst) to pvs 15(being the best).
The voltage tables for RC1 and RC0 is given below for reference (thanks to @twistedumbrella for his github)
/* 2.7GHz RC1 */
qcom,speed2-pvs0-bin-v1 =
< 0 0 0 >,
< 300000000 810000 76 >,
< 345600000 820000 88 >,
< 422400000 830000 109 >,
< 499200000 840000 130 >,
< 576000000 850000 151 >,
< 652800000 860000 172 >,
< 729600000 870000 194 >,
< 806400000 880000 217 >,
< 883200000 890000 239 >,
< 960000000 890000 260 >,
< 1036800000 900000 282 >,
< 1113600000 910000 306 >,
< 1190400000 920000 330 >,
< 1267200000 930000 354 >,
< 1344000000 940000 378 >,
< 1420800000 950000 402 >,
< 1497600000 960000 428 >,
< 1574400000 970000 453 >,
< 1651200000 980000 479 >,
< 1728000000 990000 504 >,
< 1804800000 1000000 531 >,
< 1881600000 1010000 558 >,
< 1958400000 1020000 585 >,
< 2035200000 1030000 613 >,
< 2112000000 1045000 642 >,
< 2188800000 1060000 675 >,
< 2265600000 1075000 708 >,
< 2342400000 1090000 742 >,
< 2419200000 1105000 777 >,
< 2496000000 1120000 813 >,
< 2572800000 1135000 849 >,
< 2649600000 1150000 886 >,
qcom,speed2-pvs1-bin-v1 =
< 0 0 0 >,
< 300000000 800000 76 >,
< 345600000 810000 88 >,
< 422400000 820000 109 >,
< 499200000 830000 130 >,
< 576000000 840000 151 >,
< 652800000 850000 172 >,
< 729600000 860000 194 >,
< 806400000 870000 217 >,
< 883200000 880000 239 >,
< 960000000 880000 260 >,
< 1036800000 890000 282 >,
< 1113600000 900000 306 >,
< 1190400000 910000 330 >,
< 1267200000 920000 354 >,
< 1344000000 930000 378 >,
< 1420800000 940000 402 >,
< 1497600000 950000 428 >,
< 1574400000 960000 453 >,
< 1651200000 970000 479 >,
< 1728000000 980000 504 >,
< 1804800000 990000 531 >,
< 1881600000 1000000 558 >,
< 1958400000 1010000 585 >,
< 2035200000 1020000 613 >,
< 2112000000 1035000 642 >,
< 2188800000 1050000 675 >,
< 2265600000 1065000 708 >,
< 2342400000 1080000 742 >,
< 2419200000 1095000 777 >,
< 2496000000 1110000 813 >,
< 2572800000 1125000 849 >,
< 2649600000 1140000 886 >,
qcom,speed2-pvs2-bin-v1 =
< 0 0 0 >,
< 300000000 790000 76 >,
< 345600000 800000 88 >,
< 422400000 810000 109 >,
< 499200000 820000 130 >,
< 576000000 830000 151 >,
< 652800000 840000 172 >,
< 729600000 850000 194 >,
< 806400000 860000 217 >,
< 883200000 870000 239 >,
< 960000000 870000 260 >,
< 1036800000 880000 282 >,
< 1113600000 890000 306 >,
< 1190400000 900000 330 >,
< 1267200000 910000 354 >,
< 1344000000 920000 378 >,
< 1420800000 930000 402 >,
< 1497600000 940000 428 >,
< 1574400000 950000 453 >,
< 1651200000 960000 479 >,
< 1728000000 970000 504 >,
< 1804800000 980000 531 >,
< 1881600000 990000 558 >,
< 1958400000 1000000 585 >,
< 2035200000 1010000 613 >,
< 2112000000 1025000 642 >,
< 2188800000 1040000 675 >,
< 2265600000 1055000 708 >,
< 2342400000 1070000 742 >,
< 2419200000 1085000 777 >,
< 2496000000 1100000 813 >,
< 2572800000 1115000 849 >,
< 2649600000 1130000 886 >,
qcom,speed2-pvs3-bin-v1 =
< 0 0 0 >,
< 300000000 780000 76 >,
< 345600000 790000 88 >,
< 422400000 800000 109 >,
< 499200000 810000 130 >,
< 576000000 820000 151 >,
< 652800000 830000 172 >,
< 729600000 840000 194 >,
< 806400000 850000 217 >,
< 883200000 860000 239 >,
< 960000000 860000 260 >,
< 1036800000 870000 282 >,
< 1113600000 880000 306 >,
< 1190400000 890000 330 >,
< 1267200000 900000 354 >,
< 1344000000 910000 378 >,
< 1420800000 920000 402 >,
< 1497600000 930000 428 >,
< 1574400000 940000 453 >,
< 1651200000 950000 479 >,
< 1728000000 960000 504 >,
< 1804800000 970000 531 >,
< 1881600000 980000 558 >,
< 1958400000 990000 585 >,
< 2035200000 1000000 613 >,
< 2112000000 1015000 642 >,
< 2188800000 1030000 675 >,
< 2265600000 1045000 708 >,
< 2342400000 1060000 742 >,
< 2419200000 1075000 777 >,
< 2496000000 1090000 813 >,
< 2572800000 1105000 849 >,
< 2649600000 1120000 886 >,
qcom,speed2-pvs4-bin-v1 =
< 0 0 0 >,
< 300000000 770000 76 >,
< 345600000 780000 88 >,
< 422400000 790000 109 >,
< 499200000 800000 130 >,
< 576000000 810000 151 >,
< 652800000 820000 172 >,
< 729600000 830000 194 >,
< 806400000 840000 217 >,
< 883200000 850000 239 >,
< 960000000 850000 260 >,
< 1036800000 860000 282 >,
< 1113600000 870000 306 >,
< 1190400000 880000 330 >,
< 1267200000 890000 354 >,
< 1344000000 900000 378 >,
< 1420800000 910000 402 >,
< 1497600000 920000 428 >,
< 1574400000 930000 453 >,
< 1651200000 940000 479 >,
< 1728000000 950000 504 >,
< 1804800000 960000 531 >,
< 1881600000 970000 558 >,
< 1958400000 980000 585 >,
< 2035200000 990000 613 >,
< 2112000000 1005000 642 >,
< 2188800000 1020000 675 >,
< 2265600000 1035000 708 >,
< 2342400000 1050000 742 >,
< 2419200000 1065000 777 >,
< 2496000000 1080000 813 >,
< 2572800000 1095000 849 >,
< 2649600000 1110000 886 >,
qcom,speed2-pvs5-bin-v1 =
< 0 0 0 >,
< 300000000 760000 76 >,
< 345600000 770000 88 >,
< 422400000 780000 109 >,
< 499200000 790000 130 >,
< 576000000 800000 151 >,
< 652800000 810000 172 >,
< 729600000 820000 194 >,
< 806400000 830000 217 >,
< 883200000 840000 239 >,
< 960000000 840000 260 >,
< 1036800000 850000 282 >,
< 1113600000 860000 306 >,
< 1190400000 870000 330 >,
< 1267200000 880000 354 >,
< 1344000000 890000 378 >,
< 1420800000 900000 402 >,
< 1497600000 910000 428 >,
< 1574400000 920000 453 >,
< 1651200000 930000 479 >,
< 1728000000 940000 504 >,
< 1804800000 950000 531 >,
< 1881600000 960000 558 >,
< 1958400000 970000 585 >,
< 2035200000 980000 613 >,
< 2112000000 995000 642 >,
< 2188800000 1010000 675 >,
< 2265600000 1025000 708 >,
< 2342400000 1040000 742 >,
< 2419200000 1055000 777 >,
< 2496000000 1070000 813 >,
< 2572800000 1085000 849 >,
< 2649600000 1100000 886 >,
< 2726400000 1115000 924 >, /* overclock */
< 2803200000 1130000 963 >; /* overclock */
qcom,speed2-pvs6-bin-v1 =
< 0 0 0 >,
< 300000000 750000 76 >,
< 345600000 760000 88 >,
< 422400000 770000 109 >,
< 499200000 780000 130 >,
< 576000000 790000 151 >,
< 652800000 800000 172 >,
< 729600000 810000 194 >,
< 806400000 820000 217 >,
< 883200000 830000 239 >,
< 960000000 830000 260 >,
< 1036800000 840000 282 >,
< 1113600000 850000 306 >,
< 1190400000 860000 330 >,
< 1267200000 870000 354 >,
< 1344000000 880000 378 >,
< 1420800000 890000 402 >,
< 1497600000 900000 428 >,
< 1574400000 910000 453 >,
< 1651200000 920000 479 >,
< 1728000000 930000 504 >,
< 1804800000 940000 531 >,
< 1881600000 950000 558 >,
< 1958400000 960000 585 >,
< 2035200000 970000 613 >,
< 2112000000 985000 642 >,
< 2188800000 1000000 675 >,
< 2265600000 1015000 708 >,
< 2342400000 1030000 742 >,
< 2419200000 1045000 777 >,
< 2496000000 1060000 813 >,
< 2572800000 1075000 849 >,
< 2649600000 1090000 886 >,
< 2726400000 1105000 924 >, /* overclock */
< 2803200000 1120000 963 >; /* overclock */
qcom,speed2-pvs7-bin-v1 =
< 0 0 0 >,
< 300000000 740000 76 >,
< 345600000 750000 88 >,
< 422400000 760000 109 >,
< 499200000 770000 130 >,
< 576000000 780000 151 >,
< 652800000 790000 172 >,
< 729600000 800000 194 >,
< 806400000 810000 217 >,
< 883200000 820000 239 >,
< 960000000 820000 260 >,
< 1036800000 830000 282 >,
< 1113600000 840000 306 >,
< 1190400000 850000 330 >,
< 1267200000 860000 354 >,
< 1344000000 870000 378 >,
< 1420800000 880000 402 >,
< 1497600000 890000 428 >,
< 1574400000 900000 453 >,
< 1651200000 910000 479 >,
< 1728000000 920000 504 >,
< 1804800000 930000 531 >,
< 1881600000 940000 558 >,
< 1958400000 950000 585 >,
< 2035200000 960000 613 >,
< 2112000000 975000 642 >,
< 2188800000 990000 675 >,
< 2265600000 1005000 708 >,
< 2342400000 1020000 742 >,
< 2419200000 1035000 777 >,
< 2496000000 1050000 813 >,
< 2572800000 1065000 849 >,
< 2649600000 1080000 886 >,
qcom,speed2-pvs8-bin-v1 =
< 0 0 0 >,
< 300000000 730000 76 >,
< 345600000 740000 88 >,
< 422400000 750000 109 >,
< 499200000 760000 130 >,
< 576000000 770000 151 >,
< 652800000 780000 172 >,
< 729600000 790000 194 >,
< 806400000 800000 217 >,
< 883200000 810000 239 >,
< 960000000 810000 260 >,
< 1036800000 820000 282 >,
< 1113600000 830000 306 >,
< 1190400000 840000 330 >,
< 1267200000 850000 354 >,
< 1344000000 860000 378 >,
< 1420800000 870000 402 >,
< 1497600000 880000 428 >,
< 1574400000 890000 453 >,
< 1651200000 900000 479 >,
< 1728000000 910000 504 >,
< 1804800000 920000 531 >,
< 1881600000 930000 558 >,
< 1958400000 940000 585 >,
< 2035200000 950000 613 >,
< 2112000000 965000 642 >,
< 2188800000 980000 675 >,
< 2265600000 995000 708 >,
< 2342400000 1010000 742 >,
< 2419200000 1025000 777 >,
< 2496000000 1040000 813 >,
< 2572800000 1055000 849 >,
< 2649600000 1070000 886 >,
qcom,speed2-pvs9-bin-v1 =
< 0 0 0 >,
< 300000000 720000 76 >,
< 345600000 730000 88 >,
< 422400000 740000 109 >,
< 499200000 750000 130 >,
< 576000000 760000 151 >,
< 652800000 770000 172 >,
< 729600000 780000 194 >,
< 806400000 790000 217 >,
< 883200000 800000 239 >,
< 960000000 800000 260 >,
< 1036800000 810000 282 >,
< 1113600000 820000 306 >,
< 1190400000 830000 330 >,
< 1267200000 840000 354 >,
< 1344000000 850000 378 >,
< 1420800000 860000 402 >,
< 1497600000 870000 428 >,
< 1574400000 880000 453 >,
< 1651200000 890000 479 >,
< 1728000000 900000 504 >,
< 1804800000 910000 531 >,
< 1881600000 920000 558 >,
< 1958400000 930000 585 >,
< 2035200000 940000 613 >,
< 2112000000 955000 642 >,
< 2188800000 970000 675 >,
< 2265600000 985000 708 >,
< 2342400000 1000000 742 >,
< 2419200000 1015000 777 >,
< 2496000000 1030000 813 >,
< 2572800000 1045000 849 >,
< 2649600000 1060000 886 >,
qcom,speed2-pvs10-bin-v1 =
< 0 0 0 >,
< 300000000 710000 76 >,
< 345600000 720000 88 >,
< 422400000 730000 109 >,
< 499200000 740000 130 >,
< 576000000 750000 151 >,
< 652800000 760000 172 >,
< 729600000 770000 194 >,
< 806400000 780000 217 >,
< 883200000 790000 239 >,
< 960000000 790000 260 >,
< 1036800000 800000 282 >,
< 1113600000 810000 306 >,
< 1190400000 820000 330 >,
< 1267200000 830000 354 >,
< 1344000000 840000 378 >,
< 1420800000 850000 402 >,
< 1497600000 860000 428 >,
< 1574400000 870000 453 >,
< 1651200000 880000 479 >,
< 1728000000 890000 504 >,
< 1804800000 900000 531 >,
< 1881600000 910000 558 >,
< 1958400000 920000 585 >,
< 2035200000 930000 613 >,
< 2112000000 945000 642 >,
< 2188800000 960000 675 >,
< 2265600000 975000 708 >,
< 2342400000 990000 742 >,
< 2419200000 1005000 777 >,
< 2496000000 1020000 813 >,
< 2572800000 1035000 849 >,
< 2649600000 1050000 886 >,
qcom,speed2-pvs11-bin-v1 =
< 0 0 0 >,
< 300000000 700000 76 >,
< 345600000 710000 88 >,
< 422400000 720000 109 >,
< 499200000 730000 130 >,
< 576000000 740000 151 >,
< 652800000 750000 172 >,
< 729600000 760000 194 >,
< 806400000 770000 217 >,
< 883200000 780000 239 >,
< 960000000 780000 260 >,
< 1036800000 790000 282 >,
< 1113600000 800000 306 >,
< 1190400000 810000 330 >,
< 1267200000 820000 354 >,
< 1344000000 830000 378 >,
< 1420800000 840000 402 >,
< 1497600000 850000 428 >,
< 1574400000 860000 453 >,
< 1651200000 870000 479 >,
< 1728000000 880000 504 >,
< 1804800000 890000 531 >,
< 1881600000 900000 558 >,
< 1958400000 910000 585 >,
< 2035200000 920000 613 >,
< 2112000000 935000 642 >,
< 2188800000 950000 675 >,
< 2265600000 965000 708 >,
< 2342400000 980000 742 >,
< 2419200000 995000 777 >,
< 2496000000 1010000 813 >,
< 2572800000 1025000 849 >,
< 2649600000 1040000 886 >,
qcom,speed2-pvs12-bin-v1 =
< 0 0 0 >,
< 300000000 690000 76 >,
< 345600000 700000 88 >,
< 422400000 710000 109 >,
< 499200000 720000 130 >,
< 576000000 730000 151 >,
< 652800000 740000 172 >,
< 729600000 750000 194 >,
< 806400000 760000 217 >,
< 883200000 770000 239 >,
< 960000000 770000 260 >,
< 1036800000 780000 282 >,
< 1113600000 790000 306 >,
< 1190400000 800000 330 >,
< 1267200000 810000 354 >,
< 1344000000 820000 378 >,
< 1420800000 830000 402 >,
< 1497600000 840000 428 >,
< 1574400000 850000 453 >,
< 1651200000 860000 479 >,
< 1728000000 870000 504 >,
< 1804800000 880000 531 >,
< 1881600000 890000 558 >,
< 1958400000 900000 585 >,
< 2035200000 910000 613 >,
< 2112000000 925000 642 >,
< 2188800000 940000 675 >,
< 2265600000 955000 708 >,
< 2342400000 970000 742 >,
< 2419200000 985000 777 >,
< 2496000000 1000000 813 >,
< 2572800000 1015000 849 >,
< 2649600000 1030000 886 >,
qcom,speed2-pvs13-bin-v1 =
< 0 0 0 >,
< 300000000 680000 76 >,
< 345600000 690000 88 >,
< 422400000 700000 109 >,
< 499200000 710000 130 >,
< 576000000 720000 151 >,
< 652800000 730000 172 >,
< 729600000 740000 194 >,
< 806400000 750000 217 >,
< 883200000 760000 239 >,
< 960000000 760000 260 >,
< 1036800000 770000 282 >,
< 1113600000 780000 306 >,
< 1190400000 790000 330 >,
< 1267200000 800000 354 >,
< 1344000000 810000 378 >,
< 1420800000 820000 402 >,
< 1497600000 830000 428 >,
< 1574400000 840000 453 >,
< 1651200000 850000 479 >,
< 1728000000 860000 504 >,
< 1804800000 870000 531 >,
< 1881600000 880000 558 >,
< 1958400000 890000 585 >,
< 2035200000 900000 613 >,
< 2112000000 915000 642 >,
< 2188800000 930000 675 >,
< 2265600000 945000 708 >,
< 2342400000 960000 742 >,
< 2419200000 975000 777 >,
< 2496000000 990000 813 >,
< 2572800000 1005000 849 >,
< 2649600000 1020000 886 >,
qcom,speed2-pvs14-bin-v1 =
< 0 0 0 >,
< 300000000 670000 76 >,
< 345600000 680000 88 >,
< 422400000 690000 109 >,
< 499200000 700000 130 >,
< 576000000 710000 151 >,
< 652800000 720000 172 >,
< 729600000 730000 194 >,
< 806400000 740000 217 >,
< 883200000 750000 239 >,
< 960000000 750000 260 >,
< 1036800000 760000 282 >,
< 1113600000 770000 306 >,
< 1190400000 780000 330 >,
< 1267200000 790000 354 >,
< 1344000000 800000 378 >,
< 1420800000 810000 402 >,
< 1497600000 820000 428 >,
< 1574400000 830000 453 >,
< 1651200000 840000 479 >,
< 1728000000 850000 504 >,
< 1804800000 860000 531 >,
< 1881600000 870000 558 >,
< 1958400000 880000 585 >,
< 2035200000 890000 613 >,
< 2112000000 905000 642 >,
< 2188800000 920000 675 >,
< 2265600000 935000 708 >,
< 2342400000 950000 742 >,
< 2419200000 965000 777 >,
< 2496000000 980000 813 >,
< 2572800000 995000 849 >,
< 2649600000 1010000 886 >,
qcom,speed2-pvs15-bin-v1 =
< 0 0 0 >,
< 300000000 660000 76 >,
< 345600000 670000 88 >,
< 422400000 680000 109 >,
< 499200000 690000 130 >,
< 576000000 700000 151 >,
< 652800000 710000 172 >,
< 729600000 720000 194 >,
< 806400000 730000 217 >,
< 883200000 740000 239 >,
< 960000000 740000 260 >,
< 1036800000 750000 282 >,
< 1113600000 760000 306 >,
< 1190400000 770000 330 >,
< 1267200000 780000 354 >,
< 1344000000 790000 378 >,
< 1420800000 800000 402 >,
< 1497600000 810000 428 >,
< 1574400000 820000 453 >,
< 1651200000 830000 479 >,
< 1728000000 840000 504 >,
< 1804800000 850000 531 >,
< 1881600000 860000 558 >,
< 1958400000 870000 585 >,
< 2035200000 880000 613 >,
< 2112000000 895000 642 >,
< 2188800000 910000 675 >,
< 2265600000 925000 708 >,
< 2342400000 940000 742 >,
< 2419200000 955000 777 >,
< 2496000000 970000 813 >,
< 2572800000 985000 849 >,
< 2649600000 1000000 886 >,
If you compare the various binning values mentioned above
RC1 pvs15-bin requires 1000mv to run @ 2.65 ghz whereas RC1pvs0-bin requires 1150MV to run @2.65ghz
Devices with higher binning runs with less mv and thus gives better efficiency . In future it may also give you more head room for overclocking/undervolting
So what now ?
Lets check what binning values we have here on note 4.
* Use any root explorer
* Navigate to the below location
Example output :
Do share your binning values here
Edit : Non rooted users please do post whether the above method is working or not
Credits : @twistedumbrella and his github for the kernel source

/* 2.7GHz RC0 */
qcom,speed2-pvs0-bin-v0 =
< 0 0 0 >,
< 300000000 800000 76 >,
< 345600000 800000 87 >,
< 422400000 800000 106 >,
< 499200000 805000 126 >,
< 576000000 815000 146 >,
< 652800000 825000 167 >,
< 729600000 835000 189 >,
< 806400000 845000 210 >,
< 883200000 855000 232 >,
< 960000000 865000 254 >,
< 1036800000 875000 277 >,
< 1113600000 885000 300 >,
< 1190400000 895000 323 >,
< 1267200000 905000 346 >,
< 1344000000 915000 371 >,
< 1420800000 925000 395 >,
< 1497600000 935000 419 >,
< 1574400000 945000 444 >,
< 1651200000 955000 469 >,
< 1728000000 970000 497 >,
< 1804800000 985000 525 >,
< 1881600000 1000000 554 >,
< 1958400000 1015000 583 >,
< 2035200000 1030000 613 >,
< 2112000000 1045000 642 >,
< 2188800000 1060000 675 >,
< 2265600000 1075000 708 >,
< 2342400000 1090000 742 >,
< 2419200000 1105000 777 >,
< 2496000000 1120000 813 >,
< 2572800000 1135000 849 >,
< 2649600000 1150000 886 >,
qcom,speed2-pvs1-bin-v0 =
< 0 0 0 >,
< 300000000 800000 76 >,
< 345600000 800000 87 >,
< 422400000 800000 106 >,
< 499200000 800000 126 >,
< 576000000 805000 146 >,
< 652800000 815000 167 >,
< 729600000 825000 189 >,
< 806400000 835000 210 >,
< 883200000 845000 232 >,
< 960000000 855000 254 >,
< 1036800000 865000 277 >,
< 1113600000 875000 300 >,
< 1190400000 885000 323 >,
< 1267200000 895000 346 >,
< 1344000000 905000 371 >,
< 1420800000 915000 395 >,
< 1497600000 925000 419 >,
< 1574400000 935000 444 >,
< 1651200000 945000 469 >,
< 1728000000 960000 497 >,
< 1804800000 975000 525 >,
< 1881600000 990000 554 >,
< 1958400000 1005000 583 >,
< 2035200000 1020000 613 >,
< 2112000000 1035000 642 >,
< 2188800000 1050000 675 >,
< 2265600000 1065000 708 >,
< 2342400000 1080000 742 >,
< 2419200000 1095000 777 >,
< 2496000000 1110000 813 >,
< 2572800000 1125000 849 >,
< 2649600000 1140000 886 >,
qcom,speed2-pvs2-bin-v0 =
< 0 0 0 >,
< 300000000 800000 76 >,
< 345600000 800000 87 >,
< 422400000 800000 106 >,
< 499200000 800000 126 >,
< 576000000 800000 146 >,
< 652800000 805000 167 >,
< 729600000 815000 189 >,
< 806400000 825000 210 >,
< 883200000 835000 232 >,
< 960000000 845000 254 >,
< 1036800000 855000 277 >,
< 1113600000 865000 300 >,
< 1190400000 875000 323 >,
< 1267200000 885000 346 >,
< 1344000000 895000 371 >,
< 1420800000 905000 395 >,
< 1497600000 915000 419 >,
< 1574400000 925000 444 >,
< 1651200000 935000 469 >,
< 1728000000 950000 497 >,
< 1804800000 965000 525 >,
< 1881600000 980000 554 >,
< 1958400000 995000 583 >,
< 2035200000 1010000 613 >,
< 2112000000 1025000 642 >,
< 2188800000 1040000 675 >,
< 2265600000 1055000 708 >,
< 2342400000 1070000 742 >,
< 2419200000 1085000 777 >,
< 2496000000 1100000 813 >,
< 2572800000 1115000 849 >,
< 2649600000 1130000 886 >,
qcom,speed2-pvs3-bin-v0 =
< 0 0 0 >,
< 300000000 800000 76 >,
< 345600000 800000 87 >,
< 422400000 800000 106 >,
< 499200000 800000 126 >,
< 576000000 800000 146 >,
< 652800000 800000 167 >,
< 729600000 805000 189 >,
< 806400000 815000 210 >,
< 883200000 825000 232 >,
< 960000000 835000 254 >,
< 1036800000 845000 277 >,
< 1113600000 855000 300 >,
< 1190400000 865000 323 >,
< 1267200000 875000 346 >,
< 1344000000 885000 371 >,
< 1420800000 895000 395 >,
< 1497600000 905000 419 >,
< 1574400000 915000 444 >,
< 1651200000 925000 469 >,
< 1728000000 940000 497 >,
< 1804800000 955000 525 >,
< 1881600000 970000 554 >,
< 1958400000 985000 583 >,
< 2035200000 1000000 613 >,
< 2112000000 1015000 642 >,
< 2188800000 1030000 675 >,
< 2265600000 1045000 708 >,
< 2342400000 1060000 742 >,
< 2419200000 1075000 777 >,
< 2496000000 1090000 813 >,
< 2572800000 1105000 849 >,
< 2649600000 1120000 886 >,
qcom,speed2-pvs4-bin-v0 =
< 0 0 0 >,
< 300000000 800000 76 >,
< 345600000 800000 87 >,
< 422400000 800000 106 >,
< 499200000 800000 126 >,
< 576000000 800000 146 >,
< 652800000 800000 167 >,
< 729600000 800000 189 >,
< 806400000 805000 210 >,
< 883200000 815000 232 >,
< 960000000 825000 254 >,
< 1036800000 835000 277 >,
< 1113600000 845000 300 >,
< 1190400000 855000 323 >,
< 1267200000 865000 346 >,
< 1344000000 875000 371 >,
< 1420800000 885000 395 >,
< 1497600000 895000 419 >,
< 1574400000 905000 444 >,
< 1651200000 915000 469 >,
< 1728000000 930000 497 >,
< 1804800000 945000 525 >,
< 1881600000 960000 554 >,
< 1958400000 975000 583 >,
< 2035200000 990000 613 >,
< 2112000000 1005000 642 >,
< 2188800000 1020000 675 >,
< 2265600000 1035000 708 >,
< 2342400000 1050000 742 >,
< 2419200000 1065000 777 >,
< 2496000000 1080000 813 >,
< 2572800000 1095000 849 >,
< 2649600000 1110000 886 >,
qcom,speed2-pvs5-bin-v0 =
< 0 0 0 >,
< 300000000 800000 76 >,
< 345600000 800000 87 >,
< 422400000 800000 106 >,
< 499200000 800000 126 >,
< 576000000 800000 146 >,
< 652800000 800000 167 >,
< 729600000 800000 189 >,
< 806400000 800000 210 >,
< 883200000 805000 232 >,
< 960000000 815000 254 >,
< 1036800000 825000 277 >,
< 1113600000 835000 300 >,
< 1190400000 845000 323 >,
< 1267200000 855000 346 >,
< 1344000000 865000 371 >,
< 1420800000 875000 395 >,
< 1497600000 885000 419 >,
< 1574400000 895000 444 >,
< 1651200000 905000 469 >,
< 1728000000 920000 497 >,
< 1804800000 935000 525 >,
< 1881600000 950000 554 >,
< 1958400000 965000 583 >,
< 2035200000 980000 613 >,
< 2112000000 995000 642 >,
< 2188800000 1010000 675 >,
< 2265600000 1025000 708 >,
< 2342400000 1040000 742 >,
< 2419200000 1055000 777 >,
< 2496000000 1070000 813 >,
< 2572800000 1085000 849 >,
< 2649600000 1100000 886 >,
qcom,speed2-pvs6-bin-v0 =
< 0 0 0 >,
< 300000000 775000 76 >,
< 345600000 775000 87 >,
< 422400000 775000 106 >,
< 499200000 775000 126 >,
< 576000000 775000 146 >,
< 652800000 775000 167 >,
< 729600000 780000 189 >,
< 806400000 790000 210 >,
< 883200000 800000 232 >,
< 960000000 810000 254 >,
< 1036800000 820000 277 >,
< 1113600000 830000 300 >,
< 1190400000 840000 323 >,
< 1267200000 850000 346 >,
< 1344000000 860000 371 >,
< 1420800000 870000 395 >,
< 1497600000 880000 419 >,
< 1574400000 890000 444 >,
< 1651200000 900000 469 >,
< 1728000000 910000 497 >,
< 1804800000 925000 525 >,
< 1881600000 940000 554 >,
< 1958400000 955000 583 >,
< 2035200000 970000 613 >,
< 2112000000 985000 642 >,
< 2188800000 1000000 675 >,
< 2265600000 1015000 708 >,
< 2342400000 1030000 742 >,
< 2419200000 1045000 777 >,
< 2496000000 1060000 813 >,
< 2572800000 1075000 849 >,
< 2649600000 1090000 886 >,
qcom,speed2-pvs7-bin-v0 =
< 0 0 0 >,
< 300000000 775000 76 >,
< 345600000 775000 87 >,
< 422400000 775000 106 >,
< 499200000 775000 126 >,
< 576000000 775000 146 >,
< 652800000 775000 167 >,
< 729600000 775000 189 >,
< 806400000 785000 210 >,
< 883200000 795000 232 >,
< 960000000 805000 254 >,
< 1036800000 815000 277 >,
< 1113600000 825000 300 >,
< 1190400000 835000 323 >,
< 1267200000 845000 346 >,
< 1344000000 855000 371 >,
< 1420800000 865000 395 >,
< 1497600000 875000 419 >,
< 1574400000 885000 444 >,
< 1651200000 895000 469 >,
< 1728000000 905000 497 >,
< 1804800000 915000 525 >,
< 1881600000 930000 554 >,
< 1958400000 945000 583 >,
< 2035200000 960000 613 >,
< 2112000000 975000 642 >,
< 2188800000 990000 675 >,
< 2265600000 1005000 708 >,
< 2342400000 1020000 742 >,
< 2419200000 1035000 777 >,
< 2496000000 1050000 813 >,
< 2572800000 1065000 849 >,
< 2649600000 1080000 886 >,
qcom,speed2-pvs8-bin-v0 =
< 0 0 0 >,
< 300000000 775000 76 >,
< 345600000 775000 87 >,
< 422400000 775000 106 >,
< 499200000 775000 126 >,
< 576000000 775000 146 >,
< 652800000 775000 167 >,
< 729600000 775000 189 >,
< 806400000 775000 210 >,
< 883200000 785000 232 >,
< 960000000 795000 254 >,
< 1036800000 805000 277 >,
< 1113600000 815000 300 >,
< 1190400000 825000 323 >,
< 1267200000 835000 346 >,
< 1344000000 845000 371 >,
< 1420800000 855000 395 >,
< 1497600000 865000 419 >,
< 1574400000 875000 444 >,
< 1651200000 885000 469 >,
< 1728000000 895000 497 >,
< 1804800000 905000 525 >,
< 1881600000 920000 554 >,
< 1958400000 935000 583 >,
< 2035200000 950000 613 >,
< 2112000000 965000 642 >,
< 2188800000 980000 675 >,
< 2265600000 995000 708 >,
< 2342400000 1010000 742 >,
< 2419200000 1025000 777 >,
< 2496000000 1040000 813 >,
< 2572800000 1055000 849 >,
< 2649600000 1070000 886 >,
qcom,speed2-pvs9-bin-v0 =
< 0 0 0 >,
< 300000000 775000 76 >,
< 345600000 775000 87 >,
< 422400000 775000 106 >,
< 499200000 775000 126 >,
< 576000000 775000 146 >,
< 652800000 775000 167 >,
< 729600000 775000 189 >,
< 806400000 775000 210 >,
< 883200000 780000 232 >,
< 960000000 790000 254 >,
< 1036800000 800000 277 >,
< 1113600000 810000 300 >,
< 1190400000 820000 323 >,
< 1267200000 830000 346 >,
< 1344000000 840000 371 >,
< 1420800000 850000 395 >,
< 1497600000 860000 419 >,
< 1574400000 870000 444 >,
< 1651200000 880000 469 >,
< 1728000000 890000 497 >,
< 1804800000 900000 525 >,
< 1881600000 910000 554 >,
< 1958400000 925000 583 >,
< 2035200000 940000 613 >,
< 2112000000 955000 642 >,
< 2188800000 970000 675 >,
< 2265600000 985000 708 >,
< 2342400000 1000000 742 >,
< 2419200000 1015000 777 >,
< 2496000000 1030000 813 >,
< 2572800000 1045000 849 >,
< 2649600000 1060000 886 >,
qcom,speed2-pvs10-bin-v0 =
< 0 0 0 >,
< 300000000 775000 76 >,
< 345600000 775000 87 >,
< 422400000 775000 106 >,
< 499200000 775000 126 >,
< 576000000 775000 146 >,
< 652800000 775000 167 >,
< 729600000 775000 189 >,
< 806400000 775000 210 >,
< 883200000 775000 232 >,
< 960000000 785000 254 >,
< 1036800000 795000 277 >,
< 1113600000 805000 300 >,
< 1190400000 815000 323 >,
< 1267200000 825000 346 >,
< 1344000000 835000 371 >,
< 1420800000 845000 395 >,
< 1497600000 855000 419 >,
< 1574400000 865000 444 >,
< 1651200000 875000 469 >,
< 1728000000 885000 497 >,
< 1804800000 895000 525 >,
< 1881600000 905000 554 >,
< 1958400000 915000 583 >,
< 2035200000 930000 613 >,
< 2112000000 945000 642 >,
< 2188800000 960000 675 >,
< 2265600000 975000 708 >,
< 2342400000 990000 742 >,
< 2419200000 1005000 777 >,
< 2496000000 1020000 813 >,
< 2572800000 1035000 849 >,
< 2649600000 1050000 886 >,
qcom,speed2-pvs11-bin-v0 =
< 0 0 0 >,
< 300000000 775000 76 >,
< 345600000 775000 87 >,
< 422400000 775000 106 >,
< 499200000 775000 126 >,
< 576000000 775000 146 >,
< 652800000 775000 167 >,
< 729600000 775000 189 >,
< 806400000 775000 210 >,
< 883200000 775000 232 >,
< 960000000 780000 254 >,
< 1036800000 790000 277 >,
< 1113600000 800000 300 >,
< 1190400000 810000 323 >,
< 1267200000 820000 346 >,
< 1344000000 830000 371 >,
< 1420800000 840000 395 >,
< 1497600000 850000 419 >,
< 1574400000 860000 444 >,
< 1651200000 870000 469 >,
< 1728000000 880000 497 >,
< 1804800000 890000 525 >,
< 1881600000 900000 554 >,
< 1958400000 910000 583 >,
< 2035200000 920000 613 >,
< 2112000000 935000 642 >,
< 2188800000 950000 675 >,
< 2265600000 965000 708 >,
< 2342400000 980000 742 >,
< 2419200000 995000 777 >,
< 2496000000 1010000 813 >,
< 2572800000 1025000 849 >,
< 2649600000 1040000 886 >,
qcom,speed2-pvs12-bin-v0 =
< 0 0 0 >,
< 300000000 775000 76 >,
< 345600000 775000 87 >,
< 422400000 775000 106 >,
< 499200000 775000 126 >,
< 576000000 775000 146 >,
< 652800000 775000 167 >,
< 729600000 775000 189 >,
< 806400000 775000 210 >,
< 883200000 775000 232 >,
< 960000000 775000 254 >,
< 1036800000 785000 277 >,
< 1113600000 795000 300 >,
< 1190400000 805000 323 >,
< 1267200000 815000 346 >,
< 1344000000 825000 371 >,
< 1420800000 835000 395 >,
< 1497600000 845000 419 >,
< 1574400000 855000 444 >,
< 1651200000 865000 469 >,
< 1728000000 875000 497 >,
< 1804800000 885000 525 >,
< 1881600000 895000 554 >,
< 1958400000 905000 583 >,
< 2035200000 915000 613 >,
< 2112000000 925000 642 >,
< 2188800000 940000 675 >,
< 2265600000 955000 708 >,
< 2342400000 970000 742 >,
< 2419200000 985000 777 >,
< 2496000000 1000000 813 >,
< 2572800000 1015000 849 >,
< 2649600000 1030000 886 >,
qcom,speed2-pvs13-bin-v0 =
< 0 0 0 >,
< 300000000 775000 76 >,
< 345600000 775000 87 >,
< 422400000 775000 106 >,
< 499200000 775000 126 >,
< 576000000 775000 146 >,
< 652800000 775000 167 >,
< 729600000 775000 189 >,
< 806400000 775000 210 >,
< 883200000 775000 232 >,
< 960000000 775000 254 >,
< 1036800000 780000 277 >,
< 1113600000 790000 300 >,
< 1190400000 800000 323 >,
< 1267200000 810000 346 >,
< 1344000000 820000 371 >,
< 1420800000 830000 395 >,
< 1497600000 840000 419 >,
< 1574400000 850000 444 >,
< 1651200000 860000 469 >,
< 1728000000 870000 497 >,
< 1804800000 880000 525 >,
< 1881600000 890000 554 >,
< 1958400000 900000 583 >,
< 2035200000 910000 613 >,
< 2112000000 920000 642 >,
< 2188800000 930000 675 >,
< 2265600000 945000 708 >,
< 2342400000 960000 742 >,
< 2419200000 975000 777 >,
< 2496000000 990000 813 >,
< 2572800000 1005000 849 >,
< 2649600000 1020000 886 >,
qcom,speed2-pvs14-bin-v0 =
< 0 0 0 >,
< 300000000 750000 76 >,
< 345600000 750000 87 >,
< 422400000 750000 106 >,
< 499200000 750000 126 >,
< 576000000 750000 146 >,
< 652800000 750000 167 >,
< 729600000 750000 189 >,
< 806400000 750000 210 >,
< 883200000 755000 232 >,
< 960000000 765000 254 >,
< 1036800000 775000 277 >,
< 1113600000 785000 300 >,
< 1190400000 795000 323 >,
< 1267200000 805000 346 >,
< 1344000000 815000 371 >,
< 1420800000 825000 395 >,
< 1497600000 835000 419 >,
< 1574400000 845000 444 >,
< 1651200000 855000 469 >,
< 1728000000 865000 497 >,
< 1804800000 875000 525 >,
< 1881600000 885000 554 >,
< 1958400000 895000 583 >,
< 2035200000 905000 613 >,
< 2112000000 915000 642 >,
< 2188800000 925000 675 >,
< 2265600000 935000 708 >,
< 2342400000 950000 742 >,
< 2419200000 965000 777 >,
< 2496000000 980000 813 >,
< 2572800000 995000 849 >,
< 2649600000 1010000 886 >,
qcom,speed2-pvs15-bin-v0 =
< 0 0 0 >,
< 300000000 750000 76 >,
< 345600000 750000 87 >,
< 422400000 750000 106 >,
< 499200000 750000 126 >,
< 576000000 750000 146 >,
< 652800000 750000 167 >,
< 729600000 750000 189 >,
< 806400000 750000 210 >,
< 883200000 750000 232 >,
< 960000000 760000 254 >,
< 1036800000 770000 277 >,
< 1113600000 780000 300 >,
< 1190400000 790000 323 >,
< 1267200000 800000 346 >,
< 1344000000 810000 371 >,
< 1420800000 820000 395 >,
< 1497600000 830000 419 >,
< 1574400000 840000 444 >,
< 1651200000 850000 469 >,
< 1728000000 860000 497 >,
< 1804800000 870000 525 >,
< 1881600000 880000 554 >,
< 1958400000 890000 583 >,
< 2035200000 900000 613 >,
< 2112000000 910000 642 >,
< 2188800000 920000 675 >,
< 2265600000 930000 708 >,
< 2342400000 940000 742 >,
< 2419200000 955000 777 >,
< 2496000000 970000 813 >,
< 2572800000 985000 849 >,
< 2649600000 1000000 886 >,

RC1 over here on my N910F
I'm not Rooted, I used Xplore.
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pvs13 v1 on N910P

pvs13 v1 on N910F (not rooted)

Pvs13 as well. Question why does the pvs_config_ver set at 3?

There ya go, SM-N910G non-rooted..

The r you go
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N910A using XDA Free mobile app

pvs12 on my N910F with root

N910F, no root, pvs10.
iR¡[email protected]!* from Galaxy Note 4 via Tapatalk

PVS13 V1

qcom,speed2-pvs13-bin-v1 on my 910F version
Sent from my SM-N910F using XDA Free mobile app

Pvs13 on my non-rooted 910W8

qcom,speed2-pvs10-bin-v1 on my non-rooted 910F

13 on my N910F non-rooted

PVS13 on non-rooted N910F ITV

qcom, speed2-pvs9-bin-v1 on my stock beast.

looks like many of us are getting higher quality cpu, nice.

Psv11, 910v

PVS13 rev1


[Dev] Gen9 AES/MPK keys

Hi All,
As luckily Gen9 are very similar to Gen8, here are Gen9 AES/MPK keys if anyone wants to unpack Gen9 firmware:
static unsigned char G9A_AES[] = {
static unsigned char G9A_BOOTLOADER[] = {
0xFF, 0xDC, 0x6A, 0xB2, 0xF9, 0xBA, 0x42, 0xC2, 0x00, 0x58,
0xFD, 0xE0, 0x88, 0xE8, 0x2B, 0x4C, 0xFD, 0xAA, 0x22, 0x90,
0xF0, 0x4C, 0xD8, 0x8C, 0x5E, 0x67, 0xED, 0xAD, 0xFA, 0x5A,
0x7B, 0x93, 0x90, 0x11, 0x2A, 0x8D, 0x0F, 0x98, 0xD6, 0x24,
0x37, 0xF7, 0x0B, 0xDC, 0x83, 0x67, 0x0A, 0xF4, 0x0E, 0x7D,
0xBB, 0xA9, 0x28, 0xFF, 0x7C, 0x56, 0xFB, 0x05, 0x39, 0x27,
0xD2, 0xBA, 0x96, 0x0B, 0x8B, 0xF8, 0x58, 0x80, 0xC8, 0xAD,
0xD5, 0xF9, 0xDF, 0x93, 0xBE, 0x46, 0x2F, 0x04, 0xA9, 0x98,
0xF6, 0xE9, 0x61, 0xE9, 0xBC, 0x72, 0x27, 0xC7, 0xEA, 0xF4,
0x1A, 0xCF, 0xED, 0x25, 0xEC, 0x93, 0xDB, 0x6F, 0x42, 0x8E,
0x93, 0xC4, 0x12, 0x64, 0xBF, 0x40, 0xB7, 0xEA, 0xBE, 0xBC,
0xE9, 0xE2, 0xE8, 0xD2, 0x29, 0xFB, 0xFD, 0x4E, 0x2C, 0x39,
0x63, 0x1E, 0x60, 0x4B, 0xF2, 0xC7, 0x49, 0xEC, 0x01, 0x00,
0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x40, 0xBB,
0x42, 0xD2
static unsigned char G9A_RELMPK[] = {
0x5D, 0x68, 0x13, 0xDB, 0x93, 0xDE, 0x2E, 0x1F, 0xEB, 0xD5,
0xD2, 0x80, 0x57, 0x31, 0x4D, 0x60, 0xF6, 0x14, 0x15, 0xA0,
0xAA, 0x4D, 0x6C, 0x2A, 0x24, 0xA1, 0x39, 0xB7, 0x99, 0x22,
0xF6, 0x8E, 0x3C, 0x70, 0x91, 0x31, 0xD2, 0x01, 0xAE, 0xBE,
0xFA, 0x71, 0x17, 0xF5, 0xDF, 0xF8, 0xD8, 0xCD, 0x62, 0x87,
0xF8, 0x53, 0x1A, 0x5A, 0x5C, 0x37, 0x6C, 0xF0, 0xAD, 0xBA,
0x20, 0xBE, 0xC7, 0x37, 0x0E, 0xF4, 0x98, 0xBE, 0x80, 0x6F,
0x10, 0x54, 0xE8, 0xB9, 0x4A, 0x39, 0x86, 0x77, 0xC6, 0x4C,
0x7C, 0xFC, 0xC5, 0xC2, 0x61, 0xE9, 0xAB, 0x81, 0xB5, 0xF3,
0x2A, 0x30, 0x87, 0xEF, 0xB7, 0x3A, 0xD5, 0xD9, 0x11, 0x60,
0x7E, 0xC8, 0xDD, 0x28, 0x9A, 0xB9, 0xF3, 0x97, 0x53, 0x97,
0xD5, 0x26, 0xE3, 0x67, 0x09, 0xF3, 0xCC, 0x3D, 0x32, 0xDF,
0x02, 0x66, 0xAA, 0xB1, 0x1C, 0x75, 0x13, 0xAF, 0x01, 0x00,
0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x63, 0x18,
0xC3, 0x2A
static unsigned char G9A_DEVMPK[] = {
0xD3, 0x07, 0xA8, 0xC3, 0xF1, 0x02, 0x28, 0xB9, 0x9A, 0x37,
0xEF, 0x06, 0xF1, 0x75, 0x93, 0xA3, 0x73, 0xBA, 0x2A, 0x60,
0x25, 0x30, 0x33, 0x0D, 0x71, 0xAE, 0x4B, 0xF0, 0x07, 0xB0,
0xD8, 0x35, 0xBF, 0x06, 0xB0, 0x16, 0x9C, 0x6B, 0x1A, 0x9E,
0xC1, 0x80, 0xE7, 0xDA, 0xCC, 0x64, 0x61, 0x91, 0xF6, 0x1C,
0xD8, 0xFE, 0x10, 0x70, 0x9E, 0x26, 0x60, 0xFF, 0x4E, 0x26,
0xB8, 0x96, 0xE7, 0xB6, 0xDC, 0x01, 0x19, 0xE9, 0x43, 0xDB,
0xC7, 0xB7, 0xF8, 0xBC, 0x38, 0xFB, 0x9C, 0x6F, 0xDE, 0x1C,
0xF1, 0xA0, 0x68, 0xD7, 0x1F, 0x99, 0x4E, 0xBB, 0xC7, 0xCF,
0x17, 0x63, 0xA5, 0xBC, 0x41, 0xA7, 0x23, 0xCA, 0x5E, 0xF4,
0xF7, 0xE6, 0x2F, 0x0D, 0x0F, 0x36, 0x9F, 0x51, 0x56, 0x1E,
0x30, 0xD5, 0xB5, 0x7C, 0x8C, 0x1D, 0x1D, 0xCC, 0x5F, 0xBF,
0x12, 0xC8, 0xED, 0x4D, 0x28, 0xB2, 0x2D, 0xCC, 0x01, 0x00,
0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x26, 0x7E,
0x2F, 0x24
static unsigned char G9A_PLUGMPK[] = {
0x37, 0xF9, 0x07, 0xB7, 0x38, 0xDD, 0xB1, 0x0A, 0x65, 0xFE,
0x67, 0xC8, 0x64, 0xC5, 0x14, 0xE4, 0xF6, 0xAF, 0x8D, 0xD8,
0xF3, 0x31, 0x37, 0x59, 0xEB, 0xEC, 0x23, 0x44, 0x84, 0xDD,
0x8B, 0x68, 0xD6, 0xEC, 0x5D, 0xDD, 0x84, 0x3B, 0xE4, 0x67,
0x45, 0x78, 0x56, 0x0F, 0x71, 0x91, 0xFB, 0xA2, 0x05, 0x54,
0x8C, 0xB2, 0xB9, 0x61, 0x6C, 0xE0, 0x91, 0x41, 0xB0, 0x02,
0xD5, 0x66, 0xA6, 0xC7, 0x81, 0x0E, 0x20, 0xBB, 0xD5, 0x85,
0x43, 0xB2, 0x7E, 0x01, 0xC2, 0xC4, 0x28, 0x13, 0x20, 0xC3,
0x75, 0xDF, 0xCB, 0x64, 0x66, 0x1E, 0xB9, 0x43, 0x92, 0xFD,
0x12, 0x99, 0x31, 0xA3, 0x55, 0xBC, 0x25, 0x9F, 0x09, 0x46,
0xE1, 0x1D, 0xD3, 0x5B, 0x12, 0xF7, 0xCB, 0x2C, 0x94, 0x05,
0x57, 0x4D, 0xCA, 0x6B, 0xF4, 0xD2, 0xD8, 0x49, 0x0C, 0x71,
0x39, 0x0E, 0x6D, 0xCC, 0xC9, 0x7E, 0x04, 0xDA, 0x01, 0x00,
0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFD, 0x97,
0x29, 0x69
static unsigned char G9A_HDDMPK[] = {
0x9D, 0x4A, 0x3A, 0xFF, 0x34, 0xAC, 0x47, 0x69, 0xEF, 0xB0,
0xD9, 0xE6, 0x9C, 0xBF, 0x53, 0xFD, 0x35, 0x4A, 0xB8, 0x7B,
0xF5, 0xE4, 0x48, 0x2A, 0x29, 0x62, 0xB5, 0x01, 0x9A, 0xF7,
0x8D, 0xF8, 0xE3, 0x02, 0xDB, 0xEC, 0xAC, 0x45, 0xFA, 0x0D,
0x03, 0xEC, 0x10, 0x39, 0xC9, 0x21, 0x51, 0x77, 0x95, 0x59,
0x9B, 0x82, 0xBF, 0x85, 0x7D, 0x59, 0xFA, 0xD1, 0xD8, 0x8A,
0x91, 0x4E, 0x01, 0xFE, 0x5E, 0xEE, 0x4D, 0x5B, 0xB8, 0x66,
0xD6, 0x65, 0x92, 0x82, 0x3B, 0xFB, 0x0A, 0x3C, 0x1C, 0xF2,
0xE4, 0x99, 0xB5, 0x57, 0xF8, 0x3F, 0x7B, 0x6C, 0x35, 0x1E,
0x92, 0x07, 0x72, 0xE5, 0x73, 0x52, 0x70, 0x62, 0x5E, 0x17,
0x1B, 0x5D, 0x07, 0x72, 0x21, 0x3E, 0xD8, 0x37, 0xC5, 0xC5,
0x4E, 0x36, 0xCE, 0x16, 0x4E, 0x50, 0xC9, 0xE8, 0x4B, 0x99,
0x04, 0x89, 0x91, 0x5F, 0x38, 0x82, 0xCD, 0xAB, 0x01, 0x00,
0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xE5, 0xB1,
0x4E, 0x10
I tested them on last firmware, it unpacks properly.
Have fun!
sry but how to work with this?
for the root !
Wenn du nicht weist wofür es ist, brauchst du es auch nicht ;-)
If you don't what to use it for, you don't need it.

[PROJ] Lets overclock this baby!

The msm8960 can go upto 1.8ghz without voltage tweak, some have the batteries too to support it. With the unlocked BL, I gather we can flash kernel modules? Thats what the oc is done with most of the time. If you dont like the idea of oc, you can still undervolt for more battery.
I gathered the kernel sources are here, but the module could maybe loaded without modding?
I'm thinking of this one from the HOX. I did the guide but got stuck at the same error the guy did on page2.
I added my edited file so you don't have to go through step 1-5.
Would this kernel be based on stock 4.1.1 or Cyanogenmod 10 / 10.1?
Not really looking to compile it into a kernel, it would be a touch-to-activate-on-every-boot kind of thing.
oh if i jeust know how to do it..............
we really need a superkernel now.....
I think the first worry should be to develop a recovery. Without a recovery what you with all these development?
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using xda premium
bankanidhi said:
I think the first worry should be to develop a recovery. Without a recovery what you with all these development?
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using xda premium
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We have a working CWM already. Would be nice to have the types of recoveries the HTC devices had lol:silly:
jbatacan said:
We have a working CWM already. Would be nice to have the types of recoveries the HTC devices had lol:silly:
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The cwm we have is buggy. Doesn't support gaining flashing of ROM buckle nicely.I have tried it. It its awful.
Sent from my MB886 using xda app-developers app
bankanidhi said:
The cwm we have is buggy. Doesn't support gaining flashing of ROM buckle nicely.I have tried it. It its awful.
Sent from my MB886 using xda app-developers app
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what exactly wrong? im using it with no problems.........
CWM working just like I remember on HTC for me.
Youngunn2008 said:
CWM working just like I remember on HTC for me.
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Can you link back to the thread you got it from? Also the bootloader unlock you used? Many thanks!
Stock 4.1.2 Bell kernel on github
Figured this could help.
source frequency table
static struct acpu_level acpu_freq_tbl_8960_kraitv2_slow[] = {
{ 0, { STBY_KHZ, QSB, 0, 0, 0x00 }, L2(0), 950000 },
{ 1, { 384000, PLL_8, 0, 2, 0x00 }, L2(1), 950000 },
{ 0, { 432000, HFPLL, 2, 0, 0x20 }, L2(7), 975000 },
{ 1, { 486000, HFPLL, 2, 0, 0x24 }, L2(7), 975000 },
{ 0, { 540000, HFPLL, 2, 0, 0x28 }, L2(7), 1000000 },
{ 1, { 594000, HFPLL, 1, 0, 0x16 }, L2(7), 1000000 },
{ 0, { 648000, HFPLL, 1, 0, 0x18 }, L2(7), 1025000 },
{ 1, { 702000, HFPLL, 1, 0, 0x1A }, L2(7), 1025000 },
{ 0, { 756000, HFPLL, 1, 0, 0x1C }, L2(7), 1075000 },
{ 1, { 810000, HFPLL, 1, 0, 0x1E }, L2(7), 1075000 },
{ 0, { 864000, HFPLL, 1, 0, 0x20 }, L2(7), 1100000 },
{ 1, { 918000, HFPLL, 1, 0, 0x22 }, L2(7), 1100000 },
{ 0, { 972000, HFPLL, 1, 0, 0x24 }, L2(7), 1125000 },
{ 1, { 1026000, HFPLL, 1, 0, 0x26 }, L2(7), 1125000 },
{ 0, { 1080000, HFPLL, 1, 0, 0x28 }, L2(16), 1175000 },
{ 1, { 1134000, HFPLL, 1, 0, 0x2A }, L2(16), 1175000 },
{ 0, { 1188000, HFPLL, 1, 0, 0x2C }, L2(16), 1200000 },
{ 1, { 1242000, HFPLL, 1, 0, 0x2E }, L2(16), 1200000 },
{ 0, { 1296000, HFPLL, 1, 0, 0x30 }, L2(16), 1225000 },
{ 1, { 1350000, HFPLL, 1, 0, 0x32 }, L2(16), 1225000 },
{ 0, { 1404000, HFPLL, 1, 0, 0x34 }, L2(16), 1237500 },
{ 1, { 1458000, HFPLL, 1, 0, 0x36 }, L2(16), 1237500 },
{ 1, { 1512000, HFPLL, 1, 0, 0x38 }, L2(16), 1250000 },
{ 0, { 0 } }
static struct acpu_level acpu_freq_tbl_8960_kraitv2_nom[] = {
{ 0, { STBY_KHZ, QSB, 0, 0, 0x00 }, L2(0), 900000 },
{ 1, { 384000, PLL_8, 0, 2, 0x00 }, L2(1), 900000 },
{ 0, { 432000, HFPLL, 2, 0, 0x20 }, L2(7), 925000 },
{ 1, { 486000, HFPLL, 2, 0, 0x24 }, L2(7), 925000 },
{ 0, { 540000, HFPLL, 2, 0, 0x28 }, L2(7), 950000 },
{ 1, { 594000, HFPLL, 1, 0, 0x16 }, L2(7), 950000 },
{ 0, { 648000, HFPLL, 1, 0, 0x18 }, L2(7), 975000 },
{ 1, { 702000, HFPLL, 1, 0, 0x1A }, L2(7), 975000 },
{ 0, { 756000, HFPLL, 1, 0, 0x1C }, L2(7), 1025000 },
{ 1, { 810000, HFPLL, 1, 0, 0x1E }, L2(7), 1025000 },
{ 0, { 864000, HFPLL, 1, 0, 0x20 }, L2(7), 1050000 },
{ 1, { 918000, HFPLL, 1, 0, 0x22 }, L2(7), 1050000 },
{ 0, { 972000, HFPLL, 1, 0, 0x24 }, L2(7), 1075000 },
{ 1, { 1026000, HFPLL, 1, 0, 0x26 }, L2(7), 1075000 },
{ 0, { 1080000, HFPLL, 1, 0, 0x28 }, L2(16), 1125000 },
{ 1, { 1134000, HFPLL, 1, 0, 0x2A }, L2(16), 1125000 },
{ 0, { 1188000, HFPLL, 1, 0, 0x2C }, L2(16), 1150000 },
{ 1, { 1242000, HFPLL, 1, 0, 0x2E }, L2(16), 1150000 },
{ 0, { 1296000, HFPLL, 1, 0, 0x30 }, L2(16), 1175000 },
{ 1, { 1350000, HFPLL, 1, 0, 0x32 }, L2(16), 1175000 },
{ 0, { 1404000, HFPLL, 1, 0, 0x34 }, L2(16), 1187500 },
{ 1, { 1458000, HFPLL, 1, 0, 0x36 }, L2(16), 1187500 },
{ 1, { 1512000, HFPLL, 1, 0, 0x38 }, L2(16), 1200000 },
{ 0, { 0 } }
static struct acpu_level acpu_freq_tbl_8960_kraitv2_fast[] = {
{ 0, { STBY_KHZ, QSB, 0, 0, 0x00 }, L2(0), 850000 },
{ 1, { 384000, PLL_8, 0, 2, 0x00 }, L2(1), 850000 },
{ 0, { 432000, HFPLL, 2, 0, 0x20 }, L2(7), 875000 },
{ 1, { 486000, HFPLL, 2, 0, 0x24 }, L2(7), 875000 },
{ 0, { 540000, HFPLL, 2, 0, 0x28 }, L2(7), 900000 },
{ 1, { 594000, HFPLL, 1, 0, 0x16 }, L2(7), 900000 },
{ 0, { 648000, HFPLL, 1, 0, 0x18 }, L2(7), 925000 },
{ 1, { 702000, HFPLL, 1, 0, 0x1A }, L2(7), 925000 },
{ 0, { 756000, HFPLL, 1, 0, 0x1C }, L2(7), 975000 },
{ 1, { 810000, HFPLL, 1, 0, 0x1E }, L2(7), 975000 },
{ 0, { 864000, HFPLL, 1, 0, 0x20 }, L2(7), 1000000 },
{ 1, { 918000, HFPLL, 1, 0, 0x22 }, L2(7), 1000000 },
{ 0, { 972000, HFPLL, 1, 0, 0x24 }, L2(7), 1025000 },
{ 1, { 1026000, HFPLL, 1, 0, 0x26 }, L2(7), 1025000 },
{ 0, { 1080000, HFPLL, 1, 0, 0x28 }, L2(16), 1075000 },
{ 1, { 1134000, HFPLL, 1, 0, 0x2A }, L2(16), 1075000 },
{ 0, { 1188000, HFPLL, 1, 0, 0x2C }, L2(16), 1100000 },
{ 1, { 1242000, HFPLL, 1, 0, 0x2E }, L2(16), 1100000 },
{ 0, { 1296000, HFPLL, 1, 0, 0x30 }, L2(16), 1125000 },
{ 1, { 1350000, HFPLL, 1, 0, 0x32 }, L2(16), 1125000 },
{ 0, { 1404000, HFPLL, 1, 0, 0x34 }, L2(16), 1137500 },
{ 1, { 1458000, HFPLL, 1, 0, 0x36 }, L2(16), 1137500 },
{ 1, { 1512000, HFPLL, 1, 0, 0x38 }, L2(16), 1150000 },
{ 0, { 0 } }
That looks awesome, how well are these compatible with 4.0? I tried it only 4.0 because thats what I have because of lapdock.
souljaboy said:
That looks awesome, how well are these compatible with 4.0? I tried it only 4.0 because thats what I have because of lapdock.
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Should, just use the ICS kernel sources on sourceforge.
table located in the file
I'll be straight up with ya, kernel modding is new to me. I'm learning it one day at a time. My plan is to find a similar device with a 3.0.40 kernel (Bells version) and pull in mods and tweaks that way.
pianoman102 said:
Can you link back to the thread you got it from? Also the bootloader unlock you used? Many thanks!
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Its all in our forum here, on the general section
pianoman102 said:
Can you link back to the thread you got it from? Also the bootloader unlock you used? Many thanks!
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http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2226504 Boot Loader Unlock
http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2227938 Root
I pm-ed the said guy in first post, he replied and wrote he didnt get it to work because his one S had different SoC than one x. We have same chipset though, so not sure whats going wrong...
I'll long into these modules skeevy is writing about soon as I get a little free time.
souljaboy said:
I pm-ed the said guy in first post, he replied and wrote he didnt get it to work because his one S had different SoC than one x. We have same chipset though, so not sure whats going wrong...
I'll long into these modules skeevy is writing about soon as I get a little free time.
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I'm not referring to modules, tweaking the above would be the start of a new AHD kernel.
As for your module idea, even though its the same soc, ya gotta find a module from a similar kernel. MR has 3.0.42 kernel.
Look at it like its an alternator. Mazda Miata and RX8 have the same underlying frame (soc), but the have different bodies (the phone you see) and different engines (kernel). RX8 alternator won't bolt onto Miata w/o some fabrication (the tweaking), where as you could go to the scrapyard (xda) and find an alternator from a similar engine that will bolt on...or you go to a machine shop (github) and fabricate your own (mess with the source). Hope that makes since.
So we could just change the table and recompile kernel and its done?
skeevydude said:
I'm not referring to modules, tweaking the above would be the start of a new AHD kernel.
As for your module idea, even though its the same soc, ya gotta find a module from a similar kernel. MR has 3.0.42 kernel.
Look at it like its an alternator. Mazda Miata and RX8 have the same underlying frame (soc), but the have different bodies (the phone you see) and different engines (kernel). RX8 alternator won't bolt onto Miata w/o some fabrication (the tweaking), where as you could go to the scrapyard (xda) and find an alternator from a similar engine that will bolt on...or you go to a machine shop (github) and fabricate your own (mess with the source). Hope that makes since.
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Nice analogy.
Youngunn2008 said:
Nice analogy.
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Agreed. That was beautiful!

Stock kernel voltage table

Does anyone know what's the voltage table for the SD 400 and how to read it? I'm sseeing a cpr_corner or some single digit number fot each frequency.
qcom,[email protected] {
reg = <0 4>;
compatible = "qcom,msm-cpufreq";
qcom,cpufreq-table =
< 96000 1014 >,
< 192000 1014 >,
< 249600 1014 >,
< 300000 1525 >,
< 384000 1525 >,
< 600000 1525 >,
< 787200 1525 >,
< 998400 4066 >,
< 1094400 4066 >,
< 1190400 4066 >,
< 1305600 4066 >,
< 1344000 4066 >,
< 1401600 4066 >,
< 1497600 4066 >,
< 1593600 4066 >;
sky0165 said:
qcom,[email protected] {
reg = <0 4>;
compatible = "qcom,msm-cpufreq";
qcom,cpufreq-table =
< 96000 1014 >,
< 192000 1014 >,
< 249600 1014 >,
< 300000 1525 >,
< 384000 1525 >,
< 600000 1525 >,
< 787200 1525 >,
< 998400 4066 >,
< 1094400 4066 >,
< 1190400 4066 >,
< 1305600 4066 >,
< 1344000 4066 >,
< 1401600 4066 >,
< 1497600 4066 >,
< 1593600 4066 >;
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This is the one? Thanks!

Post Voltage Table of Your Chip

Post Voltage Table of Your Chip
Post output of following command
1. For little cores
cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/opp_table
2. For big cores
cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu2/opp_table
My voltage table for little cores
cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/opp_table
307200000 615000
422400000 635000
480000000 645000
556800000 655000
652800000 675000
729600000 685000
844800000 700000
960000000 725000
1036800000 740000
1113600000 760000
1190400000 775000
1228800000 780000
1324800000 820000
1401600000 850000
1478400000 880000
1593600000 925000
My voltage table for big cores
cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu2/opp_table
307200000 615000
403200000 625000
480000000 630000
556800000 635000
652800000 645000
729600000 650000
806400000 655000
883200000 660000
940800000 660000
1036800000 680000
1113600000 695000
1190400000 705000
1248000000 715000
1324800000 745000
1401600000 765000
1478400000 790000
1555200000 815000
1632000000 840000
1708800000 865000
1785600000 890000
1824000000 905000
1920000000 935000
1996800000 960000
2073600000 980000
2150400000 1005000
Small cores:
cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/opp_table
307200000 605000
422400000 620000
480000000 630000
556800000 640000
652800000 650000
729600000 660000
844800000 670000
960000000 700000
1036800000 715000
1113600000 735000
1190400000 755000
1228800000 760000
1324800000 795000
1401600000 820000
1478400000 850000
1593600000 885000
Big cores:
cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu2/opp_table
307200000 605000
403200000 615000
480000000 615000
556800000 620000
652800000 630000
729600000 635000
806400000 635000
883200000 640000
940800000 640000
1036800000 655000
1113600000 665000
1190400000 680000
1248000000 685000
1324800000 710000
1401600000 735000
1478400000 755000
1555200000 780000
1632000000 805000
1708800000 825000
1785600000 850000
1824000000 860000
1920000000 890000
1996800000 910000
2073600000 935000
2150400000 955000
[email protected]:/ $ cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/opp_table
307200000 615000
422400000 635000
480000000 645000
556800000 655000
652800000 675000
729600000 685000
844800000 700000
960000000 725000
1036800000 740000
1113600000 760000
1190400000 775000
1228800000 780000
1324800000 820000
1401600000 845000
1478400000 875000
1593600000 915000
[email protected]:/ $ cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu2/opp_table
307200000 605000
403200000 615000
480000000 620000
556800000 630000
652800000 640000
729600000 645000
806400000 655000
883200000 660000
940800000 660000
1036800000 675000
1113600000 685000
1190400000 700000
1248000000 705000
1324800000 730000
1401600000 755000
1478400000 780000
1555200000 805000
1632000000 825000
1708800000 850000
1785600000 875000
1824000000 885000
1920000000 915000
1996800000 940000
2073600000 965000
2150400000 985000
What do you guys do with this information? (genuine question, im curious)
TheHighLife said:
What do you guys do with this information? (genuine question, im curious)
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See how far a certain cpu bin can undervolt up to. For example from the three replies mine has the lowest voltage per clock speed (clock speed is the left column, voltage on the right). Undervolting *may* have some benefits but is generally not recommend.
It MAY decease battery usage by a very minuscule amount
It has a better chance of reducing heat coming from the cpu when running at higher frequencies.
It has a lot of drawbacks if you're not careful
(random reboots, lock ups, artifecting, etc to name a few)
Stock Kernel
at /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/opp_table
307200000 625000
422400000 645000
480000000 650000
556800000 660000
652800000 680000
729600000 685000
844800000 700000
960000000 725000
1036800000 735000
1113600000 750000
1190400000 765000
1228800000 770000
1324800000 805000
1401600000 825000
1478400000 850000
1593600000 885000
at /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu2/opp_table
307200000 615000
403200000 625000
480000000 630000
556800000 635000
652800000 645000
729600000 650000
806400000 655000
883200000 660000
940800000 660000
1036800000 675000
1113600000 680000
1190400000 690000
1248000000 695000
1324800000 720000
1401600000 745000
1478400000 770000
1555200000 795000
1632000000 815000
1708800000 840000
1785600000 865000
1824000000 875000
1920000000 905000
1996800000 930000
2073600000 955000
2150400000 975000
abhi08638 said:
See how far a certain cpu bin can undervolt up to. For example from the three replies mine has the lowest voltage per clock speed (clock speed is the left column, voltage on the right). Undervolting *may* have some benefits but is generally not recommend.
It MAY decease battery usage by a very minuscule amount
It has a better chance of reducing heat coming from the cpu when running at higher frequencies.
It has a lot of drawbacks if you're not careful
(random reboots, lock ups, artifecting, etc to name a few)
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That's informative. Thanks!
Op3 3.1.3 stock kernel.
at /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/opp_table <
307200000 625000
422400000 640000
480000000 650000
556800000 660000
652800000 670000
729600000 680000
844800000 690000
960000000 715000
1036800000 730000
1113600000 750000
1190400000 765000
1228800000 770000
1324800000 805000
1401600000 830000
1478400000 860000
1593600000 895000
at /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu2/opp_table <
307200000 605000
403200000 615000
480000000 620000
556800000 630000
652800000 640000
729600000 645000
806400000 655000
883200000 660000
940800000 660000
1036800000 675000
1113600000 680000
1190400000 690000
1248000000 695000
1324800000 720000
1401600000 745000
1478400000 765000
1555200000 790000
1632000000 815000
1708800000 835000
1785600000 860000
1824000000 870000
1920000000 900000
1996800000 920000
2073600000 945000
2150400000 965000
Sent from my ONEPLUS A3003 using Tapatalk
abhi08638 said:
See how far a certain cpu bin can undervolt up to. For example from the three replies mine has the lowest voltage per clock speed (clock speed is the left column, voltage on the right). Undervolting *may* have some benefits but is generally not recommend.
It MAY decease battery usage by a very minuscule amount
It has a better chance of reducing heat coming from the cpu when running at higher frequencies.
It has a lot of drawbacks if you're not careful
(random reboots, lock ups, artifecting, etc to name a few)
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and worst of all sleep of death and device rebooting as soon as boots up.

Kernel Dev Help Needed

Alright whats up guys. I need help. Ive been trying for the past few days after school to get higher overclocks on the big cores. Overclocks above 2592mhz. Dont ask "why would you want that" and questions like that. Its simply because I want to but I need help. Im lost.
Here are all of the speed bins for my kernel right now.
File im in if you didnt already know, Source/arch/arm/boot/dts/qcom/msm8998-v2.dtsi
qcom,pwrcl-speedbin0-v0 =
< 5000000 0x0004000a 0x01200020 0x1 1 >,
< 75000000 0x0004000b 0x01200020 0x1 1 >,
< 175000000 0x0004000c 0x01200020 0x1 1 >,
< 300000000 0x0004000f 0x01200020 0x1 1 >,
< 364800000 0x05040013 0x01200020 0x1 2 >,
< 441600000 0x05040017 0x02200020 0x1 3 >,
< 518400000 0x0504001b 0x02200020 0x1 4 >,
< 595200000 0x0504001f 0x02200020 0x1 5 >,
< 672000000 0x05040023 0x03200020 0x1 6 >,
< 748800000 0x05040027 0x03200020 0x1 7 >,
< 825600000 0x0404002b 0x03220022 0x1 8 >,
< 883200000 0x0404002e 0x04250025 0x1 9 >,
< 960000000 0x04040032 0x04280028 0x1 10 >,
< 1036800000 0x04040036 0x042b002b 0x1 11 >,
< 1094400000 0x04040039 0x052e002e 0x2 12 >,
< 1171200000 0x0404003d 0x05310031 0x2 13 >,
< 1248000000 0x04040041 0x05340034 0x2 14 >,
< 1324800000 0x04040045 0x06370037 0x2 15 >,
< 1401600000 0x04040049 0x063a003a 0x2 16 >,
< 1478400000 0x0404004d 0x073e003e 0x2 17 >,
< 1555200000 0x04040051 0x07410041 0x2 18 >,
< 1670400000 0x04040057 0x08460046 0x2 19 >,
< 1747200000 0x0404005b 0x08490049 0x2 20 >,
< 1824000000 0x0404005f 0x084c004c 0x3 21 >,
< 1900800000 0x04040063 0x094f004f 0x3 22 >,
< 2035200000 0x0404006a 0x09550055 0x3 22 >,
< 2112000000 0x0404006e 0x0a580058 0x3 22 >;
qcom,perfcl-speedbin0-v0 =
< 300000000 0x0004000f 0x01200020 0x1 1 >,
< 345600000 0x05040012 0x01200020 0x1 2 >,
< 422400000 0x05040016 0x02200020 0x1 3 >,
< 499200000 0x0504001a 0x02200020 0x1 4 >,
< 576000000 0x0504001e 0x02200020 0x1 5 >,
< 652800000 0x05040022 0x03200020 0x1 6 >,
< 729600000 0x05040026 0x03200020 0x1 7 >,
< 806400000 0x0504002a 0x03220022 0x1 8 >,
< 902400000 0x0404002f 0x04260026 0x1 9 >,
< 979200000 0x04040033 0x04290029 0x1 10 >,
< 1056000000 0x04040037 0x052c002c 0x1 11 >,
< 1132800000 0x0404003b 0x052f002f 0x1 12 >,
< 1190400000 0x0404003e 0x05320032 0x2 13 >,
< 1267200000 0x04040042 0x06350035 0x2 14 >,
< 1344000000 0x04040046 0x06380038 0x2 15 >,
< 1420800000 0x0404004a 0x063b003b 0x2 16 >,
< 1497600000 0x0404004e 0x073e003e 0x2 17 >,
< 1574400000 0x04040052 0x07420042 0x2 18 >,
< 1651200000 0x04040056 0x07450045 0x2 19 >,
< 1728000000 0x0404005a 0x08480048 0x2 20 >,
< 1804800000 0x0404005e 0x084b004b 0x2 21 >,
< 1881600000 0x04040062 0x094e004e 0x2 22 >,
< 1958400000 0x04040066 0x09520052 0x2 23 >,
< 2035200000 0x0404006a 0x09550055 0x3 24 >,
< 2112000000 0x0404006e 0x0a580058 0x3 25 >,
< 2208000000 0x04040073 0x0a5c005c 0x3 26 >,
< 2265600000 0x04010076 0x0a5e005e 0x3 26 >,
< 2265600000 0x04040076 0x0a5e005e 0x3 27 >,
< 2342400000 0x0401007a 0x0a620062 0x3 27 >,
< 2342400000 0x0404007a 0x0a620062 0x3 28 >,
< 2419200000 0x0401007e 0x0a650065 0x3 28 >,
< 2419200000 0x0404007e 0x0a650065 0x3 29 >,
< 2496000000 0x04010082 0x0a680068 0x3 29 >,
< 2457600000 0x04040080 0x0a660066 0x3 30 >,
< 2553600000 0x04010085 0x0a6a006a 0x3 30 >,
< 2476800000 0x04040081 0x0a670067 0x3 31 >,
< 2572800000 0x04010086 0x0a6b006b 0x3 31 >,
< 2496000000 0x04040082 0x0a680068 0x3 32 >,
< 2592000000 0x04010087 0x0a6c006c 0x3 32 >;
qcom,perfcl-speedbin1-v0 =
< 300000000 0x0004000f 0x01200020 0x1 1 >,
< 345600000 0x05040012 0x01200020 0x1 2 >,
< 422400000 0x05040016 0x02200020 0x1 3 >,
< 499200000 0x0504001a 0x02200020 0x1 4 >,
< 576000000 0x0504001e 0x02200020 0x1 5 >,
< 652800000 0x05040022 0x03200020 0x1 6 >,
< 729600000 0x05040026 0x03200020 0x1 7 >,
< 806400000 0x0504002a 0x03220022 0x1 8 >,
< 902400000 0x0404002f 0x04260026 0x1 9 >,
< 979200000 0x04040033 0x04290029 0x1 10 >,
< 1056000000 0x04040037 0x052c002c 0x1 11 >,
< 1132800000 0x0404003b 0x052f002f 0x1 12 >,
< 1190400000 0x0404003e 0x05320032 0x2 13 >,
< 1267200000 0x04040042 0x06350035 0x2 14 >,
< 1344000000 0x04040046 0x06380038 0x2 15 >,
< 1420800000 0x0404004a 0x063b003b 0x2 16 >,
< 1497600000 0x0404004e 0x073e003e 0x2 17 >,
< 1574400000 0x04040052 0x07420042 0x2 18 >,
< 1651200000 0x04040056 0x07450045 0x2 19 >,
< 1728000000 0x0404005a 0x08480048 0x2 20 >,
< 1804800000 0x0404005e 0x084b004b 0x2 21 >,
< 1881600000 0x04040062 0x094e004e 0x2 22 >,
< 1958400000 0x04040066 0x09520052 0x2 23 >,
< 2035200000 0x0404006a 0x09550055 0x3 24 >,
< 2112000000 0x0404006e 0x0a580058 0x3 25 >,
< 2208000000 0x04040073 0x0a5c005c 0x3 26 >,
< 2304000000 0x04010078 0x0a600060 0x3 26 >;
qcom,perfcl-speedbin2-v0 =
< 5000000 0x0004000a 0x01200020 0x1 1 >,
< 75000000 0x0004000b 0x01200020 0x1 1 >,
< 175000000 0x0004000c 0x01200020 0x1 1 >,
< 300000000 0x0004000f 0x01200020 0x1 1 >,
< 345600000 0x05040012 0x01200020 0x1 2 >,
< 422400000 0x05040016 0x02200020 0x1 3 >,
< 499200000 0x0504001a 0x02200020 0x1 4 >,
< 576000000 0x0504001e 0x02200020 0x1 5 >,
< 652800000 0x05040022 0x03200020 0x1 6 >,
< 729600000 0x05040026 0x03200020 0x1 7 >,
< 806400000 0x0504002a 0x03220022 0x1 8 >,
< 902400000 0x0404002f 0x04260026 0x1 9 >,
< 979200000 0x04040033 0x04290029 0x1 10 >,
< 1056000000 0x04040037 0x052c002c 0x1 11 >,
< 1132800000 0x0404003b 0x052f002f 0x1 12 >,
< 1190400000 0x0404003e 0x05320032 0x2 13 >,
< 1267200000 0x04040042 0x06350035 0x2 14 >,
< 1344000000 0x04040046 0x06380038 0x2 15 >,
< 1420800000 0x0404004a 0x063b003b 0x2 16 >,
< 1497600000 0x0404004e 0x073e003e 0x2 17 >,
< 1574400000 0x04040052 0x07420042 0x2 18 >,
< 1651200000 0x04040056 0x07450045 0x2 19 >,
< 1728000000 0x0404005a 0x08480048 0x2 20 >,
< 1804800000 0x0404005e 0x084b004b 0x2 21 >,
< 1881600000 0x04040062 0x094e004e 0x2 22 >,
< 1958400000 0x04040066 0x09520052 0x2 23 >,
< 2035200000 0x0404006a 0x09550055 0x3 24 >,
< 2112000000 0x0404006e 0x0a580058 0x3 25 >,
< 2208000000 0x04040073 0x0a5c005c 0x3 26 >,
< 2265600000 0x04010076 0x0a5e005e 0x3 26 >,
< 2265600000 0x04040076 0x0a5e005e 0x3 27 >,
< 2342400000 0x0401007a 0x0a620062 0x3 27 >,
< 2323200000 0x04040079 0x0a610061 0x3 28 >,
< 2419200000 0x0401007e 0x0a650065 0x3 28 >,
< 2342400000 0x0404007a 0x0a620062 0x3 29 >,
< 2438400000 0x0401007f 0x0a660066 0x3 29 >,
< 2361600000 0x0404007b 0x0a620062 0x3 30 >,
< 2457600000 0x04040080 0x0a660066 0x3 30 >,
< 2553600000 0x04010085 0x0a6a006a 0x3 30 >,
< 2592000000 0x04010087 0x0a6c006c 0x3 30 >;
qcom,perfcl-speedbin3-v0 =
< 5000000 0x0004000a 0x01200020 0x1 1 >,
< 75000000 0x0004000b 0x01200020 0x1 1 >,
< 175000000 0x0004000c 0x01200020 0x1 1 >,
< 300000000 0x0004000f 0x01200020 0x1 1 >,
< 345600000 0x05040012 0x01200020 0x1 2 >,
< 422400000 0x05040016 0x02200020 0x1 3 >,
< 499200000 0x0504001a 0x02200020 0x1 4 >,
< 576000000 0x0504001e 0x02200020 0x1 5 >,
< 652800000 0x05040022 0x03200020 0x1 6 >,
< 729600000 0x05040026 0x03200020 0x1 7 >,
< 806400000 0x0504002a 0x03220022 0x1 8 >,
< 902400000 0x0404002f 0x04260026 0x1 9 >,
< 979200000 0x04040033 0x04290029 0x1 10 >,
< 1056000000 0x04040037 0x052c002c 0x1 11 >,
< 1132800000 0x0404003b 0x052f002f 0x1 12 >,
< 1190400000 0x0404003e 0x05320032 0x2 13 >,
< 1267200000 0x04040042 0x06350035 0x2 14 >,
< 1344000000 0x04040046 0x06380038 0x2 15 >,
< 1420800000 0x0404004a 0x063b003b 0x2 16 >,
< 1497600000 0x0404004e 0x073e003e 0x2 17 >,
< 1574400000 0x04040052 0x07420042 0x2 18 >,
< 1651200000 0x04040056 0x07450045 0x2 19 >,
< 1728000000 0x0404005a 0x08480048 0x2 20 >,
< 1804800000 0x0404005e 0x084b004b 0x2 21 >,
< 1881600000 0x04040062 0x094e004e 0x2 22 >,
< 1958400000 0x04040066 0x09520052 0x2 23 >,
< 2035200000 0x0404006a 0x09550055 0x3 24 >,
< 2112000000 0x0404006e 0x0a580058 0x3 25 >,
< 2208000000 0x04040073 0x0a5c005c 0x3 26 >,
< 2265600000 0x04010076 0x0a5e005e 0x3 26 >,
< 2265600000 0x04040076 0x0a5e005e 0x3 27 >,
< 2342400000 0x0401007a 0x0a620062 0x3 27 >,
< 2323200000 0x04040079 0x0a610061 0x3 28 >,
< 2419200000 0x0401007e 0x0a650065 0x3 28 >,
< 2342400000 0x0404007a 0x0a620062 0x3 29 >,
< 2438400000 0x0401007f 0x0a660066 0x3 29 >,
< 2361600000 0x0404007b 0x0a620062 0x3 30 >,
< 2457600000 0x04040080 0x0a660066 0x3 30 >,
< 2553600000 0x04010085 0x0a6a006a 0x3 30 >,
< 2592000000 0x04010087 0x0a6c006c 0x3 30 >;
The little cores are easy to overclock because we can copy data from the big cluster. But the big cluster can only be overclocked because the data is already there to increase the speed to 2592, you can check the stock kernel and youll see what I mean.
To get it past 2592, we need to figure out what to add and thats where im lost.
@flar2 has mentioned frequency rounding before which is confusing to me.
My main issue right now is the second and third column in the speedbins, I cant figure out what they do or what I need to add for another freq step.
Any changes I try cause what others and I call "slow boot" where the phone goes to ****. Performance dies, booting is in slow motion. Apps dont recognize any cpu cores or freqs and yeah its no good.
Any help would be appreciated. I can always build and test easily.
Ive been stumped on this for a while and It would be nice to get big core overclocks

